« The Breakfast Club

Thats Not My Friend ( Tamika D. Mallory interview)


Today on the show we had our leader and queen Tamika D. Mallory stop by to speak on her new book "State of Emergency", dedication to activism and social justice. Also Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to a horse trainer who is blaming cancel culture after a horse is tested positive for steroids. We opened up the phone lines to see if our listeners would ever marry their friends ex spouse after reports of Porsha from RHOA gets engaged to her "Friends" ex spouse a couple months after their divorce.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Miller. High life is the champagne abyss. What do I mean by tat? You ask: well it's a quality refreshing, be it s, always at the right price Miller. Higher life had been brood same way. Since new year's eve in nineteen o three, which is a hundred and eighteen years, they have been consistently making quality, be what refreshing, champagne like tiny bubbles in an I kind of glass bottle. It is unpretentious and made accessible to all. But most importantly, this is a drink. Then how she celebrate all kinds of moments. In your life, such as birthdays, anniversaries and days, we were able to relax and kick it with friends and family Miller Life to champagne, abyss, equality, beer within everyone's reach, celebrate responsibly Miller, Brewing Company Milwaukee Wisconsin. Have you ever needed the move because of family a job just needed a fresh start? What do you know how moving into a new place at times can be very difficult at state bomb? Everything they do is focused on building strong neighborhoods, together with open nineteen thousand local agents across the country. They form is committed to being good neighbours, whatever our custom was find themselves in their communities right around the corner, when you need them stay farm knows it. A better world tomorrow starts with a strong neighbourhood. Today, like a good neighbour, state farm is their bigoted. After the event of the solid down the Bay area there, the breakfast- I want this capacity problem when we listen to the right of access to watch the breathless glove like lose and really be told in the ongoing reckless is I brought envy and what is it a refuge club when the black affect our radio potash network on? I hardly know after what ever you get your progress ratty by
date farm like a good neighbour state farmers there to show me the guy gradually to hollow famers. Vienna present radio this morning to the breakfast a big deal. I think. That's all. I have a certain amount of special Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO aborted annually their money did Andy Charlemagne. Again, please did planted to guess it's Tuesday, Bible love in twenty one and finally, we have arrived at the release. Date puts it. Galleries debut book state of emergency. How to win in the country we built, which is the first release of my book, infringe black privilege. Publishing
Congratulations are he asked. I congratulate the two meagre. Ok, there's nobody I would rather be launching with, more than two meek Mallory. Somebody that I look up to and inspires me on a lot of different levels, number one because he's out here fighting for something s big it in her. And she will be joining us this morning, Naturae onto Breakfast Club Tom State of emergency, how we went in the country we votes was available. Ever you buy books, evil, audio books, regular, but not bookstore, have you want to have you wanna get it? It can be got that's right. Yeah thanks. You pick up a book and she will be joining us a little bit later. Our rights, are you guys there is about ball games ya, get serious like my family gives serious I haven't, play ball games in such a long time. Oh, my goodness, what I left this morning, my family was still play. Monopoly got school well
not necessarily young kids. My dog is it should go there, why? You said it is a matter she's thinking that matter in London in high now Logan deny school, but they were uptown. I remember when I was in college one of my friends- God she had to do another year. Could she was there please days? Ah night, ban Liberia next day you yet do another domestic another semester year. I was as you play vow another method. When I tell you play a space for light today straight and not the class and then I was in the dignity that that was made, but for lack of smaller argue that they still plays bade. You know families or there's an agreeable in boarding made monopolistic ccs bade, maybe say I don't I won't clock in the morning. They still play of anatomy may argue, would lie down. You sent, is we enjoy. It is for the border and they all going home, I'm alive my ways rather uncle.
everybody that the groups? I don't think I had the concentration to do tat for that long night, ACCA, Playfellow Wine, and after that, unlike array with an egg, they started at nine p m. After that they still play. I can remind me to replace bad effect when I was just a yellow springs. They were playing a game of spades, dunno, I can take it, they will play Vista. I was like I'm leaving. This is I believe, relying on everybody else now monopoly bricks of allocating additional boardgame. I love them much less, though they play odd play elbows bathed. Allow me a good game is paid and learns Baden Berkeley, Canada tensions than amongst going to sell Caitlin Luggage paid, gave me to alert ahead, but I believe I began fight of space. Monopoly job like member mats, when you first buried there, I had a spades, gave him my house and that's when a huge bite broke out like the cops came in everything over space over a game of spades murders. Are you some somebody broke? It was my pace and my both the glass next at a front door at appears house. Yes,
then my parents has good. I mean I was in college. It was my last year colleague, owners and powerful bigotry and where do you want to know was fighting who Benny boom? He was directed. Yes, it was Adele's. Frightened plays blades, yes video direct Yazzi, the video evanescent erecting a movie directed to write Jewish. I will get to show cracker front page news what we talked about while lesson: but the Pfizer vaccine. It has now been authorized for twelve to fifteen year olds, get into that makes people locked to breakfast locomotor morning, everybody's dj envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club, blueskins and front page news we start me. Let's start with a vaccine. Pfizer has now been authorized by the FDA for children ages. Twelve end up there saying this is a big step: a country. Vaccinating a younger population brings us closer to returning to a sense of normalcy answer. End
the pandemic. That they're saying these could be administered as soon as Thursday, Pfizer announced in late March that their clinical trial show the vaccine was state was one hundred percent effective and kids ages at one thousand two hundred and fifteen. Similar to how effective it is among adults. Just missed one. You know call we became a thing around kids about that was always there was all The conversation I did didn't impact you no longer remain way where they can still get it and spread to other people and so allow kids are not a high risk to die or be severely sick from corona virus. They still represent about a quarter of the population, so it is critical for them to get vaccinated to stop the spread of the virus, unthinkable kids are going to school, the older generation, people have, for the most part, a lot of them have been vaccinated, so if the kids vulnerable than they are contributing to how the virus can spread all right now, one million people have signed up for the affordable care act coverage after Joe Biden reopened it and he
open that back in MID February, the specially roman period and ass, an became law more than a decade ago? It's have helped a lot of people so now with the affordable care typically and Roman during the year is limited to people losing jobs. These policies and experiencing other major life. Events like divorce, Donald Trump, the former present if you see relax access last spring, even though it was the pandemic so now new and existing customers who go there can take advantage of premium subsidies that, where our enhance that's part of this one point nine trillion dollar corona virus relief package and is generous. Assistance, alas, for two years, is also reduce monthly premiums by more than forty percent from on average one hundred dollars to fifty seven dollars, and if you make less, then lower income policy holders. You can actually have your premiums eliminate a completely. One in four people have access to healthcare. Specially right now not to lose should be a right all american, I agree, but you know this is America.
We don't do right by all Americans never have. I don't think we have a well, but you know we can fight I write well I'm Angela YE, and that is your front page news right, dude, a few chess, eight hundred five, eight five one or five. What if you're upset you need of it? It is our right now. Maybe a family still up right now play a monopoly. Yell indiscriminate, do you crib, maybe justly low sleep or whatever may never even tell your job, and I have wifi and your computer at work now everything the time you come in and you still don't those Like that, no no! No! No! I don't. I don't doubt that those sugar coated you, how can I do my job Georgie telegram? The things you gotta do is computer in just to plea, white Devils advocate it's not like. You comes up,
You know what I mean. Why? Why why? Why are you know what to say like yours, for why would I come here? It there's no way I could get my. Why aren't you can't possibly in every now and then it would be mad when you know you know, have UNICEF listen, everytime I been here, there's been no wifi and then, unlike you know, how many surmise need not you. Can they tat if it computer like a lifetime? It is known the work and might be time to buy new two hundred dollar computer. I gotta go. I finally, Why don't you just eight hundred five, eight five one of our borders to breakfast locomotive? The breakfast club got wake up ass, a man of letters from you. Allow this from the events TAT David I'll tear line for three was abroad.
was Charlotte, was Goin on YO? I'm gonna, let us dare to show envy you got about drawing up a solid, a Yo Yo Yo, but I know that now that the young guy now about one highly gonna colleges, In that way, I knew exactly what he meant. When he's a guy. No doubt awaited me, let nobody, got about one day, tell number one more day warmer than Europe into an end up with dollar. At that, Yeah they wanted to know about about Eu Law must sort is what happened. Months ago. Go much was all club. I was right. People got mad because you said why are we slow? on the world- would have already held risk, so it play with die with you.
