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Pounded in the Butt by My Own Podcast: Pounded in the Butt by My Own Butt, read by Cecil Baldwin

2018-03-14 | 🔗

A new podcast from Night Vale Presents, and first in a series of Night Vale After Dark shows. Cecil Baldwin, the voice of Welcome to Night Vale, performs the classic tingler “Pounded in the Butt by My Own Butt” in front of a live audience.

Written and hosted by Chuck Tingle.

Get the book on Amazon.

A Night Vale Presents production.

Editor: Grant Stewart Sound Designer and Audio Engineer: Vincent Cacchione Producer: Christy Gressman Assistant Producer: Lindsey Kronmiller Theme Song: “Proving Love Is Real,” Caged Animals Logo: Chuck Tingle Very special thanks to Joseph Fink http://poundedinthebuttbymyownpodcast.com

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