« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S5E7 - 'A Gentleman Woof'

2019-10-21 | 🔗
Belinda (Smiffy) and Spooner (Mr Tea) meet Herr Bisch for a banquet in his schloss. Will they finally stop him, once and for all? // Come see us on our 2020 World Tour! Tickets available via mydadwroteaporno.com/live

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following: podcast contains adult themes, sexual content and strong language. Basically, all the good stuff had oh and I come to my dad right, support of Alice and James. How are we doing can celebrate saw actually somewhat too. I am. I went for dumps classes Excuse me I'll, tell you. It's cold. It's called learn, tat work. With the elderly, learnt its work, but you have no ass, famously, ok will this is my wish. She hasn't ass. You just two. I'd. Ask that when we were made redundant to learn to tool, I didn't know that, It is called my friend, you said you wanna go to adopt class, so
sports appetizer amen. I arrived on everybody's wearing gray outfits, but pretty skimpy mine dressed like him in bandit, like Becum, Hudson Photoshop under thirty two, basically peak the first alarm Bell rang with Lady said, or everyone your sexy bitch God, I'm not really got my heart going off. Oh no Then they create circled the circle of trust, no I'm afraid so and in the circle of trust. You have to free style. Yes, the fasting. What did you do the robot This is a very sensitive, the Charleston and other people. In our hands on the floor and lots of right wing there ass in the EP
oh, my god. I wish I can we go the way so that we do the warm up great guy covered. I didn't know it was the warm up and then she that right now will lend the routine to someone. Ok, that's fine, like I'd like to dance. Just in the comfort of my own home talks are. Just to the back I'll watch regards move chauvelin level to the back up its work. To do that I got myself. The backing of light is fine, because this way I can watch what everybody else does another into remember it so goes that and then she's a case, the first move it had the basically the back was the or falls in front of the mirror. Then see every member hygiene everything and they can all see me and then she said I want you to feel her ass cheek and then feel underneath it just like use lacks. What's gonna shake, I cannot tell me, show
everything but may also cause. You know not, there's nothing to move that. Wasn't an essay does nothing to eat, because if nothing, that's ok, that's amazing. I wish up in the canoe I mean, I know it's audio, but could you may be give us a little guy? He was a move. I can but I'd like you to imagine what the song is, that I'm doing it too, as I do it was before my neck, my back. It was a Andalusia. I crack sober lender of you. She said she's Ike, guys it's a long coun enjoy the pussy back. My neck? My back, my purse see I'm my crown my crack. My friend described as fucking, a ghost. Basing the whole thing was mortifying and all I could think of was you to the whole time, but you gonna go you it's a great work out. I note in particular the name I just you know, I'm inhibited lie and, and that sort of thing makes me somebody
as for you in the circle, which was now I mean this is changed. She just kept calling a sexy, which mainly Philip uncomfortable Daisy, bitches icy beaches to be fair It enjoy the pussy bet, one she told me to enjoy. I did enjoy. You are so ballerina it's when she's had touch a body touch on over sweaty room. I don't want to touch it. Will over such a light, touch a guy so remind me, was about to happen. The dividend is going out or Smith. Sorry, Smithy is going to have dinner with dish yapping about to meet bitch again and they are about to meet this undercover. Obviously, why thought Bush ony liquid eyes food model feeling like spit all over the table. It'll have eight hours would corrosion. So he wants to guess the title of this chapter. Then dinner with Is any dinner at the fishes tabled? Is it be some play on that those and play on cuisine or love?
