« The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

260: There's No Nipples on that Almond

2022-07-19 | 🔗
Dairy Farmer Dirty Jobbers Sue and Mike McCloskey school Mike and Chuck on the finer points of animal husbandry, the science of better milk, and how no-till and eutrophication is bringing them ever closer to becoming an environmentally net zero farm.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Breaking news, everybody, big news, there's no poles on that all its episode number two hundred and sixty of the way I heard it and yeah that's the title and chuck I went. this title because after a lot of research and eating a lot of almonds, I've never seen a nipple and I'm pretty sure they just don't exist at this point on almonds, that is I thought your research was going to conclude that titles with the word nipple in them do better than titles without the word nipple well, we'll see now in the last two hundred and sixty episodes, I'm fairly sure that nipple hasn't wormed its way out of the lexicon and into any of our titles, thus far but total. Nipple free. Thus far we ve been nipple free on the way I heard it might now. The nipples are out enforce my friends and you could cut glass with em. But you won't find one on an arm. I stress this
because you can't get milk from an almond and yet almond milk is a thing. It's a they sell it somehow or other milk has become the back. half of a lot of hyphenated words ominous just one example of a thing you can't get milk from but is nevertheless being sold as milk. Why do we care about this? because our guest today or two of my favorite farmers and the hawaiian my consume mccloskey, who I've known for. Years now met him on dirty jobs. Early back in the day they are, a modest little dairy farm up in northwest indiana little dairy is one of the biggest dairy farms in the country at this point and they are on the cutting edge of a great many things. All kinds if science, all kinds of technology, all kinds of environmental breaks who's that are allowing people to plant crops with actually tilling
they have forty two eighteen wheelers in their fleet of trucks that deliver their delicious milk, real milk from actual cows, all The country in those trucks are remarkable because they run on cow, crap, cow crap, yet I diesel their entire operation is basically powered by the poop from their cow. Lot of people are doing this on a smaller scale chuck, but I've never seen it done at this level before look part of micro works has been agriculture. A big part of dirty jobs has been modern agriculture, Farmers, in my estimation, are the last great generalists among us. They have to be really good at a whole lot of different things and I consumer really good at a lot. Mic take your he's. A scientist he's a veterinarian, he's a generalist he's a fixture he's a visionary, and I wanted these two on because
what to hear from farmers about the environment, about the climate about the Crazy world we're living in where almonds and milk can show up just in the same sentence, but in the same word he's got a lot. Thoughts on that as well. There company. Fair life makes unbelievably delicious milk, the kind of milk you used to get straight from the cow and a cold jar brought to your porch? It tastes great its high I high protein low in sugar and it's such huge it. I think coca cola bought them. Let got underground yeah yeah anyway, This is a fascinating conversation, because it's a success story, uniquely american utterly agriculture. but also something comes up in our conversation that I didn't think we were going to talk about, but I'm really glad we did. There was a kind
traversing over at fair oaks, couple of years years ago, in june of twenty nineteen, and it was on a controversy that could have caused them their entire business because animal rights activists got onto the farm and surreptitious just leave filmed some farm workers handling some animals abusing yeah, in its his call it what it is. It was hard for me to watch. It was hard for. I think anyone to watch it was devastating for mike and sue to watch big These two love their animals. They if their animal welfare very very seriously. All of the employees at fair oaks need to sign, essentially a pledge vowing to report any kind of abuse. they have all sorts of systems in place, but they're big operation
and of their many, many employees for five of them turned out to be bad actors and they were caught and the footage got out there and what I did in response, I thought was kind of brilliant. We wind up not only talking about it but talking about it in detail, because to farmers put together. What I think was a master class and crisis management they handle. situation, they got up behind them, and I there's a lot to be learned from it. I mean, were you surprised by some of what you heard yeah I was I mean I saw the video that mike did, right in the wake on the heels of it less than twenty four hours later, and he took full responsibility for everything and said oh geez. We didn't think we needed to have fino cameras watching our employees. We felt like we could trust them more end, and apparently we couldn't so That's all changing it's a very instructive lesson. a whole lot of different levels, but in the and it's a story.
very nearly killed the business that wound up, making it much stronger. So we talk about that and we talk about some breakthroughs in modern agriculture and you're, going to love them they're the real deal mike and sue They made a better glass of milk, a better bottle of milk and firm, something that I've long suspected, which you may have heard too. There's no nipples. That all meant and didn't even dude. In due time. so I'm on the juice folks, it's official been on the juice for a month and chalk. How long you been on it. I've been on it for one week exactly yep we're hook. We're absolutely addicted to field of greens, because it works. This is the best way to make sure you get your daily allotment of vegetables and fruits and, as you may have heard most, americans by most something like ninety percent simply aren't getting as much
if either of those things is they need. This is real vegetables and real fruit combined and smashed and turned into a a in powder, and you just in a shake it up with cold water. It tastes great How are you feeling you been on it a week? One week I thought I'd die called you today that I first tried it it I've. I felt a difference in energy level. That day and- this whole week has has been great, and I'm looking forward to continuing to take this for a while I'll tell you If it's made more talkative, that's for sure and that's one of the weird effects that you that you might experience when you have field of greens me personally, too much information. Perhaps but I've been experiencing whole new levels of regularity. Am I
yeah, so more energy. More and more satisfying trips to the bathroom. Perhaps a propensity to talk a little bit more than you normally do. I don't know exactly how this is going to manifest for you, but I and tell you that a lot of people are love in it. including me and my trusty producer join us over at field of greens, field of stop com, use promo code mike you get ten percent off your order, plus brick house I will make a five dollar donation to the micro works foundation with each order, which is super cool, very cool. We appreciate, that we appreciate field of greens and you will to at field of greens, dot com promo code, MIKE Mel. If you'll excuse me, I have to, run to the necessary like, oh, my goodness, hey? Please tell me: I'm not going to be drinking alone.
I have my brickhouse nutrition container of some. healthy green thing, but I be happy to put some noble, tennessee whiskey in there. Instead, oh my god, disappointing, they might hey. How are you tested, Thank god. We have gas here because we would have been completely lost by god for gas don't blame the guitar gases still playing the guitar. In fact, guess just wrote, you know Joe got married to weekends ago and gas wrote the most beautiful father daughter, dance on retorted. Did he really tore it up. It was an amazing song. It really is something everyone this years and in laughter and enjoy. It was just something something to say and when I love it, if he's still around, when we wrap this up and there's a guitar handy,
bring it in here and play a few bars as long as it's in original yeah, yeah. I know original what we wrap this up. We're going to with your song I had to bring a guitar, no pressure gas, but nokia three might listen to this thing. So I'm just saying that it could be one of those opportunities. You never know. Can you shoot? Alright, I guess, the veil, Nicole Mary, yeah. I dunno about that. Soon. to compliment you on your sartori splendor. That really does look like every country. Picnic tape. Cloth. I've ever seen turned into a really beautiful shirt. mike
the first things. First, I miss you both terribly with the white, hot intensity of a thousand sons is Any chance you're going to be in texas in a couple of weeks for the big f f, a thing: no, no, no we weren't planning on that that in, that don't work out this year. I'm there I'm impersonating a keynote speaker at the big, bigger yeah. I remember when you did that in indianapolis, yeah renewed apples. Were you the guy seminars and eight may maybe even two thousand and six When did we meet two thousand and six I think it was right after you did, that is when we met, if want to say that what is our friend from the chicken industry, Chad. Chad said that up with you at the they are. He was at the efficacy and met you there and I don't know if we had met before or not I can't remember what came first, but they were very close to each other.
