« Pod Save America

"Too Cruel for School."


Hysteria's Erin Ryan joins as co-host to talk about the wave of anti-LGBTQ and abortion laws moving through red states and the GOP's recent string of technology fails, and Mehdi Hasan also joins to talk about new ways to help Ukraine that won't get us into a world war.

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The present sponsor of this episode of POD save America is simply safe, home security. Talking about how getting to a consensus on anything in this country is, let's say, a bit challenging. So when people are grand something it must be pretty good and simply safe has done it Are you guys wonder where that was gone and everyone agrees that are the best homes, security on the market? Everyone, popular science, pc magazine both rank, simply say the best home security system of twenty twenty one and you as news and world report, named it best homes, security of twenty twenty twenty twenty one, and now twinning too, that's a lot of best's. You know who else as is ranked at top home security system, John love- it alright you're, not here with us right now, but I find the San Francisco guess what his house is safe, safe and secure because of simple if any, probably too have to arm it when he walked out the door, he probably disarmed it from his phone, because it's very easy to use and he'll be back by the time you hear this would be wrong
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where's that one John or the other one named John listeners. level with you how they make we're playing hurts loves, feeling sick I favour was under the weather and spare you the details, but errand- and I are going to be your hosts for today. So please be excited about that. I'm excited for it. You watch that soccer game the other week where they had to do a shoot out and it went through the entire roster and the goal we had to shoot out? I love Yeah. I essentially the gully of the tea like you have worked down the entire Ross. No, no, no, no! No! No Erin! I want to tell you another. Sorry about another team that played her. This was September. Twenty third, two thousand one we too of the NFL season. at another jets, linebacker Mo Louis Head Patriots, quarterback driblets, oh so hard that is long, collapsed use out for the season and into the breach stepped a young Tom Brady So, congratulations, you know narrative Gazelle and you have a seven super already
the amazing yeah. Ah, my hands did feel weird coming and I thought it was just like arthritis because it runs in my family, but it was all the ring on her finger. The invisible Superbowl rings that are enjoying growing. So here we have a lot worse metaphors for it. Today we have a lot to cover, also listen hysteria and it's fantastic podcast. If you don't think you really hurting yourself what I tell people about hysteria, here's we got to the country in the world has been totally focused on Ukraine's or to start somewhere. Because Republicans had not slow down their efforts to pass legislation attacking the algae, Bt Community, the ongoing assault against ROE in a woman's right to choose that is happening in states cross country in a super fucked up, and we should talk about it more and airlines can have some fun talking about all the problems that Republicans are having with technology. These days,
including some battles with zoom over the weekend. Don't let that got in the way of a GEO political crisis, Europe, your Mew button and then down the trumps new social media site, truth, social, you ve, tried truth, social now! Now no no and to either an hour to hour. I hear and then I'm an interview and MSNBC many Hassen about Ukraine, the treatment refugees. What about has been foreign policy? the oil prices may be able to do more work with the Saudi, so stick around for that before we get to the news, please make sure you subscribe to offline, John fabric offline is all growed up. It's moving over to its own feed is not in a positive miracle anymore, you to subscribe separately. If you want to hear it, and you do because this we John Interviews CARE Switcher, whose is really one of the best hangs in the podcasting space. If you ask me, oh yeah, she's an awesome. Hang like
her pod castle, just great hang. There does good and also she's, also one of those guess who, like your little scared of and keeps you and your toes harm to the reference to the good care a hot the other week. I listened to a carriage, was sure interview before I did. Hysteria pod cast and, I was afraid, listen I was like she is coming for me and I can't sidestep this woman, though you cannot. She famously made mark Zuckerberg swept through his hoodie onstage, and you had to get up and take it
That was tough when it claimed a faint I would get. I would get that is like collarbone anyway. They are about to warn you greenhouse, being fought on the internet and why presents Linsky of Ukraine such a compelling on micro, so subscribe to offline with John Bedroom? Okay, so am were taken this on Monday afternoon. The floor descended is currently debating this dont say gay bill in the legislature that would prohibit the discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida classrooms. It's part of this broader trend where republicans are focusing on laws targeting schools targeting students, for example. I were recently became the eleven state in two years to pass a law limiting transgender students ability to participate in school, sports and yeah and its also like it's a deliberate political strategy. This guide David
Arnie whose adviser to Texas, Governor Gregg Abbot, recently told reporters that attacking transgender youth is equipped winning issue as our grouse language. When I saw that club, I like rats, usually your horrible person, you at your door, attacking children to score political points. Also, you know floating around it. It's spokeswoman said something somewhere, horrible tweeting that they don't say, bills. Critics should more accurately described the bill as an anti grooming do so they sang people dont like the bill. Few against the anti grooming bill. You're, probably grimmer was her quote so she's accusing people dont like this bill coming child like a dog grimmer college child groom like she went on light so discussing us we're both horrified
I'm just turn. Imagine errand like just stay on distance, a gay blown Florida like how this kind of works in practice the bill is supposed to be targeted at primary school students says we can regard into third grade, but I guess the languages written is too vague way that it could be interpreted more broadly, but what I'm trying to you're out as like. Ok, it's forbidding discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom in a way that is in each appropriate or developmentally appropriate, and if that happens, the parents can sue the school district like. How does this work in practice? Parents are gonna sewer teacher. If a little kid is like ask you a question, what it means to be gay. I was crazy yeah. You know when I, when I hear about bills like this, I think my first thought is: why is it sex add? Why does it constitute something? That's not age appropriate if its gay people, but not if we're talking about straight relations because sex assent,
The blue occurs within the context of both Zella. Whilst why, as one vulgar and and one not vulgar, a second thing is here's a mean I was thinking about, as if we are careful listings. Looking at the chauffeur today, you know me, you can care about multiple things at once right, but you do have a finite amount of time at as a state legislator as a governor YU of a finite amount of time, as you are in charge of the people of your state and for every bill that gets taken up, there's other bills that are not taken hold called the opportunity cost Louis and I feel like sometimes we talk about these bills. We should talk about them. We should get into what they're doing. We should also think what aren't these state governments doing so in Florida, for example, there is a huge, affordable, housing crisis.