but the slav Alianza? Oh, that's good young, ass, quite good to ass, good ass. Any other gases put her misery as they did? What sense place? I'm not just go straight into the intro, then by all means Belinda blinked, five chapter, seven, a gentleman would a gentleman wolf a gentleman would not. Gentleman's will notice. The gentlemen were for gentlemen worth Mister T laughed like a man not himself. Does he spoon busy and away he wiped the gooey head of his cock on a bit of curtain, I'll hold is killed down to protect shyness. Economic curtains go still further heightened,
These are both these drought, shotguns thats unpleasant? Isn't it So I always think about hotel aside yeah, you know the worst thing is for the runners on the beds. Absolutely they don't wash days what the since also stepped on those ultra violet light things before and they are absolute Petrie dishes fill some asylum while men seamen just alive Toby, you're in there. What do you think's on them food are we about food feet just think people bring in their suitcase and dump on the bad thing. The suitcases mail that people have sex on them? Then people either burgers off them. Then he what I note the point both those of them live. Six on the labour law specifically lie on the rumour that people, like you know like that on them dual silver, like after of a light after about a
the Allah lying on the bad, just like rubbing yourself. Thank hats on them. God. You know it's also really bad for that doctors ties, but for all of the above, on a broader range of knowing it isn't they don't wash them is regularly. They watched their citizens in this house and your time here, but they must do now. That's been flight to be I'll, be watching every day for making now that had that I've, no safe energy policy. This is a public health announcement is anyway that he wants to go ahead of it. Then we had the Gue ahead of his court on a bit of curtain. That's really disrespectful as well in somebody else's house in someone else's Schloss and Pulleys kilt down to protect his shy. This. It was dinner time. He led smithy down the Schloss slide to the dining room. Extraordinarily slide. I can understand if, like fish was a young man. Why my installed a slideshow, an alderman cartoon, says anymore,
This has a slide. I see as a right of their craft style, inflatable slides near the emergencies, sharp healed shoe exactly the Ending room extraordinaire was nothing short of extraordinary apple, is great branding. There was gold laid cooler, sing and rulings on the ceiling doesn't fresco me or to some sort, it didn't look found or scary violent. Not at all the shape of place. Smithy would have imagined an arch nemesis to happiness and cook where would reside, but here I think, he's evil. So when the commission, the guy to do your kind of sealing Allah, the Sistine Chapel, oh by the way, Dunwood Cherubs ranges or anything design, evil if you could just puts, unlike devil, malevolent residences there who use evil. Isn't he is here to take something happened to him to make him that way. We usually a superhero scenario. You'd Gallo Glimpse of anywhere nice guy. Then something occurs. Storybook
I smell and origins to like the jet, the joke, a film that yeah loudly in the earliest, where you ve been Schwab. What was he, who was? He Petra had also changed clothes and looked ok. I'll go that's enough about Europe. Cause is she said. As the spying GMO Sat rights, I think is set alight, see that z, it Petra continued, miss and Mister You ve been standing with. We had in mind the most schools and measuring spoon has paid over just me
Surprisingly, ok, not for you. I mean for her up for your ears at the as yet smithy is to rose again in their shoes. Aren't you said that you Nazi means it's not safe and again for that's it. Now on the Smithy and MR too rose again in their shoes. Should do you tell me, gang of light on the fire for two people could imagine going it. You law is now being hurt, smithy and Mister T held their respective breath. As a smallish man with awful posture appear It is a silhouette in the door frame of the dining experience for the stuff shove. Isn't it be
This should be the mechanisms, I'm running a beat and comes on. That's exactly pulsing lie only a fraction of it. I'm picking up a bit like the film version of Chicago Rights, whether things kind of me, out of his way is shattered, gray scales, the who use Customs ISA Jones in a specific and shoving smithy billing when Smith fees, sensual eyelids rose from their rest. She not tabling thus the undue it. Isn't it yet separate rising from the rats? No one opens up he's been asleep when spiffy sensual eyelids rose from their rest, she saw standing before them. The evil creature behind just betrayal, the kidnapping of silence and the bombing of steals pots and PANS Badge This is kind of travel, restrain, isn't if she's gonna ruin the whole thing and blow cover
