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S4E3 - 'Cubicle Confessions'

2018-09-10 | 🔗
More shocking revelations come to light from an unlikely source as the wedding of the year continues...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem, call one hundred gambler following Picasso: and other themes, sexual content and strong language, basically all the good stuff.
Hello, kitty, wigs? How are we, but at this heap looked me very ugly identity? We should carry on as a thing that decoupling is kitty. We I'm just trying to welcome back to Madeira Porno its absolute three. How our way yet well had a message at the weekend, so I feel fighting settlement. And you had a facebook which I've been advertising for a long time now. I really really do I commend face. Well, you got your face smoked about the idea of ideas, and I think I know the better for you go to women who literally just punches you in the face of yet another one that seeks a hands in your mouth and stretches out. Hopeless No, they got me south banana, I'm yes, yes, that's. It became a struggle that has no actually began starting from the radio ouch yeah. She goes inside your mouth, unlike fully her whole body
she doesn't sheets just happens. What am about yes, I just think that whole face yeah. I guess she punches The jaw from within. No, she not stretch out you face because something about what you do is Georgia, efface enough wasn't thing doesn't arose, I never thought you needed a large amount of unfettered. You get your ass in fast back as it has remained quite suffice, unjust, wondering if worse still going to be at the wedding. Well, the chapter title will help them to have the chance to Toys James. I have checked the that's. What we're here to do, I'm a light that we ve kind of prepared for the wedding in reverse what eve you and, unlike us all that hand which that's why you had the face the ideal. Just go my sister's hand. On the day, a Hindu actually was here with the grating. It mainly glitter
to complete. Issuing writ spoke ass. It was yeah gave an event, is always swore. I'd, never be the gown a Hindu and now have been Ghana him. Can you stop saying an handy handouts? Remembrance? I can stop saying it ends up being. Did you get the Montreal? No, it wasn't a mushroom. Is there not real things? I must aim, however, that this is a view that my dad Meda realize. Now, though, a spot we owe you do for most of the days to sweat so boring. Just a lot of hot rooms, wages, sweat, yeah. I guess it is caught rooms, a difference now, unlike others, salt room, Jesus Christ no chose my son. Just salt in the air than there was political moment rose, is a very good one. Sultan whenever It can render reason onion some horrible. Why would you do know it? Wasn't me I love me day, so the chapter is called cubicle confessions, rights, Cuba, cooking, so
We might be sought the wedding we might not be so we might in a changing room, I'm going to say where all that cubicles, because I was thinking of those little key, because the american offices have oh yeah, Syria, our Caroline Office, because I'm thinking yeah fitting room or changing room cubicle. Yet I toilet Cumana vehicles, because girls left Channel aid Edna James overnight, not enough on its own. So where were we that the public cake had been pretty much brewing? and she burst into Jim, only got Tony's light long lost brother turned up billions gonna shake him at some point, surely pages it look well that man, I think it would be impolite for not take his eyes. Welcoming some one into the foul. You have asked it because otherwise, going like out, you know, Jane, aren't you know, Dave shacks attracted me anytime. She hasn't see every single inch of someone's body before she can really be friends of the EIA. Totally. Of course
haven't found out with a special one is yet I know, and also that kind of whole things just taken aback seats, I'm hoping that this member some sort of intrigue from the town site, like a content of still their owner. He become keep the council will show week just dive in Palestine and I see no other way, Belinda blinked for chapter three cubicle, confer science, Belinda Blumenthal, slinked into her seat, carefully, tucking a design, a white linen sheet around us, sure body will get lots. Designer is the tablecloth look. If she wants to believe is designed achieves, let believe she wasn't designer Jasper Sheep to have that torn asunder and change the grub dependent written gucci of design.
