« The Breakfast Club

Angie Martinez interview


Today on the show we had legendary radio host Angie Martinez stop by where she spoke about her new show " Untold Stories of Hip- Hop" where she spoke about Snoop Dogg, P Diddy and more. Also, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to another Florida person, this time they were grandparents because they did not give their grand daughter tomatoes so she retaliated with throwing things back at them and Angela helped some listeners out during "Ask Yee". 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Social distancing slows the spread of corona virus, so we should also home to lower the risk for everyone more info it. On a virus stock of. Let's all do our part because we're all hashtag alone, together brought to you by the odd council it seems like it should be easy, but it's not just getting out of bed and getting your day started. Trying to accomplish everything. You need to do in your day that to do list as a lot easier when you're getting news stories and music to lift your mood and preparing for the day ahead connected to the things that make you laugh and make you think or make you want to reach out and share with a friend every morning with us, it's Elvis Joanne in the morning show listen to us on cue, one or two or anywhere in the world. Only I hurt radio app thanks
even so. It also spoke this morning an order of the day, and everybody says in explaining to go with me to the Roma rubbing the wrong way ravaged by. Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, easily. These andean Charlemagne guy gets worse guess what ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
It is a piece of the play I didn't know gay will piece of land in a play of Muslim. Sometimes it was an egg is always priests always these words? Well, it's Wednesday. It's hot day, good morning everybody was Avenant salutations goddamn on yes, yes, yes, switch! You guys who yesterday anything when it as yesterday idea lip service last night with the girls. You know we got it to our common aim. But we still, we got a lot of things happening on the service, I'm excited about it, ok or what you show me. I mean I mean I want to say. I kept it light because you know your father, you never keep it light, so they would fathers do Father you during your father. Evil of father knew nothing better than having children Niagara
my God man and keep out of love. You got enough. I got five a logo, no one just eighteen, so you got you guys are seventies. Does everything in November this right, then I got a letter to sixteen December. That is follow me. It's it's. The best may start no, never My youngest daughter turn one Monday twenty there. So it is interesting that interesting, children grow at a time when you owed Afore Yoda levy on this disease today. You learn something new absolute is literally the best feeling in the world absent. I don't know what I would be doing right now. I have to say that is just like me- charred NASA S. Seventeen fifty six five in tree, Lord of Man, I love it. I have so much for my is the best rashly. Thus after us, so well, you have to have to have to play with the body
daddy needed at other idea lad. I oughta sleep. Yes, they're going to be all the one is now in bed by ten twenty old watching a lot of money in yesterday watching every policy finally stopped being a cow are now democratic and still be. A coward, though, is to look at the models that they need. Once a lot of pain and went to the gym came home and I was in bed by ten fifty right. Yes, let's get to show crack in energy China will be joined by those who have tv. Show. No tv show we right. Yes, that's that's tomorrow. They absorb kick, would in time of stories a hip, hop area for opinions that we talk about. Of course, we are going to talk about the whole impeachment inquiry that is now about to happen. It will get internet when we
back, he belongs to breakfast was go, I'm actually look afforded baby. Certain out comes out defrauded. This Friday CALL Kirk, I believe, are not mistaken. Yesterday, soldier, Charlotte Seminal for was happening, will asking some four page knew where we start with you. How Speaker Nancy Pelosi just announced a formal appeasement inquiry into Donald Trump about TAT? And here's what she said this week, the president has admitted to asking the President Ukraine to take actions which would benefit him politically. The actions at from presidency revealed dishonourable fat of the president's betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections. Therefore, today I'm announcing the House of representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry.
About the attack by the timing seems more right. Now, after the Mulder report, they thought I was gonna, be a knock out. It was India's liberalism of anticipating an indifferent constables, grudgingly judges in the Mulder report, the gray elements and then, of course, is most likely not gonna pass the Senate, which is mostly republicans near. You want to do it because in peace, when it is basically saying something is wrong, it had long democratic continue to act like nothing he's dead
is wrong. The general public's not can think he's doing anything, but once they release that phone call and the reason that this is happening now is because of a conversation that Donald Trump had with the president of the Ukraine, and apparently he was trying to ask and get some dirt on Joe Biden and Joe Biden Son Hunter guidance. Everything that you tried to interfere with the upcoming election and he withheld as some aid for two million dollars of AIDS a Ukraine the week before. So it feels like that seems like something that's a clear cut case of you can't do that. Our right now Nancy Policy on, of course, down a chump attacks, her and here's what he had to say about this impeachment threat which, on leaving the balls, they have no idea how they stopped me the only where the controllers nor page river. This has never happened. Your browser that before there's, never been anything like this before its nonsense, and when you see the call when you read out of recall, you'll understand that girl was perfect. It couldn't have been Niger and even the ukrainian govern
without a statement that was imperfect, call there was no pressure put on them whatsoever, but there was pressure put on with respect to its GEO by what Joe Biden did for his son that something they should be. Looking, I'm telling you re no Donald Trump rather sharply in he is forging ahead transcript as we speak. All during the hell out of here right cell will see what happens when stay release that allegedly foot, listen democratic. Finally, moving correctly is not a witch I'd. Donald Trump is and has been committing crimes in plain sight and is about downtime democratic ACT like you. Could the general public will continue to think that the thing that he's doin is normal, because nobody that can like is not normal? What else again now, let's talk about this was a really scary.
To me. I saw this this morning on the nose and eleven year old boy. He drove two hundred miles of Heathrow. You are seen as brothers car to meet an adult mandate. He started speaking too once Snapchat, so he drove from Simpson Veal, South Carolina Quasi State for about three and a half hours and went to Charleston and he got there. He was using a tablet to direct. I'm too, where he was planning to meet the man that he met on Snapchat and then he got lost when his gps signal drops out. And finally, a police officer saw him and was egg. I guess he's alive, some of you shouldn't be dried. It I'm impressed. I'm scared that eleven, your boy drove to undermine that was not driving that eleven. You don't love you our tools in order to develop new and stairwell, but it is planning to live with this, and no man tat. He met now ask areas: That is, that it has already horrible, but I can make it We regularly with eleven you alone. He drove to undermine that. Indeed, most being taken. Didn't you know, accident Annie got lost in thought, even the gps, the violence,
going today, eleven there's they're trying to find him did as crazy. As of now he's an unknown male arena. Microsoft is sending a warning, see you you have to update windows now or they'll, be some critical security issues for you. They issued to emergency windows updates to protect against critical and important vulnerabilities that impact internet, explorer and windows defender. So just make sure you guys do that. I guess for some, but that has made it possible for a remote, its hacker to take over and target your system and Nissan. As recalling over million vehicles, including some Rogan Alzheimer model. So just be careful. If you have a Nissan, they are recalling that that covers the twenty eighteen and twenty nineteen models of Venus and Rogue Suv and the outer mustard and other vehicles a frontier, kicks leaf maximum murano envy envy two hundred pathfinder censure a tight inverse unknown, versus Sudan, as well as several infinity models. We're gonna go the law alone, your boardroom, aeronautical reform
just learn and one of them so drama cause. I'm not gonna, be american, not intrigue. What is the point then said he was able to do that and that some nasty man on Snapchat try to lure him big disgusting. Clearly that low boy modern and that if he is able to drive two hundred miles to Charles in South Carolina get there were no problems too small to be getting caught up with some benefit think about it. Sixty miles analyses, lowness, belated may, with the boy would have a drink with three more detailed. I knew that arise when he was having a Buick, lacrosse, wow, really impressive How is the very reason that alone, when he called his about the yeoman, while let that is your front page news lot of activity night about. There are only a lever, Ya Ya, you're, not an amazingly legitimacy, obviated Sylvia, the Brooklyn peddle, but I'm thinking about it. Like my daughter's eleven Ber gene drive. Ok,
eleven thing? Why would I owe you when you are eleven Levin, come on there's no way we can press the gas ends the always there. What year beautiful, draw I'm looking at this surveillance video to see what he looks like that is crazy, doesn't present bread is then it you know, you're gonna super, while another terrible operative I'll be date, but may not impressed by you drag you what if he hadn't gotten last and pulled up next to an officer who recognize him and he actually made galloping horrifying. Alright we'll get it off your chest, eight hundred five, a five one. Oh five, one of you need event. It is a right now, maybe at a bad name bad morning or whatever it may be, hit us up right now, with the breakfast club go morning, breakfast a social distancing tap, while the CDC urges you to avoid close contact like hugging, her shaking hands. There are other nonphysical ways to say hello, wave wink. You sign language, salute smile, give the peace. I throw open air high five, do jazz hands, remember
