« My Dad Wrote A Porno

The Finale - Part 1

2022-11-27 | 🔗
It's the beginning of the end. After six books and over 430 million downloads, Jamie, Alice and James gather round the kitchen table once more to read the first part of the 'My Dad Wrote A Porno' finale. Belinda gathers her friends, colleagues and lovers as she bids a fond farewell to Steele's Pots and Pans...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A cast powers, the world's best podcast here, to show that we recommend I'm christopher Harris. The host of the world soccer talk podcast the woke up promises to be the most exciting and controversial woke up in the history of soccer. Throughout the tournament we will be telling you how and where to watch the gains of? U S, television and streaming in this, never ending complex world of so many choices. If you love soccer, you will love the world soccer talk, podcast, listen to the show. Wherever you get your podcast you cash recommends. The following: podcast contains idle themes, sexual content and strong language based
we all the good stuff six books, eight years? hundred and twenty two episodes. Four hundred and thirty t million downloads, but only one belinda. This podcast has been an incredible ride, but all bad porn must come. To an end, its not without a heavy heart that we say this, but my dad wrote a porno is coming to an end, yeah. I know you said you were going to eat shit. Surely this should be a three decision? No I'm. Joking obviously would do it till our dying day and we couldn't have we told dad we have to.
in a way we could have the lobby would have been wheels. So ass of communal pile of books refunds in the old people's homes, where we were, I mean jamie. You and I says: do I've always law yeah those aims. A hundred and five shop you haven't, shuttle eight with it was possible He wasn't boats, with the amount the rockies written we couldn't get going forever. The books we'll, never! Never we have decided. We must its time. Guys is time There are major tv series that don't make it this far I'll name, one that has well. Quite honestly, it feels as though there are lots of reasons why we would keep doing it, but we have to draw a line. and why this feels at the right time, because we want to be like cool Finally, I can the office I know they had to
Having said that, we were like oh yeah, faulty towers, only hadn't weapons, which is my guiding light projects anyways right, like all the cool kids fanny, had like half an episode we know. But it's sad it's like. I don't think we could, ever ended it and thought yea like it's always going to be like a beer most, which is why, at the end of every book I mean you particularly Jamie. We don't say it until you said you'll. Do it yeah and a lot of people have been saying guys. You haven't given that book seven books, then I know that the rates of the about so I know this will be unwelcome unease taller of people yeah, but you know that that's a long time been listening to this again see this. I wonder how, if you listen back to back to every episode yeah how long it would take you haven't actually done that mats. It would certain suppose I think
in stories and matter how we're doing now- hey c'mon, now and yeah. I wonder how long that will take haven't done. The maths leave it with me The euro must be a couple of days. At least. Can you imagine that's like torture, us like full on having your school for that I thank your school sport bidding, but yours is naked, so yes to this over a proponent. Yet we are meeting anymore books but we're waiting on a high, because we ve got to special episodes that will be reading this week and neck weak and guys- and this is really exciting about an unprecedented. Yes, we will be recording a very special footing. It's with the main man himself, MR rocky flintstone will be on MIKE
am I not g the voice of the author himself, the man of mystery. He finally gets a right to reply. What we're doing why, if we allow it waste, the crash two thousand com? Yes It is sad, but it's you know it's a happy sadness. If that makes any sense. You know we're so proud of the show, but very rocky a happy kind of sad, but we just think it's time to higher up the mike's, but not before we read that mobile and we hung them up, asking to say we don't by the wire them because actually really not good, because these are quite expensive, whether or not the cheapest. Wouldn't hang them by the I actually unplug the wire, otherwise it'll break the wire, and you certainly wouldn't hang them. I hang them. Okay, we need to have worried about low too late to decide. You will feel like it's been bought. Eight years we've been doing this yeah. Do you feel that your life
changed in any way. I feel I can. The second honest. Well I mean I was still in other kitchen table with italy. Is why you note about poor? Yet consistency is admirable shocking? I haven't we got married had to everybody else. Is that a life in these I we ve always been available to record. It has never been enough. Said life. I'm sorry! I can't have things to do at all the emails. We got that, like you, ve soundtrack, my life you ve been there on the day that my boyfriend proposed? You feel that when you finish the job promotion, where big lion moment. Gabon, we danes got lots and lots of utopia. It's no! We that amazing, amazing. What will this area we have told the world we did hbo show we ve done some good things that were still
