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S5E3 - 'The Safe House'

2019-09-23 | 🔗

Belinda gets reacquainted with some of her fellow C.O.C.Ks at the new safe house. Herr Bisch has plans for Professor Slinz.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem call one hundred gambler following podcast contain apple themes, sexual content and strong language, basically all the good stuff hello and welcome to my downwards porno, I'm here with James Cooper Amis Levy, and I'm Jamie Morton full names with smiles
I was good, I always introduce you never introduce myself. So we waiting for us to introduce no, no, not at all, and how did it was. I think if they don't know who we are by now more than ever come to this episode really quite of contacts. That's fair, oh cut, who today guess who is emerging this morning was a judge render it was a genuine, the other. He does go to my Jim when these very good he sight he hits it hard for international business judgment is our judge. Judy, I mean that's giving way more credit deserves. But, yes, hey, I'm seamen. The gym can be most humbly. Ask that finance council at twenty guess ass. I am Malefico male. My daddy does me up hurry styles, nor is Marguerite what nobody in one direction for we want action was not today but husband before on the treadmill mixed me. They're always am. Is he in fine fatter? He seemed a bit tired.
Actually I was. I was better than him exclusive gloomy things. You there's nothing at all. However, you can you, can we be cuts? Mushroom, I think, shot of Aarhus Nugent. How does a very discreet James end that they may designs not worth the paper. It is written on this very serious about it anyway. Moving is very fancy very expensive, Jim. No, nor even In summary, we support quite whilst has been that just kinds has been that from comedy from off of comedy seen in You know me spoken about? Do you think how we styles has gone home to night and the knight who never guess you know that guy off that puts us, I listened everyone's men didn't really get on with it have never come back to that was my day, householders. I went for a swim in the pond. So anyone famous swimming next door, neighbours coil of parties at the pool that go to
but even a highly strike up a conversation if Thou, yes, and also to underline someone. When you light in: U S engine, you have a good way to break. The livestock. Has United does Billy simply by the classic fat phrase. See before you like a child of waiver. But when they got trying you are you just seeing you look fine, I look. Fine, no, neither where we really can look on either, the water, not I'm saying I'm being a curve and having look under the boots. I always think if somebody's behind me swimming they'll get in quite the view all night, while they think they are viewed as what you could Gummy lugged when you swim, my form is near perfect is good, is good reason together in Europe, but you ve, quit forceful in the water rights. Strength comes from a Lhasa. You do presented by a wide area, very, very wide of leg. In there
restaurant restaurant exactly yeah, can you teach me his army shit, swimmingly Alatri went swimming with Jamie once and fainted in the swimming Who was that remain after to lapse? You didn't act, So they laid me out in these women funds. Research, embarrassing is very much in the swim, shorts and people just tapping over me, like a sickly, victorian. Lady did you have a waiter yourself to me if you live so light hearted and then the next thing I knew was by the reception, big ignoble of what will be It's been kicked as they went through the textiles so where, where we with the whole book thing, oh yeah, bookstore thing or actually here to do yeah palace align us alive- Michel limit massive mail Adam. Hopefully she's just going to rejoin call. Can it still going to be fun could really go into those today. If a com au, either or mainly them a massive mail, a co
If, colleagues to get it right, she's strings also, but now I should like at this point because we can kind of predict whether book would start as public and to start with the bomb aftermath of inside your show. Now, I'm doesn't even though the Chuck title zone I wasn't gonna, go now coming in a flip between as an enemy between the Cox and Germany. Are they gonna me up again at what point some interesting if darkened threat that, as you said before, if you can really kind of Mary to narratives as one does my impressive, not sure if you, neither or even attempt in parallel balls in the air. Isn't any he's. No juggler breeders, let's bulls! Okay, so should we Sri to hover was tat, something oh yeah, I'll just say. Ok, I may interpret Belinda blinked five chap
The three the safe House, the safe House, where the ancient the old man alive, allow, whether master of the keys lets us picturing, doubly the house or some light is falling to the door and because I believe that the application is here yeah, I got it later. Jack he's meant be recently retire, but he sounds like so much like he's a hundred lucidly because Bluebeard Sixty life and five six that voluntary redundancy, so we could be thirty five. This is true of the safe house. I'm excited for this very nice Shell shoved good, to see you again, Zaza gives us in zune indefinite added value as a parent working to restart the better?
red eyes, implying zoo and visit your thinned judge. You judge his eyes, as in that decision green light when you gonna give it over George, oh George, actual penetrated instead gins easy, it's not facing under Signal George stammered, in the dominating presence of the minutes. East Berliner Mute, oh yeah, really times smaller, isn't it. You came out from behind a desk one day. Didn't have had came up to that at the mode George stammered, in the dominating presence of the Minute EAST Berliner yea. Yes, naturally the glass Then his nervous is that it's like Yea S hand over the be all that, indeed, is my speciality good!
