« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1729 Scott Adams: Stories That Involve Elon Musk, Which Means Pretty Much Everything

2022-04-30 | 🔗


  • Grand Jury finds nothing, Trump cleared
  • AOC, Elon Musk Twitter banter
  • Sexual assault in virtual reality
  • Elon Musk story list
  • Michael Shellenberger, Diablo Canyon
  • Ukraine War musing
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The post Episode 1729 Scott Adams: Stories That Involve Elon Musk, Which Means Pretty Much Everything appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I think so, yes, I feel the golden ages is upon us. It's a little bit. Disguised Gregg that, but. it's always the darkest before the that's right, the dawn and it's always the thirsty ass before the ship. That's not a saying yet, but it will be, it will be damaged. If I have anything to say about it, and so are you prepared? Are you ready for an experience which will connect all people, most as if we were a global mind, almost as if we form a super intelligence collectively being channels through me. So between coffee, It's a shared experience. Let's do something amazing, Right now, all you need is a copper mug or a glass of tiger shells. Society can please drink a flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid.
coffee and jointly now for the dope lenient. Today, it's the tingle on the back yard. It gets the thing that makes you feel alive. That's right! Simultaneous sip go! Oh, that's a good container of beverage right there. I hope the container, a beverage you just ingested was as good as the container of beverage. I just ingested. if that doesn't get to go and nothing will well, the walls are closing in on Trump His legal woes continue to oh actually, no nothing's happening, so it turns out the latest rumour so unconfirmed What looks like all the the.
Haven't charges or the grand jury that was go, look into all the Trump financial dealings. They will look at it look and I ve been talking to people live in bed investigating they demanded in they perceived. events, and after months and months of grand jury stuff, the foreshadowing not yet confirmed is, it assumes increasingly unlikely. There will be any indictments coming out of this. Have we receive any President Trump Witch hunts before I feel as if there was nothing but which adds you know, I'm not gonna, say the truth, Was an angel all of his life and the reason I'm not say it because he told us that directly. literally said in public no angel, but then
Tell you why he can help you and this president. So if you expected him to be an angel in, however, you wanted to find that you should you shouldn't have been surprised if he, if he talks about grabs, people by the whatever does he kind of signal that is directly as you possibly could, and I saw TAT that immunized him a good way to immunize people is to tell people that you have the flaw that you're worried they're going to blame you, because if you say at first it just takes all the fun out of it. You know if Trump had said you know, I say horrible things in private. You should know that And then you find out, he said a horrible thing in private. You, like you, said a horrible there, ok to tell us that it just takes all the energy.
So may I admit to you right now, I'd like to confess I say horrible things and private horrible things just terrible things. If any of it were presented to you out of context. You would say to yourself: well that's the worst person I think I've ever heard of in the world, but here's the context. Do you have a friend like this now this won't apply to all of you, but some of you do you have a friend who, if you're just alone, could be somebody? in a long time, usually this that the funniest thing you can do is to say the most inappropriate things. Whatever is the most absolutely uncivilized thing you can say something you would never say in front of someone else and the fun is how awful it is. Am I right so. I often think if something
Oh you, my digital devices are recording every word. I say, and he also out all came back to me and you play these these bits They were so worse than anything you've ever heard in your life like yet you think you've heard people say bad things on hidden audio. You should see mine. Well, I dunno you should hear of it if such things exist, but yeah I'll I'll I'll make your head explode but I wouldn't say it in public right. The the whole reason it's twenty is because you wouldn't say it in public. Thus the entire energy of this is inappropriate. So it's tough to see stuff out of context what I'm saying so. Here's another big jacket story, those with wanting us forever this whole possible indictments drummed for financial. Rear whatever that, apparently happened, none of it. What would
everybody saw trumps tax returns and there were just clean. That would be, funniest thing with it. After all this time, Let's just say, the entire tax returns became public, it like. Oh, this is gonna good. This is gonna, be good. the like salivating over, like ok, there's nothing there, Because, apparently that's what happened with these Manhattan, the diamonds was nothing. There is what happened with Russia collusion Russia Collusion, not they're, the closest they could find is trying to confuse us after the fact that Russian, Inter interference in the election was the same as or somehow adjacent to Russia collusion with somebody running for president very different, very different, but that was the closest you get to make. You laugh snake is talking,
an unrelated topic as the closest they get so. If Trump were to run for re election, he would be the most vetted person of all time I dont think I would ever worry again that he will be caught in some. the legality or blackmailed. You might be the least black noble president, now of all time, my right and we then you then you add today is his age as some age. You stop worrying about good blackness. Also you about this the other day by current age of saying what absolutely blackmailed me like. They really has had the goods. Whatever I was elected I'll go you're, gonna, be so terribly embarrassed. Your career will be destroyed if I releases information. What if I were thirty that would be pretty scary would
cause you're like oh, my whole life Saturday they're gonna, going to let this stuff out. If it happened now, I feel like I think it was funny- I'm not positive, but I suppose that would depend what it yes, but I feel like I would just laugh because it's hard nobody's gonna, take money away from me released and nobody, but the girl I guess, so I'm not sure what I would have to lose. It would just make me seem more interesting, even in a bad way and say well, okay, I'll take that trade off. If it makes me seem more interesting. And by the way, if you ever your bad things about me, I encourage you to believe all of them, except the illegal ones if you're any. If here I did anything illegal totally, did not do that because actually do try pretty hard to avoid illegal stuff,
but if you're anything that's this justly wildly provocative, I would encourage you to believe it. Even others. Very, unlike is very unlikely. It's true, but if it's fun you should believe it, If you enjoy it and others a story about, I guess handy exchanging a bunch of messages, already messages with marked meadows about the January six situation and the Scandal is that Kennedy was giving advice to the administration and the present through mark meadows, a watches. Other you remind me, why this is a story.
