Tommy talks to Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke about why he thinks he can win, what President O’Rourke would do on day one, recent comments by Joe Biden, lots and lots of policy and why his dog Artemis should be leading the pack.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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welcome America. This is Tommy Vietor thanks for tuning in to another one of our pod, save America candidates Series.
Today's guest is congressman.
Yeah work, Texas, he is running for president- came to visit us here in LOS Angeles, and we talked about a whole bunch of stuff. I asked him about.
Some of Vice President Biden's recent comments that were a touch controversial, leave it there
about his immigration plan is a plan to expand voting access.
He changed his mind on the Bernie Sanders Medicare for all bill. We talked to a whole bunch of foreign policy. We talked about IRAN. We talk
about funding for Latin America. And what do you do about Venezuela?
but some you know random stuff. We talked about people getting radicalized online and what we can do about it and he gave his pitch for why Artemis should be the next first dog. So,
Thank you for tuning in it was great dev, congressman, O'Rourke and in studio, as always,
take a moment to plug pod save the world. If you are not subscribed, I need you to hit pause you to hit the world, then restart the show 'cause we're doing good stuff.
Okay that'll work my guest today from the great state of Texas
and Better Rourke running for president, it's great to have you in the crooked media, H Q. Thank you for doing this good to be at the world headquarters. Thanks for having me um uh first question MRS dive into it here. So
There are twenty three Democrats running for president. It is this big, diverse, impressive field of people um. I think we all have a good handle on the challenges we face. We don't want to be Trump. People are struggling to figure out with all these great candidates who can win and
will be the best president. So can you make your pitch for why you're the one who could be Trump and why you would be the best person to serve in the job if elected yeah? So you mentioned this historic set of challenges: Climate healthcare in economy that is not working for
far too many people- and you mention Trump as well, this country already very polarized he dividing further day this democracy already badly broken he's undermining at at every turn. So in other really got our work cut out for us and it's important. We beat trump. It's really important that we meet these challenges that we face, which in almost
every instance preceded Trump, but we're just made much worse by him. So in order to do this, I think we've got to bring something different to the campaign and something different to the country. If
If we're divided, we've got to find a way to bring people in. If this democracy doesn't work, we've got to find a way to fix it. Everything that I'm about everything that I've ever been a part of
has been bringing people in and making democracy work for everyone, so
small, but I hope telling example on City council. For six years. Every single week I held a town hall meeting
It's important for me to listen to my constituents on proposals, for echo,
development or how to make sure that we balance the budget which we did every one of those.
Sears even to listen to those whom I could not help. Your neighbors dog was barking too loud last night, but you were, you
make sure that you, let me know about it, yeah that direct accountability, fundamental to a successful democracy made me such a
better representative, in also ensured that, when we had to take on the tough fights an example,
any two thousand and nine extending health care benefits to the same sex partners of city employees despite
the blowback and in the recall elections. I had a grounding in in working with my constituents, regardless of the differences between us. Taking that same approach to
do a campaign against an incumbent,
against the odds for Congress in twenty twelve and winning by going door to door bringing in new voters who had not participated. Maybe ever given him a reason to register or folks who dropped out for the last fifteen or
twenty years, including their voices and their concerns in our campaign
we won that race and use that same level
accountability to deliver on expanding veterans, health care, for example, or protecting public lands, all of which
happened. While I was in the minority, so finding Republicans and Democrats alike with him, I could work
Getting that signed into law by Barack Obama
getting that signed into law by the one person with whom I agree on almost nothing: Donald, J Trump, but
moving that we will work with anyone anytime anywhere to advance this country's agenda.
And then and then lastly, Texas. So so. Here's a state that had ranked voter in voter turnout, not by Axa
one hundred percent on purpose by design drawn that way through Ray
sold, gerrymandering too
diminish the power of your vote or your voice. Depending on the color of your skin
We went to every single one of the two hundred and fifty four counties of Texas. Without a single dime from a single political action committee showed up with occur,
of our convictions, a bold progressive agenda but uh
so showed up to listen.
