« Serial Killers

"The Monster of the Andes" Pedro Alonso López


Some serial killers’ reigns of terror are cut mercifully short, due to careless mistakes or careful police work. Pedro Alonso López was not one of those killers. The number of his victims is staggering — but the way his story ends is perhaps the most terrifying of all.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised. This episode includes discussions about the sexual abuse of minors, murder, rape, sexual assault that some people may find disturbing. We advise extreme caution for children. Under thirteen on March nine. Nineteen. Eighty thirty one years Pedro Alonso Lopez, strolled into a market place in the small mountain city of a motto, Ecuador, the casual observer Pedro looked like average window shopper, someone roamed, the stalls glanced at the items, but never actually bought anything the rest, Pedro never made a purchase, wasn't due to lack of funds, he didn't bother because he was an interested in what the vendors for selling no Pedro was on. The hunt for something you couldn't by
He was shopping for people. Specifically children, as he walked up and down. The aisles Pedro saw young girl he liked. Twelve year old Maria purveyor had accompanied her mother to do groceries that day, she'd been hold to stay close to her mom wandering around the market wasn't saith anymore. Everyone knew that but all the warnings in the world weren't going to keep Pedro from what he wanted. Once he set his sight on a girl. He would stop at nothing to snatch her up Pedro knew that Maria couldn't stay glued to her mom all day so he waited patiently searching for the moment she decided to walk away when it happened. Pedro appeared in front of the little girl within seconds. He bent down
lashed Maria smile and told her he added trinket for her in his car, then he stuck out his hand and asked her to take it. Maria stare. at this strange man unsure of next move she'd been ordered to steer clear of strangers, but he seemed harmless agent nice and he had presence for her What was the harm in taking a free gift? What's the worst that could happen hi, I'm Gregg pulsing this serial killers, Spotify original. poor cast area So do we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers today we're taking a look Pedro Alonso Lopez, the sadistic child murderer otherwise known as the monster of the Andes. I'm here with my coat
caused Vanessa Richardson high everyone. You can find episode serial killers and all other Spotify originals from par cast for free on Spotify wherever you listen to podcast in the first pillar, This episode will discuss Pedro traumatic upbringing, his time living on the streets and how it contribute to its transformation into a hard and criminal leader will detail how Pedro manage to lure hundreds of young girls away from their families, examined the bizarre twists in his case that led to his stories, terrifying and we ve got all that a more coming up stay with us. listeners. If you love our podcast serial killers, this news, for you, beginning August, Second, we're moving exclusively to Spotify. That doesn't mean have to miss out on any episodes. You can still binge all your Brits and by new stories for free by following serial killers on Spotify. Your loyalty and support mean so much to everyone here at Parkhurst,
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just how many he managed to commit Pedro, kidnapped raped and murdered over three hundred young girls in South Amerika, the two thousand six Guinness Book of worldwide. Goods named him, the world's most prolific serial killer and, technically based on numbers alone that the is accurate, but it still feels wrong to categorized Pedro as merely a serial killer. Just his name in the same breath as those who have killed three or even thirty people doesn't count, compare the sheer number of pages. Murders makes him seem like a villain from a story book or a creature trumped up in a nightmare and considering the search stances into which he was born and the horrific events of his young life. It seems Pedro had little chance of turning into anything, but a monster pages, like was off to a rough start before he even left the womb in April,