what is it? What does the partners? News is the news they Hannity and Trump were friends cause they both talked about that publicly all the time everybody knew that was. Did anybody think that Trump doesn't listen to people who are exactly the right person to give exactly the right kind of advice hook, who, when you want advice from if you're republican President in a tight spot, ok give me the best possible vice well. Heavily would be near the top. I would think right. You know I agree with him these opinions on anything. For me to make this point. I've just say they have: it is talent stack, as I pointed out before,
there is just a perfect example of a talent stack somebody who, if you look that any individual thing, he has a talent that your speaking in public Knowing about politics, whatever you say, Alice, does good and sometimes really really good But there's not one of those things that stands out as the best everybody's been at that thing. Right he's gotta, look. He talks right, he's got the energy. He just has everything so his magic is. There are no gaps, he just says everything so it makes him very effective. So if you're gonna get somebody's advice in this exact topic, which is how we handle the public opinion of some I would go to somebody who is one of the best people on the planet in managing public opinions. Parity is exactly whose advice anyone and now what kind of advice that they give.
one of them is that he said that Trump, and now she will lead. You said after sex is why him, and he said the term should announce your leader nationwide efforts to reform voting integrity. Go to Florida and watch Joe mess up daily stay engaged when he speaks people will listen. I thought to myself. Ok, that's really good advice, as of it. that's about as good as if you were going to get advice, that's about as good as you could get now. Trump didn't take this advice right Trump Trump decided to be Trump, and maybe there's nothing wrong with that, because he's It works over, so Trump decided to be fully competitive, but If I read between the lines, I think Hannity's approach was to,
Weekly shift the argument and become the champion of lectures and integrity, which nobody could disagree with. Basically, is that its a high ground maneuver? Have I told you that I grab maneuver wins every argument. the one always wins ensues you hear it. You, like. Oh ok damage the arguments over the same ground, I ground is not whether the election was rigged or not. Reg. That's the low ground, the high ground is: why handed her shoulder I ground is I'm going to lead a national effort to make sure that the next time this happens, we're all comfortable with the outcome. National hero right trot could have easily transform this from maybe in the biggest stain on his presidency, not maybe the biggest data, his presence, He could have easily done taken advice and turn do our work
Guess, we'll, never know what happened in twenty twenty. I have my suspicions and people say: ok, that's where you have your suspicions. It is fair that will never now. Ok, now everything was ordered, it can get into the yellow technology. Parliament, especially He would have been a national hero and probably win the next election rolled around unless people thought he rigged the election. I suppose they'd spit at that. People say I, let's less run this movie again, I will see us the electoral reform actually changes. The outcome was serious. Eighty one million of assistance with election reform. Now, even if you lost it, Toby legendary. if we want an election reformist like the basic most fundamental thing to protect the republic, so
The fact that there is a story that Hannity was giving advice to mark meadows to give to drop. the story should abandon. Why wasn't trump listening to it? That would have been better story, because this is damn good advice. In my opinion, this damn good advice Maria barter robbers, getting some similar, can push back. Apparently she shared some of the questions that she was Ask the president after January six with mark meadows, I guess Here's the first thing you should know about that. That's not unusual. It is not unusual for an interview guest to get questions in advance because is more about the topic as more about preparing somebody's have a good show. I can tell you that in many cases with I'm interviewed on politics, I get the questions in advance.
And that there is nothing unusual about the reason you do it is to make the show snappy. Were you. Dont want is a show where somebody s question and then the guest says yeah really thought about that, you don't want that, so you wanna say I'm going to ask you some tough questions or or not. Will you tell them what they're going to be? and then the person has thought about it and they give a good quick response, as short as possible is good, for the audience is good for the show, but also good for the interviewing. Everybody looks good now. Here's the question in this case is Maria Barter Roma. In an opinion, person like hand me where I think at least perfectly transparent, these and opinion person his friends with the present. They talk a lot perfectly transparent.