Wearing a sexual body. Yet sexual is everybody's. Also, just stars, Sir James was wrapping up his best men speech, Sir James is the best man s eyes. Only friend ponies right there. All such lose is that very much in the family. Are they like weapon, while I fear Yeager, if you're in steals, you detriment such aims and Tony on related anyway, I don't think so, but suggests is the term a chairman of steals pots and pans. Of course he. Thus and I remember the hygiene articles is tradition to have the chairman of your company as your best now. No I'm sure they're very show me because you know that got to know each other over a long period of time potentially- and I might be overstepping the mark here, but potentially Sir James is my father figure Yeah, maybe I mean oversee tens. Father is that a threat in conclusion this week
scientists, the should didn't, show the Heaven lab I'd like just thank. Hang goes on bridesmaids, ashes, etc. Sir James bowed curtsied classic Thou Hadst bow That's a vow about a curtsey bowed, but- and this needs to be said- as you all know, tell me and gmail- I jus very key members of the steals pots and pans organization. Not home friends is not the moment for it. Without them, pot sales would be up by an amazing five hundred and fifty percent.
That's Belinda give the woman credits and also what does not mean that they so one pan before they arrived at the five hundred and fifty percent away. Last he's not there. How many pans and paws comes on Doha wriggling events out in these, but I've been so decided, think that it was that many look as these also early deals. It's come. Let tentative deals. I'd taken all the highest point that I'm gonna be ordering. You know ten thousand units at this stage. The war was a tuna three five and a full year samina. That's it was what I say like fish. Ten thousand status as a basically less than she gave away at the outer about, because I remember that being an object, Shaka. Ok, so, following my calculations swallow the coke how'd, you do it waiting I'm trying to find out what they sold last time, and this is five hundred fifty percent more than all sorts of five point five times the amount is it at I've never been to fight. It
by five and fifty and timely I take away both in times of professional card came ass. Is China sign that would suggest that, usually or last year, even they sold two thousand seven hundred pots and pans and had never been so upon per employee, basically, but also they gave away twenty thousand so take off Housing, hey Ernest towns, sent word to the Bible minus seven, but he didn't know who saw only parts oh sorry, just parts, but I've got a real deficit on the part of the heritage of K. Man well Ellis. Without them pot sales would be up by an amazing five hundred and fifty said Grendel's. Wouldn't we up by three hundred and twenty seven percent the grid. Also, though we don't know about riddles and judge, even get me started on the brazier pan
who will be ever please get started on the brain of a more even her brazier purloined raise your pants, Brazier Yokota Cooking, a brassiere pan out was its approach. Will he too, consisting of the panel stand for holding lighted, calls a barbecue? That's out. I've branch doubt steals now. Of course, you can increase your cell stats if you start selling things. The opposite path is that the taxing of like ourselves on villas have gone through the roof today. So I bet pans in light of the types of parents, panties spent and don't even get me started on the brazier pans, Belinda whistled through her clenched teeth. All this talk of pens
was making her lobby agenda, be sweat with pre come oh mamma. I thought so she's pots and pans sexual she's really into the navy. Isn't the people that should the trap door this time? Maybe it is just the cook? Where have we talked about it before there are people who fall enough? An inanimate objects? Yes, someone fell into the Eiffel tower. Another woman had long ongoing relationship with the pavement someone's monetary, and there was a woman. You like really like the fences and just like. I didn't know that
and set off rubbing us all for us that all fences she finds dropped off and you must have a type picket fence, yeah yeah yeah. Maybe the barbed wire, the dark and dangerous type. That's the kinky kind offence said you think she's that doesn't have an aim. Yes, it does object him sexuality objectives. Sexuality is not the most inventive economic. If there are more people into it might get about name, you haven't watched it Mary to the Eiffel tower. You watch the validity of what he had said. David does exactly what it says on the tin and there is another one called strange of toll on my car is my mother? Oh yeah. She left the exhaust. Now that she did she get in bed I don't understand. These things is: how can the Eiffel Tower consent to the relationship
