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146 - The Birthday of Lee Marvin

2019-04-15 | 🔗

Hold on, haven't we been here before?

The voice of Lee Marvin was TL Thompson.

Weather: “Sicilian Crest” by the Mountain Goats http://www.mountain-goats.com http://ionlylistentothemountaingoats.com

Don’t miss our Faceless Old Woman live show at the Largo in Los Angeles on April 27, part of a Night Vale Presents triple bill with Alice Isn’t Dead and Within the Wires: http://www.welcometonightvale.com/live/

Signed editions of our upcoming script books are available for pre-order from Mysterious Galaxy Books until April 25: http://www.welcometonightvale.com/books/

Music: Disparition http://disparition.info

Logo: Rob Wilson http://robwilsonwork.com

Written by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin.  http://welcometonightvale.com

Follow us on Twitter @NightValeRadio or Facebook.

Produced by Night Vale Presents.  http://nightvalepresents.com

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey Jeffrey Grain, or here do you love the show and want to help us keep making it check out our membership programme now on Patria on our members, get awesome exclusive rewards, like directors notes for every episode, exclusive bonus tracks from our lives show recordings entire bonus episodes and maybe, if you're, really interested in a brand new character named after you on welcomed, a nightingale plus will be posting. Surprise rewards that I can't tell you about just yet because it would ruin the surprise sound appealing and no, it does go to welcome tonight, veil, dot com and click on membership to sign up and hey thanks in advance. Every evenings. Disappointment is the next mornings hope I'm Lee Martin, Welcome to my birthday,
there is a dark planet. Of awesome size by no son, an invisible tightening all thick black forest and jagged mountains and deep, Oceans, It is so far away so desolate so impossibly terrifyingly dark one day We will do that. Imagine the feeling of the ground beneath your feet on the planet, The soft called creative sand at once was rock once now won't be able to see the sand. He won't be able to see anything except the faint glimmer of the stars there's always like somewhere, just not here
smell like on the planet. I wonder the salt of invisible oceans, better sap arranged, forest don't think it smells of wrought think it smells of fire or of food. Think it smells empty like a home, you lived in for many years, but have cleaned out and repainted and you're standing in it from the last time, and it is once again a stranger to you can I get smells like that. I am reminded. Some note. It is my thirtieth birthday today. Every day is matter is birthday, and yet I do not age. This morning. On my birthday, I had a vision. I was walking and the ground became wet then the water rose up around my ankles, but I kept walking.
Around me. With the trunks mighty trees, hundreds of feet around the water, felt cool, but the air was so MR walk through and still the water rose, and I was waist deep now. I didn't know where it was. I was going toward or away from there was a fierce bicker, a bird somewhere far above the water roiled, but I was not afraid. I just walked waste. Water, perhaps walked forever. My morning, routine is like so I wake up at five a m. I know this because my digital clock tells me in stark red against black about this. In for decades All of the labels have worn off the buttons. I wouldn't know how to set an alarm, but I dont need to whenever
I wake up at five maybe my waking causes time happen. I have the same breakfast every morning, I dont mean I have the same kind of breakfast. I mean it's the same food. Because the Apple As a bruise shaped like a witches Hackney to stand Sabre these same size same shape. Every morning, when I pour the cereal, no matter for how long or short at the exact same amount of cornflakes have counted them, Again and again, even if I pour no cereal at all. If I refuse to touch the box, there is still the same number of corn flakes in the bowl the same breakfast and I eat it again and again read the morning of my thirty: is We were not meant to last forever
There is no peace, an eternity, what shapes All of this is the boundaries birth death. In the pain and the knees you are bound, and so, with you have boundless boundaries I have notion I have no pain in my knees, and so I forget I have them. I forget my body at all, I just want to remember my body. There is a dark planet, of arson size. By no sun, its orbit its wild, its serpentine through space, even with the most powerful telescopes. We would not be able to find it, but at some point,