And to learn and to include people and their stories in the campaign that we were running and at the end of the day
we did not defeat TED Cruz,
we won more votes than any Democrat has ever won in the history of the state. We want independence,
the first time in decades
and brought along nearly half a million Republicans who voted for Greg, Abbott, very conservative, tea party Republican
winner and voted for me on the same ballot not despite, but because of the progressive campaign that we,
and and what is thought to be one of the reddest states in the country and
we transformed our democracy, no longer 50th in voter turnout, those thirty eight electoral call
votes now unlocked forever changing the political landscape in America
and that movement led by young people who turned out five hundred percent greater than the last
midterm election in
voting. So, in other words, if you do not count anybody out or down, if you don't take anyone
granted, if you include everyone in a bold progressive agenda,
lead a grassroots movement. That's what it's gonna take to defeat, Donald Trump, that's what it's gonna take to meet the greatest challenges we've ever faced in our administration. So congratulations! You
that speech, one you're elected president you're sitting in the oval office. What you choose to
First matters a lot right because you can burn political capital administration get overtaken by events like whatever
so you can hammer out executive orders, all you want, but that first legislative priority really matters. What would President O'Rourke put to Congress first, if I think about
the single greatest threat that we face? It's the fact that this climate is changing and that's produced not as an act of God not from mother nature, but from you and
me, an from people in this country around the world through our emissions are excesses in in uh.
Action in the face of the facts and the science and the fires that
seen here in California, preceded by historic droughts in this state, the floods in Houston, Texas,
the floods were seeing on both
is a viable along the Missouri along the Mississippi. These
disasters that are consuming the lie.
Of our fellow Americans are property and entire communities in some cases that will pale and
Harrison to the hell that
Weights are kids unless we take action now and so responding in
in the boldest, the most confident, the most courageous way,
distinguishing ourselves. By the way that we meet the greatest challenge. We
have to lead on that because the clock is ticking
and the scientists tell
so. There are roughly ten years left to us to free ourselves from a dependence on
fossil fuel to make sure that every single one of us is doing our part that were fortifying the
community very often lower income income,
use of color that on the front lines of climate change and pollution, to make sure that we
only survive this. But we lead the world and making sure that we overcome this challenge. So
there are a host of
threats in challenges that we face. That is the single greatest. I think it's important.
We begin by bringing this entire
together around the solutions to it. It's worth noting folks, one more detail: it's one of the major policy platforms on your websites. They can check that out.
I don't want to dwell on Trump today, but
but one question mean Vice President Biden basically argues that Trump is an aberration and that Republicans will come to their senses. Once Trump is gone, do you?
three, and do you believe that cordial relations between Vice President Biden and segregationist senators is a good example of civility in politics. Look the the Republican Party of today, at least those republican members of Congress is complicit in what this president is doing absolutely tearing apart
this country and tearing down our democracy. If you had any doubt about the president's efforts to collude with Russia, then those were completely dispelled and became crystal clear to you when he admitted to George Stephanopoulos that he would take the help of a foreign power.
Feet his opponent in November of twenty twenty, and where was the outrage from the Republican Party I mean
If you had any doubt that he sought to obstruct justice into the invested
and what happened to our democracy in in twenty and sixteen, then his
firing of James Comi or is tweeting to his attorney general to stop the investigation or his car
Think of Ladimir Putin after the molar report is released.
Describes that as a hoax, giving the guy a green light to invade
is democracy again or Bob Molars
Crystal clear public statement
that, when the subject of an investigation lies to investigators or seeks to obstruct that
destination. He strikes at the very heart of our government, of four and by people wear
is the Republican Party on this. Who cares about our prospects in the next election about polling numbers? This is the very future and fate
of this country and in our democracy. This is something where countries should absolutely trump
party or any other consideration ruling for that matter? So deeply disappointed in that party and
and and still hold out some hope, although I'm not counting on it. That folks are going to come to their senses
those in these positions of public trust who
for generations are going to be looking back to they've, got to do the right thing
and the window's closing on the ability to do that. Yeah um, the ah the Biden comments, but segregation of senator do you think. That's a good example of civility no um. The fact that this country is so riven by
Partisanship being diminished everyday by a president who will stop at nothing to secure evermore greater powers for himself might distract us from the fact that for african Americans in this country from the inception of this country, this country has not worked.
And, in fact, has been actively keeping them down by law and out of greatness
in an economic success. So one of
obvious examples of people point to is the fact that we lock up almost two one- slash two million,
fellow Americans many there
for nonviolent drug crimes, disproportionate comprised of people of color? But it's not just that.