yeah. I thought that was going to change my life. Obviously you know we're laughing through it guys. You know you do have to laugh through trauma, but there are two specials and I think that the next one might be the emotional one cause. I think, let's you know read some porn, try and enjoy it. If you don't laugh, you'll cry, as I say, I am so gonna cry next episode. Well for us, this felt like a good time to kind of for us to stop reading right because Belinda's. Obviously how about takeover bid her stolen? Yes, I like she's, going into a new chapter and seventy very nice, just feel really real here and also you know, we can kind of talk about it with much detail. But We are going away forever, really was that way there were things a cooking guys come on. Yet no you're. Right, though there are plans afoot me, I can't talk about it. It's not the end of my address. Porno is just the energy in the pot cast
I also you know we did this once a year. Honestly, I mean it's not really changed your lives that much guys come on. Who do we think we are Adele? I had to get an intel reference in the finale. Sorry, my god that will be people who are like really. I have to listen again, to one through six. There were also so many people to set up. Without still So did you know somebody will be quite simply rely, oh god. It's finally ended up over the many years ago, if that's cool and not to Ok, so that's why this topic, so are we ready to dive into Belinda blinked for the penultimate time I got all way. I can't believe it is weird, but next week next week next week, isn't the end. Okay, Linda blinked now like on the official. steals pots and pans Belinda Blumenthal leaving party
o k, brevity of title we ve comes from outskirts circular disorder there too, the official steals pots and pans Belinda Blumenthal leaving party. it would have been remiss, wouldn't it to not give us an yeah yeah and also, if that's the title is partly the burma is gonna be here. What they're going to run out of the big pan is going to kind of have to go around the corner. I mean this is an absolute testament to rocky's writing that we've, probably and eight years discussing five months
woman's life. Why? How can you be so in debt and so specific, yet completely vague and amazing? Isn't it is caught? You they'll tell him what you a coup: winter breeze ruffled, the follicles of belinda's, fake mannion out. She was wig she fairy united as fair animals. I guess the husband, the background goo oh yeah, he was very so either she's wearing a full on wig or she's called extended to people still were like clip on extensions and I'm sure they day to oh james. She had long been a fan of extensions. Such got, clip ons and be it hair or cox, taught me how to clip an extraocular. Can, I think, an extent. Being an erection, okay, fine, we shouldn't We stood on getting the really low hanging fruit, guys any teacher guy. Well, let it pass. I won't miss that dead. I seriousness that sometimes addresses you with like an erection
I just thought that was the obvious way to go, but to talk about clip or gox, but ok, Large eyes looked out over the ocean mutation Massive eyes and click on slowly, a pensive wondering trampling over her beautiful face patent twas a path- complicated, I say to manipulate that there was. There was some sort of wobbled. I wasn't happy with supports is quite unusual sentence, hello, eyes looked out over the ocean, a pen if wondering trampling over her beautiful face, yeah, that's about the I'd say: isn't it it was a big day next barbara because I didn't sell anymore after being appointed p c o ye he s here. We are what What will it be something to do with sea? Oh, it's like it is, is over complicated c o, I think,
does this mean out bash? Yes, okay, so yeah after being appointed pc, o o president and chief operating executive office, I've been a past telling thats about as highly surely peace was hindered. And her nearest and dearest colleagues for one last hip hop hooray hip, hop her. I hit pop her eyes, a hip hop. themed leaving path. I really hate looking forward to the rocky negotiating this his area of expertise. The invite has been vague. Ten change, decay, essential passport, o non essential, bad breaths. We'll talk and clothing. Fidget fishes me non essential. She means, though, not desirable that the desire is all we invite says when you say vague,
It invites date located just bring your passport. with you at all times also like that is beyond a slight when people have like stuck to use abroad and things will, as we have discussed before about like abroad. Things and thing you have to suffer the catching of again destination. What never broods betterment. I get masses all the time about broadway. he's a telling you didn't go abroad, running lights, if it please, I don't need to know, because I have no idea had ever proved that technology. You know what I was get message about: fucking talking cats, I once reference to cast settled my god did cheaply to semi videos or hardly believe it was, for the first time at least give us one browser that cat gonna. Do you love that cat voice, Oh, I know you're old, old raw material. Let out old, puts you get me a lot of tunnels,
at bottom firm and suddenly. What do you mean? A lot of pictures? no just a god. I was wrong. It was ass though they had abortions emblem that, yes, they do exist. We see a lot of stuff about the cup. Veteran vow harrison god, what's good for you wrapping the bottom flannel commute someone asked me out on a date with us that we can play paints a very tight. We suggest that this good polydeuces or the rules if they wish ass. She turned her brown skin in the inclement sunshine. Her mom, and reminded her of all the adventures, she'd creamed over my god, her mistress, sweet juices, acrobatics to arrest, em, fuck fasts, you done it all, but he's gonna graced heads in his own greatest montage, zero regrets, just as your back of it. What do you say? Inclement sunshine.
