« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 1: Backpacks, Unicycles, Listener Calls, and The News (ACS Nov 10)

2021-11-10 | 🔗
At the top of the podcast, Adam complains about backpacks that have too many flaps and pouches for things to disappear into. The guys then listen to a mashup featuring Jim Carolla, followed by the Elvis version of the 2001 theme. Adam also talks about the people that his parents looked up to, and the guys take some listener calls. Later, Adam talks about the odyssey of getting his own unicycle as a child. Before the break, Gina reads news stories about more problems on the set of ‘Rust’, Oscar Pistorius becoming eligible for parole, the fight against Texas’ new abortion law, and more on Jeff Bezos and Leonardo DiCaprio. Please support today’s sponsors: BlindsGalore.com let them know ADAM sent you Lifelock.com enter ADAM SimpliSafe.com/ADAM TRICOCatsAndDogs.com Geico.com BlockTraffik.Org
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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from curl one studios, Lindane. California, this is the atom Corolla Show Adams gas. Today Brian kill me with Gina grad on news and Ball Brian sound effects, and now all the ehler Adam Corolla get it. I had to give it a mandate to get it on the tune and aim to bring that about. You re gimmick, grads right. Barbara lesson is exciting. We go a mash up of my dad playing trumpet to play that somebody tweeted to me that I just read the tweet and start laughings. I thought that'll be that'll, be a good sign. So do that and then I'll play another version of a song done by Elvis boy lottery people don't know about. I wonder, for the other tell the difference from us.
Well, maybe not from the beginning. That'll moisten, your taste, but I had some. I forgot Do I talk about visa fees? be the travel artist, for my last weekend, witches I have often said: DAB Backpack, for me too many here, pouch Morceau Interior at least one. I have too many flaps there lines in the side, unoriginal holders and vowed flaps look at the future. Get him outside it supposed to be, but I do this thing and I'm going after modified a little bit, but damn I am very there's two things I figured out when I travel when I pull the ticket. park at ally acts. I do not
one day I I I don't want that ticket to leave are sure a lot of people have things like you even the car where someone breaks in deals. You take anything, got bigger problems and putting it and what do they want to do than pay for my only lasts and destroy my car and they knew who, these. Who is clientele. Voice generally pulls into the parking structure. Poles are taken and then looked around for cars with a ticket. That's three hours earlier than there's something. I add a note that is, but I and integrate high set ticket that thing about the two it is a goes right from pulling it at to putting the couple that I do not want that thing to like. Never want that anxiety of paying the maximum. Whenever, number one number, two key: yes, I normally dont want the keys to go with me on the trip. I do now
What the possibility of these things ending up in some hotel and break the more because they fell out of my but no more usual Boca. I've figured out that putting the keys on the car tyres, which, once again I don't care about, but because the cars are so smart. Now the car thinks you're nearby with the five ended. the battery and leave our outliers does whatever. So I I do take the keys with me and I put him in these small upper pouch flogged errors of them Aguilar Y got Jason flags that that lapse are inside the bigger pouch and then the smaller pouches. In my back back as seventy nine pouches also. I do this thing all time, Ryan, Zip. What I think is the master one. I think I do the big one and am looking where's my shit. It's the one right behind you think I'm acting doll
we're pulling and ally acts on, you know it's too me that when you deprive sleep you fuck up by it don't fuck up as much as you fuck up, but you you think you fucked up more because of the sleep that one yellow these have this anxiety out. I left the shit, my hotel room and so on work off the plane and ass, like I'm, going to fetch my car keys and I unsuppressed a pouch and nothing for some? he's in and then I started fussing around the main multi main pouches, nothing, And then I was really Poland stuff inside out and look. I couldn't find anything I had the anxiety of they're trying to get us off the plane. They fall and began the seeds right now. This move this
the worse position in life to be in when you're on your hands and knees. Checking on your seat in the last person is getting off the flight, and you know once you get off the fly. There are no back on that flight, so you got one shot at these keys them fallen on your lap or out of your pants or whatever it is searching, searching searching, cannot find the keys on the floor cannot find them in the backpack and now Allocating the floor. Possibility is the fact that take landing whenever Cusack sly. If for exactly the content of the floor, there is no guarantee they'll be under now. In that light, I think I reach for them after we got to the gate, outwardly started looking for them, some think it's gotta be some can find em. Now we got crass, we my we got MIKE's car at the wily park. We got them my car at ally, acts we have to hustle over here to do a pod cast
I have no carcase. This is gonna, throw things off monumentally. I dont where's, the extra set has. It was how can I have them blob ah by law and I get out of the I get out of the plane spin waiting and once you know what that delay and eyes now, I'm searching for the keys he's Aragon MIKE. I have no car keys. I dont know where they went. I put him in my backpack. I never take em out of my backpack once we're on the road. But who knows maybe unzip deadness slate out or something don't now and MIKE Mike Desert- might does gimme that opens back. He goes to the main bout slides his hand and on the other side of this hard cardboard What then velcro unjust pulse the keys rank gear, locking God I don't know how they got into the big pack. I don't know what's wrong with the flap, but I'm going after.
