« Dateline NBC

Recipe for Murder

2022-01-11 | 🔗

In this Dateline classic, Keith Morrison reports on a dramatic undercover operation in Palm Beach, Florida to save a wife and mother who had no idea she was in danger. Originally aired on NBC on March 26, 2010.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Without depositing a penny. You've already started saving for your newborns higher education, children born to PA residents in two thousand and nineteen and after have one hundred dollars waiting in a Keystone scholars, account part of the p, a five twenty nine college and Career savings program. Keystone scholars helps you get an early start for a reward, finish view your account Pa five, twenty nine twenty com, slash Keystone and watch your savings grow alongside your child, discover more at p, a five twenty nine dot com, Slash Keystone. The it was the cake that should have told them something the killer cake to die for it, we suppose show me the jewel in the crown of the gourmet deli, Dolly, which more than a few regular customers would rank right up there at the top Just a two minute drive across the bridge from Palm Beach Florida with its
I star hotels, it's balmy, perfect beaches, insanely, pricey houses and hungry in wanted only the best rich, already managed the gourmet deli. For four years we were doing three million dollars a year business for hundred fifty seat deli. That's an incredible, you know amount We would have waiting lines two hours long for people to come in and eat dinner. It used to the three GS deli. That's when a reputation was born, but brothers Andy Bruce Garnett, who owned the place had developed some other restaurants too, and back in the mid eighties. feeling a little overextended. One day they met a thirty two year old entrepreneur named Glenn Sandler, now The golf course he just said he was looking to get into business and I Would my restaurant just like that over lunch? it was a tuna salad. What was he doing before playing golf everyday?
he was retired retired. From what I mean, what did had a few different businesses? I think one was a no name or no ad company that he had different products. I think he saw that I think he did videos or some other stuff. But he made a lot of money made a ton of money. He was basically a self made millionaire, so Sandler bought the restaurant Petitions for his tenure were, to put it mildly, low, but the time I thought the guy going to try to do it for a little while and get bored with it and you know be done with it, but Glenn Chandler surprised everyone from the day he bought that restaurant. He is there. Every single day, from from Ding Dong from open to close, passionate about learning how to be the best guy or appetising or Nova slicer. There could be here
worked alongside deli guys. He worked alongside the guys in the kitchen he worked alongside the porters. He was determined to learn every aspect in this business. There was no doubt that it was a workaholic center, probably didn't have to work so hard. It was. In the Boston suburbs of his family money It was a very successful businessman, but he well after college in Miami. He proved he had some talent of his own for making money seemed to be lucky to in business and in life. United eighty one, he married a beautiful young Miami woman named Betty Schuessler, pretty much looked like the old Barbie Benton. Im, a wow yeah yeah. She, outgoing fun, choose a very pretty woman. Very beautiful lady and soon it up a mother? They had two sons. I think that she was a good wife and out
standing mother. I know she was real heavily involved with the p t. You know at the kids school she was just into her children, but after the samples bought the deli, it's We're only got to know both of them and eager and his wife went on a cruise with the we went. to the islands at a great time. They got We got along great little house down in the keys. I rode down there with him and spent a few days out on his boat fishing and How much of a fisherman he wasn't all flashy or anything just. a real nice guy it was a charmed. Life apparently is neighbourhood, a place called the arrow club. You get up from dinner and you can go jumping airplane and go find businessmen. on hearing was one of glance: antlers neighbours, your cars in the front of the garage, and you take your airplane out the back of the garage, a new taxi down the. she ways to the runway and you take off,
and Sounder was so proud of his foreseen or Mooney like it born sports car. The neighbors say he was very particular and a very detailed and took great His airplane, a beautiful wife, a big house, an airplane in the garage it suited Glenn, Sandler, perfectly glands The fly and and Betty was always with him. She always said I think Glenn was a good husband but, of course, nobody's perfect Everybody has flaws every marriage to Andy this neighbour found himself wondering if Santer was a little to determine in his way Glenn is a control guy and he was going to control everything that was happening. It was a competitive thing he had to win just had to Bruce Granite and his brothers old Santa their daily did pay for Garfield by you.
