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S6E4 - 'Saucy Pans and Cheeky Woks'

2021-06-13 | 🔗
The glee team are finally reunited before getting back to business at the Pots and Pan-Pacific Cooking Conference.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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all the good stuff, hello you're listening to my dad would opponent, I'm Jamie Generator, have got out of the hat presented. Another adopts body occurred, goodbye aggregate as it I will pay you guys. We only just recovered from the time that I have just read out again. I have to stress it was a joke. James, you are, I always in back. Rooms are very important on huge talent. Also, why miles? Why might be body. Reading a story to tell me that building media story for the internationalist inability, a famous ornithologist by don't remember, maidens goitre. He did a show back in the ninety school time for a story, then what did you ever? Have him real? Be amazed me we ve never heard of it. I think it was in
Lahti Burglar Lahti, Belarus picture hello of our body. Really didn't we die than with the bologna contents. What kind of story city tat made up one of those very relaxing kid stuff? Obviously, but yet he was a good writer, so this is entirely the opposite, relaxing mystery, biotic, terrible narrator. So, where if we get so just turn. Remember still in Australia, Cell Australia and Belinda had met with the duchess. In the rocks yeah and told her, but MR hush man, the background The EU is setting the blueprints on the black market right. Correct and Bela came to Australia to pick up Belinda to take her back to
I'm today, spied somewhat across the board ass, who they thought was potentially deserves our most talk about clots glee, team reunions on the cards, considering how little time the gleam of actually spent together their iconic, so many people consider themselves relating to listen to their it's a bit like Annesley Hopkins. since the ones you no longer makes like not my powers in that his screen. Time is minutes, apparently everything about ten minutes or maybe like fifty minutes, but his presence is felt throughout the whole movie. So you think he's let the lead You're saying. That's all I'm saying that a team as a constructive. I guess you're right out, there have already been spread around some guy comes out with, you didn't ask for that. It is the best leading actor while which you know those some controversy was he a screen. Time was minimal minimally up, his presence was felt such as. might be that she might not be is basically all I meet the equally as exciting as a woman has sort of similar her anymore
There is an ugly shewn ahead. Ok, are we ready? We ready? We are ready for a lady, I loved my buddy Belinda blink six chapter. Four, saucy, pans and cheek. He walks Belinda blinked again, I assume left on Belinda, probably just to be sure. Then she shook her head, the young woman with a tight ass sitting. A few tables away was no doubt about it. The special ah there brought together by a man they ve so much to capture a gold with disorientation deserves Lowly switch tables and sat down. She held her hands up dry.
Away her tears and took a large group of Belinda's icy shot. A Gulf GOAT milk Gluck go what's inside us like love books, not We are sorry that over that came from Google how much trainees reading that we'd slammed rocky. For me, the rival I always Eli beautifully were at its obey. and I saw a large gluck of Belinda's icy, sharp knife so she holding hands up as if to say, like you got me, I did do it all. Bela talked it over to the bar to avoid any career, wrecking Association with the fugitive, on the run. Oh god, so they don't really have you know she's. I can't stay nay away. How does Balin either alone? Do they know that she's a good, and now you have issued freedom from the clear, so I mean she still killed someone washed in addition,
a nice dinner enemy commits, she was still that's it. That's why you for he was still there was, if you happen to see someone awfully fools their death. You blame to do you there, even if it's not her fault, surely it from person I mean she's she's, been changed by the ep- has been changed included a bit. I look at you Finally, if you were evolved in someone's untimely death, but is effective, what does that? We always knew he was wrong in, but I think she's, probably a useful idiots, still think you look at someone in a different light once you ve been betrayed by and particularly because they were, their assistants are manipulating. They were he couldn't. closer. I mean it worked together for what to weave boggles unbreakable and the thing is: how do you get back to where they were how'd? You get back to that kind of a colleague, maybe have a drink in the pantry. After what that bank, The ball is like it's enough. Blood is well. Maybe there
