Joe Biden’s Hot Vax Summer is off to a rocky start thanks to Republicans in Congress, and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg talks to Jon Lovett about how the administration plans to pass their jobs and infrastructure plan. Then, Dan Pfeiffer and Jon Favreau talk about some bright spots in the Biden agenda, and answer listener questions.
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I welcome the pod. Save America. I'm John Fabric Andean Pfeiffer, on today Show President Biden HOT Back summer is off to Iraq and step. It makes the Republicans in Congress. I have to
I have this vague up here
eighty four,
not one for me. I wanted to make sure we got hot back summer in a positive Merrick episode somewhere, and they make sure we did so good job team. It's good to knock out the title. The episode before we even get to the housekeeping such an extra.
brother vines. I'd make summers after rocky start things Republicans in Congress, but lucky for us stand transportation. Secretary, PETE Buddha Judge is here to tell John
how the administration planes to get their big jobs and infrastructure bill passed here.
here is a very pandemic. Europe use that term
Yeah right he's here, he's gonna, be here in the zoom with us.
and then later are you and I will talk about some bright spots in the by an agenda and answer some listener questions.
But first we get some big news cricket meeting
his parted with our friends, I q code to bring you are first scripted comedy podcast called Edith,
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story of em
a secret first female president. First Lady Edith, Wilson, who basically ran the country
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also check out this week's take line. Jason
That's the honor. Many Montgomery talk to two time, NBA champion Chris Bosh about his new book and being elected to the hollow,
and lastly, Dan, do you have any news that can beat either of those announcements corresponding nullified
We got Edith coming out when you got here. We had a hollow famer and a golden blubber Pfeiffer. What are you got?
hope my much less exciting news that is neither holiday nor gone Globe worthy. Is there
I'm coming America, a plan to make America democracy again my book that was released in February twenty twenty three and a half weeks before
or the entire country and bookstores shut down due to a pandemic mishandle by the man whose name is in the title, is out and paper back this week and when I was writing the book
I was filled with the anxiety that comes with writing a book market, never politics, because things change frequently I'm sort of haunted by
about you and I know well a boycott. The way to win that came out into
six about the two thousand and eight presidential election and told everyone
What would matter and who could possibly win, and if you read that book here,
fine nary, a mention of Brok Obama, who does not appear once
but as an example, just how quickly things change, and when I was reading the book. Many people pointed out to me that a book with the premise
tromp ISM were outlast Trump and Democrats must undertake aggressive strategic structural reforms to beat
bosom could look embarrassingly bad, but on paper at came out after twenty election. Well, they break is
I hate to say this John, but troublesome has outlasted trump
democratic, does still trumped. America is still trunks, and many of the things that I believe in you believed very the Democrats must do to defeat. This scourge have not yet been done in the book contains
in it some very specific actionable items for readers about how they can help make those things happen. So if you did not get a chance to read it when I was on her
or if you just want to read it again, because it has a new epilogue that talks about this right when election, where we go from here on charming
Erika a plan to make America democracy again is available. Where we get your book sees this go by people.
Let's get the news. Here's
it from scene and Stephen Cause, and that sums up the old media narrative right now.
Joe Biden is heading abroad, just at the moment, when his hopes for historic legislative legacy at home seem headed for a wall for all the time
among Democrats of Biden assembling a Roosevelt legacy. The moment was always going to come when his vast political agenda would hit the blockade of Washington's uncompromising political math
and just in case it wasn't clear, there is a big banner on CNN that Red binds
stalled agenda, our capital letters. So
getting the president's first summer in office. He leaves behind an epic political shit, show only to face the unrealistically high expectations that come with a big foreign trip. Den.
That sound familiar to you get any day.
However, when I read that story and many stories,
I get isolated. Just beg my head against my desk because it was so painful.
and the question I have John is: did that agenda stall itself? It did so,
Tough enough installed itself, yeah, no, it just etc is sitting there in Congress and when it really needs is a little shoved from Joe Biden, but for some reason you won't give it the shove. So there it is stalled in Congress.
I mean I do not like. We have obviously been here before the first. Some
of actually
they turn out to be like every summer of Brok, Obama's presidency ended up being miserable centres
there is like a million crises, we ve also got on the plane.
To go to a foreign trap and had like them.
media. Turning on us at home, because Republicans report on bullshit and Congress, and then you go
a broad and you can't plan for ever
that happens on a foreign tramp, because a whole bunch of things can happen that aren't great,
and so you are dealing with
no all kinds of gaps in problems on your foreign trip and then back home. It's and it's not easy to deal with when you're in a different timezone and pretty sleep deprived as it now
It is forty I'll, even with all of the technology and advantages you have with travelling with a prisoner for us one and twenty four seven technological help in cell phones in Bunbury himself with libraries.
Whereas itself, buttons in Vienna we already yet our days where we are
old, Risa get our facts is no doubt that members are touched by the time you
really matters like you. If there
others to theirs to sort of governments happening right now. There is
people state in Washington and Ruby bore the road with the president and yeah.
The folks at Washington they go to sleep, they wake up and others because of the time change a whole bunch of use has been made abroad that they now have to respond to and
Similarly for the folks on the road they got to sleep in they wake up and find out that
by its agenda has stalled itself or something else happened because of its outrages. Incredibly,
China, then you start Emily the people at the White House and there are Slayer asleep why the fuck are they? Actually, there is nothing worse than it is your trip, which is twelve hours apart, where there is basically like. Our aim is a where there's like an overlap about people are awaken. Reading emails
but to go back? That's units represent,
I was there whether it speaks a larger problem in political coverage of either many problem. Portable comfortable epic one here
which is out of the desire to choose a narrative, frightened oversimplified now, because you can rewrite that story very simply to say
Biden embarks on his first foreign trip buoyed by
passage of a set of a major piece of economic legislation throw up
a partisan process and with the his gun
rules for vaccinations ahead of schedule in America, experiencing the lowest average deaths from covert since the pandemic begin all
ultra. All those things are also try right is, but because the the
Media needs gets bored with its narratives. It feels need to switch. We did about four.
since on Biden exceedingly
Vexations unified Party, New Sdr and then you hit a couples, be bombs and it's like holy shit differ.
thing total stalled agenda loss of momentum where we're going for here, we're stuck in the truth, is always somewhere in between those narratives. By right, you gotta pick a narrative.