More than one person's manner with the Eiffel Tower the appetite Arabic amidst do, we really think more than one person is merited fit our neighbour, I'm showing that documentation. Wasn't anyone, oh my god, it's an adulterer James under french LAW, actually indifference Door You heard him areas may be as many towers as you do things. Sometimes she looks engines are looking. Will we'd, like spark Cornelia Teresa dressed up nice, sought her new year's eve. Let me offer my God shall be sprang. Like a fountain, think of the pretty come down delighted you talkin about pre come will as labour women can't Prieta. But where did you learn about the phrase started, but that's a good question even doing some research, so we think Belinda's Cobb ever present banking fetish. She does get often sales
forget lest her it's in a mention of all those stats. Maybe the baby was that is she like success? Doesn't J S avowing and to be sure of food we are consuming today has been prepared on a very fine quantity yet of border one way to ensure more another calls on all those plans. Illegal use over the wedding, but for the home fix a fucking sponsorship of em Tony whispered to his new beloved, he's doing a dry run of the agent speech. Next week, the cheek he owed bugger he's tests driving the Adrian speech on the wedding party. Everybody they'll, be it the idea. Is out this event Ogress. I suppose you started impress people before they get to the idea. He knows who shot is bright, spot it and then his grizzled it on the little can be met. A lovely cop monsieur which you eat under the Eiffel Tower, his new wife,
so grinned through the divine shaved lime pie. She was talking in to say, scum mouthful, a cake. What line pie, shaved, lime, pie, shaved line here? What you mean? we got light shavings of lime. Only ass, a very nice were pale, but you mean she would trip, but long line which it, but we do have to accept that competition is fish. Continued Sir James Quest meetings that we had a gentleman's voice before him and was it s less at its become a mix of Clarence answer James, oh, what I enjoy I enjoy when they are overall into one every baron attack our opposition.
Especially Bush has gel based in EAST Berlin Show was no mercy suddenly, at the mention of Bitch Bela coughed into how champagne flu not all ballot bubbles pop. To their nose ass. She I to regain the poise she had so conspicuously lost. I don't put the words Bela and poise today Trying to suggest the ballot could be the special on, because I've always thought she was quite special I've gotten suggest together. He is terminus because less chapter we seem to be suggesting. It was may eve of literally no chapter. One seem to be just Zol Belinda both had kind of suspicions about them. Now the spotlight on Bela coffin, a tear up in the corner, there's no way,
the balance is a spy but also like. If you were a sigh, the smartest thing to do would be to be the least suspicious and acts and he's not can was out to say at least suspicious most conspicuous, Dual solemnly much attention. She sees a fake, it's a bold strategy, but I think is one that good work. You do they get, Sir, because it's not If I Bela I retire now, I think it could be better. I actually think I'm team Bela with yeah. I think I'm pulling my flag. Bela not putting much like all law choice, afraid, even on the Andes out alone. No, I agree. Jamie and my biggest suspicion arises better than Belinda through her a suspicious I die shading US boys Belinda suspicious. If she'd been reading, Belinda blinked like how does shaven battle about what's going on in light, what we discussed before you no soap operas when they hug and the body looks over that person showed a light ma, but that's all
ways for the audience at home to see the look, because why would you do the look just dsl yeah? Why is she suddenly suspicious about, but maybe Belinda's the special one and she is suspicious of Burma having about reaction? Why could she's no she's the special want, but there might be more than one sorry now icon with a double reveal: it's bad enough occupies. Can we not confuse each other and we need to stick together guys, we're God mystery to solve the famous by the famous three you're funny. Excuse me, a thrilling three could be as thrilling. Three was familiar boy or girl in the famous for Fanny was in the famous five, which one was funny in secret: seven or maybe and avert those ones where they added a funny, and since it was that there was a dick and a funny, it was George and earn the famous five. Those like this one from George and Anti Dick and families