It's not how penetrating you can develop v at that had been waved them with a dismissive hand to follow him to earth. If I go, I follow me go I finally dismissive onto follow him. It was like a fuck off this way. Wage them would they dismissive hand to follow him to where he had incarcerated. Professor Slim, in the long lost dungeons of EAST Berlin is Gazelle there. I think so he's waving at both of them. I watched being quiet voice very mysterious. Now, isn't it in the long stunned genes of allow lemming cachet, my back into history and Nino them the longest dungeon as Javier Solana Famous
very long lost for a long time have been found. Is anybody else? Picturing him behind medieval style, bars, yea, just locked in a room with a somewhat ironic, lock on it or he's very much in a bit of fifty Cobwebby Sire Lycaena Latin when he gets put in the dungeons in Latin. Whither. He was so rusty. Shackles, exactly Belinda was lost during the global and she mused being given the address of the extremely secure and pretty well hidden safehouse, but she hadn't, memorialize, the finer details like postcode or street name tat you found out, she The Google maps and get you that's right, I mean also Essay- house isn't hidden, it's not like it's camouflage. It's just a house that people don't know you're using for that purpose, so Belinda was lost aimlessly tottering around the world of London ass. She was
getting scared. Just then, the power of speech hits across the Kabul Street. I fell in this way, uncle is well. Oh, oh, my aren t, you say yes very good at all to she. Should she say it back then it s. Of course, the eight handsome house master of the keys, made a curt downward motion of the cranium, while setting Oh yeah, he's anciently, isn't hey so he's he's he's not a young retiree, but no, he is he he's described as old, but he is hello, retirement age obviously gave his voluntary redundancy year than wiser S. Voice she'll be mortgage ever more spry. I believe that's why you my uncle is what was out of the way describing and nodded the had occurred, downward motion of the cranium
let's go around. The house is much like the a relief. Heaved Belinda, sank to her knees and began servicing the House master of the keys with a twisting action new to him and his even so we in the street on those coupled streets spook. If there's one way to draw attention to the safe house, outside of its principal another business river, sort, the world of London speaking of Safe house up and put with each aims higher and maybe not the time for what I told you know. I just shows that look about in our very kindly let you stay here for this debate a little bit being about four nights. I was between houses yeah. I knew you kindly put me up. Fed me. Yes, very well, having a wife, the best do we and do what you could have had she coach enough sense. A moment we like honey, I'm home and and dinner, will be on the table and even touch.
DR it. So why am I receiving post for you? So why my receiving May for you, this addressed you re, If, though, your mail here that these data for four nights- that's that's a long weekend, hours long story but to register my driver, I say why do you envisage even ass every time you Wednesday, with somebody. Do you make your address and ever I actually think I'm still registered here, because I need to get my new driving licence to go proof of addressing saliva sawing off? So if you to keep it for me, The great under amber, amend this wasn't part of the planet. The deal. Sorry about that. I can keep it for price. Most winking at one blow me kisses civilian, the site to her knees and began servicing the House master of the keys, the twisting action new to him and his penis, but not to the international sales. Director of our story,
story, so she's using a method that he's not privy to usually but she's he's before here. Is she just kneeling for composition, Franjo, but like that Dixon had she's low with a twist is confusing me. Georgia's mobile amiss? moving around so that Germany does. Egypt We have to do that. Yes, I believe how refugees what list does not yet, I think in this style somewhere Georgia's, while I met its plaintive beep as he and Jizo followed, had been down the roughly hewn corridor to professor slits is wretched. New lodging What we describe as net is down long decrepit corridor fire torture, in the war, one hundred percent, maybe a cloaked dormann as it was long and spacious, but also quite cramp, spacious and
spaces in the long term, from the width direction. I've tried to read some flatly measured, but, to be honest, though, that's what I expect from a corridor if you didn't have much distance to but it was. What really really big arm spanner be disappointed what George This is serious chisel, his wife, his bones, beeping yeah she's, he replied, it's only body Tony. Ah, I afterwards, We'll get suspicious, so useful, beeps beep based on as a plaintive beat. What ringtone does rocky have on his fine does even uses doesn't have a phone as they have a shared fund but moment at its mama's boy. If you need dad he's get him on the elevators, the foam privilege.
