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SYSK Selects: Mermaids: Not a real thing

2021-03-06 | 🔗

Mermaids aren't real. That much we know. But the history and lore of these magical and sometimes menacing creatures of the sea is pretty interesting stuff. Learn all about these half women/half fish in this classic episode.

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Hey everybody and welcome to Saturday yesterday was they tomorrow Sunday today Saturday, this is Chuck today's epochs is mermaids, not a real thing. This from August of four Many sixteen and I going to say I just remember thinking this is kind of interesting podcast and that's why it did for Saturday. Enjoy everybody welcome to stop. You should now production. My heart radio, reworking of the Pakistan Josh clerk. There's Charles overtook, bright, Jerry's over there and the ether floating, possibly on Us- and this is sufficient,
the boy Merman trying to make their way in the world to keep their tails wet. Yet nothing dries out, listen, splash, yeah! It's actually most! Now she dried I'm just fine! Oh I thought. Oh you thinking of e t when he turned white and dried out now faded thing in a splash cause, I couldn't remember, is one of those one. My favorite movies is a kid has acute movie, it was those early HBO movies, early Tom Hanks, which I am a big fan of early Tom Hanks, and I just thought it was a really find funding movie John Candy There is a grave. What's his name played the the evil man trying to expose her Eugene Libya? Think, oh, is he the bag? yeah. He was the one that you know. That's a high quality movie. Eugene leave is the bad guy. Here there was the essay tv crew and he actually try
sprayer and get her wet, so she would oh, I could turn into a mermaid on the sidewalk. That's really was it. She got what she turned a mermaid right. She had tried no problem, yes in Darrow Hannah. Course run around Neil Young. Now, oh really, here about a couple sure. Why not you both environmentalist, but there's loaded turquoise in their bedroom? I wonder if you hook up with Neil Young, if anyone like that, if, if your sort of a new relationship and not like the wife they had for forty years and if you like place on, why don't you Lloyd, like and if you ask them to play music, I like your actually into em like it. If you're, Billy jewels new twenty five year old wife, you ever say like honey play me a tune, play that one that you that you wrote ten years before I was conceived
I think one thing is. I would have a hard time being with NEO young and not every night after dinner, just kind of nudging, the guitar toward him. I gotcha and saying loved your old man, please baby one for me in here this is a point that song forty four thousand times yeah. I would guess it. Why can t? I would. I would now a guess that once you reach a certain when playing a song. You never want to hear that song even think about any existing again yeah, but then you still have to pay it. I try not to about that when I'm adages yeah it makes me feel better form like I might as well be you know in the Monkey House or something yeah just thrown Bananas Adam and God bless the people who really bring it still short, where you feel like men, their plan that song for me tonight at a man diesel bring it.
