« The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

Episode 49: Dream Job

2017-04-04 | 🔗

The greatest World's Fair on the planet - and it all started with shoveling horse poo.

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Because the way I heard it is now a book of the same name and because that book is now a New York Times. Best seller. He said with great modesty I am using the incredibly valuable space in front of the store you're about to here to invite you to pick up a copy for yourself now. It is tempting to point to the many hundreds of five star reviews that the way I heard it has so far received, but that feels too self congratulatory. So, let's just say: let's just say that why I heard it makes a heck of a Christmas present, which you can order right now at micro, dotcom, Slash book, that's micro, dotcom, slash book. Honestly, if you like, the podcast, you're gonna love the book and if you'd like an autograph copy for Christmas, perhaps we still have a few of those left at micro, dot com, slash book. Having said that, that's the way I heard
The frigid win tore across the icy surface of Lake Michigan and ripped through the construction site trend forming the grimace on Eliza Face into a frozen, rigorous and creating at one more job for the man who was already doing everything. Chicago, couldn't indoor another great fire, so Eli I was now making sure that hundreds of newly installed fire hydrants in Jackson Park didn't freeze a task he accomplished by an casing each one in a steaming pile of horse crap. It was not the job he had signed on four but united mind. He just hoped his contribution to building the Chicago worlds. Fair would get him one step closer to his dream job. That of a contractor with his own shingle on main street USA for as long as he could recall Eli had
Imagined his name on a modest shop in the heart of a small town where a hard working immigrants could claim a small piece of the american dream, so you Eli focus on that dream and ignored the mind numbing cold in the stomach churning smell of the task at hand, just as he ignored The exhaustion that followed every ten hour shift and the long walk back to the tumble down shack where he tried to sleep off the gold. It was the winter of eighteen. Ninety three at America was in the grip of her first great depression. So Eli was happy to cover fire hydrants and horse crap. He was also thrilled to dig trenches, poor concrete and tend to the raging whole fires that belched thick smoke into the icy air in between doing whatever needed doing: Eli apprenticed, with tenors bending metal planks for hours on end. He assisted the electrician
who taught him how to fuse the long black wires. That would carry something they called alternating. Current two thousands and thousands of light bulbs, Eli learn, carpentry erecting giant frames that dotted the landscape. He went underground with the plumbers steam fitting and pipe fitting in helping build the subterranean infrastructure of a destination that would attract visitors the world over. He learned to weld also had a plaster. He worked with the painters and then helped whitewash every edifice until the whole of Jackson Park was transformed into a gleaming white city.
Lake. In short, Eli worked like a dog building the Chicago Worlds, fair. He did every dirty job. There was along the way he mastered more than a few useful trades and provided for his wife and five children quite nicely, but he never did get his dream job. He never hung that shingle for a modest shop on main street, and that's not to say his dream, didn't come true. You see, Eli possessed another skill, one that turn
out to be every bit as valuable as those he perfected at his day. Job. Let's call it an active imagination. Every night, usually after dinner, Eli regaled, his five children with tales of the Chicago Worlds fair. He talked about the grandeur of Mister Ferris is giant wheel, the marvels of modern technology, but wonder on the faces of thousands of tourists to raved with excitement and a dozen different languages, as they explored every nook and cranny of this magic kingdom Eli spoke reverently about the gleaming pavilions bursting, with exotic exhibits and described in mouth watering detail the veritable smorgasbord of french Crepes germ and sausages and a delightful new treat called crackerjack his kids.
Aided up, but it was, he lies youngest son who begged for more the lad, was positively insatiable. He yearned to witness the technological wonders for himself to taste. The flavors of the world first hand to actually see and hear the booming fireworks displays that he could now only amount Eli ruffled the boys close cropped here. Are you what a loved it sunny said that fair? It was a happiest place on earth. If the father didn't tell the sun the whole story, perhaps we can forgive him. It's unlikely that people today, would stand in line for a chance to smother a fire hydrant in horse crap, but make no mistake: a hundred years later people arse Adding in line every day to enjoy the fruits of e labour, a slightly newer version of the Chicago Worlds, fair, where visitors from all over the world
four hours to experience the legendary rides and countless attractions, but to get there they must first stroll down main street USA. It's in a stout extra reminds every visitor of what can be accomplished with a little imagination and a lot of hard work. The store fronts are impossible to miss. You'll, see a dentist and haberdasher along and the barber and they're just above the jewelry shop, you'll, see assigned that's impossible to miss a sign that reads: Elias Disney, contractor it's right there right in the middle of main street USA right where he always dreamed. It would be a simple tribute
to a hard working dad named Eli from a hard working son named Walt anyway. That's why I heard.
Transcript generated on 2019-12-31.