team. Forty eight, where his mother Benita was three months. Pregnant tragedy struck both their country and their fair we, the leader of the radical faction of the Colombian Liberal Party, was assassinated that month and riots kicked off all over the nation Pedro Father. Mother, though, was killed in the mayhem leaving his widow, a single mother, in addition to the bay be she had on the way by Neil does. Mademoiselle had six other children she now had to raise on her own in order to provide for her children Benita was the sex worker. Then you that took a bridge to give birth to Pedro in October of that same year, but returned to sex work ass soon, ass. She could desperate to keep her children fed Unfortunately, she wasn't able to shield her kids from the danger and violence that accompanied her job because Benito had to work out of her home some Pedrosa earliest memories were seeing as much
physically and sexually abused by her clients for years pages. Siblings, slept in one bed behind a thin drawn curtain. While his mother enter hey Johns on the other side. They listened, helpless ass. She tried to it off man who wanted more from her and then she was willing to give as a result, young Pedro because preoccupied with both sex and russian, he even started touching his sister and appropriately, Vanessa is going to take over on the psychology here and throughout the episode. Please note: finesse is not a licence psychologist or a psychiatrist, but we I've done a lot of research, for this show thanks Greg, nineteen. Eighty eight psychiatrists Robert S, Pinus and Cathy Nadir published a study on this very topic. They examined ten children who had all witnessed the sexual assault of their mothers and focused on their traumatic responses. They found that all of the kids exhibited various forms of post, traumatic,
yes, but those younger between the ages of five and eight appeared to be effected. The most there participation in normal activities, decreased significantly, as did their impulse control. They also with the emergence of recurring, intrusive thoughts and Inhibited range of emotions, while the girls in the sky, They all had repeated nightmares of being assaulted. Most of the boys I dunno I'd with their mothers attackers in their play time with siblings or friends. I took on the role of an assailant and some also engaged in sexually stimulating activities such as humping or rubbing. So, according to the study Pedro upsetting behaviour, with his little sister, within the spectrum of normal reactions to witnessing his mother's abuse. He was dealing with the post, traumatic stress of that situation and didn't know how
respond appropriately Benita, didn't seek proper psychiatric help for her son in nineteen fifty six when she heard that he had attempted to fondle his sister, many DEC ict- eight year old, Pedro out of her house for good from their details about Pedro Movement Our scant- but we know he made his way to Bogota by Bus- were became one of the thousands of street children known as coming as most of the community have been cast out by their parents, but some were born into homelessness. They grow up learning how to survive by any means necessary. As a result, left drug use and violence are come play some city streets Pedro spent two years roaming, the streets of Bogota the civil war that had killed his fur
The eight years earlier was still raging, which made the already dangerous city even more perilous, especially for a child from nineteen. Fifty six to nineteen, fifty eight Pedro slept on sidewalks smoked. Lots cocaine and got in plenty of fights he learned to strip cars to the chassis upon the parts you girls, his own age, sell their bodies for money. It was a bleak existence. Most coming has never got the opportunity to turn their lives around, but in nineteen fifty eight That's exactly what happened for Pedro, an American couple on vacation, spotted the malnourished ten year old, begging for food and took pity on him. They brought peace. draw to a nearby school for orphans where they promptly paid for his two Sean and housing. Pedro was ecstatic here, roof over his head food in his belly He was attending class again for the first time in his life, he was
a relatively normal, stable existence, but this blissful situation, last along in nineteen sixty when Pedro was twelve years old. He was sexually us halted by a male teacher traumatized and upset he no longer felt safe at the school so he ran away returning to the streets of Bogota and the perilous lifestyle of the communists, and in Bogota for the next six years, surviving off the money he made selling stolen car parts, but after us, Nothing so much time as a thief. It seemed almost inevitable that the law, but eventually catch up with him and in nineteen sixty six. That's exactly what happened. ten Euro Pedro was arrested for car theft and thrown in prison on foot in ITALY he was no safer behind bars than he was on the streets shortly. After his incarceration Pedro, was raped by either three or four other inmates as a child. His