if that is what she wanted to speak because she's a feast of on the run but Harry she worried about and knowing that all seeing that no guidelines about it I know that the feds in a seven after just allow thy brother giving orders how do they get on cars because all over there was also the first time bellows following to call the midday do professional. She is the big boss now suppose how she got, and actually I have a friend work who, when he became the big boss, he did a very subtle that very definite, distant saying right. The court tyrant tool is an area that has got a managed using a boss. James happened Abbas and that's why you did. how many friends at Work- and I presume that scares you made a very definite balsam- not may lose my boss such and he deafening made that call That is good books, whose nuts was aid being taught you did. the work of a very different differ feed. I stayed away from any motorists
It was very annoying, is obviously he's my friend. and sometimes I would really disagree with one of his perspective on a certain issue were under the supervision. What's going on as this hr then, and I would have to buy, my tonnes like ten, I have to say I will try and the kind of convincing my viewpoint, but if he's not gonna, but you know as the subordinate I have just two, he said I think, because in September last year we have a lot of communication and sobbed. Why was the plea? You have a relationship with gentlemen like why you what's wrong with me. Why would you want to be? What do you want to be
subject: relationship with no hobby, so you're, not my type clearly but, like I just saying boys are disgusting diverse, but these are discussed before without cyber doll. I e beside me gotta besides, I think I mean we're, probably and choose the top on the bottom, without leaving very reductive about what is a complex dynamic at the same time, the caprice by that Jane you they wouldn't even consider, I think so, get back to work so Bela's do so on our own by the bar as Jizo wept. Really. She told her tortured story to Poland, I'm so sorry Belinda, but George had planned for months. Perhaps even you jump other exposing echelon might be used as they don't wistful. We just dumb best advice wants you to escape from it incarceration and deepest Africa here.
determined to get even with his family. Yes, family, so he'd been incarcerated for years and he blamed toes is valid we quite cross, who knew I thought he was a war here. I was in a war to refuse a yeah. Sorry, that's a value judgment so when he was incarcerated after an hour of Mr Bit, what how is his family's blame? Will it be lectures our finnish he was disseminate even with his family. Yes, family. For abandoning him, I'm not paying the and some money shit, ok, different relations that are difficult to negotiate with terrorists as well as the kind of classic rulers. Linda is the rule, but if you were the one that was being held in deepest Africa, you would probably want your firmly to negotiate and get you just pay the money. What started his pen pals became so much more.
tells of electing the guy that the holding ransom be pen pals with somebody else. We are rather putting pal you. I did actually did you on a few occasions. Its support, we ain't got wrote category from well. I was really sad to at all. I really regret. This is really all finally Alice's childhood finally tease. I was particularly so He was that we get it to leave, one teaches class at primary school, and so I wrote back and forth or you just send them lies and they wouldn't replied. No, she would reply plied. Oh my god, I want you to know said she wrote the mother. She replied quote or let us say about all reached in the next class. I think Cuba, Incidentally, by older, went for the matter I caught you
I miss you ever so darling left greater. I'm leaving, I loved it did you get that skirted live on ourselves of our high wasted? It is issues as much of a zero rate. Older women Oh he's very old. Also. She was like this young teak now kinship, where there was a very strange, is spent his time what I've, but given the lack of both a bit, and then I think, Actually, please allow is, let's just stop at responded, but would you write to her? What would you be so light was thus unites? Our lives ended. What, when you graduate do the best you can do to her? now. I say it out loud. If my kid was right and left to split speech, I actually think like
because now yet would be considered weird, but these quite suite is causing s face, but, like I also have many sugar, I quite a few at sea, I was pen poet. I fear I will go into the more because I don't wanna betraying confidences, but meant, though They were all mildly, much older, much you had the cheek to mock my club there to friends, I give you literally were right. Sing to Olaf at least knew these. I can just about it a lot abolishing all hoping send those parcels of tens and Harvest vestibule Alex's ET in loads of notes rule the resident in too many will depend palace. While some of my age, my year, five teacher was bit wade like we guarantee this house to use a computer and stuff like that was all about.
