« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 690 - Trump’s Biggest Moment

2019-01-08 | 🔗
President Trump assumes the bully pulpit to push for his border wall, Democrats declare Trump an unprecedented threat to the Constitution, and Whoopi Goldberg has some advice for Ocasio-Cortez. Date: 1–8-2019
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President Trump for prepares to assume the bully pulpit to push for his border wall. Democrats declare President Trump an unprecedented threat to the constitution and will be Goldberg has some pooping advice for Alexander, because you're, Cortez and Ben Shapiro this is the Ben Shapiro show I mean if, if me pitching, will be go over talk about balance without general, because you're Cortez is enough to hook into a show. I I just don't. I don't know what it's we have a lot of good stuff coming up for you here today, a lot of bad stuff to to basically just a lot of stuff, we'll get to all it in just one. Second. First, let's talk about the fact you're losing her. I know you've been in denial even looking in the mirror and thinking No, I look just as fulsome up top as I used too, except now you don't you're starting to look like your father, and this is why you need keeps losing your hair stinks and you don't
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okay. So the big news today, of course, is that the President of the United States is going to give an oval office address tonight, as I recommended last week on the show, you remember: go back, listen to the rewind last week, I said to President Trump that he should give an oval office address. He should explain to the american people exactly why the government is shut down because everything has been filtered through the lens of a highly part. Jim brutal media that sees everything president Trump does as deeply. Inevitably awful truck needs to go directly to the american people and forced Democrats to their position that walls are inherently bad according to the Associated Press. That's exactly what President Trump is slated to do tonight with no breakthrough insight. President Donald Trump will argue his case to the nation on Tuesday that a crisis
us. Mexico border requires the long and vulnerable wall he's demanding before ending the partial government shutdown. Hundreds of thousands of federal workers face Miss paychecks on Friday, as the shutdown dragged through a third week worth remembering all those people will be paid back pay as soon as the shutdown ends, which, inevitably it will in the next couple of weeks, Trump's oval office speech. His first, as president, will be followed by a visit Thursday to the southern border to highlight his demand for a barrier White House Press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted that he will use the visit to with those on the front lines of the national security and humanitarian crisis. Again optics does matter the president going in meeting with border patrol agents who won, but you see a wall down. There is a ringing rebuke to Democrats. You keep claiming that border patrol doesn't actually need a wall that the wall is border patrol. If border patrol agents are telling the president they need more resources, and the president says we need more resources. That is a pretty good argument It is also talking about the idea of declaring a national emergency to allow trump to forward on the wall without Congress approving the five point, six billion.
Dollars that he wants, vice President MIKE Pence said that the White House counsels office is looking at the idea now. This is where I part ways with the present I think this is a very, very bad idea. I think, in a moral idea from a constitutional perspective, the president of the United States, is not given unilateral power to just start going around. Siphoning money from one area of legislatively delegated cash to another area of non legislatively delegated cash. This is a really bad president. It's a really bad policy. The president of the United States should not be there, learn a national emergency. On the southern border akin to military emergency like a military invasion, that requires him to go to the Defense department, coffers, open them up and then take money that has been delegated for the building of a base somewhere else and then say we're going to use it for a border wall now. The reason this is a bad idea is not just because this is a congressional issue and Trump should be forcing the Democrats feet to the fire. On this thing. The reason this is a bad idea is because, if a with more and God forbid becomes president or at some point in the future in Alexandria, 'cause of Cortez becomes present.
And then she declares that we have a national climate emergency, that we ought to mobilize in same way that we mobilize for wars in the past of a national emergency and that necessitates us taking the entire Defense department budget and plunging it into windmills. Are we all going to sit by and say you know what National emergency requires that the president has the sort of power. The answer, of course, is now the president does not have this sort of power that national emergency power was granted to the president in a time of basically foreign invasion, specifically so that if Congress did not have the ability to approve the building of a base somewhere in the middle of a war zone? The president could just go and do it if you needed to do it, it was meant to adumbrate. It was meant to make better and and make greater the president's war powers as commander in chief. It was not meant to allow the president to run roughshod over the desires of Congress. Now Democrats themselves are having a tough time, defending exactly why they feel about the wall, the way they feel about the wall and they're struggling for an answer they
white heavily on a media that hates President Trump just really really despise. The the way this is going to work tonight is the president. Trump is going to give his address and then that will immediately be followed by some Democrat getting a response for now. Last night I was that's what our weather Republicans had had opportunity when Obama was president, I was answered by Dave. I go over the Washington Post that, yes, Republicans, did have that opportunity in two thousand eleven President Obama at that point spoke about deficit. And then John Boehner was given five minute response time to respond in two thousand and nine apparently Republicans were given the same. So this isn't completely unusual completely unusual and Schumer want equal air time now. It will. Air time is not exactly the same thing from speak for forty five minutes. I don't think that we have to hear chuck. Schumer speak for forty five minutes in response. That's not what the networks gave Having Democrats issue their own response. Fine, I mean honestly. I am fine with the idea of having Democrats have to spend ten minutes explaining by their position on the border is exactly the same as MS thirteen. That seems like a win for the
isn't of the United States and frankly, it seems like a clarification of the controversy in the country, so a court to impose the they put out a letter right now in this letter says now that the television networks have decided to air the president's address, which is which, if his past statements are any indication, will be full of malice and misinformation. Democrats must immediately be given equal air time, okay again and then for equal air time is silly. Republicans were not given that at least as best I can recall- show Obama administration but being put on the air seems fully fitting, and then they say the facts are clear. President Trump has the power to stop hurting the country by reopening the government in ending the Trump shutdown Democrats in a number of Republicans in Congress, have repeatedly urged the president and leader Mcconnell to end the trump shut down and open the government, while Congress debates the president's expensive and ineffective wall. Unfortunately, President Trump keeps rejecting the bipartisan house passed bills, which I've already received strong bipartisan support in the Senate. To
up in the government. Instead he's still, the man in the american taxpayers pay at least five point: seven billion dollars for his wall, which can't pass either chamber of commerce. Of course, Mexico is not paying for now that the tv networks have decided to air. The president's address Democrats must be given equal air time. Okay. Well, here's the thing, the networks, because the networks are farts and left basically have agreed with the Democrats, not I'm giving them equal air time, but on the notion that president from is fact checked in real time. Another This is something they didn't do for Obama. I remember because I was there and when Obama gave his speeches on Obamacare, which were chock full of absolute falsehoods like if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. There were never any Chiron's on the bottom of screen at CNN. Saying President Obama lies. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor our President Obama lies. He wants to lower the deficit and I remember any of those fact checkers. I remember the fact- checks afterward from organizations that do political.
