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S5E11 - 'A B, a B and a Q'

2019-11-17 | 🔗
Belinda and Bella continue their romp around Australia before things take a sinister turn... // Come see us on our 2020 World Tour! Tickets available via mydadwroteaporno.com/live

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem, call one hundred gambler the following points thus contains other themes, sexual content and strong language, basically all the good stuff. Hello and welcome to my dad road support of Alice and James. How are you both today? It is wonderful
We that could the news- and I was very rarely say that fulfil that aside- this is really the gray I can't believe were nearing the end of book five. It's kind of I mean it's an emotional but its. It did something I feel something I mean it feels like only yesterday that Dick Vandyke withstood on his own in half an hour I pay day, I mean the fully life okay, so he wants a bit of a refresher or more happy. Yeah me aren't you before. We do guess who I saw on the tube yesterday. Oh ok pump. Was it a man? It was not a man actor rough, yes, isn't actor. We ve mentioned them on the podcast more a long time ago than the now. British, the one the only is answering anyway, dishonesty, their avail, Mary. Margaret knew she was reading a script. Did you talk to her? I didn't she could have looked at me. She did. She didn't! Look the most approachable that quite cross. Maybe it's quite an angry script, he's very she's, very Cassandra's here.
Also? We said she was going to be the voice of Belinda's click that is trying to set out might be. Why should you I'm good letting another issue that I was growth? Mcwatters Mary? I can't believe you so marketing, you even say hello. You can't canoe aids. Mary, a module is waiting to say when you dying day. Why didn't talk to marry a monk while you are now because you didn't we I didn't mean to marry a mug coils of every holder, I don't know who she is she's. A national treasure. Rada is probably a good job in state. That is a great spot right, remind us where we were right occurs. Into a Bela Irene, Australia in Sydney Belinda had the interview or the meeting with Cosmo Macaroons age. Impunity is cattle, yes and she's, not going on
In the sky with diamonds, she managed to kind of break into his dress. Agree with this. Money is bangles disorders and pots and pans. So now I think she managed to get all of the proxy bid arranged to be the official partner of whatever cosmic roots. Cookie Joe is like a river and ended with dsl looking at them from behind a camera crane this enormous, normal size, Ruby away was used in the gallery. I wasn't in the where's your wool place to pick up to rethink we're about to have a say in the region between Belinda Oranges, our ambassadors there as well, the greeting could be united. Deny that doesn't make any sense. Aligned is no migration. Doesn't it That is why are they in just like a little green?
now that we're gonna designations, hadn't she's she's, hiding behind like seven giant crane? But why is this the place where they me? Why is this the place where the issue of this will be the setting for the big Yes, he's Burg is an amazing guy. There been an assault. Castles exactly they were in so many scenarios white would feel tents exactly like the green room after tv stood a cable shall we say if I do me, this is gonna should happen, the liquidity more united. This is number eleven rye chapter. Eleven you it needs to pick up a pace, begin with running out. It is well rocky is, and there needs to be a thing of any to be resolution of some something has to happen. Forgot someone's gonna die in addition to slim right. So you got mad the plague thousand even die. We basically gave her a video funeral online. It slid is dead and buried.