Yeah. He was lovely evil and nothing dodgy, but it was a bit like stuff. You do now eat, but he was a maverick like I was bull boy match between England and India, as if it is a bit cricket fancy. I was abundantly and whilst we do he's peacetime music lessons of this, I know all about catalogue of sitting in the police because of him. He'd, like play assisting Some say, replace like Linux, Ozma about computer. He placed like message in a bottle and have thus like analyzer language things about my message in a partner. we need to listen. James has been very literally anyway, so one thing it one of the things he did was he partnered with a school in West Yorkshire, happen, bridge actual area and we'd all have a pen Paul in that class variously I forget the name of mine, but we within one what such a bond with have meant to have been bridge for a week for weak to live without pen pals like what you yet, but the funniest is so we were able to
like a cultural exchange with Yorkshireman learn these mittens, like I always each member. So we have to prepare performances too, like showing so the wheel yet, but we are just learn. West side story. Why really your culture to be bad? If anything, cultural preparation, WWW cultural appropriation, so yeah, was the lead dancer Obviously I ve got to learn the dumb of the video type for America. you don't want it's quite oh, my traffic and another track code. G officer, crook key, is fair. We learn that access off of the video and then we performed them in front of the class. In with you. so we use how I was the lead in both I was to be done here is what I think that the other two different sides both I saw. I was the I'm puerto rican side Will you work for America, but you also very much the american side for G of offers. A copy is very Bela taken very
of these. The people of the pillar, amazing that Jerome Z was notes loud, so that not enough people were doing less answer. Yes, with what you really ought to bring alive? I forget, I figure, I think they probably just read a poem. All of a sudden, I remember I was a little sunshine, for many. Many stories learn a lot about the actual. So what started as pets how's became so much more marrying. Tony made family, of course, which George finds ever so funny, but he ways did belong to the shadows. Belinda and now he's disappeared with all of Bishop money on factor Belinda gasped she was
take George Sylvester down. If it was the last thing she'd ever do should eventually used. Is that as bait she mused idly, thereby paving dissolves path to the real life, but for now they needed is out disappear. The problem was, how does also he's just thought of something. Task is built in his eyes and roll back in ahead, as they were doing as one of her thoughts, not really Belinda. there's nothing to worry about Gazelle, sat back and turned his white as a husky dog prancing in the snow and ice very white say why the lint save me she's out pleaded Belinda, but not the fun glee
Team time I was expecting. I really had thought it would be like leads you to the Kosovo about over at the head of the sharp may. Yet. All of this is actually quite some version. It Belinda blinked too, where each so Belinda continued blandly. You matter to me, Belinda will think of something and the theatres Monk Shoemaker plan, I love dialogue. I own. I really do hope that this ellipses between each of those little bit, I did wonder what those poor yeah so read into that we will, as Belinda, nipped sold gels Boob they smiled at each other. Now that friendship was fused to a whole once more, we need many Edith. look at what you left after you know. When you got a really great friend, they go off their voters. Can terrorist heist combat Edith,
you just take up later, however, there was only one point, with its reunion, so sexy just the one, the attentive barmaid, all this I have been listening intently back in the kitchens. the intent of all made agent ex wife I threw away her little taking orders path we intend to take in order to spell out alone, with her pencil and her apron issue wearing her body suit with insects on it. What just take off her apron? So maybe maybe that was I think that lovely ozone. She now had all the info she needed the next morning. Belinda, pact, her gift hamper from send your zip. What does he know, that's what he had driven. He left them in their quarters
Eventually I just said sinews. It is left to hamper renewed quarters. How I can they fucked crackers in a small bottle of champagne, while chains amongst the chuck. Now, oh jams and free muscles for a killer idea, not fresh anymore, been there, and I do not usually a hamper ingredient. Just because anything perishable like say shellfish like these, that hampers views have been posted, haven't they say usually avoid awful shellfish full. Oh you shouldn't have is often have so much amongst the chimneys jams and fresh muscles. Regular payer. Stop at me now I like it. If amendment on his name again amongst the chutney items amongst it. Can we say Pio with the red light already get ready. So amongst the chutney jams and fresh muscles were killer pie
of one or two gadgets. One was a coup. waiting for the shower multiple Belinda tested it out to start the day and while she was washing, associate it. She was enjoying the music clever that no one that trick shocks could happen despite this piece of electric women being their water. I know that this is right. stupid, but I'm with a shower radio. I just love a shower radio, my mind to this day: not a guy, doesn't it they how the puppy love interception interception does after that does at him
Send you was Ips Voice rang out clear they gotta interception enterprises remake Victoria, backed up with they both looked at it. I shall produce that They send you voice, rang out as clear as stairs lot done, how popular by saying yes so what whether Mr Osman I'm sorry, I get the experiences so bad word, word on MR huh My father was a bitter husbands lie. You speaking could is sinews it right. You can speak, though, coming, I think, he's all right. Isn't spanish, ideologically muscle he's going to making a pie things the noise so word Mr Barroso, Mr Hutchinson wait a minute.