Chicken or the egg. what was happening back then basically was dirty. Jobs was just kind of getting started I think it was your third or We're season of dirty jobs because I know you're out yeah yeah, it had been on long enough for you guys to have seen it and for kids to have liked it and for you to let us, let's get us straight for us, to sit or tat. It is all day long watching dirty jobs than everyone else how to sit with her and always try- and I who were in yours and I mean really round it and then we just started We went back on all season, so help program, the early years,
at the bar. Oh believe me off the literal bar, I believe, for a little var off camera. Well, if I didn't mention this in the intro or even if I did I'll repeat it, this was precarious time for dirty jobs, because, even though the show was a hit. farmers were having a difficult time inviting show called dirty jobs. You know, a crew with cameras on a farm is not a thing that most farmers relish, but show had been on long enough for suit to form a favorable opinion of me and our show. And so too did Chad Gregory a guy that was in the chicken part of the business so that same year, dirty jobs got a chance to visit. To really incredible operations and the feedback on those shows was great. And the neffa saw it and then they invited me into their world
and I begin to get a much better understanding of just first of all, how connected. So many people are from their food and Secondly, how misunderstood and how difficult it is to be a farmer in the twenty first century and so dirty jobs. At that point, suddenly the floodgates opened and we were on farms all over the place. But MIKE honestly, I don't even know how much of this you remember, but the night, met you. One of the first things you did was you had me a scalpel and let me assistant, sarian section on one your cows. I mean people should know you're a doctor, your veterinarian, but that full of trust with cameras around was one of the most amazing things that I've ever seen and to this day people ask me about it. So thanks Now that was a great experience, but I still remember when when our veterinarian
we had asked him to do the c section, and you and I were standing there, and he said you don't have I'm just I'm not going to do a c section on camera. I don't there and just not going to do it. I said okay! Well, then I'll do it and you turned to me and said well: do you know how yeah I didn't know? I didn't know you were that tired that I'd ever introduced myself as a red, so you said: do you know how I said that I think so. I was still trying to get up to speed with the fact that you bought Will I wait a second you guys aren't staying in, how's your stay, here at the house. This is a crew with like seven people in it oh no, no! No! No! stay with us, you'll stay in the house. You'll go do the c section, then you'll deliver a cow like you had this whole thing. I just thought this is a such a weird mix of hospitality and enthusiasm. It open
the door for many more visits to your farm. It huge impact on me and our show and so that's what I wanted to do today for an hour or so it just really talk to you both about what's new in the wide world of agriculture. What's happened to your farm. It was never a small farm, but it was not what it is today. You guys are like the frickin is land of agriculture so How in the world did that happen? You know just like everything. It doesn't happen overnight. It was a long time building when MIKE and I met in Foreign yeah mike, was a dairy that I was an art student who got. drafted into the world of dairy and just fell in love with it and we ran MIKE's that practice for a while in california and then decided that we kind of wanting to practise what we preaching?
and so sold the practice kind of sold everything moved out to new mexico and that's where we started are our first, staring in partnership with some great friends and because I didn't come from an. We're cultural background, a man grew up in the suburbs of new city in new jersey I had a little bit more of an agricultural background. But it was very interesting to me when you would talk to other people. where we were living in you People wanted to know my god. That's a big fire me, god, that's a lot of animals got and how do you take care of all of them and You start talking to people, you start inviting people you start having your kids kindergarten class come out and that was the evolution and that's by the way that's no different than Any other farmer in the country does mean that they host to?
church group or rotary club. But we, we had the opportunity when we moved up to Indiana and we knew we were. We had forty sixty thousand cars. Passing every day on the major highway. We thought. Okay, we're seventy miles outside of chicago, where eighty miles north of indianapolis within A radius of a few hundred miles serves a significant population. Forty two moon and we had an opportunity that we could open the gates, and you know let a lot more people in and have those conversations about what it took to feed. our neighbors our families are you? our town our country are the world we can. What does it take today to really sustainably produced food. For the rest of us of that, you guys can that their pod cast
and you don't have to go out and forage every morning for your breakfast is something that's good to have off the list of things to do foraging for food. It's also dirty jobs, one o one right. We just trying to early on make the point that one and a half percent of the country country feeding three hundred and thirty million people three times a day. bit of the world as well, and the fact that most people aren't proper. gobsmacked by that something that always troubled me, but the question to you. Mike is why you There are plenty of farmers out there who just put their head down and try and build their business and don't even wander in this minefield of media and pr and camera you always seemed interested in. In making a case for the farmer, while at this, same time building one
hell of a farm just wondering, when did it occur to you that that was going to be part of the the mission, I feel that disconnect been around since the 80s and probably 70s. We started our first, in the mid eighties. So to know that you know back then too, Three percent of the population was feeding everyone and hearing stories that true about what we were doing really well up in me the desire to communicate. I could see the need even back then that, as We continue to evolve. people that are against what we did and they use those and to be able to to discredit us so understanding that I thought it was very important that we start sharing the real story, I do have a science background through my veterinary career and I and I'm a big believer in science, so I felt that it was important to do it. You know from us
I am one. Oh one basic way of communicating the truth. Transparency and the car set of constant improvement to me was incredibly important, one of the areas that I've always believed in it. If we cannot Justify our practices in the public arena we can explain them properly. Then we better. Consider changing our practices, and you need to test that you need to go out there and really, you know, because Unfortunately, on the farming community and other professions or businesses, you end up speaking a lot to yourselves. That conversation becomes very circular and the non challenge conversation. I felt you know early on very early on. I saw the importance that we we're up against. You know a challenge coming down. You know when you're so few people that,
truly understand what you're doing and why you're doing it and there's so many out there, they may be a minority but a very large majority that are against what you're doing. For various reasons, we could go through all those reasons, but what, let's go through all of em, but let's touch on a couple right I mean it just seems like such a self, defeating thing be so firmly opposed to the people who make our food grow. Our food deliver our food. I said it's two years ago, but you're, surrounded by an army of angry acronyms there's the epa and there's OSHA and there's peter and is hiv? U s and a lot of well intended organizations that when you put him off together, I don't think most. People, truly understand the hoops that you guys have jump through but I'm curious to hear from you: what are the big
is that most often surprise the average joe, who Acme is addicted to chewing swallowing things I think the different solid ice is probably the one that I want to bring up. Pherson you'd. I always you have nothing against a vague and diet. I think there's people the physically, may feel better on a vegan diet and at least believe they do, and therefore no I'm all for that the issue is that for them it becomes. I may user's word of religion against anyone who doesn't believe in what they believe in and therefore they go. Out of their way to create, stories that are just not real and there's very little truth to them to be able- to get their point across so it becomes. You know a true battle of. Creating stories, because they know that there is no exposure and-
will believe anything of it sounds kind of logical and you can make up a lot illogical stories of your left alone. lack of that challenge is what I saw initially is something that we know. We need to be aware of and we need to start getting our story out there to make sure that these type of people, don't t, don't achieve their goal. If it was up to them, they truly would like to see every atom protein that's being produced wiped out so then you get these other groups. You mentioned it, get incredible, support financial support, from a very few and then have influence actually on governmental groups that are making decisions, and so, unless we really get out of our our own shell, and open up our doors and totally transparent and