stay a minimum of six feet or two arms length away from others and stay home if you can for more info visit, Corona virus Doc of let's all, do our part because we're all alone together, brought to you by the council, is your job to get it off it? Yes, whether you man, but at the same time we want to hear from you wanna breakfast allows there's only from a early on top of each other s posed to review. What are you pleaded It was the more great lies in our aid is required to not only required Sally. I loneliness tat. You re a death rate at nine o clock depleted. You an after requires no one, you by the plain a bilingual earlier the lesson is a breakfast above I need a little lady to you at least ok. So for five years you do know
Sixteen Adam that pick the rather thereby Lamb liable to children and written Clodagh lie like today's tee ass birthday. So I'm a duty I make so I don't know what you mean, because we don't really know tat the moment you damn residual, felicity, you're, the lock and blue light- and I like that is left is normal. Tell him that lies the drawer, Ambien digitally you gotta they do need to inflame the goddamn they do. I need only be Jane is now that we are learning and easy veiled behind it allows this beer from Colombia. Hey don't hurry was happening, was broken up it s, my king, that later you got the man they work, as you said, you'd, let democratic unrestricted below you ve been through, nor did Where you been of no link. That's what you do you will. You know a lot of pressure from aloud and everything. I know it
now, while we weren't abandoned thence into old goin on average, they wanted they you, but I used to say that You already know. I used to say that when I was in nor radio and Charles is ok align our ninety nine, you are baboon gave of argue about it. Amuse you wake measure, trash somebody's that saying that we can now you created rip hello. This is why you remember, they have no link as you did. He will you know she will get a lot of pressure from allowed their removal, because our Blue to Yang AIR has again the that's right now, and you know me better: now:
We again clearly answer you. Gotta get up a bit about the black was, and I know it off it. Everybody, but I've got a real happened, ended the black wipe it out here with this girl, with the type of I fear you fight, that's the kind of which about you about with I didn t. Do it just gonna lie like like, like use in their place. The area at bath light like that. Our thought that the union has never hackers them is about right. Yeah do despair that somebody's gotta found there, but I feel that all food I hear like art by I've been around a space by. Why not if I may have been the Dallas happy, the telephone bills for food and I'm gonna stay Bacardi industry. The girl went on the city, don't look like that are not yet the women are all but a lot of bad. They like got a job.
Right out there like a baby? I got a funny hungry you, I do. What were you in these women? Could anything to add this woman is like that? You know you are a different people. Want me back, don't care you talk that way faster than tribal Bible people. You know right, he's women that Sharon's acting and where you meeting them. I want a better relationship of the mean that women are products of all women. Don't try to push up. You know Mary women women when they gather whether they also yo my do much EU born hell out of me? What are you talking about what it? What is the point of the purpose of this all call, I think it's a night in one's innocent, lively, prohibitive, Argo once it is there. I feel like it before it was. If that would be that it is very thick, it a real doubt followed. It felt like a shadow bomb. Nothing, though that part of the updated it by
more or less like. Also, ah, I see allow my black women standing businesses. Now I see a lot more black women in politics that my gray representation of black women, our mobility, goodbye because you wanna go sharp little more better. Do that either got it may be that if a conversation about right, what's it like that all the competent, but it was really beat it. What about that already have braided whenever they got bored on will prove really go up. The blessings come down arising Do that meet some of those I might have gone honor. They look. Man, pray, go up to bless us combat ego, guys eaten. We look. I gotta play over them, go out and got a plan for you get it off my chest, eight hundred five, a five. What five one? If you need of aid as of now, breakfast loved the breakfast
go away. Wake up, or black we want to hear from you fellows is that they will get it off, etc. Accommodate ago my colleague bundled up an unkind would another guides, and if I do some very much you do, I wouldn't have for the door a grab, a door handle a door. One political party points in the window and they drove around my car and I'll, take them down and get in the way. My part in it, I told them apart over land out the card, and I ran out in broken her out and asked. Oh, my back
This is a mass of bananas. Would you man, a man I'm mad at you, ruin our young man. Now you should let him in your girlfriend is now stop a man I'll be not well with any more right out our outcome. Anyone is life, So what did you thereupon is all about favour guide it? That's what you like you, who is other to see, doesn't and ethically say thing to tell her what I like that you're my brother, when you miss when you miss one bus, I've been inactive teen. Another one come yet, but I remain. I have a question in your book. Your wife college- and I dont know more in Monterrey numbering my trauma and it is our prayers. Let's go down that path that point my life, don't bring natural numbering that my trauma backups. Ok, I think they're back, have you big obey
the defender of y'all really love each other. I mean you know. I made a lot of mistakes in my life too, and she made some mistake. If you really love somebody, you just going to say anything going to make some money sometimes. You want to go back on the high seas. How do they tell us that exactly so being inserting bayonets? You didn't? Aren't you shouldn't? You should expect her to be dualism, dirty magellan, make sure you're really wanna media. To pledge our real young, I mean I was too young me and my wife, but you know it is the threat of your lover or not, and if she loves you- and you can't be do I stupid dangerous things like that, Bulgaria, lowbrow jewish drove on Yo Lauren, our visa every was broken. Hey. I just wanted to call and say I just signed up for your real estate class for Houston from Houston man, I'm looking forward to it, and I'm saying I just wanted to call and I'm blessed cuz. I just got my real estate license
or to give nihilism Gomorrah Charlemagne and annually mining was smoking was gone out with men are not just finished. Reading a book to have wanted a day without a push meter actually do undeclared work is red the ship ones, and I look forward to an hour. I just read the black privilege not afford It was now wrote a book man. I thank you for that. You are. You. Have no idea really appreciate them and will see well used umbrella. I appreciate man get it off my chest. Eight hundred fathoms one thousand and fifty one. If you need to vent, you can hit us up at any time that you've got rooms in a way. Yes, let's talk about this legal belt. Two point: seven million dollars would tell you who asked to pay that, and this person's also imprisoned right now, all right we'll get into that. Next keep allowed us to Brussels. Good morning the breakfast phone right there. It argued about their recombine disease. The drama
Santa Directives, only hot, because Drake that isn't that true body tat, because the beaten, color regrows well Dish beggared Russia like that drives the whole, don't reckon triggering. You saw disrespectful, I'm not favour grass accuracy maybe I'll say sucks. I aggregated data as a rule was so big guy This is the Weber report annually on the breakfast Clara Belle. Cars being has a two point: seventy five million dollar legal bill now, as he is ending the first year in prison that he's been spinning since last year and he had challenged a California arbiter
in a word that upheld nearly seven million dollars of nine million dollar bill that was submitted by just one firm. Ok now the judge has sided with that firm, rejecting that the bill was egregious, so he does have to pay up as he deals with that he's serving three to ten years. Right now are right. The baby he does have his album Kurt coming out on Friday and any already gave us some stuff online to hold the silver he gave us the intro, and he also just recently went on Nick Cannon show and on that, so he actually play connect for when a cannon they put up two thousand dollars on a massive connect for here is how it went down for can therefore withdrawn or their journey. You should have wrought right raw live raw decent man, it is that it is also of output. Whatever I got a practice, though you probably plan you sent to cover our going out what a thousand only right there you see too bad. I write
who won the same again. Yandah can indeed wind and the baby said. I knew ashen smoke. Tat blunt before I came in here actually watch that I watch the clip it. It wasn't it from a radio perspective, good content visually, Ok on air been allowed because you love, I'm gonna, get it go on the air. Was it Not only will there would no longer can monitor ok. Now, let's talk about an a cannon on his morning, so he actually illicit the reasons. Why he's never getting married? Again he was favourably humor, absolutely the whole time. I was mare, but a new light. You know and the reason why we split up an Ado infidelity Anna and like that, but I knew I would never marry again was stopped. The raven outside their construct is is not desire for me. So what about like the parley life's even lie? I respect Pollyanna arrested,
racing. That's too much ever can construct with too many rules in I don't wanna ended and nobody else. Five or six that I want. I want to be by my God, damn so no one actually tee This is the Abbe boy negative. But yes, I understand coming from being a reality, tried to marriage. Delanos Ain t got. May it didn't work out You don't want to get mad at him when he might feel like that now, just like some people that has changed and could always changes It's all right. It is now to me like he does not want to be tied. Now, one woman in Athens ten years you may say: okay, now, like you, I'm orderly, awoke iraqi penis adieu. Weapons. Do thou, differs girls thanks to your attention, what you already created when you designer entire forty seven years old, you nothin imposed to grow. So you are a woman, you wanna young penis.
