« The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

Episode 110: A Rank Amateur

2018-09-11 | 🔗

When the shooting started this patriot ran for his life.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Hey there is like This is the way I heard it's. The only podcast for the curious mind with a short attention span: hey if you already picked up my book the way I heard it. Please accept my heartfelt thanks. I am grateful and if you liked it I'd, be grateful, Again, if you took a second to review it over at Amazon, but publisher says the reviews are really important and I'm trying to impress my publisher if having picked up a copy, you can find one at micro, dot com, Slash book the book itself is a combination of stories from this podcast interrupted by a series of story. From my own misspent youth and dubious career in the world of nonfiction television. Eight brag, but it is a New York Times best seller and my mom says it's
feel good hit. The holiday season had an about that, but we do have a few autographed copies left at micro, dot, com, slash book and I'm told they would make ideal Christmas presents hashtag. Just saying A copy micro, dotcom, slash book stuff me in somebody stocking I'd, be grateful. This the wired, the aspiring doctor who was not yet a lieutenants, had no idea hoop the trigger on that fateful day. All he knew for sure was that the unbearable tension had finally been shattered by a gunshot that rang out across the windy field, a gunshot that sent him bolting and the opposite Jane. You never really know how people will react to the sound of gunfire. Some will. Freeze son will charge ahead
some will soil themselves and others like the aspiring doctor who was not yet a lieutenant will run for their lives. Not the kind of reaction you'd expect from a self proclaimed Patriot, but the witness accounts are clear: the twenty five year old medical students bolted the moment he heard the shot and yet even ass. He ran his thoughts were of England. All she'd been through. He thought about the loose to offer in the blitzkrieg. He was too young to a fault in the Second World WAR, but Odin. To remember the hell that Hitler unleashed upon Great Britain Old enough to remember Churchill's vow to fight the Nazis on the beaches and the airfields and the landing grounds old enough to remember the pride on his father's face when he and his fellow Englishmen transformed certain defeat into their finest hour.
Truth is the aspiring doctor who was not yet a lieutenant was deeply concerned for his country. That's why he volunteered for action. That's why he showed up on the field of battle. May sixth, one thousand nine hundred and fifty four in his uniform waiting for orders and hoping to do something Courageous for England, but alas, when the shooting started, all he could do was run, and so he did He ran until his legs gave out from under him. He ran until his peripheral vision was gone and his breath reduced to a series of frantic and tortured gasps. He ran until his heart beating wildly two hundred times a minute threatened to leap from his chest and when he finally collapsed the spasms that right act. His body left him wondering if perhaps a bullet in the back might have
the less agonizing price to pay a few minutes later, when he could speak again, his countrymen dragged him to his feet and demanded an explanation because he gasped, because today today was the day a few years later, when he was finally a lieutenant and the royal army medical core. The now famous doktor was asked to describe what went through his mind and the final moments of that fateful day. He said my brain felt like unexploded flashbulb, but my legs met no resistance for the earth
to move with me as though I found a new source of power in beauty and a few years after that, after being knighted by the Queen of England for his courage on the field, the national hero was asked to explain what had driven him to attempt such an audacious feet with such a relatively small amount of actual training. Well, he said I just felt that something had to be done. We were still reeling from the Second World war. You know still on food rations, still not quite ourselves as a people. England was divided and demoralized. You see I wanted to give my country a victory. We don't remember who pulled the trigger on that fateful afternoon. No one ever remembers the guy who fires the starting pistol, but now one. There will ever forget the three minutes and fifty nine point four seconds that followed, because that's it
exactly how long it took the twenty five year old medical student to shocked the world at a time when athletes from every country were trying to make a name for themselves, it was a rank amateur, aspiring doctor who did what many said could not be done and in the process reunited the United Kingdom in a way that Churchill himself Never hope to repeat: it really was miraculous for three minutes and fifty nine point four seconds. There were no Protestants for Catholics in Great Britain, no Muslims or Jews, no Hindus or atheist, no black, sir Whites, no tory no labour for three minutes and fifty nine point four seconds they were all just Britain's watching one of their own make their country great again
With the hashtag or a lecture, not with an armband were a protest with a victory. It's easy to forget how powerful and they can be when they remember to stay in their lane. Only then can their accomplishments remind us all of the vast potential that unites the species. A valuable lesson brought to life by a true patriot, who ran from the sound of a gunshot, Sir Roger Banister, the first man on the planet to run a mile and less than four minutes. Anyway. That's the way I heard.
Transcript generated on 2019-12-30.