I understand again, I think it's very important that, if yes, farmers in front of them public arena open, honest discussion, can't convince people, there are practices are for these reasons we have to reconsider. How do we adapt our practices to be able to continue doing what we do do do do do do do do do do do every twenty eight seconds an entrepreneur, makes their first sale on shop, a fire, and that sail sounds like this in every sale on shopify sounds like this and, with one point, seven million entrepreneurs making hundreds of millions of sales every single day? That's a whole lot of this
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shop. If I go Jane, I found it because we Hundreds of thousands of people every year visit our farms. I'm not afraid of that. I believe that we can explain our practices and the majority of reasonable people understand them very well and are grateful for them. Grateful I care to the animals grateful for the care of the environment and grateful for the nutrition that we produce every day and the hard work that it takes to do it so, I think it's been a very successful venture. many many dairy farmers and other animal producer farmers to it. we called this challenge and it's you know more and more every day. My thanks to, I think, the efforts of that two and I did initially and other farmers have followed our practices. Opening up in and understand that we got to get out there and tell our story and do that too, you've got to assume risk right. I mean there's risk in everything nobody ever built. The
if business you guys have today, but The challenges are one thing, but what are the real risks? Sue that come with it's kind of gross, I mean you, sickly launched a new brand fair life right, bought by coke I mean it's, you did it you actually made a better milk and knock it out of the park, you did it So I mean where is the risk lie now? the risk is your? reputation? That's a bit his thing that and you know- and we had we had. an incident a few years ago. That was incredibly hurtful to Farrell. Farms and even a fair life, we had some abuse. it was captured on, video on one of our farms and what we did
was mike, did if you haven't seen it MIKE, did an incredible video explaining and and oh Jesus and really taking ownership of what happened within in four hours, yeah, oh yeah, yeah no, I remember not no look just help the listeners who might not be up to speed. This was in june of nineteen right, twenty nineteen, saw the press called you immediately, and you weren't around. Apparently you were busy taking other calls. By the time we spoke just a few. By the time we spoke couple days later, I said, look soo. I can't imagine what you and MIKE are feeling, because I know that footage would probably made you a sick could be, but I said, look I've We started to write something for facebook, I'd like to say a few things about my experience on the farm and you said: don't don't at near this- don't touch this this
Has the potential to end us and it could end you and I hadn't thought of it in those terms, but you guys came face to face with what could have been the the whole thing that to be an extraordinary, extraordinarily difficult day week month year, I mean yeah it was, and first all you know, we thank you do for free very, very generous offer, but again- and you know, we realized how to invited and divisive, and how much how much anger was out there. We just appreciated support. That was the best thing, because we needed to own it, which we did there, an incredible amount of people who supported us through that time. A lot of with a lot of sea yours and within the industry. You know came to I can gave them their moral support it was interesting.
Because as hurt as we were as hurt. As our fan they was. Got us through. That was what gets you through any crisis right. The first thing like it's like being in a car accident, The first thing you do, If you look around at all the people you care about- and you say, are you okay, and that was our family, that was workers at the farm. That was everybody involved with fair oaks farms. Are you guys? Okay from there? Then we started to you. Don't implement all of just all of the same values that we've always had. Okay, like how make this better. This happened it's ours. It have and on her watch, but had stop this from ever happening again and not only just to us but to to anybody in the industry, and it was through that time, that it was
a couple years that it really took to get people's trust back. It was Answering phone calls. It was your writing back emails. It was just being is honest, as we could with anybody who cared whether it meant sitting on the call with somebody described being the ways that they wanted to. You know take care, your children for you or It was someone who is genuinely interested in knowing well. What are you going to do about it? That was Gotta through was actually really connecting with people being true, parent about it and then struck. Advertising? How do we move forward out of this with making the industry better yeah, I think that I was very proud of everyone close to us at the moment, I think response was truly a natural response of who we are saying that we have made we did was take full responsibility
I mean those animals did suffer without a doubt that truly just broke our to see those animals suffer that way and who said under our watch, how Exactly that had happened like I should before, and I continue to share with anyone who asked it doesn't matter. I'm not ever going to get into that because. There's a lot of things that happen when you are big and you put a target on your back and you represent an industry that people that don't want you succeed, but it doesn't matter What matters is that it happened and proved to us that we needed a lot better training a lot better education? better monitoring and a lot better surveillance. I want back to the surveillance in a second. But I wanted to you, too, that I why The video you put out the next day and I immediately breathed
a huge sigh of relief, I don't have a crystal ball. But I knew that you guys were going to be okay because mike I'm not just be sunshine that was a masterful six and a half minutes of owning responsibility, not making a single excuse. putting forth the series protocols that you had resisted prior to you didn't, want to put cameras anymore than a car, once you know about a camera. It goes to trust between employer and employee, and I know you guys didn't want that, but The footage was undeniable. Your response This was not only blazingly fast. It was humble and it real and it was authentic I thought you know what there's so much reasonableness in humanity in this, and and parents are you guys are going to be fine? The world's going have to spin Because the footage is what it is and isn't it.
ironic going all way back to the day we met. Really well. The first thing we did was doctors to syrian on? international television, on camera when your own vet wouldn't even do it. We did it and the trust and the friendship that came from that in some weird way. I think informs what we're talking about now, because it it matter what's in your heart right, employees. I've seen what they have to sign. It's a document, itching to report any kind of abuse thousands of people but to your point none of that matters and you win. Italy said: that's it. We're pulling in cameras never on our watch again so. smart move, good move. I don't know if there was some pr whisperer in here, but If you followed your god man. That was a good thing too.
You know. That's such an interesting comment, because, yes, You bring in the pr people like you know and the initial suggestions were kind of like don't make that video. It was soon jackie and gas. And myself, and I everyone out of the room- and I said I know what we're gonna do and. I had a chance to bounce it off of them I said hey, this is what is the reality. natural is truly support was overwhelming within our group. So there was no doubt that that's why I say it was truly natural is truly who we were right. We've always believed in honesty and transparency and that's what people deserved after watching that, video honesty and transparency and. like you said, I mean not only taking responsibility, but how we going to fix us? What are we going to do to make sure it never happens again. Our animals deserve our protection and that's our responsibility and that's what we believe in all our life:
and we had built a try. Amongst our employees and We believe that that existed, but unfortunately, when you get hundreds and hundreds of employees and and that gets diluted down- and you have to put in other systems to make sure that that never happens so right, and the employees in that video were terminated immediately right, yes matter of fact There were three into were terminated before that video ever came out because we had suspected that some of this was going on people taking the video had been on our property for over six months, and found that one area of the farm farmer those employees were are weakening, right in that area, so yeah, but two of those the visuals were gone about two months before the video ever came out before we even knew that they were on that video. Here's a question I didn't think I would ask, but now that the earth has had a chance to spin for a bit.