But is more? Do you see brought Roma as opinion or news. Just as you are your opinion of her is. Times. I knew something happening. Ok, that's the problem both! Yes, it s. The problem. because now this will give us a little more marking. But apparently apparently she. she didn't use exactly the questions that she broadcast, because uttered off your where this, but. even when the person asking the question as a set of questions that are on their notes, thus mostly
and just so they don't forget a question where you don't have any questions left, but they of asked what they think is a good question when they actually get there. So somebody like Maria Bartiromo, isn't going to ask the exact question. She is just an indication she's going to be in that in that area. Basically, and that's what happens you know some some versions of the questions. So I don't think there's anything wrong with that necessarily and- and I wouldn't. I wouldn't be bothered unveiled consist a year. Is when Chris Cuomo was accused of softball treatment of his brother, the governor. If you recall, I also defended Chris Global,
because it's transparent as long as it's transparent, I don't know if there's a higher standard, if you notice his brother or are you going to be surprised if a brother gave her brother advice in any kind, that should have been the least surprising news and should have affected anybody. Really. so I just want to be consistent. People should be all that everybody, they walk and get news get advice from given by they want. As soon as you make oh, this one can talk to this one. Unless you ve told us, oh know anybody can talk to anybody about it. That's by standard. They don't necessarily have to tell you you, can talk to anybody about anything and they don't necessarily have to disclose it. But it's nice, elevated. only those that every story is very alone musk. We give you some examples.
So I see treated this some live long, ambiguous, tweet to which must respond. so a Yossi tweets, tired of having to collectively stress out about what solution of hate crimes is happening because some billion air with an ego problem, unilaterally controls a massive communication platform and skews it, because Tucker Karlsson or Peter TEAL took him to dinner and made him feel special. When I read that I thought she was talking about musk buying Twitter, Elon Musk must have thought the same because he tweeted back. Hilariously quote: top hitting on me. I'm really shy. Ok, now,. If you say this outside of the realm of twitter, which a lot of people will feel just see the say, reported in the news item or something.
You don't really appreciate how perfectly twitter, like his responses. His response would be maybe inappropriate in almost any other domains in any other domain. It wouldn't be a little weird, but in this. I think one of twitter is exactly right on point is, is it The target rather than point, is a twitter response. So I've told you before and keep watching for this cause. It's fun. Watch that you love most is very clear about what matters and what doesn't and when things don't matter, he mocks them and when things do matter like saving the planet or going to Mars or something I'll make that happen. So I'd never see nobody is more clear about what silly and was not. This is one of his best quality. And so you re just makes further.
Currently a o tweeted, but quickly deleted. I was talking about Zuckerberg, but ok, Everybody have to debate whether she leave, because there wasn't funny enough war. Didn't wanna gauge, or was it because you're really wasn't about Zuckerberg or who ups, but apparently There's a Zuckerberg version of meeting with at least Peter Deal of there's a speculated musk version which he probably met with Peter Deal or dead, or something as as part of deciding about her, and so I I love the solar stage, but so you let mosque is in every part of the news- will will keep going at this, but first so I this really a reporter for the guardian decided to do a story,
a virtual reality, and so, went into one of the virtual reality worlds and I'm not sure which one it was. I dunno if it was meta or just a virtual reality, world doesn't matter too what matters to the story is issues immediately assaulted with, racism and actually was groped movie, our environment, basically sexually assaulted in virtual reality. Now, of course, she was quick to point out that she never lost touch with the fact that it wasn't the real world, but the problem with or the or the feature of virtual reality. It makes you feel the same way as the real world. Knowing is not the real world doesn't help you nearly as much as it should. I've told you of the story about my virus. I put the glasses and I walked up to a cliff edge,
so that in the virtual world, if I did I stepped off, it looks like I would fall to me that in Rio I knew I was just in a room in my house no danger whatsoever. I couldn't make my legs booth. I couldn't walk over the cliff in the virtual reality. Couldn't make my legs. but my brain would say: move your legs you're perfectly safe. I would even take the glasses off to make sure I was still in the real room. Put them back in, say alright. Now and so when she says she was actually assaulted and like, I guess, a corner and they were doing stuff with her hands and stuff. Though she felt actually assaulted and I think that's real, thus completely And so what are you gonna do about that do you end up having all the same laws and the virtual reality, because the virtual?
reality just becomes a reality. Well just to make it more. We there's a new invention that allows you to feel things lawyer in virtual reality, specifically on your mouth and so gives gives motto, had a article about this. That failing to find in my notes,. But apparently there's a little habitat response thing and I said shut up? You ve got the Vienna goggles on and then. Some kind of sensors or I dunno they blow error what they do hanging from the bottom of the goggles answer, the directed at your lips and your mouth The claim is that these little devices that are not touching her mouth, but I think they might direct air or something in your mouth.
They'll make you feel as if you're actually kissing somebody. If you're kissing somebody in the Vr World now it did go on to say that you might be able to feel it even the internal to your mouth such ass. If you had your mouth open, I'd, imagined, you'd feel something on your tongue or the inside your mouth, because that's where the haptic sensors would be censored, You gotta know where this is going, don't you yeah you're, all you're, only what all he needs to do is put those haptic sensors in your in your belt. You want on your goggles and one on your belt, both shooting down. If you know what I mean, if you know what I mean, if you could feel it just like it's the real world, we're in big trouble
in big trouble. Big trouble so much so that I tweeted to- and people didn't understand that, sometimes, when you think you know somebody who's socially awkward and they don't have much of a social life and they never seem to go out. That's how that's your opinion of them. So this is somebody with a bad side. If they don't like to go out. But I would suggest to you that one of the possibility that there is somebody was really really good at masturbating. Like so good, they could do a four hours and in every case, old.
