« The Potter's Touch

Do Not Worry

2017-10-22 | 🔗
Worry is a weight that we don’t have to carry. God is taking care of us, even when we don’t realize it. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.lightsource.com/donate/973/29
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Staring at him a rendition of bicycles, the Wright brothers use as a catalyst to build the first airplane. If you give up at this stage, you'll never get.
at that stage. If you run into an obstacle and say I don't have what I need, and that must be a sign from god that I'm not supposed to have it. If the Wright brothers would have done that you and I would still be riding on the backs of ponies. You may have the idea that the next generation will variety but you'll never know if you leave it in the bicycle shop. Turn your dreams into reality, with bishop's new book sore and catch him on his book. Tour join him in north carolina at empowerment, conference two thousand and seventeen in boiling springs on october, twenty second and and charlotte at elevation church on the twenty third then see him in whites, creek tennessee at mount zion baptist church october, twenty four and in san antonio texas at cornerstone church october, twenty seventh for more go to soar by t d, jakes, dot, com
coming up on the matters tat caused steel and destroy so he can't kill. He was steel give em if we still have not to date with,
worrying about football is what you keep thinking the same thing over and over and over again without resolution. He said to mock buffer to buffer to buffer. If you thought about it, and you didn't speak to a solution, leave it alone. If you keep going over and over to get, you have gone from thinking. To worry, do not worry the I iron pasta, gore. Jake's comment. Add a special message for you today. There's just saying: do not worry here at the. As such, we know we don't need to worry. We know
God is god, as we know that he is in control. We know that he is orkut, training, I live for the good and so you don't need to worry about what we're eating. We don't need to worry about what clothes we have on what shoes we have one as long as we are god's children, we don't it's a wary and anna daddy, has something to continue my message Do not worry. So, let's go listen to what he had to say and in them meantime hey do now. The reason we have made such advances, because our mind is our power. And if I was really about wanted to run you powerless. worried to death.
With so much of your mind that you lost your creativity The two laws- repression that you lost your sense of guilt. Imports and purpose I will just worry you to death. I was really in the dictionary up under the word, weary. One of the definitions is to have your sense of pleasure, exhausted if I was saying to me I will stop life from being fun. I would like you miserable and all that stuff god gave you
I couldn't stop him for giving it to you, but I would worry you to death until you had a real nice beard, you couldn't sleep in the appeal that you did enjoy at a house that wasn't comfortable and you look around and all that stuff and you might as well be where you were. If I can't take this stuff, I can take your mind from enjoying this stuff again. The I came to tell you this wanted. The devil is up to your map. The map is, after your mind, is after your mind, but he's up to your mind, one as well. That's what a car broke down as one of the roof started leaking. That's why they threatened to draw the devil, don't drive and don't want to go to work so that need your car and is done after your job. The job will go to work in the morning.
You want your kids, this is what do you care about for drug ways, because you so that you will lose your power power issue Jesus, no we're gonna go so what does it take more comfortable with it cause? I didn't really want preacher and a year because I'm really trying to get to think any this signal that really look into it to understand that it is not telling us to be marvellous. You know what I think is actually telling us
to be distracted, do not know you Be so- the possibilities of what can happen tomorrow that you, supplies is up to you. We saw in growth trend of being off what could happen that you don't grace? What is the enemy coming to queue? destroy so everything can't kill. He wants to steal Could the enemies be stealing your today, If you're worried about the. Could he knew would Beth. tomorrow, so
what's that you don't enjoy life today, so what good is being alive today, deals with delight today we're about death tomorrow, you're out of breath. We hear, but I want to go on talking about so I wanted to go. I can see what what led Jesus is compensation, and when I read the text before it was Kids, freedom, commerce, because in the tent before he said If your single. the whole body is full of life, and god I thought now come on in the interests of Being a good sermonized, why are you talking about one moment: ambivalent
It's worse! You tell me about my thoughts, the max, What does my and have to do with each other sea, it is what you know about the text that matters what you ask of the text that counts. It s. Why has Jesus wait? This radical turn from from beings? Single he's alive? is single, the whole body is full of light, and then he started a picnic techno take not particularly on what are you doing what is to be single spock.
If you go to the doctor, you say to that time. I'm saying double sum of wrong because your desire, be single, he says, if your a single the whole body is full of life, and we will certainly take note that ignores article thirteen, nobody and then I want it, the camera signal want to come and I looked at the lions and I've started playing with the lions to see what focus was because My camera put it up. And I could see the moment, but if it was, focus Everything was still there, but it was blur.