Save your woman that you grow, it can be used IE or arguably forty could put their already breeders back on the market. At forty, though my fair, like aid and ran through a bunch of women, any myself, I guess we believe- or you now and I made on my say: ok you make it be damned fifty I right now. Let's talk about keeping up the car dash hands, Sal. You know that people feel like the women on the cod. The cartoons I can in Chloe, actually still men from other women. You know like they came stole, Can you remember, rose and their Chloe stole tryst in Tanzania? Do no God there, man, a man, wanted a leak from Jordan. Crag were now they want to clear up those rumours- and here is what happens on the show the world inside installed high knave, remembering that that happened years later, I have received them. Let us show them, but the thing that they always say about Chloe. This closure of took trysted from this baby Mama, which wasn't true.
They always lead Chloe's, still friends from that's the thing It's like we ve. Let us apply for long, were you say areas actually when it said they came contacting consent in making pictures to Congo, while she was with him drop, include Margaret Accommodation, and I people made and ass. We ve got two times, nor could they given your new episodes, are over and I think they say five six. Yeah? I think there is a wise he's. Bringing it up is because, right now, without a GMO interest in Thomson and clothing interested What years did and gloves as multi year ago by just recently, tourism was posting under Chloe's commands and has been a lot of back and forth and they ve been trying to work it out and then what their step they happen with Jordan word sitting on his lap, and all of that
not that long ago, Mona, given your new episode, all room was in your email and why are they wanted to address? These album? Is that they feel, like people are still saying about the data needed Continental, invented low dry season footing. Let's go back resist saying that they have bad climate and their relationships now, because the things they ve done in the next ever so we Manta Rays aver release it S. Getting back call rage, I don't think that's? U not by the bank. Less is caught, dazzling, beggar. Think railway lines when they re lying raging, Ovida majority view of you beyond it. Regard had fallen log onto the regard radio doing episode. I write naturally, and that is your room, a report all right. Thank you miss you. Now, when we come back from prisoners, are we talking about? Yes, we are going to talk about the formal impeachment inquiry is going down. Nancy policy has announced that nor at era will get into that makes people access to breakfast locomotive morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We,
breakfast Club of skins, front page news where we start uneasy. Well has Nancy Pelosi has announced a formal. He spent inquiry. Finally, Donald Trump, it that's all because of what has happened with the President of the Ukraine and the phone call down. Some had have with him aware they are saying that he did try to ask questions about Joe Biden and his son
thereby indian to investigate? Yes, because he will end so that the word is that he's trying to influence the upcoming election, which will definitely be a reason to impeach. So here's what Nancy Pelosi had to say this week, the president has admitted to asking the President Ukraine to take actions which would benefit him politically. The actions that the term presidency revealed dishonourable fact of the president's betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections. Therefore, today I'm announcing the House of representatives moving forward official impeachment inquiry now? The other issue with this is that the week before the president did withhold congressional appropriated foreign assistance for two million dollars as intimidation until he got that information. So this seems more like a clear cut case now,
the problem with earlier? They thought the Mulder report was gonna, be the nail in the coffin didn't turn out to be what they can expect? No, did you didn't move on and they could have moved on it. It might not have got em because it does not have to pass the Senate which upheld, what is lacking is also republican Senate. So, no matter what I don't think people feel like this is actually gonna end up happening. It's more statement would engage with down a chimpanzee say it's a witch hunt leading in the balls. They have no idea how they stop be. The only way they can tries to impeach meant. This has never happened to a president before there's never been a thing like this before its nonsense, and when you see the call, when you see the red out of the call you'll understand that girl was perfect, it couldn't have been Niger and even the ukrainian government, without a statement that that was a perfect call. There was no pressure put on them whatsoever, but there was pressure put on with respect.
What Joe Biden did for the sun. That's something they should be looking at. Donald Trump is taking a shot before that transcript right now, but you look man, I'm just happy that the Democrats, it finally stopped being cowards. Just last week, Nancy Pelosi said she didn't want to impeach, even when they, a house impeachment hearing which may inquiry low and dusky in he admitted Trump asked himself scrub justice. When it came to the mall investigation. She says you were saying she stared in warning. Peaceable boy of that change, love. Maybe you should be happy because Donald Trump had been wiping his after the constitution everyday. You ve been in the White House in the Democratic, led Donald Trump commit crime after crime, and they have done nothing to the point at the american people don't even realise what he's doing is actually criminal and if we treat wrong like his right in people won't even recognize wrong uneasy. I they some Democrats were concerned that doing anything to early and jumping the gun could have potentially made him more powerful We are not doing anything had made an extremely powerful due to let him get away with this, or if I can get knowledge affinities, and maybe even around
you could damage had been wiping his after the constitution, every data has been in the White House in a democratic, led, Donald Trump commit crime after crime may have done nothing to the point at the american people. No twelve border for trumpet twenty. Sixteen I wanna pissed him off, but guess what their swing. Voters that's what are called swing. I do not go pistol. Of due to write being, and maybe they look at me like. I don't want to go for the criminal and twenty Twond. Hopefully it ass. The case are right. Now: let's I got an eleven year old boy. He drove nearly two hundred miles to meet a guy that he is to talk and so on, snapped a grown man and for any was planning to live with. How scary is that your movie brothers car? We get a wee bit it any Joe five. He took his brothers car and he drew out what you mean did it not how you bleed? How do you do it? How do you see over to steer will presently let us together? They do Erics, they do have footed surveillance, but by his face is kind of butter, but he looks like he's. A little tall during the euro must be legs, five, eight five, seven, you guys I'm five three and I can reach-
gas, petty coming. Couldn't you don't have to be five eleven to listen? He poured under police call out the direction that the shortest route of eleven is eleven years. New terms, it is termed look out, This turned a corner. We watch him a job on a clear view. As we always draw play video games, maybe How did you know my daughter, the leverage, ain't, even thinking about drive, you can think what would you have eleven sitting on your dad lab? How no just doing hysteria would I kinda Java Golkar Andrew who endanger, in my view, that boy that that man, What I was going to be solved in South Carolina hundred miles three hours, and you know what time you were when the police pulled up next week when you pull the next to please guides wealth. Thirty in the morning, you make out a huge unannounced Garber. Are you really does he got? A creature is asking here as the rapporteur, MRS: maybe they re now, because it is at night and they didn't realize that he was even Miss Terry drove a knife. What were you ve done it before you?
need some romantic deadly taken Nicaragua swing late at night. I remember the fifteen zero. My parents kind, I crash twice going once again Robin Cook marvelled at eleven Yoda? Why solution that last July, most kids, when you know how to depress the breakdown fell in you and us to break this? Don't I went to act that people there really nice needed impact? They and all? I can say young man. Your way to smuggle be means some kind of us. I beg of you eleven years old, you not a whip. Their vehicle like that for two hundred miles and you put out an Ipad use your gps. You wait as might be going to me. Goddamn Padua, Erika and when you didn't get pulled over the whole way. Does model Maybe we have good where the lowly you, but you didn't look Amazon Lizzie, who is a young person driving next to me on highway, because that was the? Maybe you could see inside the kind of guy who send somebody we drive and lilies offices. So it is young boy brought over two thousand the cop out when I was an observer. They have found him yet they had died. And if I am this just happen yesterday
rain. I was gonna, be the irony of the pet of August. Up was being did you could say once more my work, I write uneasily. That is, your room are reporting all right. Thank you miss you will. Let me out of your front page news. I, where we come back, Angie Martinez will be joined by talking with age. More should get a new tv show that comes out tomorrow right. Yes, nowadays, no third, the on we television, cod and old story of ship up. I will talk about that air would do age. Martinez many make anyway, is to breakfast locomotion breakfast everybody's D, J the Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club because pursue guess and about whom acting very. Do you guys the morning a low wage countries are reasonably are moving,
me a movie about me. I gotta god you're, U Falcons everytime away or from out of town was it's my birthday, you do. Is you wait here, but I hear you here when you do it well, congratulations on a new show, exciting of their problem. Tell us about this show it is there that I, as those data beyond every Thursday night MP and might have gone up hip, hop so like. If I may, I guess I'm with you ve we do a grown up and then my show airs. First episode is cardiac Snoop and it's just really like in all the moments the stories people love a good hip, I've story and there's someone who tell it in so. I just you know it's a perfect low next evolution for the care to any these. There is involved.