But New Sdr narrative wasn't exactly the truth. Either
Everything is over exaggerated all the time in all directions. I mean we're going into this,
since of the the stalled agenda in a bit, but I want to talk about like what Biden himself
they do about it. You wrote in this morning's message box that the
green lantern theory of politics has returned care to explain to our listeners what the green lantern theory of politics. We don't have to date ourselves too much to talk about this really have to go back to the abandonment of strict s willing to act. Like twenty thirteen, I think
when the Greenland theory was quite so. The Greenland theory is a term that was coined by Brendan Nigh and whose apolitical sites fresher Dartmouth any rights for the upshot on the New York Times and sees the server prominent political,
go on Twitter. It is his description of this school of thought that says the president can overcome any,
obstacle through sheer force of will or strategic thinking or messaging right, and if you can't get something done, it is because of a failure of the president, and this is bringing
came up with this theory as a whole bunch of prudence during the Obama years or a sort of blaming Obama, because he could not get a party that was
three years away from nominating Donald Trump too
he a progressive immigration perform Bell right that it was
Why can't he labored sort of his body by run? Forty eight was right for national downloads,
Why would he read why what Obama led without any they just purely reading, would get you there right in what is dangerous about that theory? Is one it's wrong right: it we have a system of checks and balances there. The filibustering
costs there are. We live an incredibly polar aside. There are limits to our presence, can do it, but when you in-
you, the president, with this sort of absolute power, like the green lantern DC, comic super.
Ah has through their the ring that they were there has it lets the people
And the forces that stop progress off the hook and can lead to people becoming disenchanted just more demoralized does
I voted for by bite said he was going to do acts and he hasn't
next Emily Biden failed me and my vote wasn't worth it as opposed to saying the Republicans who,
have fifty votes in the Senate. Black bind from doing what he's doing so by response that should not be just engage with politics that should we do
double down on politics and try to go expand that democratic majority. So these debt- with a Democrat,
senator from the state that tunnel drop one by thirty. Nine points doesn't have a veto on everything and it is in an breaded points, either. There's two styles of green lantern theory of politics. One is the l b J version where you just sort of browbeat everyone in Congress to do what you want and then
is the Ronald Reagan version, or this is really was the Obama version as well, which is just like by the power of your communication. Suddenly you can persuade everyone took to go your way,
and look it's. This is not to say that President's don't have agency and don't have influence they do they they can be persuasive, but
I think their powers of persuasion are more limited van, be power of the system in which they operate. Right.
And media narratives tend to focus on characters in person
nowadays, and they tend to focus less on sort of the structural impediments to choose
change, because just saying that sounds boring, but the, but the truth is that of the larger structures that the President in Congress and everyone else is operating in have much greater effect on outcomes and policy outcomes.
any individual personalities- and this is why, during the Obama years, it drove us so crazy dinner, we would be like one
and you have a drink with much Mcconnell. Why doesn't play golf with John Vainer, like those things didn't matter, and they wouldn't have matter right,
what some people might say. Ok. Well, Joe Biden was the one who campaign
on the idea that he was going to be able to bring Republicans to his side. Yes, he did and at that
I'm we thought he was overstating the case and we said so
he was wrong bad. You know but like now it is
is really hard to just sort of win people over just through the powers of the presidency like there are just larger forces at player, mean that the american presidency a sort of a unique in the western world, in the sense that our president is both the head of state and the head of government right. There come, but there are monarch
and a prime minister, and so because of that they become these larger than life. Historical figures who in
inside aren't told- and this is the out. This is the the
retelling of the l b J presidency through movies books.
Broadway play storing Brian cramped and about how we arm twisted us into civil rights, and it's always more complicated than that in your right president's. Can the vacant they have a lot of power, they have more
our in more agency on what they can do with their executive power them with Congress in there. In some cases, there is a limit to what you can do and this this all like everything. As a recommendation comes back or on the measurements like
turbines gotta make Joe Mansion, be forgetting, whether filibuster recycle. How do you do that like? What is the leverage he has to do that right, he's gotta run, make Mitch Mcconnell do this in there just limits to it, and it isn't like at all
bring this up to like let Joe Biden off the hook for the promises he made or not me, that's not the point, but I just worrisome
ouch about democracy,
in writing Republicans off the hook. This is much more Connell's entire plan blocked.
Everything understand how media coverage works and ensure that that will lead to a narrative of Joe Biden fail, president, which will lead to a d moral
this democratic base in international waters and watch and watch the Democrats fight amongst themselves as Mitch. Mcconnell sets back and less well. So, let's go
de there should show back home. We have just mentioned.
declare on Sunday. The Democrats do not currently have fifty votes in the Senate to either pass voting rights legislation or kill the filibuster than on.
Day West Virginia other Senator Republican Shelly, more capital was told by Joe Biden that thereby by partisan infrastructure negotiations were over
after being unable to agree on a few small things like the size of the bill, how to pay for it or the definition of the word infrastructure. But just in case you were worried that this could mean the end of law,
drawn out seemingly hopeless negotiations, fear not Dan. By
now. Turning to a group of ten diver
EC senators and ten republican senators who call themselves the G20 to save the day. The group, which is
by Rob Portman, Mitt Romney Joe Mansion encased in Cinema Woof what occurred,
is now discussing an eight year. Nine hundred billion dollar proposal focused on roads, bridges and other narrowly defined infrastructure investments. Do you think
Any danger that this group might actually accomplish something there is
slight danger that they will accomplish something that danger
is not passage of a large scale infrastructure bill. What this group may possibly do,
convinced Joe Mansion incursion Cinema that, if you care about infrastructure, the only way to do this through butter
so the asian mean that is a european.
the people's reacted that you know it was sort of funny because
The news about the end of the much valued capital negotiations came out to check the first one was all these tweets
I didn't, ends negotiations with capital. Everyone shares,
right here we go, thou were dealt with. This headed for reconciliation and the like,
Everyone shares than thirty seconds later everyone groans, because they discovered that he's leaving those people
the negotiations to get involved.
a different set of bipartisan negotiations, but
If you need mansion in Cinemas, vote on reconciliation,
You can't bypass the bipartisan group that contains mansion and cinema. This is pain.
All this is annoying, but this is also a reality. President Biden continuing Bipartisan
Negotiations is solely about getting Joe mentioning Pearson Cinema on Board and we talk about you. Gotta get caught, trying its not just like get caught trying for the public.