Projects, but there is no real time fact checking by the tv networks, but now there's a lot of talk about how we need this sort of real time fact checking specifically for President Trump, because President Trump is such a liar now do I think that this is because I really believe that Trump is so much more of a liar than Obama. No, I This has a lot more to do with the fact that disagree with President Trump, if President Trump or on the left, then I think they would be fine with President Trump fitting Take, for example, Allison Camerado over it CNN, so she says basically that the the fact checkers at the networks should sp then there nights fact checking everything President Trump says I do not remember this sort of talk in any lead up to any Obama lied to. Without Obama CARE or about the border or about any other issue here
Allison Camerado, though prepping the groundwork for the media, to claim that President Trump is a vast liar. Therefore trying to make his speech ineffective tonight now the best thing that the White House can do by the way as I'll explain in just a second best thing that the White House can do is to tell the truth as openly as possible will talk about that in just a second but here's Camarada setting up the combat, which is not going to be between Trump and the Democrats going between Trump and the media. This morning the fact checkers are eating their wheaties and getting extra rest, since they will be working overtime tonight to separate fact from fiction on this board situation, I mean listen to that kind of media coverage. That's objective. Media covers the fact. Checkers are getting ready for President Trump to tell a bevy of lies. How about this? How about you just fact checking right. He just fact checking the hysteria over your own journalistic you for preparing to fact check. I'm I'm glad they finally woke up after eight years of Obama's and let the fact checkers, eight their wheaties and and woke up like RIP Van Winkle after eight years of of going to
into a complete coma when it came to fact checking you can listen to the way that the media are patting themselves on the back for all of this Brian Stelter who's been an objective objective. Journalist at CNN he's their so called media watchdog. He quoted a guy name. Brian Lowry is a senior editor over there. Is this two cents worth of analysis on this issue from seldom experience clear admonition for regularly spouting falsehoods? Really he doesn't I'm unaware of any Democrat for the last several years? He hasn't said that President Trump lies a lot and by the way President Trump does fibula. It denying him live unfiltered access is Brian Lowry without some sort of screening or vetting. Doesn't unreasonable conditions imposed under the circumstances, even if that means facing his twitter a so see Brian Lowry doesn't even want CNN to air the speech unless they have a c n n high run back trucker underneath from speech yeah, that's a that's asinine. It's insane! You can do a retrospective backtrack. I think that's Although again, I will acknowledge that I don't think they did this during Obama's tenure, but better they should do it
Trump and Obama, then they should not do it for either. But the fact is that when they say things like, we should not error the president speech unless we have a real time fact checker on a split screen explaining what President Trump is saying. That is wrong. First of all, that assumes objectivity on the part of the real time fact checker, that is not the case. Second, when was this ever applied to anyone on the other side of the aisle? I love that the media are preemptively, trying to take the teeth out of President Trump speech, because they know it will be affective right. That's the real problem for them. They know that when the president gets on national tv- and he says- listen- we have sixty to eighty percent of the women who are crossing the southern border have been sexually assaulted. According to studies, that is a humanitarian crisis we have. Terrorists were crossing the southern border the crisis. We have criminals from crossing the southern border, that's a crisis and we need a barrier, and the Democrats won't pay for it. That saloon
in position for the Democrats and so they're, going to try and under cover the president has to say with all this talk of real time fact. Checking still, there continues by saying, keep in mind. Most Americans see right through the president's trucks poll after poll shows that most Americans do not trust him. That's why I'm skeptical any primetime speech will have serious effect worth noting polls also showed that the american people do not trust the media, we're going to get to what Trump should say tonight in just one second, first, let's talk about how you maintain your online privacy and security is a public figure, I'm constantly right that being hacked or spied on. I don't want my emails compromised. My credit card number on my banking password stole it that happens to hundreds of millions of people every year. So how can you protect yourself? The answer is expressed. The Vn Express VPN Secure is an anonymizer connection by encrypting one hundred percent of your network data, hiding that ip address. That means nobody can recorder access your online activity, download the expressive,
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Obama used to do it all the time and the network said it all the time until they realize they weren't getting any ratings off of it. He did. Morning January two thousand and eleven on Egypt. He did one in April eleven announcing the government shut down deal. He did one in May of two thousand eleven announcing the death of Bin Laden. Michelle Malkin has an entire list of these June. Eleven outing troop drawdown in Afghanistan may twenty twelve announcing troop withdrawal in Afghanistan. It will two thousand and thirteen at Boston Marathon bombing remarks September, two thousand and thirteen and address on Syria October, two thousand and thirteen August, two thousand and fourteen September twenty fourteen- and there are more there. He did he'd like five of them. In two thousand nine alone, you wanted FEB. You are one in March, one April, one in July, one in December. I thought he was doing it just all the time and the media constantly covered it and they said well, it's not a problem. He's the president. We ought to give the our time. I love the media actually had to debate whether to give the President air time, because they are that afraid that the president is going to say so
thing effective. That's really! What's going on here, the media are frayed. The president of the United States is going to say something that actually works on the american people and thus their preemptively preparing their fact checks. Now with that said, that means that the Trump administration, his speech writing team should really locked down every step they put in is now. Eighty is going to be speaking out off the cuff tonight. He's gonna be speaking from teleprompter. That means that everything they do should be extra barely button down defensible with footnotes. Just take the wind out of the sails of the Democrats. The Democrats would like to argue Trump's honesty rather than arguing Trump's policy, that's the reality, and so President Trump ought to provide them nothing but honesty. Tonight. Now here's why this makes a difference. The facts themselves are strong enough that you do actually have to exaggerate. So the reason this came up is because members of the administration made some unsupportable claims about. The terror threat on the southern border
so Nicholas. Oh Chris Wallace was on Fox NEWS on Sunday with Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Sarah Huckabee Sanders and claimed something like forty thousand People on criminal and terror watch list across the southern border, or something and Chris Wallace basically shellacked her over and said this. Is unsupportable claims and you can see how could be sanders struggling to give an answer. The state department says that there is quote their words, no credible evidence of any terrorist coming across the border from Mexico. We know that roughly nearly four thousand known or suspected terrorists come into our country illegally. The state department says there hasn't been any terrorist that they found coming across the area by land, and it's by see is all of the above. But one thing that you're forgetting is that the most vulnerable point of entry that we have into this country is our southern border and we have to protect.
