« My Dad Wrote A Porno

The Best Of (And Unheard Bits) - Part Two

2023-08-27 | 🔗
Jamie, Alice and James choose their favourite moments from the 'Porno' archive as well as playing some exclusive never-before-heard bits. In this episode, the gang look back on their funniest sex, relationship and body stories.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime members, you can listen to this show ad free on amazon, music, download, the amazon music app today, the hello and welcome to the best of my dad wrote a porno. It's part, two we're still doing this guys. This is coming like a little tradition. Once a month we get Might the answer the still enough staff to get going Our message is thus a wee wee color delved into childhood stories. If you recall yes, This time I find absolutely aqueduct, says the parole yeah, I'm not talking about everything else. In my youth anymore, that's that's die and say that I was does more, but there is in time
so this time. I thought we'd delve into kind of some kind of sexy stuff. Yes, it sex. nation, shit bodies, even modern day states and all of that sort of shit yeah us not the books like cause. I think, as I you said this a lot our you know for people that do a show called my dad wrote Porto we are maybe the three prudish people in london I think, got better. Is it went along, but certainly yeah lies ripened. Learn a lot about you shall so much doesn't. Have you found that people you know that you be in, the soul of the show. Then they talk about their sex life very openly, almost like what kind of agony on so that we can help in some way we have to ICANN yeah. I don't even like taking my time We have seen that industry has just listen to them Monsieur ion is never nude from eighty invested development.
I said that before so I'm not a self proclaimed never need to buy. I think I think you've joked to like yeah, but I just really funny about like public need. I mean I'd, never go naked in a sauna or anything like that, and I feel like a prude I'd I'd I feel like I'm the one in the wrong. I wish I was a bit more like oh yeah, let's just get it all out and run around. We've been to scandinavia as a three, and you will remember that you have to be naked and this one is that yeah popstar go in. Then you have I love it. I love you love it. I dont want to show you. What do you want to look? I went to naked sooner with my brother actually and observe what sorry, but you do it in a sorry. There's a boy and a girl sections are obviously you separate for that bear and then we're on the change of groups. But then, when you come out like jump in the lake gandhi ice lake, but after that is naked, so we just worried we drink before light.
Maybe you'll fancy a privilege, the boys of the usa. I really wish I could get my brother, but he's gay I don t believe you would your brother when, in a naked late, is there to be clear to be clear. There were two steps, off the jetty and outside that, because once you on the other stuff, I don't see your brothers good. So we made a pact that we'd not look closer right and get in the water and then when we go out go by nobody, but it's a pity, but like ten, have access to that dump or ropes and then ten, You didn't really see anything. I didn't see anything, but what a shame, what a shame god. So it can be that but yeah it's it's a different thing in Sweden that just like the
I would have families they just look so healthy, though, isn't it? Oh, my god it makes you realize how repressed and fucked up. We are like we have such a weird relationship with our bodies, and I just thought that was like. Young people have hang ups everywhere. No new new britain is mad for it. I was in spain literally a couple weekends ago with some friends and they just couldn't handle the nude beach one of them. At the woody was speech and like manner it's just human beings on a beach just being completely normal, like you're, the one that's got away. It hang up here. It's not the idea of a tanned penis. It was a ninety mind you match in the cup round. It's an all overtime. I thought about that yeah. Would you have to
some cream on it. Surely oh yeah, oh god, probably loves you know there is a well known problem, so I provide is never seen the light in the light of day like was about a very sensitive skin. Animals love them up. What they ask in shade god it's out? Well in doubt your brother is maybe but little cap on your balls. Just like no light, perhaps on your head. lots of poland. I come when you will the panama hat, maybe the ethical duchess, with happiness. Yeah, obviously have this happened. kind of about this, not miss you. Obviously I thought you'd like day in stories all that sort of stuff. I told a lot of data storage. We were the most kind of you share. The most of this party feel, like you, know, Alan. I don't really show that much. I mean in a kind of savoir faire. That's because we don't have as much to share asking
You had a wonderful what storied history is a really good run there for you weren't dates. I like maybe like five days out of seven to the point where I was getting texts. If I would talk about someone on the pope cast and get attacked know it was not about me. No one else he's the taylor swift of the podcast days, and these greatest hits on my ear was told: do you think that baby that stop people from dating you, because they thought they might appear on the podcast or encourage that? If at their five minutes. You did date was someone wants that baby was into the fame of it or do we never talk? I do think we ve talked about so weird about it. Remember! Ok! So I It took about it odd that you're going to be okay, it's been a long time. Well, we've got time to fill so I might as well yeah I dated a porn star is too strong.