Was beyond and it should we stop slowing down the world. People are held with all eyes. Boys is a five year period ask them to flee coated hours. They explain now allowed. If they don't want, people was because he was like We always find unaware of people that I have read you know, Those are not only. I too now makes and another thing I got Charlotte. Yes, I got a pop up at my mom, my mom's open up a look about the most gonna talk alone. a black your. Where will you have a cousin by landed, oh yeah, without the flag, I'm a girl, I'm down I'm a bit. I was bought all too I'm a pool of em be done if over de la Mancha, Mccullough Rubber game of chess eight hundred fathoms
one off. I wanted you need event. It is now the breakfast locomotive, the breakfast you're gonna get a garbage asked whether your man one, but we want to hear from you wanna bread, allow this career. page alone at the Vienna courage for ten years, I did it My job it'll be lazy, though I'm the curtain wound openly While you are girls, routine use homely, I couldn't wait. I have very down bracing between by before I agree that the guy is hardly more than in the matter.
yea were concerned. Animations communication, consumer Grandmama. Thank you. We proud of you. We have a good morning. It is not our you started out. You furnish an illusory finished. Allow this. Measures are needed. good now- and then I am deliberately, did David birdy, you mother, they removed happy birthday, happy met his day and away. He argued that I love you so much Yeah. I got it wrong. boy, and I love the work that you know that our view You got a shot.
that's right, we are here baby meant to have advocate overhear problem into how advocate that power. He made their Amazon you a book, I'm askin, you, two unapologetic guide black mental health by Doktor, Rita, walk, yeah, that's right, I'm gonna put you get judges, we commemorated the photo. Look. I I hello. This Johnny Age? the morning dynamic every morning. Thank you. We appreciate that. We need to get it off my chest that an open Are you here, and I'm going to get it right now, is that a little bill I thought about it. I think, on the monthly, how club you guys promote everybody Then let everybody
Why? Should you better? You better tell us Only one word j, all be. Why are you wearing? What are you doing in Asia? I do How do I also the poem I write, in writing. I know everybody Anthony though, but all the way out, I gave you today and you guys take out my pay an watch one of my and if you look at it I would add that I oppose it is funny shore thing, that's worth sharing absolutely yes entity to us see I'll, go, take a leg. Knowing as we do to us, the images go, look get out now. If you had landed, they be wise words and I want you to watch in Jamaica. our aid zooming, I mean it's a millionaire retweeted, also jamaican stalker. Some supper also supper.
Some very dishonor gave an although that sucker back up I met a review on home. I'm gonna get your lover. There are a lot of the boy when the ladys about anything? they'll give away to match our railways, we call a landline, don't get Usanga get it off. It just eight hundred five, a five one, o five one that we are losing away, man is so much to talk about today. I want to talk about Porsche, but I must say that, where a little bit later, yes M are going to talk about Porsche Fallon in Rio, housewives of Atlanta and apparently there They allowed a drama going on we gotta get into. It is too much for me even describe right here, but you know, can you I guess marry your friends ex husband. What this weird,
all right, we'll get internet next to breakfast locomotive. The breakfast. Do you ever feel like someone just plasma, but may I feel, like I get my body fit toning, even eat more healthier than I need just for winter to come in a blink of an eye. Well, with the year we previously had on making sure that does not happen this summer. In fact, as long as I have caused light by my side, things will be ok, cause light. The official beer of slowing down summer was light, is cold, laggard called filtered in coal package. I mean is literally made to chew. We spent nine months looking forward to this moment, especially with the past year. We had everyone deserves to have fun chill and long lasting some of its finally here so this summer, open a cause, light mountain call, refreshment and rediscover what makes some so amazing because, as the beard has made the chill, we want you to savour every second of some because light some a package in straight to your door, with drizzly or in the cart, celebrate responsibly, cause Braun Company Golden Colorado, Miller, her life with an american classic brood, the same way for all Vondra used, in other words, Miller. High life, is the champagne abuse equality Bay within everyone's reach. Miller, life is for a simple. You know. Everyday moments in life that are worth celebrating biggest small dont know what I mean well. Have you ever made some extra money and payment was bigger than you expected. A habit eaten some good Buddha. Wasn't too expensive when had your taste buds falling in love with those moments Miller how life comes in and makes the day better? But for me just kick him back and hang out with their families when I like that
when the Miller how life and celebrate brood same way. Since new year's eve in nineteen o three, what refreshing, champagne like tiny bubbles in an icon, it glass bottle. It is unpretentious and made accessible to all Miller how life to champagne obese equality, beer within everyone's reach, celebrate responsibly Miller, brewing Company no walkie was content, is no you and me, and my family are just about ready to move into a new house, but for any one that is move before, whether it afore job family, a fresh start. You know how difficult it can be. Besides moving items from one house to the next would also can be difficult, is finding new places the shop and gaining a great relationship which enables, in fact, as is exploding.
the hood. I met some people in the neighborhood to help me find a great juice by Anna nearby grocery store, but I have to give credit to stay, for they have been a big help because everything they do is focused on building strong neighborhoods. Together, they form has functioned on the belief that being a good neighbour mean being good stewards of the neighborhood they serve. It is not enough to simply do business with people also do good alongside him. God is the right thing to do. Would over nineteen thousand local ages across the country they form is committed to being good neighbours. We have our customers find themselves in their communities right, on the corner. When you need they found in a better world. Tomorrow starts with strong neighbourhood. Today, like a good neighbour state Is there
This is the Weber report annually on the breakfast club that Ebay, Amazon sweater any tell this vile, whereas the producers other when they deserve all the clap, because you are really not be like any songs. You are really just like the beats. When you hear certain produces tagged, you don't give a f whose on it, because you know you don't like it be given mayflowers notice I say ya, don't be liking. De sounds ya, know weapon size, I'm talkin about evolve talking about any other era? What it said, though, songs me on the same page with jolly reading between filmy marine between Monday, I need more contracts. Consent window produces good degraded, they deserved is not a fantastic producers. We don't know about even in his hair, and I like the song I just like to be like the song usually makes to beat sums out. Well,
me going on about. We agree with the way. Sometimes you like to be more than a thousand times you like the song and you believed to be, could have been better to it. Just depends since, as both hit together is not as a kid by case basis. You I've. Never, I think it is, is mostly about to be note for me, the whole years beaten oak, I must say the beat his wag. The sung usually reason yeah. I've decided me more contact about what he's talking mother, Fucker was a lot of reduced Alegre network. Demagogic, estimated Listen I'm never met a given. Produces their credit not ever I re no Wendy Williams and her man have already called a quits and if you, because you just how challenges. I remember she did this challenge and we talked about it up here, where She was looking for a boyfriend and she said it with his guy, MIKE their men and hold a waiter, yes augur well looks They already have broken out. Now he told page six. She does.
to be with someone who may have more time and according to reports, they have drifted up. its while one person who was commenting on this and be a young boys mother. You know she. Twenty billion has spoken about MBA young wagon and locked up said some negative things about him. Well, here is his mom responding to this news. When do we, There was no less remain, could keep you around. Rule is property than we have having value when I arrived in Burma business. No less so so but a happy. I guess when you know things like that happen now the other Wendy Williams? I was looking at everything that her in Joscelyn do and then people work. Joscelyn for her on her reality show for screaming at the girl for coughing. Did you see that I did not learn anything. Yet these monies immediate humanitarian aid without allowing he, I guess the pact
is when you're, maliciously people they're happy when bad thing or things don't work out for you, people will even has been called com. You know the main and they feel like you get back. Would you put out, which is usually the case our right. Well, let's talk about Porsche and the real housewives of land said is a ladder drama go along with this now Pirelli portion is happily in love with Simon now Simon was married to Fallon, who were introduced, a bill has wisely billion as a friend of Porsche Raven Room is either Fallon is gonna, have a peach for this see then, and here is portions- I can about now being in a relationship the one, and only one up. I will say this, I am happy. I am in love with my new love and I'm coming night about a guy is a family is amazing. They support me, and I want this on it a little bit later. So wait a minute. Wait, a minute Porsches fruit
try is married, pushes friends ex husband. Yes he's engaged not marry she's gauged Simon Simon was married to Fallon they ended up filing for divorce. They got divorced boys we earlier this year and you know, ok so to reiterate their relationship here, is Fallon Talkin about how she actually met Porsche. You came as a friend of horses. So where is your history? It was more so through DNS and Simon. They knew each other there in the same industry and at some point in time portion I've gotten me and now she was really sweet. She's always very real and genuine me what is going on inside your dogma, Crypto, Guernsey, I'm so lost what is happening now, Simon posted on social media. to seize this opportunity to thank every well wish of portion. I Weatherby a phone texture dm. You affirm my belief that finding love is passed.