he's us who came to my, whereas when I saw the police on their union, they they were founded in really even Stuart Copeland, while mean there were planned the songs, but it just it. They didn't look like enjoying themselves at all. In looked like a total money grab sure they entered from three separate entrances and exited from three Bread only and I get the feeling that anyone like speak much that I was reading an article on the remains the rolling stone recently Yeah, I guess it was near their great article on them I get other. Was reserves deftly rolling stones are ok, did you read it yeah? Then there was awesome together like they they would. They would just like get on the bus and not speak to one another. go to the next hound and get on stage in play and then come off stage, not speed like they would. They would speak on stage cause they had to hear that was it apparently dwell at least Joey, and it was his big foil t daddy,
once you really hated each other, the supposedly they didn't speak at all for, like twenty five year string right, because Joey stole deities like love, life right. They were in the band together still after that. Is this like ts man, so weird, so like a lot of songs, especially ones like the K K, K took my baby away. That's about Joey, stealing deities govern, while the great article no good read so back you splash funny movie about a mermaid and we're gonna talk about mermaids? Here and mostly what we're gonna cover is the law in history and the mythology of the mermaid, because that'll give away. There are no mermaids. Did you look like picture
real mermaid, sightings and stuff yeah. It's the same thing is pictures of big foot, sightings attitude of UFO sightings, and we are distant blur that, like me, can't it could be kelp or is such an obviously doctored loud it would be fun, though, is if we had a time machine for you. killing Hitler repudiate, like back machine oil. Trade amply will put this into. Did you forget, like you know saving the world they're keeping the dodo from going extinct. I would take some of these doctored photos that origin. So easy to make today back to like the nineteen twenties and be like this. and they go you, I know we still believe in that stuff with aim being what does the freak him out? Oh, I figure there be a money angle, Josh's travelling, wonder wonder, emporium it's, not a bad idea. We wherein which HE d Chauvelin photos, but I charge him like two thousand sixteen rates and no one can possibly for that. So I
go out of business like almost immediately right, there's like one guy in the town, so I got to pay two thousand seven hundred and fifty to see those sounds only billionaire idea, whom no one no one ever thought of that is a terrible idea like from beginning to end forget going and betting on the stock market or the outcome of the world's area only go back and set up a business doomed to fail. Alright, let's talk about mermaid lore. While we can start here in the more modern age, because there are still places it try and take people for money like we were just talking about even near like me, in fact, in Israel, The coast there may actually have a town called a curious Yom unreasoning. If you go to carry out Yom. You could, when how much money do seems a million bucks billion american dollars. If you, if you provide,
controversial evidence of the mermaid that is reputed to labour there and appear at sunset. As of two thousand nine was the first citing May yet had, of course, what that is, as it is applied to try and get tourists come spend money in the town and later the mermaid sure Roma jumps the lay welcome younger carry. I am sure Loch Ness is made plenty of tourist money over the years a pair They have a standing offer as well, and that's where the mare of Korea Yum got the idea, gritted, yeah, sure and we saw that photo too. I need to know what it is or who can did it or whatever, but there's allegedly a photo taken. Obviously, from like a cliff down onto a beach Ino Beach, there will have like a big just slab of rocks around by sea and yes ended, mermaids right, there's a mermaid on that rock is kind of looking in the sea here and, of course it could be anything it could be totally doctored who knows, but it
distance in at least they didn't like go full outlook, perfect picture of a mermaid railroads. It's it's just dumb suggestive enough that people who believe in such things would be like The right there is a picture of a mermaid did up totally so that that was found in two thousand nine or that surface into those unknown and since then that service. Since then, the towns had that standing offer correct. So the really the interesting thing to me about mermaids, as the mythology did, you take mythology in college at all here I did it I always wanted to interest me more than it did me too. It was just I don't know if it wasn't splain me quite well enough for just the ancients now by cameras. Mind wasn't fuse together enough to
interests, people in the modern age. While I think so, I think the stories themselves as far as good, storing telling lacking, because a lot of and we're just versions of one another was usually very basic premise or or moral right away of Mermaids allotted time times there were a lot of folklore even was rooted in massage any oh yeah, how do you know they'll? Be a woman to come along and screw your life up right or if you written by a woman. She will. your children like that, like women, were not to be trusted and they were murderous and duplicitous in or out of, mythologies shoot the old hag so it was in various I mean hundreds and hundreds of books and text, including the Talmud believe it or not, and now- We talk about plenty, the elder, the beer and the dude yeah.