Work out a little better says that you know it. You need my mom one of her many serve sicknesses is sending me tote bags year round. I just found the greatest new tote and she won't list. We say there are no more room, there's no more room for tackling the wounded toad. At this point I just I just we need to give you want to Morrow is Totes, it's just a bag. I need, I need a family back the iron Rhine. Do you have they pay a hundred things very back. I need a Fanny pack I'm not I'm like gum like the senior who wear the giant plastic sunglasses over their reading glasses, longer care yeah? I dont care job just use? I certainly utility. Why do you have to be one of those like command Kenny Chestnut Vanity, but I can just be fairly back soon, have to be like a look at me very bad one. Family breakdown, nor please, please mule vat in MECCA action, our Look I in Turn Ryan's hello. Can I use?
Fanny back now Is it mine that I support after another, yeah. So my girlfriend got me a lemon gift card visa hopped parted from my birthday upon then- and I was like men nothing really my size whatever, and then I saw the Fanny Pack and I got it specifically so that when I go to the movies and I go in There- Kleiner cheer utterly lose my items every time. That's it Ticket item don't take his vanity back. That was playing eighty five dollar Lou Lemon Fanny back you're, not you're, a good I'll. Get you one point, and by the way that is the most first world problem. I've ever heard starts with the LULU Lyman Gift card. Then it goes into line refining when I'm watching movies, and I don't, but it's true yeah. That's what happened to me, though. I went to the movies Oh, I thought and stuff falls out all right
so somebody tweeted me a song two thousand and one space odyssey, and then he said, Diana MASH up, which him Corrales, though I told the Dawson, have added it'll it'll, make sense in, as you hear it,. then the Elvis version. You guys know the obvious version. No, no Dawson, there EL, the illicit Vegas lie like presenting Elvis figures. Yes, unaware tat, I knew sunburnt. Cropper version
thanks farmer for this
I beg your house's Elvis lie version which put yourself in nineteen. Seventy six
sure people made fun of everyone who went to see Elvis Savage ass. We all wish we did it. This is sound like horses, listen, there's a version of it. That's a little more on the nose, but with two minutes ratified this dossier version. So maybe you had a slightly different arrangements velvet, while people as Vegas CC rider one year ago, yeah back the boy rise like Melissa, Rivers, man, I've just run in the back stage in the light of our eyes
this. You guys tell me if this resonates with you at all and if we can make a connection, between this and the life. Not so incredibly well lad like not a lot of on your razumihin, nine others version of this slight went to high school, Tom Brady as an example, if Marianna me by I started to realize that we hire arose and every well that's good. You wanted to slap on that. He won't let it go away. Era should have been retired nine years ago. Bread. I realize my dad has a successful Fran, whose name is wrong Ruben, run. Reuben is a really good clarinet player and played with the
Philadelphia Philharmonic. I've now realise that almost every time I visit my dad. Ronnie Rubens name comes up, you know and he's always I started realizing. I think my whole family kind of does this. You know my my graham my grandmother. Would do it a lot with Emory Cataracts an engineer and are he works at you? She allay- and I was like a lot of other talk about other people and run. and there is always some version was kind of reflective or glory. Similarly of glory like Enron. He thought I was one of the funny skies you'd ever met surrounding. It was, you know, he's a world class clarinet nervous funny guy funny and though he, but it's like yeah, he went off to The clarinet further build up philharmonic. You didn't not he. He did this thing. He he left me like historians, all products and I get it keeps coming up and coming
about their Ronnie Rubens, world class player and Ronnie me. We did this and I met him at the cat skills and Ronnie Rhine Iranian. I realise with my family and talk about other people success whom they knew somehow yeah, sometimes neighbours. A gravity moved a paradise. California, and now she makes our own candles in own. It's like oh cave. She did that yeah. I know everyone kind of knows the high school jack None of this which I played against this guy in this gang or whatever it is, but do you guys There's gotta be more that amongst the losers than there is with the folks, said, are little more substantial. Yes, but I think we'd be remiss if we didn't point out that for two people who were grasp as hard as they can to find someone so successful in their orbit. They thought Z,
ro a view. As you say, once you came round there really just in himself what about so easy to say my son and then to slip up some that credit. Your idea, I doubt you come up amongst their friends- has offered, is Dorothy grab monotony early hooks mechanisms. She wrote a children's box, she didn't illustrated, but she did they. Five words for paying out the twins jumped on bad right, runs, fell on their head, turned the pay of sheep and the Danube as areas I've. Definitely way more about Dorothy Gravitas, children's books than any of my New York Times best sellers. That's for sure. Yet it seems like an easy easy when for them, yeah setting me up anyway the money I household, my dad plot was a year younger than Keith Hernandez in high school and he played where downplayed centre a case, of course, with the quarterback. Your great a hypocrite athlete played provisional baseball forecasts oh you oversight, that's exactly! Why didn't you just say: quarterback he played Corps