I was Belinda with this already about what you ve spent I'm in Spain. This is honestly abysmal. He has indicated that the Berlin Summit got that thirty said no What did you do know lots of love, Belinda Billing stop as too many in this respect, which was didn't sour, maybe he's going to move I'm so yes, What Mr Osman he's relocated back to burn in Germany? thought you should tyrant idea that Belgrade does, and as everyone downstairs Halloran Belinda, were discussing business over breakfast Belinda described such a phenomenon as a brisk back. Sorry as a busy bat, sorry as affairs Brad
Don't you upon his? I already sprigs malfunctioning descried such a phenomenon as a busy please never ever say that appears Brac actually well, we need to meet somebody in the future. We have breakfast with them. Yes, sir, we call a business. a bit like what the hell is a bit bright? Love is bad breath having to Bismarck it's a phenomenon goes. Is it was burning this one such a phenomenon as a busy Brac based rat, could be the new brunch. Yes, brunch didn't always exist that the creation of a working breakfast, it's a for God's sake, which mainly men. So it was a bit which mainly men, champagne was eligible for expenses. Shall pay for bracky, already half cut its abuse break as it with Brad is abusive ispra. Its basic respect
leader Bela, yes, its political battles visiting you need to run a visual, so already half cut the team. Ladys discussed that strategy for the day. This is a different dynamic. Now, because of course, that is the boss underling, if you will love O esteemed colleague, depending on how you look at it if we can call them what you got one hundred indeed, despite Belinda recovering from a kidnapping, avenging a murder and an acting Aspire Mission Davis, must go on get you gotta. Keep the business going, gotta keep going, gotta keep that money coming the programme, S got a progressive business and today was day one of the pots and pans Pacific cooking conference. Does another conference pot and pompous if it is quite clear, the continent, the allies clover since day, one of the pots and pans specific giving conference. It was major that the steals cohort sell goods stalk, especially given that the oxygen
No products will finally on TV with Cosmo Macaroon show. Ah they done that in the previous book. They they sold them to call myself now it's starting to have an effect on earth. So it's not comrades, the trade, both are selling. I guess if this conference is anything like the last one, they're gonna be a message. Remember she gave box to every year, yes, you can almost bankrupted. How well we what they're gonna do here, especially that Belarus George, each one they go on getting the high up, my god. We can't leave because, if I've another one of these and they want to go in another fucking conference- guys stop them. So we find it on. I, with cosmic room, Shut, Bela, looked at Belinda she chewed through her over footed plate, obeying fate, has just sloppy mouth as the setting up of gummy
something's going on in there, but he ha Belinda toilets flesh the other way round here, as in the water, goes down the palm in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere. I really hope that fact Bela's Tories budget. I may also be a thing about very often anyway, Turnus Belinda blinked, much like an absolute majority in both its blinking, like a normal human in this chapter, Maybe it's a sign. Burma prodded. Why are weighed down, and it could be fun to be opposite town to be walk opposite tone of each of the town light of day. the day. Ok, oh no Barabbas clocked and a smart is paint you paid never a bull. True description, spike, oh no Barabbas! You may, and I
you, which means you do all the work while I eat drink and shag myself around this exhibition as Belinda slurp GUT Yogurt Bela contact cool it got tioga. Yoga is gonna, be like you know like tackle awesomely, let's go for your God, you're, not yogurt from under God disgusting. Belinda slept got your You can imagine Rocky Wilma, don't forget the dossier over two hundred acres shop. as Belinda slept. I got two yogurt Bela punched. The sideboard and frustration is always Einstein. It was down. To her to sell the newest steals trinket, but you don't quite know how to operate. Was the neutering care? How can it be coconut, How does it work just summit because they should not a demo hotel. She will be nice if the person in charge knew how to use their products, also gimme a flat bare of non state