white actor, but it wasn't like liza Minnelli of porn. I was the only puts on protecting the government. Wow I mean liza. Vanilla is the most famous actress in the world. These really true to his brand. Let's give him the walls that he wasn't the liza minelli of horn. He was he of poland. Would you say of one question? he wasn't in it. He was just a porn act. Let the woman at play scale plants of poland. Yeah okay yeah, let's go, it was, is in July, says she's very famous like not not a not famous. Maybe somebody he'd been unlike couple of outside like doctors and unite lights in the daytime. All aspects on the beach- yes, lovely, a reality stop it, but not quite bizarre. Violent lamp yeah find their feet making their name. It was still early. Do ok, so he never told me I knew you I'm down man. I ever told me he was a performer. Ok, excuse me, wait, wait you found out. Yes, my friend told me, so I don't know how they work.
I was on a website listing the names, but no images of adult performers, so I won't let sorry pullback outlets, big love, pull out that's! No it's about four to five side, not from is inimical to give us. The whole story. So how did you meet? He says that when he's in I'm sorry I have to do, I have a girl. Is anywhere but James I met, on an app dating up and then yeah I was, is, and was few weeks into meat seeing him and someone said, oh, you know he had had an abnormal Oh really, I don't suppose you could remember it. I have to tell you about com at you, wouldn't have to tell you, but I feel like it was like to block or something like it was like you. I knew was a bit like french early and late ok and that obviously not what he introduced himself to you, ass. No, of course not. I didn't die for that long, but I just those based obvious question: will have you watch any of his work? Yes, of course I had to like once
you his name, but while it was, he heard tat. There is due diligence, I see it all anyway, assuming you would do you know, of course you will soon. It absolutely will, because he came to a birthday dinner of yours. Will that's James, a signature? as we know you attribute of james, has been antidotes, somebody that come into the better you also to the movement of every meal. I think we d like eight weeks. We also went away for a week or so like we did it all in my power. I might be so that the number of people those birthday meals that I might actually like the world. Tough. You're, not gonna, stay away like you day it a porn star. you never spoke. While you were a porn star, cause you're kind of one of the stars of another opponent of thank you and what you, the Michel and yes, now, who is the fourth one you're, not
Why? So you can look at porn power couple, and I guess so for those for their brief eight weeks here, but yeah cod. Data everything magicians after it? magicians protection law. Rule budgets. Should you say that? Because when I was on that weird dating up timber, When I was on my how to get my approvals and things as oda knowledge about forty eight hours, but there was a disproportionate, mt evolutionists So many will these single illusion what's the difference between them, illusionist, intimidation and a fantasy as I said, I don't know, but I didn't and I was immediately joined them. Unless you think he's got a magician quite single life, you'll have to be like a new lab, creating your magic tricks all the time that what he told you I've got a lot. I also think magicians are a certain type of person like the rich super smart, but not the
That's a generalised about petitions over the magic circle is gonna cancer, because I'm saying nothing conversation going though I do not like you know, that was our people to certain tat the person I was thinking to turn your lights off and then they are not going to put them back on that. So I think it's time to delve into the best of my daughter, I one to the sexy bits. This wasn't not, It's just the preamble right. This is just as James says as fitting tell time fine, so yeah enjoy, and oh and also there's a unheard, but we should say as well. Oh yes at the end, so stay tuned.
Since, when her little working overtime and their ripe shape made him feel even more randy like opera carter's. You know in the ripe to they feel like to press you like ripe up of public holidays with ideas. Do you think they were sought to heart? Is that too hard is a ripe havoc hata too hard for giving the exterior oven? If a comedy gentlemen, brac crocodiles skid, is what about the other two. As I'm thinking all the consistency evenly consistency at no thank you, I was again feel ok.