Reaction had been to run away from his abuser, but that wasn't it send for him in prison. It was terrifying. And the longer he remained trapped with his assailants, the angry or Pedro became, he was desperate for revenge. You that meant to suffer the way he had. He needed to prove that he was strong. Then they thought so Pedro started, to craft a weapon at night in the privacy of his cell Pedro, should a makeshift knife and made a plan to kill each of the men who raped him one by one over the next several days, Pedro snuck, behind satellites and with their throats before they knew what was happening almost overnight. Pedro transformed from a sad victimize teenager into a cold blooded color and he loved how it felt he knew him
ITALY, that he wanted to do it again, but he wasn't interested in committing any more prison homicides, the murders earned him an extra two years behind bars. Pedro knew he needed to behave well in order to get released, then since he was out here. murder on his terms he, Sabre it its unclear when Pedro sentence ended, but at some point in the we too midnight seventies, but twenty something be a free man when he was released. He didn't returned to the streets of Bogota, no Pedro had a new plan in mind. He was going to Peru As soon as Pedro arrived in Peru, he targeted young girls from indigenous communities. Perhaps he thought that because they were raised in close knit communities they rarely encountered strangers, making them quite trusting of new people,
he could then lure them away without much effort. Perhaps he also thought that the police didn't seem to care about the disappearances of these girls due to consistency, those between the government and the indigenous population Peruvian a thought These rarely focused on issues plaguing those particular communities, even though the problem at hand involved scores of miss. children, the police, rarely invested the complaints bombarding their offices first, they clean They didn't have much information to go off of no witnesses. No suspects, no evidence and, according to journalist, RON Lightner police thought that the girls who were usually from lower income communities were kidnapped to work as maids. They therefore believed the girls were quote better off. As a result, Pedro
was able to abduct rape and murder with impunity, and he not only took advantage of this situation. He abused it, no one assure ho or for how long pager operated in Peru, but he claims Job raped and killed over one hundred young girls by nineteen. Seventy eight then much to everyone's frustration. Peace date come lately under the radar. Everything about this monster was a mystery except his target demographic and its relentless pursuit of his prey. during his truck through the Andes mountains. Pedro ended up in southern region of a cultural like many of the other places Pedro visited. The indeed This communities- and I are guccio- were tight. Everyone looked out for each other and they had heard through the
grapevine that they needed to be keeping a close eye on their children. So when local suspected Pedro of kidnapping their daughters will they decided to do something about it? They tied paid her up and brought him back to their village where they debated what to do with him. certainly didn't trust the peruvian authorities to properly punished Pedro. After all, the police had ignored his activity for years so data. cited to deliver their own form of justice, and it was going to heard coming up the Peruvians force Pedro to answer for his crimes the C. I a there. The first line of defence for the IT states analyzing intelligence, to thwart any possible threats and keep us safe. Some of their five minutes or made public and others arts high its Carter from park, asked
in honour of America's birthday, we're uncovered the cases you were never supposed to know about. In the new series. Conspiracy series C. I a addition from internet, No assassination plots in mind, control experiments to catastrophic cover ups secret societies, fit for film sift through the agent. Cs most questioned and controversial affairs. Each week. Concern mercy, theory, CIA addition exposes the covert operations intended to protect us from conflict, but end up creating conspiracies Where does the truth lie: where do the lies end and how Do we really want to know, follow the news modify original from PAR cast conspiracy, the theory, CIA addition, listen every Thursday free and only on Spotify. This episode is brought devices.
