« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 170 - Hillary Clinton Opens a Pickle Jar, and Other Miracles!


Hillary tries to prove she's healthy, the Trump Pivot continues, and we deconstruct some Ariana Grande.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On monday, socialist icon, senator Bernie sanders said that now, that is no longer running for president there's no need for him to reveal his campaign. Financial information is that it doesn't make any sense. He said, completing Two filing he continued be a waste of time. He was supposed to file current financial information may fifteenth, but I got an extension now if your man, during the primaries Bernie sanders, call for complete transparency regarding the funding of campaigns, now says NBC. News quote in the teeth of a demo primary worse Anders posed a bona fide threats. Acquaintance, voters couldn't definitive no other sanders historically one of the senate. least wealthy members. Suddenly parleyed is political. I'm into personal profit or for that matter, whether he's stay in financial distress. The forms didn't file, would have detailed his finances through the middle of may twenty. Sixteen there's a reason. Sanders didn't turn in his paperwork, like all good socialists, its touchy about his own finances, any games. The system sweet Bernie sanders. Tweeted quote to my room:
Colleagues, if you do not have the guts to defend your ideas in a free election, get another job. I responded. you endorse hilary than you bought a vacation on socialist hera, but socialists never too. Responsibility for their own personal economics for their campaign, economics or further economic policies at all, then, is what are busy killing horses to eat them. Citizens are murdering one another over loaves of bread down there and there are doing that because Venezuela has used Bernie sanders economics. But enters a sitting pretty with three homes and a wife who bankrupted a college thanks to her frivolous spending. Yes, sir, is lay because it turns out that when it comes to the socialists it's good for. The goose is not good for the sanders and Ben shapiro since the bench of erosion, so so much to get you today, all so much and were very excited about all of us today is a tuesday. That means it's time to deconstruct. Cultures will be doing now a little bit later in the programme, which means we make fun of our grand for ten minutes, but is like it's a that'll, be exciting you on a stick around for that
We begin today with the clear foundation and all of the Democrats beginning to realize oh wait. Hillary Clinton is corrupt, to which we say Yes, we knew that we've been telling you that for twenty years- and while there are those of us in the republican party who still experience significant stomach churning acid eating away at our esophagus angst over donald trump and his problem, You guys want Hillary Clinton, you begged for Hillary Clinton. You wanted her on that wall. You need her on that wall and so eager, and now an awkward because it turns out the Clinton foundation is basically just a pass through four hillary Clinton and the state department you information today, whom I am and who is the very, very not lesbian, friend, of Hillary Clinton there very, not lesbian. First lady, they did it couldn't whom out and here's that whom avenant with stashing classified materials in her car. Yes in her car now Why for the deviations doktor, she worked. The veteran administration, while she While she was in medical school and he had to,
comply with basic class vacation rules about health information, if you actually we brought a document out of the hospital you could theoretically be prosecuted, whom abbot into classified material is left in the front seat of her car, no problem at all we're finding out pretty much every day. There's new dictator who comes and says yes, of course, we to limit glinting massive amount of money to have deal with her and also for to give us ukraine right now that sort thing is happening pretty much every day now and the Democrats, you're starting to realize, yeah this sucks. This is not good James cargo the raging occasion as out their defending
worry clinton- and this is pretty ridiculous to the Clinton foundation with- was a taking no money for the clintons raising money from rich people and giving it to poor people and all of a sudden. The press has decided that we're going to go after this and shut it down, and you know what you're probably going to be successful in and they're going to pay they're going to be people that are going to die because of death and everything that I've never been associated bill Clinton with the three things I'm most proud of. First, he stopped the genocide in bosnia. Second, in the human genome project of which market rancho rumble for our thinking for in third, if the Clinton foundation, ok, so the James carville, who at this point really really looks like a bald weasel here, he is apparently very upset that anyone wants to shut down the Clinton foundation because of all the good it's done clean foundation is joints lush, one big grants to other charities, that's better than theirs to pass through. They don't really have projects of their own. They just have water money coming in lots of money going out and alive
being used to kind of feather the bed of the Clinton's cargo says he literally says people will die without the Clinton foundation. Yet the glens will without the political foundation, because how will they eat? I will if they dedbroke when they left office, they created and foundation other with a hundred million dollars other them. answer saying who aren't clinton? Oil, as nearly as much minister, like hilary but but they're, not like james, Well, who made his bones defending Hillary Clinton? There's amy, and found. Nation is just a crap. Show Ben card in his senator from maryland. He says in foundation. Yeah the way they do business. It's a problem. Do you think that foundation should shut down altogether were first, let's recognize with the foundations been able to do, the Clinton foundation has helped million people over ten million hiv aids alone, a safe, countless lies. Its work is extremely important. to global health, so they ve done some really great thanks now with Hillary Clinton being elected president, which we hope they they clearly need to change the way they do business and they
indicated they will they're not going to accept any donations from foreign entities they're going to change. the way that the Clinton's themselves interact with the foundation. Those decisions will be appropriate to Hillary Clinton as Prezi united states It'll work out, ok as long as they separate. I do love that now there talking up the work, the Clinton Clinton. I watched, watched of the Dnc unfortunately, and wasted hours of my life doing so or a single mention the common foundation. Nobody is talking about the Clinton foundation now You ran a charity that saved tens of millions of lives. Wouldn't you be bragging about that it like every opportunity of your running for political office, but nobody in the Clinton side has talked about foundation because it's embarrassing because it was scam or of course I did some good work. What scam would do no good work mineral. If you can. A charity and then use it to gyp people. Wouldn't you do it a little bit of good work so that you can pretend that you're doing something useful unless you're like mile, you novelist you just take a hundred thousand dollars and donations dashing your personal bank account do nothing and we normally
People who are smart would presumably at least come up with a cover story, as Clinton's did hear. When says, the declines are going to separate off from the. Separate off from the foundation. Remember. These are pledged to do that. thousand eight and then just didn't. Do it ed Rendell, as the former centre pennsylvania, governor pennsylvania, think and address he comes up, and he also says yeah. We should probably create some sort of separation between the clintons foundation. the foundation is done incredible, things will focus on that. If you, the people of the world, you want the Clinton validation shut down. They give you a resounding no because stood there start now. Should there be a wall between the Clinton's and any fundraising on forget, I think so. Absolutely I would say the strongest chinese wall walls, could They turned over to partners or people with Clinton's trust to run for that, for eight years, if the secretary becomes president any of our knowledge of whose contributing yes, I think that can be done.