but for every one who genuinely seeks one getting there It again was never a question in my mind, but when did not expect to be blessed with a mate so soon interesting thing about life is that it is an individual journey portion. I, with the support of our loved ones, have chosen to travel together as one and spread love him as its activity to our community? Now Porsche posted our relationship began a month ago. Yes, we crazy in love. I know it's fast we are living life each day to its fullest happiness every morning and every night? Yes, Charlemagne, Mohune Ruth Gram course. You guess who the hell is: Simon, aroma, what the hell! You know that These people are analysed and you know for of course I know points we must push. You got a girl s home gonna. She bought on real housewives validity that day. Ok, that girl was Mary Wrangle, Kay right. They all cool everything is good. They get a divorce, ok, a Porsche marries, the Ex husband all kinds of married, exhausted their engage. Now we're just said I get the optics but Simon. were divorced from a previous marriage in January at nothing,
who, with their divorce filing that's between the two of them, ok, you said Balin, I not friends and Simons divorce. It's been settled. Our relationship is a positive, loving step forward in everyone's lives. All I know we gotta cameras, rural filter, down, early roaming, knowledge and good stuff that shouldn't be on social media modelled normative, sounds nice, everybody, everybody, a vague in an and seeing lag past episodes and other things that I must go now Simon, when they actually announced today with separating right. Here's but he had said on the Neighbourhood- talk and no longer responsible are financially that is not broke. I promise you you guys just once something very salacious, how's infidelity exposed us just just the standard very good at what I do when I need to find something out People are saying that maybe he found something out about her in
with all of you alive it's alive, but I'm sure we'll find out the new season, a real housewives of Atlantis. I write a maddening rumour report welcomes all is no rules, while the balloon asset, that balance is getting a peach the season. So you don't know what that means. Watching Minos are getting a peach means. I now do I thought I was just listening is driving around in the car, but what the hell are you talking about rights? Let it be. The latter has, as it appears, that surrounded oil for people who are into We should, even if you are now it's a pretty interesting story, you know? What's going on my right in order that we just broke? It is a good. You marry your friends ex husband now. Did you see day you go, keep it simple way that we talk about their Yahoo, and I wanna Alexandria merit what Mary Friends ex husband. Now now, I'm sorry I couldn't.
Ok, he has morals their morals, but eight Woodruff robbing I've. I've got a viable, we'll talk about. It makes our. Could you marry your friends ex husband, though it made me think that maybe there was always plot in all my enemy model emulate. There is real way you look at me like that is where they are considering marrying, didn't answer now, I brought you know you was really might then about movement. You don't like that for the Red Sea Asmund was ass, I know, but I'm not judging you read. It is because that's your friend, now, given my guy. Well, you should let would that leading liquid egg. I also very confusing mediocre views and we disagree with those those echoing the galleries. Dozing cat is a person anyway. probably those it makes him sorry. I was to breakfast local, more breakfast club your morning. So now would be the answer here and the general issue Aaron's understands that stuff happens, including
acts as an auto coverage at the general. They make it easy to get reinstated and will work with you to keep you covered, got eight hundred general or go to the general that come to find out more some restrictions apply a morning. Everybody is the jury. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne occur, we oughta breakfast Club buskins appropriate. each new, now congratulations to Russell Westbrook. He has set the envy iraqi with his a hundred and eighty second triple doll, peace, vision, ass in the box. It by ask a rather silly nineteen. Seventy four sucker regulations to hit me miles the same guy ravaged the trouble double or two seasons in a row. I think moment three seasons, amendment two authorities would Robin Hood Basel Russia was broke. I really want to see what was on an honor a team. contained a man that death who much wasted talent, the only other NBA players who have more than one hundred career triple doubles our magic, Johnson and Jason kid. Damascus,
UNESCO arrive at other, then obviously ask Arabin please, since he just broke the record as grubs. Well her right now what we got! our right now, a group of forty state attorneys generals have are asking mark Zuckerberg to abandon his plans. He was planning to launch a version of Instagram for children the age of thirteen. They said use of social media can be detrimental to the health and well being of children who are not equipped to navigate the images of having a social media account. Further Facebook has historically failed to protect the welfare of children on its platform. What is this? The grandma than its ratification? I can't give you know I Parents are very sceptical use allow just let her son joint Instagram, but I guess it's gonna- be something that's prioritizing safety and privacy and Adobe consulting with experts and child development with child safety, women's health and privacy advocates and all That said, we want to develop something. That's different. Ads, and it's like egg Instagram for kids.
Blinded nineteen continue. There can be no one arm, studies on the brain and the impact that social media had on the brain of all people. Could it of its impact those who make the dose Justice silly. The does does indicate in ruins, and mental health of every single by, like, like cancer, attack and, obviously kid sit around. A watch Youtube videos of other kids playing games, and nor can it be home to remember what you re needs to be Doin activities mail. It you need to be reading. You need to be doin, we're back. What do we do because we're probably going to have to look at a map sit Cresswell, Madame amounting to look. Imagine having to figure things out later. You'll have the figure anything out there doing at anymore puzzles, but that's why I put my kids in every activity does not want to keep them israeli from the phone is possible Madonna things at all that right, I'd never die. He got a stimulating langmore system, skater wars, but my daughter I was like I want to put him in everything Taiwan to horseback swimming last. Legs hung about. Why he's writing real quick by a sack input from Kentucky Derby winner Medina Spare, it has tested positive,
for a stairway stare right after the race and now trainer of that horse is saying that ah, because of cancel culture. Now here is what, by backward had to say we live in it girl now this is America, America's different. It was like a cancel culture. Kind of thanks under review, told anything, we're prepare IRAN, but you're here to say the Bob Afrits team did not cheat and when the Kentucky Derby, we did not choose the wine you're talking to me, I mean I hear Yes, oh god, you tube wouldn't help where the horses, as a positive step towards new sound to me, like you know, folks, just hold net horse accountable and he doesn't want to deal with the consequences of their horses actions. I mean in any error: if you give I cheat and you'll be health care. I had ever the amount legally allowed in Kentucky racing according to testing and by the way this trainer has had five horses. In the past year, tests positive right now, Donald Trump, as also weight in and said. So
even our Kentucky Derby, Winner Medina Spirit, is a junkie. This is what is happening in our world is laughing at our health, and our borders are big presidential election in everywhere. Job glued boils down a job that is dropped. The bomb in marriage caught up was a joke. I realize is only around me at it. He kiki its organs automobile Craig to annul the origin of the well known Obiang did have sympathy. For now I mean it. You know where that is your room, a report. I mean front page news very good. This array, also, you know we're taking your cause. We would talk and early about, Did you marry your ex wife ass? They could you marry your friends ex husband, you said now we'll talk about it. Now.
Our aid under five, eight, five, one or five one of your comments, but covered up next, yes, no among out today about it and see to make a Mallory state of emergency how to win in the country we built her book is finally out today available everywhere you buy books into the first book of my book, imprint blackberry publishing and as nobody I would rather be. Watching with then Miss Queen to make a d matter ass, right and legal. Kick it with her next month. Is the breakfast locomotive? the breakfast club it's a new year in me and my family are just about ready to move into a new house, but for any one that is more before whether it afore job family, a fresh start. You know how difficult it can be beside. Moving items from one house to the next would also can be difficult, is finding new places, the shop and gaining a great relationship which enables, in fact, as is exploding,
The hood I met some people in the neighborhood to help me find a great juice by Anna nearby grocery store, but I have to give credit to stay, for they have been a big help because everything they do is focused on building strong neighborhoods. Together, they form has functioned on the belief that being a good neighbour mean being good stewards of the neighborhood they serve. It is not enough to simply do business with people. Also do good alongside him. God is the right thing to do. Would over nineteen thousand local ages across the country they form is committed to being good neighbours. We have our customers find themselves in their communities right, round the corner when you need they found. A better world tomorrow starts with strong neighbourhood today, like a good neighbour state,
miss their peace through planet. Everybody names, Charlemagne, God, CO, founder of the black affect podcast network. Restaurants are a cornerstone of american communities and they need our support more than ever and for many black on ITALY's systemic various further heightened by the pandemic have only increased challenges to success. Pepsi, not a mission to connect black own restaurants, what to access business distillation and visibility needed to overcome these barriers so that they can shed a joy of food with as many people as possible penalties. No digging platform is a multi year, multi million dollar commitment that provides tools and resources to help black own restaurants, thrive, rallying food lovers to join a movement. Patsy dig in said a goal to drive at least a hundred million dollars in sales for black own restaurants over the next five years. We have right you to continue to support the incredible range of black on restaurants near you, dig in and try something new joint mission,
Patsy dig it or Facebook, Twitter and Instagram parities digging platform reflects pets. These ongoing commitment to amplify black voices, fortify black communities and be a pot of progress. This episode is brought you buy made while ready to step up your Denham game. The experts have made well use premium fabric and the latest Denham technology to make super comfy never want to take them off genes in fits and styles for everyone. The kind of genes will reach for again and again get twenty dollars off your online genes purchased by using code Spotify twenty at meanwhile dot com terms apply. Please see made while dotcom, slash, promos for full offer details. Yet one more data Minnesota Breakfast Club, Charlemagne God annually we have a very special guests in the building. Today is the day her book has finally hit the equals
this line of the queen to make good the Mallory state of emergency how to win in the country we build. How are you Queen Mallory, while we ve worked hard on this project? Your first book Jennifer, look on Monday book every black privilege, publishing unhemmed, I'm a static. That is, you must static, that just story gets to be told and it feels like now is the right time. I think you ve got to make Mallory well clear, laptop back. What look I'm gonna level? What is whether the labour love with labour heard over the just labour to write his book labor of love and pain. With this all happened right after the George Floyd Speed: Beyond that I made when it was this the day after he was killed. I was in Minneapolis and you know, usually I prepare speeches and get a ride and go to all the politically correct things, because you know Abbe, Heaven s words and everything in and I gotta go back and take that's the mouth, but I don't care. I just said the true like
You know they cause eight. What happened was they had started to change the narrative saluting and rioting and violence? Stuff was burned in Minneapolis and when stood up there and I started talking unlike dont- come thus about looting right now, we talk about a man's knee in another? me as net, and the thing is we were coming from Louisville Kentucky, so we had. has been were Brianna. Tail is family than Ahmad Armoury happened right before that, and so now we're at George Floyd, and I decided to just tell the truth that they at the press conference to talk about the state of emergency there. We and now we just tired like beyond tired and Obviously, people a resonated because at the time I had two hundred and forty thousand following instagram by the time I finish speak in it was a million people are my page, you drink.