for a man who used, I would say that sound his feet. He managed to get into mission. As we say in the theater within the blink of an eye, you do it wasn't their eyes. Blank eyes opened their eyes. What we used to call that refer to waiting in the wings waiting in the wings thought so great to have you here for such theatrical, incite hatred Belinda had never before tasted excreted into her mouth. That's quite good. His neck That's quite vis, vis, a vis she spent the bitten out with all the precision of her days playing county, netbook, hey, let's move it now pursue, but just spat on the table. She never the precision which has passed a pivot spoons
nudged her at her and spy like act. It contains and smithy prey to the north God spur repentance. Forgive me no scope, for that. It's not that it's smithy is also the denomination of the north gods. Were or if that is not paganism or whatever they got to the bottom of it like disposed to repay the praying hovering wrapped up in two books, yeah that'd, yourselves wedding. She apologized to God. Oh my Christie of God. I think that's public ass. She was in his domain at the church dry occurring hurtled down from Heaven. I that wasn't Norse happened when you think that that would have changed. Perspective a village mutton. What's this one can now is in danger of exile. Yes,
Should we sense of Messiah now really shouldn't you mean she literally survived Heaven, or at least should have talk to someone about another she's she's. Not even Sarah had this out the body of a sea Nelson Mandela, people move sites for less fish for himself had not noticed the spit out well T Petra had, but who cares about that? german rag lucky that petrol look you're fired This message is that just as easily move up after make no mistake, Petra is purely functional. My courage, it insurance, keep buttons spoke fish with rasp of the last time we saw him, I don't think I've not existed. Man, look man flesh and had flesh and
I am amazed that I'll have a black hair and no one now busy day well want The was pictures lips continue to create verbiage civil garbage So he doesn't know what Belinda looks like if you like you might, but maybe wooden, isn't really been going after Belinda Hurry, Belinda's, new to pots and pans as well. Who's on issues in typhoon. I've already living crockery too, but he's in measuring spoons, apparently so Yeah, maybe you know he shovelled over to the head of the tea shovelled shotgun Zog is one hundred It should also hold not shuffled shovelled. He shovelled over to the head of the table and said to quite the comfort as he did so bitch. Let out a sting
I've already moving crockery too well he's in measuring spoons. Apparently, so maybe you know he shovelled over to the head of the table. Saddled shockingly stock is what it says. Over this quickly by Golly the link, though the way is that on a sound something all they have prepared a poisonous gentle booth. He let out a stinky gentleman, worth no one laughed Sorry, I didn't realize it was, but the groom we know we was a forest. Three loudly is quietly. They definitely left as I do. He called them. A gentleman would scarcely I just did a gentleman. Would that's what you ve got a kid. The call to those they are, what the boat, with the words when you wanna get from poor windy, come a windy pump budget pump? Please
item, but let's discuss does worse than abortion that no one left, but they did all wines toxic stench of a man not well in order by the stamp someone I debate on the tube this morning of the gens over the world were feeling really how it. I know, someone, gentlemen, Wolf's medicine, and if you see after really light look around all my god who was that for them, it has made it more guilty. You reckon I will for many women who was a me who gentlemen Wolf so way a inside the so said that was coming, is genuinely danger toxic, I must have been decided. Rotted interest is black and rotted. What is it Those are anything to go by. God knows what is bowels alike. He snapped his decaying
and bones up with with a slice of authority, and the dishes were produce great platters. Boiled goats, heads wrapped versed in sour trout, gelbard flower trout, That's quite a squire heavy combo. You know the wonders inside their actions, but I have the south kraut very good for digestion, obstinate pickles money, relics, solitude hissed, scratched the bad smithy scowled at the food before Mister T, jump
right. In with its napkin hungry, stuffed into his collar bone. South has a cook and business hair. Bitch mister T asked in between mouthfuls fermented fish glue. Did me I'm about to be the kid in king, putting on her own outlets, GAD Smithy froze but ambitious, change in volume and own? I'm, I'm picturing out with a fork in a whole have oil but finally able her face stared at him. A massive at first sticking out between early on it, not for the first ease
you sure he Z, insurance of loved life fund, loved life, that's what it's called com. This looks like a prairie fire once looked back or age Ah sniffing spat out sausage impossible. Being an insurance of love life for the past ten years is a mean that Classmen Domini to fight with you play, be cool yeah God as it already is.