hi because he was a great athlete you to play. You mean you're in high school every last year for the mats right or murder. Space like GLONASS, arise. Baby. You know you Peter came up. Often during George help remove data Do you have any that your family Gina? Meanwhile, your dad without kind of a celeb? That's it I was gonna say by proxy. We knew everybody. We knew all the athletes we know. Of course we knew all the local hometown news talent, because, I was on the new, so there was a lot of that, but it didn't it's not it's outlay. you're talking about they were. They were essentially co workers in a way that wasn't as agreed. Yes, my mom has met. She met couple of her favorite actors from all my children and nineteen. Eighty seven- and we still hear about that movie. will you be Cunningham Cliff Palmer
you gotta go that Europe believe totally on board, I need my help, we're still hearing about how they headed off so tremendously yeah? I do I mean you know. Jimmy camels name comes up now and again and Buddy hosted the Oscars turn I got it. I mean I bring it up. Grandparents don't bring it up, yeah. My my grandmothers, big one was jewels Mandela who did some acting? the junior college was a professor junior college. If they have preferred sir and I think speaks dish in german and English in and I think trained his dog and yiddish, or maybe german it's nothing to sneeze at that was so, some to get into it. You know why. I think the jewish version of this is the exact opposite, which is why I'm having a hard time coming up with these things because my mom will see someone on tv and go? I don't? I've never met
You know what I'm sure you men about. What are your fancy? No, I haven't. Would I get alive right now, you're, my real time, one god I dunno. Whenever Trump took office in my mom, was worried about how it's going to cost her life? She ran a manufacturing warehouse. Uranium oxide goes very hot. She had nothing going on, but she was worried about him. I should die and now I know I am a little back then I think you need to worry about him and she went you don't know him like I. Why do I have worked with him a little band of Adam interactions with him here, but you don't and I was kind of I was saying like are eating. I don't know. What's in his heart and now you know now she was saying you don't know that our president see now who back get trumped up,
you are, but it was really heard just talking me out her son out of knowing the present today that of America, jewish parent would have dined out on that for our years they never paid for ensuring a good idly now. Yeah you're right that could have used me at some point on career, but we had to talk about Ronnie, Reuben Member, the Philadelphia Philharmonic since nineteen sixty seven. How is that possible made the cover saxophone journal and ninety nine eight. You have that speak a figure classical music going to connect the dots musicians Alba thinking more along the lines. Were you talk about them? Fernand as there is also a Catherine, was a joke. I had a girlfriend want on many years ago. I'm on the true love. My life, dad, would never I didn't seem not often cause he wasn't. California, when are, we did wouldn't shut the fuck. about Walter Murphy. He no longer Murphy right. Also, our village reverend. I did a song together for donor.
Murphy is they might gap later alter Murphy. This is better than a bad aspects. One hit wondering now more heads. Well, what's Murphy went on, I know the name and I feel like he's bigger than this one song, Walter Murphy is richer than everyone. You know combined because Walter Murphy of doing all that I know Donald you're, all right, our that's, it could pull back. It might still count on family Guy railway area later either. The added way does this, though the song maybe on the music, and he made a deal. You're pretty well died for for many years. dating others. God this lovely creature, her dad. I love them off the other, raise that it is a good hour. I will get it. Yeah they want, and what that means is someone in eighteen. Ninety seven
thing, and I don't even again, if you find yourself doing that too much and not talking, your own. You now might My dad ran in Dorani Reuben the cat skills they like nineteen, one or something. I've ever heard that port levels and postal Emily lap. This is, this is kind of my semi Crawford was born in Macao Bill and I am She like right, then she laughed never. From again in that sound. he was born there and then she turned fifteen and a half and she's never come back again. She now lives in Malibu. So this is really a victory for Malibu, not a victory for the cow Illinois, which they didn't. Like me, saying that when I play the university, the cow bill annoy, but I heard with Adam, had to be
dislike onstage had explained to the partisan crowd and in anchorage that the fresh caught the salmon, but sometimes I get Kafka? While I guess I didn't get run out on rail, the girl, zero upset- you was close very, Turn the entire room, who bartenders rarely get involved I can hear coming from buying the bar when I took us Did you get back stand up companies, not a popular, it's kind of a popularity scientists are speaking of art and lend one is line. One Dan. Forty eight from Florida. many ha ha ha. Without last night restaurant bar place, I frequent it was with the wife. and would chatting with twenty one year old, bartender about funny pickup lines and my best pick up line silly joke. One is
How much do you charge for premature ejaculation, because think I owe you fifty bucks up the kids no I'm proud of myself. I'm thinking that funny right, the super bowl manager is nearby and losers. Her might lose her Mama bear in mind the bartender. I know I know. Personally, there is nobody nearby. This was not an ear shot of anybody Mary would lie in wait a minute. You say to the bartender who you know well bright. Yes now, yet we're going applying several of them private added that that's my Magnum opus pick up on where's your wife and proximity sitting right next to me, Then. How did you ever hear this she was within earshot, but I sort of no her. I was a little worried. She might get a look happy.