To them going out might be the less the least fun thing they could possibly do. Imagine if you were bad at masturbating and somebody said: hey, there's a party or you can do this thing, this tons of fun. It's good lasted two minutes, two minutes of great fun or you can go to this party. While the party sounds pretty good. Doesn't it relative to two two minutes have a good time: you'd have fun all night. but suppose somebody was really good at it. They could keep themselves at a place for hours time does a party look is good to them. What happens when virtual reality makes the home alone just way better than going to a party, and I think
probably already at the point where, for some people going out is the least one thing they could possibly do, whereas It would take us, girls were already there. I mean we're or knock on the door. I blocked Cathy Griffin today for be racist, guess she called the Elon Musk away supremacist. I thought. ok, yeah, absurdly willing to put up with anything that she thinks it's a joke. Like you, I supported her with the Severn head of of Trump. are you under the rules of parody and free speech and blah blah blah? So I didn't think that she should lose anything because of that. That was very strongly supportive of that. As a free speech thing and, as you know, humor humorous take chances, they don't always work, but you don't want them to not take chances.
But calling a colleague, Elon Musk away, supremacist. I feel like that's just because the people on the right, like him, I feel, like that's a little too close to home cause. I like him too, and I have no no indication of anything like that that just feels so bigoted, essentially against white guys. Basically, That I, I guess I can't pretend that somebody else's the bigger than the story. They just feels issues the bigger than the story tomorrow. It just feels like it's just an anti white male. Here are the other stories that Elon Musk is associated with just. Was it the whole list
Ask yourself how is as even possible. Ok I get that easier richness person What what twitters like a lot of attention? But. EL the stories that these topics, these directly involved in Ukraine right you sent centre these starling stuff or there. The amber turd story because they are talking about is his dating. So the Johnny Depp stories, even that is it- is it s too Everything about elections, fake news, twitter, is, are all sort of collectively one story now Think about income inequalities that anything about taxes of the rich and progressive taxes is about story about free speech. Twitter now is way you on mental health will talk about that tweeting about us. A lesson is a story about
He's a very story about space climate change. How the country is getting more divided also does the twitter they self driving cars. I mean. He believes that the simulation Israel, it's my theory, people who believe the simulation is real. Can author it more sure you are that the simulation is actually just software, the more clearly you can see the machinery and the more clearly you can tweak it. It sure looks to be like he does. He lives in the simulation and he's just playing it like a game. It looks like he's playing it like something
Is it just a good gamer? You know if you found out tomorrow that this is all a game and that we're just characters in it who temporarily don't know what we are and we think we're real and you woke up and found out that Elon Musk was only only the best gamer in another dimension and he was just an avatar, but he was an avatar of the best gamer for the game, so he became the richest person and it became in every story. He had seven kids and God knows what kind of funny has when he's alone does it? Look actually like just a really good game or playing the game really. Well, it's weird. How budget looks like that? You know I've looked at my own life cause. I I believe I live in a simulation as well, like literally like actually literally no joke, it's the most likes, we possibly, I guess say for sure about that, or anything else
But I really like is not real and my experiences just don't they just don't seem like they could possibly be coincidental. They just doesn't seem like I don't know, But those people who said to me this is just anecdotal, of course, that as soon as they feel there in the simulation, and they start using things like affirmations to authorise the simulation they reported, that they get good results. But of course, the Santa GO. so who is Elon musk. Weighed in on this thread, Oh somebody name my gold percy, treated this. This is the second part of his tweet. He said pharmacological dark matter in he's talking about if an ominous among important people, so you just given,
the name pharmacological dark matter this? Basically, the stuff we don't know is,
visible heavy amphetamine and other drug use among people playing significant roles in our society. Now you've heard me say that right the the people who are doing the most moving and shaping of civilization, mostly on drugs- it wouldn't happen otherwise, and I you know don't take drugs like and I mean it don't take drugs. I mean, and you know the only only time you should is, if you're under a doctor's care- and even that is probably too much so I'm not encouraging it. I'm just saying it's a fact that and ignoring it feels stupid. It just feels stupid to ignore it. The fact is that some people and and here's the dangerous part everybody responds to chemistry differently. So there might be a drug that simply makes one person rich because it just makes them perform
or, and they never have a side effect war when they care about and then another person that just kills them it just fucking kills them or makes them crazy or it ruins your life one way or the other. So don't take drugs cause you don't know which, which one you are you don't know that if you're the one the drug is going to kill or the drug is going to help you we're we're just not that smart cause we're all different. So anyway, so Michael occurs ways it s about the significant role and then that market and reason one of the most important voices in the Tec, world to this. He said everyone thinks are put our present. Society was called, by social media I'm wondering whether, after all policy ubiquitous Google searches have bigger effects. I don't know about the Google search bar.