Don't lose the good work of the foundation any more than we want to lose that good work. George, we pushed foundation is that they didn't things. They have created incredible goodwill for america and credible good for the world Annabelle goodwill from the state department bill Clinton has now put out a statement. Ears is new statement quote. There is no doubt in my mind that we have never done anything knowingly inappropriate in terms of taking money to influence any kind of american government policy that just hasn't and that's what he said I may forth now Nevertheless, I use the word knowingly, that's code, for we absolutely did it and we're going to get caught. So we're going to pretend we didn't realize it was happening. That's what knowingly means in Clinton, land and clinton land you say knowingly and what that means is yeah. We totally new, but we have to applause the night, it was an accident, it was all an accident. We had no clue whatsoever which had no clue that any of this. That was happening yeah. They knew all this stuff it's happening. It's a corrupt system. Transfers to shut down the foundation and come on.
Turning to you, let's talk about the god. The Clinton foundation among the people saying is problematic and shut it down is having to impose you are you also agree with that? With that premise, one other wonder he shouted down numbered show that you get the money back to a lot of countries that we should be taken in. They shouldn't be taking money from countries that influence are totally at all so countries that discriminate against women and gays and everybody else. I mean that money should be gone. It should be given back. They should not take that money. Honestly. Do you think that will happen? then, whether or not it will ever greedy people, so maybe it wound, but it should be the year campaigns is. Does the a statement a few minutes ago regarding this and you write, it is now clear that clicking foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history.
We know there are a lot of people who are not up to speed on what the Clinton foundation's been doing. That you feel is illegal. I think it's it's been really well documented in the book and the book has been absolutely approved by so many people. You've had accounting firms go yeah there. You have had so many people going in and it's a pay for play. I mean, if you look at it as paper plate, so many things happen. Money is paid all of us. I think, a lot of good things in the money age, very, very bad situation, soon and everything from his hang. There is, of course, true. The fact is, it was paid for play. The fact is that the Clinton's are corrupt it is the day engage in the sort of corruption on a regular basis. They do so Hillary Clinton now is a little bit on the roads, because all of this stuff about the Clinton foundation is now breaking and meanwhile there's all sorts of headlines about whether she tells me you're, not as I've said. I think it's a kind of waste of time to have that conversation, because
can a hand over her complete medical records. No one is to vote for tromp because they think killers unhealthy, like name the voter over those o heller. She's unhealthy, I guess I'm gonna vote for the other seven year old gas bag, like that's, that's not gonna happen oliver. He does. Is it underscores the cheese dishonest, but we already know that she is dishonest. Nonetheless, Hillary Clinton now has two she has to get out of her coffin and cream weigh up the stairs for trans albanian estate, too create a national television that she can pretend to be human for a few minutes, because gender and which is under tax, as she goes of course to the friendly face of jimmy camel over on a b c, I n g. She wanted to a press conference. Of course that would involve answering questions, but you will She will hang out with jimmy camel I'm late night television, because that's what our
It has become so here is. Hillary Clinton are wearing what appears to be a stop light talking with with Jimmy kimmel rumors that have gotten started. There's now the new one is that you're you're unhealthy that you are. You had a concussion, Rudy giuliani was on fox news yesterday and today and he's saying you look, you seem to be sick, you look tired, etc, etc. Are you in good health well this has become one of their themes. Here you take my take my pulse while I'm talking to craft alive. Oh my god, there's nothing, nothing that back in october, the national enquires that I would be dead in. Months, o o with every breath. I take, I feel like it
If you have a new online, a new lease on life. Why do I don't know why they are saying this? I think. On the one hand, it's part of the wacky strategy just say all these crazy things, and maybe you can get some people to believe you. On the other hand, it just absolutely makes no sense, and I don't go around questioning donald trump's health. I mean, as far as I can tell he's as healthy as a horse. you're setting out the best health bent metal, an examination he's ever seen in a human being. That can you open this jar of pickles? This is This is a couple. Things are obviously prescribed. Did the pulse joke indiana, pickled job? Let me make a quick point here: There's no way in Hell, she opened a jar of vehicles,
not a way in Hell. She open that jar of pickles, but my wife is a twenty. Nine year old, healthy woman. She married me to open jars of pickles. Okay, those things are packed for nuclear war. The idea that Hillary Clinton is opening a jar I mean- maybe she did, but that's only because she has the robot hand from empire strikes back gradually or she she lost it in a lightsaber fight and it was replaced by a bionic hand, and so she cranks it up to tens like er, okay, so she, what would have been more musing honestly, if she'd, actually just retracted her hand, brought out the can opener and its place in carves a hole in the top with, but in any case that that's supposed to prove it, worry Clinton is, is healthy, ok, sure whatever by. the idea that she's never insulted from south no she's, just call him crazy. So she insulted is meant, spoke up near the it's in there more than one kind of health and Hillary Clinton has engaged now that the whole I'm above everything is is kind of silly and, of course, the late night, We will do all this. I remember them doing the same thing with mccain deal. You remember, two thousand and eight everybody was questioning John Mccain's health. I really
don't, remember the media, have John Mccain on two then have John Mccain open jars of pickles to prove how healthy wasn't. I don't remember that hilary so try to humanize herself about about ices and jimmy kamal helped along as he's an ardent lefty, and so Hilary continues pretending to be a human baby book. Hilary plays the human go out of gas. This audience will be so enthusiastic about the co founder of isis that that was
frazier when you're as bad. You do you laugh, you think it's funny, you d get upset or how does a hit? You know it's really funny and jimmy. I I don't get upset anymore because I'd be upset all the time, so I dont get after that. I think it's crazy, but then I think you know this is like giving aid and comfort to the bad guys. It do you think so. Yet I really do. I think there's enough evidence now, You know when tromp talks the way he talks. It actually helps the terrorists, because today's cohesion- ok, I love you so so he starts off with you're, not to co founder vices wretches. No donald trump, basically is remedies which you you're right using donald from it. In comfort to the enemy. Get that language is the direct legal language with regard to treason. Are you get hanged for the act? Hillary Clinton spawns two inches crazy. Did you call me the cofounder of isis? Let's hang that guy ray he's he's giving aid and comfort let me first of all, there is very