But you just disappeared is just gone missing, he's in a human shape back somewhat in the bit the coastal zones night. They did I'm sorry they didn't get through. Fucking security The car ferry to Sydney, Jacob, ok, so Belinda blinked, five chapter, eleven, a b b and a cue became too mailer open, ended. Bela, I'm Quentin Bobby Cosmo Spelt with a queue at you and put a pastime jeez elles. Eyes turned from an mood envy to Ruby lost at this site of Belinda and Bela, Bonn King, they choose Dana's out of Cosmo Macro, say he's got pink. I just banking
the mundane cheese. Others choose. It is blue, very Craig, David of him, oh yeah, other. What would I didn't you? do on Tuesday what for drink? On Monday and Tuesday, Modern Day, took courage and she loved by widening day the two other we're making of Thursday Friday Saturday yet and on the global, I think of it. Very James. I don't think it has. She missed the ease of her friendships with these women, but she knew she had crossed the pale when it came to repent. Oh yeah. Daphne gone beyond the little sorry and just join it and thought about the bomb and spying on the fight for a chair, and can I sickening rent because it gives it. You, don't really interested big rendition she's just feeling, but horny
Belinda awoke with the case with moved on from the age. Ok, are you Joe King, king. He doesn't usually kick off, so I must remind you on some sort of repeat like watch me what it feels like we're about, which is left the studio avenue the next day get what we have is as equals happened. Yes was very disappointing. As now I'm not even angry. I missed the way if this is gonna, be a bull shit chapter where we go to the Sydney Opera House, though all of it the summit. A wall of farm is dismissed, ring of australian cliches and a data analysis was not going to barbecue so, whatever hobby misgivings legitimate Bob look it up on the Bavaria Harry I predict shed, have evolved, Toby some sausage, metaphors Avenue, bunk baby. The compliments and I feel, like
maybe somebody aware a penny and nothing underneath it will be one of those naked penny. Exactly so, Belinda awoke with the ringing of her work. Pager, it was miss to fix it Jim Thompson. Were you on what a callback whenever pops up again, I'm like is not really, MR fix it. I wasn't good he's got out with any they exhibit. The sounds like he's about to create a problem. If you ask me that, age, a red sludge slash star after that star appearance on cooking, with Cosmo, Slash, less star new line, slash less star. Can I pointy their diet tell me that the pots and pans have sold out, and there an entry national sensation. After their varens are Cosmo Diablo Ovaries, God, oh my god, they are worth more to the page. You read out slush dog after their store appearance on cooking, with costs both slash. Let's start a new life
slash less star the oxy broiler Ray had overnight sluts? Let's start you live so less last. Stop selling pie, police raids, ratings in australian history and pay, Why is that to be held about design faults about rich in Australia straight after the war that guides, also. I am sure that with the present had is, is it like? It is not your life cooking guys. Let's take this company and the eight hour day. Let's stop here this is she covered her huge bonus outcome, what she me there's a resolution for you yeah, I mean that's a pretty good deal with that. Many people in Australia rather, is that twenty mail- is that you have other right. So, even if you sell big in Australia is not the biggest market a great market but in size spurs word mouth or,
dont spreading you'd social media. The pages round, the walls he a page was unavoidable, spelled out. You know the new line is spell out, leaving our leading role as new lying yeah and the end pages and is in capitals, if not how things display a page classes. I don't think he's ever seen a page pages like one long line at a local tickets. I Algeria, then does the easy to say dial ate one to think a little bit about such is that, just as you have a better facilities, That was always the thing that had just said somebody with a telephone number the ends: eight war, nine zero wants to get in touch. You said you'd have to go, find a phone box and ring them. My point no point may last issue: isn't it a set of budgetary phone conversation with the M D, Tony Sylvester, essentially both in their pajamas but for different cycles of sea