Rome's planted the other. He in his natural history talked about a mermaid like crew. Your called the myriad. Yes, I think I'm pronouncing that correctly any r E. I D, the e eyes a tough transition. It is. I want to say, like Marie id yeah read. These are synonyms half human have fish mermaids and he also about see men and I should point out that Merman we made the joke about its being merman Merman were even first on the literary seen as at correcting first ITALY's with mythology theology, I guess there's a baby. Only in God of the Sea named IA, yeah, a sports just ear, and he pops up in babylonian mythology from I think four thousand years ago, and they think that he's
the progenitor of where the predecessor I should say, of Poseidon, who is the greek God of the sea. Yeah, Neptune who's, the roaming gotta see because the Greeks gave us western culture, but they just walk. around to all of the neighboring cultures and pick their favorite its and put them together, and that is definitely one of em for you here where we talked in our am, I guess I was in the folklore, an fairytale episodes. There were twin episodes almost about the original little mermaid and how you now, she was dignified to the fullest. But the original story was far darker darker, but also even more touching I far yet again went back and read the last term, the last like section of it gimme a summary mid the end. So at the end, this is where dramatically differs from.
the Disney story. The little mermaid is scorned for another woman, her, but the guy she loves chooses someone arousing marries and the little mermaids like dude. I gave up my tail for you, I think, a which has my tongue kind of thing and I want to get back my life, so her sisters came and bring her this ritual knife in, say you can convert back to a mermaid if, before dawn, you plunged this knife into the stewards heart his guy, you loves heart get some of his blood on your feet. You will regret your telling you can jump into the sea and everything will be just fine again, so she goes and she finds the guy sleeping with his new bride beside him, and she just can't do it. She thought Was the knife into the sea and dumb become see foam? She disintegrates and become C4, so she gives her
her own happiness up for this guy's right, indeed, as a result, but even better than that she turns into sea foam. She becomes a different mythical creature, like basically a air nymph that goes around like helping humans and she can possibly get into Heaven. If she helps people for three hundred there's. A HANS Christian Andersen wrote it way better than I am recounted it a lot less alms and likes, but it's pretty it's worth reading plenty also talked about Merman back in the day and there would be men or see men who would were at night climb upon two ships misquote arm reading it, weird upon which the side of the vessel, where he seated himself would instantly sink downward need to remain there any considerable time, even go underwater and, though, is something that we will see as we talk more about mermaids.
they are very. There are. Neither an omen that something bad is going to happen to sailors or coastal dwelling people here or they actually directly cause harm to sailors are so dwelling people yet most times under the guise of something beautiful and like a siren, They are often well, I don't. We have an indescribable and surely you know that a mermaid has the head and body torso abode of a woman, human woman, usually with huge boobs. If you're talkin about a sailors account right, sure she was musty to remedy the boobs. Yes, you did, Sir seven times and that from the? U know, torso down she's a fish, maybe wet feet, maybe not very graceful. Very fast and always beautiful depends
oh yeah yeah. There is some of version that were not ugly, really, not ugly. Are they were? They were not in parentheses, beautiful calmer ugly I had heard about that gets its hands. I must have missed it where it says its far more clever. You are saying that there are beautiful and alluring. Bold will talk more about their after we take a break her Let's face it friends taking trips to the post office is,
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learn more visit, mainline health, DOT, Org, slash, integrative primary care, that's mainline health dot, Org, slash, integrative primary care shook you. We were saying that for the most part, mermaids or beauty, and when the reasons why they are supposed to be beautiful is because they are frequently accused of luring men. Sailors out to sea to their death yeah and how you do it you not want to waste. You have a beautiful singing voice, yep or you just straight up. Look good yourself, that's right, and if you beautiful, singing voice, your siren, in which case you would not be a mermaid, because a siren, his half bird half woman, yes and they don't even necessarily live in the water or new
