« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S4E7 - 'Copier Blues'

2018-10-08 | 🔗
James Spooner starts his search for the Special One at Steele's Pots and Pans.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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We really what I wasn't answering while saying well and then you to set aside its funding James, how you sad, oh, why so, every time a recording my flask go, this really busy Frage right behind you, jerk media Suzie. Let everyone talking about almost every lightly is the talk of the town who desperate demonstrate its they're afraid of twenty eighteen sought to turn off cause its loud, so we recorded last week familiar site without professional. We switch off alliance, we close doors we closely. We really think about this point, We would shut your street if we could be closed down and I've got to find a compromise, so all Mummy arm of age. Everything in the fridge when rotten and of how to look at. Why save had a very, very lean weak. I redeem fine scraps and the cup eat sums mixed herbs, James Tooth, Have any food workers also gonna? I know, but I did actually have me in the phrase that the was
keeping firing, thereby the pope came? I don't like a knob of cheese. If that's the right measures, but your level, it now seems to have a rubber jealous, hang on to bring a bike to you, because again with that technical as a small packet of barbecue source, the kind you'd get from driving, It has three sprouting bulbs of garlic from a leather for health and welfare of animals and animals for wider dogmas. While I go away for a gene them, some milk that has now become cheese roughly. What could you make out what cooking show challenge? Doesn't I didn't mention the logo which make a lovely reduction? On top of all that? I do not remember the time came round and I made some food of my own. I bore all the ingredients. Acid
names out. Germany sought me said Norman Shopping this week. Let you buy so every week we also lead to each of the flu refer among Eric Blount playing off the floor. Interesting was pringles in that covered. James Paraca see vitamins supplement is not food. I've got flaccid. I don't really know what it is above. Got it s. Such a sack of a closer to the cabin is ever screamed, spend them all honestly things tears to my eyes, never hear of always our new line menacingly opportunity. So this week the chapter is called copier blues albumen thinking about what that could. Possibly mean it must be some with a photocopy. Obviously no, you made a good point last week about it being so, you do with a blue prints, will triumph zebra low range I think it's both, I think, is probably photocopying. The plans for the building of Europe could be copies. Well, let literally photocopies just broken Barsad about our tax. At times,
I think it's great crisis steals boy, five minutes diver new character, let's lastly, comin up so much happened. So who was there? We had Spoon James Spoon, we got the mention of professor silence, professor slim, silent funding, I really want to be having linking to me everything. That's gonna, be more from Professor Slim, he's the brains behind the whole operation. While exactly gaze been beef underway design will sometimes we never. Them to book for hours even being away or even be running away, but that in some question the president being away as work or is it being away a beta women's day about those three options, our basic, easier sexy character that we're gonna be introduced. To always you gonna be kind of nuts and bolts solve get there
done sides guy. I imagine the latter giving. I think you are all in this house. I think you're into incidental slingshot, India, that was it wasn't a spoon or influence, but now we know the Belinda Tony and such aims know what's going on and have now hide aspire to, try and find them all within steals possible. Dare I say, Sir James Tonia Belinda nuclear too much preferred and also a great call back to the long forgotten security experts. Oh yeah, Jim Wolters, waivers of timber ban. Malta's obey you every time. You never know that gonna be important. And at the end of the year friend, what sort of learners he doesn't put characters in unless it's gonna use em again there is no these books ass type of measure, both from a troika behalf, The overall you know, Balkans could still be the special on Madame Chuckle, ok, Belinda blinked for chapter seven,
Pierre Blues Schooner, semicolon new paragraph, no James, Schooner and Belinda Blumenthal breakfast together as the lovers they had portrayed the previous evening, in the corridor outside Belinda's room, so no lucky, then Classic Rocky known. Okay, you had a bit before the day after Just read that first line again, it's written very outlay and you seem to be surprised by the well. I don't have a role in this is to point it out. James Buddha and Belinda Blumenthal breakfast together as the lovers they had portray the previous evening in the corridor. Signed Belinda's broom. Why is it then, like a play wiser than present tense? Like that? I don't know he doesn't like applied the lovers they betray. You will like spoon Belinda Breakfast:
exterior. They ignore the scene opens them enjoying their eggs. It was obvious to any casual or not so casual onlooker than they were having an affair, so everyone and that suited Spoony down to the ground. I did up. This might be part kind of color ass. He tucked into his full English with all the trimmings, including two martos, gotta rigour, mushrooms, alcove again, the turnings Bacon, Cumberland sausage show my fragile hair. You beans, black, put an end granary, Toaster white would not be healthy enough for a member of her majesty's spine at work. I mean the rest sounds pretty. I do have a black puts Europe like putting us love, but put in saying I really not healthy that, and I would even blood sausage, its blood and factors and yeah basically
He thought about last night his mind pictured Belinda on the sumptuous one inch long to one or two or more one inch long t stained bad runner. An inch long? What is it all hesper remotely advantage wide, maybe go those that have very long, but one on why Moldova, so he spoke up a rope, a thumbnail near his mind, Pitch Belinda on the sumptuous one inch long t stained bed runner stay, I mean I can't ever wanted- is like Jim Sterling Book one. I don't even know what he could have men Polly naked on all fours. She had her tits hanging down waiting for him to fuck deliciously wide open, allow close
they shaven vagina from behind. Oh my God is ours. Never that's what that's one of the first in a while away. You ve thought! Oh, my god, you thought about Iraq, a really visceral that that you can kind of picture it closely. Shaver vagina from behind what does vaginal light from mutual hunt, see her vagina from behind with a frown. It's gonna be doggie style if that helps a pitcher any better okay and with doggies these wisest does that the penis go color and the carriage and end the vagina into the station. It goes like this. The declared the taint told that the huge you gotta negotiate now What do you mean you? Just don't we want a new outbreak adapt. Anyone here is not really rather bank at the angle, Oddy on all fours yeah. So if you think about our solemn giving anything else, we need, and also a hint here with the worldwide wide open. I believe it was
You mentioned that what her legs a wide open, yet without sounding white apron, display her the giant right yeah. I got a little light teacher. I got the vagina and you carry the over what you get five day so and the taint doesn't come into Gonna help you don't you stop saying TAT, you get what you gonna, show medicinal terrifying, what you doing Hussar shoe she's, a woman and a mission. I guess this is what you need to picturing James is crossed his legs very tight magazine anticipation, Well, you really love. It looks like she's holding a burger between her men for God's sake. Days looks like a court. The boundary between. Like did you ve seen a vagina nothin go look who opposes Huey in pleased being dominated, they saw a vibe mean that's not unfamiliar to send, as they position
Oh you go, this is what we were looking for. You go it sets a wide go right in the ok, why? What how a gene, You really didn't know about that. Far. What you mean went back that far like it is touching asshole you, but when you give them Sometimes it has all the way up. North that literally right next to each other on the next door neighbours? This policy are concerned, as I found on her feet very dirty, pushes riding around on this. Convert your rarely holding it on the most important part. These pictures I cant, do you want her face in it when I sent to you know that the year the buttocks and vaginas fine think I'll just put them into scale. I have just popped fatten them. What's that great pushes for research purposes have yielded at great good anyway, gay rights are exhausted up, I'm not going to read that the sentence it again. If that's ok,
the guy who thinks he loved it. I'll get a worthy last shag on earth, if steals pots and pans were to be his downfall of the stakes really as high as everyone making out, I mean at worst they get the trial of Sea Brenner Range plan. That's worth billions, even they're, not gonna, kill spoon meetings on the last day or worse. They get a redundancy package. We see is much less citizens, Belinda could hardly eat. Her head was racing with thinking about bitch. Why did these things always happen to me just after the brush? Why can't I just be left alone to sell some pots and pans. If you would it be a fine thing, the plan was simple: schooner was to be the latest temporary.