I got you timezone balance. I believe such what time is it. There were an hour ahead we are now more than ever had done both in their pajamas, but for Fritz cycles of sleep left, Belinda Belinda. With given the green to some leisure time. What was given the go ahead otherwise how light ally for some leisure time limit her whole life's leisure time? Bushel, two hours and a minute later She and Bela protecting her noggin from the ozone, less son in a cook, decorated hat on a chair It was a good one. It is above. Why do I feel like she's got like an inflatable, around the foolish bang, any they let the kind of green and pink surface. In Spain. The lines in your face. I mean the common about the Bush, adjusting
should leave aside, whose Boucher going each other's somewhere near the Wit Sundays above livid travelling. That's quite a low incomes. It isn't there of the east coast on me, but there, like far out into the say, oversee cause, island and thus far, but they did that stay with them on a train train. I'm just see on the on the on the map page trade into the Bush, via the wit Sunday, the wit Sunday Ion yes in Queens land. That is a different Sidney, different stay. You can fly that the trains trains? No, it's not! It's not suggesting that anything mean the fly is two and a half hours. Also to about nine, although what train they express, not ass his net, the Bush
so somewhere near the Wit Sundays. A youngish backpacker entered that compartment, dodging the fur or your hell. I would venture sizzled Bela hungry for cop she's very friendly, isn't she liked? If it were? May I just keep my head down poem headphone yeah. I pretended to rebel cordially on my phone alive, but she's very open, anti Social Union chatter, I M very and socially or let the narrator. Oh yes said the spanish backpacker from the cost, it l son or whether went for the behind it. Because apparently does anyone region of Spain, as he called it, costs the dolphin because it also before the sun's Nathan's new, maybe that translating it for a better and Belinda right or left in Europe does a hope. Your packing me in your back. If you know what I mean Ekdahl Bela with a grin, neither is to forward,
by the same between totally ignoring their budgets being friendly wholesale Yeah backpack is an unpleasant and that he does I'm thinking about it, but it's not going to be particularly high. I am as do her responses with mirth seller probably actually means like some allow me she's, probably hungry, so he's right. I am see her. One has got a space when did you last shower Belinda? No fool of flies her after phrase. No fool of flies. No! No food of flies, her full of flies, no fool applies. A full of flies lies calmer, her little sure ass, Belinda, most suitable, stop saying it is mainly the palace novels of last visit
Seven are full of love. Does data go in Jim, Jim Fuzz? I'm sorry? Oh dear! Yes, that's what did you say once more than it does day that go in teams, in the form of two days ago, in Jim Jim fools contingent at all doesn't ring about. I presume that is the view. A beautiful picture, as water hole is being studied by these book. Shall look yeah look up here because we fall foul of rocky before Israel is an Earl, Jim Jim falls it neither Wit Sundays, it's in the middle of the top of Australia. It really couldn't be further away saying what he has backpacking, I'm not fucking you after two days ago, using GM foods. I've never heard of it. Where does he get these things? For guys? It's got good reviews the scaffold, six on Google, you know one of the reviews of yet what we will say. The campground and immunities wounded conditional well maintained
like others, one star review yeah, that's nor our speed, the road, it is pretty bad, there is no shaped facilities at the car parks have lunch. There isn't water going over the falls. That's why we're both The book access road, nobody, but you would these put the date. It's the twenty second of August, twenty eighteen o recently and it's a pretty or could walk in the water is called the plunge pool, while obviously go to my cook instead, which is a shorter DR shorter walk, all the water and is still a waterfall? nobody else, given five stars to go into great car park avenue so beautiful the best. What falling Kakadu SOAP does De Vigo Indians evolve clearly had some
to then oh yes, flow and then sigh breathed, Belinda she'd have many Dipson Jim Jim fools herself for us that doesn't really worked allowed Thomson bit too much relief. Isn't it obviously starting get it straight away? I oughta basically balanced way, is rocky being too clever, for I have it back at joint away. She smiled at her fellow european that first night in the youth Hostile was unkind, double she's, nearly thirty years old concern about how about a simple, so she's doing this on the business, but amicable way why war, I might add that this is where my god so umbrella, and we presume Francois Deploy will hold just backpacker at this point that Packer packages that spanish map the rule go into the ethos, though, together against the court have met here. They will. I owe you a further.
