« True Crime Garage

Serial Killer /// Scott Lee Kimball /// Part 1 /// 382

2020-03-17 | 🔗

Serial Killer /// Scott Lee Kimball /// Part 1 /// 382

Part 1 of 4


Scott Kimball was a con and a fraud. Somehow he was working with the F.B.I. During his time as an informant the people around him started to disappear. Join us as we discuss a Serial Killer who always seemed to get his way. Beer of the Week - Polygamy Porter from Wasatch Brewery Garage Grade 4 out of 5 Bottle Caps

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The the.
welcome to true crime garage wherever you are whatever you are doing. Thanks for listening, I'm your host nick and with me, as always, is a man who was college roommates with pepper, brooks he is the captain f in a cotton fn, it's good to be seen good to see you thanks for listening and thanks for telling the friend today. We are very happy to be featuring: polygamy, porter from was sash brewery and beyond beautiful salt lake city. You talk. This is a smooth, easy drinking. Porter was silky hints of care mail and chocolate a b, the five percent garage great for
five bottle caps. Here's some garage army shouts first cheers to jill in Ridley pennsylvania, a big cheers of maggie in baton rouge louisiana. Next up a couple of awesome: oregonians we have ahmed and mary and lake oswego and a big shout elisa viel. In germany, we also have heather at the utah brewers cooperative, a big cheers to heather and last, but certainly not least, we have visual in Chicago every one we just mentioned, went to true crime, garage dot com and contributed to this week's beer fun, and for that we think And make sure you check out our limited edition computer sure we have about say twenty thirty left so make sure you go to the website and order your computer shirt. That's if you studied computer
true crime, garage dot com and that's enough of the business. Alright, everybody gather round grab a chair grab a beer. Let's talk some true crime, the job I tried to get a holly.
Oh, did you really really really know how my daughter died? We're actually already told you. I knew I told you. What can I say, I've already told you were also on the show. You know, let's not go down this road. Okay, I know I'm not gonna help be okay, just admit you had your chance you're down there and you regretted I couldn't stay. I had no choice, the money you know not even there was a period now I couldn't perform those things on me. Alright, as you do, is look at your room. You knew that you know you really want. I'm talking to you now. So
Well, I'm sorry! So you know what the hired escort and you can watch the national lottery. What happened to national there you go then worry about it. Oh yeah, why teaching that all escorts get murdered or something bad happens to know? That's not what I said was he didn't want to go through the acts? Okay, but you wanted to see what happened I wanted to eat at like Paradise, guess what all you can come back to colorado, hire, escort and I'll? Show you exactly what happened and you can get a bystander okay, so you can look in the paper and you know what I want.
the only game that means a damn thing to me is my daughter, aware of how the other daughter you want my other daughter, maybe talk to you or should we readable? What are you going to do at Cota strip, the camera my show the sound at all like you're, protecting yourself. It sounds to me, like you, were doing it for gratification or or just to know somebody that cares about. You make sure to have the kind of crazy, but that's just how old are you working for or against the offer? But you have to realize some things that I think are important, that you know are classified and I'll show you show you what I do. What what can you show me or if you go, I don't get it. What can you show me? Jo, Jo Scott Lee Kimball was born on September twenty first nineteen sixty six in boulder colorado. His parents were
urgent in barb kimball, from what we could find. It looks like Scott was not one of the popular kids at school. He attended. Lafayette elementary and middle schools? He was described, classmate as quiet Virgil divorced when Scott was ten years old, I fell in love with another woman, very oh and scots brother Brett, move to. montana and scott behind in colorado, but scott left high school after only one month, eventually, after a few years, he relocated to join his father in brett, but listen captain because we often see this in these. I've a bad omen, a sign that something is just not right, These were called to scots home during a strange episode in scots teenage years, When he was shooting his father's gun out of of the windows.
he was shooting at neighbours homes. Now it's clear exactly what was going on here. Was he trying to shoot someone, or was this some kind of weird thing, or maybe a revenge type thing I don't know, but regardless this is a significant event. Very least, could be extremely reckless behavior, I attended high school in hamilton Montana, a town of four thousand people, but he dropped Just shy of graduating, he worked a guide. He guided clients on big game hunting expeditions. He made some really bad choices, not just the shooting at houses incident. Was arrested for stupid things like knocking over mailboxes. in june of nineteen. Eighty eight at the age of twenty one he was, stayed and convicted of felonious passing of bad checks,.