what are its, what what aren't Republicans adverted doing for actual Floridians and how many Floridians are they actually helping by attacking Trans kits and when you bring with them new building the collapsed yeah, maybe work on their yeah. Obviously there is unsure in companies that are refusing to insure Florida homeowners now because of the stuff. I meant alarmed I and yeah yeah the fact that the state is gonna be underwater in twenty thirty years. There's all of these things are affecting Floridians right now that state lawmakers could be taking up, but instead there king this on, and you know before we get into the nuts and bolts of about what the bill actually does. Let's keep that in mind like as we talk there, not they're, not fixing the housing crisis in Florida. They are not fixing the healthcare crisis, they have a shortage of healthcare workers in Florida in an aging poppy
asian right after a mass disabling event, covert. There are more people with long term disabilities known with any idea about what is further doing about that nothing, nothing. This is what the fuck doing there making it. So parents consume school districts. If teachers talk about, Heather has two Mommy's, and unlike look, it's been a while since been in primary school, but my memory of it is that there's always. Some kid with your brother and older sister, who knows more about sex stuff and everybody else is practically. None of the full picture. Is Bali, inaccurate but if, like little Billy, the dad kid says that, like gay people, from dinosaur eggs. A teacher can't corrects him. In that moment you can have a conversation. You can't like explain what the concept mean: to a child? That is insane, but you can explain the concept of sex itself. To your point I mean
None of this makes any sense on the merits in terms of like what it could be used to know to go to the world right. Every child is evidence that their parents had sex with composed every chuckled. Lessons IVF situation, but miracle array of eggs, a wow, immaculate conceptions and all over Florida who might be going to the heart of that yeah right. It's it's! So it's so stupid because it's it's so obviously and attention grab it so obviously apply for run. Dissent is to get on Fox news without due anything without fixing anything and without making life better. For anybody know, men making allow worse for low paid teachers who don't wanna get sued. How much further can teachers be pushed are naturally still I have in Florida in Texas. They are just punching bags for law makers and an look. This is this is me putting my place, feminism, tinfoil hat, but elsewhere
there's like a sexism to it. There's a sexism two or two ordering a profession that seventy five percent female to do. The bidding of governments that are eighty percent male represent straight white dude and you your by its it makes me really mad at my mom was a teacher for a really long time: she's a high school principal. No, my sister is a teacher, got a lot of teachers in my family teachers are made of tough stuff there, good people they care about their kids, and this we keep beating upon them and and people like Rhonda Santas, keep using them to score points for people. You know who, who probably did the first in school. That's it with a clear head, gagging LE guide that somebody friends or teachers- and it's just like the one job that I know that I probably couldn't do well. What we ask is required so much work in some patience and to your point about the opportunity cost like it is applied.
Strategy that the Philadelphia enquire wrote a piece about how twenty twenty is poised to become the year of the most anti algae Bt Q legislation in the United States and again it's so much of It- is targeted at kids yeah necessary to talk about this dozens of state legislators that are passing or working to pass laws that would limit transgender students ability to participate or use few playing sports or use bathrooms? You got Texas, investigating and threatening to prosecute the Terrance of transgender and non binary kids and like it's just so hard to step back and think. Okay, let me look at the with the past year. We've been talking about, it's been critical race theory in classrooms, and now it's the best stuff, and so what's clear, is what Republicans want to do and talked about for the foreseeable future is to target gay, kids and literally
ways to punish the parents, punish their teachers and they think that's a winning political strategy and not just a really dark kind of thing to know about the country and their mentality. Yeah, I mean I feel like behind. This is the assumption that every, whereas you for your high school in these kids need for help, but really that's not day to day lives of most kids and most kids at our algae BT. Are it's hard enough to be a kid? That's algae, boutique you, especially in in a place. It's not that's in hospitable to them! It's really it's rough in its gross and I hate the exit strategy. It makes me feel ill, yeah, yeah item. You know it's pretty mental health problems for kids. You know I have a friend who lives in one of these states, that's being targeted and has a non binary child into feel. Like you are doing everything possible for your kid. You are just trying to help them succeed and live and thrive in this way.
old and obsolete state. Saying, oh, you can be investigated, but you can be prosecuted for loving your kid. I'm asking even imagined, like the rage, I would feel is right, and I think that drives me nuts about this. As I was listening to a of Florida, public radio broadcasts about the Florida Bell and they had a Republican on the Florida public radio broadcasts talking about that the bill and he was downplaying it left and right he was saying. Oh all, this does is simply establish age, appropriate blah, blah blah blah, and these people are just giving it a bad faith. Three here's the thing the law is deliberately written to leave room republicans to sell it to us like a used car salesman, we were just protecting kids, but leaving room for the worst possible interpretation and, like Democrats, are right to bring up the where's paid. This is what the door is open for and Republicans it it's so there's that their social. Me. There
selling one thing, knowing that what is at the root of it has the potential to be this and dislike Trojan horse of your of hate and harm. And one other thing that I but I saw as I was getting ready for the show. Is mandating the teachers report to parents if Children are using choosing to use they them pronouns or pronouns that are different
the agenda that they were assigned at birth, that endangers kids, and you know there was a Florida teacher. I was reading an interview with afforded teacher who said they didn't know of any teacher. That would do that. I dont think teachers will comply now if they know that they're gonna put their kids and danger by telling their parents that a year your child is now they them it's. It's just they're not gonna comply with just such a terrible thing to force. It should do worsening on this issue. Was this quote from the synthesis spokesperson? That's his bill was about grooming, kids. It's so messed up in it, so dangerous like sale. If you support
gay rights, your pedophile, it's also not remotely new in terms of a political strategy. I was reading a book recently. They talked about the fight for gay rights in Florida, manichean seventies news is famous singer. You know I need a Brian. Yes, she was a wild is a horrible birthday was, though wacky horrible, awful offers and share a spokesperson for the Citrus Council, since she was Like the face of big orange, it's more like shit you're as very go. I've got a lot those stupid, so I need a riot led this campaign in Florida, too peel and ordinance that prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation relic something that seems like it's obvious, and she did this same exact demagoguery. She called it. The save our children campaign and accuse gays and lesbians trying to quote recruit our children and what that history tells me is We are fighting the same fight over and over and over again, and it's not going to go away. We're not going to grow out of this yet like we just have to win. I mean time is a flat circle or a downward spiral,
circular, but just descending? Where are you in that binary right now? Is it funny to flatter collar downward? Get? I think it's a downward spiral at this moment yeah. I feel pretty spiralling to feel like a spiralling, not great quote that that I picked out on as I was reading about this I was reading, but that the Texas LAW and this is the thing that I found really insidious. There was a lawyer who represent some of these families, and he said the number of people who have called me has exponential increase in the common threat is that everybody feels terrorized she's a regardless of whether or not these bills are going to be enforced, be enacted like if Cps his gun, investigate Trans kids, families in Texas or if teachers are gonna out their students to parents and Florida, the fear and the terror that these p
we are experiencing is real and it's almost like that's the point. Yet it is always a great swag till the green another issue that you know it's gotten a lot. A focus of conservatives is working rights and war. access- and you know a lot of abortion rights activists, believe that by July the Supreme Court will of overturn rovers is weighed and and the constitutional right to abortion in the interim alot of republican state legislatures are passing flurry of laws to make abortion illegal in as many ways or circumstances, passmore others, the bills banning abortion. After fifteen weeks, twelve weeks, six weeks, thirty days, there's the Texas bounty law that would allow you, private citizens to go after people who, in the upper driver, drives a woman to the location where she gets an abortion trigger laws justice to back a bit. I mean, how would you
Describe the status of abortion rights in the United States at this moment in time, allow endanger very much endangered, and you know the first episode of hysteria recorded on the day that Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, and that was in twenty, eighteen and on that day was a mess. Monaco- and I said to each other row- is over: we like it, has been a leg. It has been on the road to over for a law. time, and I think that, right now, it's just the oh shit moment. People are finally realising that the can cannot be kicked any further down the road the can as at the end of the road, and this is happening, the fifteen weak abortion bans that that lawmakers are passing in forward another place.