the water there sometimes described, is hanging out in fields there? I guess sometimes you can be very pretty and be a good singer right, you're mermaid, but the Inca be sure you'd be a poem. I disagree, you'd be Bianti right or Alicia Keys or Adele. Oh, you knew how I can reassure oh yeah she's great man very pretty that part in its call. This the end when she played her say area is she's pretty great and she was pretty funny Michael Sarah, like spanked her and she is immediately turned around and smack that yeah Joyed parts that movie, especially Michael Sarah, yet playing like a cocktail that was really funny. So back to the beautiful mermaids, though there
There was one in one thousand b c and Syria and her name. How would you pronounce that at or get us or thinking now that yeah yeah, both that she, when your you'll, see a lot of duality, allow these stories and she was one for sure that was a protector, a goddess think she protected the fertility people and watched over them. fell in love, human man, as you will often seen loudly stories, a dude dude in it, and it was fine, for a little while, like in most stories and then go south and she kills him to crush him with her greatness about, like her big tailors and I dont know what she was in a mermaid get. This work should be called energy. That's right forget about that. So she excellently kills him then his very shame, throw yourself into the lake because she wants to become a fish and she so
you too, for that it only works. Half his good, really can't fix. Out the math on that, but I guess she's just so beautiful that that the human beauty partners like now, I won't be a fish to the lower half- can be efficient cause. She had toe fungus, so that was easily overcome, but our faces really nice, so the fish parts is could overcome. That that's right so she ended up a mermaid, weird story well We're the goods Energy family being Zena Phobic, but it really like says a lot about like humanity how we think of things like no. She was so good lookin that this magic couldn't even overcome that point replace a lot. A value on that kind of thing. to remove under Germany here this week was kind of interesting to me. His Germany's landlocked. I never really thought about it,
what is? Germany have a mermaid mythology. Well I mean the lakes guess, but mermaids or one hundred percent dwellers aren't. I know there are some river dwellers. That's right, although I think the sirens were specifically river Well, then, in the german myth that was a river dweller correct on K, even mixes and they are lured men into the river was river, and so they could drowned them like again, the call of the siren come in here. Look how beautiful I am writing and now compulsory here at underwater and you can't breathe anymore. The guys, like, I regret nothing this duality that we're talking about is what you see a lot of times in Mermaid myths from West F, gather, Mommy, Wada, the mother, water, she was a mermaid whose very nurturing
and very loving, if you didn't crosser yeah, exactly the third, where the duality and I don't even know that's duality. I think it's a complex person, good good, complex character there so she's great, but when he crosser she's, murderous sure and that's what she did. Surely she had the? If you were loyal to her she would. You could be wealthy from her magic mirror. Income, but if you betrayed her, then what this article says is she rains down fury and destruction By this I mean that each word from above, but the duality them important part of it, because the the physical creature itself is two things sure, and they are also two things emotionally and They are so the mermaid, the mermaid or Merman or Merv Folk as their call in this article. Are they really air? Sohmer folk are half fish, have people area
they're not anywhere near unique in the world, The on of mythological creatures throughout the ages ran there's again, their sirens half birds have women. There's there's just tons of hat like the the Minnetaki have man have borne, the centre was what half go or horse and half man remember. That sounds right. I think have horse, and I was I waited all these come from. Oh, I suspect a beast reality in it I may be right area near what you find. There are some scholars out there who believe that this is the product of a much more relaxed attitude toward beast reality. we modern humans have today near. I still never saw that documentary about the horse to given zoo, yeah a need that fell off my radar,
Man it's one of those ones where they largely to recreate like the whole thing's, almost recreation and I usually im not hip on those didn't feel like a doctor. maybe I will change my mind about that whole techniques. They did it so well bred. It's rough. I bet it's rough firstly like when you think about the animals as well yeah. Of course, you know there's more than just that. That makes a rough and need to see that. So, I guess we can talk a little bit about some eyewitness accounts there, all bunk, of course, but they have happen in world war. Two in Japan, on Indonesia, Kai Islands supposedly They encountered a monster on the beach that had you know, webbed hands and feet and was come apart. Human part fish. There is a clear these jazz hands. You can't you and then back in the day, some of our most revered explorers