Thanks. You give you the shirt off his back when it came to business cutthroat, not an option. For months now, loser to fail. He couldn't lose absolutely not. He could not lose at anything at anything like, for example, the cake, not just any cake, of course, but a chocolate cake. So good creamy. So tempting it was known as the killer getting people would actually come from all over to buy this killer, cake and at the deli. The recipe for the killer cake came with it, but This was one recipe that that Glenn, you know just couldn't get right. He hired a baker to come in read the recipe, and you know- and I just couldn't get it right, and he believed that I was out to sabotage and by not giving him the right recipe to the cake and from that day our relationship went down. He felt that he lost because he couldn't get the cake recipe
and so, given the untimely falling out, the Garnett Bro didn't see Sadler or his wife. Betty very much anymore at savvy businessman would not accept defeat and it seemed it didn't matter what it costs a lot of times it was. His way or the highway was that Why the marriage ground down? Why, in the new millennium, life was sad. Sadler became intolerable for Betty by two thousand four after More than twenty years of marriage Betty had had enough. She asked for a divorce and Sandler. Blindsided emotionally and financially. If any contest had to be one- and this was it, then dollar Sanders manager of Gore may delay. heard a running commentary on the divorce battle from his boss. Beheaded his way? She wasn't getting a penny. She wanting more possess something they talked about. Yeah we basically feeling like she's.
As a greedy. You know what and he saw Sandler change. First there was the nose job and started showing up of women, let a few of them. Brain girls in anyone's, yet I would bring a girl and now tell me analogous link it is you know new girlfriend of mine. Did he say change after that. Divorce happened personality she wanted divorce heat in so he was very unhappy, and here I mean you can't leave me If I want to leave you I'll leave, you were away You are not leaving me. That would mean I lost, but Glenn said there was a man who could not lose and now he took steps but make a win. Absolutely certain Sandler approached him if you knew anyone that could not kill his wife The
the error Glenn Sandra the wealthy investor and respiratory was a high flyer. Iran balmy palm Beach Florida and even if he did quite master, the killer cake he's dead, His whole existence look like a huge success picture. There was this one quirk, Sattler said one of his friends and colleagues couldn't stand, losing anything miss a on the golf course. if he hit a bad job- and I was kind like duck cause at club- good fly, you know Sandra was not a man to cross an irate employee found that out when he asked for what Sandra thought was. An undeserved raise just took an ashtray and landed on the desk and you know broken ashtray. Another occasion he snap a pencil, never hit anybody, never actually grabbed anybody his shirt collar. But these would have
intimidation, things that that he would do, and then there was another time the time his manager heard his boss pulled out a gun in a Down with another employee, he didn't if the trigger or anything. So you know he I think he did, did it as a scare tactic. Then a July two thousand and four Betty, his wife of twenty five years, threw him out demand. a divorce then found himself competing with her over who got what degree When was a reporter for the Broward Palm Beach new times at the time. At one point, he offered her. more than two million dollars, and she said: that's not enough assign enough. I want more, if that's not enough, and this bugged to no end, you don't cross him, you don't try to take advantage of them, and you don't leave and you don't leave em around. My deli savage, employees watched his once busy and ordered life start to unravel.
he was there at eight o sharp. Every Monday year in year after year and then all of a sudden I got to be where he was showing up at like eight in the evening and then about a year into this downward spiral. It was the fall of two thousand and five, Sandra made a secret friend a drug dealer name. Chris Robinson Chris Robinson then became clear. Firm has cracked crack dealer, cocaine, tawdry, motel, room prostitutes, all supplied by this small time, dealer and pink, and it wasn't before sand, but turned to Robinson for help with his domestic troubles as well. Glenn Sandler after known Chris for awhile, asked Chris if he could throw a birthday party for his wife. That was a term knowledge is to throw birthday party. Was your any doubt about what TAT meant it became clear thing wanted his wife killed and Christian.