Ok, so when he says when you say there are four thousand terrorist crossing and they're all coming in through airports, they're not coming in through the southern border, that's right now. Here's the problem, all of the administration had to do was tell the truth about Many terrorists were coming across the southern border, because all they did name is one right. All they say is deep for the proper the role of the United States government immigration is to prevent any terrorist from answering a any here's. What NBC News Reports- and they say US customs and border protection and counter just six immigrants and us Mexico border in first half of fiscal year, two, only eighteen whose names are on a federal government list of known or suspected terrorists, according to border patrol data obtained by NBC News that wasn't to the phraseology their customs and border protection encountered just six mo one Us Mexico border in the first half of fiscal year, twenty eighteen, so other words one terrorist a month basically was trying to cross on the Us Mexico Border one. Terrorist a month. That sounds like a lot of terrorist. To me, I'll, be honest with you. That sounds like I mean again, they're saying in just the first half of two thousand and eighteen six terrorist
attempted to do this, and those were known. Terrorists not unknown Error number is probably larger, probably ten or twelve. Well, it only took five illegal immigrant terrorists. To actually commit nine hundred and eleven. All the others were here on actual legal leases. So why exactly? Would we not take that seriously? Nbc news explains the low number contradict statements by Trump Administration officials, including White House Press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who said on Friday that Cbp stop nearly four thousand known or suspected terror from crossing the southern border in fiscal year, two thousand and eighteen. So in the words, this is the point I'm making with regard to the media. The media would rather argue over whether the Trump Administration is telling the truth. Then they would argue over the issue itself. The issue itself and, and it by the way, is totally appropriate for them to fact check the Trump administration. In the same way, it's totally appropriate for the media. To fact check any politician, all politicians should be fact checked, which demonstrates the necessity,
of the Trump administration really really really tonight, sticking to the fact they I've said this all along about President Trump. President Trump lies a lot and it's bad. You should stop doing it. Because his agenda does not require lies to support it. If your general fires a lie to support your agenda is bad if your agenda can be based solely on truth, in fact, and your agenda is fine the front the gender is not a problem on the border. You just tell the truth about it. I wasn't there a for example. Over the VP's office said it is one hundred percent correct at seventeen thousand adults, a big A little record were arrested in fiscal year, twenty eighteen at the southern border, Asper border patrol. That's a good statistic: seventeen thousand adults of the criminal record arrested at the border, how many people are not being arrested at the border with a criminal record, and we know that it's basically a terrorist a month was caught at the border by border patrol Those are numbers that matter, but this is why it's important that the Trump administration really stick to the fact not as much as humanly possible. Just stick to the facts,
top because the case is really strong. I take, for example, there is a former ice director on Fox NEWS and he saying: listen! We need some sort of barrier on the wall. This is Thomas Holman, the former US immigration and customs enforcement acting director. He implored Nancy Pelosi to consider taking a federal funding deal that includes money for a border wall, because it's her job to keep american safe as well. Let's say Nancy Polo see you need to love your country a little more and you hate this president. I mean you your number one responsibility to protect the Americans and secure our border. We've already shown how a of wall can be effective, so Pope Paul it takes look. This is all politics, they don't want is present, have a win on the border, but what they don't understand is the present wins on this board issue. America wins America is more secure. This is the only issue there. Can at it should be hammering over and over and over again. This is what President Trump should hammer tonight, and this is why Democrats are actually afraid of his oval office address
You think they'd be screaming like a stuck pig. If they weren't afraid of the oval office address, you think that they would be making a fuss over fact checking if they thought this was a big nothing by the end of the Obama administration. Every time the man appeared on national tv, everybody just sort of side and and just went, ok, fine, whatever dudes talking again and then Obama would get on. I need talk and talk and talk and just say things lot of things and don't repeat Well, people know that tonight lots of folks are going to pay attention to what President Trump has to say and suddenly Democrats are going to be forced to explain why they will not give the press eleven hours worth of federal funding to pay for a permanent border solution. On our southern border. The president can do some real heavy lifting tonight. All he has to do is make sure he doesn't cut himself by saying things that are that are factually dubious when the president went out this week and he said former presidents have said they want a wall to, and then we couldn't find a former president who said they wanted to walk. That's exit, the
he wants to live in that space. The media wants to live in the space where they can spend all that. I'm not talking about the agenda, but talking about how dishonest president Trump is Trump ought not give them that opportunity. This is why a president with discipline would be fantastic. Any sort of discipline please so tonight stay the teleprompter Mister President, no exaggeration just say what's true and if you say what's true, the american people will hear you now with all that said, Democrats are seeking to to come up with some sort of bonds and the response is pretty weak. Take I'll explain what exactly their responses in just a second. First, let's talk about your back, so I will admit to you that lately I've been having some serious neck pains and serious neck back pain and one of the ways that I levy at this pain is by hopping on my tutor. Inversion table with heater inversion table use, gravity in your own body, weight to decompress your spine and relieve pressure on disks and surrounding nerves decompressing on Peter Inversion table for a few minutes. Today, it's a great addition to anyone's daily routine,
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ok. So what are democrats going to do to respond to President Trump's big address this evening? Well, they're saying that they should go back. This is you watch the new wave of democratic talking points is going to be that President Trump should just go back and sign the twenty thirteen immigration gang of eight bill. Now. That bill was so bad that Marco Rubio Senator Rubio, who was one of the original sponsors of that bill, backed away from it in twenty. Sixteen who is running for president and a little bit before saying those? Are mistakes have ever sign on to that bill. Democrats, however, trying to revive that bill. Why is he got sixty eight votes in the Senate and it was stopped by a republican house. Fourteen Republicans voted in favor of that twenty thirteen comprehensive immigration reform Bill Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia. He was out there saying that this is what Republicans should do. They should bring back up that bill because that bill at least had some money for border security all it'll take is you know amnesty for eleven million illegal immigrants we're going to have to secure the board. We've always said that you go clear back to the twenty thirteen
