« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Democrats Doomed in the Midterms, Biden's Latest Blip, the ACLU's Border Lie, Airline Lawsuit, & Guest Scott Rasmussen

Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Is American sentiment shifting among voters? Corporate media working overtime to convince you otherwise.
  • Independent pollster Scott Rasmussen joins the No Spin News
  • President Biden with yet another misstatement. How much is he damaging the Democrats?
  • The ACLU is giving incorrect data to those seeking asylum at the border
  • American Airlines has agreed to a settlement over unfair baggage fees
  • This Day in History: John Lennon and Yoko Ono were arrested for marijuana possession
  • Final Thought: Amazing News Bias
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The general insurance is partnering with black entrepreneurs day and annual events curated by businessman and investor daymond John to celebrate black business. The event will feature conversations with game: changing entrepreneurs, special musical guests and an naacp grant sponsored by the general insurance awarded to an up and coming black entrepreneur black entrepreneurs day. Will stream live from the world famous apollo theater in new york on october, twenty seven at seven pm eastern time see black entrepreneurs day dot com for more the bill. O'riley here welcome to the no spin news, tuesday october eighteenth, two thousand and twenty to stand up for your country who, as I reported last night and lots of people reacted too. It is a bench,
he's going on in america. Political change. The winds are blowing in favour. Of republicans and its Joe Biden fall pretty much alone. He made so many mistakes. We ran down last night I'll remind you again of the bigger ones tonight That people are having a very hard time supporting the democratic party. So independence in particular make the determination these days rather winds, who loses their going over to the Republicans, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. So you have to start with the basic reality and Joe Biden is not in the real world he's delusion. You have to show the basic reality that millions of american voters are suffering suffering. because their economic well being has been shattered, mostly by in flight
We don't have I unemployment yet and I think we're gonna get to a real, staggering unemployment number in this country simply tomb. which commerce going on after cove. It was allotted pent up demand after covert in and that is now come on out and employees are needed. of high unemployment, but this unbelievable inflation is eroded. The buying power, the spending power of all americans unless you're super wealthy, and even if you super worthy which a very small percentage of the population, you see your wealth drastically declining meantime. In most places, taxes are going up so that you, you know you don't have a cash reserve if you're working american,
it's dangerous, because you could get sick, something bad could happen or hurricane can come through and you don't have any backup. So that puts people on edge, they're, anxious and the party that's responsible, for this is the democratic party last year under donald trump, America's economy was the strongest in the world and it was all inflation. One point three wish that that was just two years ago. So anyway, that is the reality and finally, the new york times, which is a house Oregon of the democratic party and a you, know, committed progressive they took.
survey and here's what they said quote. The biggest shift came from women identified as independent voters in september. They favorite democrats by fourteen points now independent women back republicans by eighteen points, a striking swing that has given the polarization of the american electorate and how intensely Democrats have focused on that group and on the threat republicans posed to all abortion rights. It isn't working, it isn't working. Okay, so that's a thirty two point swing in less than a month. I don't believe that swing by the way. I don't believe anything I read in the new york times. I don't, I just don't believe it. It's too big a swing, but I do believe is that there has been a heavy shift in the last couple of weeks, beginning around october. First,
That the reality of the economic pain is now hitting people so. More is over back to work. Things are not getting better. But by far and away the most damaging thing done to the democratic party is,
it's Biden now yesterday reported that he was eating an ice cream cone in Portland Oregon when a reporter asked him about the economy, and he said the american economy is strong as hell. Alright, I have that on my message of the day, I'm bill O'Reilly dhaka. No, it's not he's also said the border is secure. No, it's not is that debatable. These aren't debatable things and then you would say well Biden's lying he's delusional. He lives in a bubble world and he wants to believe certain things and his sycophants around him tell him that it's baghdad bob territory, that's where Joe Biden is not ana. Now, if he were a competent president, he be humble and say: yes, we have big problems and I'm going to try to solve emma morkan heart. He has even acknowledge the problems. How can you saw them.