these initiatives on one of those rare drinking days light was on abandon she's. Not let you get away with the regional funding in the famous five, but there is a dick and there was no honey in the secret seven either. Where was finally James, while you're wanting a funny to be in Vienna by bibliography, but what books be reading as a kid that Dick and Fanny Book? Clearly, no family law this is only a start, a child. A funny really is yes, there's a book called the MAGIC faraway tree by any lights. In my view, that is the second book and Susan Novels, the faraway tree, which Joe Bessie and family later named Franny the good reason, a public outcry. Why have their cousin dick over to stay with them? James can believe, is locked. You really way too much into children's footwear is fun at this patron James
light. Nine like redouble my dick comes again. They then introduce him to silky, moonface and source panel and allow our ituri shut up so ten miles per man, Genoa it. So how old things together, and this is why rock he's got it from this. What waves inspired by closely suddenly that doesn't sound such a shit right, a funny Dick unsolved, come on! That's essentially Belinda blame those running. I thought we had a few pages Monaghan. The blindest it is gonna, be hot. On the below the lungs and seriously lumps of topsy turvy. The London spells the land of do as you. Please I got that, certainly the Lander Rocky Flintstone he very much does replaces the land of the old woman that chest: that's the old woman who listen to the land of tempers most land over those about to enter my god. I fear I am We just reading into line. Now we also, we are sorry fun game, put them on the list. The next thing I think so, but
through her a suspicious side. I shading us of the highest degree. However, our of cheap willow range is performing magnification to leave the room. A rap didn't choose both mopeds. Oh tat was a real. I was that written h, ah M M p h her very good, very horsey reason, shackles man, please REACH, our your glasses today say, Look the beer, please get factories full on your glasses, the bride grew and who else that was. It
Right, the groom and that's it chair to deprive the groom the skill at table hang onto the name, different tables after different types of pots and pans. That's the customer weddings, and is it not possible that name tables for things year after like something? That means a lot to do you like, for you, be that members, a boy bans along motivate people of data people that it was my heart. They don't want be close to my heart. So obviously give at table, though, be a walk. Table thou be up. What was the one area brazier hand, the brazier parliamentary? That's quite collaborating in the head of the so the skill at table toasted the happy couple enchanted about the economic situation in general oh my god, those mad scale. It grew a pretty boring table public school friends on the table. I far could convey alumni. Everyone agreed that the large
economies were tightening up much like Bela's, Vagina, Greek or thought wistfully. An overall casserole pot table clunky, but they are the very very levy additional doktor. Oh don't tell me, don't you fucking robins why stocks of weapons there Doktor Robbins, hell now, seemingly an item. Now they were at the time when night, oh no, she just lifted its collegiate held it in the cockpit yeah. I think we had sex, it doesn't mean anything in this may probably a birthday was deep in conversation with the rules are the rouses it ass. The rouses will be that, finally, they got mention Belinda Captain strange dutch phrase is working across the room. Last thing, I'm sure she's, a saying, she's on wafting the money or just people, talking of different languages, strange dutch,
raised, and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the fan, dual sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties, Cyprus is not withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gaming problem called when a hundred gambler. It wasn't long before Belinda had managed to get a jive with Doktor Robinson on the cards, not only travel back in time. Yeah the Charleston women the good doctor I've ever seen, one jive! That's so fuck you smell!
