« The Rachel Hollis Podcast

259: I did the IMPOSSIBLE!!

2022-03-01 | 🔗

I have climbed mountains. I've run races. I've done adventure half marathons on the coast in Ireland. I have climbed the equivalent of Everest. I've done some crazy challenges, but I did something this weekend that I did not believe was possible and I don't mean that I did something I didn't think was possible for me. I mean, I did something on Sunday that I did not know was possible for HUMANS. For real.

My goal in this episode is that at the end of it, you sign up for something you don't think is possible. Something that you choose to push yourself to your limits...BEYOND your limits. You CAN do hard things.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I did the most it's like the craziest thing. I've ever done. I have climbed mountains, I've run races, I've done adventure, half marathons on the coast in ireland. I have climbed the equivalent everest I've. I've done crazy challenges, but I did something this weekend that I did not believe, was possible and I don't mean that I did something I didn't think was possible. For me I mean I did so. Thing on sunday that I did not know was possible for human. Hi, I'm rachel Hollis, and this is my podcast. I swear and so many hours of every single week reading and listened podcast and watching youtube videos and trying to find out as much as I can about the world around me and that's What we do on their shall we
talk about everything life, and how to be an entrepreneur. What happened dinosaurs? What's the best recipe for fried chicken? What's the best plan for intermittent fasting? What's going on with our inner child house therapy working out for you, whatever it is, my guess or into I want to unpack it so that we can all understand these our conversations. This is information for the curious. This is the rachel Hollis hot gas before you jump in hue states podcast, which I am really excited to talk, there's about cause you're, not even going to you're, not going to believe it. literally did something impossible except wasn't impossible. I now know it was an impossible, but I thought it was impossible and I'm pretty sure you also think what I did is impossible, we're gonna get to that, but before we do
You can't see me if you're listening to there so I'll have to watch it on youtube. If you care to see, you can't see me, but I'm holding this giant mug and as I was preparing this little tea before I came in here to talk to ya, I was like I'm gonna talk to them about this, because it has been so out for my life and it is the simplest thing This is not an ad who could pay me to say this. Can we have a conversation about injure. No, I am not referring to the red headed woman on gillikins island. Slash do kid city even know what gillikins island is, I'm not sure ginger the route, the whatever family, of its, not through it, it's not vegetable. I dont know what it is. You know what I'm talking about. It looks like a sort of a potato with hands homesick so
ginger. I did not go up eating it and I think that if your family doesn't look with certain ingredients or certain foods. They feel really foreign to you. I didn't we we have ginger to my knowledge until I was a dull and I tried to she and then I would have ginger with my she, I definitely didn't, have wrought ginger and then, as I said, healthier and learn about nutrition, I kept seeing it come up as this great example of something that was good for you and it will always like this. Oh I wanna have more gender in my life. I know that I should, and I've been on this job the four oh golly am proud, we a year to balance my horse. and in learning how to balance my hormones p s side. No, I'm estrogen dominant. So I worked with her like a homeopathic, doctor and natural path and all those things to learn how to balance my hormones without medicine, and it has litter
We been life, changing I'm an interview, my doctor, all about it see you guys can learn about it too, in the meantime, google it if you ve, never heard of estrogen dominance, look up the symptoms considerably. Mind, so I've been on this journey and and learning about how to balance my hormones. I also really started focusing on nutrition, not just for health, but also to make sure that my hormones, my body, all it had everything that it needed to help me have the best periods, the best menstruation, and I don't mean like. Oh, I want to be the winner administration. I mean I want to not have cramps, I wanna not have my mood swings, go so crazy, and so I just really went on this journey and in doing that, I kept reading that Jen I was really powerful for inflammation in your body and helps cramping, it's good for knowledge, and so I have got
in the habit of the last few months of buying just one of those giant pieces of gender at the store? And I didn't tell you years out, walk by that den and be like who on earth could ever use this much ginger me. I can so I keep it on the counter so what I think anything in life that you want to develop as a habit. You have to see it and I'm like something I like thing to be me and organised, but when I'm tryin to like bring something in as a routine, I will put it right where I can't miss it. So I put this big ginger rule on the counter, and every day I tear off apiece appeal, I cut it into big trunks boil water gender and the water and a mug? Let it steep for like ten minutes, and then I sit on the tea, and number one. I love the flavor by number two. I just can't
recommended enough for I get it. I just love it and before we start this conversation I just I was making this and I'm like you know what I'm going to share cause. I bet there's someone who is struggling with him. animation or is struggling with their having cramps or You they're having nazar around their time of the month and yo. You haven't done it yet tried, ginger and Yes, you can buy ginger tee and there's ginger but I just whenever possible, if you can have the actual food in its form, its better for you than taking a supplement. So that is my small push. For you to incorporate fresh ginger into your life, and now, let's have a pot cast on Sunday. I did the most it's like the craziest thing. I've ever done. I have
and mountains. I've run races. I've done adventure, half marathons on the coast in ireland. I have climbed the equivalent. everest I've. I've done crazy challenges, but I did something this weekend. I did not believe was possible and I don't mean that I did something I didn't think was possible. For me, I mean I did something on sunday that I did not know was possible for him Hands- and that sounds of noxious and do she, but for real, I ran a full marathon on sunday without training to run