do you think it was for the best that it happened and to be clear, we're talking about people who infiltrated your farm trespassed, basically with hidden cameras and got the footage they got. now that the dust has settled Is your farm better for it and if so, What do you say to those people? What do you say to those groups out there who are doing what they're doing. You know, that's a really complex question. As you know- and I appreciate you asking it because it's something that I've probably asked myself a thousand times- And I have to say yes for me as an individual as a person, it was life changing for me, me a lot better person for sure What about? importantly. again. My responsibility is to protect those animals in a create, systems within our farms that I have a high degree of confidence. I can't sit here and promise
that someone will not abuse it out, but what promises that the systems I have in place will detect that immediately, and it will be done. immediately, but I asked I can promise you that there is a person and our farm that doesn't go today through. Amazing training program and the documentation that you referred to a little while ago, which we did have in place of the employees that were working at that time of the video the documentation today is so robust compared to that yeah. So can something happen again We all know people, people and people will do things for different reasons, Yes, it's made our farm a lot better and it's an experience that I think has made myself and I believe my family a lot stronger and a lot better and a lot more understanding of avoided, To take on Sponsible it like the one we had to find that we're taking on to really do it right like I could
two you about this for hours, because, honestly, I think somewhere down the road somebody's going to write a master thesis on crisis management and it not going to involve pr it's not going to involve focus group. So I've said this to you focus group are really great at eliminating terrible ideas and brilliant ideas right when they leave you with this, that squishy crap in the middle, the ceos, mealy, mouthed apologies. These half hearted attempts Righting the ship? How many ceos have we seen just fall all over themselves trying to cheat, every single box that just leaves the viewer in the listener going. Oh bullshit, I mean honestly you're just shine in me on you didn't do that, and as a result, you've, How you are where you are so
If there's anything else, you want to say about it say it now, because I've got to get some other questions answered like how do you get milk from an almond and what the hell is that all about very tiny nipples on almonds? I would say we're not there yet about I'm very proud sue and I we decided to to connect something special that could come out of this for you a broader audience and ourselves, and that was to try to create with our whereas machine learning and artificial intelligence to be able to detect anything like this. We have video watchers now constantly every contact place on the farm where there's an employee and animal is theirs, cameras that are watching that and then Video watchers, who watch though, so you can imagine what that's taking on an operation like ours I'm very excited about where we are with the technology with artificial intelligence, and It's going to go beyond that mike
once you have this type of investment in your farm, you can Take it beyond animal welfare into nutrition management in efficiency that you're looking for in the farm to add onto your automation, of where we're headed in the future with ecology, so that's, been kind of rewarding we're not there. Yet. I can't say that I have something that I can roll out totally. Our goal is that we have a phase. I should roll out on november, first of this year, yeah in about twenty farms. Outside of ours. So that's a goal. so sooner or later we'll meet that goal, but what's really interesting, because I think that it kind of goes back a little bit to your corner. Your questions before MIKE was when we were talking about what you people not know about like what what you do, farm who encounters ai in there. Well, he lives right, and yet here are cows are being watched by a I. Every day the man
day after day is astounding, and I think that's one of the things that people who in farms throughout the country day after day, astounding- and I think that's one of the things that people who have no connection, you know, no generational connection to aggregate Teenage are to is by, and it's one of the finest things like that we ve done is when you take like you take teenage kids to the farm, and they Look at you know. Besides the ai we've also got Above all, you need to come back and come see. The robotic dairies aware cows. Basically are milking themselves, there's no human interaction, so the cows walk up to a machine. They walk into like a little chute. They get we'll grain and they just stand there and a machine milksop robot is the frequent coolest thing, and
when teenagers see that when teenagers start to understand holy crap there's more than just like throwing indeed from your little hip bucket on the fields, you know wow can be like, this is really interesting. I mean I could be an engineer, and in agriculture so this is one of the most rewarding things that we had experience at fair oaks, farms. Dude dude dude, dude, dude and. The competition for customers is something every business owner understands, which is why the business section of every book store is filled with books on how to get customers to buy your stuff instead of somebody else's. Today, though, for the first time in my life anyway. The battle for customers has been eclipsed by the battle employees in point three million open jobs out there and
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We grew modest. he hall was a great show, but part of the unintended consequence of that. Good julian other troops is that you asked,
the average person to describe the average farmer and it's still bacco and sit now there will be a sea where the color, the south, forty and it's all, somehow those troops are still with us, and it's funny you mention a I might, because If I told you this story, but there cuz? I confusion between me and one of my early producers around my desire a discovery wanted to show on I- and I am a great I got a big idea for I in their talk about artificial intelligence and I'm talking my strongest emanation. So now we ve come to the point where I have to ask too: is it of all that I is watching as
humans conduct. Very we finally come full circle. The whole thing mike and I kind of crack up about still yet to see the movie I give the floor to go in there. That is exactly where we got robots, milk and cows. Look, I don't know what Next is going to be a dirty. Jobs is back I'd, love to come back really just to see how close you a really close the circled once and for all on all. it sounds pretty great but fundamentally you're in the milk business I mean it's. A dairy you've got an ice cream thing. You got exhibits. You've got all that other stuff, but comes down to milk. What did you do to make fair life. Milk so I'm tasty less sugar more protein. Why
It tastes better than the other stuff, Do you know MIKE So wait, wait, wait! Wait before you answer. put it through this filter soon sent some notes to chalk not sure why I guess she thought we might need in talking and I'm and I'm just looking through these now Where buried toward the bottom. She wrote Mccluskey has been an incredible pain in the ass to the dairy industry, as visionaries typically are to raise the bar, so whatever you did to make milk tastes better. How did it annoys everybody else in your world He goes back to I've been a milk believer, since I have any memory at all. Milk was always my favorite drink growing up back then, in the late fifty early sixties, you got milk delivered to your home every single day and that milk was built that night delivered in a glass bottle. You drank it that day and then
this morning you had a freshly bottle sitting there, so I didn't have a chance to spoil whatsoever so desirability factor of flavour was amazing when we were kids and over time we went to their gallon jog, which is a kind of you know, a move that allows light, and now we went to better past reservation, longer shelf life that allow, that milk to sit there under light, causing oxidation changing its flavour, allowing some other natural bacteria, no pathogenic, but there's natural bacteria in milk, allowing here too? Slowly caused The changes within the milken, the Combination of things is what I did ignited back in my younger age as a dairy farmer dairy, but an veterinarian as the desirability factor that no one hears of and to me the desirability factor is a connection between your taste buds and your
physiology of year of your intestines. That is sending a message subliminally to you, and you know it's not something that you drank and said I'd like this, but as something as you drank that reached a lower level than the desirability level which is sub luminal. And moving then into a decision making process of just a reaction open refrigerator and you see it grab, that milk, like we did when we were kids, because we allowed, through the changing times to not keep that well, wholesomeness, freshness of milk that came in twenty four hour period, because there was no time that milk just been made by that cow in there time for anything to cause any damage to it. Cuz that takes several days to occur, so that was my first challenge that I really was focused on needed understand. How can I bring back flavor ball still dealing with the longer shelf life and everything. So