Is basically would put them in line with Mississippi's proposed abortion law, which is the one that is on the centre of the case. It's that it, though, will hear about, and in the end of June early July, and it's just you know it it it's once again, women once again, people who can get pregnant or being used as a bargaining chip in this culture were, I just wonder once this happens. I really don't think it'll any. I dont think anything will ever be enough for these people. I think that fifteen we ban will happen in ten years from now, it's gonna be a six week ban. That makes makes it to the Supreme Court and then there's gonna, be people going after IVF frozen embryos. You know if If I'd, if a child in an embryo are exactly the same, then, if an ever, then, if a fertility clinic was on fire and a two year old was trapped in there You would save a tray of frozen embryos instead of the child. Everybody knows that an embryo is
the same as a human being, but lawmakers would like to make laws acting as though they are and it it's just thing that really makes me crazy about. This is the same places that are making it really difficult to access Abortion care people at the forefront of just shitting all over people with uterus. Is There are also the ones making it super inhospitable to be apparent like what safety net is there in Texas. You know what safety net is there in Florida and people I Gregg Abbot. People like Rhonda centres are still running on platforms of making life more difficult for people who don't have abortions so, and the state of Texas, famously terrible foster system like
grievously horrible foster care system and child protective services, and so essentially you know where we have. These laws that are building to em in America, world, where children are born into situations where their parents can possibly take care of them. They either enter the put foster care system, are put up for adoption and they become. the fodder for for even more like layers upon layers of culture, war and in it at its worst removed. This. pray slope argument. You outlaw you outlined like that. There are women who are being prosecuted or thrown in jail for having miscarriages ass. You know, there's no discussion of intent here. There is just penalizes people for things that happen in their body that they can control right, and another thing we need to think about is
the number of hospitals in this country that are run by religious institutions and therefore can refuse care to people that are seeking medical care in Ireland. I want to say six or seven years ago, a woman who is having septic shock. I believe, because she was Miss carrying went to a hospital. She went to a catholic Hospital was turned away and died. You know, like doctors, don't want to get in trouble with their employers by providing anything that could be construed as abortion care. Are religious employer probably has a right to draw lines about what care the glad to provide or not provide catholic hospitals won't provide abortion cares. AIDS, but I and another thing has it that rural hospitals across the country are closing and being consolidated and eaten up by these religious institutions. We are moving towards a future where the only people, the only women, the only pregnant people, will be able to access abortion care are going to be affluent women living in American Citys large american cities,
Perhaps the mistresses of Congress be perfected. The guy was daily, like the ISIS Bride House, out of one day story. What about what about that? Guy weaken guardsmen? What would the Republica, who is from, I think, Ohio Pennsylvania who got his mistress pregnant and tried to forests are to have an abortion, or maybe it's Kentucky. I honestly I lose count. Is there such working up? Regrets in this stuff happens there They make like baseball cards of their rights and trade. Then, release remembered this guy like pushed it was set on. What are we talking? We talked about the guy that that locked, a woman in a basement and sexually abused, or now he wants to be the governor of milk rodents, gratings merchant, it was meant that I would have a baseball cards of him and you'd be like hey check out Scott Darlene he's the one who tried to encourage his mistress, have an abortion, it's impossible to keep track of all these chuckle foxy there's just no. The hypocrisy of bottom was so ok,
so stepping out of our spiral, the best I could you have a sense of what the most effective way to fight back is our advocates pushing your packing. The cord federal legislation stay legislation, all the above The task in front of us is so immense that unless we break it down into pieces, it's going to feel overwhelming people need to engage in the local and state level with with laws, because a lot of stuff get snuck in the state level for years and years antiabortion activists were trying to sneak things into South Dakota. Just try and over and over again to pass like nutty bands, naughty bans, and then that would make its way up through the court system and then get slap down, but they were always playing the long game with when it comes to this, I think that we need to focus on staying local politics more. I think we need to focus on national politics around this less and
I realise the year irony in saying that on an issue that is about national politics, but I think like what what the? U S, Congress can do and what the Senate can do, what the present can do around. It is much less immediately effective in the lives of more people that it's it's more effective to to deal with states and local governments. I also think that it's really important for women who this matter is too to run for something not just vote like run. We have to start running for stuff Nancy Policy. I think her first select Opposite forty, nine, forty, seven or forty nine years old, so women over forty, it's not too late to whom she liberty for yes, she's doc, heavy she's done. Ok, I think we need to start thinking about running for things. I think we need to speak up. I think we need to be honest about the role of abortion in the lives of a lot of people who went on to choose, have families later, and I think that,
We have to be as serious an annoying as about this as conservative, something and and that's it mean that's it just we're going to just have to be a pain in the ass where life's Buddha whilst won't make. I think it is a real thing that I don't know they love you understand, as if you were our age. You probably think that there has been this right wing conservative, anti choice, movement in this country forever and the truth is it's a pretty recent bank, like new right Reagan, era re super religious abortion as the the issue. Motivates, and that's like seven, these eddies thing So, in the end,
from our side. Two thirds of Americans don't think they're rovers his way should be overturned. Yeah right. We have public opinion. Two thirds of Americans think that a current abortion laws are too strict, such as becomes like a cat, and we turn that that overwhelming opinion into political action- and that's me easier said than done, but to allow me also to think that the distribution of those people- I think this is what it does half of a joke, but it's actually have serious. People who live in expensive cities go ahead and opens the on your phone. Take a look at Fargo North Dakota. He's a nice sitting bargain with the code is a nice along and I will accept or no detractors of Fargo. It's got a cute downtown good bones, pretty houses you can afford to live like a king Margaret. We need to mass my great too
smaller merit can only is why arming we could turn annually. So fast Montana is on its way. Sons were what about or how vulnerable Scranton of, I think was sconce unjust needs. The just needs more people who care to do more stuff, either their allowed people care who do a lot, but I think they're just right now this he says none goods I ain't gonna, get that also anal. All these places you're talking about. I bet they have lower taxes than wherever you live. Currently lower levels, audio cheaper cost of living. Sometimes the public schools needle leave a little to be desired, but you can go to you now be the change the Ets I'm half joking, but I think that as a scoreboard as it stands right now them, but the majority of the two thirds of Americans who support row most ardently are major cities.