Its get caught, trying for literally to democratic sanders, perhaps more, but their hiding behind mansion Cinema, who are nervous anxious about going through the reconciliation process and passing a big infrastructure bill with just democratic votes on this by part.
in group Republicans in that group. Romney portmanteau, the rest of them are still saying they have
ruled out tax increases to pay for this.
Well, there's no way there doing any tax increases, so I dont know
how you solve the pay for issue. If you ruled out tax increases. Unless this group of republican and democratic senators going to say here
package, that's about a trillion dollars and we're just not gonna pay for and we're going to add to the deficit, and like will that group of ten republican senators agree to that. I don't know that seems little far.
to me. No- and I don't think your benches can agree to that, because you think
want tax increases or other either he's fine with the tax increases. But I think you will want to pay for right right
open and the other. The other option has been floated to pay, for it is like will use unspent covert funds, which is,
a real thing right. It's like it's like you know, fake accounting that they're going to try to move some money around to pay for it. No one really believes that you either pay far with tax increases or you you increase the deficit. There is really no other way it. It mean. The color of the unused covered money is tat.
finally a budget gimmick. That is a way in which you sort of meat. The ceo standard for how you pay for a gimmick right that haven't rise by it is
real money that was earmarked to go to things like small business loans and schools and all other stuff that is going to be taken away right, and so it is like
Robert, when, at the end of the day, whether its covered money or user fees is asking you to pay for infrastructure, not Amazon, right. That is the ultimate thing educate. I think, to give you
sense of how not on the level this is with Republicans so binds plan is we are going to go back into the republican taxpayers? Have twenty eighteen and we are going to raise the corporate tax rates that you cut in that bill? Backup Republicans oppose that and
I think that their position is substantively wrong. Morally wrong, politically insane.
I understand, the sentiment of like we only ever pass one fucking law on our life and we dont want to undo it to two years later and so by in
happened on negotiations in this thing is how Protection Biden came back and said. Let me offer you and alternative as a possibility. What, if we increased funding for the IRS in order to do greater enforcement of
why you passed so not gonna change your law on risk to make sure that more people follow the law that you passed so there
more, particularly rich people may rich people who have has fired
your fancy? Accountants, to get off from
any taxes are gonna have to pay their taxes that so we want to do not changing a single law managing a single tax rate. We just want you hot. We want to stop your plan to define the IRS and we want to
enforce the law Mitchell there, which we will pay the taxes a you pass, a law to make them pay, and they said no to that too. So how do you ever come up with a plan with tee
who won't raise taxes and then want
or existing taxes. So your british stuck
here, and this is where infrastructure has been stuck forever every time
what club, bi partisanship are like
No, what everyone loves roads and bridges did. You know I gotta like we have biggest rooms on health care and tax policy, and
whether the right to vote is fundamental publicity on those sort of policy issues, but we ll have arisen bridges. Let's get together meme over the target for seventeen about like shimmering trump cutting a huge infrastructure deal because road servers on my part
trumps, a builder. It always get stuck on this issue because we have held
Guess is actually Pezara. There's no way to pay, for the Republicans will agree with us that doesn't include something like asking. Pork is eat, one fewer lunch a week like S, basically that the plans
What one more thing on this year, just in case dimension, Pearson, Cinema and other by partisan, curious demo,
It's in there gang of twenty are listening to this podcast, which, of course they do religiously. I do want to point out that our friends at data for progress gave us some exclusive new pulling on this issue, so they described the american jobs plan in the american families plan to voters and then ask people whether they thought it was more important to pass everything. That's in both bills,
or to find a compromise on the bills, even if that means and infrastructure bill that only includes roads and bridges that narrowly defined infrastructure build at the G20 is talking about by fifty one percent to forty percent people said that Congress should pass both bills. Bi partisanship
be damned so there you go and look at how it one more thing. On this too, as you know, the there was a political story. The other day were Gina Mccarthy use the top climate advisor to the Bite administration said. Yet.
There may be some some climate provision that fall out of this package and
a bunch of democratic senators. Martin Heinrich from New Mexico like Ben.
From Colorado, Brian shots from. Why were roylake, hey,
We get to vote on this too, and just because the ten democratic senators
No, she ate some narrow infrastructure, but that's just roads and bridges if all of our climate agenda, if there's a good chunk of our climate
agenda is in there. You can count on all the democratic votes either. So I do
think. I can't really see these negotiations lasting for too much longer and then it's at some point. We go to reconciliation and figure out how to get Joe information occasions.
on board there. The genome, earthy did walk back that comment and then the White House said the climate stuff was gonna stay, so I too think that
We are very encouraging and even greater indication right. That's exactly is not going to be a bipartisan bill. There was an often
by an adviser that I dont think was indicative of the White House position, which you and I know, can be european. Yes,
happens. All the time when we come back will hear what
secretary people to judge, has to say about all this. He talks to love. It read after the break
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including free shipping. He is the Secretary of Transportation and the first openly gay cabinet secretary in american history, PETE Buddha judge. Welcome back to the pot
you'll be back with it. So I want
get to the infrastructure negotiations, but I want to step back from that first. So in March I talk to a transit researcher alone levy. They looked at the explosive costs of infrastructure construction in America.
Are the hundreds of subways built in the world since two thousand, the five most expensive are in New York four times the medium caused a tunnel in Seattle,
three times what it costs to build in Paris, seven times what it costs to Madrid, no correlation to gdp per person? So you know
in the midst of these negotiations of a package between one trillion and two trillion dollars. But regardless we have this huge problem of costs.
in America being so high. What is how do you view your role as transportation secretary in making those dollars go further,
I think I look part of what we got to do is just make sure that the right level of support goes in, but we also got to make sure that it's well spent and well used and part of what I think we need to be do
The department is having the right level of accountability for how taxpayer dollars are spent in,
stand up more capabilities here, to assess some of the reasons. Why that's the case? Some,
that is inevitable in the sense of the rising cost of certain kinds, materials or processes, but it can't be that we should just settle for having a higher cost
of delivery. Then poor nations, especially ones in Europe, that you know you can't say that they are not taking labour or environmental seriously. I was part of why this is such a hat
gradual. There are a lot of different things that go into it, part of its the complexities of our federal system, withers, usually a lot of different layers of projects sponsorship, part of it
They have to do the legal environment in the U S book, but we do need to work through these things because in all matters, not just how many dollars we put in but, more importantly it. What do we have
shove, those dollars you having this is actually one of the reasons I was excited that you were Secretary transportation
This is something that I thought you could really die.
into, and one of that one of the points
that that a number of experts- maize, is that this is an area where we just need to learn from other countries that we need to send people
bring in city planners and experts and from from from ITALY, from Spain from France. We too have sort of moral
and occasionally thing about bad at all about
We can learn from these lessons literature. I may look. We shouldn't be too proud to learn from other countries, especially because, if we're being honest with ourselves, America may be the leading nation in many ways, but not trains right.