Never I have never done that before. I feel really bored if you've never touched the breasts before I've, never touch that with two fingers comfortable texting a dog- oh my god, cause spongy, tell you: what do you think their views are in seven The little perky write another place together with the guarantee that year What is that Do you, like my view about you, poking a balloon? gave give gonna worry when I've never felt a third wheel, my entire life. What's, if I'd known africa,
Look quite right. I want is go like and wait for it like a bag of water like a son water? Balloon is basically not yes. Yes, yes, like water believers. because only pregnant with one thing. while lovely? Congratulations you done with a place. Not I'm how'd, you guys been s good. Thank you very good. You know about I d get dumped last night. Oh science bids you ask. Other rights is actively scandal by text by two texts of the modern world is how it happens. No level guest,
but how will I certainly did more from them. You know it's coming under attack to know. What's that got sms happened? Yes, I've been seen him for like a couple of months later. None, but he just went quite quiet on me and then lost. So I was going to ask him how to think things. Would you like to dominate basically preemptively dump, and then he texts me and he was like I think you're, really great blah blah blah blah. I got out of relationship quite recently just a couple of months ago and, to be honest, I'm not ready I need to be seeing anyone what I know as I y ou know. What is He knew that all the time, though he never hold I, but you didn't. Tell me deceptive little fucker james about will go that far still quite easy answer. These are the most beautiful, but at the same time anyway, I'm supposed to be seeing him tomorrow,
Also how many whoa I was like yeah. I won't hold you to it and he was like. Oh no, it's still quite let's see if her dream I women honestly? What is the point in all this? Sorry, what you're going on a day, even though you dont to vote no is more a drink. I wanted. Are you, as one alike, cuisine belie? What's where you had a mother? I I really wouldn't think just cut it dead to be honest with you, what you're gonna get out of it may be, but peugeot partner, but as long as you have a drink in that case, go, but don't let against it too much to just move on literally the nicest man in the world gets dumped and then accepts an invitation to go out for drinks the next night to be like double dumb,
apparently then break up with you. Impasse is doubling down on the don't be a hell. Just I'll, probably just give me more reason exactly why the time it's fine, how are you great fear, ego definite, just think of happier things like but into blinked? Oh, yes, this time a mind of it, a friend of mine once when on a date with guy first day and ended up there but his and they had sex when he came shouted I can see him it shuts out this isn't true. It's true is one of my favorite stories. and could do without anything they had a second aids. So I assume that you wouldn't see that I see the other side of your front door and out. holding my clothes. I love as well.
We're gonna, have says a jamie and Alice dating How is it that obvious, I wouldn't say, you're dating just from vienna, ugly ha ha. That's really no pleasure. I cannot keep yeah, I don't think would be that compatible would be. We'd have very fiery related accidents, but the highs behind the lows. Yeah some days, we don't speak tonight Are the kissing would be vitally, oh, my god. How much would I have to pay you to kiss me? It's seward, your like one was, as does the is utterly out, is near the danes We have spent in brussels, I think rallies naval most likely to gaze jamie and james.
is the vagina from behind what does a vagina look like from behind you? Surely cant see a vagina from behind the front? It's just gonna be doggy style. If that helps you picture any better, okay and with doggy style. It's just that the penis got kind of under the carriage and into the vagina into the station. It is like this, the do you call it. The taint till the the gooch you've got to negotiate. Not what I mean you just don't want to go native abracadabra wouldn't go anywhere near it's not really relevant and go about a uno fullest yeah. So, let's think about the
Well, I'm giving you give me that's what you need and also a hint hey with the word wide wide open. I believe it was. Can you imagine that? But her legs are wide open. Wide open doesn't display her vagina right, yeah, I'm like oh, this is like teaching the vagina and you carry the volvo fought to get to the five two, so the tank doesn't come into I'm going to help people stop saying till you get what you're gonna show them. I find what you googling. I didn't like how serious she is she's, a woman on a mission. I guess this is what you need to be picturing James is crossed his legs very tight magazine, anticipation, well you really love? It looks like she's holding a burger between her men for god's sake days looks like a court the boundary between
the legs. James you've seen a vagina not from an ngo called apparent as a uea and pleased at being down the right. So this sort of vibe I mean that's, not unfamiliar position. Yeah. Oh here you go. This is what we were looking for be that, as you go basically gets a wide over in the o k were high. What how jane. You really didn't know about that. Far. What you mean went back that far like it is touching. Asshole give it when you give them Sometimes it has all the way up, north that literally right next to each other on the next door. Neighbours is papa. You are concerned, as I found her, feel very dirty pushes riding around on these pieces. come you're. Really holding it on the most important part of these pictures. War is every man's dreams. I wish you dream types.