let lay gum, Ella Elliot's, ten million people in it, which is bigger than most states. So I just think that, right now it's were sort of a hand. The ball and toll be ideology gets a more equitable national distribution. I think it will be hard to win. in elections, you're the Senate, sucks, so bad, so bad, I dont idea. Would it so? My dear you are right, though I mean savvy people, you, a lesser audio listeners like, I think so, the writing on the world eighteen, I do wonder if there will be a moment where you know I mean maybe the last sprinkle ruling should have been a moment, but maybe the Mississippi ruling if it goes the wrong direction and further eliminates the. Right, the choose. Maybe that will make people up. I don't know yet and then we'll have to rename hysteria Cassandra, because we were right, people didn't
the law, all along yeah. Ok, we're gonna, take quick break and when we come back, we will hear my interview with MSNBC many Hassen about war between Russia and Ukraine on the treatment of refugees, the coverage and how we can use moments like this worth talking about foreign policy vote. Hunton Railway, to also talk about? U S foreign policy and mistakes we made and how to do things. At our sister, groundless pot, America's brought by well front, we all have regrets one of my biggest regrets not starting to think about my financial future or retirement earlier in life. Until my friend and co host, Tommy Vittoria said: hey Idiot, what are you doing said: put your money and Gazprom yeah hit. So I put my between Gazprom and now I'm smarting go wrong. Doesn't feel great! That's why you need a pro like wealth front. That's right! That's right! If you don't have a Tommy between you two well front,
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great to have you back so the reason I wanted to bring you on to talk with you today, as you and I started a twitter conversation yesterday and I thought to myself: what are you doing? Tommy nothing good ever happens on this place. I thought you I could maybe model as human lies legs yeah a conversation about war and use foreign policy and in a way that actually productive in semantic Annick you're uniquely get out. So you know. we're on coming from you. We would suck by Ukraine in Russia today. All of us are horrified by this war. Its clear that what's happening is worth choice. It's been made by one man, Lattimer Putin, who is lying in his indiscriminately killing civilians, harvest authors, and there is no question but whose you who is the aggressor here, but I do think that when you see suffering like this and when there is an acute focus on Ukraine, Russia, NATO, whatever it- does give us a window to talk about the thing we control, which is U S, foreign policy and what the international community might have done to try to prevent something. This awful from happening again or prevented the first place and so
interestingly Mehdi, there's room two different versions of this conversation. Sometimes it's helpful. Sometimes it's not spilling out on Twitter. One is the suggestion that the West appeased prudent for so long that if we'd stood up to him earlier, he wouldn't be in you. and right now the other version is. Maybe NATO expansion was too aggressive. Ah back in the day, was actually controversial to want to expand NATO past EAST Germany and then in two thousand it used are talking about, including Ukraine. Georgia, Balkan states have been added right so that that conversation shifted over time so with the caviar that none of this justifies what Putin is doing and neither of us is arguing. Otherwise, how do you think we talk about or try to learn from? What's happening today in in prevents civilian casualties and worsen fish in the sea,
Jim requested is a big question. I would start off with a few more caveats number one. I would say that we're all horrified by the suffering on the ground. Ukraine and nothing takes away from that suffering, and I think what it reminds me when I see what was going on is the number one. one of the main issues is motivated me as a journalist and of the human being over the last twenty thirty years. War is help anyone says otherwise is bunkers and you know, one of the reasons I have taken. Some of the political stance taken over the years is because I think too many people think war is a video game. Think war is something that so I feel good war is a tool diplomacy in international relations and foreign policy, and I just think you know what you see those kids running across the border
he does kids arriving in train stations in Berlin and in Hungary, and you think this is what war is a reality which many of us, thankfully, will never have to experience first hand. Last. A first point which is more is how I have asked and apply everything, and then how do we get towards? How do we have void world? How do we end wars? Huge huge questions and I think one of the problems we have run out of social media to go back to your point about twitter on the hillside. That is twenty, which I love to heighten hate. The love is that it brings out the worst a lot of people when crises are happening, I think we we fall back into our tribes. We fall back into our group's we're trying to score points Duncan people. I'm is guilty of that as anyone else into, and I think the problem is, then you lose a lot of analysis. You get into a lot of bad faith discussions. I think the good faith discussion that we need to add is that there are multiple reasons why people go to war. There are multiple reason,
I was starting to multiple ways in which they can be ended. It's complicated! It's not easy. Anyone who thinks they have a silver bullet on either side of the spectrum. As you pointed out, anyone who thinks this is all because we are peace, Bruton. What this is all because NATO expanded it that's bs just is defined, may not the case. I think we need to be a little more humble when we look at foreign policy crises that we in America in particular, who have messed up in so many foreign policy crisis. Nobody was it, I see. People say I think people live, making them was defeated. Sweeping statements about boot. No Ukraine on the left, whatever it is, that some of them are to be blue. We're gonna do wrong ten. Twenty years ago, wrong last summer ran about things like Afghanistan, So we need some humility. All the way around- and I think we need to find a way to talk about this, which is not in a kind of point scoring, were wanting that frustrating intolerance at the outset. Any time you try and talk about anything other than Ukraine. Somebody shouts what about it. I've got. There lies the most I feel are used with popular will,
on social media right now to be clear and I'd seems in a treaty just the people listening. What about ISM is when I say, let's not talk about case Ex. Let's talk about case. Why, let's excuse case acts by talking about how bad case wise forget case what about case like it is an attempt to deflect from or distract from ace x or justify case eggs by looking at case law. That is wrong. That does not want a lot of us are doing that some people are doing in bad faith, including the Russian. I think what those of us in good faith in trying to do and my colleague Emma meeting I had this combination. Our show them Sunday night, which is weird to say, let's work on case. Why so that we have more credibility to deal with taste, let's have consistently. Let me make a real world example about right now there is talk of Let him dragged before an international tribunals having the Russians tried for war crimes that would be
International criminal court. Ideally, Russia is not a signatory to the and guess who else is it? We are not signatories. the Rome statute, how about we signed the Rome statute? That's not what about isn't pointed out. They say we would be in a much better position to all Russia to account. If we were party to the international criminal court, the ban on cluster munitions brought in in two thousand ten. That's something that Russia Not signed in this allegedly using cluster munitions in Ukraine, they deny it but journalists, human rights workers of identified cluster munitions again American did not sign, has not signed the convention on cluster munitions, wouldn't give us greater commit credibility to contribute Russia's baby in Ukraine. If we were party to that, there is one thing: when we talk about these things, we could be doing better on when we talk about other parts of the world will weaken bad things as if not just action along with as part of an actual argument, a whole Russia in order to prevent wars like this, I think, is an important part of the combination and frustrates me that lobby believing what about them any kind of moral discussion about what we could do that, yes, there should be more or less in just four four letters it on
a costume musicians, basically a big bomb that breaks into lots of little bombs and then those sometimes explode, and sometimes they sit around for years until some little kid picked it up and then it explodes such ass are horrific tool of war that indiscriminately Civilians you're many get isn't. Gonna worries me, like even a good faith conversation about what the westward the? U S could or could not have done differently. It does something that always worries me, which is puts the United States at the centre of almost every problem, and then we end up assuming that all problems are ones that we could have prevented where that we could solve and the bladder formulation look. I think we should look back in history and in question. Every decision, as ever made, but I worry about a little bit as is what's gonna happen going forward cause there is clearly a lot of momentum right now towards sanctioning russian oil and gas. The calls for a no fly zone have so far been shut down by both Republicans
Democrats, but I dont know I grow they're, gonna grow and they're gonna grow even more the when you see videos of innocent families trying to escape Ukraine and in so called humanitarian corridors that are adding bombs. When you mean you, you, given the UK, even you know you actually report on more foreign policy issues than than most journalists. I know how do you think about the limits on? U S power, and you know that that constant challenge of thinking bellicose where we need to do more harm than good question. What the limits on american power, what we are seeing when I reached the limits of american power, we cannot engage in a direct popular with Russia, because Russia is a nuclear armed nation of the biggest nuclear start on the planet. This is not Iraq. This is not Libya. This is not enough. Can it stop? This is not Somalia or the tribal areas of pakistani you to send a few drones and kill people, maybe there