when certain said that he and his brothers could get it done. What would they do? They have a plan that Chris and his brothers would take two stolen cars and they would ram It's Betty at an intersection and flee and how do you know you got a killer that way, but that was the plan in that Glenn gave Chris a five thousand dollar deposit to an act and well it was like the killer cake recipe. Just didn't come together. No one will ever know whether Chris Robinson really would have carried out that plan, because before he could act carry it out? He got arrested on a drug charge unrelated instead of jail and sent to jail. and I guess he realized tat. He had a bargaining chip and he summoned a detective and said: hey
you now. I got news for you. There's a guy out there and is trying to have his wife lacked. The car was Tom, Beach, detective creation looked all I got there. Consumers lies. This was so good information and we need to act upon it and quickly, because drug dealer Robinson reveal the sadder than shopping around the Samara told him it already been jilted by yet another hit man named meets. the need for some kind of biker Who was supposedly part of the outlaw motorcycle gang and apparently Glenn. Sandler asked this guy meets if he would kill Betty and he gave meets a five thousand dollar deposit. He received serious, serious then nothing ever happened meets throw sad It was Sandler still looking for a hitman. Maybe the cops could replace Chris Robinson, with their own fake hitman, like, for example, an undercut. FBI, agent,
We agreed to conceal anyway, his agent called Splendor at the phone, the name? he gave himself was Fred, is supposed role. Drug their Chris Robinson's FED up street wise boss, Right here began a precarious dance between the F agent and the man who always like to call the shots. Man who didn't know that this time The shots are being called on him. Assuming that in this dance they would, he hit man could win. Samplers trust how'd you go by making that happen. things about somebody, you can talk about your open conversation with actually agreeable an understanding that you can talk highly important. even the world, really live in the library,
try and I've only got my bad as Fred. The agent arranged a face to face meeting the sailor in a parking lot are due later. This is where he would begin fishing for the Jobcentre at earlier offered them out jailed drug dealer it will work because people don't either go get. Some really ought to do better than Sanders. Told friends he'd also become fed up with drug dealer. Robbins trying to play me. I know that, but I need a job done: Fred, dismissed, Robinson's plan to kill Betty in a car wreck as laughable The sky was burning, bedridden back problem that you in a wheelchair, relate nickname, older, shame, but good is that other guy Fred proposed a different plan and new price twenty. And less the five thousand Chris Robertson it already taken Fred, told Sir
that he is one recipe for murder at once, key ingredient in what you were very muscular she's like five three hundred and twenty two bags big bag. Five like you are right there you wouldn't mind line, picks, born and all that line London model, so you told him quite specifically, it might be if it's a chilling detail What you would do to make sure she disappeared forever only I would know where she's buried and she'd be bored with lime, and it would take care of all that Red JAG bizarre though it may sound, was deadly serious cause. He knew that if he did not win the job, to kill Betty Sandler someone else sitting in a position where I want to make sure that somebody else hasn't been hired in time. That is taking me to sit in that chair and talk to you.
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Sandra Heated Hate that so much heed already. Given a man, five thousand dollars to kill the wife had rejected him and was demanding millions of his money, but he had Well idea, the man now offered to do the job was an undercover from the FBI angling to get the contract? Sanders. Wife the angry husband and the phony hitman hit it off with sand, are often venting to his body about his trouble. Was it hate or just greed, from both at some point But solutions are replied, he believe is losing his home business and he was concerned that you never be enough. They use banner saddler so told Fred. Cover officer went by that his wife Betty.
reveal some very compromising information is concerned about her no issues. Are they some kind of other illegal activities? Illegal activities like what I did know the time Fred became the only one who could know the depths of settlers desperation, and I have a private strip all over the country. Then I one black female and the enemy. I can't deal with her at all. She wants so much money money I don't even have I think that Fred really tapped into clans handlers from her abilities their because as goods his former employees will test, he didn't have any friends, or here comes Fred, who seems like a cool guy. It's called a brother and I think that Glim Sandler felt that you know he had finally met some. He could relate to. It was a precarious balancing act, Fred,
quickly set up a plan telling Sandler he needed to do surveillance on Betty saddlers apply details of their aero club life, even maps showing his location needed. Some, really understand what her daily patterns going to be, for she goes to the gym. Can let him know this and at these might work some by them I didn't know was that Fred had helpers. detectives like Jason Latoya, star run. We call who conduct surveillance and determined Whenever information we could improvise, add to the undercover officer such that he could go back to Mr Sandler and and make it seem like wine It goes here, and you know why, which she was here kind of thing. Were two that were involved and seemed like the dog traveled with her a lot. So I made mention of that one. I know quite what did you say the dog always with her
enough for him to understand that things are going in the direction you wanted them to go to, and he was excited about that. Several weeks went by I knew Santa had come to trust. He was the man the job They became very cold. Why tell it he was accepting. What was being said now He was very satisfied. I could tell that I was being honored, but what about that? Surely she should know her. Husband was cooking up more than just pastrami sandwiches, that you also go up to her and say: look I hate to tell you this, but your ex husband wants to kill you and I'm a cop I'm going to prevent that from happening. The time why not detected with oil? and I sat and talked about that. We have no idea what they were involved and we get making statements about shall give. After the police, police or testify against me. We didn't know quite what it was and if it something that was going to be bigger than what he was involved in. She could go back and tell him,
so you didn't know for sure whether or not she was just an innocent bystander here or whether she may be involved in some activity, correct, region. Reason to play along with Sandler detectives, had a hunch want to see where it went in one of their parking lot. Meetings Fred had above the drug business Sandra think he not only sold drugs but transported them to by airplane. didn't expect to hear was sanders. Reply here volunteered to fly the drugs himself in his own plain this may be your past, but on your future we have a new my history, you hide debris. What should the boy capacity is two hundred Not all. Then another ship as Sanders seemed to have done this before he boasted about smuggling back in most seductive Miami vice days. Only speedboat. Was its transport joys?