and no one the round she won't care. I would very wrong about that. So she heard. Comes over to me says that is now Ok, to talk to me, Oh, is that way like? I think she thought I was I like to think that fear it first of all I want about hurting my employees, whom no one only in a hurry and autonomous yeah. That's it. There are very wait, I'm alone there a long time I like it, was really bad. Like the unspoken like you better get out of here in mind. I am fond of man associate, Did your wifi man at any point like to try to like normalize the situation she was so surprised. She thought a feeling about it. He had. She saw me she's army winding up now, and then she heard him a boar and and he did not notice the met them. Owner manager is, is is now. If you look at what she thought of
lately that quietly she's bit of the elk that you will maybe thank, would not take and whether these things, but I've known her well enough over the years right I didn't think me, I'm there all the time. No though I would like now anyway and anything I let's backtrack, for they pick up line itself. How much you charge for a premature illegal and whether that means you're talking to prostitute right? It's not picking up a bar minority Is it you just cream your pants, because the Czech, so hot you're, trying to tell our archie I know, but most vows, don't don't charge for sacks makes you a prostitute, I know, but the second one I think I might? Oh you. Fifty bucks I gotcha but I would bet apparently want to make the ladder you say this and no one is within earshot, except for the person that heard it standing within earshot right right, the bartender
I have been chatting with about pickup right now now did bar tender. Try to put it in some contacts cause. Maybe the bar ten I could have the occurring now turned the temperature down a little bit she's a young girl. She there twenty if she was scared and want to run a foul of the leading awoke. is there. An issue. Is So what I remember, how is the ride home when your wife, the life, was like what are you thinking you know why I'm like, while they know me you such a silly wide? It's not like. I don't it's so stupid that its funding and I just thought: there's no one on earth. We get bad offended by something like that like who would say that seriously, but the other thing right, but it will all come from the white. The wife mostly agree that she went a little mad, but but though I was often
are you saying that we have found a blessing to the manager cool your clear sugar tat? in response, I probably exacerbated things in retrospect right Looking back up what I should have done to be honest with you our. How did you get a permanent ban? Bans are unspoken. get unspoken, found a man, a good yeah, I'm not going back. I'm not going back very, very uncomfortable. Do you go there? I just to drink already swear to harass parts and ignore wee wee wee ironic amendment on their full hour that are part of a decade. Well, fine one of the new hooters with the new outfit travelling, a more tolerant environment for folks like for folks, like you, And ass, the waitress, if she likes her eggs scrambled, are fertilized
you can't say charge when you're talking to location and forty eight Washington, hi guy You're right up the road. For my Lewis and Clark, say: college measure or proximity Hannah could have been a big man on campus over there. The legend never was there was Cocker. Have We were quoted by Lewis and Clark reform North about another Louis Adam. You either you guys are talking about. Is the ban on the periphery of Hollywood. Earlier you living? You know where you live outside riding around the car without Louis being slashed by ours was coming up a lot lately, so another guy talked a lot about a Louis is given
Godfrey, and I know you like the vending machine out a long time ago, but do we get him back on the shown? You guys to chat yeah I love talker Gilbert. The other evil he always talked about the eighties. You know when he would go. hours ago, the gods thing. You know that, Jason You know that the ballot I cowboy hat bays yeah Grandpa now turned into a sort of cowboy now at a certain point, then like had a restaurant New York City. Yeah yeah yeah, you, as I guess, is His eyes was on the outside of it and he was there a lot to learn a lot like Alan Hail. Now, then? The lobster barrow allowed here this is a timely, is called grandpas. Bella day. That's amazing, like Louis I'd Andrew got anything else for me just other thing I mean now
love. You wanna, go talk about any city. He now that it is good that the great workers Thanks rarely talk about Wendy City, but I have, but I appreciate eight called classic people. Joy. That movie, you can watch it on Youtube or something thinks it is a hidden jeez. That's it that's a hidden jam. Hate did etc. Did you know Louis was a left wing activist and ran as Green Party candidate for governor of New York and ninety ninety eight yeah some probably heard something listening to Howard Stern back in the day when he would pop up on Howard, Stern, now and again so probably had some notions of that. The atmosphere. friend. Dave Tanner Paul I knew all about how can ever younger middle and older but tat it was more. The middle iron hung I'm just looking daisy here, Dave's them
who had the red man, tobacco pouch, our staple to his Walter point, where the wallet the wall, a faint, but the family expired things of chalk good I have before graduate high school. o thou? Let's not forget that Dave, the older brother, is when I was one might in the mid seven days, I think, like early id seventies, had some girl friend on the West side or something in there go along with them hang out and while he was visiting her one Sunday afternoon or something- and I had nothing to do at this girlfriends house- that's when it was not like our. She had a son and he was offer