Love evidence what there is in fact, no evidence that I'm aware of that isis says fund fundraising off Hillary Clinton, being the co founder remained, when people fundraiser heller, glinda? Hillary Clinton? That's that's ridiculous, but and the media just cannot go along with anything. Hillary Clinton say. Finally, Hillary Clinton, continues by saying that her emails are just boring like stopping attention, my emails they're. Just so boring. I mean come on, I'm old woman, already I'm bored with this. I need to knit or something years hilary the state department I actually added up today and the state department said that they have to release fifteen thousand emails by the deadline is a couple of days before that They are you concerned about that? Now I mean I would be terrify of my emails war release bank jimmy. My emails are so boring yeah I'm here I know I'm embarrassed about that- are so so we ve already released- I don't know thirty thousand plus so
a few more so at the end of you, you're not concerned that there's going to be something that that is that donald trump is able to use against you that the republic that comes in at the last second, he he makes up stuff to use against him. If he would stick with reality, I wouldn't have a worry in the world. Have you ever sent him an email? this ridiculous. Ok, they did the human. Never worry in the world should not worry about these emails coming up. So why did she delete them? Waiting? just hand them over to the state department. Why should basically take server and then wipe it with a cloth heller. As a congenital liar, of course, she's going to say this he's going to say. Are you worried about those emails and she's going to sit there going yeah, I'm really worried. I'm really worried people are going to discover my love letters, to whom I like what what what is she going to say to that, of course, she's going to say, I'm not concerned What's in the emails she should become intelligently emails, because in our they heard it's not gonna, be anything you know juicy sex way. It's gonna be a of her emails with the Clinton foundation, showing that they were one and the same and the media. covered up and pretend none of it matters. Ok, we say goodbye to our friends on facebook and youtube for the rest
the podcast become a subscribe. we're a daily wire dot com, and then you can see all the visuals which you'll want to see today on deconstructing the culture day, particularly, you want to see the visuals, because that's when you play music videos and make fun of them and if you also want to become a subscriber so that you can send me emails that we then place in intervention Piero mail bag. Then you can go to daily, whereas I come eight bucks a month will do it for you and that's less than the cost of one of Hillary Clinton's hillary Clinton, tennis balls to put on the bottom of her work. So you can just stay governor daily wired thy com and subscribe there ok! So meanwhile, what's donald trump up, what's donald trump up, so Hillary Clinton is making a joke of herself, did most most corrupt but but bore in court reggie she's not exciting, corrupt, because the same corrupt story over and over and over, as I said before, part of the plan with campaigning against someone who's as corrupt as Hillary Clinton is. Is that the corruption never changes, it always
is what the corruption level is? It's always the same. Its super duper corrupt, and so there are a new piece of news and the new piece of news is she's, really really cropped. Okay, so there. Thing either. Meanwhile, there is always more news with donald trump, so donald trump big deal right now is that he's in the midst of a pivot, the pivot here we ve been waiting for years now for donald trump dependent and demonstrate that he's not in fact donald trump. In fact, Donald trump why d eisenhower with crazy hair and a weird glow, so donald trump pivoting on immigration and It is now basically embracing market Ruby s plan except by frigidity, saying, shot the border and then we'll figure out what to do with people here which, by the way was the same as tat grew plan and the one that marco Rubio actually ended up presenting during the campaign and all these people. during the primary were saying that you are cocked you're, just the worse, if you, if you like ted cruiser marco Ruby, because was can be so tough on immigration. Transnational his position and everybody
in the train is just going up there. There partying hard in the in the dining car. The trunk reigns there. Not paying attention kelly and Conway, who is the rational half of the new trump team? The irrational half is steve, bandit just a marauding monster of crazy kelly and conway. She comes forward, and she says, died from new plan is basically a coherent one here's. What it looks like the question is whether it is he still going to deport the eleven million illegal immigrants in this country. So this is what he has said. He has said whether it's his speech last month at the convention, which everybody can pull and read or what he said in a private meeting that somehow got reported. I think in distorted by those who were in attendance. I was there, it's basically the same, and he said it again today in ohio megan. What he's saying is: first, secure the worse and actually apply and enforce the law, and that sounds like oh enforce the law. Guess what if we actually enforced immigration
a lot of this is hard to village change. Secondly, you have to do for those who have committed crimes. That certainly is nowhere near before up, but that's all sort of generic republican tat like many reality and kind of their meaning out. That could intervene it. Maybe that's all that's what people wonder whether truck means attaining a you know in the primary season he came out and said he would favour a deportation force. He was pretty explicit about that, and so now the question is: is there doubt about that? Thinking? Partition force is more the logistics. Another italian achieve the goal of making sure that we are fair to everyone? I think too. Much of the conversation is always about what's fair to the illegal immigrants, what about what's fair to the american workers, so they are going to be deported. The eleven million are going to be able to say here's what he said about that he will enforce the law, which will take care of a lot of that. He will deport those who have absolutely committed a crime being convicted of a crime. He will make sure that american jobs are protected
He will actually better that now that again she revision to answer the question and deplored everybody, because remember donald trump city, He was going to have the trump deportation force, they're going to walk around with a giant t on their shirts and they were going to walk around butterfly nets and they're going to drive down to the local home depot around jose in driving the border that and apparently is no longer the plan. I just want to know one thing: ok, we're we play piece of audio now that frustrates me and should frustrate other people who believe in actual things like facts. His bill o reilly back in July, just a few weeks ago, not long ago, I'm old enough to remember it july, twenty six, two thousand sixteen rightly says the down from his direct repudiation to Barack mama. Talking voices in business to put forth the truth. So here it is to an average appalling by real, clear politics. Sixty nine percent of americans are unhappy with the direction of their country. Just twenty three percent are pleased with the present condition of the: u s:
that is a direct repudiation of president obama's point of view. There is a very saying is repeated trump repudiation of alarm last night, on bill Angelo riley's programme, Donald trump is asked about donald trump exacerbated deportation plan here is donald trump underduk obama and deportation. In known by law enforcement who they are. We don't do anything to go around killing people and hurting people, and they can He added this country so fast your head will spend. We have existing laws that allow you to do that as far as everybody else we're going to go through the process. What people don't know is that our bomber got tremendous numbers of people out of the country bush. The same thing: lots of people were brought out of the country with the existing laws. Well, I'm going to do the same thing, and I just said that: ok, here's what everybody wants is a very you mean. Ok, we want to do it in a very you may manner. Ok, so
he, the repudiation living repudiation of obama, but now abandoned his he departed people were going to do it programme a humane and then actually goes on to ask him about the detention centres in terms, and we won't have detention centres, we're gonna, keep them trump tower making. He doesn't explain what he's going to do with these people, but there won't be detention centers anymore. So a quick note. He can flip on his position. He can evolve as they like to say, evolved, on his position, which is really just say, five about his position where it can move to a new position, can do any of these things, and maybe it's politically beneficial for him to do so, because his immigration position is popular with a lot of the republican, under a base, but it's not popular in general elections. We can stick and he can move. Maybe that's a politically beneficial point. Ok, I'm willing to accept that, but I do want to make one quick point here: and that is that this is not his original position, This is not what he was originally saying. He has moved. He has his mind. This was not all What he was saying, the reason I make this point
it's, because there are people like ann coulter who are just arden trump or his mean, and has a new book called in trump. We trust, which basically says it all. In not in god we trust in trump trust I am friends would then I like can but did. But this is this region wisdom. In years, Ann coulter, saying worry about it. Don't worry, Donald hasn't changed anything nothing's changed theories, praising obama Sherry's praising bush. I hated both of them on immigration, but basically he said, The same thing he always was because crazy towns look no the direction he's going and we know there's gonna be a wall. What I used to hear or half the campaign It was when he secretly told the new york times, there's not even going to be a wall. I mean, of course, there's give and take in washington with Hillary. We are getting, as she has said and, as TIM Kaine have said, totally
in the borders complete amnesty along with a member of my party or my ex party and Paul ryan speaker of the house, they are both for granting amnesty to millions of illegals. Hillary says she wants to more than quadruple the number of muslim refugees she's bringing in the details of trump's plans we're getting a wall he's gonna, let eyes what job, how much we can do without the agreement of congress, whether that's in democratic hands or my old republican parties hands. You know that of there's going to be some given taken negotiations. This is your point cynthia she's now the indifferent argument greatly region argument was trump trompe superior to crews and rubio because you won't cave on immigration. Her new argument is hilary. and then I was hilary helium I I'm about trump, because hilary, ok, that's a fine argument is fine. It's demonstrators argument right
setting dennis because Dennis is somebody who I really respect on a moral and intellectual level. Any holds this position to understand when people say it still vote tromp back from stop heller, I get it I understand I will make one point. This is not what donald trump was saying. So, though, Give me this crap about donald trump was tough on immigration is the toughest man and emigration everybody was. It was a globalist cock. in bank donald trump on immigration right. I wanna hear that crap anymore, but here's. It's amazing, as speaking before the show, with Andrew clave announcing the thing. That's that's truly frustrating about this. This particular campaign is that you saw feel like you're living in back to the future except the timeline resets every couple of days and you're, the only one who remembers how the timeline used to be writer, you remember what it was like when biff was the head of the hotel chain and unmarried marty's mom, but then they go. How can they change it and you're? The only one remembers that now, you're. The one remembers that that was ever the case. Everybody things that the is just washing cars in the front yard writers,
everybody else in an invention. It's about you! What that's out that never happened! You must be crazy. That's that's right, you remember what it was like before. George Why was saved from being hit by the car by marty right, you're, Do you remember what the situation is like beforehand, but now my mind is recent. Now every couple of days in this campaign is like this donald trump changed this position and then it's not everybody goes. Ok, he's a politician changes. This position for political convenience, just like the rest of them know that's impossible, because Donald trump must have. The most honest man who ever lived according to his followers and therefore we have to provide in the past you will memory hole it right. We just rewrite the history just like in nineteen eighty four, we rewrite the history and it never existed and never exist, or it's the same as the Democrats did the same thing right. Hillary Clinton was always an advocate of same sex. Marriage never mind the Jews, are again same sex marriage until precisely the moment at benefited, her to become pro same sex marriage never minded Hillary Clinton was forty p. P where she was against stevie, they
bottom line is that that we now have to rewrite history on behalf of these candidates, so truth become secondary. So if you get the, if you get, just combined violated, I have to admit, I'm feeling discomposed violated by this election cycle. The reason I'm here This combined violated is not because donald trump as such Nicholas outlier, even though he is or because Hillary Clinton is such a deeply corrupt, perverse human being, even though she is the reason feeling. This combat belated is because every two days somebody rewrites reality and tells me that if I remember the actual reality with tape, it's because I'm crazy now to get trump. Ok! No, I just remember what it was like when George mcfly was was being peeping Tom it lorraine and got hit by a car, Remember that right it happened. So this is it. Very irritating all the way through again you're, The port trumps transition support his transition, caitlin general care, but the bottom line is that if you are going to at least begun honestly about this, acknowledge that he's making a change and then we can