Not at all was James. I just I could a normal slender, via definition. Must No, no, but you know that like side line, that's everyone's thighs and that Houston doesn't have that larger people. Yeah mine, definitely has a yeah. I'm working on. My sideline just tends to Alex for concern I think they shave kebab me off the big elephant legs about shop when this is bigger. The telephone as the author can cools wore an image
It's just like when you're dating someone you gotta walks up and you don't read it straight away, so you don't get the two blue text- yeah, okay, great so great when it pops up on your homescreen, so you know actually read it, but you have yes so good! Apparently now you can like turn it off so that everything appears on red forever. So no one knows when you were last online or what you've read and what you have to do that I don't know. Wanted it to me once they were ghosting me at the same time. So didn't read my messages, but have you ever been ghosted nah? That's pretty going yeah happens quite a lot fee. It's happened, it has to be, but would just stopped or that thought where you type someone I'm fine and then wonder they just never. By ever again yup Noah, Eli water done and I presume, is called ghosting cause. It's like they've died intended to guys know at school that are just disappear, but honestly the politics of Alice
each you so what city than others it got me thinking how many times you trying it back in tat, maybe give at once, but don't get more than once like take the him. We have a friend when texting used to be a thing should always is I never tipple green? never, never double green. What's double greet all I say here: oh my god, I tend to once I was on a night out and unmatched with someone, and I woke up the next morning with a message on them and it was like hey handsome I was like oh hi how's it going so I live so I'll text him back, so I'd recommend Why oh, hey how's it going sent it wise his message, blue and why my message, blue, I was in a conversation with us- I myself have to admit reply. immediately. It was so embarrassed to even look at, and you wonder why you get goes ooh, I'm not sure you ready. Just have you ever met buffet
like he grabbed her cervix. Oh, I have to say something here: he's going to kill, do some serious in terms of image, and if we don't stop him, I don't know who will own the gold antique rob to doktor boob bressani, ho hum can face. Whatever face that I didn't even block he's the only one that's ignorant about the cervix, so I'm just going to Google fi, really quick, just got bracketed area. That's vagina! A map of the uk. I hate that we have today. later I'll do geography. Next, I so cervix. is in part the vagina guys cervix as you can see it,
brazen long, squatness, later, ok, ruefully few talking about the uk james, we be in a minute. Ok, please! Thank you! you're welcome, I just shave, opening of the service is called the us. the typical allows menstrual blood to flow out from the vagina during menstruation during pregnancy several hours clauses to help keep the features in the uterus until birth should be grabbing. Should you be compromising the structure of the lack of evidence, scooters words today the key information I feel like rocky, maybe didn't know. Approximately half the civic length is visible with appropriate medical equipment The remainder lies above the vagina, beyond view decay guy, if you grab and now you ve gone wrong,
hey. Prime members, you can listen to this show ad free on amazon, music, download, the amazon music tat today, we got heard of gold star gaze. All this brings about your gold saw gay. If you ve. Never with a woman, never arrive at virginal set about common is like a little jaffna, so ridiculous, a name I beheld, platinum style, gay muslim, says areas, section gay so have you ever had. That's really care about the submarine. That's when your pure is driven snow laxative, What can you get beyond that? I think maybe problems the top yeah as about say test you, but completely
understanding that test your baby isn't grown in the test tube or maybe Jesus yeah, a divine conception, so you're goldstar and ghost okay. Well, you have that girlfriend and I who, who is that girlfriend at school you got married to it in a five, I've never heard of it. Did you have a girlfriend that got married to a primary school on earth? Are you talking about we have a at primary school had about specific listening, but Ellsberg did deliver. She is now she's in belgium, it sounds she originally looked about. She fled the country would be my two. It was lovely less of the summer. Oh and the primary school that's forever arise. I really beyond of estimated nipple tussle us a list of got like sticky by elderly with one james. You didn't know these. For the whole I'll? Do it?
we will take them home. You put when you went to. Naples has an eye on you actual rifles. Suddenly the boys, which was on a video part, are you. I can't believe she's living naked in the room all giving we a bit too. Oh people will volunteer for me. Graham yeah. I see it's sick. I've, never seen anything like it, the scenes are squawk its poor.