But here is one of the most connected people in Silicon Valley and then the tackled. Who would personally know the most important people in society so Somebody was bed in the room and has the phone number two texts pretty much. Anybody famous, I think, at this point and he saw you lacings after all, they be shaping civilization or things like it. I'm not saying Admiral specifically, but you should take that as things like it amphetamines and then. Let's go into those he said prescribes psychedelic will replace amphetamines and assess our eyes over the next decade. Although I obviously fanaticism. And musk gets into this tweet tweets. I've taught
too many people who were helped by psychedelic, some ketamine more people were helped by Psychedelic said Kennedy then assess our eyes and amphetamines, and then he added related to this He said this is not me talking just reporting what you said. So these not mine, He said, after all, is an anger. Amplifier avoid at all costs. Now here's the interesting thing as Jeff talking pointed out in some tweets, everybody is different, That's what I said earlier. I am pretty sure that role is saved lives, but I'm pretty sure it's it's close and problems. I think both those can be true. So it's all it's a little bit less say it's a really good example of free speech.
Both its negatives and positive. You don't wanna, be getting medical advice from Elon Musk that might be his weakest category. I mean he, is insanely smart on a whole variety of things that allow him to do what he does. But I think the medical part might be the part where you go yeah, I haven't been there yet usually when, when boss says something, I'm usually done, it's like okay. I agree with that. There's nothing else to say, but I think in this in the medical domain list. Be glad that there is free speech. Does he could say this? If you looked at the common slowly, a whole bunch of people pushing back- and I say: ok, that's a really good example of free speech, working somebody's asking, if I'm on at all, I'm not.
So, I've never been on any kind of long term stimulant except coffee or city. I guess, but I will add. I said this before us by in college. I had a few experiences with Stimulants and I wrote my entire senior thesis in like things like mostly over weekend, weakened was done with a semester. And it was actually easy and I enjoyed it. Think about that. I did a semester of work in four days, got a reasonably good grade. It could be plus or something. and I did it in four days and I liked it the way it was completely pleasant. It was a horrible job like just the most boring. It was like an economic
so as a senior thesis in economics, you know boring. That was, and I enjoyed the whole thing now- how many, how many unicorn companies have been created by people who had little stimulant going on how many probably a lot Probably a lot- and it is one of the great untold stories anyway. Michael Shell, in Bergamo, who's running for governor as an independent country, yeah. I understand there was some issue in terms of the paperwork I gotta look into that a little bit, but how would you like to be running for governor and part of your accomplishments just happen
Which is shown burger was, I think, the loudest most effective voice for Trying to save the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power plant in California, and the reasoning was it's already there is cost effective, we don't have any greenway replace it and we'll just run out of energy, if we don't keep an open, a pretty straightforward argument and apparently the great weight of the public opinion move Chelan burgers way. Is that a coincidence, or does he cause it has a member? He was testifying to Congress. He was, he was writing books and articles on it. He was the most famous voice on this topic. I think he caused it. I think he caused so he's running for governor, while the
The governor is saying that he's going to look, looked at guess: the money from the federal funds that was allocated by Biden and I'll, give Biden, credit for this for keeping nuclear power plants open longer than they would have been. So the governor is looking at implementing the plan that the governor didn't want to do by Shellenberger convinced the entire country that they need to do it, and now he kind of has to do it what had to be running against Shellenberger at the situate. Honestly, I don't I've never seen a more capable politician in terms of EU competence about the actual topics that matter to the state. It's sort of breathtaking, because we ve never seen before
pretty sure. We've never seen this before we've we've had some presidents, who are a little wonky. You know like Jimmy Carter and stuff, but not like this, like Carter, wasn't didn't have this kind of mastery over the exact topic that the state cared about and several of them from homelessness to drug addiction. To you just talked about forest management. Is there anything we care about? He has as the better a solution for years the most provocative thing that I've read like lately We all assume at this point that Russia will have it's way with Ukraine in the comments were usually as of today like. What do you feel today? Is Russia going to have his way. so absurd, mostly yeses, some people say bill. Just any east of Ukraine,
now. I will remind you that in war nothing is predictable. So among the unpredictable unpredictable things that could happen. I tweeted this and I feel terrible because I want to mention the author and the publication because I liked it so much, but I can't find it in my own tweets for some reason. Maybe I imagined I tweeted it. Maybe I imagine, but if somebody sees it maybe you can tell me in the comments if I did tweeted and he said, there is an article by suddenly. You definitely look like they knew what they're doing here, somebody who had predicted in writing and could show the receipts that the the mosque that ship would be sunk by the ukrainian Anti ship missiles. So less burning a prediction some of the other specific protection and then, when I read the article seem to know quite a bit about the whole situation, so
I dont know how to judge military experts, because we seen so many of them being so wrong about some things, but I'll give you his argument love to see how ruggedness it goes like this one we're all focusing on the fact that the fighting is this dumbass and the other name starts with L, but I can't remember and were taken, granted that Russia already owns Crimea, because I got annexed in twenty forty and them so the so so long schism region so were were ignoring Crimea right cause us that's a done deal rush already owns it. Here's apart, I didn't know about they barely on it. Go on it there militaries aerosols, but
