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S6E3 - 'Hard As The Rocks'

2021-06-06 | 🔗
Safely in Sydney, Belinda finally reunites with some of her old friends and finds things have changed while she's been missing.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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whew out, we should say Jemmy. Congratulations are in order. Yes much bathing. He so much. I've had a baby godfather nor actor of my maybe I mean is this kind of yours could obviously to get. I do. I do love him already he's very cool godfather, isn't the whole thing is light. The child's post follow your example: guidance yeah, I'm a spiritual guided, so I think you ve got held that China's good site but I think you'll get very far in life, but up just be good to be around and baby. I've always get very far in line Philip he's gonna make him like tooth is like Google. It actually have some kitchen discos that before this can thereby placing music might dance around. You say that, like that, the Godfather house, but I'm not sure what the kind of processes, because this is actually my second godfather shit- is it who is actually godfather to dance drivers, boy who was no such thing as a fish yeah, you did what
note speculative gathering, so many got get away, so you ve got loads of any all. I've got hundreds yeah people ask me, I don't ever think quite comprehend what you'll signing up to that isn't anything like the parents die. You have to take the chart. I think that's the traditional thing, my under any legal obligation. I maintain shaven cinema birth. They cause, I think, as fine. I'm not gonna, leave them with you. If anything, bad habit. James was even though the names of his right eye adrift adieu, do they wanna try to the company of actually got? I think it's like all chemicals you serious. I was so excited, it's called a father and he is even care. I I'm not. I love those got them. I love them all and I do not know their names everyday. I can say on the record their names and goals. Interesting is the Jamie. Couldn't wait vehicle father just another bit of power, a unit
godmother. I'm never been such a lot about a person in English, not even a feeling that I'm gonna shortly, we not from a religious background or you are he, then Maybe that's why I didn't know religious people. That's interesting is that one of our best friends had a baby and am don't mention it. Think it make a good godparents levy and rich. She's got sick faculty intellectual inherited all that stuff, having come to sloshing around? How I got I don't know. I don't Zay safeguard romantic. Ok, got our environments. Money have guided, I I can't go Jack. Just do it be like to be combated the dinner.
The Junta inherit of lovely, don't worry I'll go along with it. For so long I mean the dinnerware is going up going straight to a museum, but yes, we should get reading the book because things are happening outside Europe, just shut up to Macao kid there are well ass. I can. I just want to add to my bank manager. People aren't you gonna know that one of the people exists that you're the only one with an actual career. This is this: is it who organise the figure is Asia. We leave all. We need to start with a vessel mock rocky unify. Thank God I was the next chapter called them. The next chapter is cooled hard, as the rocks price heart is the role of the rocks actually guys we ve been to the rocks together. If it the rocks, the I'm thinking of what is the wrong. It's an area with Sidney Australia.
Northern beaches at the rocks now represent the opera house is you're absolutely right. It's wrong from where the fairies committee, I bet ya out each some, like residents, cheeses, counter. We was by the local pooled at european level. Today, swim bury. You said I hadn't come with the obvious little swimming trips. with a kind of allergy little hand we frozen icebergs. Thank you very much. I spoke up this amazing. Isn't it that's one way within the world. If we take this view swimming popular as today, we know that the cost email is ok Chapter three, do it every day Pakistan copy
pointing his hunting forecasts, do very well you're, not hidden Didn, T, gray how'd. You keep them on the straight and narrow. What have you told them about it? You go over to Europe's watch. This I've got go to my side. I think you're very right do beg your pardon on him. Upstairs. Ok, Belinda, blinked, six chapter three! hard as the rocks Belinda is loving. The sexy Sidney life and up the ways which, between past and present tense Belinda was loving, the sexy Sidney life when a man and a hat asks for directions already. We advise just because of that. Hence change is already feel uneasy of order unsettled Kosovo as a capital on capital h. Although this is a correct- and I didn't have time to discuss this in your data- he spoke disco.
pay. The Spanish. Isn't that what they send you Rita, there's probably decipher the scope. Is any data is an excuse me miss thankee, yet another this girl, bissing Rita. He spoke see, Gladder Belinda, replied and does not lick done. They stand la cause. You're gonna have to translate fuss was the rocks. He said relieved at this meeting of minds quite ready electric. We ever know Belinda spoke. Spanish missionary speaks english, spanish speak Spanish. We have the very valuable and energy is so discovers a narrator seek Lotto done, there's danleigh hawkers well, Belinda was stumped crestfallen to show you know, see Clara, etc or no sorry, that's Oliver crestfallen the man in the hat asked. Is you help Iraq there is he won't? Is you help Iraq help rock? I think he's just trying to be kind.