So that picture is going to go up on instagram to view our instagram story for at least a behind the scenes. Content wow. I just can't believe you saw Alison nipple tassels, That is an image I can get on own. How can you not unsent? I feel like it's going to be seared into my memory. You know when you close your eyes when you've looked at a light, and we can see. Is the topic close my eyes now. That's all I'm going to be able to say thank you. Thinking of them, as light bulb, was going to say, look great. Many thanks regulations be working out. Ok, before nice muscle, ebay. The city oppose oliver used to shows you knew it must report. I would like to point out that all men up disease much costed, she's female. They forget o multiples near you write like its multiple born. Isn't it was again when you hurt when feet, women have no gsm, they have
multiple at once, it was not to put it more like a big one. Legged turbine get one free in what a woman all gas. Yes here It's so intense happens, less frequently been managed. You mean less very kindly aims. Ribbon August, less frequently the man Women can all that's a multiple times in its name, a session guys not a burly yeah for tests. James is now straight that why did we didn't like it? I, you can come when you want to come. in theory in one single. They involve in one go. you gave us, you can role of ya, see that's it. I know why. well cause. You know how guys like once you come. You've got to have a rest yeah, not so with women just keep going. You do a fascination
today, I must have a monopoly. It just feel like this is the this. We need to take this off podcast, because there's more that I have more questions for Jang. I think we need to know that. No, I didn't mean like then you get together and then his voyages of failure and on its net I'm on wiki feed. Your were heard of wiki europe, looking up right now implement Ayman. I did author ring this on live freely, is its basic catalogue of famous people on pictures of their feet right, yeah! Well, thank you for saying that. Yes, I'm at this, the upper echelons of feed. that zetland is famous people. Yet the m going to by the case What have we got a bloody, how Furthermore, zoomed inversions of bigger picture- youtube-
she's on in some of them ass. I came out guys at the bottom. It says three pitches were removed from this gallery for indecency. Two pictures were reported as cheaply fence out, and one picture was report does- and I quote no feature it is about. It is regrettable that we can have a bit like the got some. Trusting information here, just say I love on wikipedia pitch of my face is abhorrent, just like this sitting average be on their so you you know you can rates people's views on her if you ve got rating so MIKE. Ninety out of one hundred and eighty seven votes? The results are no. Ninety one people said you are beautiful: beautiful feed, forty six percent, so it forty six peoples.
nice, river winds. Now my goodness may raise twenty nine said. Ok, fifteen said bad. Get this so Suddenly, and the common such as quite like? I don't see any of their, so someone said, love the souls of red heads. They always look amazingly normative, he's famously a fake redhead. you keep saying I might have heard the episode, because we would like a bloody like here with your for in it. Like you, ve been looks like you, ve hurt you. So we are that's one. Backed up in the sea. The cinema is these people, so was at her foot movements. Seemed charmingly precise and careful now, can I just say that what you think community wonderful, what everyone I would hang out with them over youtube any goddamn day and also I'd just like to say to everybody that voted for me. Thank you to the academy the time and dad I wouldn't. I wouldn't have these little tootsies without you and anybody that's enjoyed my
the over the is precious the something I want to bring up? I want to get resolved. Oh we had an email. Oh god address these. You know I love that James is the only person that knows the log into our email, even though he had nina was just listening. I want to resolve and it's from Eric hi Eric the title of the email is as a virgin ok, so type, the title, the title of email leads into the most attention eric go on ass, a virgin. It is nice to have apparent virgin James coop, in the struggle to represent us as a stupid stuff. While pretending he knows things Eric James. You are rumbled and also video he wishes with a kitchen Eric, isn't anagram of Allison jamie
to everyone to emerge in old. Eric does happen to everyone, but your pa team by another vision? You have to stay with. You don't feel pressure. He has a right to response Eric another, Well, we don't know my or not that not less ambiguous, nothing wrong with you the generic, obviously, but I'm not so, judgments. Have you ever heard someone prayed, two more openly about these He felt the need to bring up in the first place speaks volumes dames office. If it is your perceived lack of knowledge about, I presume email for you, I'm not you areas of expertise, and you never said it was not. The united kingdom is what draws people to other versions of Be people don't understand that you're. Actually gay, maybe that's the thing. Thank you for a while his answer them as a virgin and now is gay obligation