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free around nineteen. Seventy eight Pedro Lopez was suspected by locals of abducting young indigenous girls in the southern region of via Guccio Peru, the locals captured and wanted to punish him in accordance with their own laws. There are several conflicting reports detailing what actually pages. Punishment was going to be some say. The Peruvians play to bury him alive brothers assert that he was to be beaten, tortured and swiftly executed, Pedro himself, in an interview claim that they were going to cover him in syrup and leave them to be eaten by ants, but money Those grim fades came to pass stead and american missionary whom will call Mary came upon them as they were. eyeing Pedro up and discussing what to do with them. Somehow she convince them to let her take Pedro to the police. Perhaps the Peruvians hope that the authorities would
actually listened to an american woman, or maybe they steam in their efforts to penalize Pedro. We never know the reasoning behind their decision, but they ended up tossing Pedro in the trunk of marries, cheap, trusting her to drive him straight, the police, Mary, either didn't ask or didn't understand why the indigenous were so furious at Pedro. She seemed have no idea what he done. might be why she untied Pedro as soon as they were away from the village and offered to drive them to the border where he could return to his my country and Pedro was more than he. PE with the arrangement look Lee Mary was too old to attract Pedro, so he didn't feel any impulse to attack her. The pair drove me for several uneventful hours. Up to the Colombian. Border where Mary waved goodbye to Pedro ass. She, watched him walk away from her jeep Mary may have
that she done a good deed by freeing an innocent man. However Mary I just let one of the worst serial killers in history go free Pedro, had already raped and murdered over one hundred little girls, and he had known tension of stopping, but he did plan to leave Colombia as soon as possible, while the civil war had technically ended. Twenty years prior, the country was still in the throes of conflict. Paramilitary death squads, roamed the street and they were willing to take justice into their own hands after being captured by me most of the local indigenous community Pedro realize He was an omnipotent. Many did one risk getting caught again, the next time he might not be so lucky. The neighbouring country of Ecuador seemed like a far better target to Pedro, not only was there? No civil war? There was also
no capital punishment. In fact, the maximum sentence a person could receive for any crime was sixteen years, so he made his way to the border. Once in Ecuador, Pedro got straight to work. We don't know much about his life there but we know he was methodical about his murders, both in preparation and practice. First Pedro sought out hidden spots all over the country places he could dig graves in complete privacy. He got these shallow pits are ready for burials and then he was hunting for victims, Pedro found almost all of the girls. He abducted and crowded public spaces, just like in Peru. Outdoor market places were a favorite hunting ground here on through the aisles keeping one eye on the vendors while searching for girls. He liked most often pay
your zero on an innocent looking girls who worked alongside their mothers. He dreamed of the day when he got the chance to kidnap young blonde tourists, but they never seem to leave their parents sides, but the local girl is usually had a little more independence, so paid a returned to the markets. Day after day from the shadows. As mother and daughter teams set up, there stands to sell their goods. He waited quietly for moment when the child final when exploring by herself, and when the time came, pager was always prepared without fail. He has sort of shiny trinket in his pocket, like a necklace or a mirror which you offered to the girl ass, a gift boom. He told girl. He had a gift for the girls mother back in his car. Then he led his vague
out of the marketplace and over the edge of town where he shoved her into his vehicle and sped away. Pedro took his captives to the secret grave sites he had prepared hours away from the markets, Once they arrived, he held the girls tightly in his arms through the night waiting for the first sign of mourning, Pedro, oh killed during the daylight hours. He you said it was only good. If I could see her eyes, it would have been wasted in the dark, but with the first rays of the rising Sun Pedro attacked, he raped the girls then strangled them to death. According to Pedro, this was his. For its part, he described the moment he began throttling his victims as wonderful and divine, and it felt
in better the rougher he got. His satisfaction was all that matter. Then pages murders didn't take long. He claimed it usually took between five and fifteen minutes to kill his victims, but despite their brevity, he found the whole experience extremely pleasurable when their ritual didn't end with death. Unlike most other serial killers, Pedro, didn't simply dump his victims into graves and walk away, not at first anyway. No, he collected the boy these are the girls he killed and set them up. in TAT blow was for his enjoyment. Pedro never offered many specific about this, but explain The bizarre ritual by saying my little friends like Company may often put three or four: girls in a single whole and talk to them. It was like having a party
ecological community asserts that data to logical crimes, otherwise known as crimes committed to the body after death are exceeded. We rare sociologist Clifton De Bryant Public Report on Dennett illogical crimes in two thousand three in which he proposed that there are four distinct motivational categories and this kind of behaviour, the first is, functional or instrumental, which includes activities like cannibalism. Next comes proof. it or economic advantage, which involves, selling or display victims or their body parts for money. The third category is pathological or compulsive, which is when the comforting ages in irrational or sex related behaviour with dead bodies and the fourth and final motivator is amused and or a malicious mischief. This would apply to Pedro who kept his victims corpses just for the fun of it
Pseudo Pedro became easily detached from its relationships with the dead after a day or so Pedro. always grew bored with his victims, so he went out in search of new ones, but he never failed to find them. He was committed murder multiple times per week. Eddie continue to do so. Undetected for years. That's not to say that people didn't know that scores of young girls were going missing. The entire country, on high alert petrified of the buggy man who kept mysteriously stealing their children, but because he was so skilled at avoiding it action and always seem to move around police had no evidence. They could use to search for him. So it was up to the families to find their daughters, parents plaster their towns with posters and took out newspaper adds begging anyone with knowledge about the girls to come forward. Personal, please were made, rewards were offered and still nothing happened.
