« The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

Episode 169: A Mouse in the House

2020-09-08 | 🔗

That was particularly hard to find.

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Hey guys it's my grown? This is the way I heard it. The only podcast for the curious mind with a short attention span. And this is episode number one, sixty nine- that it's called a mouse in the house. A mouse in the house ever had won a house that is with a mouse in it not pleasant, not a good feeling. The mouse and the house phenomenon usually rears ugly head when you're in bed trying to fall asleep in her that scratching behind the walls rules where maybe in the ceiling on the floor
I'll, go anywhere these mice and, of course they do become mice. A mouse in the house will become mice because you know they they breed with other mice. I mean what else would they breed with right, but the problem gets exponential very quickly. They get the walls and then they get in your head and then something has to be done. This all came out rushing back to me in a flood of unpleasant memories on Labour day, as I sat in my kitchen table looking for inspiration and finding it in a line of ants ants that had let themselves in through some unknown gateway and made a bee line, or in this case, an ant line toward Freddy's food supply. It's a very, very invasive feeling me for such a tiny little creature. These things can also really get in your head. I killed as many as I could. I put down. Traps are spread poison all over the place. I think
on a handle on it, but that that feeling that feeling you get when you know there's a mouse in your house or ants in your pants or on your kitchen floor. It's a feeling. Most people understand it was simply exacerbated for me on Labour day because, as some of you may know, it was one hundred degrees, northern California, on Labour day no was hotter and other places, but I'm gonna wine and complain briefly as from time to time. As many of you know, I dont have air conditioning not looking for sympathy. Obviously, if I wanted air conditioning, I could get it. I just haven't done it yet, and I paid the price on labour day sitting there. Looking for inspiration as the sweat rolled down the small of my back and I spied a line of ants invading my home, even as I gland
out the window to behold, not the fog, not the fog wafting slowly across the bay, but a thick plume of smoke. Acrid smoke filling the air blowing in my general direction, courtesy of a dozen wildfires burning out of control in northern California. It all just felt in that. Second, it felt as though I was beset as hamlet, said by sea of troubles, a plague of troubles, ants excessive heat wildfires and the sum ruler of the corona virus over my head, but of course, of course it's not just me. It's you, two right, maybe you're in Iowa beset by a plague of wind or maybe you're in the Gulf beset by a plague of rain plenty of plagues going around. It seems lots of things terrorizing as large and small.
And it's a feeling it's a feeling. I know others share, and so that's the feeling that I wanted to capture store you're about to hear? But what came out instead? Well, I wound up. I wound up thinking like a mouse. I wound up wondering what it was like not to have a mouse in the house, but to be a mouse in the house. I hope you like it it's made possible by my dear friend Monica Starks, who I have never met. Monica runs a company called the G S group, a construction consulting company up therein in the Great Lakes area, and she did not have a mouse in the house, but she was playing a game of cat and mouse sort of she was trying to fill a position. A pivotal position doesn't say exactly what, but if you're. If you're, looking for a pivotal position and a company like Gs Group than you looking for somebody with an enormous brain and a lot of experience and finding that exact right person,
this day and age. What with all the plagues body, the fires, but with all the heat and the rain and the witch in the corona I mean you need every advantage can so Monica being brilliant, went, zip, recruiter, dotcom, slash row, she post the job and listen to this. She found Lamont Jenkins, the candidate she was looking for. China just find the guy. She found it within five minutes. They can't make this stuff up within five minutes of posting the job Monica Starks found the candidate. She was looking for
I surprise four out of five employers who post on super grid or get a quality candidate within the first day. You will to probably I don't you get one within the first five minutes, but the odds are good. Within the first day, you'll find what you're looking for see for yourself, how soup recruiter makes hiring faster and easier. Try it now for free, that's right for free at Super cruder, dotcom, slash, rose, zip, recruiter, dotcom, slash, r, o w e looked full disclosure. I don't know Lamont Jenkins, I dont know Monica starts. I just know she went to Super critter dotcom, slash row, and I know that I've gone there myself and heard more than a few people get me try, zip recruiter. Dotcom slash row is the way I heard it. It's a mouse in the house