Immigration reform bill that we did in the Senate and we passed it. The majority of Democrats and I think, of a sixty eight votes, the tremendous piece of legislation. If the press, I would save this Chris we're going to bring that two thousand and thirteen immigration reform bill back up within the thirty day trial. Three within thirty days, has to be voted on, cannot be. Filibustered cannot be blocked out. We're going to have to take a vote on the floor. If he Do that he would get what he needs: okay, Jeff Merkley, making the same point Democrat. Organ. He also wants the twenty thirteen bill. This is going to be the new democratic talking point is going to be well. If Trump really wants border security, let's just do a comprehensive solution. Now Democrats constantly want to talk comprehensive solution because they don't Like the idea of bifurcating the issue. The issue should be bifurcated. What we do with the people here has nothing to do with securing the border. Nothing. Okay, why we are tying citizenship for the people who are already here to securing the border to prevent new people from coming in is beyond me.
I honestly it's like somebody, somebody breaks into your house, and you have two things to do one the person in your house and to make sure that the lock on your front door works from now on. These are two separate issues. You wouldn't say you know what can't deal with the lock on the front door until we deal with this person in our house can't do it. We got to deal with both of these. At the same time, You actually have to deal with each one individually right. You have to fix a lot. On the front door, which is one problem, and you have to deal with a person in your house which is a second problem right. These are both problems but they're, not related problems and the fact that everyone keeps trying to tie them together is demonstrative of why the government fails. The government likes passing thousand page bills that are packed with crap and then suggesting they've solved the problem when, indeed have solved nothing. They tried this back in the 1980s, they declared amnesty. They said it would be the last amnesty. Obviously it was not, but here is Jeff Merkley claiming and Republicans should bring back up that terrible, two thousand and thirteen bill. Two thousand and thirteen. We had a comprehensive immigration bill. A number of folks have tried to say to the administration. We have a broken immigration system, let's fix it. Let's have a bite
parts and build like the one that that passed the Senate and why to pass. The house have been pro four, but it was republicans of who blocked it, but as time as well, we are happy to provide money for border security that isn't the issue. So this Gonna. Be there need talking point is let's go back to that? Twenty thirteen built you know when, when Democrats run the government, let's go back to let's go back to that bill when it was not Mitch Mcconnell in in charge. Let's see that that lets it by limits. What Connell opposed that Bell Right, Mitch, Mcconnell and and the republican leader, rip opposed that two thousand and thirteen border bill? Why? Because that border bill was filled with with amnesty for eleven point: five million illegal immigrants as of January two thousand and eleven it's actually a low number. It would have created a registered provisional immigrant status that would grant travel and work authorization similar to the temporary resident status of nineteen eighty six, it would have streamlined the naturalization process for unlawful immigrants. It would have.
Said that anyone who is present in the US on or before December 31st, two thousand and eleven would qualify for amnesty, which would create a massive opportunity for fraud and how about that border security right here. The Democrats here saying, if we go back to that two thousand and thirteen bill, there was border security in it, except for not, except for not what this bill did was it suggested that the Department of Homeland Security would have to commence the implementation of southern border security strategy and fencing strategy before the secretary could begin processing applications for amnesty ok. Do you think under Democrat that would last for five minutes all that would happen is that the Democrats would just declare that the border is secure. Look, we have a new strategy. Our strategy is the border secure, go ahead and process all the amnesty
This is why the only thing that matters when it comes to President Trump's overall immigration policy is the stuff that cannot be undone in the president can do a better job of deporting folks. That's fine. The president can change the status with regard to e verify. For example, you can push harder in certain areas of immigration enforcement, but Democrats can do all that stuff, but Democrats will not undo they're not going to for dessert and start digging up steel slats that have already been placed down is one of the reasons why, when the Trump Administration declared that moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. You know there are folks like me saying that the Trump Administration get that sucker built now before the Democrats, simply recount the apps to recant. The same thing is true of the wall. The wall cannot be undone once it is done, which is one of the reasons. Democrats are fighting it harden why they're pushing for the twenty thirteen bill, which would not have included a wall either. It really is amazing. So what what is the other angle? The Democrats are taking so angle number one is they should they should take borders
dirty without if we don't want to walk, that's going to be a hard that honestly, it's gonna be an uphill climb for Democrats, 'cause Most Americans understand on a gut level that walls do exactly what walls have always been designed. To do by the way. It is pretty incredible to watch as members of the comedic these so called comedic. Community try to weigh in on all of this. It demonstrates that no one can actually defend the Democrats program on this. No one can actually defend Democrats program that a border wall or border security doesn't matter. No one s Myers tried to do it right said my last night again. He spent all of his time going after the Supposit fact list ness of the Trump administration. Rather than talking about the fact that it would actually be a useful thing, totally incoherent, incapable of telling the truth you shouldn't get to address the nation. Just to repeat his lies. If he calls up the networks asking for airtime
should pick up the phone and say president drop, we don't know who that is okay. That, first of all, I don't know what happened a comedy and that's not even close to comedy from South Myers, but this is what the Democrats are afraid of having to defend their positions. It is that simple, so force them to find their instead, the Democrats are swiveling, so they swiveled to the twenty thirteen immigration bill and now they're swiveling to the argument that President Trump is an unprecedented threat to national security. I'll explain why there saying that- and I will also explain how President Trump should respond to that in just a second plus build the blasio now claiming that he wants national. Why is health care in New York City, but he doesn't know what he's talking about as per our usual arrangement to get all of that in just one second, first, let's talk about the fact that you've, racked up some credit card debt, so for decades credit cards have been telling you to buy it now, pay it pay for it later. The only problem is those interest rates, rack up
