« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S4E9 - 'Boy, She Can Can'

2018-10-22 | 🔗
Belinda conducts a team meeting before taking a trip to Paris to secure a crucial client

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now, vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S, Appstore, herbage, vanderpool, dot, com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one years are older and present a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem call one hundred gambler. The following: podcast contains idle themes: sexual content and strong language. Basically,. All the good stuff ILO guys and welcome. Back to my dad wrote appointed on Chapter nine have got out of it.
How I make it a little bit of bread. But how are you so with straight to a head. Doesn't that was established in our ever had but let us so weird also appear, however, that it was to eat. It was much sidewalk of James. How are you I'm good? I wanna get straight back down to business. Rimming, though we are less able to remember the remained bloody hell around with specifically rimming that was mentioned, it was there he had Harry bottom now. She was licking his hairy, but she was Birmingham. Your doubts introduce rimming into this, but I think she was licking the cheek across the crack, adjusted won t. I, though I dont giants.
Think about it that carefully my dad wrote a crossing the line of longer Jude or they staying on one side. I don't want to know where are they in relation to the tropic of Capricorn? I think they're in Eastern. I don't want somebody Alice how's your week. Where do you think he found out about women here? I was thinking that and when he imagines that, is he imagining it actually is getting. Is a machine like Jamie's imagining all like it should be about I'm not imagining it so, and so are you mentioning it James as going tiny round the circumference of. Saying and Anti go round and round the clock. Wiser counter. I imagine some kind of variation. Will the spice things happen given interesting people mean, do you think your dad likes it or he just was entreat by it the benefit of the business of the day whenever ours does these really noise question she goes completely dead behind the eyes is quite extraordinary to look ass. She looked at me
if all life has flown from her. So, second, investing asian, isn't it shines a light in euros, it's horrible and give a great little diversion tactics. So what are you imagining that he's experienced? It may be in his youth on his travels and have every time and he's bringing that back. So what do we think this week to Erskyll is intelligible Unlike unlike will, you can't say rocky no stop it. Skirmishes are too busy waters. Use of it is tat. They were all old enough sought by anal play a case of watches can enjoy including mine, I don't know, maybe rocky could, in my opinion way as well what's funny is we thought the rocky was a tip? Man he's got his attachment. So what do we think this chance is called. I think it will be called around the anus. In eighty days I mean we, Joe
by I'm relieved, I'm glad we kind of touched upon that so to speak, and we can move on now think about something else. Right wait! A minute I made! No violence would rather start we Democrats pool which says a lot about what he likes got too. I think it's called Grand can area out like a very close eye. I mean we ve, gotten literally, nothing to base our answer could be. I mean the lessons cricket pumping station, so at least four I dont know chapter nine is called boy she can can AIDS, Good god he's good, isn't knees. Bloody goods sold, Belinda, blinked, fool chapter nine, boy she can can
good. A bit more Is it still rimming they picked up quite the pace. That said how we, putting the noises, you're, making c h, you you you you you you, ah, outside the less religious at age, you are that's it Belinda, adjusted her webcam slightly out, like a camera. Moving magazine camera may Belinda.
Just at her webcam slightly, so she could see herself fully on the screen. She nodded admire, in a glorious full Bush was going on. I have focused on you- can go also, who hasn't web cam that fully integrated into the laptops. They say you don't look window of a usb, so she nodded admiring her glorious full bush. I really didn't think: he had a full. I thought she had kind of landing strip situation before she had decided to grow it out as a fashion accessory I'd, Agar. To her parisian business trip to have her vision sham having debt Parisienne. I don't know this has been booked in that Irish before I think this is a new trip. We haven't had any information about no out spoon,
So we had, I read that she was going to parents, but it wasn't suspicious wedges I'll call him yes and sorry is the implication that french women favour big a book. I think that's what he's getting a rice, I'm not sure how scientific It is now that we have managed to fully greater and more unlikely that code that you need to go There is a better product in amateur been most. She was clippers in hand. Well, blissful she's click. Purring. So the camera was the cliff pushed up Amira, how full Bush tissue she's using clippers, promised remedies as extremely nitrate reconnect. But then her office was invaded with people tat in the office.