ugh swing, dances, yeah smug, you wouldn't think it, but they haven't aggressive markets, but the Basi. My story, I maintain its one. Bend down? Click, don't meal and the other faces saying like I know what I'm doing on your impress members. Turkey now imagine if the vast majority of people to listen to this progress to swing dances- and we just listed among the courage to say to the people, the Deuce big guns, a standby luck on it you told them of smoke. Thank you. It wasn't long before Belinda had managed to get a jive with Doktor Robins on the cards. Well, Belinda was dancing. Doktor Robins was just slowly gyrating from leg to leg, to lag. Nobody likes it up with a delicate little hop thrown in every few seconds. I love this world. We live in Doktor Robin said in a voice, doktor up and said in a voice, quick
rise into falsetto level. I love this Oh my god. You just remind me of his story This is coming by the way, a friend of mine once when on a date with a guy first day and ended up known back to his and they had sex. When he came here, shouted I can see it sets out its true is what very stories I'm pretty! Well, I didn't mean to second eight, so I assume that you wouldn't area that I see the other side of you. I'm door and me standing holding my clothes. I love this well said the voice quickly rising to full, settle level. Belinda winced. She couldn't I'll put laugh, I mean the man if he was a man
will. Surely not he's. Just trying to be positive. Belinda chill out is to turn out like so much now. Give in the world at the moment is turning directive joy. I therefore agree with Emma right: that's what dutch people soon you in saying I was parting with dutch people at the weekend, actually in Barcelona, and yet they all spoken are below the I beg to differ. I was drunk scenario of Miss remembered it beautiful issues warm because the warm Helga yeah play the lovely Helga math play your playing your memorable Helga matronly than neutral Helga Belinda, o Helga shouted out. I need to talk to. You are jointly, oh, my god, she's dead shovels, my voice, it's gotten relative, where how and its actual merrily at this hour
me with my bride. That's what dutch people sound like you in saying I was parting with dutch people at the weekend, actually in Barcelona, and yet they all spoke illiberal over. I beg to differ. I was drunk scenario, Miss remembered it, but I was very confident that, with some of them from Singapore apply that strategy and how long it I need to talk to you a generally, but a bit barrier who was ladys, toilets, cubicle confessions, woman with that from about is sweet body high. Luckily, Helga understood the word toilet Sheena, his toilet swimming pool and happy just like basically every language that luckily hell guns to the toilet, as it was pretty similar to the dutch word, which is also toilet,
Last October, the same, let deadened word: the girls left a good doctor rocking from foot to foot nodding his head incessantly to choose. Only he could imagine or hear. Wouldn't you presume is and out of tune, the music you could hear, rather than in June, to music only he can hear in his hand it just doesn't have any rhythm and that he must be listened to his own summoned his head in the outer. W sees the delicious Helga given If an ugly duckling does one transformation say pulled Belinda into the key, become clear: cubicle you become outside It was larger than average, with very pretty tight. Corner sit around the edge details down care. It was pink toned care what Belinda's new fave colors downcast
but it's a simple: don't care, I'm really excited Helga slammed the door. Shut closed is said. Felicia shut closed boys lot lot to make. I shut my eyes. Locked up, look at what she cylinder it's about you shut up, had lots of Hizbollah. There should be no an arm. She is literally rifling through the bins. Oh, my god, in half a dozen GI strip me Belinda, fuck me Belinda, everything is not, as it seems, Belinda Licensing where's every time sing. If you know maybe is this. Other dogs, Rubezahl Belinda, pulled the fabulous These cocktail derives its sexy
No one ever thought she could climbs note in it, but also go to a dollar after fantastic Belinda pulled the fabulous fleece cocktail. Dress from Helge is willing body Helga lost no time in pushing her hot crotch into Belinda's cool thigh steam, just rising from our hair short brandished. Her with her vagina, big, Helga Vagina, conifer a powerful spot, jumped between them over said, Belinda live how Helga quickly stripped the white design a sheet of Belinda who underneath was already totally We know that yes, shouted with things where it was inevitable and found her mouth with her tongue, slowly slowly
ever so slow. Now, slowly that, because you got places debate Helga brought the pulsating Belinda Underhung Dutchman Spell had Dutch, but I'm not I'm not. Having also have something to tell her. How goes licking utensil item started to massage her judging literacy intensely cod. Suddenly she, stopped dead. Belinda Belinda, listen to me. Listening Helga gasped in Fluent English, with a hint of. And to be our someone got it wrong. God, Africa, I'm real Sorry, but I have to give you this bad news now: she's SIRI, Helga squeezed Belinda's tits against her