You see, some of us are moving out of focus. We we see. but we see me walk chemistry. We
but it hasn't been cleared up and our opinions and our attitudes and our reactions and our decisions are not sharp like they could be because our lives are out of focus. Then our body is not full of life. Then our decisions are not smart. Then we can't see details. We make dumb decisions because we can't see clear details because we we are the cold. Focus.
That's why I got this was because the interests of that word givens light and when you get god's work it brings the focus touching I've gotta bring into focus will bring you into focus because you fighting without your simple weapon. Your man is alliance teeth. Is the eu goes wing? Is elephants weights she does spain. So, if I were, you may, and I wanted to paralyse you in any place paralyse you in your mind and you didn't make decisions because she was so worried about things that only I can fix.
Mamma the lilies They were dressed with more plan, a rhythm, almost solomons array, and they did it without paint and they did it without work and they did it without sewing and ripley. They did it. Trusting There is a higher principles I don't think they heard that there is a high principle, a principle beyond sewing and report. You don't hear people talk about it much in church, but there is a principle be on soil and rethink. Sensible, sowing. The ribbon says. If you sell sparingly, you reach sparingly you're, so bountifully your red mountain, you ok, is basically says view of it
It will be given until will get good measure pressed down shrinking together and running over. So if you sold tomato seeds you're going to reap tomato seeds, if you're so hornsey you're going to reconsider, if you sold love you're going to reap luck, if you want french, show yourself friendly. All of the basic biblical principles: what about this
our houses that you didn't bail. I will give you such a bit. I will make no sense. I will give you some that you don't even know where you're, what I'm saying you have you gotta, listen to you. I don't know where it is expected to get me a blast. People got to trust you and that's. The men said Joe gives parliament a marvellous filled up with your salary.
Staring at him a rendition of bicycles, the Wright brothers use as a catalyst to build the first airplane. if you give up at this stage, you'll never get to that stage. If you run into an obstacle say I don't have what I need and there must be a sign from god that I'm not supposed to have it. If the Wright brothers would have done that you and I would still be riding on the backs of ponies. You may have the idea that the next generation will variety but you'll never know if you leave it in the bicycle shop. Turn your dreams into reality, with bishop's new book soar and catch him on his book. Tour join him in north carolina at empowerment, conference two thousand and seventeen in boiling springs on october, twenty second and then charlotte at elevation church on the twenty third then see him in whites, creek tennessee at mount zion baptist church october, twenty four and in san antonio texas at cornerstone church october, twenty seventh for more go to soar by t d, jakes, dot, com
It shall be given that some of us have already got that were already time, we're already givers we're already sores we're ready to go to the next dimension, with all the views and read it to the next limits. This is for you to hear such plans. If that's what you think of scissors,
sure, tat people, internal revenue,
where'd you find the one. That's that's. Why, then, why do you write it? You know that's why they are so one the Bible say, would remove the treatment is sick,
and all be given to you as well. the same. Think of what are the focus of what the focus in on what should be the focus of what should the gazeta do focus on what I told you to do, focus on what you estimated. The review will stay up all night to the.
If you want watch out for you, why should I watch out for you if you open the doors for you wash it all the doors for you? If you won't protect yourself? Why should I protect the goddess? Not so much telling us not to think about it, see To be anxious, to worry about what could go wrong. It is negative faith. Faith. Am I gonna keep this? This is not the work for me. People like me I'll get stuff like this.
I'm gonna lose it see, faith come back here, and so what you are saying to yourself is bringing that faith, positive confession, rob raise the negative fate compression brings destruction limit. In biblical terms? You are smeared by the words of your mouth. The only reason you're goin down is because of what you say about you. It is what you say:
If you're careful about what people say about you, what people say about you does not matter at all what people said about you could clear out a bit dead long time ago what people say about you does not matter at all what you say about the speaking negativity into your spirit that is canceling at what god wants to give you, and he says, hope focus on your purpose rather than your person, you focus you're puppets rather did your person if you focus on your purpose rather than your problems. If you focus on your purpose with positive faith like you lay down with a mega faith every night and beach or self up. I don't look right, I'm not well, I'm not sure not too fat too thin and too dark to light. I wish I wasn't a woman I wish I'd have been a man. I can't Biden is where all his negative stuff look.