Cause, I'm sure you were around. For some of these happens. It happens all the time he s like the sloop. One is the first episode as we talk about. You know him a backward friends because of what happened on my show. We did the interview a he said. Some things that pact in like and then passed before. He could cleaned up, and so I always united verbatim. We that was the first time we really got into the conversation about it. He was, amazing rain and you think we know everything was no, but we don't know everything buzzing down. Lego he's like a he's more where most fascinating people. How absolutely because he's seen at all Then do it all you just like a wealth of until stories you ve got, what about? No one of mine who, as you know, a lot in the club adult
you weren't, you are mine, but I wouldn't know good this. Why? What does what it wants to do today? Let me, let me ask you: let me do what I do my show, which is fine now until stories about people. Let me do that. Will you guys, as implied Arnold, is any until story? Venture work would be workable thing, yes, whereas shady so you have like a wolf tanks or I am crazy idea where global obtained. I was my first job at a colleague out. It's more than eight hours. Did they ever do anything or say anyway the man whom you know never forget that either was a lot of things, because you gotta think I worked in for them in their office there they were there, though they were come in there and I remember they was smoke. So we want a nine floor. Snow smoke with the whole episode, but one you may not see them right. You see, like I'm definitely had by the end of may happen so about everyone, and I applaud you just another week on the first floor. Meg in the lab.
As soon as you walked in the building, but yeah that'd things that when I something's up heavy she'll, never repeat vessel, we want all those things are best ones which will already be hasn't, gray story there. Member one time we were going to a meeting and it was hard to get him to do anything like to see if he was even show up here show me an office all the time and ask for money. He would be like. I need some petty cash. Did you ever give her money? I wouldn't have any cash in the office be like, I know you had petty cash out, even knowing that the term petty cash for them- and I promise you there's no- petty cash, and I remember once I'm like a need to go to the hospital I broke. My jaw, someone I might add, to go to the hospital now and I need some cares and it was. He's a big thing with divine who, as their raises brother, who ran office in reserve, as I too buses there really will be like just give him a check and family. Divine, but I know don't give him a turf and I never knew where the air, which way I should go where there was a lot of things,
to have a good one, not in order you gotta have great was do, though, because you you, like hip, hop confidant She wondered if she s had to keep things another this. Now, I'm going to show you can run, show talking telling me stories that you probably always it is not so much about me. It's about the art is amendment comes in the end. They overlap. If that happens often cause I'm not like us, ECHO noise people so long, but is really about the and when they had gone on in their lives. But yet, as you have to tell me, you have to pick a topic as I could place it lacks. Did they do it and they had to it, and you had a really great story that involves you with the lads without borders, Latona TV or a refrigerator refrigerator, parameter, though, for drawing up after the crazy thing is yes as issues or the crazy thing is that we import not good a really good good place right. So I think he took extra offence,
whole moment because neglected at the last was like free relax. They once again having contract. Also they would try to get their publishing back so they want their freedom logs and I would like to come up with. The above is listen. I mean the whole city, was listening it would they were led to invoke a valid complaints. You nobody was. We will. We will all learn the game. Still you know your pop had evolved where it is now so even puff in his defence he was filled, he probably got shut, the Nemo, and I bet you that it affected him in terms of how he would do business of evil mobile follower, because you know they were young, they will cut their it was his family and then they felt like elbow were you ever have a publisher forever Lenny than it does not right, what's happening in may and then, but the pubs argument was leg, you should reach a contracts, be abuse should be businessman you're in a business.
Now, so that we had all that comes issue eminent. This is the friendly version it was now friend. There was in the moment the lax was of fire. You should animated for all those who helped me how you is it into the shop or elsewhere, which made two previous work of Virgil, requisite I'll work which made to pre. Will this note in his radio yeah it did he cork settings that cause it's all there. Are there the whole city, I'm gonna, do us a favour like let us up there, you wanna come on you officer refrigerator. Refrigerator door. Joint still show you five story bill. Did you know with everybody? Who is whether that one at that moment Actually, I've Oreo when they were on your shoulders plate is my life. It is worth dying is worth. Nor have you have you have promises about about China? My my about so much of a gay still with a. Tell you one thing: Those loyal people I represent will mouse never have
May I mean you, ve been driving is four years for years. We honor, you know, Why, then, are we on our for a lawyer for this? No security guard to stop. How much are we on how much money we talk and offers fast, growing, stainless steel to double dog joys before him? no c Mon Ami estimated The problem will then know another go poor, Toulouse I used to play with the coming to office. We got down to the office to have all pray thinnest. There is good too We know we have the Audio Improv called as well. It is having on the radio Now you because I just don't want to know the new Iraqi which you respect its ten years, later and you still half of our policy is no longer just a guy Burma mad at you. You have about them. I pay you took up a card
They know we gonna do that from a grown man. You can take no sir, you you're these because pop was like. Aren't you talk to me? I guess they try to drain and tried, and then he called then, and so then their arguing screaming Albania and then the crazy things that puff wanted to come on. My show the next day- and you know we're we're ready gonna, do terrible things happening in the cultures, the low I was always lay apprehensive. I would ever handsome always was like when the fire is lit, like let's just look around, and I just just take a breath me what we just keep going with this. I just would like, let's give it a day like given a day or two days, let's just and then he got Maggie
we like how you not how you gonna have me on the review of the vat or even if you don't want to constantly, wouldn't I let go. You wanted to come the next day and I say I find come then I say an end: he did. He pay with Paypal work contracts, and this is what it is and they need in only a business, and I think that was a lesson for a lot of artist. Drag learn what you're donors line somebody just tying something happy in science. I think for both of them. There are lessons and I M from any kind of yeah. You know aspiring young artists enemy is built that the evolution of that is that that their call now are we Molly S, Martinez use air sellers do age, one zero million eggs is the rapid slogan boy. There was an end, seen as many mix morning. Everybody is the J envy. Angela ye shall remain a guy. We oughta breakfast club. We still kicking me with an Martinez YE. Do you know it s? I love that used to do ass. He now the beats
I love battle, it'll, be an m show. You hasn't razors remembered their presidents with better the beads here. That is the first lay a daisy song day was you know, guy as big yeah, he felt right and I was a whose Josie, why? Why are you so many calls of those very short omen dame shoulder with a bottle, a bottle of champagne after, but then the big they admitted that they fix the phone calls. They their dear, that they have people sitting and they paid people to sit nor round the whole eminent yet media that song ass. It went so many times I M so crazy, as we were young enough to start this feature you like battler Beach, just because I want to know what well like, and then it becomes a thing and then it becomes political than over the labour. I feel in a way it is our feeling away. I'm a believer call me because allow code it was a local jabers cannabis all. I remember I remember that when an anomaly, your call me, I don't even know
LEO, like I know you why we don't you, you know the whole me call me, and he was so like you know. What's the matter you can feel their light anxiety letter has sought, an artist was leg over the battle you re a lower than we are and I think he had just done something that I didn't like. I remember what it was, but I remember saying to him like. I don't even know you liked. I got on even if he's a cause, you were friends or something, and I would like our only way- and I must say something like we not really friends like their early now you'd and then he came as whole, story about people, make up all the time. People become you, they have fights and the like. But what I'm saying you this much effort. And the like some rather because he was so worried that allow was gonna lose the cannabis you could do policy than a story that yourself I hope that you will have those new job.