had so how does downstairs and lights machine is booming on her head, like middle level, actually at tat floor to help a squeeze Belinda's tits against her head, creating a breast face sandwich best, those by various averages, subway I'll, have the breastplates sandwich. Thank you and I can say, yeah she's got. The two press ahead of pushed it go now. I can imagine it, but is actually really make me want some addressed face them with I mean that's not my go too is somewhat on the italian Meet one, but somehow to tell your source report. Nevertheless, this is definitely southwest source. Go no. No. She continued her sexual advance with aplomb. In fact, she was announced. Papa. I just stop she's, not unstoppable. She literally just stop dead, unstoppable. Actually in the midst of stopping. In fact, she was unstoppable
women and machine combined into the most potent adversary his eye. I just thought I'd. Snow robot Belinda had ever income Ex Mckenna as she has. What does that mean woman and machine? What was it under famishing or looking utensil heat answer, but maybe its automatic, maybe she's got like if you imagine one those hand risks, but maybe it would look at that time. The end to move. She is Jeanne think it's just that she's got the kind of efficiency of a machine of a robot earlier sexier. Thanks to the drawing board, I Belinda sucked in all the air calving everybody around her Helga stopped again. It is really important. Can't tell a soul. I'm sorry! I can't help you with having a weary. Oh God is the weather in Jakarta. Is twenty three degrees? No! No! You don't understand. Question, ask again later
I'm sorry? I don't seem to have the data to support that inquiry is really important, that you can tell us all, not a man, not a woman. Yes, so not even your pet parrot dead. How did she know about the parrot she situation? Is everything happened, Belinda couldn't believe hurry is how did Helga know about Chee chee Derek Here teachers. James is word for diarrhoea, achieved through the dirt apparel itchy. Is she generally pronounce it? You ve got the she she's gonna taken a homely, meaning no chee chee the how'd it. How do you know about Chee chee
made no sense. Helga whisked Belinda's clicked with her right handed forefinger, which is a whisker presented as a machine and whisked. I think that is always catastrophes made into a Moran. I've always can I get very, very tough and has no way you can problem rang through the account. I cannot stress enough, do not avoid Euclid do not. I've was declared Belinda swooned and lost all feeling between her Cobb's and owes when you would summons whisking you're under region underage though a region where we put in place Nikobob. Why did he is that it was she collapsed, but Helga mercifully managed to catch her just before her head hit the pink ceramic toilet system. Oh god, I was a pink sweet, o nice. That's actually quite in now commit not talk about about the militias painted with pleasure.
Your bothered about the fucking Deco Helga spoke directly into Belinda into her and her vagina you're, the only one. I can trust with this information to tell us what it is totally pirate downtown and cyber we now do you get it yes, tell me you get it we gotta get but Belinda didn't get initiative. However, once more the sexual pressure I have lost my shoe, making eschew seem essential pressure cooker have lost in John Louis very lovely finish at long last. Both go. Else could no longer deny the nature and they orgasm Dennis areas of is splitting screams, which must have reached the boogie. Next door opened the box about the guy right. Listen carefully held the panted, looking around the locked, empty cubicle for
who's he parkers about a couple of the nose you park as a hair and they'd like to give you the best Helga pushed the chrome handle down, causing the reps audit flush. To fill the room with a loud tinkling water noise. How she's using it like Look how Helga said something but Belinda didn't catch alpha Sorry, the toilet was getting me. The floor, no flushes too loud. Isn't me talking my next to you for her sensitive ITALY is no Belinda shook her head. Whilst Helga few and what did she tell you know who the special one is: God S, boat, J D oh god listen now. I would absolutely reboot this ass
be whispered, Belinda blinked, what the fuck, why she FBI Mike? What do you mean FBI, Belinda stopped in mid motion or motion? Is there. The locomotion has just started when she heard the booking next to a one person congolese. Had she understood correctly. She knew Helga, wasn't the best english speaker in HOLLAND, but F B. I was she doing it like the wind C. I a wedding. Could it's on my elbows? I wonder we would know that letter How does this shit? Oh? I'm upset at watch me cap me, I'm gonna tell you everything. I always thought the F b I have big fish differ.