only if you are looking at it from a military perspective. Their connection to Crimea is one bridge and one poorly defended area. In the end, you, if you take out the bridge which seems totally doable right, Ukraine can take out a bridge. They ve got missiles. drones and whatnot and then apparently the Ukraine military is actually pretty good. They have better equipment, they they are. According to this expert, they win their firefights. So when it's when it's something like a fair fight, the Ukrainians almost always win There's, a better train, a better equipped is only when their overpowered by artillery or something that they get crush. So the figures that the ukrainian military could take out
not only the the the sin connection between the main russian forces and Crimea. They could take out the bridge and then they can just take Crimea because it would probably be poorly defended because the most the strongest offenders are where the fighting is I think, is not happening in Crimea, thinking that would be a shocker. What what if Ukraine just. I had to hold the line and just keeps the main russian army pin down and just take Crimea back. What would that do to the russian psychology? It would look like Russia lost the war. I mean the war wouldn't be over that Russia could maybe just take it back Not I mean it wouldn't be easy, but what would that do to the whole balance of everything I mean. That would be a great at least a diversion. I mean at the very least. It would be an interesting
yeah. The idea is that Russia would have trouble, equipping and resupplying Crimea because they could get cut off, but that Ukraine would you know, cause they have a border there and stuff they'd break out the tactical nuke. If that happens, somebody says Would that? Because it seems to me that a tactical nuke would guarantee that Putin is taken out of office. what do you think? I would say that, right now it looks like you might be a great risk, maybe fifty fifty proposition, but if he used a tactical new, I think that's the end. Am I wrong there's no way he could survive it politically, if not his life, because don't you think that their there's somebody who's like number two or three in the bud?
she'll take over chain that the CIA has already said. You know, I know you're only number, fourth or fifth, and the potential chain of command, but if the other people disappeared, And we made sure that you are well treated. Do you think you'd like to stay to step up to the number one job I dunno, I think there's a tactical nuke got used. It would be easy to turn people within Russia really close to Putin against them because they would say. Ok. This is a clean win. If, if I take putting out under these conditions, I'll even have internal support cause, I think I think you could overthrow Putin and still public support in Russia if he used a new or the other possibility. Is that Russia, is now so so proponent. That dates they all that strong. We like you that you are strong Amy. I don't know how to read the Russian
mind, but it was early. It was early turn enough. People against Rut, Putin that you'd be in physical danger much more than he is. Now here let me throw something into the mix that feels different see another Biden. Administration is asking for correct me if I'm wrong thirty, three billion or for Ukraine, which is a gigantic step up in military sport. Do you know that sounds like to me It sounds like the administration is plain to win as and when the war, it doesn't look like their plane for a stalemate. It doesn't even look like they're playing to just you push them out of the east or something I feel as if the binding administration feels like they could win.
Because every day that the Russians don't you now have some crushing victory on the east. is a day that you say to yourself, maybe that ukrainian defences, better than we thought and they're not going to the ukrainian defences and gonna quit now, because the good equipment has just come in. And apparently they don't have any manpower shortage. They had their more volunteers to fight than they had equipment to give em. So if Ukraine doesn't run out of people to fight and there are getting more equipment, not less Us does the thirty three billion signal that the binding administrations thanks taken when outright, because I feel like it does now. I don't think that means that they think is a sure thing or anything like that
But I feel like they went from you know: let's see how we can make this painful for Putin to let's finish off the russian Army. I I think they want to finish the russian Army, or at least you know, take it down by fifty percent because putting down twenty five percent right and I never understood that assesses entire military, twenty five percent degraded or that was just what's in that area. I've not I've, not heard that clarified so do about twenty billion to replace the weapons we gave them from the army. Okay, oh I see so we'd be replacing our own weapons with three three billion. Okay. That does look a little different Those numbers are wrong which numbers wrong the thirty three billion, if This is replacing our own equipment than it doesn't look like a step up doesn't so give me. I can be a fact check on that.
That replacing our own military equipment would not look like a step up, so this is not true. Are we giving a directly to your brain? Well, you will look at But the point is if it's a major escalation. If that's what that budget is telling us, then I think the by the administration actually feels like it when defined. When I put putting into power I get or or and or get the russian military to completely get out of Ukraine completely. Now, of course, nobody wins because everybody's everybody lost in this situation, but that would look
like a win to me? Alright, I was asked to tell you about how we're entering the golden age. Well, summers asked me why I didn't have kids. Do I regret it? Let me answer that one first, I don't regret it But in the reason was I just didn't want to bring somebody onto the world because there are plenty of you
in the world and I've never felt a need to propagate. My dna, though, does I may be weird because I feel like there's some kind of basic human impulse that people have to propagate there their dna, but I don't have that because I didn't enjoy my my childhood enough, that I would take any chance that I could put anybody through that again. But if there's somebody who was already having a tough childhood and I could help them have a better one, that feels like that's an easy wins like to me. That would be satisfying.