I know you, you could this fact b? C men holy Shit, Belinda, spluttered, choked and finally, blinked I know- and it is time boy. You took the woozy Look, you didn't really rupture appetites, but I didn't move Yom Pfizer. Why? So? I was all that just facade. I want from Bishop but when he came out when he slight pull the food down. Oh, I think you genuine this autumn. As I can remember those eyes, I'm still worried about why the tub scooter gentlemen worth
and I always gonna use it now to overpower Berlin. Gentlemen would chloroform style please, so I know everything yeah it just shows you what rocky things is the most gentlemen woof. It was Frazier So I know everything and it is time for you to come to see and of days encase decipher the fish The Linda, through a goat, saw him spoons, ripped off his ginger wig, the disease. Is this group
the spoons. Why does he knows? Is Boone Z, spoons, screeched fish like us, they funny, and what that that wig was falling and was it spoons pulled his spine gun out of his furry sporran as bitch screeched get home. In the name may say ten. What one total him, how do German, not sure fast beer spoon, says he grabbed the adequately at Petra. Let's go to infer tat, he took it his elbow and pointing his many gun to her breasts.
La fish, laughed easy using about the bet. He's is seven you're, not exactly a ten yourself, but not an old man. You barely one, my god, you back to the old curdled, I, U massive pickled earlier, you saw fermented trout, you can judge spoon sweated. What was he to do? He had hoped his Petra shaped threat would have been enough. To make bash rethink, is evil ways, supply himself to the allies and live out his final days and of fishing village of the german Riviera. Many three that great Why don't they just shoot best not to death in the leg in the leg? Is bees rotten anyway,
I mean it's a cough runaway cause, he's bash. They absolutely have the authority to detain, raises legal batman. Yet it is an absolute batman. Don't you normally grub someone else and threaten them? when you're being threatened, and it sounds like Bishop just sat there when I was about full of art Reality was the spoon Only had a licence to hurt Is a double a fool? licence to maim. I've got licence to make you uncomfortable. The reality was spoons only had a licence to hurt so was unable to fulfil his threat. So the threat was as empty is Elinor rig bees funeral I mean forgetting the boy s arm
he's just going us at this point, is I come up what you got frolic good or the UK, Am I losing both alive Spoons. Just stood there quite holding Petra as Bishop goons ran towards him. This was it the moment he knew would always come here. To die, as he was in his father's father. Fathers killed and smile, not so fast, you nasty man, shouted Belinda The current dieting designer you not now, but within it I saw it, I shouted Belinda from the corner of the dining experience eat you practice by airlines, Not so fast as the last sitting, and it is unthinkable singing in the tank. She ripped the breast of her dress away
and her brassiere was exposed because they got guns and it was only the five and a half goons all stared at them, juggling as Berlin Did I shoulda shuffle shipmates? I want the wounds of the five and a half goons by five and a half or five and a half. There were referenced slightly, befallen legislating blacked out like a fine of the five and a half goons all stared them juggling said tits juggling.
As Belinda, did a shoulder shuffle. Shame a minimum of three brass savage. Each other answers can look at dance, isn't a shoulder shuffle shimmy and it's so good day. There completely destroy yes into by her magnificent breasts. They were all transfixed by her tits. They stopped the pursuit of spoon and just gazed upon her orbs of flesh tongues out and Cox. Odd. You want it's, I'm they approach, tough, a pleasure and each in their truth, lowered their faces to her bosom There they inhaled her woman shape and were happy, but not just happy drugged what she thought she. Of a Montague had threaded spent. Show sleeping zest. I us
sleeping zest Brett breast there s a lot of other another. They do that James Bond, where they have really specific gadgets, has very specific moment of Paris but May or may not happen, but actually do so. Our chairman secured through the special sleeping zest, the lace of Belinda's, bra cups, even the slightest width. A grown man would be exploring the land of Nord within minutes, you'd. Think! If a slight with knocked out again, then it would knockout Belinda just under her nose. Her her birth ever witnessed when she's video running around going down, slides and stuffy thing by some of the zest might reach of the early already there was some sort of nostril plugs in, though that's convenient, gotta go. She has made with other ones
the goons was safely asleep, all five and a half yes Belinda, facts the nor Scots again, and she our Montague as one and grabbed spoons hand dragging the scotch spy through a fabric. Hunting. She made their escape terawatts fabric paint, a tapestry blacklist, Olaf fabric paintings. The and the biotech industry was bestowed on contract. You asked that James cause. The next sentence relates to the forgot further bitch had been screeching the whole time The whole time five now and I need not tell you smell unable to move too to his chronic health
due to his chronic grows internal situation, away, wait, no, no more urgent! that is another gentleman. Was he tat? Where do you get any sort of life, insurance, looky, belated, surely Hi ensures some. U every moment possibly say he's hanging on by thread. He just had to work them sneak away foaming spit fizzing between his yellow teeth, with the promise of revenge, so what they ve left in the scale of the fabric paintings, but why have they escaped to develop a painting, widening arrest? then. Why have they arrested? The terrorist lie, radio terrorist leader who can get out of here What The boy thought.