out of public affairs about a one just to transport okay? at a minimum of one hundred and try to get one hundred grant to get out of bed. Was it true as if to establish his credibility as a criminal Sandler claimed he'd once been charged with cocaine trafficking and then bought his way out of trouble, while the judge got away with it? was Sanders still in the game. was here's some unknown drug ring, Thou Fred had it provides had to play not only hit but drug smugglers. The case was becoming more complex than anyone. Imagine I was if one electricity and also certain collectively really bothers set up major smuggler now to keep his
ability with sander and probes Anders possible connection with the drug business Fred, have to stage something that look like a real drug run through He asked me for crack cocaine and had to tell him why it wasn't available when it was real before I let him believe I receive cure it's the cocaine from Sodexo Georgia. I am half way, and I pick it up, and that They saw me arrive in this aircraft. They would give me a lot more, so he agreed to fly you in his airplane to a meeting place just to get just so the hit on Betty was delayed. Fred organized a drug wrong from Sebring to Palm Beach. The holding a sham only Sandler had no idea. He was being played. was real was the fact that in that little airplane Fred
will be in the hands of pilot Glenn Sandler, a desperate man, perhaps capable of anything. Were you concerned about your own safety? I mean here's, a man who wants somebody killed. Maybe you want to feel too concern about what Who, among the loyal patrons of the Gore may delay, would have believed in aggressive? the Florida's exclusive Aero club community a hitman to kill his wife. I was ready to use his own plane. The run cocaine, it seems to me like he had just come out of a period, I really stable, possibly boring stage of his life, where,
had been married to the same woman for years and years doing the same business day to day for years and years and Maybe, MR those Miami vice type of days. Now he was to live them all over again. Yeah assuming that is the f B. I man, who called himself friend didn't blow his cover because your face reads what's going on in years or so, and you have a terribly designed to because now the undercover team expanded, along with the risk to deal with Batman, Sebring Florida, Sebring Airport agents, work with their locally also went to Sebring Airport took off for the Sebring Airport, the underground raging still posing as Fred in the seat beside them. as a little plane soared into the air, was enthusiastic, crib remained cautious. After all, he could
no Sadler had bought his act or had seen through it and after all, a plane. Ride would be just the place to shoot for it and have his body disappear into the ocean trying to work on the covers of danger, but I flew up to sue bring with them into the aircraft, I was by myself of course concerned once in Sebring. They met the supplier, Fred called him t bone Actually, another federal agent over coffee, Fred put everyone at ease. The then onto people excused himself went to the bathroom between sailor and I opened noticing how many were rent. if saw the five kills me back good as five years of little excited. There was five
winter. If it was fifteen, he made that statement to me and he was comfortable. The plan was to fly the goods back to North Palm Beach Airport Fred said T bone needed to accompany his cargo Things look real Fred told sand. He wanted to have a little fun with t bone, whom he said was afraid of small planes. the In fact, t fear of flying was also a cover. T bone was himself a pilot, I didn't know that as insurance Fred made sure T bone set up front next to Glenn Sandler. Still in that little plane, Sandler was the one in control in control of several kilos of coke and two under For if the I agents aircraft idea where to turn off key was. I knew, of course,
better than I was so. The second person are brought in. They could I am so sick aircraft suppose you ve got five kilos of cocaine in Europe line and a guy, you think, is a bad guy. In the plane with you just shove out the door and you've got cocaine. All yourself lot of things could happen, but the aircraft landed safely in North Palm Beach, workout airport My guys would not be. There Georgia will get out there and I'll be the house and then Frank proposed Sandler that here bandit his plan, the killers. Why wife? Why well for once, If I didn't want some defense attorney later on, to claim that he had encouraged Sandler to commit murder and for another, It seemed to him that Sanders still had real feelings for Betty. the he also have something of a jealous streak. Glenn had heard she'd been