That's good English K attendant Belinda screwed up her face to a central position on her skull as possible. oh god. What clicked and that just putting repose my fucking scatter acting spending so much with both the growing all really really Belinda screwed up her, is to a central position on her skull as possible, an hummed After a couple of minutes, interaction. After a couple of minutes, she kindly prize the eight z map from his white knuckles full of men of this do noise for ten seconds.
That's too bad times are wonderful breath control, no three billion- are not enabled deflating, so she she could kindly prize the atrazine map from his white knuckles. I'm not mucking. You send your I'm here, ping you reading she laughed. You want to go to the rocks. Why didn't you say so he did not just from the harbor as you go out there. Just the harbour as if you were going to the Shangri La Hotel, that's her! I'm They actually have a lovely bar that sees the opera house and Bridge and everything nice from postcards holding together some lovely hotel round harbouring so people the women yet less or in the lobby. Nice little are so little. She played Sidney.
ass, the night time cossacks completely, for what did she do two knights to what I had yet we crossed I passengers not say it was when I was not long after juice at first come out, so I was obsessed and we we say. At each other and she she's random, amazing outfit. As you sat dad at each other. We study we locked eyes. He looked very fast shaded. how long was the lock of seconds, but it was enough for me stay with me like that, I am telling a very similar story. the man in the hat blinked at her many many times I, like your style, Belinda, said. Let me a school you there. when the conversation dried up the path pass, the long walk in song cause, you probably got up immediately. He knew about it, but the sun,
what do you at what the darling duet? Could this possibly be Agua deem also by Ellison Tom to be exact, goes did lasso by Ellison TOP, never heard babysitter the Spanish? Let me play it tee guys I haven't. You can't play the music rights reasons and maybe guisando approximate the Volga. We can give a feel less and less in them. I wish you could do it. I wish you could hear about. I thought, maybe I recognise that my dad, who plays the voice but it was lonely. Sadova manner won't always in conversation with any kind of Joe you lad. got a bother them singing now, rather put the problem What was it cold? So people can lick Brazilian as well so that refugees, though spanish, but because it's called Eyeglass Denmark so James? Can you linked
pace on oh yeah, yeah, yeah, postal, antisocial, it's very evil is very conversational alone. You know it is. Is this off my back and forth, like somebody did at us? What do you want a minor, quite complicated to say either with a strange, even though their timing was worth a nightclub act, Belinda pencilled on a brain honesty, I'm gonna go away. Listen to that. I dont know what Belinda's singing voices I do. We know from previous experience. You too have said a lot about Belinda. I would be surprised that you, if she's, actually really good at singing myself bigoted something address. She's got shocking James when they reached the rocks. The man in the hat pointed at the ball of stones, suddenly a big bolder rock road to one side and the man in the
it tells. You have a very important meeting with a very person within, of course, Rocky thinks. The rocks is life and beds because it increases the light secret lair. It's a big boat has been wrote. One side: you have variable meeting with a very important. But in fact, could it be Jesus Berlin? wondered good guess, because around back the rancheria, probably Jesus hobby Jesus banned, but in case place could be Jesus. She won but Easter Sunday was weeks away, because then you will need language. Is that when he moved the rock was, that is to say. What he has godfathers. Allow I'm sorry that you on the third day you rose again, Ozma gave me the two was opened up. There was just a white cloth inside every obstacle is reason because the cloth tat was left behind. Just like a white cloth. I think boy was wrapped in, but then he came back in a really fabulous girl. No that's Joseph! What's
I e by saying things psychologist. I need composite dialogue. Please do not get irreligious educational, sexual education from Adam Rapporteur using Belinda blinked his like an agree. No longer not at all, a continuation of the Bible continue a sequel to the Bible, like those two thousand between what the Belinda is the Messiah. She lives in Bible world, which, I guess people argue as our world, but like He lives in that country. Will you say it's the Bible storyline Times lie down. Ok, What do you say that, like all the characters, a base of biblical figures? Yes, exactly Belinda Blinked- is a wholly total. So, like jazz alleys like Judas Iscariot, the one that betrayed her yeah who could be heard, suggests Godwin A big should we have it is. He was evils and I am the last supper was when they had dinner at the Duchess s house,