Marathon man, if we had some like cool editing or saw just as this will be the time for like some kind of sound effect, an explosion, perhaps before I get in to what- dead and how I did it and how I'm still alive? Let's start at the beginning of my running journey, and I just want to set my intention with you right now, my goal in this episode is that at the end of it you are going to go sign up for a race. I dont care fits a former, it's an I don't care. If it's a five k, I don't care. If you walk it, I don't care. If it's a turkey trot, I just be emit, lie believe in the power of running and training. And doing a race to EL They your mood to lift your spirit, to make you believe in yourself to push yourself into hard things to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and most especially, if you,
A mom, I dont know anything in my life other than childbirth. That makes me prouder, then merit like then my marathon and even with child birth. There is This sort of preconceived notion that your body knows how, like, oh, your body, knows how, like you, can now that it's not hard, not that it's not impossible for somebody but that that's a more I'm using air quotes natural thing, whereas a marathon you actually have to train, you have to work like all of it, so that's my ended. I want you to know by the end of his. I I want you to be, like you know what hell yeah, let's go, I'm going to do it, so just so you know so at the end, like oh, how did she bamboozle me into doll the sun thyself?
we're half marathon. Whatever just that's my goal. I grew up. I was not athletic ay. I was president of the drama pub in you know it. I did theater of sports weren't really my thing. I sort of wish that I had had parents who are into sports and would have encouraged me in that way, because I think it's so good for kids, but it just wasn't my jam. And I definitely grew up, and I were you heard me say a million times in my life. I am not a runner I hate running, I'm not a runner, I don't run blah blah blah ends a lot of people. There were many times in my life we adult life where I like, I would try and get in shape like it would be a new year and I try and get in shape and the way I try and get in shape was like to go on but I didn't know what I was doing and I hated it and it just wasn't. My jam basically is what we're getting out here.
And I never in my life anticipated that I would be a long distance runner actually can't really believe that I run long distance now what happened was. I was pregnant with my third son and I was very pregnant with seven months pregnant my third baby and I was uncomfortable end. Really have. I didn't, have any healthy approach to pregnancy. I really didn't understand my own health at the time. So when I got pregnant, I didn't I I know maybe the sun so stupid. If we listening to this now and twenty twenty two, but I didn't know that I could work out. I didn't know that I could do then I should do yoga or take walks or do anything till I have healthy pregnant. I really did it, and so I didn't do anything during
any of my pregnancies and I was seven months pregnant with ford. My third son, my my ex husband, whose my husband, at the time he decided to run half marathon was one of the guys in his office and so cool any. Let got an amazing shape and he started running and they just did the cool, and I was like soup. Jealous number one. I felt like a piano, good here, bland. I felt so like awkward and weird and my body was like. I had this big belly and I was watching him get to go. Do this cool thing in he was doing something he didn't think you could do, and I just wanted that and the competitive nature and me was like ok. If he can run a half mirth. I can run a half marathon. So after I had forward an ice meaner spent a few months,
Who parading come like getting myself back together, mentally an emotionally in years trying to get a little bit asleep. Again I reached out to the guy. He ran the half marathon with because he was a marathon runner and he had run for light twenty five years and Ok, can you tell me how to train for a race- and he was like yep, so he put together a full schedule for me to run the disneyland half marathon, which happens, or this was back in the day. I maybe it's still the same, I'm not sure, but they used to do it every labor day weekend in anaheim and just as aside no having run races all around the world I will die on this hill. There is no better race to run on this earth, at least not that I have found so far, then it
in IRAN. Nobody does it better. Nobody can even touch the hem of the garment of dis of run disney. They are in fact it's almost like dangerously that beer first raised, because it so well done that you think all races we'll have water stations at every mile. You think all races will have all the bathrooms. You think all races why like darth, vader and mickey mouse cheering for you. While you run, I am not making it up run disney. Is I have been talking about them for years of never forgotten. Anything remember. This is not an ad theirs no better way to get into running than to do disney ray and they're not inexpensive, no race. Honestly no run is inexpensive, they usually are like tuna and fifty bucks or something like that and disease. Probably a bit more but
as someone who has produced lots of events, I can tell you that the reason they're expensive is because it is hella expensive to close down thirteen miles or twenty six miles of roads and get the police involved and, like it's so expensive, to put on a run so just f. Why they're expensive? For a reason, all of that to say he puts together this schedule for me to do this race, and I start doing it, and when I started that I could not run half a mile, I lit I could not run half a mile without feeling like I was going to pass out. I was exhausted and or is going to die or is on pee my pants, like the amount of times I've like peed, my pants running, I mean get in line. The list is so long you just like get over it you're going to pee your pants little bit. If you've pushed a baby out, it's fine
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to a max of a hundred and twenty eight k, Bp S, foot, Gee requires a compatible plan and device. Five g may not be available in your area visit. Eighty two, dot com, slash five g for you for more details. I start training for this race, and somewhere along the way, he's really smart and he was like you need to run a race before you get to your actual half, and so he signed us up dave and I cause they was going to do it with me. He signed us up for a five k now the beauty, the the fucking beauty and I'm gonna cost cause. I this is a passionate subject for me: the beauty of rights name as an analogy for life I don't know anything better. First of all, it does not matter where you are starting out.