The transit not highway safety there. There are lots of things that really matter to US transportation, wise, where we clearly could be learning from others on how to do a. We do better and we should now having said that- and it is not just about going far afield and seeing what the
but in our regions, are up to its also looking around our own country. You could look at two different cities in two different parts of the EU: s with radically different levels of cost, efficiency or safety or any other number things. Any part of our job is to make sure we cultivate the best of the things that are happening in communities or or certain states, and to try to create carrots and sticks to have those best,
Is it doing things adopted and other cities in other states and other communities in, and we have such great visibility on? That is a department right funding things in all the states in and for that matter, tribes and territories around this country. That did, I think we can cross pollinate the best,
from one place to another. So you are saying it's not the size of the of the infrastructure package is how you use it that sort of what I'm both its look at me, look at par part of wider.
We know that this is really the right one.
his part of either the last round of negotiations did make. It was because our negotiating partners, just wouldn't get there on the level of dollar, amount, that it is going.
Take no matter how efficient we are. Actually I'm extend it. I'm sorry, I'm offended. I made a reference to a package. It is price.
there isn't any window there and you ignored
I am doing these dried. Oblivious
I see that from now on,
Khamenei did not protest in front of the White House so that you can ignore my jokes. During pride, PETE, Mayo Secretary PETE, I'm sorry to disappoint unbelief.
about what you just wait. You just wait
Let's talk about it. I really Ricky ants
now tell my second ignore you're, with our aren't. You challenge accepted garlic. Throne
I want to talk about climate seriously. The senator Martin Heinrich said and infrastructure package that goes light on climate and clean energy should not counting every democratic vote is echoed by a sea. This is echoed by Senator at Marcie. The basis had no climate, no bill, so you may climate
central to what your doing in your role are their lines the administration is drawing on on climate. Does it have to be part of a big hurry? Thinking about that down in the way I put it to you to make a relatively simple is this has to be said of investments that leaves the climate better and not worse and two major degree? We look. Every transportation is
it is a climate decision, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is not just things like electric vehicles, which is a very important part of the president's vision.
also things like where a highway goes or whether you add a highway at all, it's what we have by way of transit. Is
Another is notches whether our vehicles are cleaner. That really matters.
Its, whether you need to drag of vehicles, whether you need to bring two tons of metal with you to get somewhere in the first place, those are questions of of networks.
Transit, road design, even city design and minutes as much a question for housing,
How we, how and where with allows it.
As it is in what specifically going into the transportation system, which is why we need to be working these things together. So all of this belongs in the plan. All this belongs in the vision, and it is evident in the president's plan and it needs to to stay in whatever it is were created. What is surprised you you're in these negotiations?
an obvious I know, you're not gonna, reveal private conversations, but, generally speaking, what is surprised you about the difference between what's being said, behind closed doors,
You know we ideally, hopefully in good faith, verses, sort of public pronouncements. What
Learning about that difference.
Well. Good news is, there's not much difference.
as you might think the tone and
A good well in the meetings is similar to what were expressing publicly and when we are far apart on something like those big, and I want you to walk even his big thing over the baseline right now, so that they were bring what they viewed as hundreds of billions of dollars and spending. But most of it wasn't new spending, which meant it was apples to oranges with our plan and basically one tenth of what we brought forward. Nobody was sneaky about that and we sat down. We talk through it and we were very honest about being on two very different pages. So I think I appreciate the level of goodwill, maybe its unique in forestry,
No, it's it's one of those areas of domestic policy, that's less toxic than a lot of the others, but that's encouraged me is also very human. I mean you know this. This is the Senate is one hundred very specific people with with very specific personalities and styles and
Sometimes the outcome of a policy decision or policy negotiation is as much about the relationships that emerge in the trust that emerges among human beings as it is any kind of elaborate.
the call for negotiations happens, suggests the humanity of this I mean look on,
to dealing with here.
is mayor. I had a legislative body of nine and now there's there's a hundred senators. Four hundred and thirty five house members different, but that part actually isn't so different
saying that you say that it does we like theirs is so like two kinds of conversations, and one is the one that you're having like Pino Shelly moves, inertia,
our cap. It always disappointed but believes there is room for a deal
mansion and Romney, or now resuming talks Mcconnell. Today's that he's hopeful you have progressive, creating leverage which is kind of what you'd hoped they would do to pull the plug
judge to the left and then at the same time you have in Republicans,
the country undermining voting laws, supported by a lot of the Republicans in the U S, Senate, who won't pass any kind of voter protections wooden support investigation into in insurrection. Do you think, there's any kind of mismatch between think the rhetoric
it is correct about the threat to the Duma, our democracy and
behaviour in trying to figure out how to engage these Republicans on other issues. How do you think about that
look there's always a lotta compartmentalizing that goes on in trying to make good policy and part part of where we are is. Did we may have ferocious differences,
in one area and is still worth it to look for? Where were a wind in another area
I mean what's happening on those other France's incredibly important and its incredibly series. I think at the same time its
It's possible, if there's any area of domestic policy, where it's possible to get together. It's on this, because you know that that's where constituencies
to every Republican or don't gotta talk to whether on commerce there from somewhere in there, from a place where I don't care, how conservative or liberal or trompe that place.
As people want better roads and bridges in and for that matter, internet and and and in her work, transportation, resources and clean water.
and they think corporations are employing their fair share in the right about that. That's that's all
I think it is- is- is Toronto widespread basis across Amerika, where he's trying to get it to be reflected out here, often
You say imagine that the the fair share it does he like
this non starter and how to pay for it? Is there any movement on that? It does like. You know that even
those that are negotiating a more moderate, so called moderate members, are saying that non starter. You cannot touch the the Trump tax cuts is that is. That is that is that a
at a line is a real line. Is our private line so far?
it's been a pretty hard line. I've heard some house Republicans talk about, you know the rate. Maybe ok doesn't have to be twenty five to twenty one they'll say: maybe you could be twenty.