inclement sunshiny, isn't inclement bad language, these dump slight cold weather you can sort of sunshine in the cold and wet guys. Does he mean, like I dunno temperate? Does he mean light hamper temporary ten per cent so she done it all and have zero regrets as it's hard to believe. It was time to leave steals behind the wind told oh it's all right. You know that the trees, a rustling and whispered about the hope of consular the leaves are my around delay. Exactly new, correct ruler. Women go to the winds, don't you do now it's time to undergo, three invitees. The flight had been quite a challenge in blindfold use so that blindfolded on the plane, the whole So maybe that's why it was so vague and invite they actually don't know where they're going, but they didn't even know what airport to go to. So god knows how they got on the plane, while they are very close to heathrow the aldi, probably as heathrow to be fair,
plain when the pilots? I thank you for supporting the true, for I thought you had a reef whether they like it was a fucking terrifying like I need to look out of the way I wanna play, and so I can see what it's doing if I'm blind We do not see what it's doing. Why but you know when it like gets bumpy and a turbulent and things that need to check the wings, not fallen I see I'm opposite. I think you can't change it. Just get that blindfold on I'm asleep So obviously, from the time you use the human blame you, I would have been quite challenge in blindfold use, but thanks to the north gods, the majority of the guests had survived. the majority is that Belinda, you from life that, if you well you're heading? You won't have as much fun when you land, I think, Stephanie. Not. You haven't. You need a goal that you need somewhere to be going. You know where you're hurting you don't have as much does just that.
ridiculous gather Natasha Belinda. From life, you know where you're heading you won't have as much fun when you land, so that was that I like be questioned it was not very like andalusia, like he's anticipated. that really would tear that out. Everyone had wendy three minutes to freshen up and after the full body customs check and without much ado we're ready for the festivities bang on the allotted spreadsheet time ever been on a plane. Sorry where's, the twenty three minutes happening, so everyone had twenty three minutes to freshen up where doesnt specify still on the piano in the ep? I think maybe with funded. So everyone has. in this oil. Is journey to illuminate the more they can or customs they. What wiping chain and not lose so is the massive queue because everyone's got off the plane was they were advised not to bring clothes. What they changing into
I would say freshening up to send the sink like a birdbath. I guess yeah who was bathed, that's what they say. Isn't it the bottom animals united. So I will have twenty three minutes to freshen up after the full body customs check. Now. Why why why they getting a cavity, if we won't got that the survivors just look at the naked, just look at whether or not make other than they were told, precisely what is and is not essential. Ok, I just got Seinfeld's, on completely naked on this flight cool right athletes from Hrg to white lies have said they will have twenty three minutes and we'll all frankly, the bathrooms why they are but probs and then they go through customs, have an anal probe
without much ado, were ready for the festivities bank on the allotted spreadsheet time of twenty one, thirty, seven p m or specific mental absolute mental also think they've had an invite and they ve been sent a separate spreadsheet wisdom, I met with very very specific detail with twenty one. Thirty seven p m doesn't exist because twenty one is not us while european I am within four o clock, I honestly do is rising noon and midnight with I'll. Never know Belinda had her Dear bosom, buddy, cheer, montague design, her knockout frock, how lovely honouring her past employment as such belinda was dressed as a sexy version of the call industries steel workers to use picky sellers Belinda, Belinda's favorite thing to flog right. So I already have in mind what that might look like. You know like a poofy like
the color upside down. Yeah do live with us and as a scourge with holes in it, but like a puffy kind of, I actually think three sixty is arranged ikea said that that feels like day tat territory will ikea stolen Belinda blinked, so mean semi things that berlin below. Yet there was a tall little blunder blocked or some in my life ga I hear they waited the so. Yes, she was just a sexy version of the calendar three sixty, one of steals biggest salazar Belinda's third favorite thing to flog after the non stick, tin, walk and her residence sex life very good flog this the material of her dress, sparkled, is fractions of light hit. It fractions additions, I'm good time, James, eight years, we gotta get it isnt wickedly the sis, to address sparkled is frightened ass, a whole as an eight sinister as fractions of luck. It's it's it.