an adventure. Adventurers reported seeing Mermaids like John Smith and Henry hunted and Columbus John, but he loves him yet what was there's a good quoted here from Columbus guess he wasn't to impress here. He said Anne here's the thing I read that in his diary he's referring to himself in the third person. While it says a lot, that's on his leg, Ricky Henderson Right, George could stanza, so he says that he saw some oh yeah, the closer you gotta read the cook he's out sailing around nodded. vanity, always the ocean. I think I'll take a look through my spine glass. The day before or when the admiral was going to the end, the admiral's himself yeah, thinking he was. The admiral is fully fresher the day before, when the admiral was going on to the right O Dell Oro, that's the river of gold. He said
he saw three mermaids who came quite high out of the water but were not is pretty as they are depicted for. Some in the face. They look like men, but I still thought about it, yeah so and see what they think now and how they substantiated? This is that Columbus was seeing manatees yeah. have you see manatees, we look on it. Like a human from enough of a distance, though you like waiting? My worry is that, especially if you never seen a manatee before, I don't think it looks human like at all from enough of the distance between yeah, I can see how somebody would, especially if you believe that murmur existed. You see a manatee, maybe it's hard for me to totally get that go there, and that put my mind in that kind of frame in the frame Chris overcome Well, just never seen a mermaid to never seen a manatee to be
high honour on was the gains era, whack scalps money, at this point on the green marijuana, o the green that the green drink absinthe? I don't think absinthe was around with Columbus kid me Until you shoot monster kerosene, so he may be saw manatee, as I do that so great. Looking at a great everyone talking about, He saw one this logic, we Carter and the Euro foes You can surprise when you hear this, that somebody cited it up Lee Reagan said he saw you efforts as well. John Smith said he saw some. He liked her. He saw him. the look of the manatees cause. He said he fell in love with wine with long green hair. Here said it was it wasn't bad, looking or
It was an unattractive or something like that. You know it's kind of a head. Hedged is bets a little bit yeah. I guess he want to check the rest of her out and any saw she had a tale like oh can't, go where So what it what's going on here, they hallucinating has been on the high seas due on that's what a lot of people say. Other peoples there again they were predisposed to believing in mermaids, because people thought mermaids existed. This word, this is the age of exploration. So is the beginning of Asia of Exploration, which means that before then the oceans were largely unexplored and there were two the beliefs in thousand near, thousands of your old mythologies here about creatures they lived in the sea. So if you thought that those things existed then, something that look kind of like a mermaid could be a mermaid, so that was probably they were just there. Just cases of mistaken identity, their highly suggestible
Yes, there are one or two monsters remember we did. I was a good one. I thought I was going to be all for and it turned out pretty great. That's absurd near the government were thinking like this. Not gonna go well coming this one man, anything isn't going pretty great right. Let's take a break then, and give each other a network, and more come back more comfortable than ever if you thought you had to travel far over the Paddy Bang up today, The pastries of parents taken out alone,
with two times total points, a grocery stores. You are saying kitchen can come with more cuisine. our preferred from Chase make my what's yours. The one doesn't Alison purchases per month from November first, twenty twenty three twenty one. I want to concentrate credit approval, carnation budgeting monetary spring. Remember me, I see my name is read a K. I am Ellen Bernstein, grads gay, your grandmother. What's the matter with the well, and it is a pipe cast about the relationship between grandmothers and grandchildren, as my mother would have said TAT I would have wanted a jewish girl other. Sometimes she accidentally by streams, were like who's gonna tell our abject tearing up, the style, listen to call your grandmother. They are hide radio apple pie, TAT, although Eddie you get, your private debts
there is a dude. I love this guy. His aims Carl bans he Peter. I called Hence there. Well, it is I'm not quite sure understand. Unless did you really good at the journey? The article well just set it up? Ok, so do named carbines beckoned. Ninety ninety, he wrote a an article in a legitimate journal, the Journal limb, knowledge in oceanography, and they published it in. an entirely tongue in cheek but totally played straight account of the extinct species mermaid yelling, wherein he he surmises on, like for real weather came from what their biology was where they were. They left us yet