It's, the economy, where there's ten times the wealth in White America than Black America, healthcare outcomes where you have a maternal mortality crisis in this country. That is three times as deadly for women of color
education in a kindergarten classroom, a four or five year old child is five times as likely to be disciplined or suspended or expelled if she is a child of color. So for the
vice president to somehow say that what we're seeing
in this country today- is a function of partisanship or a lack of bipartisanship.
Completely ignores
The legacy of slavery and the active suppression of african American
is in communities of color right now, so we've got to be focused on
on the future and again it means bringing people,
especially those who've, been locked out locked out
strange from having any ability to participate in the success of this country. That's what I want to do is president
You proposed a major plan to make it easier to vote and to restore people's faith in government. I was interested.
You could walk the plan briefly plan briefly and talk about why you made that a priority yeah. So you asked about you know that the first policy priority not talked about climate.
For reasons that I hope are obvious to all of us, maybe not to the president and much of the Republican Party today
but how are you going to do that? There's been scientific consensus on climate for decades, there's been political consensus
actually for thirty years on this. Why have we not been able to act
it's because our institutions of Power Congress, as the most telling example, have been captured and corrupted by special interests corporations, especially after 2010's Supreme Court decision on citizens, United,
they are equated to people and money is speech and they can spend unlimited amounts to not just a, but, I would argue, purchased the outcomes of elections and legislation.
Meanwhile, you have people locked out of their democracy. I mentioned the
is gerrymandering in Texas, but Stacey Abrams would be governor right now of Georgia, but for the fact, the Secretary of State,
good successfully and legally purge. Hundreds of thousands of voters
the roles in that state could serve
As the referee in the company,
where he was a competitor and
crown himself Victor at at the end of it. So how do we meet this challenge
We free ourselves from the influence of corporate interests and special interests by removing
action committees from federal elections.
We make sure that we restore faith in our elections by having paper ballots or paper receipts for every ballot cast
We audit those elections that take place. We in
sure that we have the resources to stop future foreign interference and guarantee that there are consequences in
country and outside of this country. For those who have welcomed or part is
painted in undermining the world's greatest dad
ocracy and then we bring
people in. We call for fifty five million more Americans to be registered over the next four years through auto
attic and same day, voter registration, ensuring those who've been criminally justice involved, are not denied their rights to vote once they've paid their debt to society,
and then we make sure that barriers in place, like those voter, roll purges or voter id laws that we have in Texas or removed through
a new voting rights ACT and
ensure greater access to the ballot box through
a national election day holiday to make sure that make it easier for people to cast their vote and and ensure that their voice,
is heard in our democracy. We do all that and so many more things become possible. That's what's different, going forward, that's
in what we bring to this historically in the way that I've run and served and at the heart of what I proposed to do is President
this country, bring everybody and remove the barriers and ensure that people not packs or corporations are calling the shots. One
piece of the plan that I found particularly interesting, was the proposed twelve year term limits for Congress in eighteen year term, lows for the
Cream court. So the argument
against term limits is that lifetime appointments somehow make judges immune to politics? I I roll my eyes at that and
that congressional term limits push people out right when they become experts.
You served in the house. Why do you think some of those
those need to retire earlier than they would otherwise want to look I'll, make the best case for term limits
Amy and I decided when we first ran for Congress in twenty twelve, that I would serve no more than four terms eight years
and the logic was you know the president of state?
can't serve more than eight years. The mayor of El Paso can't serve more than eight years, what's special about it,
of Congress and then and then Amy's additional push on this is I don't
could turn out to be trying to say something polite
I don't want you to be a jerk at the end of the day. I don't want you to think that you're more important than anyone else. I see what happens to people who hold on to power tool. So after three terms, six years chose not to run again. That seat is now held by Veronica Escobar. She became the first woman to ever represent the 16th congressional District in Texas in the history of the district,
in the first latino woman. In addition to Sylvia Garcia, to represent a congressional district in the state of Texas, a state- that's more than forty percent Mexican
American. So, by getting out of the way, you demonstrate a faith in the people that you represent.