Doesn't even acknowledge knowledge so that sunk in to the electorate now thirty three percent of the country is going to vote, democrat, no matter what no matter what gay, but the other, sixty seven percent the republic and sighing and of all of them are going to vote against. Mine is not one single republicans. gonna vote for Biden, the democrats in the midterms and now with the independents, realizing hey? This is not good that there's just no other way to see it. It will be a red wave. Now I told you that I'm gonna start focusing on individual races we now and election day. The war herschel walker race in georgia. So I
the debate in walker, one, the debate- workers not articulate, is not particularly bright. If I add ways, and it was anybody else- probably vote against herschel, even though, unlike him as a person, what It gives a fanatical leftist is voted for by ninety eight percent of the time that eliminates him from any honest vote. So walker, I think, is now going to win in georgia and his fire is funny because I told back and I'll be honest, show on a radio show on friday a couple of weeks ago, I said beck, you're, crazy walkers.
Lose and beckett looks like he might turn out to be right. Now there are three weeks to go and with walker's resume anything could happen, but one it is just I mean why would anybody in georgia vote for warding? Ninety eight percent, you vote with Biden, you're responsible and I georgians say they're working, it's a working class state. I notice a lot of racial stuff there, but I think that camp who's going to win and beat stacey abrams for governor. By about ten points, he'll pull. walker over the finish line. Maybe walker wins by two or three? Ok in michigan, very interesting race between the ultra liberal gretchen, Whittemore, the income and governor and the challenges tudor disk dixon.
His numbers have Whitmer only up by five points and emerson college pull emerson, not in other, like see and mind moving quickly be I didn't really have the money to do. The polling emerson is but anyway, I believe the dixon is closing the gap there. Now am. I. Did she will win? Not because michigan is a state that heavily union they'll get those votes out eu, but its close and dixon could upset her there? Okay, so summing up there?
when a significant change in america in the last two weeks. The winds are all at the back of the Republicans, and I believe that the house is gonna, be a bloodbath in favour of the geo pay and the geo p will win to send. It see still be fifty two, forty eight, that's how I see it now. Could change Let's bring in a man smarter than I am scott rasmussen polar out of mckinney texas. He is an editor at large for ballot. media and rights, a column number of the day, Ok, so you heard my analysis what say you are you're not too far off. Let's start with the condition of the country, just twenty eight percent of voters, state better off than they were two years ago
channeling ronald reagan challenge from a for decades ago, but that captures the mood people say we weren't a pen. The two years ago and we're not any better off right now, top issue inflation. When you talk about the trends very simple watch the gas prices over the course of the summer lots of poles. that republicans we're losing ground. Why? Because gas prices were falling, half of american lives paycheck to pay check that price of gas very, very important the
One thing that I would disagree with you on in terms of the trend is, I think the uptick began in mid september, a little further back when gas prices went began to move back up. However, it wasn't picked up in the polls as much because a lot of the polls at that time were still being reported, as registered voter polls when you make the transition from registered voters to likely voters in this environment that moves the numbers a lot in the republican direction. So in three weeks the media between now and then november eighth can do everything I can to Tell america that the republicans are evil. It's already started and that's why we're gonna here at this point in his Does the media have any sway on how people both well there's some sway, but either you actually the thing your highlighting is over this
bummer. The media dominates the narrative when you get in the campaign season, where campaign, advertising and people knocking on doors and candidates expressing their views. The media view that traditional media is not quite shut out, but but their message doesn't get heard very well. Look, I think, you're right on target with what you're talking about with the house and the senate. If the price of gas keeps going up well, then the republican prospects go up with them and that's going to have a bigger impact than any media. The report's you know, I think your food is more important in gas at this juncture, because we have holidays coming up and the food prices are are staggering now and yes, people, the gas but they're kind of used to the snake got used to it, but the food is new. A lot of it is no. You walk into a grocery store, a restaurant now you're looking at us, and you can see it and