We all see clear. Plane is our own faces blue sky. We will look up on a day where we had a dentist appointment, but we had to pick up the kids by four, where the basketball game was on down at the bar and there will be a planet of awesome size lit by no son, invisible, tiny, all thick black forest and jagged mountains, and deep turbulent oceans planning. Be so close. You will be able to see details midnight surface cities that you see opponent, fast and cavernous cities. Empty windows, empty room, no one built of cities by
I mean I've always been the mark It has always been my thirtieth birth this afternoon. On my birthday, I had a vision I was out of. Conference table in a conference room in a building full of rooms exactly like that one. The place of business where money is not made, but is procured from those who deserve at less I wondered if I searched those offices were all of my birth days after I ever find an exit. I did not search. I sat. Conference table across from me was an unsmiling man,
his hands were folded in front of him on the table. I did not greet him because I felt that we had already exchange small talk. Now it was time to get to the meat of it. Cross for me was an unsmiling man what he wanted for me. Neither of us said anything. From either side of our conference table. The tinted window looked out over a parking lot identical soldier, said Dan. My afternoon, routine is like so I put on my hat and I go into town I'll. Do my shopping and say hello to people I know and the people. I don't you're still somehow people I dont know, even after all this time, in, like so I put on my hat Often wish me a happy birthday, I say. Thank you,
but what I mean is please don't please no more, Sometimes there is a party and I polecat Dick. With the side of my fork. I go home with my groceries, put them in the fridge, throwing out the aid. Local groceries. I bought the day before then I have an afternoon coffee out in the back yard. Staring at my law, which remains green and lush, even though the heat is intense this time of year, even though I have never in my life watered it Grass is like me. I coffee on the grass. Imagine having no shape no form a clumsy endlessness Imagine me picture me.
In an emergency, it is recommended that you look for the nearest exit. That's all I'm doing here, for the nearest exit There is a dark planet lit. I know son, an invisible tightened all thick. Black forest and jagged mountains and deep turbulent oceans. I feel I walked there once long ago I know that the crunch of its lifeless, soil. I know the ice is of the waves along its shores. I know the smooth glass of its mountain side, the guard there is complete I wish I could take you by the hand together you and I could
upon to its surface. No, it's the way. One knows We could find one in its absolute chill You could make light its total darkness, but it the because when we visit that plan, each must visit it alone. We can take comfort in those we ve gone before and those who will come after there is a dark planet lit by no son. And one day we will go, this evening on my birthday I had a vision, I was climbing chimney of wrong the raw.
Sat tight around my shoulders. I was hardly room for my body, by wedging myself outward. I was able to make myself stable and then we'll go myself just a little bit higher and a little bit higher after that, I knew Am I climb would last for the rest of my life and that the rest of my life would last forever. And still I wiggled myself an inch at a time, above me was a dark flight. Ill Orange sunrise are sunset. It never changed. The sun
was always setting, or else it was always rising, and anyway I was far beneath wiggling my way up a chimney of rock far below. I could see cave water, absolutely clear, possibly deep and brutally. If I wanted to, simply relax my body and fall through the rock into that cold and clean water We need to do is relax for one second, but I didn't. I kept clean toward the sunrise, or else son said. My evening, routine is like so I listen to the radio to hear the news. Did it I? What world is up to I'm not involves the take off my socks.
And I kept my feet, feel against carpet in my living someday. I hear a voice from the living room, voice sounds saying me must be more than this. The me in the law says to me in the chain, I wish you were so I say to in the long could you you help me out here. I think I'm stuck says to me in the wall and I share my head, sadly, If I could have helped myself, I would have already and likes so I binge an old ninety sitcom like five and a pit or the thin man commences. Don't fall asleep. I know a gold I can every hour. Until then, next day.
And yet I find myself waking again in my bed and it's my thirtieth birth as it is always my thirty at birth. If I'm not given a boundary, I will have to come. It boundary for myself: I will have to be inventor of my own end? Listen against the window. Do you soft murmur of the weather outside.
As a witness to all manner of kitchen bag, was your windows or the west marrying a sicilian say that the time is needed to do the same. Coming in loud revision smiling in this area,