they were warm water. Dwelling that they ate human flesh is why they lord people to their death. He go so far as to say that the most likely produced Weiner to offspring at a time because the female of the other species head to breasts, and that was it care yeah sure. I think this is the thought that this guy put into this this article in the fact that he right totally straight year, end like really gives it its due attention, and like it wasn't like that like this can be a great idea. Just the idea itself is hilarious are not really have to put any effort in the agro execution. He put effort into the execution and there he did pretty good. I'm not, can him. I guess I just don't see why this journal would put something like that out there. Even I mean I guess I had a good sense of humor and they were maybe it was safe
pulls episode ray. I was wondering if there was the case too, and I forgot to look if it was the April issue. Perhaps he did used the words horny skin folds, the right their skin and either, as was not smooth, smooth scaled like irregular fish, but it had quote horny skin folds like an armadillo, It was interesting, as I saw another account from eighteen. Thirty in Scotland there is a kind of a town called in particular on the outer Hebrides right, which is like the outer islands, the ARCA Archipelago, its archipelagos, how you say that right to archipelago anyway, there's a town there string of islands, So thank you, coastal town, where, in eighteen, thirty the whole town swore they saw a mermaid and tried to grab the mermaid.
and the mermaid swam away, so some kid through Iraq at it, hid it in its back and two days they found it dead on shore and they felt so bad about it that they yet they they buy. It is. They gave it a funeral with a casket and everything while and dumb. They said that it didn't have scales that it had like kind of rough skin instead horny skin fold gathered in use that term? But this is like a thing in. team, thirty and Light island yeah pretty interesting that when you read the account of eight years later that a bad name by the way Barneys Gainful death nice. Yet that is interesting. Maybe there's something there. folds of the horny scheme for clean. You like gaunt, it's trapped in their growth. Now, maybe that's the name of the first single cleaning, the folds.
The other thing that a balance did in his article was explain. Probably why their extinct now, He came to the can clarify extinct. he said there are warm water, so they would have cohabited or share the their ecosystem with jellyfish and his human started. fish, more and more of the sea, we upset the ecological balance here: jellyfish populations were allowed to boom, which is the case and they stung the mermaids to death because the Mermaids head, they lack the blubber that would protect them, not just in cold water, but from jellyfish things as well, so they died out from jellyfish thing yet, because they're they're up her skin was just regular scanned right, wasn't horny skin folds, yeah sub prime. protection exactly predicted that it's worth reading go check, it out called mermaids the by all their biology culture. In demise, you can find like the full pdf online. While I think we have to address the animal planet snafu,
They will go, it isn't there the ratings bonanza air would show what was the other only talked about the Mengele dawn when Discovery Channel aired Magadan documentary that appeared by all accounts to be true right and was not same thing with mermaids, but they did it twice. They did. They did a sequel because it got. Like you, said huge ratings, and this was document every moment. Documentaries and mocking memory that looked like, did you watch eclipse anything of the second one yeah yeah, I mean look like in a show like a hunting. Bigfoot grew it's like you know we get there mermaid. We know where she is and were down here. Hunting in the three thousand feet below the surface. They interviewed a guy that look like that. Galifron occurs. If only it I've been set, caliph anarchists, it would make it much better, but
do you know, then also shows where, at the end and small lettering, it was right, primarily small, but at the end of the credits it's like this was all made up these reactors, and yet they, There's no by if you go online, people are still like arguing over the the legitimacy or credentials of the marine geologists. Thorsten Schmidt, that's a great name. It is and people are like well if he were a real scientists, he would have been published elsewhere. Besides this and he's not published in its like, because he's not it is made up. Yet this is like settled right. They didn't even pretend that it was so I don't I don't know if that's the case or not before me, I said it was an on this at the end of the show. Ok, but they didn't come out and say everybody, everybody. I well anatomy right its own. Actually Noah the National Oceanic and atmospheric administration had to releasing, as they felt needed to release a statement after the first one saying like K, Hum mermaids don't exist, no evidence,