move on with our lives. Don't don't say that anybody who is a little upset the ten crews, Marco rubio, inject bush. We're all hit for being soft and immigration in their donald trump is basically mirroring their position. There If we say that was dishonest, just say: ok, fine! You know there was a primary. That's politics! It's going to cost but that's the way that it goes ok so now to talk briefly about this they came out yesterday for more ingram, website. Now lord ingram, his bidding, me ever since I suggested that her worship donald trump trumpet her attempts to paint donald trump as the mythical conservative, god, we're damaging the conservative movement again. Make a very strong distinction between people who acknowledged the problems of trump, but will vote for him. Anyway, the progress of the world people like lord ingram, who pretend down from his this mythical conservative creature, who going to save the united states. I also by them have objections. My friend who hewett doing this routine, what sort of pretends that donald trump is? Somebody he's not it. What would you do because he was not comfortable trump, as he says,
he gives trump advice on the radio says things like. Could you not be so great interim goes absolutely, and then and then he comes, and then he comes back. Mrs will trust anyone be crazy. Yeah. I know he said that I don't believe them, but is it, but in Here's what lord Ingram is is like an ardent trimesters. An ardent trumpeter there's an article yesterday, at her website. Life said dot com. Interesting website like I never did this routine rebel linked to websites, except for bright dot com, bye, bye except tat, comes interesting website that I disagree with frequently there's an article from that. Edmund kojak- I dont know Edmund kojak from Adam I've, never heard of him. Before honestly, I thought that whose play teddy savannas nets kojak, but I don't but in any case have been cut a great this peace. which he in which he says there. I am not a true conservative. Why am I not conservative mask well accord into Edmund Kojak quote
institution worship of those like ben shapiro and centre. Ten crews reveal but the mainstream conservative position has largely forgotten the principle of imperfectability, so I worship constitution. That's why I'm a bad conservative and he says that that bad, because I worship it, I don't recognize that there's imperfectability to human nature. This makes precisely negative one hundred percent, since this is the stupidest thing, The reason this is stupid is because the entire bases of the constitution of the united states is the aid the man is not only not perfect but cannot be perfected. That's why you have Interest bouncing interest its way of the state's balancing the federal government. It's when you have a government of enumerated powers. That's not supposed to. last through those enumerated powers into trompe in executive ovary trade. The whole idea of the constitution is people are limited and bad, or at least the capacity for bad, and that's why we have to have is this limited government right is what
Madison says in federalist fifty one he says if men were angels, we want my favorite quotes in all of american philosophy. If men were angels, no government would be necessary if angels. were to govern men? Neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary in framing a government which is to be administered by men over men. The great difficulty lies in this. You must first enable the government to control the government and govern and in the next place, oblige it to control itself when it was beautiful. stated ideas of human, nature and the nature of government ever written by james, madison and federalist. If you want, that was the back. into the constitution. The background to the constitution was people are capable of good, but there also capable rate that, and if you allow them ultimate power, they will use that power to make other people servants. That's why I like the country but if I were, but if I like the constitution, I'm not conservative enough and that conservative enough, so how does he gets? It point what you really angry he's angry, because I was ripping the all right. So I've talked about this at length on the show before the all right we can
what have defined it, this way there's the ot there there's sort of the racist, anti semitic portion of the alt right and then there's the broader alt right philosophy that tends to cater to those people. So the broader outright philosophy is sort of the pat buchanan philosophy. The pappy canon philosophy is constitution doesn't mean a lot. The That means a lot is european civilization. Europe civilization, which created america hated the west that europe's civilization, incompetence, certain rights and values and the only way protect that european civilization is to see every one else as an enemy people. can't really assimilate too. It is impossible to taken popular. Since that will learn about that european civilization. Instead, what you need to do is closer boars and protect yourself. That sort of the alt right philosophy can a european fund right nationalism it to merge with anti semitism Jews are seen as sort of middle man minority who come in and don't don't play by the rules. Its answer, immigrant. So if you're, if you're an immigrant from a foreign country that hasn't experienced the west or even if you are from country
its experience, the west, but you might not be the right color. According to some of these votes than that mean that you are, you are incapable of assimilating to american philosophy and european philosophy, shot through the racism and anti semitism the kind of cultural superior really complex, which is something with which I agree that western civilization is superior for the all right, because it's not true to the idea that these principles can be extended. other people, and that people can integrate themselves into them and instead we must protect our philosophy other people who enter in. Because of that, it tends to be. toward racism and anti semitism, unfortunately the all right has become, and this is why the all right people they like trump, because from is not really doesn't care about the constitution. He doesn't know anything about turn civilization, but his aunt, trade and his anti immigration, and that they agree with all right he's latched onto trump and then every time we have a chance. They treated me means of of black babies and gas chambers and it's really grows a nasty and the region
They become an issues because each man in a bright barter com is now the chairman frumps campaign. Part has openly embraced the all right bandit himself called the call bright, barca com, the home of the new home of the all right, and he Not all all right people are racist and anti semitic. There are small minority, but you know if they're they're there there are basically in that's pretty breaches stuff, in my view its what I've been warned about four months: the replacement of a constitutional conservative philosophy of limited government with the idea that a big vast government is capable of. Acting western civilization city, right doesn't even believe, unlimited government. The alright believes that a year paean people. This is where you get into the racism aspect. A european people where national, european people they can vote for big government. And that the government is still capable of carrying forward the The nationalist mission constitution conservatism says: there's no such thing as per