all the time we heard was the whispers farmers time
We were not land mine, ready to wait to see.
I have lived a very long time. Perhaps longer than anyone and yet still so much I haven't done I've in Poland or the New Zealand or Spitz I've never been in North Carolina or not. Kyoto or North Florida or Germany. I've never seen a giraffe in person or a boar or a praying mantis or an eagle. I've never been to space. I've never been in a coal mine, I've, never tasted kale, or Kim she or lamb. Thank you, our big things. I've never done I've written a book recorded, and now I've never.
Build a house choosing the location and materials laying down the foundation and constructing the framework upon it, putting an installation, stalling drywall getting permits from the city. I've never led an army over a mountain pass saying to them. Today we go down in history that I've never gone down in history now mean most of us haven't, and most of us want to put me: do I guess I've never been to the dark part of the ocean floor, but the sun can't reach to the sheer liquid mass and the strange creatures live whose beauty does not rely on our sense of beauty, because their existence does not rely on our sense of existence or the volcanic.
Pumpkin seeds into the blue black bass. I've never been married, although I have been divorced sky dived or even been on a plane What flying feels like I imagine feels a little like dreaming like waiting. Near a small things that had never done. I've never had a picnic I'm never made whole wheat past never parallel part or spent a few hours, picking up litter from the side of the road and never pulled weed and I've never bought I've always owned. This hat. I don't remember where I got it. I'm, never driven any car, but dodged rang. I've never seen movie except for good, Sarah Marshall.
Not that new remake, but the original nineteen sixty classic starring Frank Sinatra, has every character Imagine any other movie being better, so I'm never bothered exotic things. I've never done. I'm never time travelled, although I do get the brochures in the mail each week like everyone else, never danced in the ballet. Although I've I dreamed of it many times: I've, no printed counterfeit money, nor ordered a hit on anyone, nor otherwise committed a crime. I've never been, bitten by a vampire, or by a werewolf or by a child. Simple things: I've never done I'm never mailed a letter our own dishwasher. I don't no, what a sun like I've never been in hot tub,
I've never kept a flower in a vase law after it was time to throw it away until it is the brown memory of a flower that once was dont, pilates or yoga cross. Fit I've never taken a run. Although I had always owned running shoes, my life like all online it's more of a list of I never have because the world is bigger than we can reach, even if we spend our entire lives reaching we, clear, a little circle around ourselves. We sit in that circle, and that is our life, but it's ok. I don't have to do.
I will leave an endless list of the not guns and the men to choose and the should that's mine. After all, passport It is not a predictor of future. So after all, death is only the end. The stories about you. After all, Everything after it's over what then good night night. Now tonight. Welcome
Balanced production of nightmare presents this episode was written by Joseph Thing and Geoffrey trainer and produced by dispersion. The voice of Lee Marvin was T L Thompson original music by disposition. All of it can be found at dispersion, dot info or at dispersion dot band camp dot com. This episodes, whether was sicilian crest by the mountain, goes from their new album in league with dragons to hear songwriter John Darn, Neil and night fell. Creator Joseph think have an hour long discussion of this song check out the new season of their party cast. I only listen to the mountain goats wherever you listen, depart casts comments, questions INA, sat in fell at welcome to night fell, dot com or followers on twitter at night, fell radio or live your best life. Whatever that means to you check out. Welcome tonight failed dot com for more information on all sorts of night fell March. We have from logo shirts to logo earrings to shirts. That say sleep like there's nobody watching today's proverb. A group of two hours is called a committee. A group of laboratories is called the jumble. A group of golden Retrievers is called a butter dish.
They say you shouldn't meteor heroes and Joseph think, and I like to introduce you to. I only listen to the mountain goat, the show where I made my hero and have conversations about songwriting, art and life. This fog has his. Will you be weird for me because I'm proud of what I do, but I always try to change the subject of people. Tell me that myself, if I only listen to the mountain goats, find it wherever you listen. The pot casts a tax.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-15.