I cannot stress this tuna if you get to erase I dont care for us I've k and I don't care if it's a full marathon. You are going to see people on that course that are in wheelchairs, there are eighty five years old there, are, you know, have lost a limb and war that are blind that are like you are going to be so inspired. You're gonna, see people who are on you know a massive weight loss journey and you're like you, you don't you can even be inspiration in human beings on re stay. I just don't know. a community of people that are more aligned with like who ever you are whatever you're about. You are welcome here, we're all struggling where
when winded we're all doing something, we're not sure. If we can it's just damn, it is so inspiring. So he's like you should run a five k and I'm like okay, we sign up for this I've k- and I remember it was in june, because labour day was the actual race and I'm thinkin five k. That's like three point something miles. Ok, I could do this me thinking. I am about to die on this course doing a five k. That's what I need you to hear me say when I started running, I everything I dead felt scary and everything I did felt so hard, and I remember that five k being like do now. Embarrass yourself in front of this guy causes me and dave, and his co was workers. Do not embarrass yourself. Skype put this whole plan. Heather for you- and you are
come out here and you're about to like peer bans, are poop your pants or throw up on this course. You better finish this race and I remember crossing the finish line of that five k and beings proud of myself, and I want you to know that, like the the the freaking joy of crossing a finnish sign of your first five k, your first ten k, your first half your first full, it doesn't matter what the distances, when you cross the finish line- and you have run more mileage than you knew, you could do the feeling of it. It's euphoric so around that five k, Michael care, ran a five cared didn't die now, it's time to run this half marathon, and It's so exciting. I mean
those of you who are runners. I just feel like you are going to get this you're going to be smiling. As I described this those you have never run before, like, though right community is so welcoming. There's this whole thing like the day before you go to something called an ex bow which is like it's where you pick up your pack it it's where you get like your which is the the piece of paper that, as the number you ve seen that when people are running like the numbers that they were on their chests, they they know which runners, which in there's something in there that like tracks your time and when you've crossed the miles, and you go to your expo to pick up the packet but then like there's like these booths and there's different, you know tank tops and fanny pack I said chiropractors, basically, anything that has to do with health and you walk around and you're so excited everyone's excited and people come from different parts of the world, and it's just this incredible sense of community
and the night before you're like get e pass. I get a car blowed men the next day, so nervous. and you ve lay out all your staff and you get so excited and then you have to be there so early in the morning in your like six years, go lord. Am I gonna miss it like five o clock in the morning? You already feel like you're late on, then you have to pee like twelve I am, then you know you wait line for a port upon. Is china and there's music lights of bless it it's so special and the first that I ran that have it was, it was run disney and I remember they played the song over and over at the starting line, because tartu explained if you ve, never gone to race, but imagine that there is like In one thousand people or one hundred thousand people- and you can't obviously all start running at the same times, you're in corrals, based on how fast you run so
each time a new crown would move to the starting line? They'd restart the song. A dream is a wish. Your heart makes a dream is aware sure heart makes you. I know that one and I cried my eyeballs out every single time, every time I get closer and closer that start line and they'd replay that on. I was like this is a dream that my heart made this moment and you start the rhine and was incorrect. About run disney. Is You are literally running through disneyland I've never done it and at the other properties, but you're literally running through disneyland you're running through california adventure. You run if you're familiar with California, you run from the parks, two anaheim stadium, which are so sick. You run through the stadium and then you come back, but why you're running through the park every single
pride is on and going there's nobody there cause it's very early in the morning every rides going, there's floats literally every character. Do you want to stitch? Do you want to take a picture with darth vader? Do you want to take a picture with mickey many do you like it doesn't matter who you love their choice. For you, while you run this race, which is so magical but also- and this is the key distracted- when you decide to run a race at the end of this episode, we're like I am doing this real we really important to think about what you are going to look at, and that sounds silly until you're in it. Now I had one of my old coworkers decided to run a marathon a couple of years ago for years back and
remember that she signed up for the marathon unless I'm delusional she sign up for a marathon in a place called marathon, texas, lord. I hope I don't think I'm making it but basically I remember her coming back emulate. It was so hard because she was just running on a road in the desert, but there was nothing till it gets so monotonous, so think through. That's why disease great is issues you. Your constantly distracted from the pain cause it's hard and that really helps when you're, like ike,