Male would allow voting as them damn near that we think a bad boy, s images or watering was manifestation than they came out and the crazy thing is. I was cool with them like you re me. I got a letter workin would saying with somebody am I came with them so you were there when I am so. I thought we was cool. Prizes are an artist you cool like we know. We know each other we'd be out in the most dynamic backstage at the concert, and I hear somebody go. Oh they just issue on and on age and light. That's crazy as natural as Norway as Basel Erasmus Ozma people, I've been supported quoting from day one, what is patentable and but they were made at the station, and I guess
it sets up the leg. Are we gonna be around allow longer than any old age? My team, as or Wendy Williams, the Wendy to us now drew the same thing. Saint Aubert moment thinking- and I remember thinking so things this is not about me, so I thought a little hurt like a little stone right. I don't like them. It was me when we do that. Ok, but is not about me. I remember feeling like that, but I also remember feel like oh, I will be around I don't remember that, do I remember like sleeping bag, thereby myself leg? Oh yes, I am busy we might as well. Today and I didn't know that was going to happen? That's why you got to be careful what you say to people, because you might use your intention might be to take somebody down, make them go hard at all. You do is make somebody go hard, though, be careful. We might all you my first thought as a personality shut up his natural. Yes, you know, nor you just told me this
story recently. My let me I want you know. Tracy was programme directive and I wanted to learn. Radios Alistair Round Tracy all day and Tracy with the table, bore she's scream at you curse at you, and I was always at the station trying to learn and the best thing in my career happen. You got pregnant and when you got pregnant you took maternity leave in they had nobody to fill in. They put me in opposition sunny day,
I did it first and what happened was my first interview to data. You went out with a route and I had the innovative route and I never interview anybody will disappoint any way you want. It was so disappointed with the router, nothing about it. There is nothing so dry. Traces like you, never gonna, do disposition to bring sunny hair New Philippa Sunny, but that was the first hours of why a ruse everybody's lighting, though a loves, Lenny Sonny's Gray, but we had a little funny or more when I came back from its only leaves a lab in what you know. When I went to maternity leave, I wasn't on maternity leave like my contract. It ended and I just kind of like I'm- not sure what I want to do better. They said it was like any minor combat. And I might not come back. I remember like being home and has had the baby, and I was like I don't know why I just but Nebula bonanza law. I just like another, says everything and then
would you care about aware was mid day that whatever his way back, what do you really want me to come back? Suddenly, Elizabeth, I believe what you put. The order does make me want to come up with a vengeance. Then I came back and I came back early hour misery. I came back and I showed up in Sonny's on the air she's doing my shawl filling informations got a guest in their God. I wish I could. Member with a guess was, but I walked into the guests was like it, but she didn't acknowledge. Is she kept going with the interview, so I'm standing the work is not anymore. You been gobble up. Are you standing at the door? I want somebody else interviews, somebody in the room and they don't even leg Pull you land relaxes continue in the end. We will have something like watching. I do my shell and also allow back on color bag is either not to say other bed about Sadie, but she was. She also had DR. She was like in time, but she does
Hundreds of hours, you know now is only got the looked into bad things about sunny. She. She started at the station when it was that we will. It was all oh geez up. There ready, all's it. We will lag a hard core to get past like if you will the new kid. It was not easy. Very difficult. Sunny came in, she was no same. Things can be harmful. We don't know you, we don't trust. You will like Tom Bog Dennis liar you, but you know it's like you, you have to work for your we'd nobody's hand. Are you not, though I do not, then? Nine eleven happen and sunny was the only one at the station were nine. Eleven haven't you wanna be non at the emerald they cause, nobody could get there and she was so great on the air that just was like that was that they had signed around. I was I I rely or I had to give it. The leg re view specially like you that something you need to have her on Tolstoy their bombs. You probably got some goodwill The union has some story well, who us is on this hell I'll. Let myself
my show with stars. There needs to be able not only to promote guys thirty by those on the first arguments, do bigger Acer, Rocky Callow, Fag Joe quality also store, of course, one so I'm going to be when it was great and while watching and no man- and I was thinking job- please don't tell them the same stories. That use all means that it has no yes alarm and many of them, but we are here. I don't know you gets into legged dark time in his life and some really tough that he was gonna. Do we kind of went into that which was a different conversation in Heaven? I was a little different and I also he really breaks down the Rucker. Jane Rubbia what was happening that day in all of that great lorry rates thought a great story was a good story and it's nice to be able to tell it with some foot age and some Islamic cited is meant to be trained a thank you guys,
You have to be a lengthy debate, a little quit, but without low cameo low appearance on these two are unaware. You are his own car shows us that blouses rob maybe do wonders why yellow manoeuvres story would not want to go out on me now in that way. You done as very anymore. You gotta go where you were you'd feel every life. Yes, I was valuable mixed able but I got all tell it now: don't you there's EVA proceeded, sell it so many times. I knew that you pay gap. Fab story fit these stories. You tat the law, a million. Are I can't wait the rebel? Thank you. Little I beyond until stories. In the meantime, we premier Thursday night ten p m, we as you might love you guys name, you know my lunch story they have up is the breakfast locomotive armor, Can I go and I would invite you to listen to a new podcast from the Dodo, an animal saved, my life, the dough? who is the most watch, animal storyteller on social and now it's bringing those stories to life in audio. Since I was a kid have helped rescue some of the most vulnerable animals. Now we're gonna hear
about animals who have gone above and beyond to return the favor to the people they love on this point. Cast will hear about animals who have pulled people away from immediate danger or from the throes of addiction. Where am I The episodes is about amending Pga and his dog clue when they met. They were both recovering from trauma where they found each other. They also found the strength to face anything. His fear of leaving the house and showing myself the real world, and here we are standing on his mountain. Just celebrating life here about a dog whose untrue knows detects her moms cancer. Sooner than a machine can and a people who put herself in between her mom and an oncoming train, listen to an animal, save my life starting on April night, on the eye, her radio, app on Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall remain guy. We oughta breakfast club good morning
change, Adzuma, baby girl, she's on her way to school she's. Listening this morning, Kimono Mattie, Matanzas ghost. I should get a bit it by eight. Ok, so she's, almost there yes Madison Gomorrah may is he a good guy? Yes, she actually are no better than eleven. Your ass off your line arise very pretty clothes, you, my house, now, no, no, she might be a closer. Seventy please everybody knows you have sometimes isn't literary says you gotta, listen and permitted, do the left wing and want to cooperate so that we might have to be a little bit, but she does and issued takes Emma cause. Allergies is a great site as Anti Martinez it our her until to Morrow. He has the best. Until is doing. Asked the girl get all it all old radio interviews and light concerned.
They them in one place and those like this, you two page. We have to be something like something more fish that have. You can go back and dig Toodles archives and finals, great classic interviewed like at one with the lack of data and think about the Tatar Pebbles radar, Kelly and J R K went a genoese interview J for as you out, yes, man, a Mamma Uclaf again Latina got classics, all right what we got room isn't away where we talk about aromas. Let's talk about their moment when you find out that's your husband is cheating on you. Let's how you, who has a story to tell em to tell you about a woman who is apologised for her role and a different cheating scandal. I will get into all that when we come back, he belongs to breakfast club component body. Is the J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago, we oughta breakfast club. Let's get
rooms. A cyclical Murphy report at the Reul report was glad when a car- maybe it was under Wendy William, show an see- was discussing that picture that had surface of her kissing and swine Flu Quagga director who, by the way, is also married to act resolutely. Regime and she's been mare, he's been married to her, but twenty years, Nanda calmer VIII is now apologizing for that whatever the law with as a matter of arab- and I regret it and I apologize for it and I'm a human- be it was a mistake. People and kissed her family friends like guy. That's not the case. I did not release their statement when they do not lie passing. Why you're by fearsome, whereby any I don't know any role with them now they said, listen, learn them save us also. Media is also media had its way.