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Describe you can actually see the show we're going to start taking questions during the breaks at some point in the very near future, so you can correspond with me in the middle of the show it sauce, Ok, we had thousands literally thousands of people watching us live behind the paywall yesterday. You should do that too, because it's just great go check. For nine hundred and ninety nine a month for ninety nine dollars. You get all that great stuff. Plus you get this the very greatest in beverage vessels looked at the leftist years, hot or cold tumblr, magnificent, magnificent Hey. You got that for ninety nine dollars a year, so much good stuff go check this out at Youtube or Itunes are something special. This week with Stanley Mccrystal. It was really good. We have another great Sunday special guest coming up next week, as we do every week we have so many goodies for you. All you have to do is subscribe. Ninety nine bucks a year or nine hundred and ninety
a month go check it out right now we're the largest fastest growing consumer podcast in the nation uhhuh. So even as president from brightly claims that we do need some border protection on that southern border, we need fencing skill slap to what whatever it is. We need a physical barrier to prevent people from crossing the border illegally. It's not really a very tough issue. The Democrats are claiming that President Trump is unprecedented threat to national. Security. Why? Because they say he is going to use national emergency powers now, as I said earlier on the show, it would be a grave mistake for President Trump to declare national emergency and then use the military to build the wall. This is not. The role of the president of the United States is not an ash. Emergency under any interpretation of that of that statute. Furthermore, it relieves pressure on the Democrats to do the right thing now, the cynical cynical it goes out. There will tell you they were President Trump is going to do. Is he's going to Claire. A national emergency is going to authorize
the military, to build a wall. Somebody will challenge it in court. It will get struck down and then trouble on twitter and fulminate against the courts and Democrats and then sign a bill that just the government. We all move forward with nothing haven't gotten done. That would, be a grave mistake by the present would be a serious mistake by the president. It would be in overreach would provide the President for Democrats to do the same thing with national emergency power and, as somebody who believes in the structural constitution is somebody who believes that the President of the United States was not invested with these vast over arcane powers. It disturbs me that the President use national emergency powers to declare are tariffs on various nations around the world, and it disturbs me that he would do the same thing to build a border wall and congressional Republicans should not allow him to congressional republicans should be fighting tooth and nail to get him the funding that he needs to build that border wall. But you can see again
big mistake here, for the Trump administration would be allowing Democrats to misdirect either to falsehoods told by the Trump Administration or to the national emergency powers question both of which the Trump Administration is not correct. On the Trump administration she played straight down the middle. If you just say here, we want to all Democrats, won't give it to us. That's their problem, TED lieu. You can see where Democrats are going with this TED lieu, the horrible Congress person from California. He says that President Trump not use national emergency powers. That would be unprecedented. It is my opinion that it would be illegal for the president to use a military to go, build a wall simply by declaring a national emergency violated. Posse commentators act, the We'll be following in a legal order, subjecting them to being at risk.
Of violating federal crime. This is a very big deal. I hope the president does not declare in national emergency to build a wall. Ok, well. The Democrats want to focus on this as opposed to the wall itself again, because the wall argument is not cutting in their favor and you can see this is this is the pitch of the Democrats want to make Trump is an unprecedented threat to national security. Just look at him trying to expand exam, a power now notice that none of these Democrats were whining about President Obama expanding executive, they're, fine with that is one of the things that bugs me about partisan politics. Democrats are fine with expanding executive powers, so Is there boys in the White House and then Republicans were fine with expanding executive powers so as their boys the White House as long as your boys in the White House, you're cool your boys know what has you are fine with the White House. Expanding its powers are: that's that's absurd. Okay and it's a problem. People care about the constitution should care about the checks and balances of american government with that's. That Democrats are suddenly proclaiming that they're very afraid of the
centralization of governmental powers in the executive. They don't have a lot of leg to stand on here. Angus king, the senator from Maine he came out, and he said Trump is what the founders were afraid of. If you back to one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, the Federalist Papers, the constitution. This is what they were afraid. What were the fray is afraid of that, we're seeing right now, monarchical president, they took such care to divide power and to allocate powers between the Congress. The president, the courts- and here we are with the president- is trying to end run the constitutional process, or at least is thinking about it. If he wants to in some kind of policy it's got be through the Congress. He doesn't seem to get that I agree with that, but where were all these people, when Obama was was president, were all they weren't anywhere every time? Kratz take power? Then we start worrying about the legislative, overreach and the terrorists in Congress. Remember they were calling the tea party terrorists in Congress every time
Republicans president. Then we worry about centralization of power in the executive branch here, Nancy Pelosi doing the same thing: the speaker of the house. She comes out and says: no President Trump wants to abolish Congress. That's what he really wants to about she says this. Literally three years after Barack Obama declared he could unilaterally suspend immigration law to legalize millions, illegal immigrants in the United States explicitly at the time saying he did not have the executive authority under the constitution to do it, but here's Nancy Pelosi to in the trump is obviously the threat to Congress. Our purpose, in the meeting at the White House was to open up government. Can you get from the president that he would like to not only close government build the wall, but also, unless Congress, to the the voice that mattered was his online? Every president wants to believe the only voice that matters is. Is phone, but that doesn't mean that is the only voice that matters again. Nancy Pelosi was utterly silent. Barack Obama exacerbated the problem of the executive branch.