and do it and then all of a sudden cinderella is like go you're like okay, so that was my first half. It was awesome and it kicked off this hobby of mine. So ever since then, I have been running consistently. I definitely have had seasons different seasons of my life where I've gotten really into a different kind of workout or I've. You know been into strength, training or done different stuff where running isn't as popular. For me, I have consistently run since that day and since that first half marathon, I've had many times over the years where I will just do another. Half I've probably done fifteen half marathon since then, and and and that ford is nine, so I've done fifteen half marathons in nine years and then definitely at some point. I think most runners, if you have a good experience, you start to think. Oh man could I do a full marathon like that,
crazy, but I could I do a full and the reason that you think that is because you understand what it takes so like The beauty of running is that you are just stacking, your stacking literally one step on top of it on top of another. You know that that expression. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step what you learn is ok like today, around five steps to morrow Cairum six and the next day. Can I run seven and it's this beautiful, experience for you just adding on a little bit each time and when you do it five carrier like wait. Could I do it for half and then could I do it for a full? So I then I'm gonna run a full marathon. This was back when I lived and allay an I trained for six months and training for a full mare.
It's an it! It's a lot of work and it's a lot of time and there's a ton of build up to get to the place where you're like okay, I've got this and it just so happened. It was this freak thing where the first time around a marathon in our way in february, and it was a fluke. It was ninety two degrees that day. so crazy, and I was already so: freaking scared and its hounded by the fact that it is about to be so hot and unlike okay. Well, this is how I die, and it was also really interesting. I was thinking about this this weekend that in training for that marathon, originally I had talked my husband at the time I had talked him into to doing it with me
and somewhere along the journey of training he was like like you didn't want do it anymore? He for whatever reasons there were his reasons, he don't want, do it anymore and the closer it got who me running the mare. Fine. The more weird he got about me running the marathon and I say this because I no. This is something that many of you having countered with partners with spouses with parents with, billings whatever that when you do something that is so different, then why the people around you can understand. They start to. I dont think its conscious sometimes is conscious, but they in this instance. I dont think he was conscious of it, but I do think that
He started to try unintentionally tried to sabotage the experience and people get scared. They don't like change I can look back over many experiences in our marriage where any time I sort of pushed further or did something that was outside the norm or did something that he wasn't doing. It made him very uncomfortable, and that's not me talking crap on him. That's more me saying it so that you can recognize if it shows up in your life, because I did not have the self awareness to have in ownership of that experience for myself and to have put a boundary up- and I should have- I remember the day before the marathon. You know that experts
oh for the l, a marathon is magnificent like its huge it's at the a convention centre in a really big deal and one the things that I remember was that allay. I dont know if they still do it, but in that race they had wall that had the name of every single person who was running the race and I'd. I wanted to pick up my pay get a one to walk around the expo, and I wanted to see my name on the wall and I had hold him hey. I want to take the kids to go to the expo tomorrow. Like does a huge deal, I think it's really special these little boys are going to see that their moms running a marathon. I really I would love to like take the kids and use. oh yeah, that's awesome like I'll go with. You will take the kids and that day, like everything about that from the top he left the house was just like
an emotion all mind. Fuck like he was past that the traffic was bad. He was placed in it so long to park. We guy- and he just like this- is chaos. This is crazy, like he was a jazz. Everything was bad and wrong and he kept complaining about how hard all of it was in. My thing was like, in my brain, MIKE. Why are you even here, like I would have taken the kids, but of course it and say that I would making them by myself, and he just was so pissed off about the whole. Your aunt, which now in hindsight, like ok, his his energy and his, I've had nothing to do with traffic or people or whatever it had to do with whatever it made him feel for me to be doing something that he wasn't doing
But I didn't have that ability to process or see that at the time, so I just kept feeling worse and worse and more stressed about it, and eventually I was like. I got my packet and I was like let's just go like: let's just go this, it was so stressful. to have him be so pissed off that I was like legislative and we literally, I got my packet and we left. I didn't walk around the expo. I now so my name on the wall I didn't do any of it and I was so upset for the rest, day, and I remember I cry myself to sleep the night before my first marathon wooden you're supposed to be sleeping. I was so of sat and I was so sad that he was sat. This is I mean guys, I've done on therapy sense, but the like