I have yet to see any Senate Republican say that outlet
What I will say, though, in
but this is a good example aware, I'm never
see it sea of their way of into me. The idea that these corporate tax breaks and tax cuts for the richer and important legacy achievement is is tough for me to relate to, but I believe that they believe that that's enough to understand that this can be.
And then in the negotiations, so at the same time there are a lot of other things. I mean the enforcement peace right like who could be against at least making sure that people and companies pay the
It is their supposed to pay, and we know that there is a huge return on what we invest in enforcement, because
Iris has really been unable to to collect what's owed. That, I think, is a fruitless.
that doesn't get into the rate disagreement as much where made simply not be possible to bring Republicans onboard.
And there are other areas like that, where I think goes certain kinds, loopholes or- or things like that- we're where there's a lot of promise, but look weren't were obviously tax policies. One is going to be one of the areas where it will always be harder to agree with people on the other side of the island, something like the above.
lay clear fact that we gotta fix our roads. Are you concerned at all that the current proposals, not republican proposal at the Democratic puzzled, does anything to support the gene? Smart renaissance? You have watchman, you have
Estonia hacks, there's nothing in the bill to support Jean smarts.
renaissance. You don't know anything about these shows you're, not watching hats. You're, not watching marries down you did you watch watchman, as Lucille Blue said. I don't understand the question and I am not going to respond to it on
leave about what are you and what we can, but I know that I know the watchman is: is incredible and diminishing.
so by learning I haven't got it, but the I'll get it.
What are you interested watching?
What's this solar opposites settings from the reckon Morty people has been pretty good. This very
Stylish french heist
Many series Lou power, our science based on our southern handed, the novels- is breaking into the Louvre aspirate exciting hours on the bottom. There has words that get their words longline, sub subtitles. Yes, yes,
Mr Konrad, I'm sure there I just can't I can look at my phone during its it's tough icy about you.
Oh well, you know Mary STAR, which I recommend hacks, you gotta watch. Hacks
one other thing I want to ask you I loved by
in dc- and I accept an e bike that I
to him you to the White House, and I was marked mercilessly
by several senior Obama, administration officials
for using my ie by crook. Do you believe that I am Odin apology? Absolute! Thank you. Ok, good final question: do you think any part of your
tension with Amy Closure with sexual began. I
you don't understand question and I'm going to respond to it.
that was our desire and what I want to cover my camera. I said that out loud secretarial, quick was there a by yes, please at the time
There was a bike rack at the time. Thank you for asking, but so you had to go to go south and I think it was through West exact than you could come up and it was in the old executive office building. There was a bike rack where I could park
either my bike or there wasn't.
Scooter and I understand why was might marked for these good, although I was ahead of the curve on both of those bail out of long do safe safely, I'm on prosecutor, but that's good news.
by crack in there somewhere is what we did when I like there is. We put it on vehicle and then somebody sauce taking back off the vehicle and concluded this was a grand, can spirit.
Her maidens, you know, claim some great view that viruses in writing the couple miles out of the White House. There was an actually truce is the stinging, my crawler better,
yeah somewhere. You really were riding the bike they're. Trying to you know you there's. I was a Bloomberg situation where he would like get out of it. Ass. You ve ride the subway, a couple stops and then get off, but you really were biking biennial do not time but a bike from from the farm to the White House and then like back in the next. He knew it was like the crime of that century. Accordingly,
on August. There wasn't a bike rack within within evidence. It's a maternity wrapping up
It's a little bit, I think, for you, know your meaning, probably the west. When you have to go down in their day to day it's a little bit out of the way. Let's be honest, it was at least when I was there. The arm the EU by was great, because in
suit yourself, D c in the spring you're gonna see you're, gonna, sweat, sweat
I'm very probably like again right to safe speed, have your helmet, etc, etc. But that's just like a window
back. There's no shame that. Thank you. Thank you for saying that secretary
people to judge always good to see you happy
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Are we talking about
the places where binds agenda is stalled, but there are few bright spots or at least potential bright spots that we should mention. On Tuesday, the Senate voted sixty eight to thirty two for legislation that would invest.
nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars into american technique,
Gee Science and research in an effort to compete with China. That same day, the Senate confirmed
first to judicial nominees, hooligan
Exuviae Niels, as district Court judge in New Jersey and regime,
Rodriguez is the first asian american judge to serve in the district court bench in Colorado shoes
is also set up. Votes for Katagiri Brown Jackson to serve in the powerful Dc Circuit Court of Appeals and he'd Karachi, who will be the first American Muslim federal judge in? U s history. I believe those
could be happening as we're recording this past and
on an issue as difficult and contentious as police reform. Three sources told-
we see this week. The democratic and republican negotiators are close to a compromise on
if I am unity which currently protects law enforcement from being sued for misconduct and has been the main sticking point in passing the George Floyd Justice and Policing act. Let's just go through these issues, one by one quickly.
How do you think a bill that invests a quarter of a trillion dollars in science and technology ended up with so
the eight votes in the Senate, including nineteen Republicans,.
but didn't really make any headlights? I guess there's
I should first of all how they get a bipartisan billon doesn't get nineteen Republicans and then didn't make headlines on the first part. I think it is Joe Biden and Chuck tumor basically pulled
a brilliant jet. I mind track on the Republicans, because you know what this bill
Basically, as anyone there were there,
stories honour by you? Even if you,
the few stories the worry. When do I get this point
a failure to get episodic. That's why I learned my money and unfamiliar with that broadcast. It
so they want to kill and Gideon Dear right now. That's what I'm familiar. That's the only one that you need every morning. I guess that's what we need and what I am. I ain't verse into daily we're all this stuff. What you would not know from reading the very few swords are written about. It is a big chunk of eurobonds. American jobs plan is embedded in that built right.
help for manufacturers. They support a semi conductors things like that and they re allocation stem education, scholarships manufacturing it is there.
An element of just how sort of overly simplistic and identity focus Republican
six has been that, if you just say this bill takes on China
Ass, a bunch of democratic stuff, farthest Fabio lesson there right
that we should, we can invite other things had seated its or if you are using a small psychological tractors to
get people to do the things you want to do? It's a big
the reason it didn't get attention
because the press law
bi partisanship, but things that happened
our special not seen this news,
because it's not a lot of this debate is not our arguments on each other names. There's unbiased tragedy. This bill got way more attention.