Oh brother, a broken as it grows Bertha, but then they had forgotten all about the by daily strategy meeting with the residence I daily that twice a day Rio the day by day? The biannual is twice a year by daddy's is twice a day. How could you possibly forget twice a day every day pass relentless? You never have time to implement anything you discussed in meeting or you never told you trimming abortion. A webcam occupies that time. I'll. Take it come on. Let's just that, I'm sorry and if it doesn't mean I didn't like it, I the privatized, ladys problems by coming lads. She said brushing some puber of her desk and pulling up. Opponents of LA is honking thighs horrible. Does disgusting professional? It's not very professional
I believe that that was about that died long time ago. So sorry she was using the webcam as an area unless it was only at the end of it. You do like videos to suit beautiful Mickey clerk Army Nicky COD. Out he's got a beautiful had a flat orange nationalist, preserved age old hairdresser that I don't even have still operates. He kind of had the right to from friends. Looked indeed didn't he before Rachel from friend. She did open love, addressing the troops. She saw herself is one of the greatest bosses in british kitchenware. She's, really narrative out as a J, never forgot her white collar motto. Life was great when you got what you wanted and helped others
Do the same for an amalgam of lobby as well as net she's definitely said, the life is great one before there was a good life was great when you got what you wanted and helped others to do the same sentiment and that its and advancement of wind, What you want you feel great. Yet it is not our chief when I was now yes, if it small philanthropic than the first time, Patrick Hamblin, regional sales. Budget for Scotland and Ireland speak usual style of meeting Patrick O Hamblin. Rose to. His cockles, nervously and walks accomplish sat on cocoa muscle lie
I live. I miss Molly Malone! That's when you that Spain, yes, should remember that trip to Ukraine, and I say it in front of all those dignitary. Yes, we run inefficient delegations and they asked for traditional irish song. Will they have I traditional soul of our homelands? things irish is my homeland. I sang cuckoo muscle money alone, but why do you know the words came very famous sounded are the words now alive, I rely on us. She die of a fee No one could save and the EU That was the
and sweet Molly alone. I find this very sad. I quite like ticket is about coppers muscles, but not really about. Mongolia is a tail. Patrick Hamblin rose to his cockles nervously We have a slight issue with mullet supermarkets, boss, who mullet supermarkets, but that one of our biggest regions they mama. Let's let him I just revenues huge region What have you done? You stupid, goon goon, not not entirely right, not an ode to joy in the also elevate she thought is the best boss in kitchen, Why don't you stay together? Botsey certificate? do you think that the best path they love her informal style Phoebe? I visited the urban into blameable. What should be done? You stupid goon not
Do you sell me a dog Patrick, Go Hamelin. I demand to know the truth. Well, there are kind thirty days standard terms they want sixty days stand terms to put his enterprise spot? It would be worth it, but credit control. A Trevor Fuckin dither head, I'm sorry! If your name Trevor did they had always ego travel. Any did is rather after the night. I think it might be worth political humming cool neither such a rocky name. No, I wouldn't be too high position ahead. It would be worth it but credit control. Eighty eight Trevor FUCK Endeavour had has knocked him on the nose not once but twice right Bob So what happens? They want a sixty data, yeah stereotypes advertise for a more prominent position in the Supermarket
why that would have any effect on you prominence. Ultimately, why do we give a far since as the business reports I told the previously I do. I filled them screaming into avoid, like don't give a shit. Why do we keep hearing about it? Yet you keep return for food. I love you, the young woman when this began, but credit control, a Trevor Fuckin Deborah had a knock them on the nose not once but ice, and I presume the opposition are prepared to do this. To take the business. I don't understand Patrick Side, yes and much worse, its those Germans bash, oh hands all over Belinda's body jumped up at one and the ones on the floor in the dusk that they jump lying around, like you were too in a whirlwind: imagining them on the task of the sun. Swirling in them.