rights Atomic Old is what you James days. You know a lot about a star way. Both Catholics shamefully lapsed yet raised earlier. This is make rocky a site or opera, fate or something is going on. We took this. I don't know if I put my name This is not what this is all a bit. Five g concerned she's everything's? Putting people feel pretty betrayed. This turned out to be some kind of strange as James as New Edition of viable. I mean I, these basic areas like Narnia Europe is like that's all about. Jesus is re, though, is that war mean if you mean yeah, yeah, yeah so waving today, the man in the hat, Belinda Crew, through the cave, admiring the moist, stalactites and static might still. She waved her laid them on, and that is good. I have like hello, her light conceivable
I was in Hawaii. They say hello, how for hello? I'm good Barnes if, as you have heard, what do but its aloha hello, hello, yes Petra, I don't think they say good day as good bye. If that's you question, is it a question? So I guess she's crawling through cave, admiring the moist stomach, tights and static mites. They were Gideon Leaf, phallic in appearance and even dripped. What looked like Willie lotion or long lost lube with long lost lube. That's an eye tv show willing lotion long lost lube. So that's jays, no blue, but woody lotion dimension is gestures, Lastly, we must allow believe that was Let us not only have you noticed tat. He became tonight
have you lost it? I do not know em, so they were getting me frantically person even dripped. What looked like www lotion along those lines Would a quick jiggle up and down a might set up? My lips break Sidney's public decency laws. Yes, the echo painful, surely very Jackie re nobly fuck a start by if she hadn't in such a mysterious hurry? She would have tasted the local delicacies, but, alas, I tasted she means that on she plodded before coming to a large oh wow, and indoor. Ok, you would no doubt a sandstone in granite base with inflections of courts. She mused you know rock, is adjourned just yesterday. This is rising comment. We go finally, a cave at all times. Ok, but who knows about this shit, unlike the rest of the bill July, no doubt a sandstone granite base with inflections of courts. She mused tapping away at various protruding,
slaps of stone courts. I look like some kind of like a damsel builders. Do you guys I check out a flat if you should rent it like? Yes, that's a wall and also sometimes mums absolutely. She was hot in Sydney son, so she stripped to have sight seeing bra unrevealing thongs, nor anything from them in the cave loved her sight. Seeing He was like a sports browser like he's everything in place. If you may day picture, as you know, the way Cargo Pensacola Pocket Sized was hanging lots of compartment bombard, yes but a bra precisely like some language spoken by. If each magnets you come right, you tissues you sunscreen range. They didn't many many currencies jumping in she pranced and splashed to her heart's content, a butterfly
She took her along the routine, I think it's. I believe, that the biggest share of affinity, bus fly While we go swimming, save it for the other poker, arrested. Little love, the pretty waterway and suddenly the rock cools became glass. Should the water ran out and she climbed onto the carpeted office sweet the border. Of the poor legacies been swimming along here and you know in our age and you get to them. It is for the shallows used kind of low the shingle. He beat fish. Now carpeted glass of sweet
Who are we to argue? He is a geologist he hasn't, isn't glass made of like sand. Maybe it's just that the evolution of the majestic naturally forms of aid that she sloped into a big lever. Armchair slipping down like a freshly court, Saki Salmon Belinda took in her new location offices. Saki some place, I wanna go elsewhere, but when we were kids use against those, like all adventure play kind of pens, you know Yet let us off political bungle. We had jumped Bungle Charlie talks. We ass jolly jogs yeah, we're tired out, didn't wage together. Yeah you got in town in town and the big city, the filthy, absolute riddle, teething wisely little kids, a silver and bull pulls must be carried out on a dutch things, probably the children.
the citizens are now twelve by jungle goals of this programme. The old, After that they order throughout its most we came along those lines. I'd like a ship. It was like a painted like a waterfall, a sheer slide like this strike out burn. You are you get like massive life, but actually measurements on your arms and other ninety awful nice to have got kids. They offer little amiably level, the boys, a love it and your boys and girls searches sit down the leather armchair like a practical Saki salmon Belinda took in her new location, as was becoming a regular thing. The duchess look down at her from the gallery k as Belinda gasped for
and understanding the duchess slowly descend, watches floated sue, you helped, then your zip find the rocks the duchess projected Miss. Does it the man in the fat gulped Belinda by fool. You know everyone Belinda blasphemed impressed. She just thought: he'd show Heather by mistake with them. I did so got very important me. That's why it's a break in the catch up Senor zips our gadget geek. I knew that if you were generous enough to help her lost tourist, the p M could trust you, that's all Past, if you'll show, alas, tourist the way you could just where the person trust worthy enough to defend the piano I am proud of.