Meanwhile, bodies started popping up in February of nineteen. Eighty, a river overflowed the city of on bottle, and the corpses of four girls washed up on the shore after a few years and hundreds of missing and dead girls ecuadorians, were devastated and exhausted. Its possible that this monster had evaded capture for so long, but they held out hope they knew that something had to give a month later. It finally did on March. Ninth Pedro was it a marketplace and I'm bottle and sentenced it's on the wrong girl twelve year, old Maria Polina had tagged along to do groceries with her mother car Vena convene a notice Pedro hanging around them staring at her daughter, but Maria stayed close to her side and never seem to take notice of the creep so copying I didn't say anything at first,
but whenever Cardenas back was turned Pedro tried his best to get Maria come closer. he beckoned her with an outstretched finger and took out a small mirror from his pocket that he said he wanted to give her Maria was easily fooled He took his hand and began to walk away with the disturbingly nice man, but when her mother turned and saw her daughter head off with a strange man, carbon screamed horrified. She knew instinctively that this was the predator who had been alluding. The authorities Pedro watched the realisation dawn on carbon his face and started to run carving a grudge a couple of other vendors and told them to chase him down. She screamed that this was the man had been kidnapping and killing their girls and they needed to catch him. The vendors caught up to Pedro just outside the market and pinned him to the ground. Then they drag, back in and tied him to a chair while they waited for the police.
Just about everyone shed tears of relief together, they were sure that their national nightmare was finally at an end. Now they just have to wait for petrol to receive justice when the cops arrived Pedro was detained for questioning the authorities, asked him out his intentions with Maria, as well as his connection to the other missing and murdered girls, but Pedro refuse to say a word after hours of interviews and even some reported beating and torture. He still wouldn't talk to the police. The silence seemed a sure sign of Pedro skilled labour. sure they had the right man. They just needed to get him to confess. It was growing increasingly clear that he wouldn't open up to an officer of the law he might have. ever chat casually with a fellow inmate. So the author, He sent an undercover detective named by storm Gonzalez into the prison and made him pay
rose. New cellmate detected Gonzales likely hope that paid her would be easy to be friend and that he would start talking but Pedro remained quiet, so Gonzalo settled in for a long con praying he didn't get on, new roommates bad side coming up detective Gonzalez coaxes, the truth from Pedro this episode is brought you buy Volvo cars Climate change is the ultimate safety tests by twenty thirty all new Volvo cars. We fully electric that isn't enough the vote will also address emissions, their manufacturing lifecycle, and twenty forty. They aim to be a climate new real company for Volvo Sustainability is now just as important as safety visit Volvo cars dog coms. Last you asked to learn more and be part of the solution. Visible
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but Pedro didn't open up to detective Gonzalez at first, which worried the police didn't not one of their men living with a monster for long and detective Gonzalez. Wasn't exactly three the Bonn his situation. In fact he was terrified. He was often too scared to sleep afraid. Cellmate might kill him in the middle of the night, so he slept with the towel wrapped around his neck, hoping it would prevent Pedro from strangling him, despite his intense fear to take. Gonzalez, was determined to see his mission through and his persistence paid off. It took almost a month, but eventually Gonzales gain to sell mates, trust Pedro not only started talking about his murders. He boasted about them. Nonstop, he bragged about the hundreds of girls. He had abducted raped and killed, not just in Ecuador, but in Peru and Colombia to police estimated. That page
oh may have murdered more than three hundred fifty girls after hearing is concerned, Sean Gonzalez said it would be. and my wildest nightmares Pedro told me everything what he'd heard all the stories detective Gonzales reveal to. He truly was, and surprisingly Pater decided to collaborate. After that he didn't seem to care that he'd been pulled. It was just excited to help with the investigation eager to see his little friends again Pedro offered to take the police to some. This great sites where they could collect the bodies of his victims for identification. However, rumor has it paint rose case had become so widely publicized that a thought These were worried that bringing him out of his cell could be dangerous. Understandably, the people of Ecuador wanted Pedrosa head on a platter. If he was spotted walking around even in the company of the police, someone might try to attack or even kill him