and that's why I don't have that much knowledge about three men are not to be because it's not what enjoy. I wonder whether, if we do that It's not my taste. So to speak. So James mom lessons, that is the first time show no one else. Would you want to go home, and now you reward for listening to all the stuff irreparably her before these episodes? Unheard bet? My issue is that I have we got. How do I want? You got us about What is the ratio of a oh? It's not so much an issue. I just I don't know if other people have experienced this. This boy was saying is way too slowly. Oh I mean what like slow motion
a movie demo and then I'll explain on who join me to go on my hand is how quick gutted papa is available. Today I was still opening her lips to instigate the case. What on this issue, and what are you doing in this time? You're ready to go? I'm I mean, and Otherwise it will I'm going really slow so since nice, but about snail smoke. The snails low and my thing is, I didn't know it- is there. No one had started a finished cells. I initially I'd like was ok. Let's get that tongue in their lives. Like deuce makes exploration here, beer then I was like oh no, we're like such different tempos he's waltzing and I do irish dancing a little jig. A little jetty. She didn't know it
yeah. This is about the start. I think I got you. How did you know it's fitted, because it's all just nothing. Slow like it was imperceptible like the movement like, if I really concentrated, I could feel you We could build a hundred seas but like a kind of a philosopher, static tongue in your mouth net is no. I mean that was done by because I'd sort of invigorated, my you pull the aid it with your you hook, flopping dead fish like a breeze on your life. I was giving my mouth to mouth to his mouth and better, like that's, going to create act to get a current while you no one is able to get rid of any real enough like pressure, so that kind of everything just starts moving. Why? God way Oh god, why not to get too intimate, but was everything slow like
yeah, that's true that was he generally like a slow moving persia! Oh that doesn't match you cause. You walk like a teacher on like a field the strategy is, I thought it gets. The coach before at least without us. It's only two slower didn't have you told us that he has like a global world having an amnesty? He was like. Let you trotting behind me like. I was always a bit had using a turtle turtle. Man do you think you know is that he's, like is he'll, be slowly reaction in the canaries, at the email and about ten to twelve weeks. Obviously, when you first start seeing somebody you're like learning who they are you're learning how the body works like that stuff, that you'll become more compatible with my yeah, but not as tricky, because wages
tempo, miss mapp, yes, the elderly didn't say sorry, they do say. Oh, my god is quickly It's super you see, but let's judge people other roads I feel like. Did he told us? Let me move, it is those with the approval of setting a bit like was he a golf quicker because if you need a certain amount of tempo to kind of yeah do stuff, I would say that, on on the graph three, the famous graphic speed. Yes, it pull that when he's there the lower end
in everything speeds wow, like sometimes like, dig around like slow slender unequal bad. No, but if you saw everything, life is long That's a mix up. Ten thousand! That's where a lot of you know sometimes I wanna cayley, sometimes on a street duns correct. I name this guide to seem, like you know, the really extreme end of of supply a slave. No that's not move on time. I did thing. I don't have time to kiss you. I'd love to meet you in thirty minutes like this guy. Did you have to allocate time in your day or just knew how long it would be so annoying cause? I was like rage inside your hurry. The fuck up now I love snugging, like I think, snogging is one of life's great joys, but I just thinking is the dynamo.
There is now the way I do anyway. This is an absolute rollercoaster ride. You don't really know, what's gonna happen next, how long were you with him? It was. It was long at all. How much do you time, moved a different things to eat. Ok, that's Alice's, dating story with grandfather time lovely, the oh, my god. I don't remember that conversation. I do I wish I d now I will remember wrapper I'll treasure it. Oh my god, two thirty again ready for this. You gotta worry less another right now I mean that Will they not just your slow kissing story? I mean there was some rough stuff in their it quite confronting in summer. Isn't it have all your terrible dating stories in one place? Somebody
keep lifelong diaries. We have this haunters, I mean it will live forever, those one one that we back next month for another slice of best bits and on her. At gems hm so yeah in the meantime, do let us know if there are any pets that you want to include one of these episodes. Actually, it's very nice to kind of yes, when you guys, yet it's been very helpful. We have had some some correspondence verbal bathers in mind for the future, the usual channels. You know your instagrams at my typewriter yet emails, my data opponent at gmail, dot com. If twitter still exists, slash acts tat opponent bright, amazing, see you guys met signed by bye, hey prime members. You can listen to this show ad free on amazon, music, download the amazon music app today.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-29.