RON, Johnson and Tommy
top urville in others, blocked it before the recess it did when it actually passed the kind,
worked in the veto in the failure by
partners in ship. It caught ain't, no in the fire and yelling on the floor that got news. The actual passing of things almost never gets nervous. They cover the fight. They don't cover the end of the five,
it's a huge problem. It is a disservice to your two peoples.
and if anything is it, it runs against that the chosen narrative
the method chosen narrative moment is binds agenda is stalled. We live in the magic call, the sack where
going from here are Democrats group, and then you have been an actual accomplishing
he had been promised, which is passing part of his
Spain, in a bipartisan way in a gets zeal,
attention because it runs counter to the narrative just like
the FDA, our narrative. There were all any,
I know the warning signs about whether-
could pass things with fifty votes for Germany. Video folk were also ignore right,
and I will tell you like- I Didn'T- spend a lot of time paying attention to this bill. I saw reports of it here and there and twitter until we see as our present for this podcast
and it's like a quarter of a trillion dollars is,
a lot of money, but it's not
I thought it was some smaller bill of those gonna. Do it every like. I didn't realize it was this substantive and this large, and also because it has been framed as like. You know how to maintain competitiveness with China.
I wasn't all. I wasn't wasn't aware how much it does for you. No research and development, education, manufacturing, innovation, technology science, like all of that, like investing in all of those areas right here in the United States, its it's great, it's it's a real big accomplishment and it's sort of amazing that, like including in those included in those nineteen Republicans Mitchell,
conall voted for. You almost think like if measurement coddle voted for it, how good could it be crews? Ten crews was one of the leading republic. It's for really but make sure our aim, the media
makes you think it's bad, but it's not it's good
I mean this is there. This is like the
were lying or underlying. I guess feet. Themes allotted we're talking about is the role that political coverage plays in shaping narratives. Add effect.
politics, and this is one example which is going back,
What a for ever recently since Watergate sort of the primary cultural ethos of political media is holding politicians accountable, holding their feet to the fire and that's a May. Ultimately, a virtuous thing: that's what you want, but what it too often it evolves into. It is a huge deal when President's D.
keep the promises for whatever reason they should they break the promise we choose not to do it. Structure blocks at agendas get stalled like that's a big deal, and it is upon us, as the holders of the feet, to the fire to tell everyone about
But then, when they do with their supposed to do that, doesn't get celebrated right. It doesn't get knocked about. That's not it's not something the bleeds. Therefore, it doesn't
and this is this- is it this will happen this.
Angered us in an old problem is its been around forever. It still linked with all the changes in media everything. That's happened and Mark Zuckerberg moving their old everything. This part
I'm still exist. We use that Denmark
The burning I'm almost like it was rotunda getting to say it like oxides, S Riah on judges
Senate confirm Biden's first, two with overwhelming majorities, again, six thousand six hundred and thirty three seven thousand two hundred and twenty eight were the votes for the first two there are more than-
vacancies expected to open up in the coming months. How big a deal do you think this is that we are starting to move judges? I also by the way noticed when it gets Millbank questions, but a bunch of question
we're like why are they going faster? We get act fast round the judges. We should point out that this is. You know, compared to both Trump Obama Bush all past presidents. This is relatively quickly to start having the Senate move on judges. It is relative,
But you know what move faster? We got fifty senators,
What are the? Moreover, eighty, some of their words states republican governors like every minute cancer of evil,
get these things, go on
ever since Monday, in the German should not bad the amount of people we have heard from her alike.
Why doesn't even matter? Why did we win Georgia? Everything socks? This is why it matters without
imagine Mitchell,
I'll, be in charge and he could. It is the power
of the majority to decide what goes before enlargement.
I could do to every single Biden. Judge District Court judge Appeals, court, judge replacement for,
even Briar were he to retire, prevent them from going to
for it he could do to them. I did America, let it, but because we have if these seeds we can put judges on the court and those judges have life.
appointments long after all, these centres gone long after generation has gotten
in almost habit and sell off into the sunset the key, those
It will still be there. This is incredibly consequential. It is the the
most lasting thing, a president can do as the most on
doable thing. I guess you'd say that President's it's I'm desperate. This is a huge deal, is incredibly important and Donald Trump put
Mostly unqualified almost entirely white, mostly male people on the court in here, you have your binding. The Democrats, putting a diverse set of some people diverse in men and women, diverse all across every demographic group, and
if experience not just a bunch of corporate lawyer federal society. Botz like they're like trumpet
public. This land urged nobbut defenders. Criminal justice advocates a huge deal in its ease
to get lost in all of our anger in depression, about the forty barked everything else, but this is,
Why was so fucking important that we want those Georgia sentences,
is not to say
be mad about joint action. It's not to say that you should be like you should settle for this and nothing else. It's just to point out that, like this is
It is worthwhile to have Joe mention in the democratic caucus as fucking
and fury aiding as he is right now, because he's vote
for these two is not only voting for these judges because bunch Republicans, wherever these judges tuba, like you, said Joe,
mansion being a Democrat, is making it possible to confirm these judges if Joe dimension we're not a Democrat, if you were not in the senator, if you change parties, there would be no judges, a hundred vacant,
This would just be held open, probably by Mitch Mcconnell. Until there was a republican Senate than they would be filled by twenty two year old Fuckin, you know, white dude sues only qualification is that they, like fuckin, wrote a bright Bart peace. We have in those vacancies. You know that,
the judiciary, Fulla shit posters, that's that's it. We would have said
You know it's not like not everything's great, but I really awful either finally
police reform. How hopeful argue that they'll get something done here? You know the NBC story was pretty optimistic and encourage Booker who's that one of the leading Democrat.
negotiators are on the bells: tolled CNN, that the talks are going very, very well, but then
Scott. The republican senator in charge of negotiating the bill told seen on the same day that there are many other issues. Besides qualified immunity that their finding really hard to resolve them. They probably won't make their end of June deadline
where would hear what are your thoughts? Look of inquiry? Backers of person who's, never been overly enthuse
ass. If before so I dont know, I like that guy's an optimist. There are very hard issues here right here,
still dealing with a
working party that wants to run on defending the police. We just saw that in the New Mexico special action we talked about a few weeks ago, a by the fact that they are talking the fact that the progress is potentially being made
is hopeful, like that is a sign that something can be done in it. This is the dueling narratives. The way that our current makes us right. There is a very true, very accurate narrative about a bunch of crypto authoritarian Republic
hence blocking everything that matters for the sole purpose of trying to hold on a political power. Despite representing fewer and fewer Americans every day,
but then you out of these other, like you said, green shoots, the use of horrible term that we handed back in the day
There are some things in that and if Biden is going to get blame for things,
getting done. He should sure fucking get credit for the things they do get out for progress being made and that
where this oversimplification, this narrative, hurting where we decide as a political media culture that
breathing socks and therefore ever they should be viewed through the filter. Everything sucks is. It is over
simplistic- and, I think, is a common upon all of us to push back on that and let you have done
by not the hawk right there. There's a very since there are some things like suited debt cancellation. He couldn't mode
I could do all by himself.
and do things that I desire you should do it by.