It's it's really maddening, just as a person who cares about constitutional government, maddening is maddening to watch as parties. Political parties completely abdicate the responsibility under the constitution. The gravest threat to the American Republic on a governmental level has been the legislature abdicating its responsibility to the executive branch, since the advent may straight of government in the early 20th century. In the early 20th century, President Woodrow Wilson declared that we have an administrative government, a government that was administered by the experts and that administration administration government by experts that would make the country better all you had to do as a Congress was passive, vague law thinking the power over the executive and all would be well, and people have cheered that sort of nonsense ever since it undermines the very fundamental basis of freedom in the country and whether it's coming from Republicans or Democrats. It's a problem, the hypocrisy of members of Congress who only care about it when it's a member of the other party, that's untenable, and really quite Ok. Meanwhile, the Democrats continue to push forward their own radical agenda. The latest radical agenda pushes coming courtesy of Mayor Bill De Blasio in New York City, so
Democrats are already looking at nationalized healthcare they already looking at single payer. In fact, the House Budget Committee chairman who came forward today Democrat him for today and asked the congressional Budget Office to score the possibility of a nationalized healthcare system. So all of us who are claiming that Obama CARE was simply the first step toward nationalized. Healthcare turns out we were all right at the time and mama was lying at the time, and Democrats were lying at the time when they said no, the blouse yell is leading the charge. I do love it when Democrats make promises that they obviously cannot keep, and then the media just parrot those problems that soap notice, the the let's Juxtapoz the media's claim that President Trump lies. A lot about immigration, with the way that they cover build the blasillo saying that he is now going to provide universal health care in New York City, so Mayor builder, blah came forward yesterday, according to NBC New York- and he said, New York city will begin guaranteeing comprehensive health care at every single resident, regardless of someone to be ready to pay or immigration status and unprecedented plan. They will protect the more than half a million New York
is currently using the er as a primary provider Mayor Bill De Blasio said it's not health insurance. His spokesman clarified after the surprise announcement on MSNBC on Tuesday morning. This is the city paying for direct comprehensive care, not just ers for people who can't afford it or can't get comprehensive Medicaid, including three hundred thousand undocumented new Yorkers. According to his spokesman, Eric Phillips. The Bellagio said the plan will provide primary and specialty care from pediatrics to Obgyn, geriatric mental health and other services to the cities. Roughly six hundred thousand insured. He said the city already has a foundation for such a plan, a public health insurance option that helps get direct care to undocumented residents, but that option will be expanded and supported with the addition of a new program New York city cares. That plan will roll out in twenty nineteen and build out over the next few years. He said it will cost about one hundred million dollars not bring your total battle. One hundred million dollars new Yorkers will be able to access the program through the city's website. Simply by calling three one one and there will be no tax hikes to fund it,
The marriage, magic and magical just be able to pay for six hundred thousand unsure for people with a hundred million dollars total and no one will have to pay for it. The Bellagio said, will put the money in to make it work. It's going to save us money down the line. I love. Whenever Democrats say something is going to save Money down like when someone sells your timeshare, honest to God, Democrats selling, you, the program to somebody selling you a timeshare. I've never been one of those timeshare presentations. So wife and I were on our honeymoon and we couldn't afford to go and while the activities in why we went on a timeshare presentation,
they do. Is they sit you down and they say: do you care about the children that you're going to have one day? I do care about your family. Do you care about vacation like? Are you a person who prioritizes the time you spend with your family on vacation? Because if you do, you have to carve that out of your budget every year right and maybe the best way to carve that out of your budget is to dedicate yourself commit right. Now that you are going to have the best vacations of your life every year at this hotel for x number of dollars, they're like yeah yeah, it will pay for itself, and so they say it will pay for itself. They don't worry, it will pay for itself, because if you spend a bunch of money on that, I'm sure imagine I mean if you had to shift that vacation every year will be even more expensive, so it will pay for itself in, like ten years in, like ten years will pay for itself. Now there are very small number of people who are very happy with their time shares. Most people buy it and they're like oh, my god. What did I do? How do I get out of this thing? That's democratic spending programs. Don't worry, we'll nationalize healthcare, it will pay for itself really
I will pay for itself somebody's going to have to pay for it and it's not the people who are going to be using the healthcare. Presumably, you want me to help insurance companies which will be bankrupted by National iced out there, the people who are going to pay, for it are going to be the people who are no longer allowed to use private health insurance or, if they are allowed to use private health insurance is because they're buying over the top private health, insurance, supplemental health, insurance and doctors who are being forced to take government, cram downs and all the rest. The Bellagio says this has never been done in the country in a comprehensive way. Healthcare isn't just a right, In theory, it must be a write in practice and we're doing that here in the city. So here's my favorite part of this, that's the entire media report. Right. Where is the fact checking like a simple bit of fact, checking say like a simple division, problem, so he says it'll cost one hundred million dollars. There are six hundred thousand uninsured people in the city of New York.