His three year sentence was deferred. However, the condition that he stay above the law. Scott, like Many others here, spending money that he did not have. He was rested again in october of eighty eight for passing more bad checks, but because felony. Conviction occurred in a different county Athens was once again deferred and it didn't activate his previous conviction. So scott to say it simply got off very easy and both of these situations he continued to rack up arrest, although not all of them resulted in convictions. He was arrested in october of eighty eight again this time for stealing a fishing pole two. Fools and a shotgun and set a golf clubs. This was from a residence or multiple residences in broomfield. Bravo
turned loose, witches surprised to me, and I'm sure everybody else out their considering that the part of this theft involved a guy, he was arrested again in march. It's time for attempted theft,. and receives a one year, unsupervised probation, and two hundred and thirty, two dollar, fine. So again. This is just really no real punishment at all for What we are seeing is continued bad behaviour right and, if you still again, are you still some checks and laid its slap on the risk? But while one do it again because you probably got away with it a couple times before you actually got caught yeah if consequences dictate my course of action, It's only wrong. If I get caught or if I, if I don't like the consequences. he's not really being punished, so
I continue to self destruct and actually he even attempted to end his life at one point. This was why on a hunting trip with his brother remembers brother brett Scott was twenty three at this time. He to his motel room and he put a rifle to his head- annie we pulled the trigger and the gun was loaded, the bullet the hole in his forehead as it bounced off of his skull Scott. In critical condition for many days of, He was not in a good place psychologically as Can all see this to discover We years of abuse that took place during these teen years so, what will we would we would find out here? Captain is it scott was the VIC some of a sexual predator. This started he was just about ten years old. when he and his seven year old cousin were tricked her
befriended or whatever you want to call it by a forty one year, old computer, programmer his name theodore payton. and was a neighbour of scots grandmothers in a trailer park in meter, Lynde, colorado and we know how this go. So we know how this typically starts off right peyton. Is he he befriends these children and he is taking them places giving them money. Take some bowling, you know hanging. Now playing video games right but pretty soon he started inviting them to his cabin this one. At a time. You know you don't want both of them there. and now he's doing things that are, downright wrong he's giving Alcohol This leads to olga out the camera. Let's take some photographs of course, eventually this all leads to rape and outright
molestation to the two boys. This contains for years with the boys their families being threatened by peyton. right, so he's kind of controlling them by by not only molesting and raping these boys, but on top of that he's telling them. If you say anything, I I'm to hurt you and I'm going to hurt your family while initially it looks like these crimes of of check, fraud and stuff are just crime of greed and maybe not a for help, but now when you dive into this section, you go well. Maybe maybe these work cries for help, but there was no punishment. So, it was coming to his helper cry for her or sometimes, unfortunately, when these things, when He abused in this manner really Many other manners, frankly.
In their formidable years of coming up as a teenager, especially with this stuff, starting when he's ten or eleven years old,. They could have mind altering effects that last a lifetime for somebody. But we mentioned that he was threatening the boys and threatening their families from understanding captain that the threats were as great as as possible murder, death threats, shooting these its are shooting their family right. The cousin later told police about the abuse and he said that it happened so often that he eventually lost count of the number of incidents that took place The situation continued, as we said until the boys reach their later teen years now. Remember
that is not living in the area of his grandmother. So his situation is a little different, then than the cousin who is also being abused, but when Scott would come back to visit grandma and when he would come back to visit other family, the abuse still taking place when he would return to that area. When you see a lot of children describe their predator, as the devil so imagine that the devil is doing these horrible things to you and then, on top of that saying, hey, if you tell by when to kill you, and I'm going to, kill your whole family. Apparently this situation continued until the boys ray their later teen years, when they were actually able to stand up for themselves, but as we This did not emerge publicly until Scott was twenty three, when he tried to shoot himself in the head, so in light of his and the cousins allegations which were brought to light by
therapy. Scott underwent after the suicide attempt the ball or county sheriff's office investigated Paden, and they were. able to bring some charges against this man. And ninety ninety one a convicted peyton of six counts of sexual assault on a child. He was, sentenced to seven years. Apparently, he was released after five return to the area where he had lived when he was abusing the boys and lived out his remit, days there in a letter to the court acting to a sentence reduction for peyton scott kimball the following quote: Patent denied me my right to a normal, healthy, innocent childhood because of ted patents selfishness and his for sexual gratification? He is dammit. my life forever and quote recovered from his suicide attempt scott relay
hated to spokane washington and the early ninety nineties, employment in the timber business out there, along with him his girlfriend. This is larissa, hence who he in montana in nineteen. Ninety three, the two were married scott- is Now, twenty seven at this point timeline now, this young new couple they Two sons, one in late of ninety ninety three and one in ninety- ninety six it doesn't sound like things panned out in the timber trade, thereby bankruptcy in june of nineteen? Ninety six forest and nineteen. Ninety seven. later Larissa would reveal some details of of her married life to scott campbell and says: Scott was not operating with it the law. Scots