A villa, dangerous, less John Union need. How can you not uni students, though I ve been given the green about the range of your Hagen. Youth hostile have seen that there is follow me. I wouldn't do now, but it was fun, but when we were young element, not when you have people on sex and another bad what in the dawn so that first night in the youth Hostile was uncomfortable. Bela wasn't to a single bad ambiguities. Belinda was supposed to sleep on the top bunk Did you second James? This thing I mean of all the times to scrimp, putting on the backs after a day of sex in the out back Belinda had a place. That's the bit to poverty, focus on his way, in quite transport heavy far is obeyed, focus on the sex so after a day of sex in the back, Belinda had a plan after dinner, but before
drinks, she began dismantling all the bunk bed with her portable travel. Spanish people will be criminal, isn't it us abandon, is essentially what should serve as jobs. In spite of my day traveled, despite its beef, is a little dog. They travel them. Where, with? How are you getting that three customs I'll hold luggage I'll find something other than his purse, together with you, if you ve, got through to carry those something a bit duchies like you, ve got three unlike other countries like ten but light. If you got three with something where you like, probably should be able to have this on a plane, I once went through security with a cake folk. Ok. Why did you have a cake? That's how I was. I was really levy gas from your timing, a professional participatory. Shall you, because you're eating all the cake to be honest but no other ready means you. Yes, I mean. Why did you have a cake for though it was just there was in my bag? I think voice
What is the cake for a very, very long problems that quite a lethal piece, o k Did you insist upon a cake for he told them what I'd love to red Velvet Kate was because the UK is not to leave it to the stereo mommy. Another going on. The big trip forget to put my hateful about what a horrible people my cake for honest to God. I everytime you learn something that islands does it just me He questioned why we ve been friends so long, but you knew what he was a kid. This little Lord Fawn True love rapturous little dia. Failing you didn't work. He trotted no in the holding these Kate for real accordingly, my mother, oh mother, we couldn't believe us, you amaze me
After a day after day, sex in the back Belinda had a plan after dinner, but before drinks she began dismantling all the bunk bed with a portable travels banner. Quite the dad handed. Took about three and a half hours to finish the king after dinner before during this. Yes, when she was done, she had created one big bed of all the rectangular singles. I'd be few. What have you the first thing to think of doing so that everybody that shares the Dome House leave in the same boat as them. We animals. If you came by and you just thought you were having some cheap accommodation, then I would definitely come in my bed had been turned into one giant, bad, some fucking lunatic method. Within travels the little due respect, real structural intact.
See implicitly together but still furious, and she did in record time account for much better. She said she clapped her hands together. A job well done without interruption. What are you shebang? Bizarre may so monsieur saying that has got to level as all that which has taken over the boat beds of because Bogucharovo Secretive, Bobo owner. Yes, completely. Dismantle them everything before now, because I was thinking it's who level orgy, that's pretty impressive. Isn't a secular food now happen for the top level online, Oh no, more children below deck gray, the that night was an intoxicating orgy of fun and female. As with figures from various bars joining them from Peggy may to bridge it with a b but Brigitte whether they have also spoken. Rigid budget acacia quit
Since I was a kid hurry, Guy Quint's was this: oh man, gone. If he made that trying to fit with it. Did you write the chopped taking? Was I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do here? I was way four name, and why did I assume it would be an aim that exists is thus a fruit, obviously, but also that closing of him, not maybe the mental habits chapter. But all this is our spanish backpacker or assumed it was Quince was the sole met yet Solomon, so my fellow man Quince was the sole man and he enjoy having his spanish cherry foe, shared by the gate. Working holiday, visa holders, terrific treats eyes very like Dottie Spotty and yes like right leg, bits of fats and oils spicy retro, and he enjoyed having his spanish Teresa shed
the giddy working holiday visa holders. I know that we now have common until we found him doing that. I'm just a leading into it, now ratified. You know, he's gonna say that's how they say it's just. I gotTa Teresa corrects I'd sure it's a monkey hello, Vinos, Jap Helene? Oh, stop, Selina, Selina, fun name for my step. That causes sees a solid essays, a solid say that, honestly, I don't how they order food unrest repeated so quick having great time good good him and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now, vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one years, older and present a new jersey and peddling.
Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler the next day was hot to trot, so Quince suggested a day on the white son. What does this mean? to feel like a montage and we will go into the island's back- have been some sets in moving. You forgot the dismantling of abundance- oh yes, yes, it is Belinda had never had all out top to bottom sex at the beach before in the sea, yes, or no, if the Dover? Of course, I will say that this is not an animal, but this was the bit of geological between hard land and wet water, and she was rampant to try. It says: she's, never shocks on being a sex on the beach. She wriggled out of her bikini bottoms. She never wore a beach brown and from it
in the sun snugged see it. What does that mean Sunkist but light ready? I love my home town. Horrible, so they were frolicking in the sun. Snubbed see it was sparkling like your hands. To handling something glittery Christmas, I know just not feeling and, as you know, a picture painted with words Glenn. I just that failing MP, Ba KU on your home for new kid and pay off- oh I did he. I ate paints allotted also as an awesome army type thing. As men lovely, it was sparking like your hands after adding something glittery Christmas and was the warmth of fresh we freshly that it uses one hundred takes it really. Does that really does quince joined his floppy eleventh finger flapping as his skin
splash. I've never heard of you heard the eleventh. Why would it be? Why would it be part of the finger clam but also technically be? You know anything about job of its very thin? Not complementary is no. No, it wasn't really has a finger fingered egg figure, Dick, which fingers well little thing. I think we ve tried to remember to me when I was a kid. We had a family friend you'd like humiliated, by going little laugh, which you, how quickly this little thing on your way to buy my little thing didn't cause how little thing strange boy? I've ever been left by low finger. It's the most humiliating with your grand man. He was a groan, is much its friend lots. Other ways of joy lose my got round and then, like myself,
to join in such a course of virtue, but one that Africa sitting around about some little thing. A laugh at you Let's see if he's no reactor, Jamie We also have to walk away like that, like the little finger is like belly laughing. Oh my god, that's awful! Really creepy and sinister lead the thing tat. You re a strange voice that that's the voice, you two feet and being a laugh at you. Friends with this gentleman is in your life. No, no anymore. I don't never forget it actually ready ready, bothered me Scott Pavlovian Avenger when like when you guys did it then I think deep, deep shame was weird about. It is and is not the little finger laughs at the congregation of the phrases. Visa little finger, laugh at you laugh at you with the terrible grandma woods it would. This be worth indexing
You know it's a little late. What have you got to be so? happy about leaving they look. I think tat in your life is not even at that, but little with his lovely mama, kids and I can invest so quince joined his floppy eleven finger flapping as he skipped and splashed, but Bela Wooden tend to the ocean was very sensible and sky of shocks. Jellyfish, Manta rays and eels will to be fair in Australia, good to be cautious a lot of crazy stuff and not say was no way she was going to die at sea, come on Baby Bela Lit. Think about it. If I was at the global, We Bela, shouted Belinda from the depths. Does thing here to eat you, apart from me and quince, I mean I know, she's a skilful lover, but going down
but in the say, that's hard fast track. Thus, as salty salty masses snorkel enjoy your death soup You said it always that's better yelled back promising a buns as far as the sea was throwing water at each other got repetitive quickly and with the tears Belinda Quince returned to land. The beached banner ads CHE, though, like a traitor that you can only but both so long. You able sand so longer only either splashing. I mean five minutes, but I've minutes Belinda was in the mood for a good old licking out and quince was one of them, She opened her perfectly the same length legs and allow the man to sit from her water hole of wonder out? But, above all, I think this separation is misleading mothers Buffalo
The giraffe wise, a water, its whole life, as they say, it's kind of suggesting, like a kind of thirst. Cyprus is massive filler. What the fire and Duval whether, however, the conference users we go into, this is copy and paste it? How did tat, maybe I'll book as this could mean anything quince sniffed in her pussy, perfume with pleasure, odor pussy before getting to work? Bela had positioned herself, underneath the spanish send you the cash was more in the mood for bulls today await sorry, sorry explained the geography for me, so I think Belinda's, probably on her back. An quince is on a lot, is lesion her out and then the others underneath him balls, A kind of same position is Belinda, but shuffle down younger, so yeah sure through the bones and groans of Berlin during pleasure, Bela began thing.