out or something- and it was just as I recall, to get going is Roman pick out some board game or something like occupy yours. I myself can do something and that's a lot of medieval gravel jack. That's right! Now that when I found the UNICEF is Rome, and then I took the unicycle out to the front street and steadied myself on a car vander, and We were there all afternoon or whenever an I just spent the entire afternoon out on this unicycle in itself. Point I got about. Three paddles into it. That's the thing about the unicycle. Is you take one paddle? You fall. I take one paddle once you make it. You are three revolutions in you actually propel yourself like eight feet away from the car fender you're hot, like men are now I got over and then it was. It was time to go so there
I just the whole ride home us like unicycle, unicycle, unicycle unicycle, and then I look. Dan went. They can you tell asked Ronnie Reuben find me unicycle like it was on think of all that anybody, my family would personally unicycle that there was a Schwinn shop that was in North Hollywood. It was a few blocks down the street, but this wind shop, it would be like going into cattle at our knees of New York, you're, buying up bomber jacket or something and junior hives are. Are you kidding me? It was, Seventy nine dollars really on thing. Yeah, like the guy, get rid of their money. There was insane I had this this thing now. It was the older brother- and I had this and I and been hanging around with Grandpa and Teddy in a long while been a couple years, went to different schools and stuff like that, vague memory of the the elder brother. He had, I think,
had ash when unicycle he had one of those like back in the day now he's You in charge go and get rid of mountain answer: Junior college levies not he's passes unicycle, prime, and I just why we went back. I mean so much fucking work being poor. It's like we're gonna call up, they aim to guide the Dang and then no, we gotta get a ride over divan eyes and then see of day and tyre in the back yard, not. The garage owners uncover just gather and rust out in the back yard and blue and then it was like the Tin Box and I've like ok, and I wonder why like ten cars or something I mean enough in a back together like are realistic. Rather this transaction. Why are they even make you pay for an enhanced backwards? Kind of way there,
porn S and their thrifty ness and their inability, ear, reluctant nested do anything for any money in their family gave me that you're, ok, you got your shelf a guy, I don't even know. If I I was probably, ass, the point where I asked them: first stop: it was clear, wasn't gonna happen, so I've sick, I gotta, go wash ten cars and- and I did and I got my tin box and I bought it flat tire and it was a rust in our running and then but then I did what I did bass I got there so ass prelude path, nights at all up and got all the Rostov it and diabetes forty in Luxembourg, and I often made a nuke or for the seed out of gene. I'd love to see this month I had of up, I have it would be inspiring It was all cracked in boston- I because, as you know out in the rain, but I took it of the part of the job need cut off the legs to cut off
She myself Denham seat cover an oil, the thing up and then, and then it was my my beautiful little pony. and until now? the shit out of it. Then I broke my shoulder than I try to write it, where the big cast on my shoulder and my mom than my mom probably took he from. folks in the neighbourhood are Faculty Colfax Elementary, that I was riding around a unicycle, a huge cost. I probably whom broke my shoulder on the Euro, like in the first place At some point, I lent it out to a guy who's now deceased. and then he stolen and that I never had not against. Also Last but not least, there is the better. I was Dave Louis, who had the showing was a kind of ironic in that Schwinn
the best, the inner cycles. I couldn't afford the worst year cycle, but I still ended up with a swing. That's what he had also did things like. I git it like of your It goes. I one eighty pounds of five June Maybe you go, I don't think so, but when there's something like a unicycle, especially for me it was you know it's the best for it but you'll ever spent in your life, because all the deuce leave have never come about Eurostar aught of master this fucking day I'll be outside on this thing I will be asking for food or money you're out. Just me my unicycle be outside now can be done. That was you ve heard about. Or, but that was my mom at her worse First of all, moms when she
talk. Do I crass, not the other caress with decorous, who stole the single right when she went talk is mom. I should just go over there and tell them. We will put the unicycle my backyard. It's gone, it's never never seen before. I don't they. you ever Tosh Herbert cheetahs luxury. When I talk to her and she said report in the already put it they are, the end of the second doubting com twenty eight turkey. Yes, how are you doing good from Tournai action. It I'll do it. Turkey is a little late in the evening, but I was actually going. Talk about something else, but May unicycle thing had so close to home that I will just shortly want to mention. I was I was a young in Atlanta, Georgia, where I grew up in my uber My neighbor had bought a unified go. He would want about kid that had everything and gave him.