Raw nippers article sixty day, you pleaded with me: she spoke she spent, they prefer she noise can he's very regional sales manager for central in North England speak. Are we going go through? All of them twice day, pleasanter she so rude. Whether in the army isabel? This includes on four star less able to about them? Similarly, I am a bit book. It boss, I misled a shipment of course, cursive apparatus I'm sorry of whatever Coos Coos evaporate, inclusive apparatus How'd you miss Lake us evaporate as you'd spot them a mile off Shu Kai Wooden, because what the fuck is a cross, cutting them rise above political idea here. Do you always were playing out of it book? It boss,
a misleading shipments of coups Coos. It operates is so a downside, hundred and forty three percent. This is a comedy tree. It is absolutely right and I can't work with you. This is really self defeating. Does if you just lose stop at least give it away, it's a large event, a new or last month's top seller, a lesson for everyone, courtesy of can fucking gooseberry allow she's leading european upon it hasn't changed one day you talk of the work, the necks of others As a lovely analogy, does that's a quote that Bosnia to get what you could do with thanks to Mr Desmond regional sales manager for London in the home counties sake I'm going the rhythm of this now South EAST in London. Sales figures are by two hundred and seventeen percent box. As this since this morning, authors
yesterday was more what was that, the period of time no idea stock market very earnestly two hundred percent? That's pretty fuckin good! less are talking about? In the last six, I was aware: KEN's lost six hundred and forty three that space like Japan going off a cliff. I would say shut down his region, yeah, the footsie is fallen, Tripoli, because Yorkshire is one of the largest markets for could cause of operators in the sector. They hate and undercoat case case salaries in London, sales Rep, five, two hundred and seventeen percent boss that is a happy cabbage why she turned upon two mandates, and I offer you a copy, happy cabbage, which, ironically, you cannot she cooking exclusive operator. I think that's a saying, isn't it was like the saying happy cabbage. I've heard that before that is a happy cabbage Boden here by a business meeting. That's a happy cabbage
you get five minutes of law law alive. Tugging, error, vine, jabbing, something in error of lie. Having has shown during yes, Sir Boss Sir BAR yes, Sir Boss suit. She rewards the troops with increments of five minutes of sexy. Together, we don't know what the five minutes I would imagine is what you get is punished, by. If, if you signal you can send a body may be other spat of her body at a deliberate the start up of those six hundred and fifty cents worth, of course, costs of operators. Raised in India comes like not today. Belinda, yes, Sir Boss does Martin punch the AIR Berlin unbuttoned her blouse and pulled out one of the. Babies, Louth eggs by surprise, so I'm allergic to babies. Some horrible that sounds like she's going to breastfeed pulled were now does pranced up onto her lap.
And started to sir. Never let nipple like the pro he was so the five minutes happens during the meeting that busy people James now Why does it sound so infantile? Why didn't I wise it bit to wiser Eliza, jumped up on her lap ally, never why's, that the action at me over those horrible pranced Prato say that holding does Prince stuff onto her lap and started to Sir slurp, a nipple. Her nipple, like the pro he was, he sounds like an overly confident precocious top level stop and gotten a lot and she's pot. Was it popped, a booby out movie online booby. Five minutes of breastfeeding is like HANS twice a day now anymore business
Belinda continued, stop doing the action. You did the answer. A breast feeding acts in a nursing home than light, but certainly that rimming seems way more. Appealing now enable business The continued will some business would be great. I'm just farming. The exact timing of your five car hypermarkets meeting today, Snooze hast out com, said Jim Thomson, yet that screams of Jim Tom sent Mr Fix reservations, the organization, fab, Debbie, doozy, smile, Belinda z, busy busy having its own resolutely did, and I about that busy best boxing Am I right breastfeeding? Does I'm shaving my cubes? I am swarmed the Paris taxi struggled through it.
Evening, traffic forgot, I am how I say what office. Within than that that was at the US. It would have been a dramatic fast forward. The Paris taxi struggled through the evening traffic tonight was her opportunity to bring on one of the biggest retailers the world knew Penelope Paulet was no slouch. I'm Belinda knew all too well that new contacts with the blood of life for any sales, the butterfly that beloved of life, which is written invention, then translated backed by Google, translate it so Penelope population. Met with the duchess and did bout nearby. The daughter was an show jumping Yes, it is about our aid for effort that came last or something yes, I poet was not the dinner originally. No, they met her at the show jumping trials or what what? What was her significance? She wants. Five car five common set of car, for which is the actual he's not Gainsaid he's gone
Belinda was ready to trade, a simple long, black dress with matching heels purse and sparkling next was all she needed closely philosopher has not see through honey. It's not exclusively jewelry, there's some clothing and there she made her way through the opulent bar, ordered a cocktail and waited for Penelope too I've a sudden low in the bar conversation of boon. Alas, hold it hold it. Who will allow started lull in the bar conversation of Una, less heralded the arrival of an exquisitely dressed french Lady Penelope public, repressive. She was wearing a daringly tailored pink linen suit, with orange seeming that's.