covered in strategic hose, exposing forbidden flesh. So like stuff a boob through well, maybe the setting for dinner was extravagant and elaborate. Where are we still? I'm told us, that's not in the schedule, No, no, no, it's coastal could she was on the beach at the beginning, so the setting for dinner was extravagant and elaborate befitting a sales director who had given everything from body juices too life. I mean technically not be island. There were velvet strips rippling from the ceiling velvet strip of up fabric ribbon. Does he mean a gets ribbon yeah just about it's like bits of velvet into strips and still consuming seller table like how elaborate so the velvet strips dribbling from the ceiling from loving be well used. Chaz decorously
along the long mdf top to make it even longer carved table. Sorry, it's a beautiful carve table and they put a piece of mdf over to be fair if you ve ever had like big christmas dinner. People will be doing it around this time of year, where you have to extend. Don't you have to like balance, another tape the end of your other table and then put a table cloth over to make it look like save that data has a huge bit of plywood. That is just the christmas table yet, but they've paid for a venue like an extravagant tragedy and they put mdf on the table and stuck bits of velvet. See they infringe has every last april he left the chair does need a bloody loves, the chair, but why they scattered my side and light upturned, decorously strode along you throw it out in london is being so they throwing them on the whole way these down the table? Oh my god,
in a little like the random side, just a pile of chairs smash lay through our chair, I tabled by all I've got. This was gonna, be all over the bulk larry everywhere, a cool, because what you would want it and has sheet on this because of the age of I have a huge budget, it's like an event planner who's like so. Obviously we will be touring the chest down the street before you're ready. Is it like smashing plane? You know like maybe as collateral culture, we didn't. We I think they set the table and then throw the chairs, or do they throw the chosen set into James. It's not for me to comment, but if that is what happens in your culture, I completely endorse it as Belinda rented the bottoms up. Eyeing the chairs on the table rose. Did I see quint hoofs and clapped? It's tough able to on the table. They cheered and crime and generally when nice, the huge aha, aha, they
the other will judge if, as another the reaction to arrive No, you don't just say the words have. What's the point again, the house huge dining hall on the banks of brazil's, majestic capital, rio de Janeiro, am, I am, I allowed to point out that rio de Janeiro, who isn't the capital of presenting, as per se, This strategy is that it is as though the majesty of rears, maybe the cut, would you say the cultural capital to the hope. So it's on the banks of re. What was it? The banks have reiterated in her, yet the majestic talks in the banks, the huge dining hall on the banks of brazil? tested capital, we did you have in the past the bag, a scenario we still get above the bang the bank. Like the back,
as the dvd financer, like a bunch of how to fight the huge dining who, on the banks of positions The testing capital is. What do you mean Rio de Janeiro? Looked the money to hits. The banks is generally of a river right yeah. You re on the back. If the ocean isn't it because there's a beach right beneath beach, Copacabana beach, so it's on the beach is on the coast, the bank to the beach the money, tits glittering with candles and solid gold, crockery fish make steals, looked like scrap heap sheikh muse Belinda toes viper. It is with excitement and sorrow, but combo. We all express our nations and if my history excitement, because there was ass, cold, shod, nay out of line and colleagues, so
whoa, because this was the last time should enjoy either. Yes, from this day it was german coworkers with their abrupt and direct communication style. My got sergeant a whole washed down with bavarian bare and hidden burn, guess gazed. She can still drink chardin, either shot named germany and what's a ham, I him humbug, gashed him biggest gotta. We go Come on you're, the german expert. I wouldn't even know what stop him. I looked him the so him than be that as he I asked he as an alcoholic drink. Isn't it but imagine so it's a raspberry spirit of isn't got every time I ve been to germany, their old as well as various literary, never heard of it. So yes, never mind the language barrier, but
there was most worried about how her new colleagues who prefer to keep that private life separate. That is true. Actually I worked with somebody who's german and there are very strict kind of cultural boundaries between work and social rights. That's quite good. Oh, I would argue that Belinda's falling foul of many people's lives are not just germany. We really could do deserve the. What like, what on earth like? We ve got no book if they keep their personal and work. So there's no story we would have had to end anyway. Yet productivity is sexy. Yes, but no vat drilling on company time was life worth living while exact. That's my sentiments exactly Belinda looked the plates of asparagus stalks with fish foam. Jew can he means zoo, as you jane D. W J, w g fish wish you D, do you do you? Fish foamed,
the winds just gonna blow that structurally sound has the wind blown it off the sea, that's cool sitting. At this very moment pollution. Belinda had requested this dish, especially because sparagus his natures viagra? Not no, I know it is. that's enough fidessa nine asparagus yeah to cite just thirty p makes of existing smell. You guys. Media back in the end the volume get that accident does. I think you said that is being deleted. Asparagus earn own, I believe it If I hadn't, I always said, oh, I think it is maybe riot today made it week. I thought why would be, though, now google, it respect me cuckoo cause. Now I'm questioning myself it's up there with chocolate and oysters. Isn't it.
The rise in ancient times, asparagus renowned, doesn't aphrodisiac and maybe, if a good reason it contains a stimulating blend of nutrients that help boost energy plans. The urban utrecht lies accessibility for gets in there. What that's? Ok, so Belinda had requested this dish specially because asparagus natures by ankara and she needed tonight to end with a good old pounding eat, as you meant to go on her brain reason eat as you meant to go, that almost phrases, but they just missed them all and by the time you realize that they don't make sense like so much time is needed.
