« Welcome to Night Vale

20 - Poetry Week

2013-04-01 | 🔗

It's Poetry Week in Night Vale and folks get a look at a place that should never be seen. Plus, strange new billboards about town and renovations completed at the Night Vale Zoo.

This week's episode features writing contributions from: Trilety Wade, Russel Swenson, Vanessa Irena, Katherine Ciel, Erika Paschold, and Danielle DuBois

Weather: "Get Me Home" by Robin Aigner. robinaigner.bandcamp.com

Music: Disparition, disparition.info

Logo: Rob Wilson, silastom.com

Produced by Night Vale Presents. Written by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin. More Info: welcometonightvale.com, and follow @NightValeRadio on Twitter or Facebook.

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