Once Belinda and spoon over clear of the evil. Schloss spoons took over the spying. He grabbed the smallest Tis parade many spy on whose deploy meeting the blind. He grabbed the small scale. Displayed from his long socks and spoke into it. Cheap. It walkie, talkie dagger, within Flash Mimi arrived in Re God. Forgive me, maybe maybe get it go inside an arrest bitches within a flash. Me, may I arrived in her trademark. Would louse car or the health would last car as big as would love it would have been a carved out, but inside a tortoise despise girls, boss, boot louse car, like a beetle zombie like about funding
Be that as it goes to a veto car hire, I resign respond cash right now. Slow, so I would louse that so he doesn't have any they are not going to see you say a beetle, and this is so bond. Isn't it now ass? It costs the classic, would look like you are real state, like witness statements, ambition, What is the state of insolvency in both shouted? They obeyed her they were racing through. The german land and Belinda was few as to where they were going. Yes, I think we all are. She was also upset because she left her sails strategy report, the third quarter in her guests,
I have in my hand, I don't know what to say anymore, now lost to the bitch empire Chewed off her nails at the thought of the Germans, utilizing a frying pan named SAM to engage children and therefore boost profit projections. What do you honor bow the marketing, a poem for children, great patients get small time itself. Children runs mere hot elephants. Brilliant was a demographic we'd, never children, babies, upwards, Berlin. After a number of minutes and more seconds? Mimi stopped, the car spoon took his tongue back Linda snatch and tucked? Is cocoa? This scourge skirts killed, so they just
My avenue, often the bats shootouts had small is beautiful, said a lot worse and ass soon, ass, he snapped site, usually at psych fluorescent pay. Pillow cases so smoothly sent back from there to snatch and took his cock under his skirt. Why we stopped Belinda asked irritated still she'd been loving, the ticklish looking and playful nibbling if her upper and lower pussy, we need to take this one to the top come with me, Belinda blinked, the Jew O walked through. Doors of a german fast food establishment called it curry, be first. Even the Caribbean.
work. If you let see hurry reverse, which those who play it could be worse. Which was up that each other spit pick up the bill. It couldn't be worse, its good be versed. So, yes, it couldn't be worth sorry, so gee, I walked through the doors of a german fast food establishment, called it curry, be first one of the greatest establishments there, but didn't order so much of a chip. They just walked past the counter and through the deep fat friar. They won't curiosity fact via that has come up with speak easy places the eager in earlier. We always have to walk through the back of the butchers. Often there you like it
its door. Just give me a drink, you yeah, but you hey, that's not, finally, that Ass, took them beyond the shop and into Warren Tunnel of which they walked down the walls with deepest darkest sludge brown like a bad avocado upon slice or the inside of bishop? Often, but soon there? not quite push with both dado and picture rails, skirting the imo mused of data. What these data it's like, a piece of wood, the goes nor nowhere is it on a wall above picked pictures around the topic is the motto middle, but soon got quite push with both dado and picture rails plus skirting boards, the works, that's not,
it's a sack spoke. A sat. Looking was just getting nibbled at Lowood louse, since our continent, now with a spoon led Berlin, through a varnish, do with red leather padding, not dissimilar, region, sofa bed. I don't give a fuck Where were they? Who is who is at the top of the tree? He sailed passed a pretty if mousy girl behind a computer screen and marched Belinda through a hand activated bookcase, then an idle friendly port traded between mother. What was able Fergie means. I like retinal scanning eyeball friendly, the mother. When did they come up with the technology and not change it from the queen mother? Suddenly Belinda found herself in a large, victorian office room. It looked official a body was sat beside