Oh. They apparently decided to dress Pedro up like a police officer, hoping that he would blow and with the rest of the group in this disguised Pedro, took authorities to several graves across eleven ecuadorean provinces Pedro. Remember exactly where he had buried his victims and each of their identities. With every body the officers uncovered Pedro had a story to tell he could recall where he said
the girl what he used to lure her away and how it felt to murder her even more disturbingly Pedro, consistently requested that he be photographed with corpses without asking permission, he would help into the graves pull up body parts and begin posing with them, both as tales had his behaviour sickened. The officers about they pressed on, but the work in total Pedro help the police on earth. The bodies of fifty three girls, coupled with his confession to detective Gonzalez. The authorities were able to officially charge him with an hundred ten murders. Just a third of the children Pedro claimed to have killed as Pedro awaited his trial in a bottle prison. He was moved to a cell located in what was usually and abandoned section of the compound completely isolated from the other inmates, both for their safety and for his
rumour has it that there was an unofficial reward out there for anyone who managed to kill Pedro. The family Pedro victims raise the equivalent of thirty one thousand: U S dollars and they were be handed over to whoever manage to pull off the head, but it would have been a difficult feat other than the occasional guard. The only person who ever visited Pedro cell was freelance photojournalist, run Lightner. It's not clear why Pedro chose to speak withdrawn nor do we know why he never granted any one else. The opportunity, whenever the reason after passing three levels of security checks, Ronald allowed to meet Pedro. The journalist was accompanied by several armed guards: the prison warden and the wardens twenty six year old daughter who was too is an interpreter between English speaking RON and Spanish speaking Pedro
when RON stepped into Pedro cell, he casually went in for a handshake Pedro grip, bronze hands so tightly that his fingers began to swell up with blood Pedro, eventually, release drawn swollen hand and flash the reporter a big grin. Then he said He would be happy to give an interview, but he, one condition he wanted a chance to touch the hands of the prison. Wardens water. He told everyone that they didn't need to worry about him attacking her. She was far too old for his taste. The warden initially refused were, but his daughter said it was ok. She bravely stretched out her hands and allowed Pedro to fail one in the warden held their breath, as the monster felt her wrists. After a moment. He let them go, sat down and started to speak. Draw told wrong everything. He talked about getting kicked out of his house about how he attacked
girls across Colombia and Peru before coming to Ecuador. the enjoyment he felt when committing murder. He also spoke about his plans for when he was released from prison, Pedro and wrong. Both knew that, even if he received the maximum sentence for his crimes, Pedro We have to serve sixteen years behind bars, run expected the killer to at least fain interest in becoming an option, ending citizen once he was out, but Pedro wasn't interested in pretending. Instead, he told wrong some day when I'm released, I will be happy to kill again. My mission, despite this chilling admission, not to mention the grizzly homicides he'd already committed. There wasn't much to be done about Pedro. eight, even though the entire country wanted him dead, they couldn't change Ecuador's laws over night just to punish one person
in July of nineteen, eighty Pedro plead guilty to one hundred ten counts of murder and received his sixteen year, sent ecuadorians wherein sensed they wanted. The gun, men to Lynch him, not how's em. But of course that's exactly what they did Pedro remained in the embargo prison until August thirty, first, nineteen, ninety four, that was when he was released two years earlier than he was supposed to but he didn't spend long on the outside the Ecuador, Authorities were ready with a new plan to keep their people say from Pedro less than an hour after he left prison, Ecuadorean LISA rested Pedro and charged him with being an illegal immigrant. They probably deportation to Colombia where he was charged with a twenty year old murder, but rather than