We have family friends, I would add her wedding and her wedding. Kicking it at their house is not true. I write an uncle. Murphy also says that aunt, mindful Qua gave her a different impression of his marriage and told women to do their research. She said because this happen, see you you have to understand. The devil is busy. Satan is always trying to infiltrate dismal. May we have called the faithful blackmail association. Black men, don't she and under glad and call took responsibility for taking advantage of airport of honourable man, and I say that, Neither would happily now we got out of bed Sarah to Leyla wish TAT. She was actually a magic Johnson sixtieth burnt. They also very sweet. Women had its automatic, yes budget lose because we thought about that
I do not. Of course, now you tell them. I don't know the radio how you do it or you talk about allowing lair to be reported. I know you do do radio. Do you feel about the Golden Evangel poor water will now you didn't want to believe in landfill sites have any great hams. He was very that we get out of this. Yes and everybody was how she would look like she was having an amazing times girl like I listen, I right now, demi more since we're talking about cheating talks about discovering how asked and culture was having an affair because of Google alerts. She says you gotTa Google alert on her cell phone and then she called him to ask and hears without she had to say with Diane Sawyer undermining America, you gotta go alert he asked what did you say to him? I ask if it is true, he admitted it right away and I think my response was. Are you kidding me a guy?
felt like I could barely take a breath, and this is all in her book by the way are new memoir inside out now she goes on to talk about asking her to cheating and basically how she had to walk a red carpet right after that, but you talk about that. He was not faithful to you when you talk about that. He kind of instigated you having Sometimes he expressed something that was of a fantasy and it was in my efforts to want to please and be while I thought he wanted and even the infidelity in and even though these things that you just you loved him. You wanted to keep the relations going, and you just tried to to keep it going in that way. Yeah. I think that, is it the new say here, but white men, she- and I mean the fund-
thing about it is going to ask and could you could have got out of this situation so easily by just simply saying he was punkin her ass? I, what is the point of having a tv show all possible? You pull pranks people, and you know even using when you really need this, and when you pulled you, the popularity was honest, admitted it right away. You gotta get is, as we all know why. Meiji in addition in her book sheets, are suffering a miscarriage and becoming pregnant, listen, the baby and nearly six months have been trying to do and veto quite a few times and that didn't work out for her either. I right she also in this book, discusses getting rate at the age of five
seen she said a man paid her mother who was an alcoholic five hundred dollars and here's what she had to say with Diane Sawyer in my deep part. No, I don't think it was a straightforward transaction, but she still did give him the access and put me in harm's way able mob five hundred dollars, and then she said the man asked her. If she she said the man said to her, how does it feel to be hoard by your mother for five hundred dollars or does very little shivering? Inspiration? Is our motto? Love? Oh, I don't know Jesus! I didn't read this book. You burn you now,
why is it going to be something else, while their mammas Vienna had addiction issues as well, and she also talks about how she left home when no money, no acting experience, and that has decided to pursue her career in Hollywood, and she said her confidence was because she had the idea that she had nothing to lose our right now. In response to this interview ass in culture when on twitter and said, I was about to push the button on a really snarking tweet, then I saw my son daughter and wife, and I deleted it That was his response. Are young row is going to have to serve some time and that is for smashing. Banana pudding in his girlfriend. Face enjoys for new jobs were already play guilty last week, so one cannot battery and family violet. He was sentenced to twelve months behind bars once a year ago.
An important element of banana point. A whole year withdrawals lie: where did he throw in reality, slacken our many desired me was only ordered to serve seventy days and he's already getting credit for twenty days that he served and they said he'll get an extra day of credit for each day, served on good behaviour, so he could get out as early as at before I dare you gotta. Let me finish a whole year for dollar banana put its current is fairly violence had ever heard of family violence as a charge is massive banana putting food right about the food for you to call him it's time you have had a family then, and you ve got time for each other as legal value. Another issue is the food vital? I write em Angela YE and that, as you are, a rumour report arriving can monsieur Charlemagne. Yes, what will you give me a dark into?
flawed. Ok, the whole place in a state of law out applauded this man. I love Florida. So much now, you don't wanna know what I will do that this data flawed. Ok, but is this young lady in Florida? Her name is Katy Jade, Gates, she's, absolutely the victim in a situation where they treating her mind, she is actually the perpetrator of, say, crime of autonomy for, after all, right we'll get rednecks people access to breakfast locomotive.
I don't want a lot more People in America come from the Bronx in all of our identity, man had tat an atm for a very strange reason. Given too much money, Florida banners arrested at the border with home in an attempt to electrocute is putting right police arrested and Orlando man we're talking of amending the breakfast club, bridging Nokia. There would Charlemagne the guy on the way yogi men, you get your leg the morning. Flora dont, give today pointed this out. The twenty five goes to the grandparents of a nineteen year old woman named Katy J Gates, I repeat, is going to the grandparents of a nineteen year old woman named Katy Jade Gates, not Katy Jade in her grandparents or from this amazing state.
Oh no. I love that. We all visit a place where a crazy is not visible to the net. I because we are all so blinded by the and sign in Disneyworld that plays, ladies and gentlemen, is called floor. Traveling opposed by the flood of all how what does youngish I'll always say about flawed decree. These people in America come from the Bronx and all the flawed and floated never failed to disappoint when it comes to donkey at it now Katy J gauge the young eighteen year old woman who clearly clearly no the benefits of vegetables are kids wasn t own aka. Shall it is very important to eat vegetable tokay, most vegetables, unnaturally low in full
and calories vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including when not limited to potassium dietary fibre. Vitamin a vitamin c, not dimension diet region potassium help to maintain healthy blood. Fresh, ok, vegetables are important, but those of us with kids of UK of Vienna key you know it is hardly gave kids to eat vegetables. So this is why Katy J Gate grandparents again donkey today, because Katy actually made a request that a lot of kids don't make it the dinner table and that request was passed to both ok, not just any vegetables. The vegetable that growing up. I didn't know if it was a fruit of vegetable out, even though I doubt about the bait, because clearly a vegetable, but some people say through because it grows on a via the tomato. Ok, the most disrespect
vegetable about time. You know I've more respected vegetables autonomy. Could you act like they? Don't have to call it a vegetable by its proper name tomato to model? Now you can't do that to somewhat name. You can't say Charlemagne Asylum, a gay, ok, my name is Charlemagne. I write period, not eighty J simply wanted more tomatoes, Katy Jade Gate, told police are right that she became angry because you wanted to eat more than her fair share of tomatoes at the dinner table. According to an incident report by the Nassau Chatty Sheriff's office obtained by smoking gun that's when Katy begin to throw a fit, because our grandparents wouldn't let her have more tomatoes and she became disrespectful towards the other votes in the house. Look man, ok, why Katy Gonzo, Harvard tomatoes right tomatoes in a major dietary of an anti accident cod like Opie and legal painted been linked to many open if its, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. I tomatoes also a great source of vitamin c p
you and vitamin cake and his younger ones, those how benefit and her grandparents are denying her that right. Why ok It is more than enough tomatoes go around because this tomatoes- even tomatoes, even for made in November On the wider grandparents active stingy with tomatoes, her grandfather, seventy three, you don't need no active tomatoes. You have How long a flight for ready? Let this little girl eating tomatoes, so she can reduce her risk of heart disease and cancer and live as long as you have, but no Katie, grandparents, tomatoes and then had the nerve to wonder why she hurled Water bottle at her grandfather, then through a cigarette packs and her seventy three o grandma and hate her grandma in the eye that symbolic, ok, your granddaughter wants to
a nice healthy tomato, and you are denying her that. Meanwhile, you smoking cigarettes, a cigarette packets, you- and I, because God wants you to say, listen to me. God wants you to say the air in your ways. Then Katie's grandfather had the nerve to confront Katy, so Katy robbed a knife. Now calm down, relax, I'm sure it's the same night. She was gonna use to cut into that nice ripe tomato. She was denied and Katy said mother. Ever I will stab you when you're FM face and she put the bladed his face. Police will cause and Katy was read her right. She admitted she due to cigarette packet, our relative and she admitted the picking up and they have done, arguments and walking outside to where her grandfather was what she did not admit the attempting to stab him, because it's obvious she only had the night because she was going to use it to do what cut the tomato that started. This whole messy situation that Katie has been charged with aggravated associated deadly weapon and anger.