asked of his. You know what is operandi of defrauding people and stealing funds continued during the course of their marriage according to larissa he engineered scam after scam and had people constantly chasing after him. Trying to collect money that he fraud in them out over stole from them and possibly a reason why I moved to washington in the first place, yeah the other thing, though, to as we said, he he always manage to avoid actual jail or prison time, but this this would end in september of ninety ninety seven when he did serve twenty seven days in jail for offences. I do not know what the charges were now. we're making it only twenty seven days and that long where exactly I dont know what the charge would have been a could have been something that is a head. That's a hiccup! That's a vacation! Pretty minor
not one that I want to take, though we're making it out as though Scott is some kind of low level con artist who you noticed and I get away with czech cashing scams and fraudulent money making schemes, but what believe that we will see here captain that the the truth of the matter is that scots he's talented as a con artist, and I think what we're going to see is that his con artist skills might be off the charts at every one who met him, even though our jobs that determined to see him in prison for the remainder of his days be grudgingly admits that Scott was the best at this universally they say he was liked. He was jovial friendly and seemingly trustworthy
This is how Scott was described, time and time again over and over by these people that that knew him and met him throughout his life. Why can tell even by his later interviews that there is a brain inside his head yeah. And what we will see as go through this. Is he truly just he snowed people? He befriended people Them feel special, build up their trust and then he cheated them their ways. Frank cabin. Now what happens? Next on the scott timeline gives us a clear cut example of how trustworthy he really seemed to be in the spring of nineteen. Ninety nine scott kimball agree to work for the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms as an informant on a stolen guns investigation This is an agency of our federal government. Taking
on a con man, a scam artist of fraudulent trick rider into their fold now really clear how this arrangement, about and it did not result in any a rest. Although reportedly gave the atf some names, but not only did scott get person satisfaction from being a trusted informant for the feds he got paid for a grand total of one thousand eight hundred and sixty five dollars there, The relationship was over by november of nineteen, ninety nine, but scott Oh benefited, both as we said financially, but also the terms of establishing goodwill with the fat a by december of ninety ninety nine, it was apparent that got was not only scam artist, but he was also violent artist. Were eighth. His ex wife low risk reported to spoken police, this scott kid. After at gunpoint raped her and forced her
couples two sons to accompany him: back to Montana. No charges were filed for this incident and that there is a lot of speculation here, as to why there were no charges filed. I don't know, I feel super com? but getting into it. Knowing as little as we do about this situation, We would see this one at time this, when loretta again called police. This I on December eighteenth saying this scott had broke into her house that night and held her at gunpoint. There He made her take a bath stole money from her purse again no case. No charges were brought forward in this incident as well
now remember the two suspended sentences for convictions for passing bad checks. That way he go over that again broke in later. Take a bath, after another sexual assault and theirs- and there's charges whatsoever? That's correct again don't want to speculate as to why there were no charges both of these situations. We know very little about so I mean it could be could be as simple as something as she called the police and then later says. I don't want to press any charges. That's why I don't want to get into the speculation of it. I don't I don't. We can't fault the the police department if the the person notifies them later, then says? No, I don't want to. I don't want any charges. Well now you can fall down on some level, because there is a possibility that should this doesn't feel safe enough, that she can press the charges,
then I see if I actually presses the charges, this guy's, an animal and and look you all did to me. He might come back in and kill me I agree, but I think that it's responsible of myself to lay blame to someone water or an organization with with knowing nothing really about the situation. Yeah! Well, not lay blame to to the organization, but less less lay blame on the The idea that we we know this situation happened, and we don't know why went down this way, but that's why I don't want to look because I don't know that it. I don't know that app itself. Go back to the two suspended sentences for the the bad checks that took place. Nineteen. Eighty eight winds: that was just twenty one. Oh, he finds himself in jail. Once again, this time in january of two thousand, this for violating his probation, he got
probation for those charges. he violated his probation this is for travelling and also for failing to report now. Finally, a little justice here at this time: place in April two thousand a job through the book, Adam Scott war, is sentenced to ten years in montana, state prison. This violating those probation now five years of this sentence were suspended, but Scott was looking at five years of hard time, five years in the clink district, Hansen row of scott quote: the defendant is employed, supposed to supervise in a community setting your responsible, untruthful simply do what you want to do, regardless of the rules and conditions imposed by this court, then more charges, were brought against him this time for three counts of felony, check forgery
occurred in nineteen, ninety nine in spokane, additional conviction, piled up eight more months on to his prison sentence. This is where the story really starts to gain some momentum here. Captain Scott's sentence. is five years. Eight months with the five year suspended action only resulted in him serving fifteen months. In july of two thousand and one he was, located to a pre release center in helena Montana was permitted to get a job on the outside and just report back to the center when not at work. scotland himself a job as a cashier at the easy stop gas station but within just a couple of weeks. Scottish it a change of scenery, would be nice on July, twenty nine scott was working alone at the gas station.
