« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

No Spin News, February 24, 2020


-Bill reacts to Bernie Sanders' rise as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination following his win in the Nevada Caucus.

-What would a Sanders' presidency mean for America? 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
welcome to the no spin news monday february twenty fourth two thousand and twenty fight for your freedom remember when i change the slogan to fight for your freedom a few months ago some of these away while you're doing that because you used to be take your back i say duh because things are going to happen here and now we see that a socialist movement is becoming a serious situation in america i'm going to get into that today and we'll have all the political i've stopped big political week could be the end for joe biden could be the end for amy klobuchar and pete booty
so those three are on the on the bubble as they say or the lead story you'll be hearing about it till you're ill is harvey weinstein sixty seven years old movie executive found guilty of third degree rape and first degree sexual assault acquitted on predatory sexual assault and rape murder first degree rape so weinstein faces twenty five years in prison he is in prison now when the verdict came in no bell he goes off ah and he is also charged in los angeles and that will happen and i think after his sentencing on march eleventh so his lawyers obviously will appeal but he'll be sitting in prison
for what and he could get even more prison if he's found guilty in los angeles so that is the story there you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly got coms no spin news broadcasts where are you actually see me we'll be right back after this message the leftovers or by the de envy or house cleaning
the casino always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere you can redeem some serious brighter schomburgh casino dotcom live the jumbo life nobody's necessarily we're going to need a lot of people think this device it what secretary now argue the politics bernie sanders range of out of forty seven percent of all goes to search over performs their member younger performed in iowa under performed in new hampshire over performs in nevada joe biden second twenty percent we put a judge fourteen was with warned tat how much longer warrant can go but anyway there is a big debate in south carolina tomorrow night because the
was there it's saturday and that is huge and because biden is still ahead in the polls in south carolina now if he wins biden gets back into the race and but i don't see amy clover char or pete booty judge or elizabeth warren doing anything in south carolina so then they have to decide we hang on a super tuesday i think warren will hang on i don't see how slow but sure can then have the money buddhist church will try to hang on but it is thirdly becoming a bernie sanders race to lose now by when south carolina particularly wins big then he's revitalized back as you know bloomberg is not involved
with that vote but he will be on the debate stage tomorrow night moderated nor o donnell gale king margaret brennan major garret bill whittaker cbs serious debate and congressional black caucus theirs watching it as well i see you for bernie's got to get hammered tomorrow night they gotta go after bernie sanders the others on the stage by warren klobuchar buddha judge bloomberg and stier stier is back spent a lot of money in south carolina pulled okay there that's why he's back in so you're a figure that we're all going to have to burning to some extent rang and
we're bloomberg i dunno what's going to happen i think i may ignore him tomorrow night but engine concentrate and try to hurt bernie sanders so there you have it and on the national poll for sanders leads with twenty nine percent biden seventeen bloomberg fifteen warren thirteen booty judge ten global chart six so i think you can say goodbye to amy south carolina biden's up twenty four sanders twenty one stier sixteen fire buddha judge eleven warren ten
is going to be waiting i mean warren desperately wants to hang on hoping something happens to bernie sanders but this point i don't think so so the democratic field is you know the media has it's own agenda here it's divided the liberal media msnbc does a light bernie sanders so their commentators well the crazy cnn isn't a what to do there are no real liberal commentators on fox news so i guess one williams and i guess him let me arrange some sanders bites and then we'll get to our guest is one of the smartest guys particularly in democratic precincts world so we really got a good guest tonight so bernie sanders are sixty minutes not a big interview anderson cooper was not on his game and and i said yours was challenged by
a buyer cooper twice in all it is the first time was santer sympathy for fidel castro but you know you got its unfair to simply say everything is bad you know when fidel castro mental office you nobody did he had a massive literacy programme is not a bad thing even though fidel castro did a lot of it's a in class right and we condemn that is it a bath ok so mussolini made the trades run on time that argued so ridiculous now that seems i get innocuous comment
okay so we all know that bernie sanders sympathizers sandinistas in nicaragua with the castro brothers with the soviet union we all know everybody knows that he sympathized in the past with those people but by saying that floored now go to trump because the cubans who would have considered voting for bernie sanders if he's the nominee of course in dade county big county biggest county in florida and not to yearn himself in florida no doubt about it now tickets for the first who wants to be president show fort wayne indiana ok june twelve at a historic theatre argo and really fast dialogue of your whoa whoa radio our partner
i think it's like forty percent sold out already after two days so get those tickets anywhere in the mid west come see us you'll love it can be a great show fort wayne indiana on june twelve who wants to be president i've ok work standing at the give away of killing lincoln killing kennedy or killing reagan if you by united states trop until the end of february we twisted my arm and i said ok saw is a really good deal very presence of stuff you gonna do that you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly dot coms no spin news broadcasts where you actually see me we'll be right back after this message mobile phone companies say they offer home internet but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network you should know it's just phone internet not home internet keep your home up to speed with cox toxin
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erratic party this time around that means it doesn't mean i'm embracing mitch mcconnell and all at a republic i'm not but i am opposing the democratic party however i was treated fairly my analysis will be fair if you read my column just posted today on bernie sanders that is a fair column tough but everything is true and that's i'm to do it but i can't all my hard work my whole life my family and everything else to be attacked by the progressive left and that's what they are doing to you too if they ever got power this economy would collapse and everything you have worked hard for your whole life would be endangered everything will see tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.