« Casefile True Crime

Casefile Presents: Crime Interrupted (Season 2)

2023-04-13 | 🔗
We are thrilled to announce that Casefile Presents: Crime Interrupted is returning for a second season. The first series of Crime Interrupted, researched and written by Vikki Petraitis, delved into some of the biggest cases investigated by the Australian Federal Police, Australia’s national law enforcement agency. Season 2 picks up where season 1 left off, featuring in-depth interviews with the officers who solved some of the AFP’s most challenging cases. Once again, we’ve been given exclusive access to their case vault, so you can learn more about fighting crime in Australia at a national level. The first episode of season 2, Operation Kastelholm, takes listeners behind the scenes as officers work to thwart an attack on one of the country’s biggest cities. In 2016, four young men were planning to detonate an explosive device at Federation Square, in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD. They had chosen a time when the popular city venue would be at its busiest - at Christmas. When the Joint Counter Terrorism Team learnt of the impending terrorist attack, they had just days to stop it.  Operation Kastelholm is out now and is available wherever you get your podcasts. All remaining episodes of Crime Interrupted: Season Two will be released on a monthly schedule. Be sure to hit subscribe so you don’t miss each new episode. And if you haven’t already heard season one, you can go back and listen now.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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most challenging cases. Once again, we ve been even exclusive access to their case evolved you can learn more about fighting crime in australia at a national level. The first step is. of season to operation castle home takes, listen, is behind the same says: offices worked of ward and attack, I on one of the country's biggest cities into doesn't sixteen for young men were planning to detonate an explosive device at federation square in the heart of Melvin say, may day, had chosen a time when the popular city venue would be at its busiest at christmas when they joint counter terrorism, tame learnt of the impending terrorist attack. They had just days to stop it operation, castle hermes out now and is available wherever you get your podcast, All remaining episodes of crime interrupted season. Two will be released on a monthly schedule. Be shorter, hit, subscribes
you don't mean sage new episode and If you have an already heard season one, you can go back and listen now we did it I can't believe we got this project on so fast and so well. I'm in new york, I'm in chicago and diamond allay, but we're making it happen in miro. Together our best work just happens, faster on murals collaborative online whiteboard, no scheduling. Meeting after meeting for work, thicket I've from anywhere weather getting design feedback here having timelines here. or brainstorming next steps. Here it all happens on the mere aboard exactly in it. Nice not having to wait an entire day to get sign off from this guy well, It is true,
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Transcript generated on 2023-04-16.