« Casefile True Crime

Casefile Presents - In The Shadows

2023-02-06 | 🔗
In Bakersfield, California in 1991 two boys stumbled upon a grisly discovery; the murdered body of a young woman. In the Shadows is the new podcast from Wondery+ and Casefile Presents, which follows the ensuing thirty-two year ordeal to uncover those responsible for the crime and bring them to justice. The mystery riveted the desert-town for years. Police immediately zeroed-in on the victim's long-time boyfriend, a beloved star athlete. But popular opinion was divided. Despite national attention and several trials, a conviction remained elusive and many thought the case would never be solved. That is, until this podcast turned over a new leaf. During the investigation of In the Shadows, several individuals revealed shocking information previously unknown to authorities. Ultimately, this new insight turned everything on its head and will bring you one step closer to deciding who’s responsible for the murder. The first episode of In the Shadows is available wherever you get your podcasts.  You can listen to the rest of the series ad-free only on Wondery+ (https://wondery.com/shows/in-the-shadows). Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts and take advantage of their 7 day free trial.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In bakersfield california, in ninety ninety one two boys stumbled upon a grisly discovery. The murdered body of a young woman in the shadows is the new podcast from one to reply, send case far presence which follows the issuing thirty two year old deal to uncover those responsible for the crimes and bring to justice the mystery riveted that desert town for years police immediately zira idea on the victims along time, boyfriend, a beloved star, wrath late, but popular opinion was divided despite national attention and several trials, a conviction remained elusive and many thought the case would never be solved. That is until these podcast turned over a new.
leave during the investigation of in the shadows, several individuals revealed a shocking information previously unknown to authorities. Ultimately, this new insights turned to everything on its head and will bring you one step closer to deciding who responsible for the murder. The first episode of in the shadows is available. Wherever you get your podcasts, you can listen to the rest of the series ad free only on wondering plus
joint, wondering ploss in the wonder, react or on apple fog cost and take advantage of their seven day. Free trial now stay tuned to hear the trailer on a chilly night in ninety ninety one, a group of teenagers gathered in the usual, hang out a barren stretch of desert next to a busy highway near bakersfield california, a dismal spot littered with trash and shelter since by nightfall it turned into a sort of lover's lane were high school kids drank and smoke. When two boys laughter and headed into the darkness, they came upon a horrific sing. The body of a young woman murdered just hours before she had no enemies. Me says girls at school teenage stuff. Now any kind of trouble that someone this ninety ninety one murder made news headlines for years as it shocked and divided a quiet working class community Horst. I knew about molly
everyone in bakers shall knows about maria pay. People will judge glue tudor tv set, namely the paper. Every day there was a lot of speculation in moscow Maybe he would not be all around athlete that people thought he might. Then he lied about being her boyfriend. Diaper like he had something to do with it. Justice took its course in a twisted and controversial case that captivated many, but what, if Real killer or yet to be discovered is why are we ready for me that doesn't take the valley was here with you there really near. If you ask the sheriff department, and if you ask the prosecutor's office, they would say yeah we solved it. It's just how thing ended up in this series. We will hear brand new claims in every people that have never spoken publicly before
And discover family secrets that shed life on whom they have killed maria rodriguez and why I kind of want oliver families, hidden secrets and all that aren't past. I wanted it to come to life I'm talking about. Four case file present in this is in the shadows, the story of marie ever treatise.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-07.