thing, and I was one of those kids that what's friend with him good, you know, benefit for him, having Do live next door now in a work it would. You know a friendship that in here This day, almost twenty years later by the unicycle just brought back such a memory. that I couldn't believe that it is so close to home. He had purchased it and He tried to write it. A few times like you said you don't wanna, see to feed, couldn't get very far away. I would try with him on that day and we finally got to that mark like you said for me it was an eight feet. It was about five feet. right got on an insult. This freedom ends but actually only an day that I ever wrote a unicycle us, but you know it was it it's over the home that I had greatly, Why didn't you talk your folks into one
my folks unfortunately now they're like, twelve year divorce, like a battle for everything, at that time. They weren't very receptive. That would more my second home first time we could say cancer. You imagine your wanting a unicycle in getting on my unicycle its itself. And say you re the only argument in our houses. We have to wait for birth, their Christmas. He can't just have shit all the time. Well, it's it's nothing, but thanks con That's interesting is when my kids once something I go and oh I like past you're like ok, how can I facilitate this like? What? What can I do now? Maybe that's a little too much Other direction, but the posture is it. Can you do this and I go. Let me figure out how to do that.
Like I was, something that would have never happen in ten million years, but when I was grown but I I grew up by group, I I really did shows tell lab near midnight or whatever and fairly Bob Bob back the hotel room one. I am, I mean the lobby at seven, a M six where's worth a fly on Sunday. God here want to. work did it did a pod cast and went to that went to the shop for at a couple hours of football with the boys. Let's get like four o clock. Pretty fuckin long day. For me at this point with the time difference, I'm gas thou course I get there, all from my daughter, hey one I'll be home. What five? Why take us to the to the mall. When you get and like my bit, my mom would have started screaming.
Cut the phone call? Those like I'm tired, is shit. The malls, though, where near my house, I'm just gonna, be walking in the door and collecting you and heading back out again kind of thing, and I like. Ok, It is like I'm Try to facilitate is best. I can it's, it's maybe low self esteem. I don't know what it is, but it it struck me so you mean that mode or you can be in a kind of a neutral buoyant mode or you can be deflect model I were I realize, if I should to my parents: hey, can I relax I'll all like environments paint your your deep. All mode is now that's your step. They cast, you have a rat. Yes, they do all right, let me hit simply say fear once your home feel safer. There's no better time. The now this week, our friends at simply say forgiving,
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Come back into the news right after that, every sixty seconds to children are trafficked and every thirty seconds force and exploitation for the purpose of heinous acts. Human trafficking is happening in your own backyard. It is happening here, an inverse any whom we see every day in our own communities, hidden in plain sight and others kids out there that are being bought and sold twenties the we must bring the child back to the centre of our care and concern, they we launch. Goya cares. is committed to supporting victims and overcomers of trafficking and abuse to recover restore.
Met and to shine a light blocked traffic. This is where we become the like, God save me. I believe that I was called to this. Perhaps he's calling you two lot. Traffic going Goya cares and visit blog traffic dot, org They saw by the news with you can believe it there's more bad news revolving around the rust movie. The movie set in New Mexico has been shut down in the wake of a deadly shooting? We know about that, but that's not it Jason Miller. That's all rather
who was hired to take down the set, was bitten on the left arm by a poisonous brown recluse spider and is in the hospital with a deep wound which could require pew taking his arm, while venom has also made it him very ill. According to terms it is preparing to sue for workers comp. So it's like theirs. Aware me on this set. Meanwhile, Alec is starting to sort of slow Each time in now he sang he's urge the Hollywood producers to hire police officers on film in tv sets that use guns in a tweet. He put on Instagram. He said ever film and tv set that uses guns, faker otherwise, should have a police officer onset hired by the production to specifically monitor weapons safely. Fond. I say the hour lock in the cause. When Baldwin
It is in roadside right interview. Press conference characterises a dough toss, showed any easy. He goes knots when its clients start wanting to talk. Then he must have loved hell area. Yeah. Oh, zero upside hung a potential downside and at some point in that conversation. I came here we got into it here, but he was like. We were well oiled. Machine is like a boy, don't say that and I would say that kind of stuff. It's all just red meat for them situation. While so because all you- you know all his overarching theme was, we are so devastated and he should have maybe left it at that or not allowing oh what says it s got to go nothing. You just have to go now. I guess as much as you want to talk as much shit is everyone else's stalking. You gotta go into cone of sight