dependence of this of like oh no, he was upset. He had to go to this with me. I wish this is again. I'm telling you max and he will have his own experience of that moment. But I am telling you this because I wish I could go back in time and have put up personal boundaries for myself in doing this really big thing, because, if you're going to take on a challenge like this, it is so easy to. Let people talk you out of it. when your It is rising to the top every step counts step. One is connecting your business, Thankfully, with eighty anti business you can. Our best wireless plan for your small business and offer employees the features they need with, a lot about having the right tools to overcome problems
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the this episode, sponsored by effects as Fleischmann is in trouble, starring, jesse eyes in burg, clare, danes, lizzie, kaplan and adam brody. This dream tells the story of recently divorced. Toby Fleischmann, dives into the world of app base dating with a kind success. He never had in his youth. Then his ex wife disappears giving him with their two children and no hint of her return ethic his fleischmann is in trouble streaming november, seventeenth only on her no people who love you most even coming from a place of love, will speak into the exact fear that you have And, though, encourage you in the fear on in
essentially sabotaging your you in doing it, but in that instance, he didn't didn't sabotage me, it didn't keep me from doing it, but a definite definitely gave power away, and I definitely gay away what could have been a really beautiful moment in this weekend for me, because I let some one else control the experience. I just want to say that it doesn't matter it doesn't have to be about running, but think any time we're doing something that steps outside of what other people around us understand. we have to be on the lookout, doesn't mean that you get angry like I. If I could go back in time would have gotten Panza one of fought with him. I will from up it's of love. I would have been like. Oh my gosh, no, no, you stay home, I'm going to take the kids cause. This is an experience that I want to have with the.
And it would have been that easy, so that was the experience I do the full marathon at ninety degrees. It feels absolutely impossible. It was the hardest thing basically that I've ever done yeah I mean I've done substance, and but nothing was his heart. Is that day and night? I only goal was. I did not want to walk. I was too terrified of walking. I was terrified of everything, but I was terrified of walking because often If your muscles are like really over used and you you start like, if you walk, they can seize up and aids I had this happen in some of my training runs and I'd seen this happen to other people, and they just can't keep going. So I was terrified so I was like I don't care house. Oh I'm running I will not walk, so
I did, the l, a marathon I mean crossing finish line of that race. I have used that memory ten thousand times since then, and it's why I feel like everybody, but especially moms should experience it, because I just don't think we have typically a lot of experiences where we did that like no Would he can run a race for you? You have do it doesn't matter. If you have a crowd of fifty people around you, you still have to be the one that puts one foot in front of the other. Two do the thing and it's just so powerful and it was an incredible experience and I didn't like I am never doing that again. Like I had zero. Desire to ever run a marathon gangs. Oh, like I just no thank you, I did it. I checked that box. I definitely had
I've done lots of half since then. I still run budgets no desire, then at the end of last year which, if you haven't lesson, I did a podcast about this, but I unexpectedly got pregnant and it was a really scary experience just as it was totally planned and I have for kids and I wasn't and stating having more, and went through all the emotions and all the fear and the all the holy shit and then got excited about it. I thought well, this is you know this is amazing, like I never thought I'd have a baby again and I'm just gonna ray, says and went for routine, alter sound and am at just about four months found out that and the baby's heartbeat had stopped and ad soft growing, and it was really brutal guys. I was just
emotionally. It was horrible but physic. It was really like, so I have gone through all these months pregnancy,. And then had about a month of miscarry I never knew that. I never knew that when you meet carry there's a whole episode, but basically I had to take medicine that made me miscarry aegis, aid and bleed and bleed for weeks and weeks, and I felt like my body had been through the ringer and when I start to come out of the hormonal fog. Of that I really craved. I really wanted to run running is like therapy. For me, it's prayer, its church, its meditative, its
Joy for- and I didn't start out that way, but that's what it is for me. has been for me for a long time, so I started just like I did at the beginning of my running journey, I started you know half a mile and then a mile and then a mile and a half and just slowly built my way back up. and I remember my incredible boyfriend was like use oh carrying and wonderfully like. Don't push yourself. You know please, like just be dead. with your body and ve been through so much and it was so sweet but why he didn't understand was that I needed to push a little, but I needed to be reminded that I was still here and that this body Was still very capable and still very strong in, it was a really beautiful time to to get back in.