Fruit to the steals pots and pans team, he will be working as an I t, freelancer under Belinda Supervision August Icy, his head upon the now. Why not put him in a sales role, because at least then he's near the pots and pans these be investigated and you out and about allow you can kind of bloody. Oh, yes, go lovely handle. This happy well were very convincing I'd via bad umbrella to be because people can coming up to him. Last saw him a base unit. Still playing up you can live alone. Is going to be like my garden, everything! I guess I throw out. Can you consider my outlook? Please he'll be working as an eighty four.
Learn: cylinder, Belinda Supervision, giving him a free hand to visit both the factory in Scotland, oh and Head Office in London. Our case, why wide scope, so the Ip Department get higher access than Belinda, not sure of her factory women there. If we move into a factor that was Andy millstones ventricles, it was that was the distribution hub. Wasn't! Oh yes, oh my policy. We have meant or production how the far right good point will help and my anger he Scottish he will indeed only Tony Sir James and Belinda knew of his true role, and it was imperative that it stays that way should be quite ease unless
someone stop blob lead should because it today in the best of circumstances, it was always hard to catch. A mole is now about mountains. Like you know, I'm already knows well. If one appears all of a sudden- and it's not colleagues should get a chat you should change, has changed and check that night. In the best of circumstances, it was always hard to catch a mole, but a recently established one was the worst. Why spoon a new from bitter experience that they just didn't, make mistakes new models? The old man was Dave. Vat only came later in their careers when they became lazy or reckless interest. I interesting as I would have thought that I learned will you bed in the better you are being about here? As the old saying, I woke the newest per sorry
a key theorizing, but then you, a knave knave, now she's the nearest person of the company, but then she's too near. Isn't she to be them all well about revalued? Finally, thanks to you is that I think also Appointing tumult to both, among others, told him all now am I got rewriting of that is its power, my good, but you can remove that's my best guess you didn't want an interesting and also that Rocky is literally go eight. It's maybe I think we have to reasons of a little. To that day, Belinda was introducing her very own, Mo Quick, stop saying over the foot very own mole around steals h, Q, with haughtiness born from the knowledge of secrets, unbeknown to a colleague, surely that to give away, if you just lording, as you heard around the office, has been all Oregon good. Oh, please needs Tuna James Buena,
everyone's gonna gas he works here that day, Stew Smith again, and so it was spoon a matter all and sundry, from Jimmy, listen to Gladys, the canteen dinner lady, who got a much David Pack on her wrinkle cheek. We haven't heard from Gladys before anything of it. She could also be a suspect. I recently an area like he's. Let you just adding in character. I need more women at steals over, like lattices the never ending fifty years. I think it's fine very well about it. In a reckless and lazy cinema Bella, rose on had teetering stiletto. Those as Belinda should James Buena into her office there have been since the wedding in since you got a figure from the church. She put her goose girl.
Oh good, with Papaya slivers margin that noise is coming for office. She was eating down in a hurry, says papaya that many more gooseberry with proposed livers making alibi The slimy snack, unfortunately see yoga the slimy snack, unfortunately, slopped over onto the keyboard so grows the cable. If she ate up the Kiva, not only what I puke but shall die the amount of bacteria and agreeable in office hawk, it definitely didn't. Look professional and better did so want to look professional really in front of Belinda in her new guest.
Spooky meet our international sales key account manager who likes eating yogurt, offer keyboard, Bela, Ridley, sorry Ridley. Yes, Sir Name Isabella Whitley, that's why she cried nice, nay, I too, nice for Bello, I feel has been really nice to me- was really believes, plays and eat at our own. Also those it if that's pretty, avoid Wanna get Emma pleased to meet you Bela. Just call me spoons, just call me: Spain, just call me spoon I'll call you James or James Baker, as many no need to approve. At this stage, Belinda laughed as the flustered Bela shook his hand. Belinda went back to her office and picked up her phone. She quickly, dial James Spoon is death.