Maybe they're not! This is a very different bull given. I think a lot of Americans have been slow to react that we're not used to a lot of that old generationally Ubuntu doesn't remember the Cold war, the dozen Why get? What a no fly zone in those that hold the other day Tommy seventy four percent americans- that they support a no fly zone and I kind of joke the lines like how many of them do you understand what a no fly zone is about? Seventy four percent, it's interesting in the? U K when they pulled a brief public last week, but the polling come explain what a no fly zone would entail. Shooting down russian aircraft make you taking anti aircraft depends on the Russians. It was actually a plurality. Vote has had no, no one, no fly zones interesting when holding to do a bit more work and unpacking the question. But yes, you know the limits of american power very clear to people to Joe Biden among you. Ve been deceived. The several I have more mature the formulations committee, the man who was around during the cold war when you and I were kids- are not even born. He understands that you cannot escalate, listened to her or the Russia, and I do not important point for us to understand and turned the limits of power. We have to live in the world,
They have not wanted to be taught me say: well, they shouldn't Russia should be allowed to do. The work should be led by whom there is no world police, and if this is what my flight prostration wasn't in the run up to this click, which was on the one hand we were saying to the Ukrainians. You know stand up your sound donut, Russians. Believer then, are we gonna stand that no one on benefit Whenever there is a real lives, we win, win, win situation, understand all the reasons behind and I The limits remark about rainbow Acknowledge, I think, your right to say that there is a factual to people that wants to blame America for everything into they used to be the gnome chums last was accused of a crime. Yet right now known, Chomsky came out with a very blunt statement, saying that the russian invasion is inexcusable. There's no justification. It's a war. Crime is on a par with it, this invasion of Poland
Yet you have the canvas. Owens is of this wealth and the mega right say it's America's to blame for that site. I find that quite ironic now that it's actually the right or the far right. That's doing that. America is to blame for everything that I agree with you. Americans but where we would, of course not in some areas. We are the main driver of the problems, partly in the Middle EAST, and a lot of ITALY's crises that we are at the centre of a book, even not all Middle EAST price. To take Syria, for example,
the syrian Revolution was a lot of kids. Rising up against us out as part of the arab Spring has bought a multiple countries outside crackdown. On that long story, short, it turned into a civil war turned into an inside. It see some of the rebel groups. We then go involving were often, and I was one of those who opposed article. I got attacked as a substitute for saying that, so this is the problem so serious an example of where the limits for american power we weren't gonna, go in and top Bashar Al Assad after the craziness of Iraq and what we thought we can do on the side from others would argue, made things worse in some way, and I look at Ukraine I hope it got. God forbid, it turned into another thirty one to be about prolonged insurgency. If a russian occupation, you know what we do know that insurgencies is whether their successful or not. In the end, the civilian population suffers massively in Afghanistan. We see in places like Kashmir, terrific, no one should want that any kind of ideal outcome or scenario, and I think that when we look at the american role
This. I think that we can't blame America for everything. Obviously I do. What we can do is, just a moment ago is: what can we do to make things better margins? What can we do to change the way we do things that are given other apple refugees. A point I made on my innocent musicians and then we can solve the ukrainian refugee crisis. This is not about Europe, Canada at one point, seven million people at the time was speaking and fled their homes crossed the border. Its the fastest growing refugee crisis in the history in the modern history of your nephew about the world will do for this kind of speed in context fearlessness in twenty fifteen one point: three million people at the height of the syrian refugee grace applied for asylum in the EU that, across the course of twenty fifty is one point, seven million and goals of twelve dates so its massive. What do we do about that? We know one thing we could do if not just give Ukrainians temporary state
as Biden has done, not just taken more Ukrainians proportionately than other countries, but we can t change our refugee policies. All our refugee policy have been shameful even under Joe Biden record low numbers look at title. Forty two at the border, I'm not sure how we can sit and lecture countries in Europe about the need to take in ukrainian refugees while we keep it from your role could title forty two Stephen Mill Especial which basically blocks all asylum play our southern border right now, it youngest it that it can be in place. While we lecture the rest well, then we need to take in ukrainian refugee. Look, I mean pointy settings I tell afforded to the I mean: look you don't over a million refugees of left. Three grams. What forty forty four million people, so you you are likely to see their number double triple quadruple get. We will see your writing one area where we have the most power. The most control is our ability to help refugees. Really the only limit is political will, and so you know it.
Like having been in government. You want to create an in built support for policies or things you're doing to help people humanitarian really fright. You want stories about how the american taxpayer is helping this innocent kid till. You feel good about the money you're spending as a person at home watch your show on on Peacock great I'm, also, though very mindful of the fact and listing the people who are saying As you know, we are seeing this heartwarming treatment of ukrainian refugees. we didn't necessarily c is as heartwarming treatment of syrian refugees or afghan refugees or frankly like, refugees, verses, blackened groundwater majorities, christian refugees, verses muslim refugees, and I'm trying to think about how to have a conversation about that,
that, raises that inequity that tries to get us to do better, but that keeps people like wanting to be a part of this broader effort to help people who are suffering rank is like that is. The acute need is just like getting everyone to realize that you need to helps out personally that give some money vote for vehicles for refugees and how you how you thinking about that. I mean you're right to raise our someday. I raised a couple weeks ago when this thing was kicking off, that the rhetoric right from the beginning we saw it from certain report- is a media organisations. We ve seen it from governments. I mean the bulgarian Prime Minister said a very openly. These are not the same as the people from very these people will look like us. These are Europeans. We saw in the sky parliament would be leader of the box bodies, as these are not invaders like the one from the Middle EAST, so they haven't. You know they're, not hiding the double standards alone. If you saw the danish government has a very rapidly casting law which is called the jewellery law which they brought in for syrian asylum seekers.
Which is anyone who comes in the Middle EAST during twenty fifteen. Sixteen seventeen eighteen had to sell any jewellery valuable. They had to pay for their asylum now come on, come on six, tough and guess what this week they ve said it would apply to ukrainian wonder why I can be granted absolutely jewelry, so the double standards are there the blatant you're right? How do we solve the issue? I mean I don't we so the issue and, as we have of the broader discussion about race, that no one's country seems to want to have these days, because it does fundamentally come back to later. If you want to ask why it is that we can taken ukrainian refugee than not syrian refugee to afghan reviews. The reason is very simple, because the Islamophobia climb in this country that was fuelled for the past twenty years, both by a combination of terrorist attacks by terrorist groups and right wing policy down some liberal politicians fuelling Islamophobia myth is that we think brown people are secret. Terrorist they're coming to kill us or rape are women. Those of the troops that exist even in the liberal parts of the liberal imagination and therefore does not easy things to say. Well, we need to treat these people the same
We can't, because very YE is years of propaganda, has got into demonizing refugees from brown place. That's the key point right early on in the syrian refugee crisis, there were greek fishermen who dropped everything to go. Save lives literally put their boats out, stop doing what they're doing save show me people that are nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. A decade later we read about those same fisherman, pushing those boats full of refugees back into the water right like. Horrifying completely you. So what and what I'm saying is we have a chance. We have a chance to try to do something in yo, intervene and change policies or approve it or support these efforts in in the first instance, while people are still feeling hopeful and carrying an optimistic and, like the demagogues, have not had the chance to rally see order, and into the latter view of the world, not just like trying to think through how to do that. While we have what this moment, I mean were at other, where the people nobody ever do is to work is intersection. Reality I read: how do we talk about? We bring together different crises.