It's already moved on which I think is what he's banking on on the banks of the seas. What's it mean Edna has a network of over one point: six million care providers, but what is that really mean for you? Well ever heard of an odour, learn colleges they specialise in head and neck problems and we ve got seven thousand eight hundred and seventy seven of them already a straight mew out from allergies. to your ology s. We treat healthcare as a team sport, so when your health moment arrives, you can trust our network of doctors have your back because healthier happens together for all your health care moments. Choose edna, learn more at edna dot com, slash moments, In looking down the long table with empty after Belinda saw her career before her eyes, depressing that motley crew,
Imagine hello, hello, wiser, an occasion there on a bank to lump date hello so I imagine them in the open at what's it binding of sugarloaf mountain. Does it say that you've got to echo in the book? Hello, hello, hello? Yes, since you could became hello, hello, hello, you've decided it's an okay hello, hello, hey, that's quite clear because the first hell I was your capitals It's not the salvage hello you having have not, and I've got a letter was just at all levels as your voice came, so that we do not cover Hello, hello, vow! you'd colleagues, eggs a month ago, isabel say: buddy deeds, thanks like thanks, become
All this way since that every sentence, combined with the rest of your speech facts. We come all this way, a egg where you will be coming longer than that rely later on how, on article seven, this same spade, but his voice was like a duck clock. It isn't howled better already, seven cuyp arrhenius D. Bela you're such a monkeys, anti crisis so well even end this speech, you such keys anti? I can't remember that what it better say, we're becoming longer than that flight late. Why
as said Belinda, said Mr Spock Linda, said thanks for coming all this way, I will be coming for longer than the flight later on that I oh bella, Ella Ella you're such a monkeys, auntie, which is why I'm a monkey's uncle while he's a monkey's uncle, had watched context of monkey's uncle that I just know from the lion king monkeys. isn't that doesn't sconces yeah? What does that make me a monkey's uncle yeah? What does it even mean that I know of I've never used Used in this context, say when you're such a monkeys, uncle aegis, though it was exactly I value, you don't just put the money. I work is used to express complete, surprise amazement, disbelief right. It means you send a sentence. We'll all be a monkeys uncle if you're so shocked by something which offers a obama use
the monkeys. Auntie know you can say it with as much hope in your eyes as you want. Please not miss gendering or that's good. You have true. Can you just read the last that last line again? Oh Bella, you're such a monkeys on t Y does not know. They ve opened the door and said that any such a monkeys anti belinda continued, but in all seriousness I wondered how best to celebrate my stevie demise and bitch ascension outlets back. She spoke Thirdly, so even can Jews brit, the bat could hear her at first. First first, I thought a crack at the guinness world record for how many people you can fuck in one go could work Well, I'm sorry! Oh celebrate her leaving. She wants to like I can give a little road, but the rules stipulate
did the. Although thirty seconds constitutes a fuck, that's no obligation to come, my mum. So what's the Giffin point to a point, I don't imagine that guinness use the word fuck. So basically she's saying I was going to do this guinness world record, but there's no point cause. You can't come because you are right what yasha? What's that? point grunts of agreement made their way down the table like a brazilian issue mexican wave, but really I just want to say thank you. thank you for hiring this scrappy little, madame with business acumen. His killers at its echoes gonna, get is an emotional topic like subiaco, that's business, you bid as killer is at its best. I wouldn't have been able to achieve all I have without each and every one of you we
hey into lemonade and laboratory I wish you d this: how did she did? I don't remember that chapter even he just made more voice had, but to turn haines lemonade. Yeah he's got observed views with two issues. Thinking of oatmeal report does and what do you mean? Can you make. milton of hey, no, the ohio, both are say that hand danes that might be the next fundamental keep it. What would you do soak? yeah. It's the oats. There isn't the stalks that make is how you, like milk, very behaves. Just grants right fell, silent, like sign it just kind of like fermented, hey, which you feed to count the late cows e. There. Hey or the glass
Yes, I am cosmic the milk. If we cut out the middle man, which is the cow we ve got him oakley behaviour, so we made hay into lemonade and trust me I'll. Give you very competitive. Franchise rights deals for all bish product lines, but I'll take you all over ha ha. I bet that gets a laugh day. I'm not sure if that ha is a ha ha ha or ha on the echo. Oh, what's this, she says one ha and then the ha. I don't know how Joe king, gang Belinda, sassed creasy up her mouth like a sexy jack in the box,