Process? I made the decision that I will I wanted to run another marathon. I thought it would be some to train, it would be an incredible challenge and it would be a celebration of what my body can do and so I started to run a couple of times a week and when I say a couple times a week I mean you know. First, it was like three miles times a week- and I was up to I would do for miles on one day and then my long run would be six miles on the weekend. So it's a lot. I sound like a lot for not a runner, but if your training for a race for real it's not a very intense schedule and I was in there and I was looking for a marathon to run and I thought I would be called a like go to another. country or like do something different or whatever, and I just can't look looking. I was a lot of research and I was kind of asking god and requesting of the universe,
like I really want to run a race like a really want to do this marathon. You know, let me know the china like see where I should go and cunning. Nothing was working out, timing, wise and then last friday, I was going to yoga and I was really excited I love my yoga class and at something, couldn't do. While I was pregnant cause. I do hot yoga answer I have been really enjoying being able to do yoga a couple of times a week and it was I was so pumped to go on friday and I got all my work done and like got my together and got the car and you just go your day, it was a holiday weekend and traffic was really weird and about halfway there I was like I felt kind of miss it. I'm gonna miss class cause. You know if you're not there at the beginning, you you're not getting in and
and I was talking to from the farm like farm a man coming to and a that no you're, not you're gonna get there. Don't worry you'll get there like you, ve been so looking forward to this, and then I might know, I'm, I think, cause. I just tell you forever, like, I think, I'm it I'm gonna miss class and I am very laid back like. I really live my life like. If I don't get a fly, I don't get a flight. If I, in fact, there is only there it's hilarious because if any of you had seen me in the miami airport a couple of weeks ago, you would have been like that. Bitch is not okay with missing a flight, because I ran I have never come so close to missing a fly in my life and I usually will just like let it beaks and my car and if I were a vital, if I didn't get it I'll, get the next one by I have my kids full time, some single parenting for the win and I had promised my
the sun that he could have a friend spend the night and I was like I was gonna make it. for them, and I was gonna. Do this whole thing and I had only guys hunt for one. I had a good time for work and I got the urban just was crazy traffickers. This whole thing and I like I- cannot miss this flight. I promised him and I guess I take my promises very seriously to the kids and I I I sprinted sprinted through the miami. Well that's neither here nor there, but typically, I am just very chill like I feel I give it if it if I don't get their unlike mcconaughey like I'm just like alright, I wasn't supposed to go to yoga, so I literally said, my boyfriend he's like no you're gonna make- and I said you know, if I don't it's because the guardian angels or the spear guides want me to do something else today. You know that honestly, unlike I'm
Meant to do something else, I wasn't integral yoga, so poverty. I got yoga a few minutes, late, cancun and some like. Oh, I know what the spare guides wanted me to do. They wanted me to go to use land to get us movie. That's a local asked me. The place was like I need a perker later, which is like a smoothly with coffee in it and it's delicious, Here's your wondering, sunlight, gonna, go get a smoothie, and ass. I am trying to get us movie. I see a big sign that says traffic on sunday because of the men amazon and I'm like. Oh my gosh, that's why miss yoga I'm supposed to run this marathon? I goes so clear to me and I don't know I mean- maybe you guys think it's cheesy, but I m in conversation with guy and the universe add guarding angels all day long all day long I'm in prayer, I'm in conversation all day, and I really feel like I'm I did and I felt
and knowing inside I was just like, supposed to run that race and and I literally looked up where the expo was a lot of times, races you can still sign up, even if its race weekend I looked over, the ex was I drove there and in the arkema of the expo. I text my nanny and I said: is there any way that you could come in on Sunday cause like who's going to be with my kids? I try and do this thing god by there she was. I guess I got you and I signed up for the marathon at the race because I just kept thinking but look autonomy. When I had the thought, oh my gosh, I'm so surrender raise, I immediately was like you're insane, there is no way there is no and then there was a party that was like, but what? If? What? If I could do this, what if I could run this race like what, if it's possible,
and then the thought was when I ran the first marathon, I did something that I did not think was possible for my body. If I could run this race without training. I will do something that I didn't know was possible for anyone, because I'm in I'm way healthier than I was when I ran my first marathon, I'm I'm I I don't know. I just have this instinct and like I probably watch too many documentaries about people like climbing mountains or doing crazy things, but I also it and if you ve ever heard that David goggins quote where he says like when you think that you are completely tapped, you're really only at forty percent and I was like, while I know I could run a half this weekend. If I needed to end,
if running a half would be forty percent and technically are probably could run a full. So I just did it because I thought: what's the worst happens, the word that happens. I sign up for this race and then a few miles. Then, unlike ok, I got it. I can't do this, but I knew for sure, no matter what I was going to end up running more miles than I would have. If I hadn't sign up for the race, it was like what I have to lose. I hadn't to run a reason so long, and I wanted the feeling of like the runners and like the hearing, the cow bell, and I just it was so I was like freaking hey, let's go so I sign up for this thing and every time the next twenty four forty eight hours. However long was every time I got scared I was just like nope there is not we're not even holding space for negativity, and because of that I didn't tell anybody I was doing it. I told my boys knows too young to unrest, but I told my three boys that I was gonna. Do it and my nanny new added