Let's quickly review what the good judge set of Scott remember saying: he was impossible to supervise in a community he's here sponsible, untruthful and simply does not exist does what he wants, regardless of the rules, while the dish judge. Hanson was what We call here in the garage exactly right, So, while working at the station alone on the twenty ninth of July sky, lifted. Six hundred and seventy seven dollars from the register stole a work truck, and he took off parts unknown known. I imagine there was several slim jims and a big gulp stolen from that gas station as well. That didn't go reported it that's the real crime here. Well now got. You are a wanted man a warrant was issued for the arrest of scott Lee kimball but where did scott hightail it on the run from the law in the stolen truck where else, but
furthest place away, he could think of alaska. Is not known how scott managed to get across the canadian border, but knowing his charisma and charm probably just sweet, talked his way in there and it really take long for him to turn up in Alaska captain. This is because could not resist falling back on his old ways. Writing bad checks. This scott assume, the identity of bread, Kimball his brother in the few months since his escape brett wrote twenty five thousand dollars in cash, The czechs collected the cash anne had landed himself, a fee I'd say, as far as this woman, whose name is Katherine Curtis, was going to, Scott was a man named Brett kimball and they were in love and living in a hotel room where Scott, eventually found and arrested during a raid along
Eleven thousand three hundred dollars in cash was. This proves that love is the biggest con of all the. The alright cheers mates happy ST patrick's day to everybody yeah years and if you're looking for a computer shirt check out the store page Also wash your hands and be nice to each other, wash your hands, don't touch her face our eye. We are going to do a little bouncing around here through a few years on our time line, but, while
while this is not going to be in chronological order. This order makes sense to me so we're going to roll with it because of the activities and scott actions. I guess what I'm trying to say here. Captain is pay much less attention to the actual dates that we say but pay more attention to scott's actions as we go through this piece of the story. Scott of course, was not happy sitting in june, and he managed to come up with some excitement for self, you know always seeking the limelight in backslapping from authorities, Scott snitch that his cellmate one hour. what flowers who was in for fraud, I had asked him to hire a hitman to murder, a federal judge, a prosecutor and two witnesses. so Scott also named arnold's girlfriend as a co conspirator in this whole thing and sure enough
a press release by the: u s: department of justice, dated march twenty second, two thousand and two states, if flower. And his girlfriend were indicted for plotting to kill a judge, a prosecutor and a witness in the fraud case. So according to the department of justice release. Flowers had provided a hand written note of food. Intended victims too, intermediary, who was to make contact with a hitman of course, this intermediate airy was Scott the plot whence far as to see the girlfriend go to a hotel room to meet the person she believed to be a hitman and pay him. A down payment for the murders, department of justice release concludes quote the investigation leading to the arrest. The result of a cooperative effort of the
I states secret service, federal bureau of investigation, bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms and the united states marshals service and quote what What's really going on here. Exactly is what we have to kind of look at the situation and kind of examine right, yeah do we think- Scott just stumbled into a murder for hire plot and a day. Two the bird and rant on his soul mate for the good of the land thinking, probably not so here's what I think probably happened here cap. I think Scott may have figured out a way to kind of orchestrate. This whole thing. In a way of saying you know if he starts telling his cellmate hey, I I know hit manner, or I know people that will will kill somebody for for money. You know, put out a contract on someone.
