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Russian space nukes

2024-02-21 | 🔗
Russian space nukes
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
All right, Alexandra, let's do a very quick video on a very serious news topic, one of national security for the United States of America. And that is the... The news from Mike Turner, Republican from Ohio, who revealed that the Russians have or are planning to put nuclear weapons in space, not to drop the nuclear weapons on the Earth. But in order to shoot down, to nuke satellites... Um. The US is watching this very closely. What are your thoughts? I mean, I ought to say, I mean, I just don't understand the technology here. I've had some very helpful explanations. And you know, in theory, if this could be done, it could conceivably be an effective weapon or so people tell me. But I mean, the point is that…
The Russians have shown no…this has come out of nowhere. There's no sign up to know that the Russians have a project like this. Perhaps they do, perhaps they don't. But there is an actual treaty which actually forbids the deployment of weapons, nuclear weapons, in outer space. It was one of those treaties that was negotiated during the Cold War, the second half of the Cold War, during the détente era. The United States has been systematically tearing up these treaties. I don't know whether that particular treaty has yet been…
been torn up. If it hasn't been, I would take this story as a sign that some people in the American military industrial complex are thinking of putting nuclear weapons in space, and they're starting a story that the Russians are planning to do that, because I have seen absolutely no sign – not the slightest hint from the Russians – that they have any plan to do anything like this at all. On the contrary, all the reporting and commentary about arms control from Russia that I've seen over the last couple of years suggests that this is something that they would be extremely averse to doing altogether. Just saying. Alex Right, so if the Americans are planning something like this or have something like this in the works, obviously the Russians are going to know about it. They may not say anything about it, but they'll know about it, and the Chinese will know about
And if they see that the Americans are doing something like this, obviously all of these military superpowers are going to compete in this space area. A lot of this may have been or some of this may have been connected to the 61 billion that was going to go to Congress for that. Vote, as well as the fact that Turner was in Kiev a week before he brought up this intel to Congress and to the president of the United States. States. Absolutely, that's exactly what it's about. I mean, I said that, you know, maybe some people in the MIC are already thinking of putting nuclear weapons in space and some people in the pen... No doubt! No doubt about it. I'm positive, I'm positive there, yeah. But the timing, the fact it has...
Come out now. It's clearly connected with the events in Ukraine. It obviously is, with the 61 billion dollar package, with all of that. So you see, the point is, you are…you might not be able to get the 61 billion dollars, because Johnson is strongly opposed to it, and Republicans in the House are strongly opposed to it. You might try and outflank them by that. You might try and embarrass them. You might say, well, you know, you're defending the Russians for doing all of these terrible and wicked and impossible things. You might hope that that will force them to change their position. I think that's most unlikely, by the way. But obviously it's connected to that in some ways. But of course there's another thing, which is that if you can't get 61 billion dollars to send to Ukraine, most of which, as everybody acknowledges, will end up…
Back in the United States, helping the MIC. It's basically a means to give more money to the US MIC and all the various people who function around it. If you can't get that, well, you can come up with something even juicier and more expensive. You stir up a story about, you know, the Russians are on the move. They're not just marching in Ukraine. They're not just going to threaten the Baltic states. They're not just going to invade Moldova. They're going to conquer space as well, so we need hundreds of billions of extra dollars to try to counter that.
Not be able to get the 61 billion dollars for Ukraine, but you know, that's going to be small potatoes compared to the cost of defending our systems against this new, terrifying threat that's appearing on the scenes. So don't be surprised if sometime in the spring, after this story has been worked up, or perhaps even, you know, the autumn of later this year, we start getting more and more in aviation, week and space technology. Magazines like that giving us all kinds of stories with these cylinders, Russian machines in space, blasting particle beams, I'm being facetious now, Russian death stars. In space. You know, we get all of that. It has to be counted in some way. So, you know...
Let's spend another $500 billion dealing with something like this. And you know, and it gets authorized because these sorts of things always do, and we're sure this will make America safe. And then of course vast amounts of money will be spent – what was it they spent on the F-35 in excess of the F-35? to be continued. Don't worry, a couple of people, and a fair number of people actually, become an awful lot richer. The shares of…
And everybody, everybody who counts, who counts inside the beltway. Who is not of course the wider American people, but everybody who counts in the Beltway is going to be very, very happy. That's I think what this is all about. Alex Exactly. A lot of people are going to love this new revenue stream. They are going to love this space revenue stream. The politicians, the big MIC companies, the media. The media gonna really love this line up putin in space we gotta stop putin in space We mean, you know, that's what what nobler of a cause is that. Yes, I mean, was it was it?
There's the new frontier or whatever it was, I mean I can't remember. The undiscovered frontier, whatever it is, they're all going to be there. I mean, you know, the Starship Enterprise will have to be built to counter the deaths, the Russian deaths, so I can see it all coming now. Oh, yeah, they're going to jump all over. This one, yeah. Mike Turner doing a good job there. - Absolutely. - We'll leave it, yeah. The Duran.locals.com. We are on Rumble, Odyssey, Bitch Shoot, Telegram, and Rock Fin. And go to the Duran shop. 15% off all t-shirts. Take care. you
Transcript generated on 2024-02-22.