But to bring somebody into the world and then have them have a bad life. I couldn't handle that, like my I'm just not built that I could ever handle that. So I so I take. The sure thing of you know definitely helping humanity. Extend the light of consciousness? I guess so. He says what a load there's somebody who thinks that the line you think. I'd lie to you or to myself, who would be the one run. I guess there's no way for you to know is there, but but the thing I thought about the most is that I would rather support the people who are already here. That's how I thought of it. It couldn't be that that's a rationalization of some sort that would be.
breathe pretty normal, but your child wouldn't have a tough life yeah. No, I don't think we're not talking about a tough life in terms of economics. If it were just economics I wouldn't have worried, but in terms of mental health, Thus, without another word about climate change, ruining the world. I just look around. I don't see a level happy people now. Here's the golden age for I'm pretty sure that we're about to wake up- or we are waking up now to this whole, what drugs to put into your body and whatnot, and maybe the pandemic, helps with that because it sort of changed how we see the medical community changed, changed your opinion about maybe having to make our own decisions and not depend on the experts so much which could be good or bad. I guess they could go both ways.
but I think, a big the I will go with you. I must say that the Ketamine, maybe, and course don't take any recommendations for me. I'm just saying that these are things that are being talked about. I'm not recommend with the sacred Alex I do think, have the potential to be civilization, changing absolutely and because at all costs much is Well, let me ask you this: imagine everything that we do now to make the world a safer place. We've got the United Nations and, and, and you know, we've got the the the. lined the Kremlin. So if the all these systems of things to make things safer and avoid war, but we still have the damn wars right. So
I guess so systems are better than I have none, but they're not not really getting it done. But imagine this this is purely speculative and is just is just a mental experiment. Imagine that if, instead of all that stuff. Whenever there was a dispute, or even before there was one the heads of state would get together and do mushrooms together. That's it and then replace everything else. We just that now, of course, that will never happen of courses that I am not suggesting that even remotely possible, I'm just saying if it did it would probably and war.
Do you think I mean honestly, if you just imagine you know it doesn't work if, if your leader is a hundred years old, so forget about Trump, he won't take a drug and forget about Biden, needs to old, but imagine dissenters who I imagine, is anti drug. So again this wouldn't happen, but at least he's young enough. So imagine a president, the Santa someday doing mushrooms with a President Putin who's, seventy or so, and you're, not that old. They just like bond and see the world differently and Leslie though it just wars is lot harder. It doesn't make sense. Suddenly. because it would be so much easier to see you now wait a minute. You say that if Russia and the United States simply add to just make friends there
the same way that Germany benefited by being friends with the. U S and Japan benefited and basically everybody every country the said hey- can we be your friend has benefited substantially. Can you imagine, sitting in a room and having the right kind of you know ray kind of? Let's say chemical incentive, a just look at Putin and say: why are we even doing this? Do you want to be the greatest later the rush ever had and food would be like I thought I already was say: ok, okay, but do you want to continue being the greatest leader that there ever was and Putin would say? How do you do that? It's, like or and wore a go to space with us about that,
How about n war and help and help us go to space and we'll get some good asteroids will mind. Some stuff will will free your economy to do what it can do we'll share our technology with you, it'll be awesome, you'll be the best leader that Russia ever had you'll quadruple your gdp there'll be statues of you everywhere and you will have ended the war. I'm telling you the golden age. You just have to accept it. It's right there, it's right there. The hard part is getting people to just pick it up. It's like here. It is yours all of your solutions, all of your solutions. We have all the answers now. You're there are people like I dunno, just the solutions.
So here's where the golden age, I think, is going to happen. I think that the energy shock will cause us to be pro nuclear in a way that we had to be so. Our energy thing is now on a course for a full correction. It's gonna be slow, but is now on a very definite course toward full correction, nuclear energy will go, nuclear and and through a Tesla like activities, will be also elected. Solar cells, gummy, solar and pretty solar and nuclear.
so I'd say those two things solve climate change, or at least you know, they're they're likely to be enough to mitigate the worse problems as long as we're also mitigating things as we go, it's not the only stuff. So that's better. What about the pandemic? Horrible horrible thing right, but don't you think we got a lot better at handling the next pandemic like a lot better and I and I feel like, even though you think these new vaccinations are killing people. Some of you think that I feel like what we learned from that could create a platform for everything from vaccines It's for cancer, two vaccinations for all kinds of stuff or or we'll find out. There was some problem with. It can't rule that out, I'm giving you the optimists, feel that
Look at the Ukraine, Russia WAR. Does it forever and the idea that it's a good idea to attack your neighbor with tanks fairly, not well, I've been up till now. I guess Putin still thought it was a good idea to attack his neighbor with tanks, and at this point don't you think this will always be the cautionary tale. It's like, okay. Alright, it doesn't work. I think Afghanistan is bad of a situation as it was at least that it will always remind us of what kinds of things not to do again. But Ukraine didn't look like Afghanistan. They look like so such different places that maybe the lesson didn't transfer but now you've got you've got an industrial country. You've got, you know backwards country and neither of them could be over. We could be conquered by,
a union or Russia that should be in someplace if you couldn't conquer, either kind of the country and they're so different, maybe the whole country conquering thing isn't for you, alright. What else is good? So solve energy. I think we're safer from pandemics and I think the world looks less likely. I think the biggest promise insulation. I let me give you the ultimate economic safety thought Ready yet most of you have some concern. I would think that inflation than GDP going down, and maybe food shortages and everything Most of you starting devil, have anxiety about that right and gas, not not little. Maybe a lot since I have been a lot of anxiety.