pan like the way is all that to use it as Burma sucked under whose better he's already gone. I was afraid that in about as better Sceptre Nicole's better, I bet she's one of those who come from a whole happened in her mouth. One of that type of furs and consider the size of your faced. I'm new out of Montana Mama was not as Bela sucked her knuckles, better Jizo swarmed into the breakfast location. Oh, she set her. Ok, so Debbie seem at them in the Barcelona different able, but course come to the big become friend if I may be supported a new video bassoon shots Adele buses to help us soon, quite Adele Sassoon, who is a famous headdress, thereby create the five point. Hacker o K. I have pointed out. We ve never had a merry Kwan era like so
I would like to sit on this kind of thing that doesn't make any sense I take my feet. Also seen does wigs, but I mean, if you do not feed off this fatal baboon was. I think that we have a lot of everyday life without baboon. They ve made some very high and mighty beg pardon different companies, almost unrecognizable. If I hadn't licked you out every Thursday I'd never know it was you Belinda come into three breakfast really ask yourself in need of friendly reassurance, yeah gobbled Bela that I was not kept. You hide that's gonna Tufts for so long. I don't know, what's not doubt know, what's not catch you hiding that skull of tufts for so long I've done valley law about
I don't know why you have not a weak sooner bless, you gonna do about it at the pots and pans Pacific cook. Where comes since the Glee team were in that element the ass. This is where, They belong because when there that pass, that product tent was a very big and Sullivan with the steals logo, fantastic, but Belinda was a vendor viper snatching DE, I have to say that now get. I owe you fancier saucy pan you do Bob, hey man, habit of cheeky walk match. times by five, so that vessels continue outcomes wrongfully each other. So wait every they're, just retailers. Now, let us say like it: a protest, but they're, not wholesale than not selling contractual or big personal bans.
Uninhabited cheeky walk metric tonnes by this attitude was redolent This attitude is rendered habits and it was really getting on Bela's, big cities, as she nervously sweated, through every threat of her date. Rats backstage she's got to do what you did. the eighteen, so she's gonna have to get myself everybody. Could I get any happy years, especially so maybe they might have blown up over recent months actually got sound, amended Australia. Nobody does the very special strategy where he goes around the rendezvous yeah, We see you parents, we see
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king, but Odin. Think about is that I am on a sea like a cadaver when I sleep so much so that I once was leaning against a radiator, and I woke up with a burn on my arm. Honestly, I can sleep through anything. How do you not even stir worry, very, very well. What you seek her house just go out like a light like guy. Well, I have to have the correct environment account. You sleep anyway, yeah. You need to have an amazing mattress to have that restore swiftly to get into that good old, deep sleep. Next. This whole thing is that mattresses a well engineered uncomfortable, and they should, in theory, cost a lot more they start from just four hundred and ninety nine dollars. That's way less than paying for a lifetime of those soporific audio books that you can guess
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Sean of the new steals- and this is in Quote- marks haphazard us a new steals cry. No more knife, Why? No more cry, no more! No stop! It is a nice. If you stop yourself with is fine but a self healing knife, or when you cut onions, you don't stop chief and crying Oh my god, so the new steals Krajina more knife was a tricky tests, but she was determined to try wayside because there's lots of old wives tales about if he liked, by on a wooden spoon at the same time, or if you and goggles lice Duca, whose deny investiture embraced western and goggles, but it does. I was in a word, doesn't work for me. You can buy a specialty of almost ex scuba for peace. use the walking on stage. She was encouraged by applause and her confidence crew.