dedicated, stated, more insidious unto Ranuzia understand magnitude. It moms work led them. Rig rye is a does understand and he talks about it off. Then he knows what I've been doing, but I left my I'm a lap a lot like he has definitely suffered As a result of me help and other people deal with their children. You know enough in annex one. The things that I also talk about in the book is like, if you want to do deal with your new person s popping up like you. I want to get in this movement ass. I feel it in I'm here. The first thing you have to do is which our own stuff write your own family, but I understand from raising my son how hard it is to turn internal and deal with them, his when I'm talking to him, unlike worker, who why, like what kind of conversations have any of you suppose the just getting a la Havana
all. I know the real you. I know a lot about you and you are not a perfect, as you think you are and ass a reflection of he and I, the dynamics of our relationship with some time is lie bone, but D but let me go, I helped somebody else tell em all over again and again. I know the right things to say: you know our change alive, so desolate, tough, situation and that's. Why dedicated the book to him, because went to him and no. This is what I've been doing. sorry that I had not been there for you to wait it you need it, but I love you. I love you so much that I'm doing this work I got you make it. You have been doing this work for over twenty years and I do think The timing for this book is perfect, because you ve also been getting criticism lately, and I now hear the breakfast club. We we know you presently and we know what your heart is. But then we simply Bob being critical of you doing endorsements. Are we seeing people saying ok, black lives matter and to make a mandatory? You know at the Grammy's
May I was doing this because she wants to get attention for herself and to do this to make money. So how do you responded? How does that make you feel? Knowing that? That's not where your heart is some people. I could hear less other people is Ashley when you, when you have someone a mom, you know who obviously doesn't know me and has a real lack of understanding about who I am and how long I've been doing this and my commitment that hurt when people say you are trying to get yourself. No I don't know what they think like the reason why get the opportunities that I have is well known is all distraction tactics. There is an act. Will attempt to distract and destroy the black last matter movement. I'm not talking about the organization, I know them very well loves system for treason. of them all, but the I am not a of black last man of the organization. My organization is called until freedom. However, we get grew. Then, together and people don't care what organization your with they trying to.
strewed, the entire movement and unfortunately, they use people will look like us to be able to do it. This is not new and by The way most of the critics are people who are not outside, like it. I've never seen a more any streak. One I've seen em help in families. I don't see them doing anything other than one wound through a few years ago. We do transcript everything away from oh. Well, that's a whole different. You know, like most people, They don't even know the story and and by the way, what we still have those conversations most of those people are like old. Damn I added no one, you know and in a kind of changes like that, the Cadillac commercial they were like Oh, you know you work to get no idea and work. We Cadillac actually work with spyware leaves his ad agency or dream and agents above the gorilla catalogue. Bitten approaches by glee approached yet his wont, not spitefully. My his company approached me to do a spot with and for women's history MA am
they had a budget to put black folks together to tee about black issues and particularly black women, and they added come and get me because they are trying to make myself known again. They came to git meek. They ve like no. We need your message as a part of this because that's the whole point of this p, isn't. It show different elements of you. Don't black women activists, artists entertain as we put all of that to and they and we want you to be the central component. If you will of the spot ass the shore, you know, but some people were like all well what about black men added. All that we can celebrate women's history, women's his dream of tat. We could do that. You know, then they set well. She has an endorsement. Had led. Why don't? But even if I did have an endorsement, we Cadillac a part of the deal is dead are distributing funds. Resources too,
organizations that do criminal justice work in you, don't work with mass incarceration issues and other blue cause. If you will that's up high of the whole package deal of what's happening with their with their company does. Do they have the issues General motors absolutely and is always gonna, be issues when you work and with white folks their own these big company, you are never understood the backlash from cattle. I could we ask these corporations to make these can invest, ran community three. to a black reduction companies. Bagley company came to a woman with a leader in our community to be in a coma Who talking about blackish my full Al Qaeda? We? we'll Carter we by and by when we're by tat of all too in my life I knew there was a priority. I do not understand their burglars right. Well, you know again guided look at the sources of the people The issue bows. I have false questioning why car be in all and Angela Davis into four. Would it be a blog everyone? You do if you understand that- and I don't know what to tell you why
I've got to be of the full like first of all, you should bad about, so you can read and understand the context by car, Basically, we sang to Angela Davis ARM unbutton. As hell. I don't know all the laws I don't. have it all together. You know I'm just a regular girl who, We became successful based supply, my art right, so I'm not a typical active is, but I care Bob people getting shot down on the street, though that the Davis you are queen of all queen in times of this movement. Is they assume spare me next to you at the table and dark, David only my own, given I am I say and doktor day. Miss responds to her. She tell story about Nina Simone, who we know was it isn't wasn't entertainer, but also a part of the movement and so a powerful exchange and a person. P m, a mixture between car to be enacted Davis. That's my true. You know
I believe you can work and work there. good I'll, be back my damp match route. We are more to make Mallory when we come back, don't move to breakfast club components morning, everybody's d, J, envy, Angela YE shall remain the girl we oughta breakfast club. We have to make a Mallory into building shadowy, you know even with the Grammy performers right and you got backlash, and I will bother me about that was no he talked about what you spoke about while well You're challenged me Joe Biden. Conversation people are having now saying these elected officials are being so quiet about borders, pressure in so quiet about inscription away our civil rights. You challenge that the President of the United States of America, but yet you had to do the backlash from your own people just because you were on this day. At the grand right have, every posted in shared that everybody was Joe Biden. hasn't done anything for black people which Doktor Omar when he was here that kind of Spock.
invitation again and a lot of folks. Will I owed ass right? You know Biden hasn't done this that well. I would challenge that there has been some things done. Okay, so that's that's first Savoy. One of them is that five b in dollars, is now being allotted for violence and at the center of the conversation is black folks cuz. They had Erika Ford in others at the White House sitting in of in the rose garden, and they have opened up several the agencies, and I think, that's like another ten billion dollars that people can access in you know mental health. We like in health care and other areas, and so we as black people, have the know how to tell to access that- and there are a number of folks that a working on grants and other things that it meaning help organisations get that money. I do understand you live well is not just for black people, so I get it I get. The new wants the conversation but less not ignore some things that had absolutely happen now.