All that is daring. Good Belinda immediately recognized her to be Penelope, Polly Worldwide, head of purchasing for five car. Markets, important change, society, continent woman. They kissed infringe fashion tonnes that after eleven Oh yeah, I want any cheek. Was it three that is to influence our friend kissing, the decision is nothing and what would miss both of the debt that they kissed infringe fashion and Belinda ordered a french martini fidelity. In french fries and that's what could be a French during? Have you got any french fancies companies
stressing and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fanned will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore Herbage, vandal, dot, com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one years older and present a new jersey and penalties sacred, is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler. They set the bar and chatted about horses jumping and the steady progress it Penelope daughter. If we welcome the crackling, wasn't exactly said, progress was that it was neither steady nor programme. Now she got some award Phyllite best effort, best effort yeah, which is quite a slap in the face of article in some eight out of nine. As an active nobleman
I need just five minutes of your ear before the show to talk about a business opportunity. Five minute national prosecutors said: Penelope show stammered Belinda, please help me were catching a play at the moon on Rouge or maybe we're seeing an exhibition of the new report. Remember going this of all he's longed to go and watch the Nicholas Dancing posts. Have you got a lot more than an hour or so of I to be there ever since, as all that film, Do you really want a guy who is one whom he loved the movie, the ideal of the foe? So what is the actual place like its tiny? I was there. I wasn't, The reason I was in my mother, my birthday and its honest, so small adversity before the mola, while the windmills? More guess, maybe the place of the bigger? Even in but what does it operate are surely not I'd still busy
at Java, burlesque than appear Penelope, Paulet spat some of her very far martini, that that's good, french or by the use, simple bitch of Ethel. I felt that much Mama's live what's got Belinda's? No! No! No! No! You simple beat it all about La Mueller MA the maroon? We may know well brown, windmill, gulped Belinda's, perfect translation sounds like a toilet a peace were so Penelope sang gear, super tourist This is why you wanna be right exactly a correctly Brown Windmill- yes, it was true, she never heard of it because it does.
And they also beaten track so far off the beaten, nor even in Paris, and might be in that Bosnia suburbs guys the seventh Now is the quantity of ASEAN Seabury? No is good news I'm so uneasy darling and that people want to work with him. But this one thing People spell we want spoke with. A vague was to work, maybe she's from issue in which side friends, maybe Austria, Hungary, Jim Thomson, easy turning. My people want to work with him but can you help us reason store merchandising, as you have absolutely no passed back or with those? What I mean is marketing support you payers to get your bans in the hands of the house was love.
So steals provides the product James. I can't wait to go on. Please Zani desk on steals provides the product to terrify five car five call him, but have to pay them. Marketing costs to get them so they get a permanent place and then some of them have to pay the remarked in costs. As I was saying, I rather because I fix this. These are the best, Rocky Raby thinks he's the ring. Something is this? Is the business tips I write? Ok, so I'm just trying to get my head round. The intruder realise that businesses, like steals, have to pay their own overhead so that there is no risk of a supermarket whatsoever. The ballade folly is true, as I'm in a chap reading. Listen, you know one thing away to it. That's definitely I want to do things.
Penelope Paula sounds like a very sexy. Oh sorry, they have to provide their own budget for the marketing within the supermarket. I wasn't sure many business when we voted on by the yes, maybe a Penelope, it so refreshing to meet somebody who asks but what they want and why just catch the brown fuckin window. What is this, of course we can, best. I can authorized ten percent support here and now have we deal? Can Zizi person clothes that you are offering me again. It is good enough to stop those relations. We began a keyboard. Has this event is the wrong over the reveal. Given that goes, she ate doing. Ok, she drives a hop on innocent people, lie Belinda down to a cocktail in one.