The guy who's in sitting in jail sitting in prison starts mouthing off, saying hey Judge put me in here: oh by the way, I'd like to kill a prosecutor that put me in here and they wouldn't have been able to put me away if it wasn't for those two witnesses ray, and I this this hand written. No, I call into question too: is it possible that this scott manufactured that no and provided a as some piece of evidence against these individuals What I'm getting at here is. Look there. there's a good chance that his cellmate probably did want to kill these people and had intentions to especially after Scott tells them a I know how to to set something like this up, but is this this? seems to me more about you know what I in prison Can I weasel my way out of here as fast as possible. I'm a turn on this dude,
and getting good with with the authorities. on to testify at the trial which took place in two thousand and three and the pair was convicted of witness tampering, but they were Acquitted of the murder for hire charges now Was paid This really sucks scott was eighteen thousand dollars by the fbi for his cooperation as a witness in the case against flowers and his girlfriend that's a lot of rolling papers in october spur of two thousand and one. This is before the last slim Jim yeah. This is before the the flowers murder plot that we just discussed as this u s attorney tom wales, forty, nine years old he's a father of two he's cute at his home in seattle, Washington someone shot through a basement window. and shot him. While he was sitting at a desk down there in his basement.
We know from what we could find that scott was in the seattle area in the fall of two thousand and one. This was just for a short time. This is when he opened up a bogus wells. Fargo account under the name, Brett Kimball his brother's name He would later tell federal authorities that he that information about the wells murder. Now I should now that this case technically is unsolved. To this day. The wells murder case is still unsolved Investigators eventually began to suspect that Scott actually may have had something to do with the murder either himself or through somebody else. Although If that's true, the motive would be truly unknown it? We. We could speculate but there doesn't seem to be an obvious motive here. Now according to a book written
by scots cousin, the book is titled S, okay serial killer I was working on a fishing boat in seattle in the fall of two thousand and one and scott was arrested in Alaska. This, november of two thousand and one he used information about the whales murder case too play the fbi gleaning, whatever information he could about the case off of the internet, he can authorities that he had overheard a couple of inmates talking about the wells case and that he might offer them information about this wells case So Scott starts feeding the f b. I bogus information he strung them along pretty good meeting with agents a number of times, including one three day, meeting in seattle that took place from February twenty. Fourth, the twenty seventh of two thousand and three while a thing about this for a second, I need and format I know
that this guy is a criminal. a career long con man do you really mess with a con man. I wonder how that meeting went down. I wonder if there's two fbi agents, one sitting looking at the other one going hey this guy is to be trusted. He is a con, another guy going. Why don't know? I kind of believed him too good guy. So what interesting here, I think, is the continued the continue m o of scott campbell twice. He finds himself behind bars and when he does, it seems I keep coming up with these plans of I'm going to turn on this guy these guys and what carrot do I have the dangle in front of the authorities, because, if you, if you go to a likely luck- and this is all speculation here- but if I'm
campbell. When I go to him- and I say hey, guy that I'm in a cell with, are these guys that I overheard talking in the yard. Going to kill some dude that you never heard of maybe he's a pusher or orb a check. Counterfeit or somebody else, some dude you never heard of I have information on that, scott, smart enough to know I need that's, not care? That's, not a very big enough carrot to to really help my situation. That seems to be all he's attempting to do What do we see in the first case, He's turning on his cellmate, saying you let this guy was gonna, kill, judge that he was going prosecutor. He We kill witnesses that the department of justice and the the law enforcement. The authorities Value the protection of witnesses, like you wouldn't believe, and they should very smartly, so cracked and he saw he's gonna-
he'll two witnesses and hire somebody to, and then what is? What do we see once he's at once again in prison? It's o I heard I might have some information regarding the murder of the assistant us attorney Tom wales, so. These are big carrots that he's coming up with, and I it's all I like to me, like you, pointed out sake: why? Why would you? Why would the fbi? Why would these organizations get involved with this guy who clearly. Is a con man. It clearly is a scam artist he's what he's one of these people that he's behind bars because what they would call paper cases where You can easily put together evidence against this individual because Everything he stole or fraud people from was the result of of paper a paper tiger. that he put together himself that you can ply to him and get the conviction.