The battery on a victim over the age of sixty five, as he was released from jail at the posting and eighteen thousand dollar bond, and clearly live when our grandparents, because the judge ordered her to have no contact with the victims. The real victim here is Katy because our grandparents denied or a goddamn tomato now before I give our grandparents does. He have left play a game of course. What rise in Haiti is nineteen years old, she's room floor, his pistol, you couldn't grandparents denied or a tomato present amount grabs knife annually Guess what ratios seventy white? Why do you say definitely learn aim? Is Katy, ok and then she likes tomatoes. I hate to meet us really tomatoes in I catch them, demanding, yes, radios, nineteen years old
the floor, is topical. Their grandparents matter- tomatoes, yes, Carson them out rather knife just moderation and get the eighteen thousand dollar bill. Ok, I this is what I think, I await your stated with such fixed you know. I really do tomatoes sit all pack of cigarettes and you get to slap me your little slapped the issue. You immediately saw I'm guessing Well, I usually do envy to make out. He knows you ve got enough. We know she's caucasian because we live. We would point out that our parents and grandparents like, nor do we pull out
on our parents. Unless that is the day we absolutely wanna die now imagine we'd all bag for more vegetable. We get all no more from their table until you eat your vegetable oils, we can eat everything else. Unhappily say we fall and finish what no. We will sit there and eco vegetables in fact immovable for you for the rest it and they, unless you eat or vegetables, no tv, no video games. No sleep, you would not graduate Highschool until you eat those vegetables. So yes, clearly their family was car K. So please, but Cabbie Griffin give Katy Jade grandparents, the biggest. Please give this change our male a big ass. He ha women, when any border lags towards these Devos White. I want guess. Where rating in autumn is I don't know? What do you want to say? I guess you could call her a rotten tomato. Yes, what array Steve s dress?
right right, very much! Alright, they will get their necks. Ask IE, eight hundred rabby radwan or five. Why? If you need at least twice reserve of advice, you know, is the purpose of women? The breakfast glow from which real device will actually it's ascii morning. Everybody is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast club it's up as key. We have jobs, Josh a large Josh good morning, More money just about to say: Are you guys doing is more guiding also more questionable.
Right now, a dollar a day, and I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm Channel five minute you freedom in LA so ok, droughts, floods, do taxi. Ah my do like a little over each year and also starlike Adieu DAWN, walking really trying to get into something. I can cut me off, like put like put more effort into more time. It's a big help is done. I don't want you business class here alive, but made in the neighborhood from an I'm. Just, don't know what to do cause assumed that every time it also I did the truck thing to help me find it's like the door par unhappy like that, and I do try to think just keep money. My party, but it seems like I'm, stretching muscle so clear in dialogue with gold from their yeah. You know the goal is always to work, smarter and not harder, but sometimes you have to work hard to get to the point where you are able to have that financial freedom. So you can stack that money. So what is it that you need for your business of dog working to succeed?
Also re now me, Madam President, with right will on working with the bank trying to get up a spot there's a lot of place it. I don't want that. Doesn't also light of some of these like see like full time via a story to tell me no, because I guess it's a dog situation. Soviet will looking like in places like towards queens, like like industrial area, to seek it places like that. So right now there's with great risks guys. Like I'm fine, I guess real estate for the place. Ok, though, is not just a dog in business. You also were away the provider housing for the dogs at the family. Goes on vacation
clean them and all that ok, you're, a big recently. I have in mind so stay like you said: people go on vacation, so he could bring him to the facility. Is that I have a people go to their house? Checking awning also brings take me to the person who told me watch and edges brooms facility, retrain and gloom and stuff like that. You know why I would advise the specified right by ideas by in Brooklyn. Just by the by they just recently opened a place. That does just that right because they saw me very in the neighbourhood. A lot of people are moving in. A lot of people have dogs and it is to allow the people go out. I didn't have any beta wise, your dog, they wanna, get their dog room got the dog off. So I would ask advise you to talk to people who have that business and go see their businesses see how their business works, because you're not gonna, be in competition, you'll be in a whole different borrow. You know doing this and ask them maybe with the process was because I think a lot of times we try to figure set out on our own. We could ask somebody who's successfully doing something. So I will do my research on us
businesses that have open you know we also have and we're going to actually have this interview on for you Gregg Bishop, from the small business services. There is a lot of services that they offer in New York that you pay for that are free services that you could actually go down and a lot of different cities. Do this also, and you can get free information on where you can actually find the coms for a place to open your business and undertake simply classes, maybe get sometimes type of says. Maybe you can, are you a minority from Africa, the ESA? Maybe you can get your own certification for that for the city different things it in doing so marking is gonna, be really important. Right, get yourself up to the point. Where lad, you already have a lot of clients. Do you have a lot of clients now they're your people from our world do fallen by God and all the charge he growled the uptake of the Nicaraguan more called universal I've, a byword for good
when people. My fear is that, once I started glow of it, I wouldn't have played ran ass. The thing like- and this too I don't know that didn't want it might give me the place. You call them ask in America Summit do more research using by will places to help people could I just feel like being told no just just I gave my wonder, but still at the end keep going to do it to keep to do and, as you know, now they ve just launched an initiative here in New York City is called be. Am I see which is for black entrepreneurship? That would that be as for, and that initiative is to help small business owners who are black, b, b, e and wisely and our highly suggest you check that out. There's a lot of services that they can you and they can offer you a lot to help so just make sure you use that and again it's free side. I think that would be great for you right now, because that initiative just launched this month. So
the one on Saddam in the hold you for some one, more cautious of throwing away from looking for a place now, and you start looking over how to get a place to the beard see, I think, continue to lead an US, do your research as far as going to visit other people who are successfully running that business have conversations with them, but also do that. You can do all these things at the same time Our already, I guess I'm just so I can get to hear. Mr Michael, I told the people it seems. I told me Mongolian one big circle, always we'll get a Goin sounds like you're already has some clients? Have you been doing? Your marketing so may show that demand. Is there, because, when you open up your spat, you gotta be able to pay those bills, Gertrude those we are greatly appreciated. I right good luck to you. I hope everything goes well or go to this morning. Ascii, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one. If you need relationship advice to any type of advice, call you now with the breakfast club come on
What relationship with guys me personally is the real holler bail for ass the rear morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club, we're in the middle of ask What line you wanna go to the Alice actor Casey Online, three Casey! Martin, combining how I'm doing well wish, of course, to four you Mamma question, so I go to my ex boyfriend. Mothers wedding invited me ass his day. Are you trying to get back together with him now and not necessarily, though I recently, or he called me out, why ok I'll go Would we be cool? I don't hate town, but then, when I act like my friends, they were lies now he said.
There are like that in the bar at the outset, that kind of Lord on what I don't know really what direction to take with is so you, ok within until your friends, told you not to yeah about hey within from offering for me. My poor are really departed. Thinking about why our relationship, why do you think he invited do become amazing so there? Why are you not together what happen where I have graduated from college, the pack nay, but he was a year older than me, but I'm data extra year to get much. Lastly, agree and he went he graduated. You it was a little too hard. We ended up breaking out. Ok, so you think he wants you back here and you are you considering it? I will say this: if you are considering the open window that you might get back with him and you want to go then go. However, if you know that this is something there,
we're gonna happen, Y gotta, his mother's wedding rapidly and then thereby how'd. You gotta, introduce me write another day. They might think that China still together exactly, but the thing is that we had a girlfriend rob upward until after we dated Dolby use as applied to make his ex girlfriend mad and to make his family think that you're still together now, because I am going to a wedding- is still sure. It's nice when somebody you care about love but his leg. Why am I had a wedding somebody that I'm not relieve have no connection to so. Are you sure you don't want him? I'm sure I don't want to Ok, we're then add, don't the you waste your time and don't be used as a pine I'm good. I'm good enjoy
by all the answer now she's amazing, I will go on without amazing, eight hundred five, a firewall or fire one of unique relationship advice if any invite you can call you. Now we got rooms and away you. Yes, I saga. Lonnie love on the real she asked the misuse with a guest who was supposed to come on the show and didn't show up we'll get you mix keep it. It is the breakfast club bemoaning the breakfast with Angela glow. Congratulations, the Tokyo dead. She had her baby boy, she said so much beauty I can take the pains he put a heart and then to put a mere When a goose bumps Tokyo jet damage Jacksonville with hadn't, I re us now it took about cocoa us in as an ice, tease, wife she's posted a pig's, your honor instant.