They look out of more than seven hundred thousand people in this district. Certainly, there's someone who will do just as good, if not a better job than I've been able to do, and
The other must we're going to add something to that institution of power that reflects the diversity and the genius of
this country, folks, who in some ways have been locked out through the perpetual
election of members of
and listen to be intellectually honest. I get the other
of this argument that
you lose some of the institutional knowledge you may empower lobbyists or some people say, staff or federal employee
I'm not so concerned and they simply in power yeah. This is a the those are people that I so often relied on to to be smarter in
and do a better job, but but
I think this is about a faith in our democracy in a faith in people and that not any
of us is yellow in
the any better.
Then anyone else and then, if you don't refresh and recharge these institutions, they're not going to reflect the true genius
this country and you're not going to meet these challenges with the urgency that they demand yeah, I mean it would be nice if some of the Us Senate had like use the internet before
or from a Paso. You put out a major immigration proposal that includes protecting Daca recipients and their families from deportation, as well as temporary, protected status recipients ending in
contention for everyone, except, I think violent criminals better
sourcing and speeding up the asylum process, and I've heard you talk about potential
tearing down in some parts of the border wall clear.
The immigration is going to be a central part of Trump's campaign,
going to lie: he's going to scare people he's going to say, there's a caravan on every corner, but do you
sorry that what you've put forward could be credibly described as opening the border or
could be described as creating more of an incentive for people to come to the. U
set a time when the system is taxed.
This is another reason
run. This is another way in which we can distinguish ourselves in an extraordinary field of candidates. The president has trained our focus on the Us Mexico border in an attempt to try to scare us about Mexicans who he described as rapists and criminals about caravans are coming to get us about asylum seekers,
he is described them as an infestation. He's described him as animals. I think it's only when you use language like that that you get kids in cages, yeah that you are able to support their moms back to the countries from which they fled the gin up separating families and creating the
kind of cruelty. That seems so on American and yet is happening in this country right now and I'll tell you having
and their raising our three kids there I think
able to tell a really powerful and hope compelling story about
immigration. Being such a positive for this country, not only
the right thing to do not just morally just but but
in our own self interests economically or from the perspective of safety and security. El Paso, Texas,
is one of the safest cities in the? U S today, it's because we're city of immigrants and asylum seeker.
And refugees from the world over who were
old to us and are making us better by their very press,
and I'll say this arm as a demo
I've been really frustrated by our party's response to this issue. For my entire life, I've seen us
be so apologetic and and defensive and and really kind of half hearted.
And making these bargains that never work out. I'm to get really tough on immigrants to port a bunch of
break up. Families will
hope for walls and fences, though we know they've caused thousands of deaths of people who are trying to join their families.
Or work jobs in this country that no one born in this country would take.
But I'm going to do all this so that I can get to a place that will allow me, having shown how tough I was to do the right thing, we're changing that this is different. We're going to say doing the right thing makes us safer and more
secure adds to our economy, make
the average American's life farb
buy, ensure
The nine million green card holders in this country can become us citizens as quickly as possible, waive their fees
make sure that we send them. Pre filled application forms with the data that they sent us when they first applied for legal, permanent, residency
for the more than one million dreamers
them. U S! Citizens! Never!
again allow them to live in any fear of deportation to a country whose language they don't speak,
where they no longer have family, where, if,
since those long odds, are successful, they're going to be successful for that place, not
not your community, not our country
and then the millions who are here doing the most backbreaking
shittiest jobs that we have available in America that no,
I'm born in America is willing to do, allow them to register and get right with our government contr
even more to our country success and ensure that we're living up to the promise of this country that defined itself, not by race
by common genealogy but by the fact that we are all created equal
and that's the source of our strength. It's the foundation of our success and we turn our back on that
to our peril. So this this
ambitious. It is bold. It is confident it's in the best
traditions of the United States,
of America, and
I I know that we can bring not just Democrats into this.