People don't gotta restaurants, any more because they they can afford a forty dollars entre. So I think food is gonna. Have a a very strong effect. Now, at the end of october, many americans, perhaps most get their financial statements money they have invested into our capitalistic system for retirement for college, for savings plans, whatever it may be, they are going to be horrified when they see the decline year january till the end of october horrified, and that is going to be the flintshire and they open those statements in a jar head, snaps back and then they're going to remember that Biden says the economy is as strong as hell right. I think that's the Fait accompli. I think Biden saying that was a colossal mistake:
Yeah, but he's made a lot of statements that were colossal mistakes, his job approvals and forty one percent as very bad. For Democrats, you know we can talk about the big transit. It's going to be a good night for the republican party. The only question is how good some of the individual races may surprise one direction or the other, but this is this is not something that is changing because of what somebody sent last week or the week before. The reality of the economy that were written tonight now, but there's nobody has any confidence and by then I think. Today's delusional, as I said, no confidence, sentimental I think that's a major factor if you have a presence. Look, we have The problem we're going to fight our way out of it we're all going to be in it together. We're will improve things. Do X, Y and we're gonna. Do him now and rally
if the folks, instead, this guy goes oh yeah border secure, then we'll just go. You that's huge scott. It is absolute by the way, having a celebration of the inflation reduction act when the numbers come out to show inflation is going up in the stock market falling thirteen hundred points? That was a serious blunder I want to. I want to mention something about The georgia Senate raised, though, that really important detail in this process, this in four in georgia. You can have they run off it. Nobody gets fifty percent. We saw that two years ago. I think that is the most likely outcome. We will go to a run off this year because they change laws. The run off will be much earlier december six and it is possible not likely, but it is possible that control of the usa would be its staff
in georgia. If there's a runner and has already working on at the third party candidate is hurting walker more than worn, I can write right and think about it. If you're uncomfortable what you heard about water, you cannot vote for warner. You throw your vote to that. third party candidate and you push it to a runaway, but in the run off specially control of his senate estate, herschel walk away divine lawyers as long as prompt doesn't go down? Why? Yes, there is there is that now talk to about luck, I talked who does it really matter pennsylvania's an interesting race. To me, I know the state fairly well domini by philadelphia and democratic machine.
The african americans don't come out and philly geo peas, gonna win big, but there too bad candidates there, let's be honest, please Fishermen looks like a hell's angel guy, I mean. Maybe he's got health problems and I'm not celebrating those, but even if he didn't is a far left cook and eyes and articulate who is or what he wants about very weak candidates. Fishermen looks like he's ahead by one or two points. Are you going to see that I really impressed me. I would say that is a slave favourite and it's all because of the issues where the time of the seas and where the choice is less about us versus that you, you wanna help or her Joe Biden agenda. I won't be surprised either way. But again, I think all right now is moving and the reason is because, when you look at the polls in pennsylvania, there may be seven or eight points of people who are under
cited undecided. Voters of all the polling, I've seen really dislike Joe Biden, so the varying that they show up in vote. They're gonna go for us in that case, Ok, I can't call arrays what about. My high path, as is that of a governor of estate, wins fairly significantly. The governor can drag across a weaker senatorial candidate because the splitting of the ticket- you know people don't do that. That's why I think walker If he does get more than fifty it'll be because the cap, I tabled a rag him across. So race in new Hampshire. Where's anew no the incumbent governors up by twenty four points in his easily. When they love em up there. What border
The republican senatorial candidate is running behind maggie hassan who's, just basically a biden, AP apparatchik. She says she is in which he is, and I'm just looking at that rate school, and is it possible that sununu could drag ball dock and that would be the biggest upset of the night. I think It would, it would certainly be an upset there might be some bigger ones. There's always possible surprises me. Is it possible? I think that The ball back as in that raise is that their pride areas so late in the season when you have a primary in others, hard feelings from sight and lost it took us once before. Those people came back I say: okay, I'm gonna, pull my nose and vote for us in pennsylvania. All it has now a lot of time, the coalesce that support from within his party, which makes a tough, but is it passed, yeah it s rouse the republican direction, small state
easy mightiest day the problem it's either new Hampshire is dominated by Boston. A lot lawson liberals and moved out there, because I do want to pay the massachusetts taxes. so they recognise the media market, which is not always inexpensive right, but by two new is so popular that I that's? U sentencing race final in arizona kelly's personally popular, like em but again is on the wrong side of the trend, any any of the republican wins. The arrogance Kelly absolutely there's hope. I think that that wage is going to be very close right now. If you ask me on this one, I would say Kelly, probably squeaks it out and carry lake go winds and the governor