Goodbye paths, Pacific Other much about was the reactors. Didn t she bellowed to no one in particular. Well can't have a cutting edge, onion buster utensil everyone's on about about of on thought about. If it works and I'd love to hear this behind it. Are things grounded, although I personally loved the stylish oxy onion goggles of last phase, and I had a three deeper myself: the right to life is very development. I could see the whole I needed, whose idea was that we didn't know they are producing cockles today. Is this a knife? Was this knife is stupid day. So, although I personally loveless stylish
oxy onion goggles of last season. I had a three depend myself. The boffins steals pots and pans have now created something tat, I give you a sharp knife that blows air outward a very slight Marie society is dry with an eye. He's right, The silence in the fast dispersing crowd, worried, Belinda outlets, clearing out she's, she's done an obsolete RADA who just shouted out yeah now. I know why you out in very sore about a user forget lighting a candle Bela continue attacking that's one, chairing a teaspoon, your choice. Each putting a teased by a spoon awesome
green rather matches backwoods. This is a future too, never ever heard all three engrais the crush is great, was a greek Cypriot. So I am pleased to see that The thing that has makers sing on hikes only the kid what's he got green grow, the rushes I've, green growth or anything it rather than I should know that Sir baby ass, we do to stop yourself, I hadn't, that's hiccups, isn't it where you go? You lowering upside down. Right is a model of different alternative medical remedies, and so is key. now. We think this is now please think of an idea, apparently so to the conference that you would imagine that perhaps when she demos than gonna believe that Non Terry eyes. She will illicit tears of joy and amazement racial blow away. My friend and I hope that our faith, so this is the big jar with that or thirty two statement, Bela begun chopping,
an onion life on lie only in a shopping, much of the spectacle, David planes not done this quantity spring cools of people watched, but unfortunately the settings hadn't been expertly calibrated lying believe ass filter. Why? Because by the Nazis, No, but surely this somebody that can calibrate the fucking knife calibrate the nice guys how many times you know the saying that don't negotiator The second main aggregate account right than liberate the blade air filter. That's how big is this thing? If it's a kind of it's got a barrel on it, I would I would love people to send in their designs for the what's, it called the steals cry, no more knife to steal, Krajina monarch based on what you know and maybe there's more to come, but we'd love to see some some during which a lot of very talented, illustrated I'd, love to see some design tubby people
work in product development is, while so they're probably aware of this in the marketplace that there are others have been around for a while, but obviously still go left an and I'm guessing blurring of the Irish oversee, get the onion contempt. away away view arise next to yeah, but I forget guys got settings as well so settings and you ve got it. We must stress again: calibrated much to her embarrassment, squirts, induce sprayed into her heavily miss scarlet eyes. I sent out sucking the Spla loudly on the railway. That's why they even have the option of making her cry flavour some tears. Oh shit! This is and thoroughly what Don't say that
Age like starting out Bela, despite the demo going pear shaped, Bela finished on brand, like the professional she wished, she was a little darky. She really didn't sat the right is no tears crying. The is the brain is good. good cry, no more! Let you run more of a risk of going in your eye with this knife than without and you think she's blind, got a knife and she's blood. Then she screamed out. This is the worst. This can go viral. So if you I still get. steals pots and pans. She catchphrase gas, steals pots and pans walk with me. I heard this if you want a steel spout with an eye yeah steal that would freeze hops impact as soon as possible? and what trails off esteem
postponed because other countries, then this goes into different. You caught me the wrath. Maybe you should put the product after it. So if you want to steal, get a steals pop and pans cried. I more knife, right, searches. Dismissal thus believe made in something, but I thought maybe we could have a big brain some about what the conservation bays actually to steals is apparently, so, if you want to steal, gotta steals pots and pans ethnic hey, doesn't it doesn't necessarily make sense, must not great. When I went with MRS Maes Foot fool was not ready. Pumping post feathers didn't know you amaze me, but through the synthetic shards corona at DSL saw glamorous older lady fingering, the stainless steel section Ladys were all the ladys doing. I duchess Monseigneur, I'm thinkin hello, feasible customer, but the fact that as a kind of uncertainty here, high osts odor, so
hi, I'm tricks, he food said tricks. You fool tricks forward. What is tricky forward can rely. Things going forward with thirty years experience in the bees, I'm a high quality buyer forbidden exists throughout the Bush apple. Will the wife Boon a knob to a boon, a knob copyright Boone? although my googling boon adult had at TAT night and mother, taking on no don't exists, bunker, no bullshit Helen guys dirty. What are all real places in Australia, but food in autism, bum, cooler, flat cock up? Oh well: quality knobs dismal swamp, The bottom was, if you're, just a little research you got about she added ass, any of those knob Gazelle continued encouraged.