We can bring independence and Republicans folks, who understand,
their communities, that this is the right thing to do. I left out a big piece of your plan, which is '
is investing five billion dollars, mostly through NG
'cause, I believe in Guatemala. Honduras, El Salvador, to improve the quality of life for people live
those countries that they don't want to leave. An you've also talked about creating regional partnerships to get
countries in the region to bring money and provide political support, and I mean I I personally think this is the key to any long term immigration proposal. If you're a kid
did or if your parenting, your kid is, being forced to join a gang or could get killed like nothing's is going to convince you to stick around right, but
I've also worked on the NFC, and I know how hard it is to convince Americans that it's in their interest to support sending dollars to other countries and less were blowing them up so
you make the pitch like how do we convince a skeptical voter that this is a good use of taxpayer dollars? You can just
decide where you're going to meet this challenge. If you wait to meet it at the Us Mexico Border and
you, for example, believe in a wall that'll cost you thirty thirty billion dollars. You have to take our fellow Americans, ranches and homes and farms and properties in
to build it 'cause. It won't be built on the true international boundary. The centerline of the Rio Grande River Channel will be built well into the interior of the US. You can even look at our current costs to accept these asylum seekers. If we were to follow our laws incredibly expensive, to do that or for a fraction of the cost, you could invest in reducing violence.
In Guatemala and El Salvador in Honduras, so that no family ever has to make that God awful decision to send cha
hold on the two thousand mile trek and when we
the size- and we just put ourselves in the shoes of somebody- would have to make that decision, we
we realize no parent would ever do that for kicks or to take somebody's job or benefits were to take advantage of another country
You would put your child on that perilous journey. If that were the only thing you could do to save her life,
exactly what people are doing now, so what if we can help them to protect their families and their kids,
in those countries and, as you mentioned, work with non governmental organizations. Work with community,
neighborhood level, policing and then understand some of our
ability in the problem. We are
the largest market for illegal drugs on the planet were four percent of the population. We consume twenty five percent of the illegal drugs that
manned and our way of response
into that with the militarization of his drug war in Central America has help
hollow out some of those civil
shins, compounded by decade
of intervention in Central America, in their civil wars and civic life
and eroding institutions for democracy. We also have
sponsor ability to do this as well.
But again, if I were just to make the most basic self
just argument is far cheaper to meet. This
problem at its source and immediate at the Us Mexico border and then the larger challenge. I think that we have to address is
the need to elevate the western hemisphere as a priority in foreign policy. It always is forgotten
was ever remembered at all, and these the people that were literally connected to buy land by language bike, uh
increasingly bye, bye, family and it should not have come as a surprise to us that tens of thousands of kids showed up on our front door, but it was because we were so preoccupied.
Ride on places half a world away wars that we've been fighting now for eighteen years and counting so great opportunity,
administration to elevate the western hemisphere address these problems at their source
So, during the Senate campaign, you talked about your support for Bernie Sanders Medicare for all bill.
Would have essentially eliminated the private insurance market,
You now say: that's not the fastest way to get to universal care way.
Did you change your mind on on that bill and why yeah so
two extraordinary women with whom I had the chance to work. As a member of Congress introduced a proposal called Medicare for America, Jan Schakowsky of
no Rosa Delauro of Connecticut, and essentially this plan-
says that if you are uninsured today in America, you can enroll in Medicare
it also importantly says that if you're insufficiently insured, so you have insurance, but really it's a name. Only. You can't afford the co pay on the medication. You can't afford the rising premium costs. You can't bridge that deductible before you
You can choose to enroll in Medicare, but if
you are somebody who has employer sponsored insurance and you like it, because it works for you and your family
If you're a member of a union that negotiated for a health care plan
and perhaps in lieu of wage increases or other benefits, and you like that plan because it works for you and it works for your family you're able to keep it. I
I think that gets us to the goal of guaranteed high quality universal care.
Quickly and as surely as possible. It in
creates the interests of everyone who's concerned about the affordability of prescription medication.
Ability for women to make their own decisions about their own body and have access to the health care that makes that possible,
ensuring that our county jails are no longer the largest providers of mental health care services, and it allows people who have insurance that they like right now to be able to
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I get it question about growing up as a kid
you were kind of messing around on early internet message boards and he's like pseudo hacker communities. You are in a punk band.
I can imagine a twenty nineteen version.
Better Beto O'Rourke, that is in the same communities and gets pulled into four Chan or Force fed some like alt right bullshit by the Youtube algorithm and your life goes in a really different direction. You know
And I know you have three kids: do you worry about how many young people are finding friendship and community in some of these dark corners of the internet and you think,
government has a role in preventing radicalization.