What we have here, though, is somebody. Gon look weaken. these. This is a big cases. This is a to do. This is violent. This is murder. This is judges, prosecutors, us attorneys. This is big big deal, maybe deal with this little paper case. Guy. Because we we need to prevent these big thing, from taking place right. We we're we're after bigger fish is what I think think is happening at the time now. As we said, the whales case is unsolved apparently, it sounds to me, like investigators suspected that the scott kimball may have actually, he could have passed have been the shooter there, there's some speculation as to their captain. I don't want to get to far into that, but
I think the reason why they think that there was a strange letter that show up to the seattle fbi office. Okay, this It was postmarked from las vegas. Dated january. Third, In this letter, the writer said that he was the killer of Tom wales. He a woman hired him to shoot whales. we will get into this much much more later, but there is some good reason to possibly believe this scott was through las vegas in january of two thousand and six. So there is a chance that he wrote in me on the latter I'm getting a little confused in the story here as to what I believe is likely. I don't know that the may have been the shooter or, if he's really just manipulating the system, because, as said
It seems to me, like all the information he was able to provide to the authorities regarding the murder of wales. Found all that on the internet, if he's sitting behind bars and he gets use of a computer at the you know, when you go to the library or wherever that he could have, he could have Found all of that information in wasted together with some of these cells, these days that might have computers right in their cell. Well, keep in mind like one of the one of the biggest problems that we have and some of these prisons. The prisoners want to sneak in cell phones. They want to get I'll phone in their one cause. They can call whomever they want whenever they want, but also imagining get some kind of internet service as well rain Y know I have a friend that was complaining because it was their turned, they relative, that's in jail?
and it was their turn. They all decided as a family to help this individual reforming and better his life that they would get kay. For his cell, so they pay. like a monthly fee for this little tv. That kits, cable in the south. So it's finally, really like netflix. Now Alex and chill behind bars I just be sitting in their watching reruns of monk and the office causing I real brief mysteries, real punishment. You know I don't want to get whole a whole debate of what prisoners should have and what they shouldn't have, because I actually, I actually believe, depending on what type of prison you are are in and what type of offender you are. That should should maybe maybe there's like a year process, but it at least the worst of the worst when they have cable that angers me so badly. I think
The the real the bad guys. You know what real punishment is seized. and baby. You can watch c span for that's all you get to see and you get maybe forty five minutes of it a day. Tear your eyes out, yeah, I think start off with the genital mutilation and then work up from there? You know to really punish people. Well, So what does the tom whales murder in scott gimbals telling the feds that he had information on this case have to do with the your picture. Let's just say that the his cooperation- and this is key, the key to our story, your captain, his operation with the authorities on the whale's case and also the flower case that we already went through this. What would lead the fbi to turn him? turned to him again in another case down the road, and we will see that that will have devastating consequences,
captain. So for those of you following along at home, and for those of you who are completely lost, what we have here is we have scott Lee Kimball, who spent the last few years in and out of prison he's been arrested for multiple different charges and eat. In different areas as well, so starting the the order of this? Let's go to two thousand and two, because there's going to be something very significant to the story that takes place in two thousand and two, this room Scott was arrested in alaska for forging checks. and because he escaped from that prison pre release in montana In june he His transfer to federal prison in built in colorado. This is because He told authorities that his life had been threatened by multiple inmates. because he's a snitch by this point he snatched on his cellmates
especially the we're talking about the flowers case here, so History of cooperating with authorities would soon him another informant role and a prison release in the of two thousand and two scott reported to the fbi that his cellmate, a Steve ennis, had, Ascot to murder another drug dealer, guy's name is jason price. Who was going to defy against Steve ennis and it was doing ten years in federal prison on drug charges for running a massive ecstasy distribution network. the dea was monitoring his activities carefully now it's unclear what, if anything, Steve ennis was really cooking up again Is this something that Steve ennis was was actually putting into, or is something that scott kimball is man? accurate and provide. bogus information in regards to it,
name's possible that steve my made some noises about wanting this guy dead and Scott acted on that It's unclear what steve thoughts, its role in Steve's plans were because he wasn't supposed to be getting out any time soon. So What's a little tricky here? How woods Do you think that Scott could help him while there both on the inside, and so this makes three times yeah, and that's why I kind of pointed out that I think it's a little strange that steve try to get scott involved in this whole murray. For hire plot, because how would Steve think that Scott could provide him any assistance in this when scott is looking at doing almost how much time as as steve