and you have come so far. I know, but in the said trade is as far as you can get from London, UK or again, the duchess smiled through that stupidity she's, a woman maiden said use, has left a hamper of gifts for you in your court says it is what in Bonn character, ten What is clear is that set gotcha. Guy does Manuel Legend. Senor Zip has left a hamper of gifts for you in your quarters. Quarters Belinda asked subtly the duchess twelve
a girl who didn't look, let's get you out of those were things? Shall we servant S, eighty Belinda dribbled? intoxicated by nostalgia yes cause. It's been awhile the Duchess how charge to a tiled bunker within that will be more of a plush bedroom the tiled with moroccan influences, Alzheimer cushions and rugs had been thrown from previous passions and as the duchess began to collect them with Tut's and hops up Belinda through down on tiles asking to her, but the duchess missed the beam back Andrew. Her head quite bad. How, but who had it? Probably anybody
Kids use left anyway, and it was a small price to pay for an evening in Poland, Aden, Belinda, fundamental misunderstanding of how a hip works only ten years left. Let myself right here at the time. Ladys, stripped to how nature had left them and reclined like models waiting to be painted by bought a challenge that both waiting Let me know each other like down there made the very smooth are we alone? Belinda mouthed full of sex, known cameras, if represent sometimes alike, I'm sorry, my lady punish me, or at least mass cheats. The overall had a british intelligence surveyed her assets of target you gonna play like bongo drums, he's gonna like pat it. Oh, I hope so why,
I don't know. But when I got to let out without Jamie's kick befitting without music we had earlier, the left was perky the right peachy she bit into each one: lots of Baden, apples from aid and snow white- oh my god, up as with the Bible Other, because evolve over proves very biblical flipping her lady onto had been Belinda licked and slept and spat and gorged as deep as her tongue could stretch. Oh, my god, once you get restless Belinda allowed the Dutch. It is blood levels to regulate, orchestrated upside down this whole time with about how they work to do so. She turned her upright yes, yes ends. Click was now protruding and post.
Dating from her lady layers, and it would be downright rude not to flight it right back and Belinda was anything but rule from the first day that Pussies Matt they knew they had a bond two hours later. The duchess was weeping sweat from all key areas, two hours, let the matter for two hours, but she need to stay professional before you leave me as a throbbing ask once more huskies in nice but that's dry before you leave me as a throbbing. Ask once more. You must know the facts. Poland, whew Belinda removed her pinky from the duchess, his whole out of respect, which The men gave us an appeal for a push presaging he got the tv and nothing he's going on that in that she's, just sweater, good luck, huskily throbbing husk
and Belinda's not loping. He in a way which hole, I think she says, removes a pink here of the Dutch his home. Are we gotta piece o? I cannot hear the plan with a pink human genetics. So, but Indra moved her pink key from the Dutch this whole out of respect. Thank you. The truth Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The trial particular blueprints was stolen from the clink by a background good. They were there whenever there our week, I'm sorry James, please just I ve got to stop benefit as well. Just like attention to detail rocky they will. I don't think they were in this, but we don't know that they weren't what we do Dewey. Yes, why was either? Whenever mentioned a bay, I'm shoulder in the safe? Scotland, James three Dimensional ever more. Do you want James? Maybe you
There are some questions at the time and then listen recently adopted a figure that, if things aren't mentioned, you can plausibly say that they look at me like that. defend if you're gonna be silly, but if dog definitively says they on somewhere than we know they are. But if you just mentioned that they are not, they could have been so we start now a rule for everything. Is that a lecture them, but he's been public the battle is covered, She never let you do, but it's up to you, I didn't say: Belinda Wasn, T dolls, then but don't you, since twenty seven lit pursuing this point, tat eyes, deals, pots and pans is on the moon,
Let us use this limit when it was, there alone Ok, that event is not a rule of anything is extremely convenient role to get him out of trouble moment, Mickey Mouse. So I got a lot of great Mickey mouse on the brain, want the epic staff, the extraordinary staff, the edge of your seat stuff. You know the good stuff with AMC. Ass, you can watch the best of M C Bbc America. I have see Sundance now shudder and more hungry for whore feast on shutters chilling originals like creep show season two and killer premiers like trained whose son presents Peninsula gotta need for speed. The boys are back with an epic tour of the UK as top gear races through a new sees all available on aim, see plus ad free and on demand start. You free trial today at aims. He plus Dotcom AMC, plus only the good stuff