Has just english vote. Heller's has meant that we talk about how jovial of saying France of finally able to help you from the north of England, Manchester Manchester said by rights. You should say like me and aims France. No, the thing is I said I was a kid, but now I dont anymore. I realise that, although I do not say fonts, because I just think You know I've been in London for a long time, most up from the London. Given aid yourself talk posh, you hot guy's an engineer, acts and I'll admit them, for what I would say is when you are. But it is a good one guy it's when you ended there was a glitch in this, demand- and I told you so fond of- does not see how some people say flaws. Figures? I is a do I out of kind of long eyes and stuff, but but this is a no business plans, does therefore they do say in Germany
Spain and false comical this weekend about supports is able to vote in France. France, friends friend sir. I thought you knew that the essential thing is that we funds may rocky always Rota F, blue? I am seeing you know how these very fanatical deserving of all the foreign characters are giving the lobbying in France and the funds funds this time of year, of which went so once the newly minted business associates and blossoming best friends. After ten minutes talking about marketing took their seats in the privatized five com corporate box of the moon, MA Josh Lysippus, inasmuch as they bloody own off. That's gonna, be to generic stance, delivery, that down
Read this called the parole. Jamie used have a coat that we called the Brown. I don't know if it's, ass: it Brown, but early brown. By the way it was about it was it was ragged nine: it was rag. It was once nice uses leap in it like a sleeping bag. Fuck avoids this attack Jamie. We you once that's an abortion didn't you that do not push in it. I didn't sleep in the Bush that because I actually lost my shirt on, I slept in the Bush talks, but don't you hate it when you lose shared overnight as those of the world's most of my life, I slipped out of season. Rhododendron Bush in Poplin Topless tops anyway. It was this co. He'd had fur hundred years, astoundingly generation? That was it.
It was an old houses. I get a new com. I've got particularly good picture of you in it because it was was it in my mind, is made up of the pelted different animals, but would it not maybe like old horse, but it's a bit. That's all too, though, because as a bit, those longer had also bear a co. Fine, I do not know if my fashion I'll give you if you ve ever seen them the BBC out his name but the BBC adaptation death. Narnia elevator labour team is one of the beavers, and now it until you James, because this really will bring it to life, so is essential, but it was with walls de motherhood,
in the body that say I was ever so warm guy lever to Appendix II, but you literally gave me so we'll complex about actually good unifil officer dip in it. That's the brown anyway, wherein the Mueller Mahomet, please Trevor moments, silence with Brown to the brown tenable mr awful I don't the long leg dancing. Girls were stunning, as at the neighboring establishment, beginning with the french word for red meat. We comments here for fear of resignation, even though we ve just mentioned. Is that stated because people say people there at the brown windmill not attractive I was lucky gnaws, maybe but resemble activities. We'll find out. They are just as guys me just a stunning, so the long legged dancing girls were stunning as at the neighboring establishment, beginning with the french word for red and the years old coat
coffee was timeless. Perfection. Is ours lulled You know Belinda. You can call me baby after that. Jimmy that receive every likelihood transformative. Isn't it but most of all the way from farm to see is the peace be full moon right now it is what they do. The, but never been. Peace maintained. Regret we set up a year. Also she's getting older by the second drifting from us is going to back to the light Penelope PPP Verna shows exactly and brilliant people colloquy plants with the goal of all of us in every light. Candle. A mobile phone went out alcohol imo every phone. If I can get a day of a candle,
fine bodies, region of everybody's phone, like everything, is connected to a different things. How could they all go off in unison against all of a sudden, every light a candle and mobile phone went out in the moonlight, my home, it was black, as the skin of an overarching, say purple and no one could say a thing stock options I plant there for the young, then a spotlight as hot as the dancing girls solution up. I wish to this is the start of middle Rouge, where the coke had been things diamonds or girls best friend about you, and if you can find a way That's a lot of things are here the resemblance to any of the work. By coincidence, what that system?
and legally, if we say pastiche or if we say that on Mars work, I think we can safely that's never slavery is that from the roof, a huge bull Meda. Of a thousand and one balloon? That's what's children's party tie together with the liquor issue, laces was lowered. Downwards sounds dangerous, I mean they. Ve got absolutely no strengthen the molecular she life. The audience was silent through the all is made up of the balloons say, I'm gonna do what I say the audience was silent, wondering what it could all mean. I've been out why the fuck my fire not working. I want tat picture up, just as they were wondering what it all meant ass. They had been just a moment ago,
shall arm stuck its fifth out of all the bunch of balloons Tubby arm his chubby on is it. It was holding A very massive, very massive rise and pointy carrot. Fuck is going on there. Oh, my god. I can't I can't even laugh it now, because it scares me where his brain goes so weird. The eighty arm the meteor quickly popped, one of the balloons with the carriers with the carrier and in doing so revealed a bit of it. Belief, flesh to the whole new Lama? Who is this,
Please let me time everything I could presuming lady the audience applauded and just as they did so, the arm popped. Another balloon revealing a of thick thigh we're gonna, be here, walk the thousand one of them little bite sized pieces of ham, the trees and begat rained down on the congregation and on the issue of purpose, aiming at the food each balloon with a little bit site sized pieces surveyed me canapes, but deconstructed and then started from above them up violence, dreamily large woman by allocating? Well, yes, yes, she's got well. She Daphne has achieved a chubby ominous happy land.
