« The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

Episode 51: Kid Stuff

2017-04-18 | 🔗

Mr. Akai had a secret - and every kid in the neighborhood knew it.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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The story about two here is true for the most part, so too are the stories of my new book the way I heard it if you'd like an autograph copy. I've set a few aside for fans of the podcast which you can pick up at micro dot com, slash book. If you don't care about my autograph than go to micro, dotcom, Slash book anyway, and the best price. The book is available. Pretty much anywhere. Books are sold, Barnes and Noble Walmart targets, books. A million has em said of the place. Hudson has them Amazon, of course, The prices change all the time, so click around at micro dot com to see who's got. What for how much
reviews raw, pretty much five star, very flattering. New York Times calls for the best seller. I think it would make a dandy Christmas present. People still say Dandi anymore. I don't know what your copy awaits at micro com book. This is the way I heard it Johnny draped the tattered blanket over his shoulders and tied the ends around his neck. Then he climbed the ladder attached to the sliding board, look down from the swing set upon his fellow playmates assembled below each wore a white sheet purloined from their mothers linen closet and a pillow case pulled over their heads they danced clumsily around a small wooden cross, performed the secret handshake and spoke. The forbidden words Johnny struck up
those glared down at his pals and loudly proclaimed. Take that you Klingle take that you, Claude only a coward, hides behind a mask behind the curtains and the Kitchen Johnny's dad trembled with anger and humiliation. As the many clansmen collapse. On the ground howling with laughter, Mr Kai was watching his most sacred secrets, revealed and ridiculed vanquished, in fact by his own son, and I wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. States in Kennedy wasn't there to witness. Mr guys, human nation, but for the aspiring, journalist and self proclaimed activist. This moment was a long time coming: Stetson yearned to destroy the coup. Klux clan
now with a little help for millions of kids and the most famous reporter in Amerika, it appeared to be happening all over the country. Men, like Mr Kai, were rethinking their non diplomas. You see a Kai, a k, a I was more than a name. It was an acronym. It meant a clansmen am, I am back and nineteen forty six, Mr Kai, was a very popular name indeed in the great state of Georgia. The code work like this. Let's say your bigot Newtown, looking to connect with some other, like minded big you can't very well approach a stranger and say pard me, I'm wondering if you might be a racist instead, a clansmen would say pardon me. Does MR a yak live around here a y a k stood for
Are you a clansmen? If the answer to that was yes, the proper reply was well. Then I am Mister a guy and just like that, the two of you could start discriminating against minorities and telling racist jokes without fear of judgment. Anyway, Stetson Kennedy aspiring journalist, infiltrated the k K. He got himself pointy hat and learn the lingo. He took their silly pledge mastered their dopey handshake learned all their childish codes and goofy passwords of vice president was a classic. A recruiter was a clear goal. The chaplain was called a club and so forth later Stetson would right if the wicked bastards warrants a dangerous they'd, be like children, terrible children playing at some cruel game, but children. Nevertheless, Stetson ran with the clan
months, he collected their personal stories. He attended numerous cross burnings and compiled enough information to blow the whistle in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, when Stetson that it is findings to the local paper. They refuse to publish its not that Stetson didn't have a great investigative story. He did it said. The editor in chief was a guy named Mister, a Kai when Stetson complain to local law enforcement. He found the sheriff was also named, Mr Kai. So was the city councilman and the mayor, same problem in the next county and the county. Next to that one, even those who didn't answer directly to Mr Kai understood the risk of running a foul of the K K K. It was a very dangerous time to tell the truth. So Stetson Kennedy called the only reporter. He knew who would never.
Down a true champion of the oppressed whose work as a journalist was simply unmatched, but this time The legendary newsman was so incensed by the bullies of the k, K Gay. He would not rely upon the written word. Instead, he would expire how's the clan on the radio, specifically to a massive audience of children, and just like that, a few weeks later, millions of kids listened with undivided attention, as the forces of good were pitted against the most. Nicholas collection of villains ever assemble. I mean these clowns were absurd. They dressed in bed sheets and hid their faces behind pillow cases. They obsessed over code words and secret handshakes. They called each other fake names and used buzzwords like classic Inclood with Stetson research. The greatest reporter of the tree,
the eighth century appeared on the most popular children's programmes in the country and assigned all of the real life secrets and rituals, embraced by the actual K K gay to a completely fictitious group of bigots in bed. Clothes which brings us back to MR occupy the clansmen in the kitchen, whose secrets, where I'll being marked by a bunch of ten year olds in his own backyard, must have been a hell of a thing to watch those boys how with laughter as they ridiculed his sacred outfit scoffed at his secret handshake and scorned, the venerated words he and his friend had taken such great pains to protect. It must have been even stranger to watch his own son vanquishing, his bedsheet wearing playmates from the top of a swing set. By shooting imaginary laser beams from his furious eyeballs. Ultimately,
Stetson Kennedy knew that a burning cross was no match for a free press. That's an also understood that the first amendment is only as good as the people who uphold it. That's why, when truth and justice were on the ropes, Stetson looked to the sky, not for a bird or a plane but for a fictitious journalist who could show millions of kids that a bully and a bed sheet is no match for a guy in a cape, an average reporter, if we're being honest but a Superman known by millions as Clark Kent anyway. That's why I heard
Transcript generated on 2019-12-31.