the trial. Particular blueprints was stolen from the clink by a background. Goon filled again so that we do not hold service but again, the inevitable. So the blueprints boot stolen by background goon, oh so, ambitious, yet to get his poison and thank all above us, oh good, but into backtracked. Now what do you got? The whole story before you react? Maybe now this particular goon has always been on the quiet side of life. but he's a background in Europe about our support alone. Please would you guys always called the chorus other in pursuing swings we always willing he screamed swing now. This particular good has always been on the quiet side of life, but he's called Mr Hutchinson
Mr Husband, about progress in the background, Billy Gray, kids in a show and tell day hello, Mr Cashman, on the background, goon and questions you got kids, he says a kid sob, Mr Hersman, the background goon that he's got the Brits which open its speech. A blue he's good, Mr Hutchinson, and he is selling the blueprints on the black market Mr. Yes, this is truly a colorful nets. Belinda blue prints black market and your red hot ass. Yet the dutch started shaking Belinda from his shoulders down to a toes british goods. The Gothenburg is how the wrapper
really what goods is just like a push goods a blueprint stood still possible. finished we know, that's been the thing, the whole time zap dead. that your job status and bonus derogatory you baby, the jobs. Over and again, you will have had its chips, Belinda Belinda You got it. Please tell me you get it Belinda we get to end. The stakes cannot be here. Come on Mr Osman, mobile Nobleness, Nigel sorry, I know talked about this before, but I don't think we have here. aware. How long has this been going on? That's a can of worms. We don't want to open, as a matter of weeks is still, I think it's silly, six or seven weeks since you do the job.
I think it is like anything wrong it like that she did so in the probation period, in passing, that is, I think, we're about coming up two months ago supplements since she got the job yet, but remember that drubbing to be much Engelman Belinda was the same age ass. If in a birthday has they're not to that will be tickets accredited. So you could It would have had its chips. Belinda Belinda. Do you get it? Please tell me, you gotta believe The philosopher, Belinda gotta, know he's gonna, get it Belinda's gonna get her mission was to get the blueprints back at what ever cost her bonus depended on it. The next morning
Bela Ridley landed in Sydney to pick up Belinda as they do now. She's life not sure she needed come all the way to Berlin speak of data that feel somewhat up to you. Only if you like, I love and you have to fly in your own. They give you one of those chaperones. Then she's, like twenty nine others, banners picked up, Belinda I'd hate to pick you up, she said ass. She finished paying a duty free bill reason. She said yes stuck up origin, but because we don't you dad, I'm now yoga. Deliver a bit more, Labour law Jesus Belinda, was reeling from the arrival snags. The camp right to the hotel to check in the annual reports on the back carousel unto checking it was not nothing to say
Belinda Blumenthal valued her position in life and work a bit over healthily and she demolished the many bar coming to terms with her demotion. Her job is Hell liar yeah that would be dead by stating Barroso Belge boss out have to resign on the spot came out and give us. If I was safe for a few days, and I came back and James had been made, the head present from fifty percent: not in Egypt I lived had presented a new annex. I can then Jamie's and writer I'll be I live it up it. I've earned my place. Is that what you can prevent James Isn t boy? citizens say, but he imagine if I was represented, if you approve promoted what I was off said Oliver Ok, I won't load omen lightness and give each other job title. Everything about Buck argued
You can't do on both. Do I worry about Bela's speedier, said I worry, she's gonna end up like to my sister. Oh, you think he's gonna continue. I think it might be too much too soon light out. We Stephanie Timid, You see what you mean by having a job is too much too soon. I wouldn't be surprised if things just keep. President of the United States President Bella fascism, Is it really? So I'm sorry She was demolishing the many bar coming to terms with this means. Taking its talking it weighs. I can find the planned go about hazel eyes, every fucking by China, hotel so Beverly was checking, though back to hold out the rice, so it she's gone,
Nobody has taken longer with her being that it would have anyway openly plains of even under the mini part of the the ground k living with a fucking letter so further, either right, you're, right, you're, right presumed Aren't you she's he's real! Now that hasn't never happened before and so sorry that is now no longer had presented retraining and I dont know how that popped out. Why men the police, these are my God. While he really does have contacts every six years that at the outset Rock Israel, no books-