So I re aired the statement that I me, which I specifically said Joe Biden, and this is what we demand right, but in every opportunity to we get it does Matt. If you get to say one word, five words or a hundred. We be using it as an opportunity to challenge the institute Israel. Now the knight of the Grammy speech and then next morning it was the meat alma alerts. The Google alerts would like to make a man. real challenges, Joe Biden, any fat people will call- and I beg you- call me and said you got it and you got a call from somebody like. Why does she have to say yes like? Why did she have to say that you know we're trying to do the word Bubba Blah, so we were on the right track and then started and now shifted compensation because This is what I know what I know of Our oppressors is that they sit back they'll do They all work the own dirty work, but if they live
there. We are willing to do it for it. For them they sit back, they sat back. That's all we are worried that, where abandon convey, fuss and all but something else, and then they put their bonds and the trolls in the mix and They take the message in whatever you say. All this person says wise to make Mallory Grammy's and then Seeing you know you got all these fake accounts online saying the same thing because they are helping to be divisive. Bath is astray. It is a real and we are doing this figure out. We ve gotta be smart enough to understand those are coordinated. Attacks rank the image from you, anyone Patrice NET it was combination like that big death, not coincidence, is not the same as it is not a basically try to make people believe that Patrice took money from the black last matter, ninety million dollars that they raise in the last year and used it's a by homes, but if you-
this story. You see that she's been buying home since two thousand and sixteen and actually DAS, what everybody's been tellin us to do so, Patrice actual. is doing something to secure the future for her child, but the way they are how the story they know how to shape a narrative. Tat gets you upset believing that she's the end, and then we find out she'd, never taken a salary from black lives matter. She a wider, an author who has it up a really significant alone right. She reduction by the Navy Right tv production on she's a speaker. She is a a professor. You know this. I've got a lot of other things goin, and yet they really did their best to make it seem like she stole money from the organization for her property. I do get, though, that there has to accountability for from where Morgan Idlers behalf
the accountability for black lives matter what he was doing: ninety million doubtless a lot of money and a lot of people on the streets that hurting you know our support. You just because you always say you're in our own too long, all business book I've had conversations with German, but one in particular a few years ago, when you called me and you were laid down last Thou Abdul. If anything right and I entered I have ninety, yes, and I remember you saying verbatim our cannot take it money from enemies, cobra people could, if I do as soon as I do, that, I'm just like all the act of his wonderful arrhythmia, Barry They told me everything I need to know about you in there. In that moment you said I need somebody black fine if we might help an organization, you went and help get J, why anyone would not ok shoe store, there's recover. The true growth is a true of your way and called J Z. S said to make. I am, I thought, how he had doing this work and they gave me So as you gotta help them and in
He called a thin had asked the common and we ve been and they have supported our world Roadmap is delayed as right bake. They came through and they said we gotcha. I remember J call me on a full one day like all right, so you really ready to do this. Cause, I'm not trying to put resources behind. Somebody does not serious about what you're doing I know I'm getting the message this one Charlemagne, and on that I want to talk to you to know who you are. He already knew my so he already understood that and we had a great conversation and he was very supportive and we don't. We have tried not to lean on them. What so much we go out and we work on. We have our march know until freedom, most people who go to until freedom, dot com and buy sweatsuits which are actually like good. What's it was a great college in a lotta people, wisdom fashionably. I know I do I'm so we other avenues and ways therefore, can support us.
And you re Charlemagne. I was that year. Not only was I broke financially, I was Bronx broke, spiritually, like I had to go to a drug treatment program that year, because of all the stress from the women's March. I got addicted xanax in pain killers like I went through a lot that people have no idea about and I was going through all it out because I decide decided in n, N n n n refuse to speak against menace affair. I said I don't agree with the minister on certain things that he says, and particularly some of the things that he was saying about, the jewish community. I was like that's not my words right and don't agree and I say almost totally with that I'm not in a position where I have now, choice but to stand, with somebody, I'm afraid to speak out to say I don't agree. I was able,
Do then, but I'm not gonna, use your language of you telling me that I have to denounce a black man. I think America does a great job of denounced and black men every day in and the black woman who has a black son. That's not something that I was willing to participate in and guess what they stripped me as much as they could of everything. All my speaking engagements were cancel relation ships that I have a people there would folks leave and our organization. It was so painful and I ended getting in a situation where you know like I said I was addicted, that's to face the facts. and then one day I woke up and was okay life is I'm getting things back together? I don't need to take. These pills any more Emma bonds with her and ass. Like oh sure, what about what do? I do? I call Jason Williams NBA? all star who I knew he had started doing drug treatment programmes in Florida, and I called him and asked him what he helped me and he
place me in a programme and ain't got me straight so best is the fastest a truly met. My point would their story that there will be time for you to sell out italian compromise yourself. It would have been day tat. I was Tom with I'm all involved when you like, I can't I'm not doing it. You refuse the compromise and some people attacking you, I'm a yard or even know her right- that we are more to make Mallory when we come back. Don't move is the breakfast club component. morning. Everybody is D. J envy Angela YE shall remain the girl we oughta breakfast club. We have to make a Mallory into building Charlemagne. George so explain Kamel, Madam Vice President Kamel airs and explain, you know only Jim Kleiber unpeopled I thoroughly enjoyed thoroughly like, but they still have to things like Amerika is in a racist country. Why? Politicians gotten a memo that we can speak truth to power while the supply wit
VP, who I voted for Joe Biden because of calmly Harris being on its right. So I hold our more responsible in him and so is sound because we know she knows his way because of the way she phrase the the answer. she tried to say well, who is not a reason. country, but we got deal with racism in the country and I get the point that she's trying to make us like I'm not gonna, see as they all the people in America racists, but we talk my institutions in constant. We know that the FAO Basin of America is racist as ever right. We know that and it is sad that she still not in place to just say it and I think she would have really. Why some points desert without immunity for just straight up saying what we know, as we already know, Kleiber aren't Have some other representative kleiber and you are an innocent is, is it is always difficult because I know these folks very was twenty,
He is a relationship. I love representative kleiber, like cool, do good! though by he's wrong. He was wrong on defined as defined in the police, but now just yesterday, go? Listen insights has lent Figaro. I gotta page anymore. It's I'm yesterday as she's on the allied yo. What is I wear and talking about he sought and while we we don't need as part of the George voyages. And police and act to have the component that in qualified immunity bra. That's the only point that man and you have congressional a congressional members like Corey Boys. They are we not even China that we only want to hear it like DAS. The planet, ass to be an- and I have some money on my page and that's why political education is very, very important Somalia, my pages like you, to deal with senator. As you know, the bills already passed in the house.
To date. The congressional members already on the page is with the Senate. Now, as though less go after people like Mansion, who was a senator in West Virginia who votes like a republican moves at his arm, he Caucasus pretty much. Will Republicans yet we do the go after them, but in everything Oh strategy of you pay attention to history, the fur thing they have to do- is to be able to get Blackfoot to go against the black people, that's what they need as the solid foundations so that they can come and say well. There actually is in an appetite for us to pass this bill with this. The killer component right, that's so that's why they meet somebody with as much power and influence as a gym kleiber to be the wine, so basically turned his back on us cause. Fine immunity is the heart of the bill. I'm trying then, if you add the president saying we need to pass the George Void, justice and police and act by made twenty fifth, the anniversary.
Three of when George Voice was kill? Why I won't. You go tell Chuck humour in the Senate to pass it with Miss. The wit Kleiber goats, how him they do it dont right down on us now bone. Abandoning our now you just fine not done no path and uncompromising as they try to new. Rightly I found a compromise cognomen compromised carpet They take this out. Then it'll pass no point, lose onawandah symbolic, passing on to you liberalising act on enjoy the birthday of the anniversary of the death. Whatever is I don't want that? I want something that hasn't even like. I promise you that I can surely speak today on and on behalf of George Floyd's family. I believe they will be fine with me saying this now. what I want, if you pass on June furs, Babby found with them too You can't say I like don't try to me to date the thing that since we try to get this day, we need to cut my don't do that. Don't sell them out like that nets,
meta, knowing your, but you also talk about how accountability right, if you see something going down, you have to make that you are either they are recording attitude into being you, Lebanon, watching and see, what's happening, and I saw you posted somethin about yourself getting harassed. Also, I ended TAT and I suppose that you were with random arrests, the Faroe in the bar hotel lobby, and he said this security there had one job. He did nothing, he called the speeches he put his hands and I as you said, I'm tired and it is going to bed so out of time and had to go to bed because, as the actually physically protect myself This particular situation, you not story is long and exhaustive and we won't get into it today. By There are some white folks tat really feel emboldened and either they are going to get themselves harmed really bad or success.