And groups of people and they. Actually, these are shared struggles. These are common struggle. These are common fight and the villains in each case are very similar, and I think that's why I've mentioned item, forty two, because you are what about as a block note, it is. If we gonna talk about borders and refugees, we have to start at home. Home. This is one of the vile things that we are doing the refugees that we could help on our borders. So I think it is important. We draw their connections and say you know. Yes, you are, you are your heart is bleeding rightly so. Looking at the images of
cranium fathers stay behind and fight and saying goodbye to their wives and kids on buses and sending them across the border into Poland a rift scenes. What do we do with that anger that upset that sorrow? That solidarity, because, as you say, the reality is political will is how much refugees we can take in the reality is Ukrainians of pretty far away relatively speaking, there are going to go to the first country, the neighbouring countries, but you know we are people in our own backyard, Crow, unquote who are fleeing conflict and violence. We don't so. I would draw that connection and you're right. We need to have the conversation about propaganda. You made the good point about how things can quickly change. Even Afghans. Tommy, like along the Afghans last summer, had a lot of sympathy because they were seen as good Afghans who help nature and out the american military. Why are we not supporting them, but I was very quickly weapon eyes by them.
News of this whilst talk about well whatever, but a terrorist comment that transcends so it is, unfortunately, a hate saying this can all conversations combat. That is those of us who are on the progressive under the blue respect. Those of us who want to do more in the world who want to have a more ambitious political moral imagination always come up against the but our opponents have a really well funded a well organised propaganda machine. I like that over you and ask you the most difficult biggest picture questions I could possibly think up. Last one How do we stop nuclear? Will someone? You know I'm in charge of the nuclear issue, the most worrying. Yet we exactly shave keeping up a night like literally keeping up urgently an army? Look, I mean, I think, of your Joe Biden, you're, probably thinking that the greatest good you could do the way you could help the most people or prevent the most suffering is by preventing a nuclear war that that's just the case.
but years I've been near term Biden is reportedly debating whether to visit Saudi Arabia. To basically get mom had been summoned a sociopath Ec Crown prince of Saudi Arabia to increase global oil supply. Ah, he reported we send a delegation to Venezuela over the weekend to potentially dogma sanctions relief for Venezuela and get more than its will on oil on the market. Regardless what happens with Russia? I should think that the EU should be rethinking sanctions towards Venezuela, because tugboat sanctions that harm the civilian population and not lead to changes in the government of Sri Lanka, to fail filled effort, but the saudi visit and dealing with mom and Solomon is a tough pill to swallow. I notice for you as well, but you're lucky there. There's that priority. There's effect this guy's a sociopath and is also the reality. The gas prices are high, they're gonna get higher, could hurt, consumerism could destroy,
guidance, chance of getting reelected Harry. What's your reaction to this news that we might be going had an end to the Saudis once again on the domestic political front, I think you Joe Mansion our kind of culture. voting Democrat, in name only Senator saying over the weekend. You know I think american willing to pay more for Gaster yesterday, Communist and with Ukraine, which is money, give his whole platform was to fight against inflation. Apparently he killed every progressive bill on earth to fight against it. As you know, is an invasion. It's fine. It's also inviting bullshit Russia subtle, should it have launched in another I would love in theory to be unwell, Louisa, yet we will pay gasped. I guess prices do not have to import oil from Russia or Saudi Arabia referring. It sounded just two points about Venezuela you're right, the suffering. Massive again we can talk about. Is America to blame? Madeira has take a huge share responsibility, but America State responsibility also for some of it Miss guy.
policies, but with Venezuela and the wider Central America? Well, but people should collective punishment is not something I support. I've seen a lot of people tweeting, we sensible smart people say: well, it's the russian public there behind boot, insulation suffer the american public was by the war in Iraq. At one point that mean order. American should suffer, but that's a horrible road to go down we're not blaming innocent. Believing brainwash by state run media for their actions of of governments who break the law, and Venezuela have been suffering. I think ending suffering is the key and Russians. Now my big worry Tommy is our sanctions on Russia, while you can justify them just from a practical point of view, what if they are counterproductive, what if they need to russian public that is more nationalistic, more anti western, more. So there are places, Putin will even more nationalist anti western leader when we talk about the grievance of NATO Minnesota behold nuisance,
The agreements and very quickly I gotta, say well, I'm on the show the whole NATO debate very couldn't we have taught by this. There are people saying it's all to do with data that has nothing to do with. Data are to be supported, president, that I'm in the middle, it's crazy to say that Putin is fighting Russia now, because of NATO, that Dick killers he's writing because he's got an but to say no to nothing to do with. Why we're here at this point is also completely hey historical and still. It was only one is just about with Saudi Arabia, yeah, I e I am someone who has a role of problems in our relations, I'm old enough to remember Joe Biden, so under debate, stated that I will turn saturated into a pariah and instead now to talk it in going Hatton Angelo. John Saki denied. There are plans to do that, but that's wagtails reporting on Sunday I mean for me. I m sorry to pull this damn big big geopolitical question, three simple moral principles, but the idea that we say we're gonna stop important russian oil because Russia is bombing Ukraine, but we're going to substitute it would sound.