I have a lot to Jamie moments ago said it's emotional online thought it might be that it was going that way. Pleaser for me to feel things. I don't feel and trust me I'll, give you very competitive. Franchise rights deals for all bish product lines and I'll. Take you all over all I get it now. It's hilarious! Isn't it, yeah? a bizarre and get it That is what everyone laughed. They're not going to be like guarded bites of rio de Janeiro, deafening they all laugh or do they also want to have sounded like hysterical laughter, everyone laughed but knew their days of gainful employment wyndham, but what at their job like ask issues can be so good at Besh that show
still in the ground, like none of them sit a chance with this ruthless new hair acts of bush hassling. That would be clever, didn't mean, Mr Mr S, instruments, this is. Is that by mistake? So sink or swim fly or full circle fuck. I move on and will forever cherish the memories of this little company in sad little office outside he throw all that was so nice just a little bit although where's the lie to steals pots and pans, sure shares, steals passenger wasn't hands all present drank on cue. There hey lemonade seconds later,
does Martin started rummaging his hand in his trousers and took out his ocarina over It is what I was as its massive isn't in a hurry. Now, there's a flute shape. It sure is Is it like? I am what I think that the guy plays in leading the turn out. That's a concept tat according to him, yes or something and of not having is that Oh no, I've, never now the boy, my life cycle
we believe it is like a bird whistle thought little whistle it's an ocarina is a full whole ocarina. Your home google operator will move that we would only is reminiscent of sex toy. It's like a spare, recall small spherical kind of whistle with holes. They always looks like Belinda's calling to three sixty dress up MR least slow is anyone listening plays the outcome. Owns a knock irina, we'd love to get in touch, oh yeah. I wonder how it sounds. Are you telling me that's not a vibrating suffer dry, and so it must some occur. It must have like flute qualities. Oh yes, three maybe play yet he loves loves a harmonica monica. Yes, I guess this is like the brazilian public or today where's was it from a recording, it's only a record.
So you got that was oculina, isn't a euphemism. He let me go out his corina disarm lucky with missing a song. for the best boss? Ever there was so much as he cited in accra reader. He said, the tribute she deserves. He said before: placing his lips to the whole and started to blow of war as you know, he doesn't like know how to play the operator. I mean all anybody can plan. An avocado has been the saints, go, marching it and say: well, he gonna play that is appropriate. sweetest sound like Honey, no oozing off the heck. Second hive filled the room, do you know the? So? What do we get? Sometimes bloody hell? all the steals. People present stew. Once again. They didn't Algeria's out salute ten billion, so the national anthem and big.
And to sing sing, you play the ocarina, Oh, you play the operator You have our planet, She is a boss, but more than a boss, where at a loss, It speak. we're losing ah ha ooh. I smell a billion streams on spotify If someone doesn't play the operation of at home, they give us a malady. If I just sing a guy under these at home, state How could you do an accompaniment? Not the that wasn't brilliant, because it gives a clean version So then that will singing this together. It's kind of get like a national anthem. Arousing you send is the way to me gang at one two three, she s a boss.
But my ass. where for us. Where does not do they know it's christmas? I did stumble that because it didn't say because it says be accusing how It will ever sound. Nice he's missed out on a cause. He now it's a jumble jumble. We a musical were just everyone. Just knows this song that doesn't exist. They have to be prepared. it was stood in was saluting to Belinda. They must have prepared this. So do they think this every time a bus leaves the camp It may be that you would like the boss, leaving some basin is touching when you look at the new it she's a boss, but more than just a boss we are at a loss for words because we're losing above I like these right laughs with, because yeah
yeah, that's actually I'm we're a loss, for words is kind of a continuing the phrase that explains why the songs I need seven seconds long. Doesn't it because there are lots of words, versa record? That's just the song check everything it's a chance to model. tears were streaming down, Belinda's desire holes because it was about It's not really, maybe just the wind blowing she'd. Now Imagine that someone would write such a beautiful, a hell of a lot, but that one day was today. Suddenly all the champagne bottles burst. Free of that coax and bubbles flowed across the table lived, Dinas lies it bianca. I was gonna, say: that's not, sign yet even poltergeists? Not that's was like
spots in the world and also words that the champagne off shore awry Bela cackled, it's two ways, some kid we all get to he everybody, They were not going to be spent wasted zilch time in wriggling. Out of her brown cocktail, dress brown any could have been any color and Everyone assembled followed her leave swept over the brown got. She makes bob voices at every turn? She'd? She really does it's an art form. It is amazing. Fucking was rudimentary for the steals family.