Thus, I literally gonna lose our lives because I am not of the town, the other cheek generation, and I know I need the grower been Annie. I have too much the mood in our last after but how many of you can attract regulatory? If you can, and so my space they attacked us they called. Side of our names, totally disrespectful violent, dangerous. I'm gonna fight in this are. We were which, by the way, we weren't, even in the bar to have a good time. I was literally studying scripture for ace. beat that I had to give the next day a job? Jamal Bryant's church at new birth in Atlanta? I was literally working with the past. I had called her and said: could you meet me downstairs with just thirty minutes so that you and I could look at my message- cuz I'm a little stuck around the engine and I want to make sure I'm on the right track. Ok, let's go downstairs and me we sit the order, one drink, we working on it and a white man.
starts menacing myself, my family member, who was there and other black women who was sitting at the bar. I have a text message from the blue, woman, whom we did not know that was sitting near the way tat. He was bothering her. She texts me ass. I appreciate the fact that you stood up to him because Nobody has. The security was doing absolutely. Nothing and of yours be governed s situation than you media harder for the next blackboards and could not a guy. A woman thinks that behaviour is cool and it will continue to do that, though, the black people, what are defined as well Damn him and his wife now know the now this time they see some black women. They gone go in the opposite direction. Ok behaving! That's what I'm video, what they yeah, I'm sure people with a video cameras at design, video, that's online of my sign and me in, and a big Angelo in AWE Staten Island, where I could this woman, taking pictures of my license plate and an hour.
the commentary on line. Could you see us fight? You see us getting ready to get into a serious altercation and my mouth is: I'm a black woman. I can is better than any body in the world. You want to go into a curse and fight with me. A couple words together so use you hear me in the video Carson these people out and the commentary Some folks was like ear, but shall only showing us what happened when you gotta say why you not showing us how this all starting finding worry about, because I know what happened she was. I can bridges of my license plate and I went over and asked her. Why ass she looked at me and was like cause. I feel like it. Soldiery, ok, news. Allow me beneath this insane. That's why they don't ask why you see us away and by
way we honest streets, we outside in anything can happen, and people get the impression that you plan on you afraid or you you know you were back down you you will. I do know you you food, that way with it. You know my sawney, with it Man oil heap, he literally be tried to de escalate Walter. He worked so hard the other night to try Make sure that this incident did not go any further and sure enough ages didn't work out, I will just when it may still. We don't have a wrong narrative out there that Algeria will inevitably has almost been no, you are talking about it. He made the Mallory state of emergency. Had a win in the country. We built it avail everywhere. Now, how did you are needed to make I'm happy to do exist? I'm happy to be applauded, his his journey would you want you on your first book? is because you want me to last now, because we have another book a
we gotta publishing company. We did. This is our publishing company so now listen. You can be on virtual book towards all week. I hate that you gotta do virtual, hopefully, is only for a week or two and then you can get on the rural actually is gonna, get that its virtual, because I don't know if we would have been able to get Kendrick and you know GC in and on tat night. We have aroused jp, hence in as a part of this war. You know got symphony had is on its way, though, those people probably would not have been able to do the dates if it weren't for the fact that you know that is virtual They could just pop one s own you now, but you are your house then, once and I just finished- ran bookstore and go to Mika De Mallory Dotcom to make a d Mallory Dotcom and you can purchase tickets. There's a lot of powerful people that, on the tour tonight's, the kick off, it's gonna be grades, but rather to be joining us. My son's gonna, be, all you know is, is it is a great day for monitoring
De Mallory back on yet ok to take. It is to make a Mallory Refuge club. This episode is brought to you by simply by Fredo lay these days You have a lot going on, but now, thanks to simply by Fredo lay you have one last thing: the worry about smoking. And enjoy your favorite Fredo lay snags with ingredients to feel good about likes them blue corners, Tito's Z, salted, ruffles, an evil White shuddered see those parts are made with? No
artificial colors, are flavors, enjoy what you love and look for simply brand snacks online or store near you. I think a lot of us have had a moment that seems to change everything changes this ever present for shaping our lives, but how does it really work? That's the question: at the centre of my new pod cast a slight change of plans. I'm doctor my a sugar, a cognitive scientists who spent the last two decades setting how're minds were in how we change in this pod, cast I'll, be having internet revealing conversations, you'll hear stories from Tiffany had it. Hillary Clinton and Casey Muskrats, though also here from a woman who left a religious, comes at a flat jazz musician who convince dozens of take a k members to leave the clan
all of that have lived through extraordinary change. I hope you'll come away thinking differently about change in your only listen to a slight change of plans and the I hurt radio at Apple pie CAS or wherever you like to listen. I welcome Lobo got to warn you. The new season of my part, gas, revisionist history, is completely unbound were finally out of the house, and now that we ve got the chance we're going into the streets and even under the sea, all in the name of continuing this journey through the overlooked, misunderstood or episodes take on a ton of cars dirty laundry college rankings in fairy tales in quarantine, I finally watched little mermaid and I was shocked. Its rife with moral conundrums can be saved. With the help of Jody Foster Britain Marlon,
deck shepherd. We attempt an epic, indeed dignifying of Disney Classic. I haven't decided who we rile up. Most college president's or Disney executives, you'll have to hear for yourself, listen to revisionist history, on the heart, radio, up apple podcast or wherever you get your progress. The resolution morning, everybody is the J envy. Angela Ye Charlemagne occur, we oughta breakfast club good morning. Let me two NASCAR shudder to NASCAR and joy call in John Colonies Mesh of only by one or two, only black or NASCAR team owners wanted to shout him out this morning. He hit me up and they will have the NASCAR at the car showed this year. So if I've never seen a NASCAR up, close and personal. What will be at my cautious in Atlanta and is above it at all
Shouted John calling you don't. You know you're right, you mean he gets a curtain, shot volatile brother no man such shouting owed his own NASCAR. That is no clarity let's get to the Romans. Let's talk, jig report, the breakfast. Well, let's talk about produce their jetson need now of he's one of the most sought after producers in recent years. We all know him off from work in a lot with the baby did an interview with our generous in music, and he talked about actually turning down an opportunity to work with Vienna for J call out deposit of what Rihanna, swag out, give them to dollar or co shot out? Do I wouldn't get any ill more personal barrier like Broco reached me? personally, I met a house,
elements of nervous around rolling on anyone. I Are you I generally made her feel there? We got a call from North Carolina gesture from South Carolina. Is the Carolina connection like he said his personal Jetson like twenty do? Is we probably been admire? and for the longest you could use a brother from the Carolinas was on. I can easily see him one work, we call overreact. Of course, it also call we to to him personally, he was economic. This man's how about it was one of the toughest decisions he said that he ever had to make it more gradually moving us more guard Robin include both legitimate Jackson made another one hour, now. Let's talk about J cause Documentary, applying pressure, the off season that is out there came yesterday, and you know, J of course, equal. I fear that, as we're getting ready for his new album to come out on Friday now, one the things that he talked about ways had off season actually came together and being kind of complacent
the past five years has been a fight against comfort. I was children, when I notice was with definite cover. Unlike tat. This is the moment that A lot of your favor wrappers hit a cross road where they. They set out to do and in the frouzly labour started working against them, the same energy, and as they like personally put into the craft gone and it was replaced by like covered in luxury However, in addition to that, you know, he's got a lotta music and he's got more items that are supposed to come out right. So here's what he had to say about the kind of work This music songs or here in his whole, of Aragon up a signal for years. Just we can make it better, even like a militant that was followed, but then do you really want to wait till This is all so I'm we just put our military like as a single and crazy. Normally I would just orders in similar
Yes, I've been warning songs because note. I made his followers to special now over two years ago and better, maybe some of them like volatile. Ways I mean like they won't make it Amelia deserving cause I'm off right into the economic? You will not for a long time he was gone. Like is happening on by Kindred Katy with twenty eighteen. Then he put it, but our revenge dreams, if not you ve been away, he's Atalanta music down, you know he's supposed to be putting out its boy the fall off later on down the line. So This album is the first of three items off season that he's planning to do: very interested in hearing and then aspires these areas, here's what Jake. How has to say about that YO, when somebody bring you a feature say yes, do you really want to look back and be like you didn't work with nobody, you don't have no songs and nobody that you just called that. No okay, so start saying yes to features really it was like therewith with let people know Yoda Assay is avoid fall off Communist LEO nodded.