Oil, while Saudi, is bombing Yemen from the unknown dementias image in Yemen. Google it what about them, but what about those a war going on in Yemen? Right now? You didn't stop because Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. We should be able to focus on more than one thing at a time and I don't think we should be giving MBA pass for what is happening in Yemen. Nor should we have given in the past waiting to mark assuredly? So I think we need to revalue our entire relation with Senator Aviary still have puff pieces of embryos appearing in the? U S, media. I find it bizarre that this debate right now about russian oil, is not provoking more discussion about climate change, renewable energy, some of this stuff, the Germans and killed in some of that bill, but better bell. This is a reminder that we shouldn't. We rely on any foreign oil, not just rubbish annoyed but foreign or from a lot of what took autocrat settle, talk received. And what you allow the oil tends to be how about we use this again. To get back to my point right, when the interview began to try and use this crisis to do something good at home and fixed on it, we have a fixed time, which is our ally,
some foreign yeah looking to international world. This would jump start in a big They are investment in renewables, it might also Johnson a rethinking or re look at nuclear power about the russian attack on a nuclear power plant show a downside risk there as well, That said in the near term, if I was like, like hack below whole adviser in the White House right now or any political by showing the way does not act only to insult them. I would be seen Joe Biden, the number one threat. Your re election is oil prices and we have to do everything we can to get them down: I would love to say, though, that the path to doing that would be to get back into the IRAN Nuclear Deal and get a bunch of iranian back onto the markets are going to be controversial as well, but iranian nuclear could now be a consequence, could now be a cost this russian invasion. To do because without the Russians at the table without Russians do not deal that could be good onto an then we could be talking about nuclear. I mean it
so this so much fall out from this ridiculous man in Moscow invasion of Ukraine. It's hard to its hard to quantify the it's hard to quantify. The real challenges ahead of us is actually comes: a global food prices. We shortages, etc, etc. Many ideas, I really pressure, you give me some time today. I know why you're busy man- and I thank you Again- but Education MSNBC and on peacock its It's fantastic show. It is also you cover international stories and allowed people dont cover, and I was really appreciate the, but that about use a thing I appreciate that you know it's time for this when you're real reminded why we covered intellectual story in the quiet times, because when it gets busy like now, you kind of understand how we are all interconnected from one day. I would just one last year later. Listen is. Let us use this crisis to think about how we could be better, how we can change things about them. we do things rather than just retreating, into a kind of jingoistic raw west versed in Russia bubble. That would be the worst road to go to yeah. Let's not like do this
and fry saying in young families were suddenly snatched up Russia House, a barn dc like ass. I come out, discuss ridiculous less. I do that or get married what is our thanks, Tommy Exponent, positive Mary, brought you by magic spoon, magic spoon. I just got an alert. That's my magic spoon. Cereal bars were just delivered to my house. I saw I'm gonna go home and have myself a couple bars. I was my breakfast Estralla was yet I woke up, I woke up, then I like them above. I woke up really early and I'd one, and then I was hungry again at nine side another, but it was. It was still like the right amount for breakfast, both perfect that kind of space it out. It's a good thing to good, like posts work out snack to have that's exactly what o clock
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but which is the ongoing battle between Republicans and technology. There's a two part or two fronts. If you will, the first fund is being fought on zoom. So over the weekend president's Olenska again, the president, Ukraine is holding a video conference with members of Congress. To literally ask for military aid, literally from his bunker in a war zone, and he had to stop his presentation and ask republican Senator Rick Scott Commuters, MIKE one of the sort parts he who was then centres, markka, Rubio and Steve Danes tweeted out screenshots of zaleski during the video conference, despite specifically being told not to.
Box on? I'm are Cordoba the Ukraine's ambassador to the Eu S scope for security reasons. I guess my question is we ve been doing zoom very like two yearly zip, you can't figure out mute. Rick's got mute, yeah I'll, sell leg I just wish one of them want to turn into a cat. I would have been a regrettable, and here I am not a cat filter, one of them. That would have been great, but I do want to think President's linseed Meyer, whoever runs against Rick Scott for Senate, should thank pressing Zalewski for that incredible. Sound bite, deeply theatre, Eric Rick exactly just just beautiful put it over put it over and add of Rick Scott. Looking like a googly I'd goon, which he is, he is really do it means also like they thought I had like you you walked in here, said Gondy. The head describe what Rick Danes looks like Steve, Dane sorry
Rick Danes as picturing Ligon NASCAR driver Steve, mostly written I'm a goner in that's an era. I wonder if there is a chance that he is made of identity knows just Vladimir Putin on the call your thoughts possible Have you ever seen that website? This person does not exist. Newton, ok, after we get on recording, I'm gonna show you it's all computer generated faces people than don't actually exist. I think Steve Danes may be one of those I love. just a. I fear I faces and they look real unless you look at their ears and you can tell us something as always it yours, wise the ears I dont know I don't either I think you're Ba. I just can't get fucked up on you see. No, then you must have raw. We check out Steve Danes his ears anyway, any constituents is Steve, Dance Gazette their fucked up, he's, not real he's, not real, but that's a good Tipp Jake
Tapper interview Marco Rubio on Sunday, and he asked him about his tweet and like why he tweeted a picture of Zelensky when the ukrainian Ambassador said. Please don't do this for security purposes and Marco said well. First of all that, like thirty minutes into the call after I had already done it just a body to me, because maybe ask first, I dont know yeah, I mean it makes Think, ok on one hand, YO these elected officials, love to talk about on port and they are and how their in these important briefings and essentially taking in this very sensitive and important. formation, I mean that's, why we spend our tax dollars like making sure that protected ready for no students of but all So like does Marco Rubio listened ever? Does he
They just sitting there drawing that unending, like s chain thing and we all drew and middle school instead of paying attention as a practising a signature like is an MBA Blair. He he's the republican head of the intelligence committee too, like you'd think he would just think. Maybe maybe dont tweet this one right, I mean you know, look is run for me to be making fun of him. I am my notes- are printed out: email, I like the witches ironic, but I admit my text shortcomings, I'm not going to try to like do some crazy technic. Also like these guys, of course, digging it, of course, they're gonna tweed out a picture of the ukrainian President because they want to feel a big, that is at the root of all of their actions. Politically, they just want to be fuckin bigshot. Regarding the middle, the story, it's it's deeply annoying this they made me think about in two thousand eight we ran this tv add that was like John Mccain doesn't know how to use a computer John.
Why does nobody use email and it was not remotely subtle attempt to cough really tool for the job and like over the years there has been some things in politics. I regretted in some didn't. I always gonna, look like I wish we could have had that went back as little petty. This is make me rethink it. I can't think there should be like proficiency exam for technology yeah period for lawmakers. You should have to have a licence to use twitter. Yes, you, of a blue check. You gotta pass your exam and renew it. Every year, like like an old man with bifocals, you gotta, keep passing right. Yeah or else your images, retweeting Archie. If you agree all day long and like everyone here yeah, I know, how many people in this tribute that I like worked, whether its friends with quite just why I've watched lose their minds on Twitter has become the worst versions of themselves,
oh you're. This broke, you really didn't Roer, it's a misery machine. It's it's a real misery machine. I've been trying to use at less because hooter, it makes me sad and Tiktok has dancing on which, as you know like which one am I gonna pick. Obviously aren't gonna pick the dancing, the damn thing, one Yan people that being funny and stuff but yeah. I just. I think it really brings out the worst in people on it makes you think that your world is so small that it fits into your hand, and this is your whole world and the responses you're getting. This is how people feel about you, and it can be that if you spend all your time in it, but your opting to spend all your time at your opting to become a tiny little twitter man and you don't have to