Found it did you did it? You did to do. He picked up his phone spoons. I'm gonna have Bellerophon Gazelle out of the office. This afternoon's you can search the desk and stuff, but it does not. Can anyone investigation very seriously James? I take it personally. No one oberlander set as a true colours so quickly should do Secondly, do suit of look at those when you ve done what you have to get GIN Thompson to drive you over to the picture. You can then start to assess them both when I've had a few drinks down them Joe. She is selling them down the river. This entrapment really schooner granted, but more scottish on you got a guy. I am rather surprised at the smell the highlands coming off its but Elvis or spoon grunted put the phone down
and started to assess banners delicious ass, a she bent over the copy machine which had just jammed on her. Sorry. If I watch violence that gonna be the extent of it, I please to advocate got very unkind response. How to fix it is our job to do that and people get really fear is the print but the copies yeah I can. I help you Bela. He crooned has got lucky for you. Thank you why Spain's said Bella breathlessly that'll be just wonderful, ass. She and buttoned button on her button down self blouse buttons. Phones, we have another talk today, must just people who listen to this package on the regular because you don't want.
Are we sought out, is upset his bonds by bonds, but the phones bundle veins. What motivated unsafe initiatives are not having a full disclosure you dont want to splash all over. You not hold firm to curb earthworks. She don't know how tax was not like a pen inside drawing. What's on the page, has not a person said the box? No, now a diet. Mister, I t man. And you should know a lot about getting a gang. In Calais view, tankers Bela removed her bra. Why unbuttoned her many skirt, lots and stepped out of her soul cops entered by the copier. Did you think it was their clothes that would jamming? I think, you're gonna get any ink on
Neither of us away from the farmers a copy get naked or James is T solutions. Are the same thing Spooney set to work investigating her from her toenails to us? Quinci, you gotta, say scroll to. I don't believe she has worked, Oh my god, that's not what Belinda men about you can search. There are drawn from her toenails to his eye. She, mountainous country, what fashionable Spencer why she dressed like blossom down, because she was my style icon for so long, Lhasa, right behind big jumper That was my vote, is delays. Delays in this place to Jackie magazine. I respect that he's investigating every part of her because you shouldn't leave a stone or content and then what happened at an overall and happened? Gushed Belinda!
Two thirds of the famous glee team were drinking the chilean chardonnay in the pantry long bar tittle, TAT Eliza. The story in the bar room, yes of a larger, clever narrative devices that sector, but I dont get it turns out- have been executed. Perfet labour such as ours, missing, we presume and Bela, is spinning the proverbial beans to Belinda
so can you write? James Rocky has used a very unusual temporal shift. There is keeping the reader on their toes to think he meant to know at that level. At letter, well, I'm sorry to tell you haven't got as far as fucking me said. Bella I wasn't devastated, but I feel let down Hungary is probably about word hungry, for there are hungry for the sacks, oh, that she was denies at sunrise, put probably actually just hungry Serbia and she's got off at Amazon. Belinda nodded and felt strangely upset unbalanced behalf Bela continued, while stressing me He asked a few questions about my visiting Europe, especially Germany, of course, are quickly failed, even on Jim Sterling and and Hank Scan can and how they were. My key customer estimates customer to be honest, they saw of lost interest in me. I ve got about my blouse.
So she's like right, a she's horny ready to be felt in his eye, so I ve been a home. They recently that the relevant to EAST Berlin, commissioner me on it latest invoices and doesn't feel very cattle. As a sly, I would have thought better of spoons, but maybe, though, is Bela she's not gonna, know either way the best espionage on Bela. True, very strange Belinda, perhaps he's well differ from me. What's that mean Belinda nodded sagely and said, I think you ve hit the nail on the head. Bella he is different, but so like cause directive by Bela thrown ion no down into to throw off the son, you think is balanced, so full of it.
That she's, like no guys ever turned down. I'm issues is on play. It was literally on the flat play of the photocopier session. Is an explanation. She's never done a poorer, blouse and a whole lot different blue. I would be surprised if she could button up a blog about as always that one, but now ass his gaze Bela knocked back her charge and I and nodded it Patty for every Phil. Pakistan love our time. These chapters near keep your eyes on patios. I'm saying Tang Lungmen seem somewhat get his number plate. Do you think he's an authority? I must get Alot Barman do elfins, cleaner, but also sorry, first male boy, character. Potentially potential I mean oh yeah, although it is a cover. I agree with our value, I think she's, just throwing better off the sun common hopes. Hitler. Look you never know that would be interesting. They wouldn't it because no gay male characters or by male characters. Yeah yeah, there's been no man on Monday.