you. You know you how's, he gonna get this going from the inside steve could probably get this going on his own from the inside and we know how these prison populations work. This dude was already moved there because he saying hey, I'm being threatened, because I am a snitch. I've read it out, some other guys before, so seems like the last person there and in it would tell hey I'm thinking about killing this guy, that's going to testify against me at trial. Is this rival ugh dealer or whatever you want to call em. I want this. I did. It doesn't make sense that he would tell Scott that's why I question here: captain is this something that Scott just totally manufactured all on his own, because he's learned time and time again and he's he's executed this before where he goes, I'm gonna either make up this stuff about this guy or I'm in a rat on this dude over over real stuff. either way. It's going to benefit me an
This situation, it could get me a prison very quickly. So, that's why I wanted to bring that up, because we gotta keep in mind, even though he's becoming an informant and he's writing on these dudes is chance that he's just manufacturing all this stuff himself and bring the pieces together and then feeding it to the authorities. So this situation to me is very reminiscent of the flowers case that we already discussed. Because how Scott got word to the f that his cellmate steve annas was adding to kill someone on the outside and again, as I stated, this is another witness. This is the will have the same setup right. It's like it's like you, said you can, you can watch his interviews. You can see him, you can listen to him. Speak there. Brain in there. This guy is also brains in the fbi agents. You think they'd go on this,
all seems familiar. I agree with you one hundred percent one hundred percent, it's strange to me how this guy was able to make this work, time and time again, but I do think he's probably pretty good at what he did and that's no excuse. It's also one of these things that he's like scott Campbell fig out like this works, and I'm going to keep doing until it stops working. So What we have here is one he was a known con man unknown criminal guy. That's says better than the other. crimes other than Khan man situations the fbi that there's no excuse for that There's no excuse for our fbi to be tricked I'm over ten. It's completely dom of them to believe him. Time and time again, I think what are blinded. By is what we pointed out earlier. This is this: is it or case guy pretty low level.
who doesn't seem to be violent. I mean we do have those allegations of thing by his ex wife- but there were never charges, brought forward on any of that, so they're not seeing that stuff. But what what the we're seeing is all we got these bigger fish that we want to go after all, there see that stuff They know that happen. Then now there was no charges that that that stuff doesn't just go away. The fbi would know that stuff or should know that stuff we wouldn't have any record of it, though I'm saying they should just saying that rf him there was a possible situation that their charges were never brought, that Go on your criminal history, but that's not that's, not record that the app I has of each individual in america there they have data on you on me on every
now. That's listen to the show! Well, regardless this is going to be when the f b I formally will take on scott kimball as an actual and format, and this is want to earn scott abe release from prison. Yeah hold on cause of it. If he falls, you twice might as well. Have him work for you? This takes based on December eightieth, two thousand and two and Scott, is released from prison and all to quote actively cooperate with the fbi on the stephen ns matter and quote was Scott's role in this whole thing, while he was ordered by fbi agent, Carl schlafly to pretend to be a man named Joseph Lee, Scott and that be I was going to set him up with that New identity provide, to him and they gave him a birth certificate and a driver's license saying that he was in fact Joseph Lee Scott, so scared kimball, who is now Joe Scott,
he's put in charge of keeping an eye on Steve anas his girlfriend. Her name is Jennifer markham, so scott, bold, told authorities. This is how we get to jennifer Markham. Old authorities, did jennifer, Markham, innocent girl for since she is the one on the outside, she is going to be the one that sets up this whole murder plot. I'm guessing. That means Kimball told law enforcement that she was going to hire the killer. So jennifer on what also a potential witness for the d and a large meth case. The short of it is scott. Lee Campbell is now out of prison, under a new identity and working with the fbi and all this is going You turn into some very bad bad bids. This fairly quickly. now before we wrap up here. Captain we must give
a big thank you and shout out to a website. This is scott. kimball dot com. It's a play that is maintained by the daily camera, which is a boulder colorado newspaper dating all the way back to teen. Ninety Your great great grandfather was reading the daily camera. The website It was invaluable to our research and the site includes a timeline and links to numerous articles, about the case and if the name the daily camera sounds familiar. Longtime listeners will remember the day the camera was a great source, for our six points Jonbenet ramsey coverage, which took place in episode, two eighty two two
thanks for board. True prime garage check out the free stitched up, it has all of our old episodes and make sure you check out our other show. It's called off the record in its available on sticker premium. Join us check your in the garage tomorrow until then be good, be kind and don't litter.
Transcript generated on 2022-07-26.