The possibility of not doing it seems Rio and on their peace, were they don't have a regret? known as interview it. This is a documentary Oda, What do we mean by ETA? When somebody comes, you would agree We then do more features ass. You know anybody out is that this has no features. Is all you buy yourself challenge a challenge in autism? I guess that's what he said, but it didn't we give him. Would you call problem like Goin? Platinum were no features, yeah, I'm the guy they any JANET already. So now you must emesa he's working on an island collaboration and not a bad thing done out of it right. Let that is your room, a report Dhaka all right. Thank you, Missus Schallibaum, we give an adult. Do you know Bob ever knew the common front. Cartesian Amelia likely to Hell is Bob F. You never heard of meaning that we can learn a guess how, after now nor right, we'll get internet next breakfast locomotive breakfast club your morning so now would be to say where the Alice D J envy really wanted was to give you the experience of a lifetime to see us lab at his LAS Vegas residency. Now through me,
sixteen visit win with radioed outcomes last Remy to enter and get rules don't be Alianza like a dog I bet he started for, don't you do I'm a big black taking real? I deserve it. Don't make the other guy has a funny thing that has now got the golden. You may not agree with them that our donkey don't talk, the other day like the breakfast club. You can probably the dog you the day but, like I mean no oars Yeah dog you today for Tuesday may eleventh goes the Bob bastard. Who is Bob effort? You never heard the name good me. He's, so we learn in together. Ok is to train of Medina Spirit. What is Medina Spirit? You never heard the name good, meaning that we learn in the gather. No, it's not a deodorant fragrance, they sell it. Aghast patient with Dena Spirit, is a horse and Bob Backward is the horse trainer. Now, Medina Spirit is not just any horse Medina Spirit, one account,
Okey Darby, what is the Kentucky Derby, you never heard of it you alive What have you haven't it simply a horse reads out every year and we will Kentucky all always on the first Saturday me. Suit everybody, listen to on ninety three, point- one real in Kentucky trouble include above ninety two point, one that is just an observation from Doktor Lenore Milvey The Kentucky Derby is like white People's Easter Sunday. Ok, why people dreadful to Kentucky nervy to wield the black women douse address the Easter Sunday, mostly what the big at though? Ok, that's just my observation white women whereby Easter Sunday added to Kentucky Derby now we're Dean Spirit, one, the Kentucky Derby, but the celebration was short lived because the horse tested. Did it for some time performance enhancing drugs following the restless goaded, though you ok, why CBS? Thirty to forty republish, I didn't do anything and when you're innocent in this game, you're you're guilty to proven innocent, often trader Bob Effort has been utter: increase, Groot Nations, two thousand, a teen
justify had a positive drug test, any Ceta needed early, the cane just weeks before just by one, the Kentucky Derby entropy ground for better one on appeal, fast board to twenty twenty one and Beverage Medina Spirit, ways the Kentucky Derby, but at a positive drug test for trace elements of the methodology and anti inflammatory also used by humans, not a performance and answer it is a drug beverage says he's never used under the Spirit and as the records to prove it. I would never do anything like that. It just is just dumb. Ok, So if he was it not, but we'll get to that more in a minute, we'll get the why Bob Baffert is getting donkey of the day, but I want to talk Donald Trump, okay, Donald Trump. Statement and he said- and I quote- and this is a Larry's So now, even our Kentucky Derby, Winner Medina Spirit, is a junkie. This is emblematic of what is happening in our country. The world is laughing it as we go to Hell on our borders are presidential election in everywhere out. The reason I quoted would the debt, whatever without a tweet or whatever they dollar translated, because none of them.
Things now a trump is talking about, have to do to store. Ok, a horse tested I did it for steroids, said here didn't you do take. I thought people would only treating honest land who get blamed for the conditions that someone else put them in, but clearly horses are. Category two Donald Trump. Acting like this horse is sitting up somewhere time, something around his of shooting dope up in his heart. They also clearly Donald Trump thinks this horizontal crack of this was run over saying horse was sick and trying to get the Horsham Rehab Trump card is horse a junkie. Methinks this whole should be in prison for life because of his Did she would keep in mind once again? Nothing tromp was talking about, have anything to do with any of this. He said no yours is a junkie. How how not blame the train for allegedly shooting them up with the performance enhancing drugs and then,
say the world is laughing at us as we go to Hell on our borders are big presidential election in every way out. None. It has anything to do with anything, just like Bob backwards defensive. This situation has nothing to do with nothing. Listen to who or what doors trainer barbaric is blaming. This go to Fox NEWS as the rich. as they may Pont, and not allow Medina Sphere to run this weekend well heard anything visually out. You know you. We live in a different world. Now this this America's different. It was like a cancelled your kind of stopping to stop right there bringing back answer culture? Bring your bank Rebecca? Is there a chance they may Pont and not allow Medina Sphere to run this weekend. Well and heard anything visually out. You know you. We live in a different world. Now this this America's different. It was like a cancel culture. Kind of thanks under review. Now I've been told anything were prepared. IRAN cancel culture. I mean
listen. I've been cancelled, coaches should be cancelled to simply because it old people to a standard of lifelong perfection is impossible for any human me, but what in the hell is cancelled, you have to do with the situation did to her Medina Spirit have some old inappropriate tweets about how he doesn't approve of gay horses that another horse accuse Medina Spirit of sexual assault. Did the horse tweet or horses matter? How is cancelled culture to blame for human shooting? The horse up withdraws young might ass well ass. The horse Medina Spirit. What was it wearing a nightingale violated because you're doing a lot of victim blaming homogeneous bare feet? thing about white men. They hate to be held accountable, ok, accountability, field I can just as when you not used to being held accountable, sounds to me like folks it just holding that horse trainer Bob baffled accountable and he doesn't want to deal with the consequences of his alleged action. So he's just
region, for wanted in new enemies of the right. Mr cancel last name culture, but just Donald Trump statement that have nothing to do with this situation. look at the Reverend Give Bob effort the biggest. Please give us change our male, the big ass. He ha in short, a record in any area? If you get caught, cheating you're gonna be held accountable, cancer closure has nothing to do it right now but I dont you today. You are right We combat less open before lunch. Eight hundred five, a five one, o five while we were talking about this in the room, is earlier. What happened would pushy weapon early portion is engaged and she was engaged to a man named Simon. Now, Simon was one rail has wisely Billina with his wife at the time Fallon Valid, Simon, have since broken up in a family with entered to the show as a friend of horses, so people are looking at a Porsche.
Now engaged to her friends ex. Has All right, we'll is over the phone lines. Less asked a question aid under five, a five one, o five one. Could you Mary. You have friends ex husband right. Let's talk about eight hundred I have a five one and five one for lads wide open to breakfast locomotive The breakfast club its topics eight hundred by the five one by one, the joint discussion with the rapid about morning everybody is D. J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast Club nephew, just joined us. The room is ye was talking about Porsche from real house. Of a land now what happened you apparently of credit to the show, a friend of Porsches on the shelf balance he was introduced on the show, as Porsches friends, family
and her husband, Simon, are divorced. and now a Porsche is engaged to Simon. That deserves crazy. So you so you bad word for saying they that had not her friend, but there was friendly show was interesting family. They say that they were introduced to each other through their husbands, my do their men do Dennis and through sign is merely turnaround. Measurement liabilities are yes, they will all around each other, so by maybe to her, they were Jes can be early friends because about their men correct. So I guess the course is eight hundred foggy what oh five one. Could you get engaged to about to marry your, Associates will see, associates guerrilla war, a friend you save Ray in Lisbon on know how closely for real our real life, but she was introduced. A friend of course think that's what confuses everyone road? You know it. You know like a really to grow, even where nigh super good friends leg on night.
dating somebody that you know May I also say this: you never know what can happen in life and sometimes some people are around each other. Like you see it happen all the time right, you end up being familiar comfortable with each other? You know The two of them are divorced, so I guess it's open territory she's, not necessarily doing anything. That's wrong! Who does not, like you know, still married by it. It would just feel weird to me ok. What cards eggs? Do we have the baby and what do we know about this situation? You everyone on Zan with portion is young lady, like really really good friends, I did changes introduced
avoid tv storyline? I may she came they benzene in us he's been Sarah House. You see that on the shell demographic time you jack, I don't know what it's reality tv, so we don't know in real real, exactly thoroughness deny everybody's commonality conclusions based on what they think they know, librarian what you do now you can. You now say not really good where thing that their friends, that probably was just what tv on tv. They bring in a new correct, enable like well we'll say that you're this person's friend in this person wants you to show and yadda yadda yadda soda us. It looks like our girl, but in reality, probably the norwegian name, but we're just said that the way she was introduced as a friend of Porsche, you know, it feels like it would be but now Porsche, saying they're, not friends. Do you like it? If they were friends this foul now friends- and I don't know you and a fall in love with this man? ok and death for mobile that you now met the boy. If they not friends, data for and what are they friends, a stand at EU level. You live, it doesn't matter, will escort enforceable.