The other side that occurred to me in the early nineties. You know I do have. studies and nutrition through my vote, an errand practice. I've always enjoyed nutrition and I enjoyed human nutrition very much as well. So I became a big student of full revolution of sugars and and eliminating fats, increasing sugars in the nineties and what that was doing to all of us and and the importance protein that we totally overlooked in that whole process and the ninety. So I became a big believer in protein. A big billy run low sugar, a big believer that fats for good. So when I looked at nutrition in general. What better nutrition than milk, when every mammal that's born, creates every cell in their body from only one thing. For whatever time period and inhuman, be it a year or two, then, consume anything else, but milk and every cell develops from that How do I wanna replenish myself later on in life, as thereof
We're constantly replenishing ourselves. I want to use the same vitamin mineral combination and naturally and milk other many might compounds that are milk that have you tremendous positive influence, I want to use that protein, because the amino acid profile that protein is just an amazing amino acid profile that has been sick. Particularly made for mammals, but at the same time milk had lactose in it, which lactose is the sugar of milk, and you know it not high high, but there's more lactose and protein. to figure out. How do I reduce the lactose, and then there's an issue of lactose intolerance for a lot of people and lactose intolerance is not a light. Switch it's not either you have it or you don't It could be different levels and progression of that. So with that philosophy as well, I then tried to put all that together and say? Okay, how do I change milk
meet. All of these different attributes that I want to meet Obviously I needed a better type of packaging that would not allow any degradation because of oxidation and light I needed to have a highest quality of milk at the farm level that you can possibly do, and you experience that with us of all the work we do to have very equality, like many dairy farmers, do in this country today, so very I focused on quality to start out with and then had it been exposed to membrane filtration in the eightys and the late eighties, because some well water issues that I had and I gotta occasionally educated myself, really well and membranes back then and it just happened to be that through those studies I learn the different molecular sizes of these membranes and that there is a membrane that fit in between every one of these ingredients. Although the water and melt the mineral vitamin and melt the lactose and melt the protein and milk and the fat and melt- and I went
smaller molecular size. The larger on that description there, and there is a member in that fits in between each one. I thought haha If I can separate out the lactose, if I separate out the protein keep the vitamins and minerals and concentrate them up. Concentrate the protein up, reduce a lactose I'm in good shape. But I'm going to take a little bit of the sweetness away from milk, which is A flavor So what do I do well happens to be that lactose, although the same amount of carbons as truth does glucose or gallop to sugar, has only twenty five percent of the sweetness, it could convert. The lactose into glucose and Gallup does because it's just a bond that keeps them there. If I could break that bond and convert that with a lot less lactose. I could bring back all the sweetness. So I really do so lactose by about you know, said: percent? I added the
tastes enzyme and what I left there. Turned into glucose- and that brings back the full sweetness of milk while at the same time we doubled the amount of protein and vitamins and minerals and calcium magnesium everything. So we were able to keep the sweetness improve the body because, Fifteen brings a lot of body so that your mouth feel is just fantastic protein. The grape flavor and milk, so it and is a flavor even more and I've always loved whole milk two percent and skim as you know, but fats are good for you. There is no doubt I mean every year, we're learning what I believe back in the nineties. You know that the take was trying to eliminate good fats and milk fat as a good fat. So by having that fool combination and pr thing the product and the right type of packaging and starting with the highest quality of milk by
making sure that our cows were in environments that were very safe to them and that they were extremely clean and milton a very clean process. We ended up with their milk and that aid something you're gonna hear on he hall. Now that our governments, that a royal clark and there's a lot of science going on surely the thing I really take from my two things: first of all, whatever your milk tastes better than any milk I've ever had and to have I've been saying, intestines wrong. My whole life intestines ten times now no and sustains good. That sounds who says that this is my husband. He has two second languages, my spanish coming through intestines. It makes it all sound, continental. You know so. what the hell almond milk, why does my partner Mary always order almond milk? Now I tell her that
I know matter what that girl. Look. I told you she's, not I mean she's, very, very, very smart, but when it comes to food, I I tell her you can't get milk out of an almond but she's like I'm not so sure about them, like I'm sure, ass to anyway she's in greece right now. But if she were here, I'm sure she would appreciate a cogent explanation or we seeing all these bizarre milk alternatives. Because to MIKE's point the milk that we remembered is not so easy to get any more and we're concerned about fat may be unjust. Finally so and is Just a bunch of marketing who ha. You know at first of all, I agree with you about Mary she's, a brilliant lady. I'm going to have to have one sit down with her have through this and intervention and almond intervention, my god it's another.
Have one more one more and we can do that, while the cows being ai, while the ai is watching, then we can watch it all at one time, all at one time, linda intervention, T shirt if I ever heard one? there's a lot of a lot of things at work which even as mike was explaining about the reinvention of milk and how we just were so dogged in our attempts at trying to bring good milk back, bring the best milk back, because there were attempts, starting from the 80s right about we'll just The food pyramid, the old food pyramid that we used to have a mean, my lord, you know what disaster that created for our country today. Was perfect. It was just upside down exactly exactly so: yeah eat, better people, so there was that right, so don't drink whole fat milk
you can only drink skimmed milk who the hell likes to drink skimmed milk, no one chuck, no one! No, no one joint, skimmed milk eggs, fair life's skimmed milk because of the amount of protein and there it actually like Michael talking about that mouth, feel fairly. Skimmed milk is pretty good, but I still want drink. It does now. So, what's up only if the fat is good for you, you know that's? Why that whole food pyramid is now you know now it's a plate, not a pyramid. We move to the plate concept, hopefully will evolve to just something out of sight and our glass lower, Graham rumbled trap, reside. I'm always So if you left the phone milk oxidizing fast. The fact that milk just did not taste like it used to taste when we were kids and got Liver milk, fresh from the farm from last night to your doorstep, the fact that there was
whole. You know, anti animal protein crusade it going on the fact that there is a lot of money, rowan behind alter the milk being thrown behind alternative, meets a lot of people trying to get rich by that only environmental side. I hope you get a chance to talk the whole fallacy of you know that It's just not sustainable and blah blah blah. All of those things pushed people into thinking, okay by drinking almond milk, I'm doing better My body I'm doing better for the planet, well it wake up. I'm sorry, but you're, not the worst thing is You know when you see you, an adult make your own choices, we feel like there's a petition. Toll of happening. Is that we're going to see a generation of kids being re? without the amount of calcium that they need without them protein
building blocks for their bodies. That's going to be an issue just like the food pyramid issue of the of the stephen seventies became an issue of obesity in nineties and two, the 2000's thing I think could potentially happen with children who are not getting the amount of complete proteins they need to be able to grow, to be healthy, adults, I mean just think about real quick. The children in the today who live in poverty levels. What are they, not getting they're, not getting nutrition, whatsapp, to those kids, that's just a crying shame and just a sin is that those kids are not able to grow up to their potential. You The amount of stunting that happens in a lot of the world countries today and
it's all because of nutrition and here's something that's so readily available that a family in ethiopia can have a can have a cow and to be able to feed their children and maybe sell enough milk to bring some income into their family the a whole elitist attitude that we have in our country that we think we know where the best but I think, is the best for the world. Well go a conversation with. Farmer in africa who could have crops. use. Gmo seeds go talk to A family in india who are, dependent upon their livestock. To me. That's like the bigger overall argument that we need to have in this country about bashing animal proteins it's so relevant to the rest of the world, it's so relevant to how we evolved as assume
to where we are today that how can we do a one eighty today when it's the way civilization evolved, my people have written books, so many books out there about food about nutrition about environment five off come to mind right now, I'm not going to mention any of them, but I am sure you are familiar with them. I like to hear from you guys in no particular order, but norman borlaug saved what a billion lives with gmos. If you don't know norman bore laugh, is google and nobody has saved more lives ever been. who created the thing that is now sickly public enemy number one in many circles around production around modern agriculture So if you would things like free range things like organic.