Twelve fifteen- I am an old man, sits in a dark house, sipping tee and watching cartoons yoga in bed with his wife, a beautiful woman, half his age, but he's restless and can't sleep who does what he always does. When the insomnia drives him from his bed. He makes a cup of tea and spends Quality time with his favorite cat and mouse so far, it's been a rough evening for tee In this episode alone, the poor cat has been shot, stabbed, drowned, poisoned electrocuted Decapitated eviscerated driven into the ground with the a phone pole and smashed into with a shovel twice the old man delights cats every misfortune brought about by his nemesis, the ever resourceful mouse called Jerry. He admired
as the mouse immensely smaller and weaker and his adversary jerry. Nevertheless, prevails in almost every encounter, humiliating the big cat time and time again, the man can help but giggle when Jerry Crush is Tom's head in a window severs. His fingers in a door stuffs his tail into a hot waffle. Iron drops regenerate or onto his head and then ties to a rocket that explodes in space, the old man likes the explosions best of all in the next room. His young wife is worried about her husband he's now easing into his early retirement with grace. Why the sea all of a global corporation, he now seems adrift. Anxious he's impatient with the children short with the staff.
And no longer desirous of her womanly charms. She doesn't know how to help him or what to say so. She lies there. Alone listening to a man, twice her age chortle and go fall at the antics of a clever mouse and the hapless cat who just can't seem to catch him. One thousand two hundred and twenty a dot m Tom is preparing the lie down for in a hammock, but Jerry is already there snoozing away. The old man watches wrapped there's room for two but He knows the cat will never share that hammock with the mouse Norway. The battle begins when Tom on Hooks one sided. Hammock from the tree and lowers it into a pond jerry, still sleeping slides off the end.
And into the water, where he nearly drowns. It's funny stuff, but Jerry isn't laughing. He will not be bullied so he waits for Tom to settle into the hammock with a glass of lemonade. Then he attacks with lightning speed flow, being the hammock upside down, sending the unsuspecting cat face first into the ground with such force. The Glasgow through his mouth and out the back of his head the old man laughs and applauds. There's no blood, of course, which is disappointing, but the violence is beauty, Fifthly, executed wildly imaginative and perfectly choreographed with a symphonic or that accentuates the action. This was part of the attraction. Obviously, the old man had an eye for art
and the artistry of Tom and Jerry was simply unparalleled, but mostly he just appreciated a good game of cat and mouse, and nobody plated better than these two twelve one five m. Jerry is running as fast as he can from a cat with drinking glass stuck in his skull he's about to be cornered when he said eyes, a lawnmower over by the barn he sprints too words it as the violin swell and the Timpanists pound, with an angry cat hot on his heels. In a twinkling, the mouse fires up the mower pushes it toward Tom. It's an ngo, Yes, countermove that sends the terrified cat running backwards. Cross the lawn and into the hammock, which spends him around several times, trapping him like a fly in a spider web. What happens next is not the most
violent thing. The old man has ever seen, but it's right up there. Tom is completely helpless when Jerry pushes the lawnmower over his tail slowly, the cat is sucked into the whirling blades, along with the hammock in moments. Everything slice to ribbons and the remains of board Tom are transformed into a strand. Accordion style, tat, shaped figures stretched between two trees? Were there used to be a hammock? Twelve, twenty nine, a m, the old man who wasn't right we as old as he looked, is laughing so hard at the cat, demise. He doesn't hear the Other cats, the ones creep along the cement, walk two floors below him. Nor does he hear them enter his home when slowly climb his steps.
Personally, I like to think the last thing he ever heard Was the sound of Porky PIG saying that all folks, it's possible. You know because though Tom Jerry was, I had a barbaric production and the old man's favorite The CIA also discovered, Lots of loony tunes on his computer, along with the collection of Mr Bean skits, a series, videos on how to crochet and the contacts of a few other mass murderers who enjoyed killing innocent Americans. It's true crochet videos, probably for em, all the loyal. Why
who took a bullet in the leg that night trying to save her husband's life, the worthless life of a mouse on the lamb who could no longer out fox the big cats who had come to settle the score. May second, two thousand eleven zero dark. Thirty, the time in about a bad when the cats of seal team six dropped in to exterminate a rodent, called us, some a Bin Laden anyway, that's layered.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-08.