mode, but what about? Let us also where to go. We were well oiled machine when someone was shot right ass on the sad, but a kind of right, seven and you explain that to like it was a different time, essentially Billig with Monica Wulf Lewinsky, like if you do something like this. If this happens on your watch- and you go least silent wooden jury, be like heartily. You didn't care what you do go on vacation David say you know- are in and browse it just regard less. There is never a transcript for silence and when there's an outer ass grasped, There's always some thing to mine rally. Now, son you mine, a lot of good or from land transcript present lives. You get a little longer shake will shake a bite. It's still there there's something mines yeah there. saying deny was saying you know when they were talking about. I can't made this analogy which, as you know, people like
where they doing you know doing target practice with the gun firing the gun well I economy this analogy. I said with around the middle of nowhere when you ve, A film there's lots downtime, that's do the sat up and move video veil age in if there's a lot. People don't have a lot to do for a long period of time And there, in the middle of nowhere- and I think there were entertaining themselves- and I would say you know if you, and they're going here, but using the gun like well, if you doing a movie we're ahead. Bunch of you know, you're doing a mad max type, moving ahead, a bunch of marauding guard bikers or something and there's long periods downtime in your just sitting in the middle of an empty desert. I bet there crew, geyser fire few up and share with a couple hot lapses era, not that different right, so I m anyway, yeah
I did you see. I mean Jennifer Kelly tomorrow June aground lie Jennifer might get nearly I'm excited to have me on your idea, talk poker with without cyanide everything up to now What's the river the river, the Kaiser, the mister Perker I started Bruce Spring- see now button it may also a guard brook song. If you must now be room, it's a it's, a widely accepted poker time. Yadda river! Are you still? You were pretty close with SAM Simon from the I was right till I was. I know, you're Britain, it's not my sister magazine. I remember when I when we were going through that split up- and I said nobody ever get their hands on my citizens- money. There is funding because, while the good
audio or more now enchanted, recur, here's a name. We haven't heard awhile Oscar Pistorius, oh yeah. He you may remember him well I'll help you out. He was these south african, w double Amputee track star who was convict? fatally shooting his girlfriend and twenty thirteen he's. Now eligible for parole, but with a twist very into I think that they do over there, so that thirty for Europe He became known as the blade runner your member from his prosthetic legs. He became a wide phenomenon during the twin. of summer Olympics and on Valentine's day and twenty thirteen shot and killed his girlfriend Rita steam camp in his home? claim. We thought it was an intruder, but member like locked in the bathroom and it was short of an unlikely moratoria. He was convicted order. You like it was a high they.
Hi crime area, like a lot of people, are breaking in and stuff and he was kind of making. The argument of I feel very vulnerable, but general condition but shot through the door or seemed through the wire room door, and then there was a lot of that. You start you all the time or some version of average debts. kind of neither here nor there. But there was something to well listen to this sort of twist. He said to be sentenced to thirteen years, but under south african law, he became eligible for parole after completing half of the sentence and now must meet face to face with dean camps, parents who will have in as to whether or not he gets Pearl Z with the victim's family and they weigh ends a wrong called while the interesting yeah. She was a model television actress, sir some some version or something is pretty blonde and yeah the heat
woke up in the middle of the night. I it's kind of weird: like did the dish leap together, wishy out fired through the door, I thought I thought they were fighting and she went to the bathroom. But again this was eight years ago. To be fair, it a you know, he's hearing that starters pistol name near his whole life? So probably one of the area test, squeezing the trigger not probably have a strong rest of us. You know he's used to our life now that's an interesting defence automated. As a farmer now soda speaking of guns. Tat I have on likely bedfellows. That make perfect sense when you just when I, I'll tell you the story, it's gonna make sense the text. Tribune reports that abortion rights advocates have found
very unexpected ally in their fight to overturn Texas provisional version law and that I, like is gun rights. advocates of key kind, see a connection. I'm gonna make it a little clearer. The concern was first introduced in court by the firearms policy coalition. That's a caliph your base, nonprofit. That advocates into gun rights laws nationally, and the group authored a type of filing offering information to the court in support of abortion providers. The fire This policy coalition said Texas: is law was written in a way that could provide a blueprint for others. to restrict gun rights by making it nearly impossible to challenge a state and federal court. So we
The Texas is doing this thing with a governs like it's, not as you guys to each other, and I think the gun of rights advocates are seeing the writing on the longer. We don't want to be sued by these guys. Well, everything is based on precedent and then everything is pay. Son, never apples, apples, precedent, but hey this thing's, climbing lying where we want to do and then it's all just sort of about. Do you want your government or smaller, governing one more government, her freedom, no freedom, the Athens, the guns, the guns guys all under the small government, the personal freedom so makes it least its consent yeah thanks. I don't. I would, if I couldn't tell you, either way whether the people in this coalition are, pro choice are not pro choice. I don't think that's the point. I think it's like you said they see like will thereby further raise. I gotta go I let's not make it easier for them to do this to us.