Would you trust him with now that I've to Georgia's bones gone off? What the fuck George, this is serious. She's out hissed chisel replied it's only body Tony. I have to answer a rogue. Suspicious. I question the truth in that because plan. If people miss calls, you dont immediately think my brother's backstop invested in these working with habits, sheer that bring down the company hey. It's gonna raised more alarm bells. If you answer in a dungeon deep in Berlin and you behind what I wouldn't uses of ECHO's cave housing signal. Therefore a star gazelle. Ass they nodded her eyelids fancy nodded her right. That's his new way same blink wisely, avoiding as even some deal. That means you re gazelle fist nodded her eyelids. Aha Tony George answered, so I presume Tony should have a mind tax and take long lost brother rights lost about s day.
You did say about you that at one that you thought tone you be a bit. Northern tie aid, so I'm just a lot of shit did not agree to that Tony George, answered: what's up brow, I naturally thought of you like you, I'm what's up Oh hi, little brother, you sound as if you were in a cave. You sound like you were the love of dungeons of EAST Pa. Holding again and physical condition. I I thought they haven't spoken in years, accede arrogant a holiday also it says hello, you don't usually go Some of you have already said is high. You will you not pot we again and your physical condition. I I way Tony. I wish her got. They dont grapevine releases, acting totally natural so as to throw off the sun. Sorry
just checking in things a bit of an explosive at work too soon and inappropriate for, and we might have some daddy died of things, a baby explosive at work, and we might have some professional work for you. Ah, how you fix for a work meet next week for work. Where it safely say worth three times and bonds him something very suspicious is going on. Well, tell me some work for sounds good, we offer says I M Monday morning, Chow Child said George chased after designed and feeling very devious indeed. Well, I think you should a foul devious before now yeah, but now he's gonna basically be working for Bush and the cock he's double agent doubly devious if you're not double.
Even if we do not always gonna, be viewed as a double penetration as a classic double penetration, inaudible penetration to it at once. Ass. You can imagine this alignment before. What's a well my pop anymore, My flow from, though I thought it was like in the same hole at once, right? Ok, fine is fine in that case cheese or for so that you could like part, one in the mouth is, while I guess triple careful note, this triple would betray the wants is the is that such a thing so if you got one in one and one in the mouth, ass a spit race to resume its, let your pic on a spit. So what do you call then turn it on one? The mouth to my mom, the hand is worth two in a copy of the Methodist observe a name too
but one in the mouths of probably I am aware of it what about, because obviously girls have one at the front among them. Yet one in front warning that I'm one in the mail. It's a law is a lot to handle. That's a couple, of course, something that we can follow up in pirate. Much did you know that before, though, if you learn something tonight, I didn't. I think I didn't think about popping too in the bath. The amendments in the vote today is about although penetration while a whole. I just said in any hope that two dicks manhole as a whole Whoever does not go well. Quite the icy sorry when I guess You can put you in the mouth, can't you, but that's is that Stockholm double penetration and what you have said. Could you knew the mouth to in about two in the Bush, as many as possible of fools issue. What have you been googling know that must be a fake.
Oh sure everything is a propaganda. Really with bottom with, let all in one place one big, a woman's. Can we just drastic? It's more like you know, in the seventies when they have those pioneer Poland, cheese, luxuries, yeah, what they call those principles of Jesus like a cheesy had shown towards a cheap. Sixty six it wants is cheesy Hurchel. We ve known we ve known how It is heartening that needs a name I mean, maybe I'm leaving the ones which will be up to the law and order. So George Chase after Gazelle and bitch feeling very devious. Indeed, no one had twigged his recent activities and he just been hand plotted the perfect. Way to frame somebody else even hand, hand platter. I did mean sorry what is hurried back and given that on a plate, I think, is what you mean
You got plotted right always what you'd serve its easy. Headshot peaches been hanged plotted some cheesy had out the perfect way to braves that what else Someone he wanted revenge on four years. Why is the history that light? What has happened? We need to know Rocky put it in Belinda ended up, ok about with clinical, yet Belinda. The billiard room of the safety net, just as safety says, there's a metaphor now, the to enter the billiard room with a safety net. Just as Tony was hanging up the telephone call its costs the rooms, telethon cod, wise everything, so ye all day, I do have a safe house right then, nor generally georgian town houses, Georgia, flax somewhere? That unregistered? Do you, The guy
I will let you do that without that it yeah, who we witnessed with this guy who's basic likes that are used to being a spy or adding didn't? He was a getaway driver. Wasn't me there was a yellow inefficient while, yet, when I voted for the government- and he said that you would be surprised how many safehouse, as there are in cities everywhere, litter It's a bit you'd be surprised if somebody is not giving a ham job outside them, because otherwise, as another was glad of the age old, tell us that the plastic back out of a window was not one in seven back in the day under in his own earth telephone wireless signs, for while you can do a drug tat here, was that plum people have outside the home does that mean I was having a lot pompous glass from swingers linger. We think all afraid, your life, you buy a house and it's got pompous pass in the front garden. They want you not
and now I am learning that day. What do you think you're running that we can people acting now am I could say I am not going to happen to those located in about about how different the backdoor. Only please help me get something that's easy. Horseradish surveys, it she's evolved. No tv sets out teasing only a definition, there must be more modern ways. These days of sorting. Now, I'm not in the map is glad to leave a candle in the window after midnight. I guess pompous glass is quite a commitment, so there are few wants me and I really want concerning its next month. So that and absurd and delight old Swingers give cuttings tonight. Swing eyes, tat richly so the sea, the little around the town, so Belinda entered the.