It meant as a family. In this context, yes, family is family, it meant so much to not do it would feel slightly odd a bit like that, since it meant so much that to not do it would feel slightly odd. Sorry, just on the family point I was on instagram someone proposed to the picture with the caption. Yes, family, oh jane, I do love you obsessed with this. How do we not want others to focus zoos weighing on not only not recording repeating the younger, yet because she was with her family I to let it go. She posted a picture with her family at, but she said it's an open and shut case. The family, yes, family, no, the comp, the caption was yes, come a family, that's not a phrase unless it's from Belinda blinked, I'm just saying I think, she's good signals, the matter if you listening. What do you mean? If not a phrase? Yes, family? Yes family? What did you say Sadly, do you think that she was putting
reaching out. You know what you can also do. What in scope to reach out Joe literally find our profile Ninety emma's she's not reach, it does not occur with John who is reaching change cooper. It's not a coincidence that the definition of offences why, on time ago, now and you're still talking about when we talk about every time as each other meat, we will only be feel just these rules if she would, if you did well, she doesnt. So that's me positive james into deems it was like a soldier the pizza. I have. I got the signal repeater you're welcome, but before they could make try that bequest small, but before they could make try that the classic tho they could make. Try that
so they stepped forward. I'm looking at Alice, she's looking at me and I think we're in agreement. Belinda, it's been an honor, but you didn't think we'd. Let you leave the company without a big present to you. Well, I hadn't thought about it. light Belinda. Well, here you go tony handed her brown envelope like the ones you dread from eight gemma see. I bet you say like palace cocktails, ripping it opened her eyes filled with water. Yet again ass. She read its contents, You didn't just give it tony smiled. She did you get it. you weren't, it has no, she caught her, but she got her. But how much is it it doesn't?
Let us remember what I promised five pounds. I am utterly shift of its work. Belinda beamed as the class the steals pots and pans cheered and whooped her name, berlin dab, dab, dab. No screeched Bela. Is that no one else who can speak the day already unhooked the flimsy bits of fabric over a big boobies. Yes, one last fuck lust for the ages agreed gazelle. as she slink tat of her belinda themed, dress up her face on eleven sort of guy different air of what their dress. That does not mean she's, just wearing Belinda, but because she's my account, I would argue that actually you're more light you to fuck now, because you don't work together,
things usually work, isn't it yeah? Don't look at me like that is not gonna happen. At events. We next week, you too well the rosson right to let this podcast. There is well before them Even a change in ambient lighting does lighting candle actually The sun was his enemy sunset before, even turn you wouldn't allow that were very nobody listens. I was in this and are not drive, oh, that was even a change in ambient lighting gazelle had opened. never ending legs and the budget in Sweden, It is now as it is widening them like. Like
flying high sounds like she's opening the legs. That's not tapering off, like get really really does. opened, had never ending legs until he had opened her libya with both fingers. In this way, then you got to think is so that back on talking terms what turn the inner labia thirty giselle oh yeah, she left him. We would Take this to mean yes, but this is the olive branch they will do so he opened a lobby with both fingers. He finger fucked his lady wife without a care in the world. That's nice
on the archimedes. Burma was equally accommodating with her virginal cavity. Maybe that's. What echoes coming from a cavity is an open whole yeah like it's, not let. Why is it so? to return to why they always you so like unprotected and a gay covers over please Bela was equally accommodating- was over general cavity over the scattered limbs sex Hayes moisture thickening, the air belinda spied a body o twist other with his novel overcast dream about hope. It's got a body that, what's up with other banks, are about star murder, mystery go. I wouldn't
now passed him. You know be lives. Dealers, the mystery berlin, despite a body a man body man body she desired ever since she stopped It steals pots and pans a pause, hey she's happen every day, a man body who owned a face ass. He Whatever it was like a bit surprising, these earlier. A man body who owned a face, that made Belinda ring out her knickers, a man now can, I have a minute ring out, the man body that has long been the of her out of her. We get it he's got it in berlin is the apple Peter arouse, walked from shadows of fate,
I can man who meant business. I thought I was going to be like a new character. We haven't seen pizza for a long time, but definitely had sex with him. yeah well, it said that she desired him ever since she started as yet. He acted very famous. I didn't wait a minute he has face that makes a ringer annexes and he's long been the apple of her ass. She's been back to see him as well. Allusion to his office is offices. Shackles, and such upon. I would that she hasn't held by, we haven't seen him since the book to, though it's the definition of been there done, that