my boyfriend. I signed up angel anybody because I was just like I didn't want. anybody else's, I don't want anybody else to weigh n and I don't want anyone else to worry- and I just wanted to do this thing, and I also didn't want the pressure of like ok. Well, if I bone after, like and miles. I dont want to feel like Disappointing, anyway, just want this to be something I do for me This show sponsored by better help. Life does come with a user manual, sir It's not working for you it's normal to feel lost. about when I was a new parent. right you have this baby and if your first kid out, maybe I'll have never had a baby for, let me just tell you dave litter. We just let you leave the hospital with a human and you. Have no idea what you're doing now
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It will put on youtube cause, I just they gets wild and special and really cool, but couple of things that I just wanted in telling that sorry that I wanted you guys to hear me say is. Number one. I ran this second marathon without training. until sunday, the most miles I had run for a while, with six six miles with the most I had run. I ran this marathon, without training, and I ran it two minutes faster than the first. Time I did a marathon and I trained for six months. That's freaking crazy and I feel very confident in how I did yes, and if you guys think that my whew stuff is cheesy, this is gonna, be this is cheese. This is nacho. Cheese,
this is velveeta cheese. This is some cheese, but it's real for real for real. I ran my first marathon, terrified. The achiever and me was terrified of failure as terrified of people. Why, me fail. I was terrified of getting her. I was terrified of poppy map. Have you name it out? I was scared of everything and going into this marathon just wanted to do a little experiment. I just wanted to see if there would be a difference running a race out of love, instead of fear like what, if I just, fun. What? If my goal was to give as much love to the people around me as I possibly could? What? If this race was a celebration of love for my body? What if I refuse to let fear into the equation ya, I did not walk this race in till mile, eighteen
and at that point I would walk for a minute and then run walk for a minute and then run. I walked a little bit of every mile pass mile. Eighteen and frankly, I did that because awesome marathon is all all hills. I had no idea. This also was powerful. Ignorance is bliss because if I had looked at the course map, if I had understood how many hills were marathon. I never would have done it. So I had the best time I had so much fun dedicated every single mile of my race to a different person that I love and I, when I finish the mile that was for them. I would send them a voice now, on my phone and just say hand during his car the thing you were mile six, you mile three: you will. You were mile nineteen and Not only am I send you good
eggs and loving you so much, but I also want you to know that I meditated on gratitude for you during a smile and I met hated on the characteristic about you that I'm most admire and it just ended up being this radical experience and what I love. So I paid extra when I signed up so that they'll take pics of you when you're running at like the the race people do then they send you like hey here's, a link with all your pictures, with the exception of the finish line, because I'm bawling in those pictures every single other picture. Twenty six point two miles. I am sorry selling I was like what is the psychology of every time I. like I was struggling. I would make myself smile. I would make myself I would cheer on another runner. I would like shot out to the people on the side and thank them for being there like em, I sore yes, but was way more sore after I ran the first race.
And I believe that's because fear makes you tense every in your body, so I literally ran my first marathon who were tents and terrified, and this time a literally was like dancing. I was having fun. I I just did something I didn't think was passed. boy- and I remember years ago talking to a therapist about writing, because I would sit down a write books and I would be so hard like the tortured artists, and so hard on myself and it was a miserable experience and I got into- leaving that in order for me to produce results, I had to make it hard it had to be hard and she was like will what, if you just try to write from a place of joy and that recommendation changed everything that came after for me and that's what this experience taught me was like
it, will make me question everything that I believe has to be hard just got flipped on its head, and I have challenged myself to do a lot of physical things that I didn't think I could do like when we did that. Every challenge stuff like that, so I definitely knew before I started that I could do hard things. and I dont think I would have been able to do this. If I had, run a marathon before I go to psyched myself out and obviously I'm very healthy. I eat really clean, I'm in a great place like emotionally physically. So my mindsets really good and all of those contributed to I ability to do this crazy thing, but I swear that I was able to accomplish this crazy idea because
It was about love, and I ended up sending a note. One of my girlfriends is going through an I v F and I sent her a voice though- and I was just like: hey. I don't know if this will be helpful, but Just have this experience and I want to say to you, could you love every part of it? Could you lie of even the pieces of your experience, were you normally feel fear or anger or resent? Could you find love like I just recently read a book by luis hay and she was talking about bills. Singing people get so passed the day after a bills and our angry about their bills. She said I bless every single bill, I kiss the bill. You know this is back when you used to get. You know the bill in the mail just like I kiss them before. I send the check back, because a bill is evidence that a business trusted me enough to give me something before I had actually paid for it like this bill, rep