A hundred million dollars divided by six hundred thousand people that a hundred sixty bucks per person so he's not telling you that you are going to be able to provide comprehensive health care for six hundred thousand people at the cost of a hundred and sixty bucks a head yeah, that's going to happen. Yeah I mean How much do you pay in health insurance a month? Is it one hundred and sixty bucks? I really doubt it is probably one thousand dollars a month: it's probably five hundred dollars a month right, it's something more than one hundred and sixty dollars forever remedy. Claiming that for one hundred and sixty dollars it's going to take care of all the problems in New York City will be comprehensive, universal health coverage. Amazing, I mean the equivalent of Michael Scott in the office when it's, when he's told that he has to declare bankruptcy? He just gets up in the middle of the office, and shouts are declare bankruptcy and that's exactly what build of Lazio. Just did you
got up in the middle of NBC and he says I declare universal health care and you're like well how it goes with magic with magic poof, it's an illusion, Michael that's all he has to do, and the media ended up where the fact, where is the fact checking? What are the fact checkers to say, is that really universal Healthcare, maybe into supplemental health coverage? They get one preventative health care visit, pay with it pay for it with a hundred million dollars. Everyone gets to go to the doctor, one time to tell them if they have the flu. That's an actual proposal. It's a bad proposal, but an actual proposal, but I love that everybody just sort of repeats out loud that this is a comprehensive health care program, a universal health care program provided to you by Bill the Blasy. Oh it really is. It really is incredible. So
well done once again, media who are who said that only trump lies from the only liar Republicans are the only liars. Those are the only people who have ever lied, truly amazing, a buildable audios of real truth teller. We should. We should definitely give policy making power to people who say that they can provide you comprehensive health care universally for one hundred million dollars for six hundred thousand people, uh huh sure. Ok, meanwhile, Democrats are are now looking for a thirty three percent corporate income tax rate increase. They want to hide. So right from twenty one percent to twenty eight percent, which would place us once again at the among the highest OECD nations in terms of corporate tax rate, I love the Democrats come into office in the first moves. Let's raise all the taxes Yeah you go for that. It works well for Walter Mondale in one thousand nine hundred and eighty four. When he campaigned on raising taxes, try it again, let's see how well it works for you now time. Some things that I like and then we'll get to some things that I hate so things that I like today there's a there's, a great new book out by Brad Meltzer. As you know, I, the big Brad Meltzer fan, he's a terrific thriller. Writer
is written as with Josh Mensch. This one is an actual nonfiction book. It's called the first can speak conspiracy. The secret plot to kill George Washington, which is all about have the first assassination attempt against George Washington, really a fascinating book. Meltzer is a really interesting guy and a real patriot yeah. He actually emailed me recently about a an experience that you had with George H, W Bush when George Hw Bush was ailing. Meltzer went to visit him and Meltzer read him from one of his books about the founding fathers and George Hw Bush. Just sat there, like literally for an hour, just sat there in rapture by the by the greatness of the founding fathers Meltzer. Somebody really respect that if you read his children's books as well as I recommended on the program before those are well worth it, I believe it still comes out today to go check it out right now, the first conspiracy, the secret plot to kill George Washington, go check that out right now. It's it's again really fascinating. It's about in one thousand, seven hundred and seventy six.
An elite group of soldiers who are trained to serve as Washington's bodyguards, but some of the men were part of a treasonous plan and it's a secret plot and how it was revealed again well worth worth it ok time, yeah, I let's see one more one more thing I like, so I just have to tell you the story, because it's fantastic, I do love it when life provides you with karmic justice- and this is one of those cases- there's a woman was standing on her own waiting for an uber in Rio de Janeiro young woman in Pollyanna Viana, nicknamed the iron lady, as it turns out she's a mixed martial artist by and a guy who try and I try to use a fake gun to steal her mobile phone while she waited outside her apartment block on Saturday night She said when he saw when he saw. I saw him. He sat next to me. He asked me the time. I said it and I thought he was going to leave. So I immediately moved my cell phone in my waist and then he said, give me the phones, don't try. React because I'm arm, then he put his. And over a gun, but I realized that it was too soft to be a gun. It was just like a cardboard gun
She said. I sat him down in the same place. We were before I said now, will wait for the police because she just subdued him. I should just grab them around the neck and beat the crap out of it said, I was fine because you can even react after since he took the punches very quickly. I think he was scared. He didn't react anymore. I said I wouldn't let now that I was gonna call the police. He said call the police that, because he was scared, as Gonna beat him up some more to be taken to a medical facility to treat his wounds and then to the police station, where she filed a report, which is just awesome just well done right. Is it by this young lady? That's that's great stuff! Gotta love that, okay time for a couple of things that I hate so how many people have to die in your apartment before it's too many people dying in your apartment? This is the question of the day a young black, I mean I really shouldn't laugh because it really is quite horrifying: a young black, found dead in the home of Ed Buck, who is a sixty five year old white men and prominent donor to the Democratic Party with an alleged history of supplying drugs to young african American
This raises the question: if everybody knew that he was doing this for years- and why is okay. Was he killing a second young black man in his apartment, allegedly according to West Hollywood, West Hollywood Bill NEWS and unidentified black and was just the bucks Laurel Canyon apartment Monday morning in West Hollywood, dad from prison overdose. The name of the dead man has yet to be released, but the Alice just. This is something of a pattern. On July twenty some two twenty seventeen twenty six year old, Gemmel more, was discovered dead at bucks apartments. The LA county coroner's office ruled more death, an overdose cause by map. A coroner's reports and drug paraphernalia was found in the home, along with sex toys in clear plastic bags containing what was suspected to be messed, the La County District attorney's office to prosecute saying the evidence was insufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that buck was responsible for the death and then box attorney said that but didn't have any involvement in that death and then there's another problem, which is that a second dead guy showed up in his apartment. Whenever