Simply yelling at Joe Biden is not going to get your mentioned. Who changes there is work work to do.
it could possibly get us. There were released, expand our set of majority in twenty twenty two, so that you don't need. Your mentions vote by the bye yelling at the president is not can be cathartic at times, but it is not a solution to the problems we currently exist. Yeah. You figure out figure out strategic ways to pressure the President and Democrats in Congress
Yes, if you want to do much suffering, I feel free to aid to the former. Emancipator exists, but Nutria suited to the way we do it, though, or we're not that you know we're at special. Let's take a few questions from the
Mailbag questions MAX asks. I know,
Don't play the prediction game, but is there a plausible scenario where there is a net gain of at least one democratic senator in twenty twenty two? You know too narrow
by JO mentions existence similar
question from a leak who asks which twenty twenty two mid term races can Democrats look to steal. Also very important has
Dan thought of his campaign slogan for the Delaware Senate,
take the serious part first, or will it take the less serious part first debate,
because I want to hear it. I want to hear this is everyday, like fuckin rights itself at even come up with. Yes, we dad
it seems obvious that maybe that's the episode.
reality, God I have not had. Why aren't there? Yes, we didn T shirts and the crooked stork. We its mission
please don't
but nothing is there are more than we didn t shirts,
I gotta tell you we're just gonna start selling. We gotta get you'll, get a you'll, get an email from the crooked store and that's how you ll find out it anyway. Back back to the serious question. Yet there is a very plausible scenario: the Democrats can pick up a net gain obscenities. We have to hold Georgia, Arizona, New Hampshire, Nevada for states that bind one, albeit quite naturally before states, and that we have a chance to pick ups entity
in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania two states by one, albeit narrowly, and then other opportunities in Florida unearthed Rwanda to states that by lost by our competitive and purple,
and so there is a very irruption to do it, and there is a it is a
It is as favourable a map and you could possibly hoped for in what is historically a tough year for the Party of the president. Yet
and I think that we should all expect and push the democratic candidates in the Senate raises two:
make sure they tell us ahead of time that they're gonna kill the filibuster right,
let's get a let's get it right. Let's get a promise. I had a time I mean it. You know
I saw that just when, when after mentions up at John Fishermen, whose who's running one of the candidates democratic candidates in Pennsylvania tweeted, I will be the fifty first vote right for further filibuster form. I imagine the other candidates
running against him in the primary in Pennsylvania will say the same thing. I imagine you'll see democratic and its running for office in a lot of these states. Who may say that, and I should think you can do it, because, even if you are running in a more purple state, that's probably more ideologically towards the centre at times and you ve got towards tough swing voters. I do think that fill of US reform is one of those issues. That's not necessarily connected to ideology like you can be for filibuster of form and still be someone who's or of represents the views of the more moderate view. Voters in yours,
and so I think we'll that's that's where I'm looking at this point, because the way that your mission and Kyrsten Sinema are right now, like I don't. I don't know that they're going to change their mind, certainly not completely
and so I looked at twenty twenty two, I think. Can we pick up? You know to more seats and then- and then you'll have to worry about. Those two mark asks if I'm most worried about democratic performance with Latinos, which organization should I volunteer for donor to the service is something that we talked a lot about on this Pike s. What you think then! Well, we had a list of folks from our political team to the votes on that less that I think, are very important vote over GINO industrial Pack Chuck Russia,
who is address your max bid on this package before you, ve talked him for the while the rest, I believe, in spite of thanks doses and great ones, should be tweet out the other less. How do you want to do that? I'll? Go
really quick. Does that there's a look organization, Pennsylvania called CASA, inaction, the dozen fantastic work, and then there are few organisations that don't deal directly with electoral politics, but they do fantastic work on specific issues like immigration or economic justice workers rights
you know we dream Lucia Arizona, the Florida immigrant coalition and of us as data Frontera and was content we can obviously tweet is. I will put them in the show notes as well.
I will just say that we had check on this past week, but we ve talked to him outside this package. He was a tough strategies for Bernie Sanders and his Billy been he's been all of his time, thinking about sort of letting o performance and let in electoral politics and in waste repack as a really sort of exciting organization. That's looking to us to work on that issue, both in twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four
So great organization Amanda asks. What are you guys reading? How would you call
Stan Pact as a question to answer just to affairs me who doesn't red
I am. I actually I'm reading some things, but I want you have let you go first, tell me what you're reading so here's the be I'm always reading like multiple books at once and what happens as I get into bed, and I read like fifteen pages at a time before I fall asleep because
very tired, all the time and the most embarrassing book that I am still reading, because I have not finished yet and I'm just everyone just keep it between us. Don't
spread this around. I'm still finishing promise a promised land bridges Brook up is met more
like look, I know how it ends
but it's a bit designate
but I'm still reading that I'm reading I'm halfway through a little more than half way through roads is book after the fall, which you should all go by Ben is now number three on the New York Times. Best seller list he's just either
on bill. Riley's heels nip in the hills go by after the fall in fixed.
I just finished midnight library by Matt, Hague and eyes,
did I Interior Chinatown by Charles you and in five years by Rebecca sorrow, so you are crushing.