talk little bit about the words we always see on the path. Images that sell stuff. And whether or not there's any actual utility in that, and whether or not the climate or the environment. Actually benefiting in some way, let's take organic, for example, it's a known fact that nutrition of organic milk- if I can just stick with melt for this example, the nutrition of organic milk and the nutrition of- but let's call it can mention a mill. There is absolutely no difference. I mean this is a known scientific fact. No one can dispute. And we are involved in organic areas, because we have people that we sell a lot of milk to change the supermarket that have asked us because they trust us if we do the organic milk as well, because I have clientele organic, and so we have two comparisons: side by side and
resource wise mike it takes twice as much resource to produce the same product so put the world today. We have a serious problem. To be able to meet. These growing needs over the next thirty years and we could be it a tremendous deficit under the best practices that we know we may be under a deficit. If we, were to say that we're going to go to organ, I everything we need find another planet to be, to reduce that type of food which you know is just not going to happen so sure. If someone wants to eat organic, you know again, I'm I'm just I said. I don't have a problem with a problem diet, but don't tell me that the convert, I was wrong just because you believe and organic. That is not true, absolutely not true at all and might if I may don't lecture farmers who
do well. In your case, I think your entire fleet of trucks at this point This is what I want to hear about me. I mean last time I talk to you seriously about this. It was over a decade ago, and you were this close to converting all of your trucks, to the point where they could run on cow crap that's conservation, that's environmentalism, real environmentalism, Where are you in that process and yeah so that was a very successful process. You know started that in two thousand and twelve, we actually we partnered with cummings engines to create these incentives? There was only a nine leader, natural gas engine, and we we did a twelve leader to carry an eighty thousand pound load of milk. All of our milk leaves our farms on tanker loads that are six thousand gallons. So the total A truck and milk is about. Eighty thousand, so you need a twelve leader to fourteen liter engine that we created those engines in a pot worship with them.
We created a knot with just regular natural gas? We created with renewable natural gas, so all of our manure goes into digesters. And we collect that bio gaston. produced in a digester. So that's an anaerobic situation or the method. Bacteria consume whatever starches and hemi cellulose us left and the manure converted into methane over a very fast period, and being outside in our pits like we used to do and that Staind slowly would move up to atmosphere, and you know that's one of the potent greenhouse gas is methane. So, instead of allowing that to happen, we create a digesters. Initially, we just flared that so it wouldn't go to atmosphere on you, destroy the methane that way and then we for ways to better use that we went to genset. So we produce electricity for our farm with that, and we the bio gas could burn in these special engines and they would run a generator that would create electricity for the farm.
And then we moved into the idea of these trucks and and we were able to create the trucks. Forty two trucks took call. built to market a hundred percent of our milk went to market with this guy but we had to also figure out the technology to be able to take this bio gas at sixty percent methane and converted to ninety nine percent methane, which is what natural gas is when it comes out of out of a well and We brought in the technology or the first to do it in the united states as well. We brought the technology from new zealand and was very successful and the trucks were of very successful venture as well. So we had forty two trucks put over a million miles on each of those trucks very successfully. So for many many many years we have been doing that today. We are now selling that gas into a what's called carbon fuel standards all of it ends up in trucks, but not necessarily in our trucks. Only so it goes beyond now so we ve grown that quite a bit and that's it
california project, but right now, there's legislation in about thinking. California, don't mention it! There is legislation about nine other states that also are moving that route to be able to use these renewable show gases in the running these type of engines that we developed here at fair oaks and all these trucks. So you know it's a really cool story, because it went beyond fair oaks and now there's thousands of these trucks running up and down the road that it can carry these large load that was a great environmental success story for us as well, but when you look at this whole environmental deal and you look at the carbon footprint of the dairy we've committed. As a dairy industry, not fair oaks farther than tired air industry, and I am the chairman of the environmental effort of the us dairy industry. We come to a net zero by two thousand and fifty on our farms. It's a trimming
commitment. I personally believe that this is only MIKE Mccloskey, believe I'm not speaking for the dairy industry. I personally believe we can hit this by twenty forty and quickly I'll show with you that when you I could have dairy farm and you look at the carbon footprint and, as you said always mike, I quote. You often is that everything in life comes from two places either farming at a romanian and when you look a life assessment of any product? You find that seventy percent, humor take ten percent. Is it the sword? where did it started to either you are producing that carbon footprint at the mines are your producing their carbon footprint at the farm, so seventy percent and of the carbon footprint of a gallon of milk from I cradled a grave happens. the farm level divides into four major areas? One is a farming. The farming practices are self produces about a third. The other one is manure which we shared about the digesters and we eliminate one hundred percent of that one slash three and the other one. Is this belching lot of
so far. It's ninety percent is belching only ten people, so that's really hurting, but it is a belching that methane is going to atmosphere and that's about thirty per cent and then there's ten percent left, which is fourth part on the dairy, which is the energy side, you would think the energy side would be huge. You know the electricity side and the fuels that we use and everything diesel and gasoline and others and the natural gas at some farm produce. But it's small compared to the heavy load that the manure, the methane, the belching and the farming practice, which has nitrous oxide released. Which is a very potent reno gas as well. You know, there's very little co2, a lot of methane and some nitrous oxide in our farming practices. We have initiatives that we're working on on every one of these two make it to net zero and beyond. We will sequester through practices such as no till it cover crops, never
what's the ground, and we will be not only eliminating that thirty percent cent that comes from farming but sequestering carbon. Sorry MIKE, how do you never open the ground? What does that mean? No till or practices we go with big old into the farm. You know after every crop and open it up and move the dirt around and that's a practice of interestingly enough, the university of purdue and south dakota years ago in the late sixties and seventies, and continued to work through that. they are the ones that drove the concept of no till. There is really no reason to be doing all this and we in america did not about that, because you know we love our big equipment. We love are fertilizers. We love all this any reason to get that big green tractor at down the feel I've been harm, people of priorities the people that really adopted it well, for example, as argentina I've been in farms one after another, hundreds of thousands of acres, the ground
and been open in thirty years, mike with continuous crop production and it's called a no till practice and you drill into the ground and you opening up a very small and you're, covering it immediately as you go in there and you use a combination of crop rotation with cover crops during the winter and the different roof structures continue the aeration in the ground, so you're breaking up that way. It's just a proper way of army and you bring back the violin I took life within soil. In a way that is impressive, so you start decreasing your input. You drop. The fertilizer needs by thirty forty percent after four or five years of no till, so And by the way, my car bad, because I don't wanna understate or overstated, but you know headline news price, a gas price of diesel. I get all that. The price of fertilizer. El ability of fertilizer, most people don't quite
comprehend the impact. Two things can have on the cost. of their food or the existence of it fertilizer tripled this year for us triple chase so, you know impressive and to know that there's practices out there that could over time you start know till it doesn't happen the first year that there is a process. You've got to build the soil back up. So At times you may be starving and a little bit from the way, the older practices, but once you get that biological life back in there in full force, it is amazing what sort happening and then you agree, so you gotta have that little staying power and be willing to put up with that. To be able to get over the hump, the hump is three or four years and then from then on the no till practices farmers will tell you and I'm sure people will hear this and say this immediately- that there's all these different reasons why they can't do it. I can't do it and back do it. You can do it.