level that none of us have particular stage was very, very drunk. I hate my point was my heart's racing so boring it really is a matter after all that my point was gonna, be that all key he rocky. key, probably cause many bar thought on a plane that was used. Other legal petroleum, many wise Alaska. I knew I was you know. I really did they gotta get replaced for six years, the distance between good and evil. But she was a social animal at heart. It is Belinda, so became the bigger person when she suggested a boss Bela that they get drunk on the harbour. That morning better was
thrilled. Sorry can you read that are totally send out so bored and social by what just happened, but she was a social animal at heart, but but it became the bigger person when she suggested to boss Bela that they get drunk on the harbour. That morning, the morning banner was thrilled ass. She stayed up all flights, scared of the Roth Belinda, wayward big is available. the two girls plump themselves, exhaustedly down on the very high boss tools beside the bar and surveyed the scene for Turkey it was none exist, nonexistent I'd, say, there's a lot of money in Austria, very try to people very attractive people, because there such beach people and show you always have to look be Tredick that built for the outdoor separate out all those people, their solar powered people,
right in the sun. It's why? Don't you ever say whether you re regime based on Youtube and attractive barmaid, came up to them and asked if they would like anything, would you like anything? She asked Why shots? Of course, Belinda beamed Bottle H, police, and a strong but honey, better, rounded up, ok suited the barmaid before leaving to abide by this command Walter muffle Belinda twisted her hand nervously. So if you bring this up again, if I may does is, Tony Antonius, Sir James, whom I have a point no one knows, but in their because you are missing and presumed dead. Remember you don't exist on the employee database. What tax Nick
IRAN. Temporary staff, Sally of ten thousand random bus fan, I included such Doesn'T- have a novel trouble. So eighty gunned down to ten grand had no trouble per with us, the big nor even buffer, through good two teeth, Belinda indulged in nineteen crimes the wide yesterday she was like bottling people and yes, but such lovely mine try to have that debts. Dragged down ass, a review, and I once did a spare nineteen crimes white, like anything wet that alcohol is much like his writing nineteen granted, but suddenly she thought she saw something odd across the bar, but could possibly be. Could the guy that put the g English? He escaped the monstrous goon.
Belinda linked vs, ie eggs and advantage the end of the chapter, one, the bloody chances in the morning in a bar in Sydney they spot Jizo. Why schebitz What are the chances? James always wanting a Brazilian, what we're going to the internet, but that would be crushing hold on amnesty and wrapped up in her job? They I did it she's lost the title: lost the money lost their lives. Style guys is becoming a psychological thriller. How would you do I see any man he's got a Europe of values in Scotland does not know there's a fun tat girl, like there's a possible fortune. Five hundred look was a friend but possibly Weber. I mean he packed into that trap. To didn't need a lot happened yet so Belinda now has to.
Mr Cashman, that Broncos because he's selling the blueprints on the black market, which is lost their jobs. she gonna find in a more about Senor, zip, I thought he might make reappearance. I hope so. I want to know. What's in the basket of them, go back you're absolutely right. He's got bewildering, Do they not cut it out? We have to see me right. Why do I never profound myself the news it that's chapter three? Dare I ask for the next chapter title? Oh, you can James you little teaser le Loup song for next week, a chapter four is called saucy pans and cheek. He walked saucy particular return of the walk.
nine utter the work took about next week for some saucy pans and cheek. He walks in the meantime to forget that we are going on tool in twenty twenty two tickets available now get we're gonna be celebrated by land. Is thirty at birth. Back of it to me, yes, Stilson tickets available, I might have appointed a calm also on the periphery Jamesons him long on that website. Look on the mat lurch, united US movie bags or less tee shirts aprons. I think we are still far from having a prudent lesson about such aims. Oh great question, out of it Tat page right, even seen that before, for God's sake, I look at it. We have for the blinkered new life or visa self, So far as I am aware, Europe seeking for us up Rebecca forget that I disagree with the final review in Itunes having you do it for you, the protests that you love penetrate or even a favorite, Scotland, and you can follow and subscribe to us on your podcast platform to make sure you never miss a bloody episode. Follow unsubscribe will follow unsubscribe without all of their telling off.
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Transcript generated on 2021-06-29.