Than actual frying. Helga made a strange bubbling noise as Belinda found her cleared. Her tongue. Don't you want to know where I live in an hour after your not Belinda would do ass, paean, p justice when it came to a sexual interrogation. S p in us this pots and pans must start that the term FBI abbreviating everything else tt in they taste Titian Medina everything is Acronyms Belinda Stuff,
Stop I'm serious, allow she's really embracing american. Now this is that she's. In the F b. I listen to me. Listen good! I've only got a few minutes left here. Why you actually running out before the good doctor? Mrs me, Helga passed on her information. An american citizen of dutch extract she'd moved back to HOLLAND five years ago. Her tell us, don't you tell us what, with primary mission of protecting american corporations- from russian industrial espionage activities. She'd been working for the FBI, Amsterdam offices, all that time and had deep cover was her day. Job with Doktor Robbins
what a waste of fucking resources very deep cover so much so that she's deeply covered in fabric our time and in a cupboard undercover resolution. We know that in a closet she took deep cover really Many legislative cover since is actually tunnels into the fabric of the building she's hidden. The loads of five months, cannot imagine when they hundred her file about her next missions. You're like a cupboard, I want also isn't the FBI for them Stick stuff in Amerika, the CIA who's, the international agent re on fishing FBI agent in the FBI. Ups, the top off his Frederick Cargan verb, is real, don't think they haven't. You might lead to a real left. The idea and the whole thing of her bay without Robins is a total cover took up her investigation into what we don't know. I'm sorry Belinda! I didn't want to get you involved, but I found some information concerning steals pots and pans.
Obviously is a big deal because you already stressed your tearing your hair out, Sir Belinda. No knows there is a special one. She still might be the special one, and now she knows that people are onto us. She could try and cover up that's how they might have blown her progress. Range of try. Oxy Perillo products are under threat. Oh my god, there is all in your company, I'm so sorry, but that's all. I know his message was discharge by two others over the story. Here please will finally got some really understand Berlin. The Berlin, oh, my god, but obviously is a big deal, because you already stressed your tearing your hair out so Belinda now knows there is a special one. She still might be the special one, and now she knows that people are onto us. She could try and cover up how they might have blown her progress in the operation by saying to Belinda that she knows it
We have really know how this operation is. But yes, sir, now Belinda's either is the special one has got a cover up. All is gonna, try and figure out who the fuck inspection? One of my trust, anybody so Belinda blinked a mole in steals pots and pans what was she to do get it yet. Another increased inside a perverse just appeared about its probably cancerous, who on ever win this war Could it be on ever in this vote, could ever be his exact words. Thinking who, on ever on this world, could be just so impossible. Bela impossible, Jim Thomson not a month of tuesdays symptoms and one thing was for certain steals pots and pans was not going to fall on watch and that is the end of the term.
Oh my god Miser drama. Now I love I'm so way. So does that rule Belinda roused especially one? I don't think he does not know it. Doesnt does extant seem surprised at you whenever she was saying that steals pots and pans wasn't gonna fall on her watch of that's true, okay. So yet, if we kind of in her head, then she wheat, rouble indoor out. I don't know, I don't understand why I know you're really excited about finding reading. To find what the whole point? It's really hard to talk to you when you ve got no grasp of the plot. Honestly, I don't understand why the F B, I would care one other thing. I would get every that's, obviously ridiculous, that Iraq has had his light. Who does invest? I think of is the FBI whose bigger than the police, exact words really light, become a bond of another FBI agents spies, we you always said that he would go down that route,
yeah! We saw asked why he was right. I say pretty, I personally really like a thriller. Oh, so I am quite excited that that potentially this tension will run pop, so was the next tropical. The next chapter is called Zacharias magic, Rocky, a kiss, you honestly you'd lunatic beautiful idiot, beautiful psychopath, I mean this is gonna. Throw the conversation wide open. Yahoo is what what's going on, whose playing who get in touch with your thoughts, we can focus on twitter director porn
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.