hence something that I've gotten or the fact that my lights or on the fact that my house is warm, and so I bless the fact that I pay a bill so in your experience in the parts that are hard. Could you find love for the tough? Could you find love for the things that suck. Because in doing that, none of it sucks the whole thing just phallic this beauty a magical experiment- and I am not suggesting Then you run out and try and run a marathon. I think that training for a race, really powerful emotional journey to go on, and if you want to get into running the training is, is a big part of it. Because you're getting to re stay, knowing the hours that you put in to have the mental capacity and the mindset required to finish, but in
and since I just I did something I thought was impossible and I just I'm still not even done unpacking it like. I still am going too. After really think about how how this happen and what this means I remember my my boys. They were tracking me that day there were just like you know: like mile ten or on their elect palm, I can't believe you do is, unlike I love that their sea now, like I love that they see this example of something that there were like you're gonna, do what. and the morning of the race. I ended up sending a text. My boyfriend ah he's in europe- and I was like hey just it- was like a picture of me at the starting line I was a gay off to do my long run. He was like, oh my gosh. What do you do? He was so exciting what's happening, and then I sent him a link to track me
we said. Oh, are you doing the half and I was like? Have you met, be you know, but you think have you got? Do you guys ever see old school where we old school? It's one of my favorite lines where vince vaughn. Like has planned this elaborate party and his friends like you, you got a ban is, are you think we, you think I got a million dollars and speakers and light set up finger, got some students. All rock band, now make sure you got it at this stage valerie I was like no man we're goin roomful out and oh, I guys adjust. It was so special and you dont have to try and do something like that. But if you haven't done anything in the last five years, that makes you surprised
by yourself a view and anything in the last five years that you do it and you think, holy shit. I can't believe I just stood that. Then you got a challenge yourself. This is me like. If you need a sign, if you need something to kick you in the pants, if you need someone to tell you that you ve got this, you have got this, you can do this thing when you see people do it and you're like that would be cool like, but I can do that. That's not me. I am not a runner. My people- I don't have the jeanette- know that is bs. I am telling you that you will get out there on race day. You will see every single type of body. You will see every person you will see every age you will be so inspired and the only thing that matters is that you
finish like your time as a matter for freaking pace as a matter. It matters that you finish it matters that you do something that you didn't think that you could do, because that is the stuff that sustains you when everything else falls away. When work is hard, when you're going to divorce, win your struggling with your teenager, when you know you're helping your parent is having to go into assisted living like all the hard stuff that you have to do, that life is gonna, throw at you whether you want it or not. You need experiences that you can fall back on and go yet. This is hard, but I can do hard things by choice. Lots of people can do hard things when their forced. This is a hard thing that you choose to do
I started this year and I promised myself that I would stop being a weenie, but I know of you saw that episode of reach talk, but I it's only february and I have jumped into an ocean in england, I've gone skiing, I have run a marathon without training and I had dental work done yep day after this I went and had dental work done would you're laughing cause. That sounds stupid, but I am petrified of the dentist and I was like you know what we're not a weenie. We can do hard things. And that means someone is going to give you a shot in your gums, who did it and you're going to live? If you started pushing towards things that scare you, if you start pushing towards that discomfort zone, I think you'd be shocked.
At the person you become, there is no way. In a million years. Did. Twenty nine year old version of me Imagine that I could do the things that I could do today. She couldn't even dream this. It was too big of a dream, but just like running dreams have a way of growing and more. becomes possible when you start to move forward So I really freaking hope that this was a push that you need to go right now, right now go sign up goes on an impact
I want to challenge you guys to sign up and like tag me on social ex, show me the crazy thing that you dead or like hashtag. I did it rage like I, don't know something just freaking. Do it dull over think it? I can google how to train for a race. You can find a local running group. You can read a thousand blogs or watch youtube videos. The answers are there if you have a calling on your heart, even if it's scary, just freaking, do it? Alright, I love you guys rooting for you. If this episode was helpful, share with a friend ya, like you every week you got to this point: do me a solid dear friend, a solid share. It I think, Everything in my career is based on the idea that I find things. I think.
helpful to others, and then I give them to my community or I share them with my friends and this really great opportunity for you in that sense your friend and b that girls, let's get a running clubs, They were going running, we're doing the dizzy run until I see you next time subscribe to the ship Oh thanks rang out. I love you. Animal for you and let's go get a run. The Rachel Hollis podcast is produced by me. Rachel Yes, it's edited by andrew weller and jack noble. Everyone loves buying holiday gifts, but the credit card hang over not so much well or Baby is outdoing even santa with their prices this season. They have incredible procedure for everyone on your list like matching jingle jammies statement, making coats and the cosy, sweaters and
old navy has tons of gifts were under fifteen bucks, so you can buy yourself a little something to sorry, not sorry so part by us, nor or visit old navy dot com. Sometimes you need to take control to make a difference. That's why, with flex path from capello university during control, set your own deadlines and leverage our experience to move at a pace that works for you discover a different way forward: acappella dot, e d: u.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-04.