Just now, and I hope that ever required- as I cannot imagine that some vinos, I would love to see how accurate those dalliances Belinda, if he is, we could be it for one hell of a great six months bodies with the company. Why could chipewyan for good ride if he's by like ask, as they have more adventurous sacks of options, mix and match of anyone else, Belinda left out loud for the first time that day, What a sad slab Belinda laughed out loud for the first time that day? Well, if he is by I'd love to see you handle Jim Thomson, whom what does that mean we got is Jim Johnson.
In the streets and of rigging machine name is. Could I would never have thought in Thomson? See MR fix it always the quiet one's eyes. It was true. Hidden stress had been lifted from her spoon. Had obvious declared Bela from being the mole by his subtle questioning of her travel details not settle, so that's it, but as clear, I would wait for his report at the sudden a life was good again, nothing, that's rocky deciding it's not bad at all. I say life's good again for him. Please take Tenaya dumb, I haven T being made. Aaron being I can feel it do not great due to eating Bela's in the clear well, who knows, come on guys, I'm just trying to take some Ok, let's no, I told you think, he's US interests and I am sure that, as also pellets was capable of it, I'm sorry there in the first place, unless she was being so stupid deliberately issues, especially, but even that stretch vicious
the street. The factual was even a suspect is laughable. Give me my first love of the day, but the fact that the first left out of the day, please back in the office, is James Spoon. I reflected on his very satisfactory into view of international key account manager, Bela Ridley aim. I thought I They aspire laughed ass, much fairer easier. I also she disliked you're, not been staminate minutes exactly what I would say if I get in touch in Germany, have been Mozart. Guile like a page in much of the libyan doesn't ring about. She did indeed have a beautiful ass, never mind her stunning tits, but the best of all there was no way in his. Affectional opinion. She was the moon, a vague idea. That relationship is clear balance in the clear cards on reflection, however, God he'd been wrong before
Oh for so his professional opinion means Jack. All he's been wrong before wisely been hired and would no doubt be running. Courageous. If you want to hear from an undercover spied everything without receiving the roof, or will we get there? the role of Spain's fears, but I right take it or leave it. Maybe was cut price, maybe, but for the moment at least miserably was in the clear, that's not good enough. No sometimes have been wrong I'll be wrong again for the managing Clia, roughly knocking useless. I'm keep it on the list. Now, really just celebrated, I'm not even our early rocky like. I wonder what values the plot, but I wanna keep people in tree desire. It just doesn't do he's doing neither, but you can't I always definitely not have, but it might be because sometimes make mistakes. So it's not gonna hate spoons and I hate rocking rise. We all we all make mistakes in life.
The main again, though, remember them again and his mind turned to Blumenthal. She wouldn't be the first to mow to create a diversion which then quickly diverse its vision away from her own activities. That sentence created a was granted it. Version that we debated yeah, that's the best, I versions I find it He knew she was out this afternoon, so he got up and walked along the covered all too Belinda's office, for this is what a smart spite just because she's hire them does not mean that she's in the clear and she's new to the company. Don't forget: don't forget that guy's, wherever we in the toy, by the way how long's Belinda Bennett steals now is to day since the Essen Duncan? are the biblical good couple of months right. Maybe three months, yeah yeah enough time, someone's got engaged married he ever since
now think deserve untidy were engage before they weren't going gave birth to a sitting together the wedding, land and water and half weeks biking? That's fine people do that incredibly, reasonably gathers upset that doesn't scream visa at all. Spooney picked the lock with its trust in it in way to be inconspicuously where We're going James only does little MID one per walk, a little Bertram stitch, slash quite a difficult tool to hide, also very difficult to pick a lock with no, it's very large, very thick for could chopsticks yeah sticking a chop sticking a lot too tired, but why would I think David over chopsticks arising avatars spoon pick the lock with his trusty knitting needles and let himself then he sat down on the big black foe, leather swivel, chair, which Belinda loved so much to worry about my evil
how much time over the rifle around inflict open, Firefox. Alas, yes, when Firefox I mean how many and its twenty eighty didn't you keep a paper diameter about two days ago. May never had a diary read the papers. I will keep her. That's not me the somebody? I know that you want different. Will there was an idea, so it must be a car. I let you can't think my moment. I do have the money the calendar in the kitchen, Japan, that everything has to go through the counter in the kitchen and grow, even though that both computer uses both have iphones, but is that I'm not home right now? So I have to wait till I can consult the kitchen calendar months, whereas by the kitchen code they take on holiday periods, but they days a modest calendar was let Monet or something at the house and gardens listening. So they take it with them to go away to the house. Would you refer to is a giant bull tat?