practice. It you'll see grow tremendously here in the united states over the next fifteen years, and it will succeed, Your the but to eliminate the emissions were having now and it will sequester carbon a carbon going to have a tremendous value and this is a source of income for all farmers? You know it's going to be an added source of income for doing the right things and the societal benefit of the proper farming practice says it's not only the greenhouse gas emissions is a. U turn location of our waterways right, creating the black dead zones in the chesapeake bay, the gulf of mexico and that's done by nitrogen and phosphorus It is in our fertilizers. It runs off into our waterways and creates a algae bloom that sucks up all the oxygen causes this hypoxia or takes it all and everything dies. And you end up. You know- and this is a serious, serious problem, it's as serious as
global warming. In my opinion, and plus it is an additive to global warming, because the ocean is a big sucker ringing out c, o two out of the atmosphere as you have a dead zone, you're, that's not occurring, so it even affects us that way. So practices will reduce that in an amazing way. You know about fertilizers, another technology that fair oaks has been intimately involved in in developing together with a small group that too- and I are part Two other owners, his call d, a marker and product takes our manure coming out of the digester We created all this energy and eliminated the methane. going to atmosphere from the manure and we could. three products where possible, water, a ninety percent dry fertilizer it's, not a slop manure anymore. More. We can ties and drill into the land like we talked about little, although for the notice, it was a mona which is itself.
To tat, hydro, switches and ammonia fertilizer produce from natural gas. So you can imagine the impact that has now, for the first time in a monos, been goin to atmosphere since the dinosaurs informing particle matter that called p dot m to five p dot m five p dot m ten way more than atmosphere, and then they fall back down to the ground and up in our waterways and that's part of the huge information I just talked about. A big big part of the reach of vocation. Is that so now we can capture like you'd trafficking is the term and in your estimation, it's a problem on par with global warming. You know I'll get a lot of pushback on that, but you know it kills aquatic life, it kills water. I mean it kills the ocean. So absolutely I I put it is global warming at it. We have to attack them both in a serious serious way. It's a know, a problem that then if we get serious about it, it's easily attacked as well, but in the case of this bark
technology we take. The manure coming out of the digests or potable water Ninety percent of what's coming out or ninety five. Percent of what's coming out is walk and you seen it. we end up with possible water. We end up with a dry ninety percent fertilizer dirt that has no path no seeds, because we've done that through evaporation to be able to get the water also, sterile, great fertilizer, with its three three three nights, phosphorus and potassium for a lighter, with incredible micro nutrient, an equal ammonia that substitutes for an address, as I was saying, and that's they're all natural fertilizers, and they have never been available before new technology that we've been able to do here at fair.
Alex and several other dairies now and we're rolling this out as we speak, it's going to be revolutionary and the pig industry and the dairy industry and the beef industry to be able to really attack all these problems. So you know we haven't even got into the technologies that we're developing now to decrease belching. His we have products called three a api or bear reduces the belching by no less than thirty percent and on the average research is fifty, and its no matter how you combine it in the feed- and, I believe, will increase above fifty here over the next couple of years. It's not approved by the FDA yet, but it's approved in Europe. It's improved and south america has approved a new zealand. It's just a time were working with if the they just have some antiquated pathways, you need to modernize those and we're working very well with them and with the EU cia and the administration. Everyone is supporting to relook at how do we accelerate the process because it Deek Is tremendously, but
products like red algae? I don't know if you've read about that or seen that there is a lot of truth to the sciences. Behind I mean seaweed, not algae. The science is a little bit behind they kind of make more out of it than where exactly it is that it is real science and it's being developed, and that will- decrease as well. So the combination of some of these feed additives in the next for five years. I believe we'll see somewhere between sixty to seventy percent decrease in that belching as well. So when you start adding all these things up, it's not hard to get to know you and that's. Why know I'm very comfortable that even those who attack agriculture because environmentally we're not correct all the contrary, were a solution through sex strain of carbon through our farming practices, the networks, enlisted before were solution to the problem, not the problem. Well then, with that in mind. You know
I tell you there, farmers who listen to this, who are probably super interested in following your lead, but really don't know how to sew. they do, how can they? and to no till how can they get into these kinds of sequestering? Where did Go. Look your as your wife says here, MIKE Mccloskey, has been an incredible pain in the ass to the dairy industry and part of that when you raise your bar this high right. once you know once you know, there's a better way, then what do you do about it? that's the kind of pain in the ass you are, you show people. Look you can do this not going to create the kind of engine we discussed earlier without picking up the How many conversations did you have with commons before you finally got to the place how many rocks have you pushed up the hill, you doing this for his every time.
I talk to you just back from china, you just from argentina you just back from africa you're flying around the world. You're talking about all of this science. All of these advancements and right here, in this country, we still have, I think, a pretty big chunk of the population growing our food, where you are so, how did they get there? You know our grandma and universities are still the best situations when agriculture in the world, without a doubt, are unfortunately there they ve been stopped for cash. It's not like in the eighties, in the seventies, where we had probably the best extension system, the two could dream up. I mean it. phenomenal right, but the knowledge is still there and we, as farmers, need to reach out to them and do a better effort because, unfortunately, like just said, the extension isn't what it used to be, but it still does a great job with the limited resources, unfortunately, that these universities have today, but your industry, so the dairy industry, the beef industry that we have
Great intuitions within our industry that represent this for us and we just got to join into an arcade sixty mi Industry has three great norton. jason's do the same so poultry industry is the same. So within your own organizations. That's where I would start looking know the corn growers soybean I mean these guys have tremendous educational programs on all of this, so yeah between those two areas. The information is sitting there. Waiting for farmers, to be able to access I would also say that you know I can't go back to this whole concept. The here concept, the the kind of Anti agriculture anti farmer sentiment that we kind of have in this country and the or exposure that we can give to kids? Who are in that?