About how maligned bullocks had been on this earth, a merchant being forgotten, left test the world hardly knew you yet there be no world without you what these needs What the fuck is this? I am sorry that, because sperm is what you need, you need testicles to reproduce a union My meaning, I feel like he's, lost their employees. So often mused on intellectual thought such as that? Yes, she's such a smart girl, but not on beach days? What's his name, weirdly melancholy for discussion of balls about one year and one out moment of light profundity That is where he caught his spend. Some time starts like musing about the world in between quinces legs
I mean he sees the world to different eyes. Anna is magical. This is the world through different balls. His eyes are much maligned. No quince Two fertile orbs in their skin sack home were hanging men without offending, so Bela started to tee back. Oh wow. Ok with us fear that, he's out about the right to tee bags of the girl. I don't do people even say teabag Betty and in those areas in the movie you go, would you just do a bit of light teabag? Yet no, you would borders a pop up. Both mouth can levies. Nothing between many of you have rightly vying and budget bother about. Finally, it was time for penetration finally and quince slipped into.
Linda's privately maintained road like an expert, parallel Parker, the mind boggles as to whether he has a list and then, when it comes to me, to write about. Does he crossed the office he locked the private yeah, exactly where we, though, is the list for a long time area as well? It's when he's got. You know, like the conveyor belt at the track out under the other, that having a shop in whatever you whether this got so, but it is privately maintained. Road like an expert parallel park in and around and out and in again flushed the sides and gorgeous to the feel you can't parallel park happiness and if a China, no, you absolutely call you parking parallel to. How are you doing to solve diagonal out motion the own issue was that sand was everywhere and the wind bright kept blowing over going away. Even on a private beach, I mean
mean officially private, but is it a deal of I'm sure, there's people everywhere I have done without other is, but it's a saturday the beaches around quince had to intermittently reverse out the languid Ladys straight in the towel. To I don't care care about the terrible care about Winberg everything you would either. If you were in that position, and I think you ve been Ike o loving that sovereignty Ok, I'm supping up from this waterhole got the towns will escape. Is three bodies room? filling all over the place. No matter the sex was as powerful as the sun's rays. Sizzling, then you'd, miss like a good old fashioned, Ozzy Bobby Bela, Belinda
every You are gone very well. There was a hot, riddled barbecue right, these barbaric Habibi, he wriggled what griddle noticed middle diameter, riddled with hot vigilance, riddled with eat. Now that was a hot riddle, bbq, alright, just then how now Jeez L, still looking through the thin all happened in agreeing to be sure the graver. Just then Quince seem to get upset same day. Thirty, he mumbled its key quince.
Belinda Kind baby boy, don't worry premature coming is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, a recent study found that between one out of three men have experienced this problem at one time or another. Oh my god. What a kick in the fact that after school, you could try taking a break from at beauties and think about something ugly Bela proffered we come now to lie rubbing her clitoral skin tag. Ah, ah, My life skin tag all just take a deep breath when you feel it happening added, Belinda attempt in our work. This is again and at a new A point, tat kind of make a point about journeys she suffered by man. No, he bought veto when he's not teaching about business. Is this other take out from these books year and its men? Sexual health?
sure I guess I ll just give you using it as intended to get Iraq's off and of the sea to get business daughters, animals and set the phrase that might slightly throw you might be something you don't really want to be thinking about. Other, though Stanley time he's done that I've known him for very long, it might each my Scott verdicts It might not be a chronic problem. Although it does look upset sorry ever so advised that getting him. So, Baroness Ashton, think of the ugly and says, just take a deep breath and then better comes back with something else. Did you come quickly the Tina you to avoid being caught Wang King, it might be hot bright. The habit said Bella now turning into a bag of spot pops which two feet crisps, she still between his legs Ramadan while the coat pop ups, the public's whole potatoes baked potatoes.