yeah. I like Google different dynamic, but that's another raises the flip side of pennsylvania. I wouldn't be surprised if either candidate winds eager those races in pennsylvania give the nod to the republic in an era into the Democrat. Ok, I got, I hope, your check back. It was before the vote, yeah right away in the independent pollster. You know he's not he's not skew and cook in the books. Why did we have marked pen? I we got rasmussen. We have it's shown on. You know these are the guys who you know they're going to give it to you straight, which is what we want. Thank you, Scott appreciate it very much. Hiring, of course, should be done on merit on fourchan it: many large financial firms. are using your money to force companies
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In got up over demographic, so we have abortion codified in into law. It's all ball. It's all a fantasy. The supreme court has already ruled abortion is the purview of the state. So Biden can do whatever he wants. He can say what every wants buddy. If the comrades voted to codify abortion to federal law, sprinkler already said no date, He said no and is not going to reverse itself, so dissolve smoking. there's a people who don't know The reason that he's doing is abortion speech today is because that's all right. And they know they're losing their grip on independent women, so they get it. Try to scare it up it's not going to work because economics over right. Abortion simple! As that, but that's what Biden is doing today.
I got I gotta run this sound bite on by so less here. At the beginning of the year california, gas prices about four box, there were average enough for me. most of the year. Keep that in mind we Joe Biden, in a on october. Fourteenth here's what happened. The inflation report is out. Have you seen gas prices around here in l, a it's seven bucks, a gallon of us, the nationwide, the that's always the case out here, so she just doesn't know. Nor does he care. This is what delusional
I don't know of any of you- have ever known a person whose delusional now some elderly people go into dementia and are not applying it binds into dimension. I'm not don't know, I don't think he is, but there are human beings who live in a delusional state and if you know them, you know how frustrating that it's, because no matter what you presented it. Ok, they will just blow it off because they want to believe something. It doesn't matter Jesus could come down and cure millions of people in prime time and bill more. We still not believe it. Ok, that's the does it want to. It is, as you know, that's it that's. What I'm talking about
so by it's always been that way out here. Seven dollar, a gallon get now know. What does not secure condom is not wrong. Is Hell has an always wins no skype downplayed a little bit, but I'm telling you regular people don't far. it takes you to watch a lotta news on consumer information there get and that this guy it's not in the real world and are also suffering. The combination is, if they bother to show up to vote, which many of them do not they'll pull the lever for the other party. Now this is the most important story. I'm going to I you tonight because it is such a blatant lie, and you know me I don't use that word lie too often very rarely seen anything like that. Everybody knows that five million.
foreign nationals have penetrated the I southern the border, since Joe Biden has been president five, the industry to smuggle people in here is run by the mexican drug cartels. In addition to smuggling narcotics, they smuggle people. The cartels have actually printed up it s, bad. What the migrants hardest say when they are confronted by border patrol if they are caught and the number one thing that they are to say is. I want political asylum. I fear for my life in honduras, nicaragua, panama than is well aware. We maybe I want political asylum, ok
The law in america: u s law, is this, put it up and I'll read it to the people. Listening on the radio To lawfully enter the united states, a non citizens must supply and present himself or herself in person to an immigration officer at a u s: port of entry, when the port is open for inspection. That is the law, and we confirmed today with homeland security, The law of the united states saw what is a? U s, port of entry, it is a place located a city on the board. There are fifty what? U s: ports of entry, if you send you, said role as one of guileless Douglas Del rio, axis laredo brow
in seville on and on and on there are fifty one places where you could present yourself to the border patrol and say I'm so, and so I am applying for asylum in the united states and they'll, give you the form and then you fill it out, and they adjudicate your case. Your caged, the border patrol k now never ways you can do that. You can send people back to mexico, which is with the trump did. You can send them into the united States is abiding ministrations doing alright, so you have a hearing or whatever and tell me where you're going to be whatever it may be. But if you do not present yourself, you cannot ask for asylum legally. This is what the aseel you is putting.