interested in a world of cook, where my colleague has the price gun price gun trick, see look dead into the eyeballs of designing a wig, and she smiled Yes, I'd love to make an order. Thank you. She let the lack of name hang on? Any aid is to be good I'm gonna think every times undergoes a new, so she let Lack of name hanging in the air like a big, Dick or nudist Beach, going there just outside with uneasy, for them? She's not for three wars going to call itself reduce who she is and also with a very light. Let's give a droll suspicious. Normally I've never been acquitted Armhole. I know it's been called gonna basins medieval times. Riddle Conover deserves said with uneasy confidence uneasy confidence. So she has confidence in it,
will. I Lancelot of do you. I get forgets so this should be fun as Jews, Muff, melted, her heart knew she'd pick the right profession, so that moment had like galvanised her jewelry. Holding two footage It's a vacation, pointing tricky forward to Belinda. Did that directive overboard. You treat people Where did tricycle with Portugal has just pointed tricks, authority Belinda, she breathed in an honest day's work It didn't take long for Berlin during tricks. He took us to register Highgate it up by the two. She bore thousand new. Ask you got big car of various items on credit with a hand, slap lit public and bosom bump. Did they licking his lips or do like their own lips
always worth asking Belinda knew a like minded business woman when she felt their breasts against her own. She invited tricks back to the hotel. Sweet addresses, like minded breast wrapper hailing from Buena Knob herself tricks. Before words was grateful for the lodgings. far away. I left many stories of botched sales and even more bottles of champagne. Later it was time to kiss trick sees nipples were a dream. Come real perfection with areas as pimple too cool breeze, always a kind of under some seeds, the owner, a strawberry. meta ovens. You gonna seated, furthermore, replaying batch, but yeah with aerial loses pimple the strawberries and beats as hard as an entrance exam. She was just demanding to be sucked known
He loves the nipple, does nay, eighty of the devising of unless lessons that detail, and I Belinda prey to the north God. She was infra good own tongue, lashing from her client trick. See forward could read her desires like the passages of Shakespeare so promptly and wrapped her mucky pussy willows out they help her would think it was nobody. Nobody, pussy muggy is a new one. Honours hockey everybody's Cities Hall Human damp. She read her like Shakespeare is logical, How to read linen says she found it difficult to Edith see some sort of yeah scholar tis, you didn't say unwrapped her mucky pussy.
That thing, films doesn't add which no one was smoking, but it would be right- and I thought I thought ass- a knight errant rocks are left out the door. Her thumb tips vibe around Belinda's virginal mound like a pro inserting three fingers and tongue at the same time, a lot the full vagina inserting three fingers and tongue tricks he forward began having an internal feel around like tea houses, She thought is not backwards and go, and I really hate how rocky describe stuff is being like is always like internal interrogation, investigation a scam and examination of having a feel around like what's wrong a regular daily. I expect to find each wrong corner tricks.
who are you calling you simply going at law if they want to know better, be, should really it s a come on we're. Ok, it's not like I took another. All left earlier ended up at a major thing: writhings Yonder, each roll call a tricky took said: Billy. and into new rounds of Navona, and it wasn't long before the law. That skin rug with soaking wet in biotech extract who's not like got yoga. Are they make you, my God, one bad law Barbara was come into that she was coming on it. I was the one that rug
Some cruel skin bombarding looks roadkill. Two thousand other in Australia is ok, so the one buckskin wrote with soaking wet and biotech extract and Belinda blink which brings us to the end of story time today? Now? Yes, that's over the chapter, so popular they're, just back just goes back to the old the Glee team one once more afterburners initial hesitancy. She seems get over that quickly. He got that was a red herring. We have new technology and the other inventions in the focus of capacity I've been. Nobody wants the onion night. Let me stress our suggestion that annual bullet that was also the innovative tech, insinuates Ips around the shower radio radio, which did tell us the Mister Hoskin, is back in Germany. Just social, oh yeah got other quite
oh Papa, but yeah overshadow my old man. Yeah metrics forward metrics forward had a busy biz brac. Whatever it was cut, there was a lot actually now. What now, Look back. These events might at any given time. Really let it percolate. Yes, they go was chapter fool racing through book was still in Australia. Low already didn't think would be a disturbing this law, what s going on back a base, but essentially the next chapter. My allude to that it's just go back to six times, when his mind, even though the scary scary dark place to be. If you do have a design, of course, for the onion nigh force of any kind. Why are you so? I always loved the theories about I wanna go next, my daughter, opponent, Gmail, dot com, the up, and you can contact us on Twitter, Adwords Porno and in scram at my dad wrote follow us, unsubscribe itself, afraid and you never miss a chapter right, isn't review. Tell us your lovers.
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Transcript generated on 2021-07-17.