and a big fish desk, a body that back to the Jew, L, Abbadie academic via the body, didn't move a muscle, it was about to you and say about duty. If it was a person, all it did was speak. Spit Burgos. That ban all it did was speak in a voice. Instantly remain, oh my god. I remember eyes. That's really really
about those memories, cause our God love in a voice instantly. Remember I like dainties it Sir James. He kind of is the top right. Yes, it must be somewhat above him or maybe Bela. Oh, my god, dynamics of major pleased with never heard him speak. Yeah, that's not remember me, don't fix it. Just comes out loud sources. Bitch I'll go gone, so all it did was speak, speak in a voice instantly. Remember I told you. I had one day I'll come clean. The dirt chess, and that is the end of the church
I'm sorry, I'm sorry duchess is at the top of everything she can see Bay. Was it end of book, one German? There was it. There was little each to call the duchess come clean and that you didn't really reveal anything yeah so book five job about. One of the elements that advice: can we get a paw? kind of makes sense. Could she was talking, then? Wasn't she about there being sums or higher plan Oh my god, rock No, that's not what that was to think, because it una, who is in my five, is taken Belinda to this office, and he said what is I must go to. The top I'm sorry what you think government.
The prime minister I dunno, but widening remember in her how listen up some whole. She had all those kind of the dildo the doors? I don't know, maybe those maybe there's more to the duchess than we thought when she's not just to calculate also inside aim is actually got an ox has quite high tech, maybe she's gonna save the day. So everything is, let's face it: Spoonbill Indra usually arise it really. Weighty career, be worth when these were very worth. Yeah, ok! Well, things are actually happening. That was quite eventful as well. The chapter on earth. I felt we got some, but why did like that could have been the end if they just that's, probably rocky, just like deciding needed for the future if they just grab bay
that would have been well known as a civil resulted to worry about who you, I guess. I don't know that science is dead, but wait what chapters you, if you go, a caring about, slits devote a chapter. Seven will have any chapters other this thirteen. Why break a habit of a lifetime unlucky for all of US attorney? half way through this, can't just being him like feeling a bit more stuffs gonna happen. I know I never get it and now I always forget stuff, like a really just ask me this and our promise our ever ask anything, and why would I my five and the gothic soldier, though I think portion because they hide in serious, tell him if he is indeed serious, always work and his fingers that that's
since I created the trial thing. I am well aware that I ask that: can save the my dad's gonna see, let's see that we will be back next week to find out what the fuck, the government or whoever duchesses she could just be a nice victorian drawing room she's. Just the manager of curry be first, which you have just sitting there through the hot factor the IRA parents do next Monday and, in the meantime, get in touch. Email is my dad was pointed at gmail dot com- we're on Instagram? My dad wrote on those things in some form of might have. Rapporteur me. Twitter. My dad was born at all Facebook is a fund under the handles the exactly and don't forget we're going back on the road, the tool in twenty twenty. Have you he here we
need tickets? Looking videos, I listen I'll write our quota that you're gonna be a pass hyphenation Belinda's, dirty thirty, seven income. Is lost or you might or no it's just a big party atmosphere. Yes, brand new material from Rocky, it's all about Belinda's thirtieth birthday party. What the hell is going to go down. Bring friends come on Euro might just be that you gotta be the one person who says they learn to Belinda's thirtieth birthday. Exactly you can't miss. It should be set up Let me parliament actually shining cloakroom. If you ll tickets, then just go to my dad wrote a porno dot com forward. Slash lie: One thing you do this kind of gift or yourself
come to one of the chosen twenty twenty that so much Veronica Lake. Those I felt like. I can't wait to sign as much as eighty coming more more rocky right, so he was getting Hudson. Goats head sour trout breakfast. That is a concoction for real gentlemen. Worth of withdrew to move was literally rocky. And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.