Put it on a screen quote under: u s law person seeking asylum may do so by arriving at the border and asking to be screened by EU us officials at a port adventure. Or by entering the EU s without prior inspection and then declaring their fear a prosecution. that is a lie: I read it again or. by entering the usa without prior inspection and then declaring their fear prosecution. That is not part of. U s! Law!. yet the asia you says it is, they know they are lying. They know it ok and say it anyway.
now I don't know whether Joe Biden knows immigration law or not. I do not know, but I do know that impeachment will be drawn up against him. If the republicans, when the house on november eight soon as they can to office in january, the impeachment will begin because Joe Biden himself is breaking immigration law. He is sworn to uphold the laws of the united states. That's what the swearing in ceremony on inauguration day is binding and his minions are breaking the law. It is clear. There are two sides to the story, so, unlike the trump impeachment were purely polluter,
oh and went nowhere. This is demonstrably all that the president, united states himself is breaking the law. By allowing these migrants come in and apply for asylum, wherever very important story, you will hear it nowhere else, but here on the spin, If you do it somewhere else and I'm wrong, please contact me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet, bill, O'Reilly, dotcom, now propaganda on the right. Just a nap and on the left happens on the right. Ok, So there are americans on the right who object to The united states and nato helping ukraine- you know them, you ve heard them.
So I got a letter from Lee. Ok and here's what he says bill for those that feel we should not support ukraine. We should compare two things. First, how do we get here? Obama now Biden we're ok initially, if russia stepped into ukraine and signals Much to put. We threaten russia with offering nato membership to ukraine unquote from late. Ok, nobody offered you create NATO membership least of all the united states. No one really never happen under any circumstance. Did it have you couldn't wanted it It was never offer to Biden in obama, weren't, accepting of potent taking crimea.
Obama didn't do anything about it, but he condemned it. Wasn't my data said okay and in the beginning of the invasion when ass, what military steps would be taken against potent Biden said? Well, it depends what he dies. If he does just a little, then we'll measure that, but he wasn't ok with it. He didn't signal putin, yeah come by and take whatever ever you want out of ukraine. So this is propaganda on the right and my message to everybody. Listening to me and watching me tonight is, I hope you want the truth. So when you hear something be skeptical. There's another two thousand caravan in guatemala had mere about thirty.
a hundred miles away? And this was never gonna end under the bite administration. So they're gathering down their max goes not saddam overdoses and fear by overdue or fear, trot Margaret airlines and again I hope you don't have to fly with thanksgiving in christmas. I hope you don't so they have agreed. Hey seven and a half million dollars to passengers who they are, screwed on baggage fees are. This is american airlines. So here's what happened. If you
I first air or are a super frequent flyer, an american you get a free bag. Ah, you don't have to pay yeah. I think it's one. Okay, you get a carry on and then you can check one back while american goes not overcharging. The first class people and the frequent flyer people a fee for the back five five passengers got together, filed a class action lawsuit against american airlines, good for that and a one seven and a half million. So if your first class an american and a charge you for one bag, seventy million dollars you're going to be doling out. Okay, a harvard poll who do you blame crime on.
I awoke politician sixty four percent and that's all I the rest of it's that important. So sixty four percent of americans are harvard poll blame rising violent crime or war politicians, smart life, a new poll, daddy whatever may be from the future panel organization says that young adults, nineteen to thirty, are smoking more part than ever before. Surprise no Surprise, ok, so last year forty nine percent of all american adults said day smoke. Marijuana ways was half the population. But younger people are really going out in vermont, very lenient pot state cannabis users.