And where she is breastfeeding, her daughter, who was almost four years old, she posted a mother's, calling, I'm so blessed to have this unbelievable experience in this thing called nursing. I had a high time breastfeeding the first week of winter. I was born. I almost gave up my family Tommy to hang for another week. They told me I don't want to miss a special moment. You have with your child health. Why? in bond wise? I hung in there and now, almost four years later, Chanel still once the boob it's more of a comfort thing. Now, of course, he is regular but nap time a night time, our maritime I'm lucky. She hasn't grown out of a yet because when that mom- comes. I will be so sad for yours. Gone wrongdoing Bristow, therefore, eels, colonel, but regional. I write a lady love is upset about black China, costing them thousands of dollars at the studio at the Rio because she didn't show up. She was supposed to be a special gas to discuss a new reality. Tv show the real black China, but they said China didn't cod and show up nothing.
And so the way that lady love how to play it off? She said she just took too long to get dressed and they had to end the show without her, but she then posted what some folks don't realize is that was was too segments we could have given to someone. There really needed to promote something say not letting everyone and other talk shows especially people of color. We took a chance than we had to fill the time. That's thousands of dollars gone to waste. Though she never made it pushes maidenly didn't make it at all. Ask for oils. You gotta make sure that a person's not dead are in the hospital for Migdol statement. Where was miles out of our own. It was she ok, You got to she's. Ok, we made the same. Listen. I can tell you where she is where you do. I went out yesterday. Yes, you didn't show up. For my own Haider unilaterally pulse of do I do now. You call somebody don't pick up that you go check and when the last time, make sure they before lab show alive taping
somebody I'm actually almost eighteen hours ago, I, along with Europe, add that way. Is our biggest area. Now that I was last night last now gold. Fifty three socially aware what what is it a video seas have really enjoy my experience at church with Miss Mary seeing her. Element here. Why don't you try and laughter? What's the real back China on the Zeus network oil as time goes by? That's exactly your mutual, be why, before you Joe bobbio them, she has appointed eighteen hours ago for fashion Nova curve and I'm sure she's fine another ed, I'm sure she's. Fine, I'm just saying before you make those things got Mitchell somebody's, ok first, I gotta see why they didn't show up. I write me. I don't know this and I can tell you that this is not a story. Is this another add along with somebody's posing from whom it is also possible? Vague, our congratulations to Terence. How are you got a star and the Hollywood walk of fame and
Anville, that's dairy! Yesterday he said a few years ago, I was taken down by Hollywood and I was told that would never work again, but then a young woman named Dana Walden had faith in me. I allowed me to lead her show an older about closing them forward in Ceuta, rewarded with clouding them, because they city seem very high, and you just like ramble in not in what I watched the actual clip. Do you seem like he's gone through a lot right now? They said he was talking crazy, unworthy to receive. You want what we ll have thought. You were now there's no audio in here, but I will say this: he taught the DMZ also- and this is right after he got his star on the hollywood- walk a faint. And he was talking about his axe Michel again and they ve had this whole long spouse or support feud. He asked the pain or one point them.
Million dollars, and he said he will pay, but he also said that karma well get her. So that's his responses. That might be millions a lot of money that is or com money. What exactly she's, pretty good hope it off when it is overcome. One point three: I right now wordsmith and data packets method. They had to do an intervention with jaded Smith and ass because he had lost so much weight. It look like he was just wasting away, listen to what they said on red table talk well, and I had a bit of intervention because he's a vague and now, but we realize he was again not protein, so he was wasting away just luxury and he pleaded he wasn't getting renewed our struggles on his eyes. He was even a little greyness yeah two I'd sooner skin really nervous, but you're, definitely looking better. Now I was eating linked to meals a day. You know, and mainly one maybe
that one big me I'm like all uniting now, like crazy, deny all began. Like that and begin and they all looked like X rays when they first thought and it seems like a balance up actually there nobody forethought involving the oddest thought it looks like they would die. I think that more options- Nancy, let my big and finally because it used to be really hard to even fine restaurants- are places that you could go eat if you were a vague in is not a big regos and now there's a lot more absolute level. The way was busy people remotely thing. When you become vision, you lose a ton away, but some people just eat the things that is done. Them shows that people have been vision for a while still heavy sanguinary a vegetarian, sounder fled holdings be rig. I didn't I just started of use fattening. You switched diet. You might still be about a visa to lose weight rather than eat, held it and want to eat in animal animals. They have an issue at that and they just want to be healthy, naturally, more weight by modern means, of course, the image you get us to eat a lotta carbs
in vain and things like while you can eat Lazard you if you, unless you have begun this animal is vague and cheese there, but yeah you can still a lot of bread, a lot of carbs, a lot of things that will make you gain weight and you know there's a lot of vegan foods out there now. So it doesn't automatically mean that, but in general people do ten wait when they become began. I will tell you how many offer every man, nor do I think that the answer at the conversation I want to know is everywhere vegetarian, who also you know, haven't really lost. We would have preferred vague and please stand up the policy on one more alarming vision, know what was the reason for you baby? You know, and it is important to make sure when you I begin. That's you actually do get a lot more. Nutrition has abbeys united
Your protein from where you normally would get it from meets, and chicken and stuff like that fish. So you can any of those things now. Janus myth also said that when he was in Australia working that he was noises and dizzy and there actually landed him in the hospital so and, like you said he was forgetting to eat a time today, sometimes eating only one or two time, sometimes not at all. So all of those things I'm sure, added to it as well, who or deferred Vegas you suddenly more notice does deserve. Also, though we ninety five biggest it'll, save Rick Reuben was was worth while enters a rebirth met in the meantime, since we're talking about that family is gonna, be portraying Nicky Mr Untouchable binds, so that should be interesting. To see that story being told to see was met, taking on their role as well as all other council waddled huh crime bosses so intriguing. The people are really our
Alas, he meant so wise. You know as a great time periods and thus only once we we always about, like I'm sure, there's a lie behind any now from showed a zillion Wanna West Coast which used to hear about the equals workers equals rap. That's what most of em wrapped about mandate. I re! Well, I'm Angela YE, and that is you aren't rumour appoint flower. I thank you. Miss YE revolt, we'll see you guys tomorrow, everybody else. What choice mixes up next is the breakfast club good morning happy birthday to wills. Mrs, we will talk about today's wills. Miss birth to have boarded two yards and wish you a happy birthday mafia and I'm a do. People flee jointed. It makes have avoided I'll go Valor Macao to solicit us all. Real one of six one in Cleveland, ok would have thou right is to breakfast alimony morning. Everybody is the J envy. Angela ye shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club we gotta shouts age. Martinez would join in us. This morning's allude to urge you, my Mammy, showed its. You watch untold stories of her part tomorrow at ten p m, or we tv now make that if it as he is ethically Emmy amazing, absolutely
then when we come back positive? Note, though, moves the breakfast locomotive. Everybody is D, J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago. We all the breakfast club know you guys have I'm on my way to Atlantic City right. You got your weekend, but we are just going to set up everything, make sure everything is right to and we doing buses, but it's been doing a ride along with taking people actually through some of the homes through some of the buildings through some of the vacant lot, so they can see and then the next day we're going to map out and show me how much everything cost and how much it cost to fix up and all that other stuff so going to be a two day, seminar which were excited about died. If you want more information just but the legal, mobile satellite. Yes, sir, you got a positive note. Yes, men is positive. Note days from the late Great Maya, Angelou seek patients and passion, and equally patients alone will not build the temple. Passion alone will destroy its walls, prevalent video yonder. Been whirl New Hampshire on the side of it. Highway. The hill
witness a light in the sky. A craft hovering above a field That was the end of their story too later under Hypnosis David Lee that there was more did that night. So what had they forgotten? The strange case, a Betty and Barney Hell this season on strange arrivals, a coat Action of Iheart, radio and grim and mild from Aaron Monkey? Listen to strange arrivals on the hard radio, app on apple pie casts or wherever you get, your podcast is a ghost indeed in the fu fighters. Why does IRAN claimed covert? Nineteen is a? U S, bio weapon. I'm Ben vote and in our new show strange news daily. We are shedding light on the most bizarre, disturbing and unusual news of the day every from the latest exploits of Florida man to the mind, boggling developments in space exploration, topsecret government experience, its newly revealed stories of the paranormal and more listened to
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Transcript generated on 2020-04-05.