wait. Do we finally understand what the runes meant that you painted on probably illegal I've always felt like out of all of the relationships in the book of relationships. That says a lot about you yeah it does it. Does it kind of I've always thought that that they the the maybe the love match that that there was something slightly deeper going on there yeah. I know what you mean and she's very supportive, throw away with a lot of the people that she has sex with. Yeah unhappily so, but Peter has I mean get to sustained dozen or so pizza rows walked the shadows of fate at imagining and walking out of the water undressed style, like a ban who meant business ass, he approached the throng Belinda's pussy lit up. the blackpool, illuminations illumination, it is gonna get dark, so they will need a light. He issued each state employee a solid
If the metal business card, as he navigated, their naked form, has to carry around. Isn't it that slick, though right yeah, but a quantity of them in your pocket will pull your trousers down? That's what you want. For the very dial again on Belinda's, perfect, eyeballs, Peter rouse stopped four belinda herself. She was sworn that she had men to closure with this human mail. I can look, I'm no the? Where will saying oh, we saw us this written in the stars and light that was, you know. Generally on that suggested. Isn't it s going on here? He has let this go quite cold events, peter rocky like, but he's not exactly cat. This war
I know he has a. She hasn't seen the in about three months, but we haven't seen him in six yeah sort of because in the books she probably has even relatively smoothly we have it. Would you mean in the books like I talk about in the birds like I've, basically use these rules and the rising needs, a cow, the reader field, four Belinda herself. She was sworn that she had romantic closure with this human male. Her wits felt similar even a contrary and brain agreed to support such contracts. Around the baltic sea Haven't seen him I'll got since it smeared her with out mud symbol living in another, as we have seen in amsterdam, is completely right. In fact, the right road Do you know why? And you know, what do these events is going to be? No, that's what
He remembers it's true. She had a whole tricked us on that was half of book too, and it was essentially only spent with them. When I'm sorry, I'm sorry the author, this really allows is formed. It's of her sexual awakening. She hadn't seen him since he had smith. her without mud symbols and entered her tenderly and passionately on the palestine, inside of the horse and jockey palestine. think it means polyester. Come a rookie cover that the like the fact check is falling off a cliff and now these sentences, I would argue, other things. If we know all of a sudden, Peter arouse did something to shut up even Belinda's interior chums interior chubby, her wits in her contrary and brain wiped. Her eyes blew up as she bore witness to this,
you are what would it ever mean, even though he doesn't mean it literally? What does it mean? A little baby living blew up what you blow up a blue. Maybe they get bigger. Her vagina has lit up, but her eyes glowing eyes blew up. She bore witness to him coughing and then folding his tool, body southward, stowbody south in law and in half with itself but it is up to focus its at the waist like belgium or if I catch his toes so every time, well man, I'm picturing, a sort of Jacob Rees, mogg sort of style of character like a very long pencil bending over so she's a gawk. Her highs have blown up to these cough and get medical
and then folding his tool body southward. Her gob opened uninvited as peter rouse got down, Anyone know why he's reed already rock is gonna pull the rug from an he hasn't seen her. We haven't seen him. She hasn't in him he's Mary He lives in amsterdam. Where has he been? He could be tying his laces one Belinda blinked, oh Belinda blinked and she blinked. Yet tenesmus? Has anyone actually proposed her before not what we'd like airlines to check the z they Belinda blinked Belinda will you marry, may well to havens she's a bonus under proposal, and that is the end of it.
Chapter amy discoveries, oh my god, she's lit. Should I gotta go. We have had a wedding, not hers. Tony ges outcome. Yes, but they ve already engaged nothing before the books. Scotch multiplying. So this whole thing could end on a wedding. This whole thing, but an interior is not shakespeare that accompany ends in a wedding and the tragedy and death, but this aid shakespeare so who cares rose you got my pc would beg to differ. I don't know I can't gauge whether still say yes or no. We did meet peter. A couple of quotas is ago because he was trying to baby? But that was my letter that was that doesn't count, but that was in her alter ego well yeah ass, I do
who does next week next monday for the final bit of rock he's, writing that will ever read it. The final final I'm goin line, then yeah. So final bit of rocky will, let's make next week, like that the good bye she we address, or should we get redress I'll shoot? We have two hats and drinks in his way hasn't drinks, and I thought you d listening party like all time. We have to look good guys. I'm on a seeking to cry. I didn't want is not really me up. I think next week in the flow of hopes, amount has been. is a case that keep an eye on social for details of the listening party. Yes, yes, that's daddy's, baldwin twitter. At my dad rota on instagram search for that report on facebook. All that shit and our email is and has always led by the rapporteur at gmail dot com, but we never take definite. Ok, so As next week, where we open Belinda blinked for the very last time and then closed
in the blink and then will be closer to yes, so you open it to read it then close it. That's how you read a book James guess. sailor seriously. It's time to recognise you? U sausage, loving genius for without you. How would we know that a great smoke sausage can be eatin thrice in one day and that you can take your lunch break before noon? Here's to you anchorage, smoked sausage. You do you
Transcript generated on 2022-11-29.