eighteen to thirty outnumber people who'd all use. So why is this a smart life segment? Because if you are a young person and you smoke a lot of pot- that's not smart! You will hurt your career, your personal life, your physical wellbeing and your mental wellbeing look out I know some of you aren't gonna ever by this, but intoxicating yourself, whether it's with beer or gene or vodka, or marijuana or method. I I mean we're fenton all heroin altering your mine by chemicals is not smart period stand history october, eighteenth did sixty eight john lennon you're gone or busted in london for narcotics. Now the press made a big Deal out of a law
by hashish found in their apartment, but they ignored the morphine. So I have a grandma morphine, was found by the cops lenin and owner had it wiser support while number one lenin and oh, no, attended to migrate to the usa and it was a big brawl prison, I didn't want him because in this drug conviction, with the press- and always just pot- wasn't just point zero morphine is heroin k number to let it want. He got to stay in the usa number three after that: became a heroine act and that broke up the beatles. Not some of you don't care about that. Ok, fine! But that's what the press ever report and that's why road killing legends the job,
when came here to the united states was allowed to stay even though you violated was convicted in the uk on drug offences. Became a heroine adequate and Ultimately, his life is taken by an assassin, but very few people know any of this, and that happened the bust. Fifty four years ago, today, ok now segment and a final thought which Abuse you I'll be does in a moment bill o here, as you have probably heard. I recently started a new weekly program called shock and ah possibly on video. Now I want to share more exciting news. Right now at this moment when you sign up for this go. You also get a copy of my new book, killing the legends free but that's not all the girl will give you Fifteen dollars off each month of you,
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for free activate, discover app These terms and learn more at discovered that calm, slash online privacy protection. It's gonna male david concierge member David gets direct access to me great. Give give somebody concierge membership change their life, they love. You David says who votes democrat women who support abortion? People live in cities. Government assistance, hollywood super rich algae, be tease. African americans by tradition, young people, no wisdom, there's your thirty three percent! That's very good analysis David. I think, you're right Gabriel cabin era, Chicago. though I believe you misrepresented, tells you gabert on your programme. She stated
I then the united states of america in particular, should leave the ever to de escalate. The war, not the united nations, led by France, Gabriel again, the united nations- has nothing to do with this its nato. We all the leader of NATO europe correct in that, but from all accounts Nato is tried very hard to come to some accommodation with put, but we don't want to show weakness here, because china is watching again. Facts are very, things travis, stolen, andersonville, north carolina. I consider myself a liberal, but if I myself voted republicans past elections, smite term I found a both sides are very. We cannot start arouse walker warning warner, fetterman, not oppression or dog,
with that Joe Wilson denver north carolina bill. I followed you for years, as did my father when he was alive. There is no one. I trust more with. Thank you. Joel is very nice. Keep up the fight for all of us. My question: do you think Biden will ever be held accountable? I do I do. I think, he's in big trouble. If republicans win the house, remember that's where the articles of peace Toronto, will he get booted? No will he be humiliated? Yes,. robin what happened to the supreme court league investigation total share just a sham, they didn't want to find out and they didn't current saint Pierre Burlington connecticut. I got you new book, killing ledges on audio, normally driving from you Jersey is drudgery high. failure bear out one karen this time I didn't in mind, because legends is so fascinating. Why really pretty
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So download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available on all major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday. It be a pleasure. join us. Final thought of the day, as I mentioned earlier in the broadcast media, is desperate now binds desperate eminence. Why did the abortion speech today battle in the bowl, trying desperately to turn things around? It's not going to be success, but now until november ii, the corporate media Well, now run outrageous soundbites ill, be it'll, be a horrid shell, and here is one example that happened october. Seven teams go coming up. Donald trump is now complaining about jewish people after his friend kanye west threatened to kill them,
And no Republican is complaining about any of that. That's next! It's just and try to measure this is so hard to believe that standards. It NBC news have slipped so much that that man is paid for saying that gibberish, but he is I it's almost shocking because I had to come up the hard way. I don't work for NBC, but worked for CBS and NBC and that that kind of stuff would never have been accepted in any way, but now NBC, it's writes the check yeah. So whatever you want, whether it's defamatory libelous, whether it's an outright lie, but that's the kind of stuff you're going to hear in three weeks and we're going to
try to spotlight it every day, we're going to have the most ridiculous, sound bite of the day or whatever I'll call it something else, but just just think about kanye was wants to kill jewish people, and no Republican complained about that. Nobody in kenya was to kill them, but murder, jewish people according to this guy and then every friday he goes in and NBC hands him a check is believable. It is absolutely incredible how the media has deteriorated in america, but not us. I am sworn to give you honest coverage, and I will thanks for listening and watching the nose for news. We'll see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-06.