ever been found were Noah the end, and I bet they, a vat, even oh yeah. Oh my god, knows making statements Rangel. Yes, can we all over the new right? And so I guess enough people bought it in and bought into it that they were able to release a sequel in the sequel. The reason they release the sequel was because Thorsten Schmidt, head footage of hand like smacking the windshield yeah has a little like gum underwater, Sub Man sub and in swimming off here, and so they D kept showing that over and over and here again it s out. There was a black galifron axis. He did look like him. That's what I thought you were going to say that it was found out when Thorsten Schmidt showed up on a episode of two broke girls. The next It is like a waiter and a progressive insurance, and it's like customer in order to actually there is one
citing I mention this in- is second for my favorite after the scottish one. It was in that Adam Netherlands is Edam. Jerk, like the cheese too, Girls were like rowing their boats and found a mermaid and took at home and arrested his little girl and taught it to live on land, but it remain mute. Its whole life, like eighty billion, I q, that is very key, like you're coming home with us. Are you got a family ts? We get a family to in its your new family and they dismayed that story up and told people in it survived. I guess interesting, although they didn't they support, they didn't. Apparently they matriculated the mermaid into human society there, but we're talkin one thousand four hundred and thirty. So who knows what was going on yeah they're eating? There probably got their hands on somebody who is like who knows and there like a mermaid. This is a mermaid to someone who had some sort.
physical rush Haitian, who made come live with them here. Just as a girl for the rest, there lively athletes ear something yet like we did, then the preachers they would call them make up whatever animal they wanted to those in other great episode to disappear, counting the good ones. While we do this one just to remind people who gets better being a mermaid is an actual job. You can get if you back in the day in the nineteen, forty and fifty's, it was a big hit to go to her like a sea park and have mermaid, shows and specifically one and is it Wiki Watch Springs yet week. He watches Florida on your temper and it was a booming business back. Then they said Durham between
half a million and a million tourists every year, including big famous people like Elvis Presley and does not because of the do, they mention those two would trash employees together. I bet Don gets into the whisky it's all over I tell you, I was huge deal back then there still doing there today, but it is a real a job you can, you can go if your great swimmer, like you, have to know what you're doing area like it seems like our aid is put on that that tail, but that tail is heavy and awkward. What the implicitly into someone buoyant swimming your legs together, yeah that an ardent very difficult yeah. It's not an easy job from what I can tell yes, apparently once you put like they look very graceful, swimming around those things, but you put one on and get in a pool and see what happens spray of this. to go. I think rightly points out that the professional mermaids that you see today are like
so from years and years and years of practice yeah, but they didn't get in there, they're, like em, unnatural yeah, exactly any really awkward sure- and you also have to know how to hold your breath like imo, like amount that myself yeah you do and you have to learn how to swim, the mermaid crawl, which is what they name it. But you know it's not like regular swimming right and you can make it will go to a little bit. It said you can be hired like as a one off for a party. What is that like eagerly neighbourhood pool and everyone gathers round like look at the mermaid and cats have developed itself glory you guys, if you do that for the most, mostly I've. Seen are like the shows in some like sleepy, Bordentown, right, Gator Farm and those the start, and then in the week you watching Mermaids or
like a resorts or something like that. Buccaneers did love. That kind of thing. and some of these professional mermaids appear, they use their status as a soap box for ecology, MIA and efforts to keep the oceans clean. Yes, pretty cool. There seems to be a real threat of that running through the professional murmur. Culture? Like an eco activists, subsidies have been into professional, mermaid culture near this. One was rich with ban their names, horny skin folds Now, if you want to know more about mermaids, you can take that word in the search bar has to force that calm and, since I said, search bar it's time for listener. Male acts, in lieu of listener mail today, We are going to ask you for something, as we people ass often say like. How can I help you
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Transcript generated on 2021-03-07.