What would you do in a situation when you get married? how'd, you know, they're gonna to meet its virtue in me, but I think there was in it is this man in, and men is woman no was goin away more. Do we allow this hey how he was up what would you think arising? Would you do? I? Would you married no more wars, but we now ok, you're right, you allowed a moral, collegial came from what itself He wouldn't Marian would beg you project allows is Jordan early on in one guy, good morning Would you marry him during my bad girl? Yes,
now we have the best ran. We need real nobody's. You had better, not her best. Frankly. Did you make it sound like that? Don't you do understand my friend of poor said: that's a fact. yeah, I'm kind of sway in the jury a little bit, knowing investment like a guy with a lot friendly. Nobody, I'm acquaintances, Workpeople Authority, light Brown. I think that a them about what's coming If everyone a Porsche said day, not friends. then tell us all. We need to know what ADA Jake five five, one o five war, which is asking. Could you marry your acquaintances or associates ex husband, maybe not friends, but been increased I had dinner with each other, yet double dated or let's talk to us, the breakfast
what do you call a job me morning? Everybody is D. J envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We oughta breakfast club. Now, if you just, joined us. We're talking about a rumor TAT Ye put a room as you wanna Obregon area. We mean, I think you know pretty. It's all. The fact that we know is their family was introduced on the show as friend of Porsche. They know it. through their respective. You know felons estranged, her ex husband Simon and Denis who is porsches eggs. Now Porsche is engaged to Simon, so but fragment endlessly last break it pushes it efforts are now Porsche saying that they are not. Friends is everything I need not allow. This key issue
morning how morning gonna go talk to us how yeah riding would never implemented in the thing for we're not really bubble? employment in the painful that build well. You you ve, been introduced people who brings about how their like that we may not be happening all the time. A real life, though right looking to friends and associates yoga I have good news: there is real life. This is real life and I think that below poses a major conference, speaks volumes but this is any were first before she was introduced to show as a friend of course, if for sure, like that's how they were introduced and fallen. I didn't interview a candy wishy, even said that you know see things at ports really sweet and that they are friends previous to this once as a cheese or for any other position. I mainly antibiotic eyes out now allow
only washing lame. a key issue key she just call to arise. A warrior towards cohesion. Is old situation, lit before showed by I could not in the library I had to pull up the library when them, but she learned and the murder of the north myself not guard. You know. King got my boy he's not really border region, bromine, divine things brought ass raises. What's my name, his real name is Danny Benjamin Romulus, Rommel at all, now made a fake name. He used to watch girl. Call you loveliest around mostly took her name. I got Irish last, they retired tell me I'm not very gay, but I'm clearly black. So. What's it all about,
gave the alarm now. I'm sorry, but I did they were either like that, like how do you like you, let off within good, led off about you about I will not give the other woman are you, ok, looking at all these celebrities who have done this before it has an unsafe You do Tom Cruise and Jamie Backbone Data Katy homes as low weird or other work tirelessly. In Katy Perry. Both data mare was the moral of the story The story depends on what the situation is. A generic. Question right. did you. Is everyone never do that ex husband? For? No? Until you know, you would say morally in your head, you wouldn't bet work it has never happened to me, economic reality beyond our preferred. But what am I not right well
Macgyver was away yes and new DIA maxim, music, there's gonna be a new album, so we have the title their release day and also covered all right. We'll get you there. keep it lacked the breakfast locomotive breakfast, with Angela is looks like less than might inasmuch the new music coming. How exciting is dad she just posted. Will it bridges ever stop with the caption Friday? yeah I mean he knows. Interestingly, either you assume is music leaders never know, and twenty twenty one it could be. A cloven line could be afraid you ve got to be a documentary like I did you don't know what Nicky come and went on Friday. I would love. There has been. A lot of people are talking about Hammy Anna following each other on Instagram Cell assembly. the family leg. It could be a colossal must be fair,
I'm telling you what speculated, but why would jogging Hearn Rihanna do Amused He put out music continue that dealt with the fact that an arena values other than probably makes me even more than could probably some product. You know some clothes and make up something I know, but we do know we have been in the studio re several this year. It's been in the studio, so she's gonna be working with somebody, and I feel like this could be a good back when you know. First, the gun away where Vienna we Josie efforts here, they have revealed the title of his album the release day and also the cover art is available online on GM axes. Instagram page, it says five. Twenty eight, the legacy continues, has tag exodus album. I write now. Ben ass, like Jennifer Lopez, where spotted together on a vacation This is seventeen years after calling off their engagement. Let's not forget that they were previously engaged Pennifer yet That's right and
so I said that they have been in touch here and there. Throughout the years it had been had reached out to her to see how she was doing there. Dinner together a few times it in this last month, You know they were in regular contact and they said after seeing pictures of Jennifer and die, he wrote to tell how beautiful she loved and how much he wished. He could be down there with her. Of course, at that time, she was still engaged to a ride, and they said, according to sources, was TMD. They said the emails off offer. Why so mad the author weapons, J lows, love, prevents writing and including a line about him being able to own her heart with his pen occur. According these reports. They continued ill emailing, its other back and forth while she was shooting and that in late April, they said there was no physical contact or rendezvous between them during that time, but those emails do at contacts that why they seemingly got back together so quickly get away.
You guys, Omby Amby, it's gonna get my life back together. My my girl, my fiance. it X, X, Vienna Reagan, oh yeah, you look good, you look. Nice may get away Listen, that's why she was able to be a bit I you know I am dealing with this anymore, My email in Burma I write, now lies? I was doing a very emotional tik, Tok video where she was crying and He started off talking about being very depressed. You know that part of sadness? Where were like a burden on everyone, an annoying nobody, is about you Yo Murray, sad could add insult to injury that have no one to talk to about it. I don't want to feel this way anymore. I feel like I do. Have some talk to people do care about me. Love, I'm not alone. Then she said that she was glad that she spoke out thanks guys,
feeling better. I have a really rough night very emotional morning? Just thinking about my relationships and leave him out is it gets dark I'm definitely glad I We shall in any way that I could to fill received and seen and heard really really help me, I'm not crying anywhere. Thank you! So much again, I love you guys and if going through things just know, you're not alone. Now, according to lose, our seas are still feeling better now and here's where she dared to actually make herself feel better took a bath tax. My fair pissed talk to my medium breathed, focused on gratitude trick, might open mean levels by getting excited something in the future and now in bed. I do feel better. Journal the little bit red. You bit, I ride with us
gates. He was very transparent about everything and am glad that it all worked out for their that as well. You bear this, tells you to feel you feel you know me whatever you feelin expressed. and then go deal with it. That's the beauty of, like you, know, dealing with your mental health when you know what you're dealing with and you know how to make it, how to make yourself feel better and Dave and tie Coralie and Yet Bay, a most f, their pack ass. Their first episode has come out midnight miracle and the Dave suppose Talkin about running into Robin Williams outside the comedy club and here What happened next tourism he's ramble William, I bumped into an empty c on aid street They ain't gonna, be nice, an unknown that well, but I know I'm from around dont show. The punchline above is a very gracious, but don't give me any real inclination didn't show up when he did,
and the green roman Gazelle, whose way was go and allowed thousand comedy, thus impregnable so funny of another Lana Chablis Show now at the end of the night, most EP, also by the way, have been in the audience and most death got upon the stage and apparently did some stand up. While they went to the bathroom, they were all on stay together. Robin Williams, Dave Support and most deaf here is how it went down there. The night was me most a Robin all stage: parliament just slightly door right now, the James Sessions just chop and another Robins wild do, and there was no. While you pumped Jimbo wonder why, with most most rattle whistle was, was dull, while mostly bars most YO obviousness Japan problem with really go forward like we do a cypher right now, what
Finally sounds like an epic night, imagine being very seen at three of them from shore on stays. The most unlikely trio our right. Well, that is your room, a report nor right, thank you. Miss ye now arm shout to revolt, will see tomorrow. Everybody else to people's always listen to Maggie Boy dates in animal minutes. Louis far gone did not have a minute Louis back on binding he's eighty. years young today model he had often include love armament amendment. Four ally's fighting for blind people for well over sixty years ago and I'm a minute lose vega I'll write. Well, let's get to mix Breakfast led them all morning everybody used e g envy. Angela ye shall have the girl we oughta breakfast club. Let me shots NASCAR again, John Common wondered what had a few black owners of a NASCAR tee. Michael Jordan. Oda team acknowledge part of a team, but he owns a team two brothers from normal.
Jersey and he will be at the cost of these bringing NASCAR to caution which is pretty dope. So are you kidding at I want to see a NASCAR up close and personal. It will be at the cause. I'm excited about that. First, I'm I'm I'm get this check winner as well, also got to say to make a Mallory. Her book is installed right now stated emergency measure state of emergency. How we win in the country we built it's available everywhere you buy books. The audio book is out. The e book is out, the hardcover copy is out. This is press release off you know Thirdly, publishing, which is my book in print I like to see our book imprint dough, and you know I got a lotta titles coming out. From a lot different authors over the next few years, but there's nobody, I would rather large, would fall into meagre matter. simply because to me against by me on a whole lot at different levels: man and She'S- just one these people who have found our purpose in life and our purposes deadly service to others and she's out fighting the fight as big it and all of us all
Did you make a Mallory? I hope we are day and grab state of emergency. How we went in the country we build we all enjoy and I'll be alarmed something I can't wait to see. How does this book shakes up? The ecosystem are right, I will we come back positive, noticed the breakfast club. The morning morning everybody is T J Envy, Angela YE shall amend the girl. We oughta breakfast club, alright Charlemagne, as no? Yes, I have a quote man from Henry Ford. You none of standards is a great quote, because It is just puts a lot of things in perspective. Henry Ford said coming together is a beginning. Staying together, His progress, but work together is success. Rate. but a unity. A group operation is always a must progress.
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Transcript generated on 2021-07-11.