We agree with the safety net. Justice Tony was hanging up the telephone call I Tony who was then she asked as she port is of a very long, sharp knife That's my long lost brother. You know I thought he could help with operation. He was did oh good plan. Tony yes, yes tell more people outside of this close network. Dial odour of good websites. Otherwise it's just ox. Yes, she said she down her beverage. Tony's fingers were by now spreading maids bottom cheeks with bunking intent, village, silly Belinda March right The happiest couple in town and said
people in town. I just got together and they soon technically marriages and possibly in mourning, for you know the betrayal so totally be able to go back Does it I'll call? His is a heap. Keep an eye on her no ones to be trusted. Now, keeping on that may submit a demarche right up to the happiest couple in town and said: well, you can buy the way to the glee, making the waves of the lady. What did we welcome was since, when she d for replacement Fidel we're dead, in any event, shit need never good. I thought maybe some Sullivan creation. No one doesn't just wandering the gleam in July, and I didn't weighty fell at made. Was that close to blend another obstacle, a strange relationship weapon? She doesn't like Junior May, but that was Bela so late in the day a maze into an explosive smile. Only a red had could produce one of these, so maybe happy and totally- and I spoke
you're, taking over gazelles accounts, no more budgeting meetings and answering Skype for you shot out a Skype tat? You must be appreciated and about let your down and tank, you too, MR big Cheese, maintain chin and which has a science. I can't do this to the next and the message in the name of MRS Browns boys. So that's what you get Please, and thank you to MR big cheese. Belinda was a woman who had a fifth sense for knowing other people's pilgrimages at the heart what a useless sense. Somebody of that with the site and peering. Is it something told Her Tony was into this new key account manager from the Emerald Isle. Yes, he's parting. Have I'm cheeks. That's may is a declaration of up.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user older and present a new jersey and penalties sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply. Gambling problem called one eight hundred gambler. You know. Tony. The best way to deal with marital grief is to have read Chile, sex, hot hot hot, not thought what is he doing? like not saying words and replacing them with Red Chile, Sex Belinda, said ass. She slipped out of has thread. The machine was able nylon. Gazelles
betrayal of a husband of a few weeks was heart for him, but obviously No one told is cock because it fully did with blood. Aim as rigid as an ism barred kingdom brew now, listen to sell, Finally, a metaphor: I understand, walk a war, a war and is in bad. Kingdom brew now Lintel he made bridges. What's that mean just Richard rigid, structurally sound rigid, buttress, tough, tough debates, the two female colleagues with old as they began inserting Tony's sizeable extremity into their policies. At a time I thought was going, yeah. I do I was a lousy fiddle nor about eleven, but you just caressing an opening.