The answer. The questions. Yes, I want to just clarify that nothing about Paul
rock lead you down that road of the I, but I I get your point so so you are all go back to where you started so in
in the 1980s awkward kid
hard time socializing found friendship?
online. Well, the version of online at the time which was die
going into somebody's computer on a three hundred baht mode
uh, your mom, picks up the phone and you yell it area like I'm online or your dad gets the phone bill. Oh man, what are you doing? I got hammered for our air, well built? Yes, so that I was with you. I weigh the same as I do now and I was much shorter and I was a lot of time in my room yeah um
but here's. Here's a positive side of that. I found this extraordinary community of
people who also in some ways were misfits in their hometown or their school or in their lives, but
team together online that version of online and
man. That was just a really powerful experience
and in really in some ways, kept me going in in the right direction. You know
so I I don't want to discount the the the value in the positive power of of online communities, but but all of knowledge, your poll
that, there's there's a really dark side, as there is in every aspect of life right there
the dark side to that as well, and when you have people who traffic in hatred and violence and in so
Manets based on race or religion, or the difference is that
should not matter it help
to explain some of the rise in public hatred that we see right now. You know right outside the United States Capitol. I think very recently
Charlottesville Virginia. Just a couple
years ago and a president who then says that
women and Nazis and white supremacists are very fine. People he's in part responding to a base that
has been nurtured in in these online communities. Unfettered
disturbed, especially by the platforms that enable this, and so I think, expecting far more out of Facebook
in twitter and other digital platforms where people congregate to combat.
Kind of hatred and also to acknowledge that that really young
people are on there in a receiving an education in in intolerance. That's gonna manifest itself in violence. You've seen it a rise in hate crimes, every single one of the last three years in in this
country. Much of that is Donald Trump, but a lot of it is what is allowed
two to grow exist on unchallenged and unchecked. So I do see a role for government to to help regulate that I
You see greater responsibility through enforcement of these social media platforms, to make sure that we're protected
people in that everyone is able to thrive in this country without fear of our differences going to turn to a couple of foreign policy questions
there's been a lot of loose talk about IRAN. Lately weather to
war with them you're, seeing
times columnist: senators members of the ministration, if IRAN did sabotage the two commercial
vessels in the Gulf of Oman with these limpet mines,
they continue to enrich uranium above the level set by the JCP away. What do you think the Trump administration should do about it to to stop them?
America should find a way to work in concert with with other
he's primarily our allies, but but
Those who may have a shared interest in stability in the region two
to ensure that peacefully without in
IRAN, without firing a shot, were able to resolve what would otherwise be an intractable problem
in part, because we know that the cost and consequence of invasion in military action will be measured
in lives lost her fellow Americans, who will be sacrificed, lives taken
in the name of this country.
And an understanding that that rarely has military
Intervention produced the results that we're looking for the sea
buy a led coup in IRAN in nineteen fifty three of the democratically elected muscle, dug in part
reduced, the revolution that we saw in nineteen, seventy, nine and the impasse that we face today in twenty nineteen, we were talking about,
Central America. Earlier the next year, nineteen fifty four again CIA led coup
in Guatemala deposing Hyco BAR.
Guzman leading to
stability that has persisted to this very day. President Trump has made it very hard for us, though
listen to do it the right way, not just through the Saber rattling and the threatening of war, but
I exiting the joint comprehensive plan of action, which is one
the greatest foreign policy feats of the United States,
the modern era, certainly of the Obama administration. The fact that we could bring
permanent members of the Un Security Council, Germany and IRAN all to the table and be able
stop them from pursuing nuclear weapons
and begin the process of addressing other tough
challenges that are on poses the funding of terrorism in the Middle EAST,
their development of ballistic missiles.
There are supported the hoodies in Yemen and instability that civil war that we see in that region. I felt like that was a great start:
towards addressing those other issues. Now we have no one with whom to meet at the table, IRAN's not going to trust us again. Europeans don't know how to hand
a country that breaks its word and its commitments
that has made us less not more
secure less, not more safe and is really made war a more likely out
home in option, as we are seeing play out right now. So so, yes, let's
hold IRAN accountable. Let's do this through partners and allies and friends were much more likely to be successful and achieve our aims.