I mean I'm, I'm again, I'm like picking them up. I get fifty pages. I fell asleep. I try another on the next night. That's what I'm here. I used to read one block anytime. I used to like to plough through box, and then I had one child ploughed through a few bucks than we had a second child
Oh yeah, I filed through even fewer box by Amber, I am I now
when reading sort of several books at a time for some of them are clause
their books it. I would read on my own, but their cause. I will work related. I just finished bends book I am reading out. Observers spoke right now,
coming out soon, which is ugly plenary that I'm reading a book called descent which is coming out in a few weeks from our old friend, Jackie COM, suicide reported to cover the White House. It's about. It tells a story. The radical social problem party through there,
Fritz to break the courts, must really really asking about using information about the Cavenaugh confirmation
and fiction wise, I sort of
period of time or you are waking up until then. I went to and have month old eyes
had to switch. I was reading thrown away like a bunch of political box at night, and I cannot do that right now. So I
I've been reading a couple of books by Jean Herbert who is a Austria and crime. Thriller writer refusal
It's like the very go, the variant anniversary of between eight, like hi, hi, hi concept, betweens, I think
I'm just started a committed by Vietnam and who wrote the Pulitzer Prize, winning back the sympathisers sequel to that which is for
but everything is moving slowly by prime
reading right now is rosy review.
Engineer and its compendium book keeping architect.
which are very very
popular among certain segment of our household through. We read that every night multiple model times a day so forgot that
gathered children's books or what I read. The most damage frankly prefer bad debts.
In just one on you know when I'm not reading things that were watching
I don't know if you seen this yet Bo Burnham Special on Netflix inside is maybe the best thing I've seen. Certainly this year, maybe multiple years. I cannot recommend it enough. Everyone who sang wonderful things about it is correct, go watch it it's on Netflix, it's sort of about it's definitely the best piece of like pandemic content, although it's weird to call it that, because it's about so much
now that I've that I've seen it's sort of about like living this all my life, it's fantastic funny, Garcia carried you things to watching things, really fast, yeah, yeah yeah, so one this season of top chef, also a piece of pandemic content because they did it in a bubble. This is a phenomenal season,
in Portland. You would really know it because earn a bubble, but it is for our and then I can not recommend this enough in the sound strange there's a show called the bureau, which is a French
spider about this from so many people in is on AMC plus it is
The single best piece of television I have seen since the wire there are five
since it is on
The ball is subtitled, which also has the added benefit of making
phone away, gaelic subtitle! It is
is phenomenal economically enough in our old friends at the watch? Any green walls and Chris Ryan have done specials where they break down each of these each season. So that's like a nice compendium to what's watch afterwards, but the bureau French by Show super a few quick questions: bread
asks who wrote Hillary Clinton line, make sure you Pokemon go to the polls. That's John Love, it that's very easy
Charlie asks: have you eaten cicada yet, and would you if a Michelin star chef prepared some for you know,
turn it because it's fucking cicadas everyone
Thank you for I was that emissions are restaurant and they serve to Cicada. I would try it, but I, but here's the thing is the most important part,
don't yell at anyone for not wanting to eat. Insects
I think, if you need insect, eat away
if you don't like it ass a k, a discourse is so much worse. So let me just say I know it's been so many years since the last one, but God it's so bad to stop them
in the case of food. It is just a sign of how are things have got worse than the seventeen years? Anticipatest at last time is that now social media exists for people to yell at each other about whether leads to get us are not Milos ass.
Who's the diva host. Is it damn it Dan? Isn't it work even listen?
this package for this many years and you can figure out who the diva host is. I can't help it s a set of questions, Hansa themselves,
finally question from Rock Meister. What are some things that give? You hope it's hard
to feel overwhelmed, I'm really worried about the direct challenge to row, gerrymandering, etc. Dan, I mean we target.
Well, but during the five hundred episode, but I think that what happened in twenty twenty,
not what happened after we're, not which, from day what the Republicans they would fox NEWS able Mitch Mcconnell did, but what regular people did in the middle of a pandemic to defeat in incumbent president, who represented a moral, an existential threat to the country is incredibly inspiring. It happened once,
Happen again, and I think people have stayed, engage, that's the other thing that I think it really gives me hope is that there was a sense that everyone would turn off politics right. There trumpets gone. Everything seems save it's hot fact summer to use our support
we're title you ve got to everybody, but people are still engaged in their stay engaged and people are you don't engaging with?
they're asking about what they can do and twenty twenty two what that, how they can contribute to holding on to the Virginia governorship and people are creative people are engaged, giving gretta hard work of politics. Anything is possible, is not going to be easy. It may not be as fast as we want, but it can happen, and that gives that gives me hope that we can overcome Joe Mansion
Donald Trump Fox NEWS, Facebook and everything else here. The only thing that would make me feel hopeless as if people to start giving up- and I haven't seen at year- end look, you know with we ve been through a drum presidency. We ve been through a pandemic like bad things are going to happen and you can't predict them and you can't prevent them. All you can do is make a plan
to fix them and to keep fighting and that sort of how I look at everything how and when Badge had happens when Joe mentioned rights and a bad. My first thought is okay. This sucks amount about it like, let's figure out a way around. It lets figure out a plan, and then you just keep them
and there is the note that that sort of keeps me hopeful. As long as I am continuing to fight and try to figure out ways to to make progress, then you know I don't feel I don't feel so hopeless and when I see other people now
when I see other people angry when the other people mad about this. That, like that, only makes me feel like ok, at least people still care right when people stop carrying that's, why I'll stop feeling hopeful? It's like make a plan, and it's ok
rage. Tweet is step number one in your plan,
Just make sure there's a step two three and four right and it's
and it's also okay, if you are reading the news in her superbum down you're like I'd, take a break from further allow by break is fine. A break is not giving up. Just don't you know just get back in the fight at some point. So I
you two people to judge for joining us today, and everyone have a great we can well talking. That's we by everyone
pod? Save America is a crooked media production, the executive producer,
is Michael Martinez, are:
you're producer is flabby causes are associate produced.
Are Jazzy Marine and Bolivia Martinez its mixed in edited by Andrew Chadwick
while someone is our sound engineer,
The tiniest terminator, Katy, long, roman puppet Dimitrios Carol,
rest in adjusting how for production support into our digital team, Elijah Comb, normal Conan, Yell Freed, and my look him who film and upload these episodes is videos every week,
Hey listen. I guess you you'll definitely love. My pack has take line from crooked media's, hosted by me, Jason Concepcion and leave her name Montgomery and every week we'll get into the week of sports and culture.
And you know it will be good because Jason, I both are winners. I mean I've got to deviate championship rains have gotten Emmy, so it's kind of subscribe wherever you listen to podcast new episodes drop every Tuesday.
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Transcript generated on 2021-07-31.