I'm having anxiety about it and I'm rich, relatively speaking, I can't even imagine how this would feel if I was you squeaking by this, would feel like Insanely bad, but let me give you the one positive thing that I can give you. I've told you before that economics is real, complicated, stuff, I've, a degree in economics and I'm confused. but there was one rule that I always look to. The tells me where things are headed. There's just one magic: if you get that one metric right All the other things can work themselves out, but if you get the one thing wrong, nothing can work. As you know, the one thing is employment
rate not even not even raises not even cost of living adjustments. Now unions, just the pure number of people, have jobs compared to the numbers and want them, and the fact that we have labour shortages now so weak. We can actually use more workers. Even immigrants are in demand, apparently with all the immigration we have. It's still hard to get the respect. I think so we were actually understand. don't know of any situation where you had close to full employment where you couldn't work out. The other stuff know what I mean, and here here's the math of why that is so important. The difference between an unemployed person and an employed person is a gigantic drag on the rest of the people right. If somebody is employed and they're taking care of themselves and maybe adding something you know to to the taxes, then that's taken care of, but if they're unemployed
Not only are they not adding butter subtracting, yes, you have to pay them to live or they die so one on them. person is really really expensive compared to almost any other problem. So if you get that one thing right, the other stuff can be really painful for a while, but the odds of working on the long run, a real good. So what. seeing people who seem to be the most knowledgeable and experienced about economics, and they see all the things you say other say, there's a or saying we might get worse. There they're saying that everything supply chain problems you Jane problems, whether what they see all that, but they don't look like their panicking do they have. You noticed There's no tone of panic, even though all the metrics are sort of awful, because one thing is right: the jobs,
I think the people who know the most are sorted is looking at that one side, probably much like I do sale, hey as long as that, one thing's, okay, at least our foundations, is in good shape. Right, the foundation is strong, then you can work out. The rest of mushrooms is tulips. Yeah. I see what you're saying labor participation. Yes, that's a big one as well, and total employment is still blow prepend, epic, but it's still good. The, how do you, how do we fix black rock buying all the single family homes, the the solution for housing? Is better housing, not building the same kind of homes and reselling them over and over again.
There is definitely a way to build a home for ten percent of what it costs to build one. So that's, I think, that's going to be another part of the the golden age. I think that if you got really good, if you got rid of zoning and you turned it into a kit, just that I've talked about this before but imagine designing homes in which all the arts are and even and even about. In other words, a room in this house house in the future could be could be ten by twelve. But it can never be too
by twelve feet and two inches, and the reason is that you'd never have to cut anything. So if you're putting in the Flory by one foot squares- and you put it in as many as you need for the squares and nothing gets cut- and maybe it's a kip forums, everything snaps together, so you could unsafely move a wall if you need to do etc. Now I think that's where it has to go. It's just that nobody has. business model to make money from making that the the old Sears kits so I know there's some there's some historical examples. But those kiss, I believe you start to cut in you or not. I think those were if you imagined what we could do now compared to what they could do in those days.
I imagine that we could make a kit that would be way better just way better and then, if you make the, if you make the homes with you say, here's how I do it. I design perfect roof, and then you good design a house that used as many of those precept rooms in whatever configuration they fed. And then used to build almost any kind of a house, but you never have to cut anything. You just get a kid and snap it together. So I think that's where these go. The tough part will be me, think you could even do the plumbing. In fact I'll bet you could make a house that self aware imagine a house that comes as a kit and then in each part has a camera in it. So every part you put becomes alive.
I can see around itself and then and then attaches some brain, so the house could see a leak in your wall before you know it was there, but it could also tell if you'd assembled incorrectly, so you put the new component on and it becomes alive because it's like electrically connected to everything else I can see around and suddenly the house knows if you put the thing in the right place, so you put the new piece on and the house goes, beep beep beep doesn't belong there. You're, like oh darn, is backwards. She put it on. It goes. and those who did it right. So, if you made all the components alive, the house would help you assemble itself and it would always watch it'd be watching for any defects, and it would warn you everything, alright, just an idea.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the best show ever. I think I delighted and entertain you. Probably some of you were about to start one of the best days ever and I think the unitary. Today is the beginning of the rescue life. Now it's true. I read it in a green card once so. I know it's true. That is all I have to say to you on Youtube. Oughta. Do tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2022-05-08.