Sick with the region. You've talked about israeli Prime Minister,
be netting on who you mentioned you. I think the quote. Was he open?
side with racists if he
follow through on his campaign, pledge to annex the West Bank do think
We should cut assistance to Israel and given some of the races things he's done said, you think he's committed to a peace agreement.
It is in our national security interests, it is in
The interests of the people of Israel and the Palestinian Authority for there to be a two state solution, annexing the West Bank would spike any opportunity to achieve that which would promote greater.
And and violence in the region, it would make Israel less safe, make it less
that you would ever achieve full human rights and dignity for the Palestinians. So it's got to be our priority and it would be my goal.
President to make sure that we achieve a two state solution to provide encouragement to facilitate where we,
and to do so with the humility of understanding that we cannot impose this solution. But it's going to be tough because
in addition to Prime Minister
Netanyahu and his three
to annex the West Bank is warning that Arabs are coming to the polls in a previous election, his siding with
openly racist parties in the palace
authority with the boss. You don't have a full partner for peace either. You don't have somebody who can quell the incitements or control.
Silence or can demonstrate a willingness to make the necessary concessions,
get to that desired goal.
So so I say this: no
knowing that it's to be extraordinarily difficult, given
two leaders that we have in in the region, but but also making,
commitment and I would be hesitant to describe
a punishment or negotiate in public with the Prime Minister right
Now. On Lee to say that this will be the priority of the United States and that we will work even if it is Prime Minister Netanyahu in our administration, we will work with anyone to make sure that we secure peace and a two state solution. Um
there was a pretty depressing coda to the Arab Spring Protests in Egypt this week
Mohammed Morsi, who is teacher's first democratically elected president, died in prison
of what appears to be neglect.
But at the same time we're seeing these mass protest movements in Algeria, Sudan, Hong Kong, it does feel like there's sort of an arab spring,
Two dot zero going on, or maybe it never ended. What did you take away?
from watching that first round of protest movements have started in two thousand and one, and how do you think the
respond to or support efforts to beat back authoritarianism yeah. It's such a good question and it's obviously a tough one for us to answer and has been for decades
mentioned Guatemala, one thousand nine hundred and fifty four IRAN in one thousand nine hundred and fifty three we've always
these not always, maybe always struggled with short term security interests. You know fighting communism were fighting into
terrorism today and compromising our values for democracy and independence and freedom in order to achieve those, those short term security gains- and here we are
faced with that again only in this case it doesn't seem like there's a struggle on the part of the administration. They have openly cited with dictators in autocrats
Prince Mohammed Bin, Salman in Saudi Arabia, was a
kill an american journalist or journalist based in America, kiss og with absolute impunity with
and trump- you know- maybe this kind of stuff was said behind doors in the past openly saying yeah, but
guy buys billions of dollars in weapons systems from United States. Defense
contractor, so I'm willing to turn a blind eye to that and the fact that he's bombing Yemen into the last century
and precipitating the greatest humanitarian crisis. Perhaps we've seen since World WAR two and that we are effectively a co combatant. It is two tired day in the Philippines. It's LCC in in Egypt were were more see, was just just
died in court? It's to one in Turkey and then to our allies into the great democracies? We turn the back or give the middle finger that
That is going to make us and already is making us demonstrably less safe. If we're going to be able to.
To end these wars that we're in we're going to be able to confront climate change. If we're going to be able to stop nuclear proliferation, we're going to
need partners and allies and we're going to answer the big open question that the world has right. Now is the future author Atarian. Where is the future democratic we're going to have
lead by example around the world and then here at home again
why democracy is central to this campaign in
do the administration that I hope to lead so
as tough as it is in the short term. I think it's in
portent that America side with democracy,
in Egypt,
it seems as though we were willing to forsake somebody democratically elected politically
diplomatically inconvenience in favor,
of somebody who has been incredibly brutal in his repression is effectively closed down.