You can put your phone away into other things and no one. Oh, miss you, nobody, MRS anybody who goes off twitter now, I've always a good for them or like good fuck. You like it's a world. Smallest limb is chat room that just the juxtaposition of these silly sellers taking photos of their laptops was a lens keys. I can t shirt like begging for stinger missiles in words on it be. How can we make sure it was like the most who it's such a weeny move it up the other texts a story that caught her eye was Donald Trump is having some type problems. You may have missed it. Erin I candidate Donald Trump rolled out his own social media site for like Maugre types, it's called truth: social in apparently one live on February twenty first, but I guess it was a soft launch because there's a waiting list in like hundreds of thousands of people, are gonna stuck on it. A Ruby Kramer from politico is very funny very dry reporter road, apiece comedy
ago, about how she finally got an invite to the site like eleven days in she makes him account. She goes on she's, like look fur engagement instead, gusto, no one is on it. Media guy was like his golf caddy gown and can picture has read red face, but I forget his name, but I know you're talking about guys post Oh, I, like dollar, jumps out even on no one dance getting Danske Vena turns. Could he fell question? Do you think it was a mistake for download trunk to put famously stupid former congressmen, Devon Nunez in charge of his? for media site I am enjoying the show I think Devon Nunez Is- is a real real dumb idiot and since he left Congress, there has been a really heated battle for Congress as dumb as bitch
There's the rankings chain from week to week a guy who's out. Is it really gone? Where is he the dumbest merging he might be, is a gym Jordan? Is he the dumbest bitching gonna jacket was funny most of the dumbest bitches? Are men are all their off from up we're just an empty g where our she lands did something in there. She's not she's functionally a person. runs around yelling she's, not a committee. She has nothing to do she's, not really functionally congressperson. She raises money, innovation, Maybe not dumb is because she has managed to make all of us remember her name and a lot of attention, and I will never anyone else's name frankly, and so I have been on these clowns, my phone correct, surnamed, imaginary,
XO, notably, did you know em a J o r. I e majesty, I dont have never used the word Mazur Electrical as if a bone always does it works the wrong, but who a name that isn't a name but anyway, Devon, Nunez Famous possible farmer, because it's not even been established that he really was. Like that involved in his family's arm. He is like it allegedly a farmer one thing I really loved about Ruby Kramer's peace was that were how she's gonna spelled out what this thing is- and it sort of reminded me, like Devon Nunez- had a big report due and even do any of the work and then the very last minute. He just like copied the Wikipedia Articles four and changed all the adjectives and the like rearranged some of the sentence, because its twitter twitter, its twitter, but instead of tweet its truth, the truth and reach retweet is of red truth re truth, Richard RE, if you have any,
problem with speed. You cannot say thou tat you have to. I have to pause re truth it so silly. It is so aggressively silly. I know it's so small, but these are the things need right now and the daily be set a story about how apparently tromp as icon, up his buddies and just shouting about how bad the website is unwilling. I dont know if it's true Surrounded by liars lie the news outlets, but I love it yeah. I want it to I think that at some point, though, maybe somebody who is close to him can be convinced to just hand him up old style like receiver, that's not connected to anything and Billy. This is your phone and then like put him in- and I like, this was something people would say when he was on Twitter, like give him a fake twitter that he can just send ridiculous things out our meal, yet you're sending tweets Donnie you're, doing it your tweeting, but he's just like tweeting into nothing. So maybe this, like truth, social is the fake twitter of everybody's dreams.
For he got kicked out. Oh that's! A good call. Personnel had escaped recently where they had the Fisher arise. Yet You know who hates it when you call him scared through people who write this girl would also call them sketch short sketch colleges, sketch commissary. Let's get car use. What was the state? Those agreed the outcome I wanna get. My anyway I had a great sketch where they had the Fisher price, podcast kit for white guys so high, and it's a full on pike ass. It were and say whatever you want, you can wrap all the lyrics of all your favorite song. It doesn't record any thanks. You don't get kettles yeah, yeah, revolting. That is essentially what this is for: Donald Trump, because who's gonna be on a waiting list. Several hundred thousand people long unless it's like for an organ something good target for a liver for for a front row: seat tickets,
Tis the Indians show in Vegas hurt. My friends went through my girlfriends here. They they both just wept the whole time they said it was living with absolutely wiped out by policy. Katy perish I think I think Mary Jane you want to see that from that area a stereo analysed retaining on yeah. I think that this I'm enjoying the failure of truth, social. I think one thing that maybe Donald Trump realizing now is that- and this is kind of shakespearean in how funny it is he's a person that that has always tried to do the thing that would get the most attention and get people to to patent. You know in the largest numbers tuning into him, but what is getting the most attention is his failures me pull love to watch him fail, but he also had to be a loser, so he has a kind of bitter sweet choice to make like do. I keep failing
on the. Do I keep like belly flopping in and getting attention for, for, losing and have people tune in in droves, because they love to see me suck I might then I'm a looser right as a conundrum, yeah yeah, it's tough. I mean one serious, thought or question I do have. Is you have to like so called free speech, platforms get gab, getter yeah, rumble Just really do wonder whether a literal echo chamber like that, where it's like this is them I got a platform for Margaret people Mean Europe, Europe, similarly torture by the internet like can that exists, there is no one to trawl. Can aside full of trolls exist. Happily I just, I wonder if all these things are doomed to failure.
No it's like gum in the lion king, when the pride lands are taken over by the hyena its essentially that, like what are they gonna do like there. There's no more food. Laugh, you really are still food from exactly. There is gonna turn on each other. You not somewhere. Not now. Our knowledge is the girl lions through the grove of manners. Cat growing up was now, that's cute, okay- well, that's all I had on on Republicans versus technology. I don't have any stories I missed. You saw their no, no, but I do. I am enjoying Trump continuing to ignore this truth. Social thing I thought his app was launched several times. get him I like all this is the app ok and its failing. Oh, this is the up. Ok, also revealing loved did want me to bring up the time when TED crews liked inside poor, not some sort of we're porn on eleven on Twitter. On nine, we on nine eleven. Never for
get indeed had gone. Ten crews, I feel like, has a kink out wrongously wrongness king. He loves to just be someone that people dislike will back to your point about, like loving, to be seen sucking and failing that crews in the huge is love suggests. The earlier me ass, he really does it and you know for all of the ways that Donald Trump political career has exceeded tat cruises. Ten crews is really maybe them the model that is gonna have to follow. If you want to continue to be in the public eye, people will tune in to watch him fail. Bigley Bigley. Well, that makes me sad. Ok! Well, I think that's all we got for today. Thank you, Aaron Tom Brady. But then I mean I'm not really enjoying Florida as much as it seems that
taxes, yeah yeah you did get drunk on Marguerite, isn't throw that trophy off about ones What do you want me over? You won me over at the end of its currency, and it was Bela check that I didn't library of such a human moment, just absolutely plastered, throwing trophies off a boat to grant to do so, earned. It is truly earned it. I wanted him to play till. He was like fifty after that psychotic also. We won't talk about how the part of the story where Tom Brady replaces driblets. I never really place again, but you know John so better. We love you think you're solemnity, Hudson for doing so, and now tat he has a sweet, pod. Save America is a crooked media production. The executive producer is go Martinez. Our senior producer is anti gardener Bernstein our produce. Hey we use and Olivia Martinez is our associate producer, its mixed and edited by Andrew Chadwick. said one is our sound engineer, thanks
Can you summon Eater Cindy Gerard Tally, Kiefer Madison, Holman and Justine Howe for production support into our digital team, Elijah Confit Bradford, my little Kim in a million on tooth or episodes are uploaded videos at Youtube. Dot com live cricket media. keeping up the flood of news every single day, candy stressful. I can personally a task. We are still in the midst of a pandemic. There are things happening in the labour movement. There, the first primaries of twenty twenty two mid terms. There is a climate catastrophe Resnick hosts of Cricket media's. What a day a daily Twentyman Pike S. It breaks down the biggest news stories of the day in a way that, hopefully, doesn't always make you want to cry
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Transcript generated on 2022-03-09.