tree of life, where they're kind of trying to think about right? Where do I? I have skills. Where do I go or I'm about to enter some higher level of education. Where do I go this the street is just incredibly ripe for them. taking an that's. What we need is so true that says so: exciting we're gonna be done in the future, and anyone who cares about climate change. Anyone who has water so once it is concerned will now how do we ensure at everybody on this planet can maximize of potential through nutrition, like Opera. You man, that's where You know whether you're going to go to a welding, school, whether you're going to go to an engineering school, whether you're going to be you know, search scientist, I recall is it's kind of interesting because we've been basis evolution, but it's all
so the next great frontier, the partners in the said drawn technology, which is the people, and I went to their aerospace engineers. and they're having more fun, with their production of agriculture. They just can't believe these are companies that two hundred and fifty engineers you know Twenty of those are dedicated to this technology on agriculture. Just can't get enough of it, they're fascinated with where it's headed yeah That's why I wanted you guys on, fundamentally the stigmas and stereotypes and myths and misperceptions that surround your industry? Are manifold and there's no way anybody could have listened to the last hour and a half of this conversation got and concluded. time flies with me. So I've been telling you that for years there's sambuca helps to local, but by the a little bit
sue, and I and MIKE all met one evening after shooting on their farm. We wound up in a hot tub outback and somebody on bought a bottle of black sample somebody and sue and with these giant brandy, snifters poured some in and pushed it cross the surface of the hot up chuck and the way It was created by the jets. Never so gently coaxed the sam for my crew and I cooling menage journey, or maybe that's what I would think yeah. It was warming it up. It was a tip Could you please use? I recall anyway, the black sambo was really really good and just the thing to wash down a couple of bottles of opus, one which was awesome because it was so sorry to derail it. But this was your point, so we just got: like five hours of
science distilled real. I know there's no way we can cover it all, but the headline is, I'm just going to repeat it, buddy interested in the health of the planet out of our water systems. The future of nutrition and the future of the species. This is the the to be in and evolving so fast, and I hope you both know I'm at your disposal yeah I'll, be later and we'll have cameras, hey, maybe some rupaul's sneak in with cameras and film. Some of this amazing know till technology right, but if that doesn't happen, I'll be back I put some show at some point to try and shine a light on this, but look if I can specifically around this whole cow belching thing. You know I'm standing by chuck, does some great Veo too. If you know, if I'm a
christ out of the market with this boy, I'm alive cheaper, that's a lot cheaper, but look we both love is gang, which I believe and cheap, very good, very good, frugal. I like to consider myself frugal what is there? You go but look is there anything you guys didn't say that you want to before I officially thank you and let you get on with feeding a hungry nation. I just it's been a great conversation. Cuz we hit the care for animals, the amazing environmental quest we're on that. I had that. Syria is a reality in beyond with you to focus on others you know the nutrition we hit very well. I think the impact that I mean has an dairy is probably one of the bigger ones, in rural america is incredibly important. We didn't touch on that. I just think that rural such a backbone of this country always has been, and and will be and will contain
to be right and farming as a driving force behind that. So you know that damage. affix don't lie. People aren't flocking from the heartland to run into the cities. That's not happening, I'm, not a futurist. But when I look at the technology. That allows us to have this conversation right now and when I look at the way people are working more and more from home. Suddenly you don't have to be in the big city to land. big job. No, I read somewhere sue the other day kansas city Missouri was just raided, one of the gray places To live and work because most the people moving there aren't working there, there's just living there right, think there's going to be an enormous reversion to sign, kind of mean, and I think that and is going to involve growing food in a more risk ansible way and doing it in parts of the country that, some of our fearless
leaders have been busy flying over it's nice to live in a place where you can look out your back door and and for a long ways. It's a good feeling. In indiana, is just on fire right now. It's so cool to see because we're estate, as in invested in agriculture as any agricultural state, but also we've embraced the whole tech sector as well as a really such will balance, and an awesome really one of those leading states now in the nation, but mike just to put final cap on things. I just want to say first of all, thanks you for always being a friend, you know you're loyalty to fair oaks. Farms to the Mccloskey family is so appreciated and heartfelt.
You know, we've had some awesome times with you, you've been so generous and always talking about you know them pulaski household as being one of your favorite experiences of your dirty jobs? Career I have no doubt that's because of the copious amounts of opus, one and silver and black sambuca or and or dinner. You know it's just a good thing. There wasn't reality t v around during those days cause we hey, there was a show that we didn't. There was a show. He didn't and chuck has some wonderful pictures by the way that I went through my archives for She sent me some good woods, actually very good, see how good are we can't. Thank you enough for always being a fan of us.
and of fair oaks, farms and farming. In general, I mean you just been such an important figure for all the farming farming and just olive industries that are out there now that we are so lacking in employment for the trip all the traits, my goodness. How many could you guys hire right now in your operation? could you hire if they showed up and just Look, I'm tradable I'll show up early or stay late, just give me a chance to prosper. How many we have forty or fifty openings right now that we between the visiting center areas in the farm areas and the type of experts, These are two mentioning I mean it's just really difficult How can you advance? How can you advance within your operation specifically because I'm telling you people are I call you they're listening right now and they're saying why not indiana. Why not
fair oaks. I, like milk, mites if there are no nipples on an almond, what the hell I want to be a part of getting the cows to stop burping Where do I go with b, F, o farms exactly were riding it's probably info ethel farms are calm and reach out to us gas sue. I gotta go not allowed to do this for an hour, and a half studies show that that matter, how interesting they are. After ninety minutes, people don't give a damn but the work I agenda and you're? Welcome is the short answer, but I know my breads buttered. I've said: Is it to you before diction fur chewing and swallowing is rivalled only by chucks and very thorough work. Grateful, and I know a lot of people are great go to who you never get to hear from and that that's what my show at did to her to magnify- but What I've stumbled into is a mad scientist mike that's what you are
It's like your hobby. vocation and your avocation are intrinsically connected. Both are out control and you are on MR toad's wild ride. I mean this: is Billion dollar operation you're in business, with the biggest people in the world and you're doing it a little corner of indiana you're gonna. change the way. People think every time they chew and swallow that is hell of a legacy. Your family's amazing as well, and got almost forgot his gas still around. All the songs with his guitar and why it's outta here Let me try to catch up. Give me one. Second, get gas. It's a piece of work that he and his friends were are so funny every time I've been over there perfectly reasonable day wines up. Turning into some kind of I can tell you, with this beautiful p walking around the mark, gus, Norway man. How are you like?
doing fine nice shirt. Thank you appreciate it. The tie dye that yourself, I did Who is to be that you either probably did it out in the hot tub right yeah my skivvies turned only for some reason. The arrest I had to make it weird didn't, this to what you played at the wedding is what I play at the wedding, I'm just going to play the chorus, I think because the rest, I don't think you remember- and I know you're short on time. You hold that. Thank you all the time in the world,
I will do a shortened version the past now in the washer and the calm grow the messy, because the one thing we know the tree is the telling you there's no the issue so strong, the daddies, the daddies to the
Thank you, rick. can you imagine dancing with your dad and your big brother is singing that song mike. I still cried like a ten pound. Baby girl was crying now. I almost remember the terrific thank you, my appreciated, that's really great- there's gotta be a recording of somewhere right from start to finish. So there is yeah. I told him like get all your legal it done cause this'll, be like one of the two the three most popular like father, daughter, dances. Oh my god are well that's totally original right, I mean I can get great fine considered. don't hang up cuz, it's got to be fully uploaded, but this was one of my favorite conversate That word conversation as it gets here after an hour and a half,
I learned tat my only skill, and you know Joe, you had nothing in your coffee cup and I was like down a third of this frickin, sam book a bottle already. I had plenty look it's nearly empty now, there's just a little bit, there's a little bit there by the way Have you tried? These things are called embers, oh my god and with the ember I figure. If I keep doing it, I'm going to get a deal with them, there's going to be no need to get your advertisement for free. I want to try a bottle here: skipper, noble yeah but nobody's gonna see whisky, we'll get you a bottle, It's ninety five proof. It's tennessee whiskey, it's smooth its name to have my heart episode, like yeah syllable, good I'll get a bottle out there, toots sweet I'll trade- you a bottle of that for some of that fairlife again nice to meet you.
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Transcript generated on 2022-07-20.