Even the nominal democracy that existed before him, that can't be who we are and who we support, and what
do going forward, and in my administration we will absolutely change course in favor of democracy yeah I mean you talked about the
Eastern Hemisphere, as often forgotten I mean the one place in the western hemisphere that has been forgotten by this administration, has been Venezuela, and you know, they've done this ham handed
sort of cool light regime, change effort where they were supporting
a legitimate brave opposition leaders like one Quido Leopoldo Lopez, in their efforts to take power
but you know meanwhile, we have, I think four million refugees have already flown out of and as well as so I mean I I'm curious
you make of the administration's efforts to deal with Venezuela,
dramatically and how you might approach that yeah. You know I'm concerned in my
the same way about the administration's threat to invade or or bomb or on its threat to to bomb North Korea. Its threat to invade Venezuela threat that this president made and and perhaps unwittingly, diminishing.
Why does stature know with the memory of Pinochet, with the with the memory of Arbenz Guzman with the memory,
of active american involvement in civil wars and, overthrowing legitimately elected democratically
others in some ways we complicated Guido's path to to effectively represent the,
so the resistance to Maduro and the ability to stabilize a country that is absolutely out of control. Once the richest country
in Latin America, people are starving, they're going out going without medications.
In Colombia alone has absorbed one dot: five million refugees. This is one of the greatest, if not the greatest humanitarian disasters in the western hemisphere. So
enough of the Saber rattling focus on resolving the humanitarian urgency that we have in people dying or potentially dying, and then work collaboratively with the other stakeholders in the region, with Columbia with Mexico, with our partners,
Latin America to provide stability, a transition of power and then a democratically elected government to final much less serious or important questions first
Do you think that the way the Dnc is structured and handled the debates, his made sense, or were
This is a good way to run a railroad. I don't know that it made,
I don't know you got this really good problem where you have twenty three or twenty four
people, all of whom bring extraordinary
spur, T's and biography and
skills to this campaign into what they want to provide for this country as president
and that's a great sign for our party, I think it's a great sign for this country in our democracy,
How do you facilitate the conversation necessary for people to make an informed decision when it comes time to caucus or or to vote in in the primary, so
for example, this this ten and ten over two nights in Florida.
Maybe that was the best way to do it. The threshold of I don't know what it was: sixty five thousand unique donations in a certain pulling level. Maybe that's the right way to do it so I'm Participate
Obviously, in these debates I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also really focused on meeting people where they are through town halls that we've been holding all over the country going to
big blue communities going to rule read communities just listening and making sure that I have a chance to introduce myself and then take the questions from the people whom I want to serve and and learn from them in the process. So I I am
you know, load to second guess. You know how I would do this differently. I just think you
want to make sure that that everyone of these candidates has a chance to make their case to answer questions.
And then we make the best most informed decision for defeating Donald Trump and then bringing this country together around the greatest challenges. We've ever faced last question as you
no 'cause. You gave LEO treat coming in we're very pro dog podcast, so a lil,
Warren's Golden Retriever Bailey has been getting a lot of press as a big social media presence, and
reportedly a very good boy. Can you make the case?
for why Artemis should be chasing tennis. Balls on the south lawn, oh, so Artemus is amazing, um.
She Amy, and I were just talking about this the other day. She she took our kids on a backpacking trip with her two brothers and their kids and took
and she said no matter how far
are the leader on the trail was from the last person on the trail. Artemis is going back and forth. The int
far away way to make sure that everyone's okay constantly
checking on them,
she's, incredibly, loyal and faithful.
Is there to protect the family and the extended family,
So I don't know those characteristics. She's, incredibly, loving and cute great dog
to run with shoes maligned is a turtle leader.
You know that that was my bad I'll. Tell you that the circumstantial evidence, what was was pretty clear that you know she had taken the turtle food out of the turtle container into the backyard and eaten it. There was like a turtle food.
Rapper everywhere
was missing. I thought you know she had the turtle.
Why not just hear a hurdle yeah? Well, the turtle later showed up. I think she she picked up the turtle in perhaps an attempt to eat it. I believe the turtle bit her. Oh, that's that that's! This is a gasser.
And then Artemis drop the turtle and the turtle into a closet where it had for three days until until we found it, update
this Molly our ten year old who volunteers at an animal rescue just adopted two more box turtles,
were found and rescued and treated and cared for so Gus has two more friends in the turtle enclosure
so we're adding to the you know. The household zoo that Molly's running right
It's a happy ending. You know you're, like
the pizza away from teenager.
Ninja turtles,
thank you for doing this constant O'Rourke Great, to see you best of luck out there. Grateful thank you.
Transcript generated on 2019-09-23.