it's like a flip job, but everybody say on holiday. I mean that bewildered wasn't really wants to die right, something you know and vote for the future, this quite a kerfuffle when they have to change over to the next year after two four period, But do not have all the debates pulsing shelves down just mayor, he flicked open. Her fine affects the weak, came into view. Using his by turning the paves Paris. Penelope Paulet did sound dangerous. A great way of assessing railways disguise boons dozens competently threatening. Does it, but he's in my six agent he's the round dust of the categories. I think, if you hadn't intruding over the spoon D
What was clearly Paul, I again she was the daughter. No. She had a daughter that one best effort in the horse riding the ep. So what did she do? Oh, she was a french supermarket yeah five car, five Carling after Saturday Weak came into view ten, forty five, a M city airport flight to Scotland, factory visit with Glee Team return, Sunday, P M, God boring we
that sounds like spoons hackles rose on the back of his neck and we ve got hurry back, and although my down wool Blumenthal haven't informed him of her little visit to Scotland, this was indeed a turn up for the books. My example on which she making contact with her handler Nokia should go in with the rest of the guillotine hair. At last, with a good, solid line of inquiry and not sure about our clutching stars, might he take the lead? flight out next Friday night and set up a little surveillance up late. I thought Belinda said that he was going to Scotland
You said: why does I t go to Scotland who has access to go there right, but I guess because it's a factory visit and that's where silence is presumably and that's when making the trials zebra arrange why she going up there and she hasn't told him who Cheney ten I got here at last was a good, solid line of inquiry. He take the last flight out next Friday. And set up a little surveillance up. Excuse me: how could you be a spoon immediately swivel Belinda's, big black chair, to face the two thirds rule of spying. Know your angle and shut. The fucking do arise the door, a stunningly beautiful girl with a bit of it Blonde crazy. How do spoon blinked know that
such avails call him in the office just how small in Belarus, while she'll Mallory. Ah, oh my god, and now, as it does also suspect. Surely she's up, as you know, it will he's not just I t she's the spy she's gonna networks in the bird one takes now to the Palestine. Besides simple assumed the spoon gouge out his eyes and knitting needles to the Temple O down because money lying across the das yeah, it's all and sole up for grabs, isn't it and really hyping next chapter in Scotland lies the next chapter cricket would pumping station. Of course it is, it is, isn't it steals possum hums pumping station that if the headman duchess pumping ready is like a knocking shop- yes quite unexhausted to think
how many suspects there with gladness and made on reception, yet Bela in key account international, the Gazelle the in HOLLAND and Belinda in everyone, but what think I mean it could literally be anyone's, gave me get in touch with us. We wanna hear your theories twitters at Dotterine, Porter Uninstall, I'm. Where might average you can email as your theories at my daughter to Poland, Gmail dot com and overhead sonnets were mating list. Madeira APOLLO dot com thanks to a cost for their support and for hosting this actually drivel begins the bandwidth honestly languages so we'll see next week and you guys eat before, because obviously I don't have anything in am I have beans and black, putting the bacon and thus seems more days and grandma.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.