then came to jail. Colombian authorities place Pedro in psychiatric wing of a hospital in Bogota. They wanted to see if he was seen enough to stand while for a country plagued by civil war, Colombia's approached a treaty Mental health was surprisingly sophisticated according to an article written for the british Journal of Psychiatry column, his mental health laws were written and adapted to reflect the significant amount of violence that its citizens have had to witness the government seem. Recognize that years of armed insurgencies, community violence, gender based violence and high homicide rates would take a toll on their citizens in ninety ninety to just two years, but were Pedro, was sent back. A resolution was passed that significantly focused on the rights of people with mental illness and in ninety. Ninety five, the country adopt an entirely new and progressive mental health policy, so the doctors examining
Pedro were working under new conditions that insisted there really examined the confessed child serial killer. They were to treat his obviously fragile mental health with extra care, and they did after an exhaustive process, psychiatrists declared Pedro legally insane, which meant that he would be institutionalized, Instead of standing trial, the public was then assured that he wouldn't be released until the doctors were sure he was rehabilitated. Most people felt comfortable with this. Based on pages past cut they couldn't fathom a world in which he would ever be stable enough to leave. So, while many Pedro dead. They could at least rest easy knowing that he wasn't out on the streets coming for their daughters, they were safe from the monster. Till late nineteen. Ninety eight- that is, after a few years in the hospital Pedro, was given a
bill of Health and released on fifty dollars bail and, to this day no one is quite sure, Pedro earned the diagnosis. Some have suggested learn to fool the doctors telling them what they wanted to hear. It's also possible that Colombia's expense- Ding mental health laws played a part in whatever the reason your was finally allowed to walk free and he knew exactly what to do next after his release. He immediately back to his childhood home. He wanted to see his mother Benita for the first time in over forty years, seemed at first, like Pedro may actually have been reformed, that perhaps he wanted directions with his mom and say a proper goodbye before she passed, but of course that was not the case Pedro. Only wanted by Neil does money when he discovered that she didn't have any he sold as mothers, few remaining possessions
left her house for the last time where he went after. That remains a mystery. To this day. The life of Pedro Alonso Lopez reads like a dark. evil fairy tale. He never felt love rarely new kindness, it's no wonder he turned out less human and more or animal. It also seems fitting that Pedro story ends with the disappearance. The monster vanishing into thin air, never to be seen again. It only adds to the sense of mystery that surrounds him. Like flies over a corpse, with the chilling side of that mystery is the terrifying unknown for all we know. Pedro may still be out there lurking somewhere within the south american mountains, its chilling to think that maybe his final chapter hasn't been written. Yet the money
true the Andes could be alive and well biting. His time then in after all these years, perhaps see only lives on in night, airs thanks again for tuning into serial killers will be back soon. With a new episode for more information Pedro, Alonso Lopez. Amongst many sources we used, we found run lateness interview with the killer himself and agencies by European Lopez extremely helpful to our research. You can find more episodes of serial killers and all Spotify originals from part cast for free on Spotify will see you next time have a killer. Weak serial killers is Spotify original from PAR cast executive produce
there's include max and wrong. Cobbler sound designed by Michael Motion with production assistance by IRAN, Shapiro Trent, Willie Listen, Carly, Madden and Bruce Kirillovitch. This episode of serial killers was written by Ellie red with writing. Assistance by Tony men and Joe Callin fact checking by Adriano Romero and research by Brian Petrus and Chelsea would serial killers Stars Gregg, Paulson and Vanessa Richardson. hi it's Carter from PAR cast every Thursday, Conspiracy, theory C. I a addition. We're uncovering Secrets, hidden deep within the archives of the Central intelligence agency, to bring you Special collection of episodes from shows a cry. Our network follow the news, Modify original from park asked can spirit, theories C. I a addition: listen free early on Spotify,
Transcript generated on 2021-07-17.