Lovely, wonderful, Amsterdam, nice to meet you better able, vs, Belinda, move, move mucky wanna, try the hump a skunk may thus them a dreadful thing with eyes the hump and scan the pump and scorn second involved drugs. What dark magic was this Tony thought aloud? Wait. Skunks skunks bombs like all die. That's what I would say that the most famous thing about a skunk goods a great deal of thought. What dark magic was this Toby thought allowed maize laughed heavily tony sexual ineptitude? It simple her teeth, tinted you humph one of us, while the other is eating while evenings
sk supper you up with its appeal that is easy to make eating it's illegal war. We please lots the skunk you one of us, while eating the others ass, hold until full, What mean right? Do you know about the hump scope can verify us even relay aside. That is definitely rail. The hamptons come no, not a humping skunk, but we're not filling itself into a full but fucking one of them, while you any other ones, ass, other Davis, time again so much What happened at the same time, efficiency he's quitted his own thing. There is no even on urban dictionary. The husbands Gung HO rookies grades are being pursued,
it's because you'd never sites that what you want to do that put the skull. Colleagues. What would you be in any way, as I was the humble discussed in my first question? You can be, it can be there, so you hump one of us while eating the others asshole until full the full thing, but all thing thinking is law because precisely never housing filling out of it. You don't move to dump. It's gotta, be shaken back It was true that Tony was yet to visit Kilkenny, but he was always he to indulge in local customs when invited it's not. Operates
if you are from Kilkenny. We are deeply sorry if you often Kilkenny confirm or deny that on. The record is on urban dictionary door. I e the dirtiest of all if they ever dictionaries that enough sure he gushed the hump skunk, it is who's who, is that where lay the telepathy between the females of the species ended in confusion, why, after often it does being a thing in all they both jumped on the M d pushing bums into his doubled face. Who would you want to be the scum cast, a there is an old levels, but as a double husbands going There is no visa waiver That was good. Who would you want me to be the skunk identified? What Belinda you? I don't know anything about, maybe lung,
I would hate to say on record: I don't know anything about it. I don't know anything about a severe noticing they both hopped onto his cook when that didn't work policies just left. Try the bombs and drag busy ban wages, miss big you take the tongue. You out rang me after all, take the tongue, the scope, the skunk socio. We risk Was it you come mix up. We presume you know we stay in the rolls. Those who says what partly from the duchess don't fell upon the first skunk Belinda didn't need telling a tool, they gleefully straddled Tony's head and spread her milky cheeks wide and tore out packing
your job is a monster that isn't it it's about a gets, a guy's peaceful! eleven shakily straddle Tony's ad and spread have milky chief wide at all. I can't even I usually on I want you to think of it. I can now go out his tongue and two through the ring, flash rim, I'm stuck on its way DE snuggled snuggled, wiser
things so cute see old flesh rim, sticky Tom Street. He probably can spare the tight squeeze Jane area we need to. The thing is in himself into a corner, he has to describe the Congo and really I do that's why in their life? it's not seen intimate dumber when he gets his tongue stuck on an icy Poland. Are you I think it can retracted on the other hand, was going mad up front amaze lie to you, guys are stolen, may show. He's gonna hoeing like a ploughman like appointments, I could say that way. It's like a cloud then reply, woman, a figure in the field of law person firework thanking eyes. She was heaving and humming like a ploughman and she was a hammer.
Oh god, what she gonna be humming, what tune issue, to be home, made up of a given the two. Was a layer of my guards, but her musicality was self evident, enjoy more than You can do other so Belinda was seeing her boss in a whole new universe sheet, of course, fucked his brains out before, but not many people and cook distribution had their line manager tasting their cavity. Oh, my God, Well, why she sank, half a tea. Now? Why is it so clinical? Allow all ways cavity doesn't feel clean as a word, but you have a cavity in your teeth: ass, a bad. They please it's like not good, an odious whole yeah.