There's no definition for how long straightforward set should last Belinda rounded up the path towards this. Is it still occasion when I arrive, we gather everyone's really chill about everything, Oh hospital, by the way is still trying good God, so she sat and there's no definition, but how long straightforward set should last No, you with women, Quince, replied, standing tool and five for the oh, no, oh god, he's, gonna pay is a pillar mask often he's just sell underneath just then the beach was flooded with black cops without They are there you're, so quick to supplant the terrified Linda and Bela screamed for
they did so. The story is, though, the special black hops with rifles and modern. Looking bayonets drawn back the terrified Berlin better screamed for mercy as a helicopter descent did from this law now landed in front of them spread. Sand all over their naked full five? What's the charge, I imagine is controlled budget, though boy cop wasn't me just the I bet he's got ready, you go about as police fucking force. Bela cried Gerda was anxiously in the pop spoke, the selection of those regions. But Belinda knew the answers and all a worldly fears were proved right when George, so
best out of their davanzati designed advocates doubt that already in special ups Hosni, engage the black hops too, but you don't couldn't contest engaged, as I thought like the other, even though a black opposite, maybe they're, like retired Blackhawks, with my old ass. It is all too self same blacker than I think, even if you were worn or you especially so whatever I don't think you can just be like guys, content favour canny can eighty zero, be that, as it has done a lot of each having sex. I don't think you can do that. We do not much money. You have got their got millions in the bank, they haven't. You have the money. I want trumped quince, a pet quinces and even his real name. That was the first words like my god. Tat quince sneered George: is he slipped five bucks into the?
spend that's that's all. I got all this person, five go biceps a pick and mix Berlin Dead, Blumenthal. Thou readily as I live. Three than limb is self aware. Nothing I am that is naked at this point, like you miserable eating spot screeched banner. Even more annoying when she's distracted by the way did I know to defend the wedding yeah. I guess ballots does know that his evil, because she just thinks he's told his brother. So what does she think he's there to save them from
black or to with the handling of, though she's no older George, the vessel, like a man possessed by an evil, Tommy Cooper wow. What look try the opposition We changed he's not gonna get. I gotta be spelt out. I've got nothing against you personally, George, but you're a bastard Belinda uttered just as a beautiful belong woman, tat suit leather makes in a cat suit lover, exited job cuts, in other words, but blood.
And a cat suit lever exited the chopper. Oh, I go dsl sneered at her former colleagues in Glee team members. Let us look what the policy dragged in Belinda spat. Forget, save your breath to warm your hands in the cell, you'll soon call home Blumenthal! Oh good. Somehow it is really quite aspiring that tat. He's then shouted George and the many upon many black up, goons descended on the girl, Simon goons, in the many gains and sees them, and we presume titans might kill them Belinda blinked, and that is the end of the chapter. I mean it:
it argues that highly fucking shit about it is the first report, James you getting very agitated. Will you write he did, but then I wonder if he was writing any cycle shit. The plot and things like besides it loads, I look up, does obscene, because why did he like he had the set up at the beginning of the church? two like jazz album. Guy knows. Let me just took us entirely out of that played out this frankly point listen in sense of security? That change is a classic literary divide and those equally, as well as the zeal of Australia experienced field, I have to check something after check. What black cops are exactly yes, as even took our roller coaster of a few days started. They turn to do
their lives. But now I'm good at sorry totally, listen to you, but also lack hops. There are covered or clandestine operation by government agency, a military union or a pyramid. Reorganization Aiken include activities by private companies or grebes, keep reaches of a black operation, other secret and not attributable to the organization carrying town Also they could feasibly employ Blackhawks. That could be suspicious people when it says here such operations are known to have been carried out by the F B. I see I am I sex. Am I got a Bishop Ursula ambitious fog said other in captivity. What will happen to dropped us to go? It's alter playful everybody's game. Case I'll come back next week and, in the meantime, get in Touch Madeira, Porno, gmail dot com for longer theories. Twitter divert upon I instagram. If you like, the pictures at my dad writer on Facebook and also don't forget
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.