whenever is another dead man shows up in your apartment. The another is the dead giveaway that you've got a real problem in August. Two thousand and eighteen excerpts from Morris Journal were publicized in order to bolster a push for prosecuting buck, led by Moore's, mother, Latasha Nixon and one such excerpt from December, two thousand and sixteen more wrote that has become addicted to drugs and the worst wanted that Ed Buck is the one to thank according to open secrets. Buck has donated 10s of thousands of dollars to multiple democratic party, that it's over the past few election cycles, including Hillary Clinton, he also ran for elected office. He supported a lot of various progressive causes throughout the year. This is not to suggest only Democrats, are engaged in this sort of activity, because, obviously that's not true, but it is worthy of note that this guy is a major democratic donor and we will see if the media coverage continues to be as long and comprehensive with regard to add box, as it would be
If the guy Republican, which I can barely guarantee that it will not be okay, other things that I had today, so I just have to point out the idolatry that the Democrats have for with their guns. It really is something astonishing, Roger Simon who's, a writer over a political. He would be a huge. We got a picture of repair Ginsburg, who is apparently ailing. He said if it were possible when you subtract one day off your life and added to repair Ginsburg's life for one extra day of good health and just ten thousand people that this would add. Twenty seven press of years to her life. I don't even what, like I don't even know, is that a brainstorm like does he think that we have that life sucking machine from the princess bride, groom, Strap Wesley, did the table or eating fifty years of his life and then donate it to Ruth Bader Ginsburg? or is it does repeat again but have like a room of young virgins in the other room and just sort of trains them of their life for Chris I tweeted out, maybe we should all give a year and with their and then she can live forever. Presumably, counting down pro abortion rulings from now until the end of time, that'll be really exciting. I imagine I
so they can buy dollars refer anyone for anyone. It's funny, there's a mad which is kind of like an apocryphal jewish tale about about a pair. Late, Adam, I and Adam being shown King David by God and Adam lived until he was nine hundred and thirty years old. According to the Bible, hi and he's supposed to live to. One thousand is, as the mad rush says, and he was shown King David, and he and God said this guy is going to die in youth and Adam saw the king David to become something great civil. I will donate seventy year with my life to King David, well, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, isn't king David on this deal is not on the table and if it were on the table- and you were willing to sacrifice twenty four hours of your life for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, then I would suggest that you probably have your priorities not in order with better Ginsberg's is a human being. She is not ST and, if you're willing to do that, for anyone like of all the people on earth that you do that, for that would be it. If I'm going to give it of my life to anybody. Would it be some kid with cancer or something it was their Ginsberg yeah? Okay, hey just
all right I mean, I guess your priorities. Are your priorities. Can final thing that I hate, so I just It's is a little bit on my radio show yesterday, but there is a a new knew. Ap a report out American Psychological Association report at the APA is just a pathetic organization. I mean that organization is a political hack, reorganization par excellence. They've already declared that things mental disorders are not mental disorders, specifically out of political pressure, with no evidence to back them. Now they have declared the masculine the itself, traditional masculinity itself is unhealthy to people which does raise the question. If you will, and you think that you are traditionally masculine man, maybe you're not mentally disordered for thinking you're a man. But if you want to be a traditionally masculine man, now you're mentally disordered. So if you're, Trans, gender, woman or Trans Gender man, mental disorder isn't wanting to change your genitals or anything actual mental disorder would be. You wanted
we traditionally masculine. Obviously the real problem is that you want to break rocks with a sledgehammer or something according to the AP, a they're telling people that something is amiss for men and they say that that forty years of research shows that traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful and that social lodging voice. You suppress their emotions, causes damage that echoes both inwardly and outwardly. Well, turns on which emotions were telling you to be stoic about. If we're telling you to stop whining in the word, Arnold Schwarzenegger in kindergarten, cop, better advice, never given, then that seems not terrible. If we are telling you that you should never express your feelings, obviously that's stupid, but I'm not sure that there are that many people who truly believe that they said that stoicism is bad. Aggressiveness is bad. All these things, how do you know that this is unscientific, because this team says it says in the API report are you ready, for. This is an actual sentence in a scientific report. Indeed, when Reese feature strip away stereotypes and expectations. There isn't much difference in the base, behaviors of men and women, that's patent
and say: there's not only no evidence to back that. All the evidence is on the other side. Of course, there are differences in basic behaviors between men and women, they're different behaviors with regard to sex, they're different papers, with a guide to marriage, they're different behaviors with adult to child rearing and job prioritization. There are different behaviors with regard to spatial awareness right, there's, just different behaviors and activities associated with men and women. 'cause men and women are different, but according to the AP, a if you train your son and to be masculine- and this is really bad- so me telling my son that he ought to be competitive, that it's good to be competitive so long that is properly channeled to our product. That's bad! It's bad! What we really need is to feminize our boys. We need to castrate boys. That's the only way. The best world is a world without boy. Well, we'll see how that world last in the face of a world that is unfriendly in chaotic mask and it is what teams and unfriendly chaotic world it's necessary. It's useful! Not only is it necessary in use, trying to destroy. It is an act of evil. Trying to channel mass salinity Tord being a gentleman is the task of a civilization but trying
destroy masculinity in the name of femininity is an act of evil and it's an act of prejudice and bigotry as well. The fact the APA is saying the sort of stuff is demonstrative the fact that you should not listen to the AP is anything but a political body. They've uh remind all of their own scientific credibility with garbage like this already well, we'll be back here to my, actually will be back here a little bit later today. So, if you don't subscribe, you really should 'cause. We have more coming up later today. Previewing President Trump speech talking about some fascinating information on Middle EAST policy and and student debt got a lot coming up this afternoon are going be here. That go check it out of our dailywire dot com and subscribe. This is the Ben Shapiro show and the Ben Shapiro shows produced by sending a villa real executive producer, Jeremy, boring senior producer, Jonathan hey are supervising, producer is Mathis Glover and our technical producer is Austin Stephens edited by Adam, say: what's audio was mixed by my core media hair and make up is by just what all their production assistant Nick she hands. The Ben Shapiro shows a daily wire for
publishing production copyright for publishing two thousand and nineteen on Michael Knowles hosted the Michael Knowles Show for the first time in history, the majority of Democrats identify as liberal, we will analyze their leftward lurch and what it means for american politics. New York Institute, Socialist Healthcare, Brooklyn re segregates at schools and the government shutdown effects craft beer. Oh the horror, check it out at dailywire dot com
Transcript generated on 2019-10-12.