That you wouldn't want to venture at night? They sounds weighty naive, but this is gonna bit pony inside the problem with this is it could happen? it's kind of, could happen been worse. So bunkers, and this is just a really in depth descriptions of stuff that could actually, I don't think, he's gay, but I think he's ones. I think he's watch staff from porn hope. Oh my god, hissing upon her can step as it were, on the business sector it's been so Belinda, seeing her boss in a whole new universe sheet, of course, fucked his brains out before, but not many people in question. You should have their line manager tasting their rectal cavity, but this was what made steals such
wholesome family. The little people love about deal. They know each other intimately and inside the little touches she threw. Tony was a happy boy this a safe house and never had he felt safe for that inside made squishy pouch of bliss squishy pouch of bless, cuddies, ready, Crockett about dna squishy brownish knowledge of his that's? No five shows what you pigs with colleagues. Low Belinda gets wet to cover the discussion about. You blew our whole, heartily offended if somebody described yours is especially Portugal is not actually the trembles of makes clear. Pulverizing has shine nature and it wasn't it
that long, maybe three three and a quarter minutes before He was coming all over Tony's magnum of men, phase Amazon COM them all in much like a cheesy had child. This number Boeing's metaphors and an ever higher haughtily sex. I feel desensitize to them off. I've stopped react because I can't even of what was at last one, so she was coming all over Tony's Magnum of Memphis. Does anybody else Picture Magnum ICE cream with popping candy? That's all am I like the fizzy like with the sole by attacking sorbet. Did he get like I believe the sawhorse around this time to get access to the internet like once again at the man ass, he may be always passed. His name is always a tooth drinking Magnum Opus, Memphis
man phase? We obviously to call him in a really good mood. You gonna go nuts. This definition of showing off in front makes his name is the rhetoric I hadn't gone to. Tell you. I've got another got another. This is him on party made. This is when we see how scope excited so, she was coming all over Tony's Magnum of men phase, but, unlike the look of it now A lot of seamen, dribbled bow wow! That's not radium right! It's about the bulls! Not that not the shaft is a small balls. Not much come people's drown, poor man, the thought he must be so sad about a sham marriage, Tony, I thought they were saying he was up, so you find Zeus's rigid as a ten points for, can I just say blight:
thing I do know is the amount of come you generate is not based on your mood. It's not like a mood ring. There must be sad allowance if you like Raby, happy tone slapped Belinda's bomb with his tongue before she didn't hit but over the both to the kitchen and a serving of Turkey White loaf, with a sprinkling of salt and lashings of yellowing english hot source, must it tech sandwich. Hanky panky loves this straight off. Oh, oh, we're back to the beginning, the beginning, at all, oh god, what water horrible feeling went back tackled which depend on entity do as sat outside Tony's office notice. Anything
the sign of how did I all of the past four years, this flask of my eyes since I was in a fairly bad way, Bitch had made sure he'd been tethered to the rock face with rusty chain, a no water, not to mention Turkey and vote anyway. The two key essentials of life and ass. We sat broke face. It's not worth it everything we know about all the professor looked up in fright his job. Which Sylvester shown the bright key ring lamp on him. He rang like I have no idea ache, even cheesy, Gabriel and Julia bitch snarled the table they can cut things. Often I have better seem to be doing in east belly.
Then watching this relation of sophists scream is turns out the boxer negligence, fishing fleets, crust speller S Why are you fucking? My in Germany is he's gay and character as our I t, how did you get that from? How is it that I GS to yours does not much any documents, but no results literally, no results, not a word. So I guess what I swear world. Guys, like I thought, Meda cursing amazing sets, and now I can't even be asked to fight in drawing up the least usually does look here. It sounds Germans, mother, let me not Jamie's boys, but yeah doesn't look. Roman I've better seems to be doing in east buried and in Working reaching sneak scream his brains out. That's the idea is that that they develop
that had been made his way slowly up the staircase or like choppy. George to do that. Dirty work eighty worry there's gonna be some horrible torture or like choppy something or other. I dunno fills a just fails to dark, but it's also cheap if they haven't got the blueprints and all excise chop, his head out of a meeting of the employees. Are they going to do a light jumping off intended to them in the post kind of thing? I don't think that's that sort of author, but if that's what they do inspire things. You heard what we just listen to me so, He slowly made his way up the staircase, leaving Gazelle and George to do that dirty work, and that is the end of the chapter
So if you don't think that it's gonna be something as violent and often is atrocious, ass in a shop in some bits of citizens lives off Linz. What you think is gonna may tickle him to death to that particular with some pompous graphic. I think it's gonna be A good fun isn't even ask any advance, have good fun like sleet within yeah. I think many of us. I think they can given such intense pleasure, there is almost like rattled yeah, yeah he's gonna serenity tells us now. You said that that does sound right, but I'm worried both so on the same pages him. If that does not have its own. Using that he'll just spill. The beans unskilled beans spoke his beans Sawyer, but how big is bulls haven't been spilled for evil
you don't know about that. We depends on his mood. I don't know how much you expel if you're worried very scared triple so do come back next week because we found I was happy to poor professor since more about him worried. I'm not that word suddenly care about him. He said no characterisation. I don't really know whose Lindsey limit it would it be sad omitted of our guy, but in the meantime, get in touch on twitter downward supporter were on Instagram motivator. If you ve got any inside Inter be it the humble skunk beer bull size, any of the big issues raised on today's programme, as might have rapporteur, you're serious. We should like it if you ve been affected by an after school. Especial, isn't it and don't forget we'll go onto next year as well, to get your things, go all over the world. Just go to my dad's porno doc. Come forward. Slashed, live all the dates and details. Well, that's one completed guys. Jonah crack opened the magnum of mankind.
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.