people there's no european people that is perfect or wonderful. The europeans have brought a hell of a lot of suffering to the world as well as a great civilization. People are capable of great great evil. It's their ideas that matter not who they are the ideas, the matter. It's the creed that matters What's so? What did I do wrong? What I wrote was institutional conservatives can't stand the all right. Conservatives real concern. I believe that only a philosophy of limited government- god, given rights and purse, responsibility can save the country and that create is not bound race or ethnicity. Do that sounds pretty pretty straight down lying. To me, I mean that's the declaration of independence in the constitution and the founding philosophy jefferson and add: ons been madison and in all of the isle of the pre founding philosophers like its accommodation hops and lock. All of this is true so that, by according two to loring rooms website that description of concern. His mcgann limited. And god, given rights, personal responsibility, which seems pretty straightforward me, that's hysterical
really so that hysterical first in order to declare that hysterical, I have to be declared an establishment geo. Purely this is slower than all right people use for anyone who disagrees with their closed borders. Closed raid nonsense now to be fair, to be straight. I've been in favour of a boar while before tromp, albeit a favor, been a border while after he renege on it. I've been in favour a more limited immigration policy for a long time, particularly for people who are coming from countries that have history with west civilization, not because people are incapable of integrating, but because there's been no pushed to integrate in the united states. Thanks to the left, but in order to kind of other detected two terms, well into the other, to turn the gay normal conservatives into the They have to pretend that were open borders, globalist cox, right. This is the way that they talk about people like me, been borders, even though I'm not I'm a global, even though I'm not, but in any case what he says is my definition of conservatism- is wrong. He says in his creditors, against the french revolution,
anglo irish statesmen, Edmund burke, Russell Kirk, rustled work is a conservative philosopher, rust, Europe's biggest influence and the recognised godfather of conservatism, attack the abstract nature, of the revolutionaries. Rights of man, burke, argued. Men are not born with inherent abstract rights to which they are entitled dead, he highlighted the ancient inherited rights and liberties of the english people. The result of a specific set of snorkel circumstances and political and social developments unique to the english nation. At events way of saying, basically that I'm getting my concept of natural rights wrong, and I said it did- we be based on limited limited government god, given rights and personal responsibility, what I'm saying is the right to life pretty and property espoused by John locke he's saying that Edmund burke, whose aim Conservative philosopher, he thinks Edmund burke wouldn't have like tat, because human rights that are undefined right got natural rights, their undefined they can be used any which way. There's problem with that. That's not what burke says. That's not what burke says what burke says
our understanding of what our rights our springs from western civilization, which of course, is that of course, true and broke the same rights. The lock did natural rights burke himself, road, rights of man, that is to say, the natural rights of mankind are indeed sacred things, and if any public measures is proved mischievous and mischievously to affect them. The objection ought to be fatal to that measure right I and all other constitutional conservatives believe that god, given rights mean what brought said they meant rights that are inherently connected to a uniquely western civilization rooted in judeo christian philosophy, but that is discoverable by all peoples, meaning that our concept of rights, comes from western civilization, that comes out of a judeo christian notion, but that judeo christian notions, true industry, for our people and our people, do have those rights, in other words, the judeo chris civilization is right and other. Civilizations are wrong. I that's what
conservatism says he says, however, the basically because judeo christian civilization, discovered these rights are only applicable to shadow chris civilization. That, of course, is wrong. That, of course, is wrong, so Basically, I fancy way of just offending supporting donald It is a sort of ironic that code. then goes on to to blame the conservative movement for boarding, nation building and mass migration and blue Is there any says the constitution alone cannot guarantee a political utopia. Of course that's true. He says that we have abandoned pretence, defending an existing moral order or social traditions and should make a quick point. Donald trump is thrice married cereal adulterer, who brags about having sex with other men's wives, backs plan parenthood back partial where's abortion until five minutes ago, Donald trump believe did open borders until he decided a swivel on that in the last year and a half donald His has embraced equal a core british globalism himself he believes in this corrupt relationship between government and business
All of this is to say that the all right is doing a clever job averting conservatism, but it doesn't but an annex What frightens me about the all right and you can see that their disdain for the constitution is part and parcel of the programme. because, after all, are you people who believe in the constitution, while you were able to institution, were being swept over with waves of immigration at this is how the alright talks. And- and they forgot to mention that the constant in itself allows us the possibility of taking harsher. measures on the border? But in fact, if we stick to the constitution in the first place, we wouldn't have the welfare its leading to this mass migration across our borders. favour government benefits all right. So that's that Let's move on to some things that I like in some things that I hate and then deconstructing culture so I, like we're doing sort of israel related things today that I, like the book exit, by Leon yours, mrs really, if it buckley on. Yours is really really good author and my favorite book of here. Is it is because a meal eighteen which is it
about two, the Warsaw ghetto uprising is really that this book is also very famous. They made it very good movie ever with Paul newman, it's it's kind of, in vienna is a really good writer and in this book, is sort of the history of the founding of Israel and its it it's really good. Give very justly famous balkan in four million copies been soldier. It's it's. A pretty is very great. other things that I like I did I have to, this? The cincinnati? U has now shut down its twitter account and shut down and twitter account because people treating her omby means at it. I have to admit I find these it's absolutely hysterical. I think they're, the funniest thing that otherwise, so, let's give an exam since in Cincinnati zoo put this right is the upon turtle has eight vertebrae more that one more than mammals have and people started tweeting back like her omby eight hearts in harare We had seven vertebrate, just like a human. What you did was similar to killing a human the Cincinnati is: has zero harangue bay around they was a mammal.