ere, I don't. Let me know that need to get my facebook said that let me phrixus where you what's wrong with you as my what's wrong with you. God moses his mouth to deliver the hebrews from Egypt couldn't even call, but this is not about the way you talk or the way you look is about the way you a you why,
to word above- is gonna get in the way, because that is our job to sit still. Somebody got somebody get their way down this route. No thought, be, the clear translation is. Before I tell you do not worry,. Do not worry about your life, but you will eat or drink. Don't worry about your body I worry about what you are aware. if not, why more than food and the body more than clause,
the boers where they do not so or red or store awaken marge, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they. Kick on early, one of you by worry, oh he's, not telling you to be thoughtless, he's telling you not to worry. This is different from take no thought. No wonder I was struggling with this. This does not take no thought see taken apart is a good thing, because your mind is a weapon When you weren't, you thought thoughtless Why are these to rehearse the problem without solution Is a computer that keeps buffering
where'd, you figure the same thing over and over and over again without resolution. He said: do not buffer to mount buffer, do not buffer. If you thought about it and you didn't victoria solution, leave it alone, you could keep going over and over again, you have gone from thinking. To worry. Do not worry, do not worry, say it to say it again.
For that reason I want you to say it is one thing for me to say it, but I want you to hear your mouth say too said again and again, when you get home, what you don't say, would you get ready for biological so proud of the work, whether what you're gonna say? Would you gotta? What do you say? Would you pay with what you say? Would you get ready to pay the logical because when you say do not worry you'll stop the following: this did I ever y know that I'm not going to wait another you're not going away you I'm listening in your obeying you already know we,
We are not going to worry we're. Not away about our children when I ran away about our job. When I worry about the president, when I worry about anything because god is in control and so continue to walk in that today, continue to walk in a mindset of not worrying, continue to walk in the spirit of not wearing and know that the joy of the lord is your during okay and you shall mounts on wings like eagles. So why so? I am challenging, use sore and do not worry again. We want to thank our partners, the tv j partners, for without you we would not be able to do half of the wonderful things that we have been able to do to me Ensure that people all over the world do not worry, and so thank you so much for being a part of this vision. If you would like to be a part of this vision and join our partners, all you have to do is go to t d, J partners that
and sign up today. You're, not gonna, we read it until then. I will see you next thing. You know have a wonderful day. There's a battle going on in your mind:
It'd be the amount of points of view. If he can get you to pick the right stuff, you will thank yourself the rehearse the problem. Without that you have the ultimate solution and the one who will fight your battles when all hope seems lost wherever you run out, that's where he runs into where your gift to the ministry of any size. You will receive this life changing for message: series on CD. If you open up a sam out of it, I don't know what to do. I can't fix it. I can't bring it together. I can't handle it you'll run in and fill up that go. However, when your gift is one hundred dollars or more, you will receive, but do not worry theories on cd along with a do not worry journal and mug. As our thank you, because when you get the have you ever thought that god may have answered your prayer, you don't recognize it because you've been praying and your vision says harvests and your god says seed. Your business is airplane and your god says: bicycle shop, take the shop and build the plane.
Hebrew. Six. Ten, god is not unjust. He will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. we did have warner, we didn't have lights. I live in a seniors apartment, complex, I'm homeless, now and underwater for three days straight, my wife and my daughter we play we all, have to pray for each other and take one day at a time. We just like to say thanks to dj. Thank you to all of our gps partners. With your help. Bigger care was able to provide disaster relief for those in need with volunteers, food and supplies. I feel the love and that's what I need right now. Family together now feel reader, reach out to us on social media and share your story of how god is impacting your life.
Before the seeing you next time on the potters that. the. Staring at him: a rendition other bicycles, the Wright brothers use as a catalyst to build the first airplane
if you give up at this stage, you will never get to that stage. If you run into an obstacle and say I don't have what I need and there must be a sign from god that I'm not supposed to have it. If the Wright brothers would have done that you and I would still be riding on the backs of ponies. You may have the idea that the next generation will variety but you'll never know if you leave it in the bicycle shop. Turn your dreams into reality, with bishop's new book soar and catch him on his book. Tour join him in north carolina at empowerment, conference two thousand and seventeen in boiling springs on october, twenty second and then charlotte at elevation church on the twenty third then see him in whites, creek tennessee at mount zion baptist church october, twenty four and in san antonio texas, at cornerstone church october. Twenty seventh for more go to soar by t d, jakes dot com,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-29.