I don't know how popping one balloon is revealing so much if I, when she's in a bull made of a thousand party popping one makes entirely visible and little midnight could do for the young. The mob suddenly sounded cliche trap is waning, created, hey, what's your crew tastes like a vegetable dip rule that Chad task cheese, hummingbirds net spoke Penelope with the knowledge famous, not the knowledge ass. She spoke without the knowledge of the authority More balloons were burst, more bits and Bob's of food right right from the fucking shower. Watching man unlady more two guys this job men and Lady Mon Dieu, whose Lady Morton soured the watching men and lady mood
you saw him who is spelt, T W light, lady more to lady, more too. And is more there's more ladys and men by two o movie knives to learn more take notes, D w I sooner he's do disrupt weather, the way that we lost in a format, but may I say how much trees there is still. Am I right in thinking that each time they burst, Aberdeen there's a different type of food, so they just on the hum cheese and bread, one risk we want this guy. I imagine that trifle is a better way to stick to renew their bags. Some seven Pinnacle Dean I also know I'm a big data by. I wouldn't be anything that was coming out of this, these billions of gardening
and sat forever. If you really drunk know what that is, such a welcome, a pre fed in my mouth and equipment. Even but it did, you jump a bit I wouldn't seek out, but if it did for my mouth I would masticate you to stay here. They guzzle their finger food, all the while whooping at the striptease above them. Eventually, the last balloon was I'm that headlights little truffles as an entity, some after a lovely, some Karen by french sweets, We let it you spend time form before was pledged to address issues its funds that eventually the last balloon was parked and the most plum Rowley Poli Baby was revealed All in all her glory ass. Every luscious description is man. She was, big she and
it resembled, a balloon herself thought Belinda a bit meanly eyes a bit mean Belinda, but she didn't mean it to be mean Jim mean it, but I thought no. In fact, Belinda had not blinked for the duration of the performance, which never does there's nothing new. Her should have an eye. She was transfixed, mesmerized, awake, p, p, who the fuck is that yummy screw Rummy wrecking ball of a woman s, not a gambler, manned way, She's the one Z, only miss It is so we deduce mistress sweets, juice. That's gonna come back to haunt us and she has requested a price. The sub letting running share
why has the ministers sweet we even heard of Belinda Blumenthal? She has Belinda blinked. I just. I believe this is, end of chapter so Belinda's about to have a real around with the boat pony woman, mistress, sweet Jesus sweet. Sweet! No, honestly that I mean it's gonna be seconds into the next chapter before the sweet juices coming out. We know that we know that what the next chapter is called a dread to think
MR sweet use could be like the special honour, something because asked one of the boy again. Thank God. I think my dad does ploy gets really bored whence we just got off the boiled. I guess very Hetty had a very high, yet another chapter iii keep contempt to do that. Not now go on telling Glitt took out for fuck's sake. Little with MR sweet, you look what jacket or is it a copy of anything? Worse. James have a word with Mr Sweetie, somebody you're the voice of reason and that of the bank's written there's nothing. I can do so
think about it all. I think we got caught it yet. I think we got quite a lot of business in that chapter evidently did anybody can can dancing girls? Maybe with the age old timers dance was the Hancock exquisite as it was, as you ever been to Paris is evident. France forms yeah. We always had a lot on influence as children, so that you will find a lot of cultural accuracy full bush, exactly one guy well shaped cubes at the beginning, I asked you for a long time ago, Nothing like starting a chapter of the sound effect. I wouldn't play many benefiting back on it, but if you really want to will be nice me, we will we will one day and if you'd like to get in touch in the meantime, maybe Eve shaved, Bush, and you have some interesting tips on tricks
I don't wanna gmo dot com. If you like to email us, you can do is act. Dad wrote a porno, unbalanced rim has my dad rota. If you'd like send us any pictures of your shaven Bush, which is ramble immediately delete, Anthony ban you for life, I'm on Facebook and enjoying the meaningless might ever gonna dot com and a big thanks to ache us for hosting this podcast. So until next week I began to Bones were ass, going.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, slush Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.