probably aware they probably skew a little more religious and a little less furrowed choice that general. But God is the first right. Just breaking news here: you have a gene sport, a black Gian sport, Fanny Pact that will be delivered tomorrow, because the one I have like very flamboyant- I went do that here loud yeah, so all get it tomorrow, I'll bring it in the next room. All right did you see the video and viral of bases his lady making the Google eyes at Lena Caprio love. That's ok! So phases has jokingly, threatened to kill Leonardo Capri on Monday, Laura Sanchez yeah. She was your former news or get them out here and Fox, and yet she admitted show you in a second this video surfaced of was this. I've got a climate, some other some know. This was that as a gala
film gala. This is in way film, Gala and she is, I mean, she's, really throw in every yet we so let's watch the video. What a charming must lie at a couple of words about an bay standing there like yesterday's lever, so there Is this has gone everywhere? Now everyone seen it and bases trying to have fun with it. He put up a tweet with a photo himself, we have it. Standing over sign reading, danger, steep cliff fatal drop with Captain LEO come over here. I want to show you something I should have said he's gotta, see form on. Right outer space? No, it goes one way here. I mean she What among us any any one of you with LEO sort of towering over you tuxedo
let us wouldn't get a bit of this is me- was LEO on an apple box or on the further step or something I think he was on a step. Actual research, even though basis is fairly diminutive. I think that they did He was talking to the modest and whose use towering over them the thing about the do. it's in their sexual reach, like you think about it, Dicaprio Brad Pitt or something they can stretch. that shit out Forty years can have a forty plush year run of Bell of the male ball gap and could dare vanquish, any woman. Do you want it? the gas at how old, LEO's current girlfriend is gonna make my point: The US is five seven. Oh my gnats report it's funny, he never gets the Napoleon complex, but he still five seven
Lee. I was six right. LEO must be forty four forty six I wrote it howled the scar a three way, we'll be forty. Seven answers hurry, he's gonna be dating, is you know it's? point- gets older. These data saving his one This next girlfriends is four and a half. all right now, technically, because he's incentivize, mid sixties only has again. In a few years now, the way work, lock up your kidney baisers, kindly one dollar, five as a foreigner bases, she stooped to longitude Baisers gonna want age appropriate way. wow and I did get married? I dont think it still girlfriend. I think he saw in the middle of those proceed,
that's great yourself proven other multi billion yeah. What do you do for your her? Do you just go along for the ride and in just enjoy the shit out of life. Anyway, I mean you just go along AEGIS Deanna, let's not pressure for marriage too much. I don't want to know what to me. I haven't got cold feet. I think I'll get my not about zeal, show up and just enjoy, I think Salisbury to cross about it. But let's I mean Laurent changes may have been in danger of aging out of the industry at a certain point soon and so to fall upwards Your face us his girlfriend is dead, that is found gold and a disgusting indictment on our society, because I think you're right. I do. I just know that the title to Caprio never aging out now now act out of you saw that it wasn't newsworthy, but Sir Jessica Park, tweeting, because there is some paparazzi can pick of her at lunch with Andy Cohen,
whose very salt and pepper hair and distinguish nice. Looking man. Well guess what had gray hair to and everybody lost their fucking mines, and she was like what am I to do not age and next to me is almost fully gray and he's it's like. He was too my God, but I'm this, you know hag, because A few grey hairs, brine down Polo yes In its also, you know she she made her bones on being looking like who she look like now serving harder. I'm doing bad. Persistent, bronze she's not in make up agree. How dare she to learn lessons may now gay guys, love Sarah just copy and how? Why are they lover so much? while she was sort of the the epitome, style and end quote: one liners I mean, if we're talking cliches just
Can I dress fabulously untold like it if she was the star yeah the amount of data, as it is interesting that there's a gay type of a female How can I know her? Well, I'm trying to think that who are very well. Do you think she could give me a fanny per No, I think it's on its way cause, I'm trying to say, I mean, you're, not interested in women, sexual, but you definitely, Cathy Graven scatter gangs are gonna, just think how the Griffin ours is there a lesbian, dude doesn't seem to be. Does their Nick offer meant all? I could come up with Three like for you, don't hear or not the same thing riot of cultural now, nothing. surely, ok, this is very narrow and the, but there was more than one.
Girl who ended up becoming law being lesbian later in life. Who was interested me as a young man? any ethical represented a non threatening allows the Irish off not quite softly. But what do we do with a beard? And I was there- I was you know the beer, the bearded boy, I see it came under the beta prowler, then once man, it is interesting that women well actually ports, my theory and that one having supported by the data, so this is just science where men and gay men are attracted to men like that,
they we can also and its commitment. There's no one foot in the Dude Kitty Pool man got a year in our you're out your pot committed. I don't. I do not know any straight guys who dabble well what I did. It wasn't for me money what if, I am a girl, go less dabbling, I'm gonna see what I'm saying is like I'm not like were all provide a couple. A white clause, invincible showed, I ll give you a little. I could blood right that doesn't women, lotta lesbians, formerly with Brion S. Other people, you allow a lot of flexibility. I I've always had this theory that a lot of women who are with the women are half if women and the other half done with me,
now both had some bad experience is growing, maybe bad step dad bad boy friend, aroma, fuck it I am with I'm tee coups now Is that what she says? Yes, so they don't need they don't have any fruit flies right there. All right I'll need em, they're they're right on rang with them. Yes, but the at the gate. guys they're, not with women. There are attracted to man, that's what they still have a ton of France, as in like the hang out that whole circle, I'm Andy Cohen, is perfectly in our all the real housewives and everything through the heart. That's my that's mouth. sorry for the islets ringing. Jane, I grant you got it, I'm gonna grab and that's the news cool,
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Transcript generated on 2021-11-10.