Every single tweeted Cincinnati zoo is like this show another one. It's pretty amazing in cold water pig for its aquatic habits. The captain Barra is the cap, as pronounces actually wrote in the largest road into the world and peoples are tweeting back. at the cincinnati zoo areas: loved aquatic, they love decline of counterfeits, harangue beloved wrote in friends to ban or Omby is inherent in Japan. After that I find this like darkly hilarious, hilariously. They things really really really funny give any more of these anyway. Is it ok? So that's it? That's all we ve got the wrong way means, but people are stop bothering the cincinnati, zoo, yad, it's bad about the Cincinnati zoo is also high. Larry. Is it's just really funny? Ok things! I hate: let's do it
so many things I hate today, yay lots of hatred in my heart today. Okay, so we'll begin with with John oliver of h, b, o and another one of these british types who thinks that he is a guy who thinks that he is brilliant because he has a british accent and he says that donald trump should drop out of the race, MR trump Donny don. You would like to propose to you. I, though, adoption and daddy's dropout simply drop out until america. This entire candidacy was a stunt. You have to really bad options here. If you keep going you're going to spend the next eleven weeks, ramping up hatred in speeches, injecting poison into the american bloodstream will take generations to remove and denying the country the contest of ideas that the presidential campaign should actually be, and after that you're either going to win or you're going to lose, and I think both those scenarios end pretty badly, for you won't be humiliating to lose from a candidate whose trustworthiness
is doubting by sixty percent of raising. Voters does nearly two thirds, perhaps most powerfully of all MR trump dawn Jonathan. You didn't just expose the flaws in our political system. You X, you exposed the flaws in us just think about how triumphant it would feel to say on national television. I openly ran on a platform of impossibly indolent proposal, steeped in racial big free- and nobody stopped me, ok, so here's my problem with is the problem. is the general were completely ignores that on the other side of the ilo, is most corrupt woman ever run for high office in this? What the left always does you wonder why the react with scepticism when the left says things about donald trump. It's because a crap like this, because Oliver goes at what. Why doesn't he ask hilary to drop out Hillary Clinton most indicted by the fbi like a month and a half ago John Oliver saying you know historically is running on a platform of corruption, clean, is running on a platform of cronyism. Why doesn't she
drop, of course, he's never gonna say that, because he likes Hillary Clinton. That sort of hypocrisy really does bother me other things that I hate one of the things that I that I really dislike about the term candidacy that is made liars of everybody. So everybody in order to defend trump. They now have to take positions again. They did they have to. back in rewrite the marty mcfly history and pretended it never happened so kelly and conway, whose seems like a nice enough gal she's on with megan kelly and kept and conway had said months ago, when she was a crew supporter, she doesn't like donald from name calling watch or try to re write around history and then pretend that everyone's crazy for noticing came out said I don't like the personal insults. I don't like somebody who hurled personal insights and then you came out and said: donald trump doesn't do that now you know that's not true or what I sang in the context of he doesn't do it without being attacked. First, I mean people forget that this man is, that does not excuse it. What I mean just kidding, you called me a brisk neurotic, which is
the term for basically mentally ill, and here look I dont like these. Are these call all their female news? Personalities things like crazy? I don't like the very man. That's her personal insults violated, not but not unprompted, meaning I dont personal insults, and we made very clear. I dont like them only because I'm a mother, a for young children, I'd be a hypocrite. If I like them- and I actually think he can win on the issues on the substance are best game against. Hillary Clinton is to take her on four square about her by her. How is that working so far, because that stuff about mika was to day he felt like he was being attacked and we have interns monitoring the programmes and he felt like it was a leap towards getting our spring. With all due respect to my friends, overrun MSNBC that show has like to viewers, why does he let him some get worked up over what so she doesn't like him? Who cares up? That's how you this megan? If it's up to me, he's in a tent,
his match, with Hillary Clinton, his lobbying and shooting aces at her all day. Long, we don't pick a fight with a raf. We don't breathe the crowd because we're back we're absolutely back and Hillary Clinton's head: okay, social security. This this is my big problem, and it's the thing I hate is that he couldn t even see if she so trapped here right because it because the fact is that, when did run, EL crews deserve to be linked to J f k. Murder. When that happen exactly I wondered heidi crews deserve to be called the ugly by donald trump and, of course, Kelly We condemned all that at the time, but now she's out their single. He only response, which is the typical trump line, which is, of course, a lie. it puts everybody in such an awkward position. That should be the easiest watching ever hilary is corrupt. Hilary is awful, she's, robotic, she's non funny, she's, egregiously nasty, and yet people are being forced to lie for donald trump. In order to in order up his is his positive, ok time for its tuesdays, a time for an episode of deconstructing the culture, because we're pass the clock in time has no meaning
so our grundy she has- she- has a new song out called dangerous woman area. We call her the grey zone at liquor of like elsinore because a few months back, if you, cause? She went into a coffee shop with doughnuts and she started licking the donors and like leaving them on the counter. What is aware thing to do a weirdo, so Ariana Grande she has it, has a new music video I'll call dangerous woman. and we will play a little bit of a now They can postpone seconds women gone anywhere. So, first of all every single music video tat. Forty has a girl looking like the registrar they're all wearing lingerie, like that. The ones. Last time you saw a music video on the top forty that wasn't a woman wearing lingerie. been a long time, a second of all one The problems I have with Oriana is personalities that and is now and defensively diana ground, they objectively speaking our grand they look section about. Fourteen years old I mean she looks very
yeah. I know she's twenty three, but she will succeed. Fourteen years old in her typical audience is about fourteen fifteen years old and that's the add this is this kind of stuff tailored for for men is, is kennedy distasteful don't need them ass, the person this month, because this members, that is most often don t, know how to think until the second among the new commission, they felt this man is so that we can get it
first one sounds terrible, but ok, so interplay, the whole thing. This is ok, so so the whole premise of this person, well, the entire music video for people who can't see is her just riding around on a bed. Basically a miniature tour. I think around on a bed in various statesman, dress and single. She wants to have sex. That's the entire zone There is a line in here. That really does trouble me later she says all girls want to be like tat, bad girls underneath, like that, you know I'm feeling inside something doubt something doubt all girls want to be like that bad girls underneath like that, you know how I feel inside somethin bout something about? Ok, so, first of all bad grammar, but
Second of when she says all girls want to be like that at all. girls are bad girls. Underneath this puts many negative image to men, it does it saying two young men that all all girls in the end want to be risky with regard to their sex lives. That's what you're saying she saying all girls want to be dangerous. All girls one be risky with their sex lies and then people on the family, We have to defend. This is some sort of feminist iconic. I conic feminist image right. I first of all if women acted like this every day in real life, men would have no problem with radical feminism. If this is what radical feminism always look like, I have a feeling that all of the radical of the rat Men's rights guys would be very, very happy. But beyond that this, this portrait, of women as sort of deeply sexual eyes to all the time? All they really want is to be dangerous, underneath and in saying openly that all girls want to be like that, it encourages men to treat women as though they are prepared to be risky in their sex life.
that's not used for men too, to be terrible, but if you put out in me into the ether, these vague images of all in all women. I want to risking their sex lives that doesn't have a good impact. Ok, is justified. It just means that things have impact. If I say that all women Our promiscuous. That's can have an impact on how men act toward women which is why don't say: oh well, women aren't promiscuous. Someone some women aren't by this but this kind of notion that all women are risk. Takers is it true that that really is not something that's good to put out a young men. It's amazing the same people who decry the rape, cultural college campuses will put stuff out like this and say that it's not for women in any way. Ok, really not bad for women in any way for you, you complain about objectification of women, and these are the women the prop up as your as your feminists euros people like our own andy and beyond signals, really That's one message: your own time talk. The second is the notion of romance. So
romance now. There's no such thing as romance anymore romance is just sex. That's all it is it's just sex in these music videos on a plate you and actually romantic song back from a time when people actually care about romance cared about love cared about emotion in relationships and not just the feeling of skin to skin. Because, honestly, it's just a mechanical act. If there is no emotional connection, yeah there's this notion that sex is in pr and taboo. It is us where's depending on the circumstance, but that's not essence of a normal, healthy sex life, if, if, if all you're looking for in your sex life, if you're looking for intimacy is violation of taboo you're gonna end up in some pretty dark places pretty quickly, which is how we end up with a fifty shades of gray culture. True romance requires there to actually be some particle between the participants in the sacks gay Here's another song invoking skin. This is one of my favorites on small time is under skin, with this classic frank sinatra: nineteen fifty six nelson riddle arrangement- theirs!
my will buy song from my wife. I have a couple, a different songs, this one I think I've played for Denver is that you fill up my senses before, but this is a classic of of John russia. Here is frank Sinatra. This is I've got you under my skin. Is there any comparison. Just musically come on. I've got you under my skin, the gotcha, the deep in the heart so deep in my that's really I've got you great, ok! So the point of this lyric
still something transgressor about the song right, the song is run by corporate obligatory corporate the the the transgression does he goes on. He says I'd sacrificing, then come what might for the sake of having you near in spite of a warning voice that comes in the night and repeats repeats in my ear Juno little fool! You never can win, use your mentality, wake up to reality, but I'm that I do just a thought of you makes me start before I begin. I got you under my skin the idea here is not got your boobs wait! Isn't that the idea of what a nice but you've got right. I mean it's not skin to skin. We can feel each other, and that's not the idea here. The idea here is that there is a spiritual right there's, an emotional dry between man and woman and sexism through a combination of that and That does not necessarily mean that every relationship is a good idea, but without that dr without the without the emotional connection, without the spiritual interim between man and woman, everything just a greater level of a woman making love to a camera sitting on a bed, whirring lingerie,
turns into soft core pornography. That's all it does the difference between romance and software pornography is the emotional connection and the spiritual connection between two people. That Lee to the act of sex when you all of the emotion away and when you the true liberation lies in treating sex just like any other bodily function. You end up with sort of the degraded stupidity of an hour randy video, as opposed to the to the sexy romance of frank sinatra: music alright tomorrow is wednesday there'll be more politics to report. I am sure, plus we job- legal analysis on wednesdays. So I said you're into that bible thing, then stop by Even if your not then I just stick until the andaman skip the bible stuff and that's all right, we'll will still deal with the women maybe maybe maybe you go to Hell. I dunno, but not Responsibility case adventure bureau: this is the bench of erosion.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-07.