at a bar in town, increasing sort of advertising her newly single that status about the playground article so far, suggested. Why not use his beloved airplane to run enough drugs to allow him to pay off Betty instead of killing the but sadly wasn't buying it. He wanted her dead. when he couldn't afford to have Betty Review the tax issue from business day only gather care business was concerned that she was going to be able to test a large amounts of income that were better Exxon on
Is that a reason to kill still Fred held off giving Sadler every possible chance to change his mind or reveal some dark her source for his murderous intent We know for sure what you want to do for reserve, when Spirit somewhere pushing Amadou. This was something outside of girlfriend selling. He had to go. Do this now She was tired of it. the following: It has brought to you by wise the smart wage. A move money internationally. Uk money
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the error in Palm Beach Florida, the FBI, undercover man, who called himself friend probed around gingerly for any motives Glenn sensor, may have had to kill his wife. Was it merely sanders determination not to lose in the divorce battle? With Betty was, it is fear, she'd exposes secrets to the IRS was at something else or someone else, the outside a girlfriend stalling. He had go. Do this now because she was now at never came up. It was driven was him. Wasn't somebody prisoner was him that wanted? By how many times did you propose to him that he didn't need the killer? You could do so else that was less severe several I just putting her in the trunk of a car or driving around for several days, poor morale and threatening her. That more would
next time there was good night during her alive the whole threading her. This goes any further the submit finished. There was good enough. Some point you told me that he had offered two point: five million dollars and five thousand dollars a month. Wasn't big enough for in the divorce any offer that Glenn made financially She said it's never enough, it's never enough and then, when Fred Promise have killed, there's a point where he I promised the last words she's going to hear are: is that enough Chandler liked it tell me what you want. We have an appointment elaborate, the not enough I want more so now it was time
just how he do it Fred didn't say, but he told Sandra it use a code to reveal the murder had happened, that Betty was dead, buried under lie. the most likely like said what is good for large blue on them, We have developed a two thousand fired detective J. And Latoya, followed daddy's car to a stoplight light over, gave her the news I told her. Her husband had Hired someone to kill her fortunately was an undercover police officer. How did she take it? She? really wasn't surprised. You're kidding didn't deserve breakdown. Stereo Terrier now and then that's what It really surprised me, but she acted sort of Van really exasperated then it just kind of a you know, what now soda sort of thing, like she is just kidding.
I'm tired of his shenanigans, so to speak. The judges to suggest like the latest in a series of behaviour she's had to deal with, but she wasn't surprised Teddy Sadler cooperated fully with detective Latoya. about arranging her disappearance, we if took her into custody and staged her death by collecting some personal belongings of hers. I drove her car and parked it in the grocery store parking lot in a conspicuous location, so that would look like He was basically abducted during her daily, routine Betty, save Fred called Sandler, up north. He said which meant she's dead. The next day Fred arranged to meet Sandra at a parking lot to collect. The fifteen grand center had agreed to pay his wife's killer there Fred. confided to his new friend that even he, a hardened killer, found, murdering suburban housewives disturbing
You know, even though I've done this before I'm a little uneasy and I need to go, settle down, I just came back from burn or not taken a shower and just metal stop walkabout, and I know I need new editor but he said he was a little easy to, but he's got it was glad she was dead. they mentioned also talk about. What you said is is enough. You said what you more concerned about. Kids. Just consider the males are big. Things are happening, a suitably gonna grow up another there such obvious enough. He said I was what happened was more said. The boy ever gets what you like it Fred gave: Sandler Betty's car keys under cellphone proof he said she was dead. You I really know what he wanted look at our cell phone to see who she'd been calling even then apparently
He seemed to have no remorse at all. That cold excited the same. He was happy that this was but, of course, It wasn't over when Sandra, had been a man who wanted to control everything, but what he didn't know was if now, perhaps for the first time in his life, would have no control over what happen next. I suppose you have just my regret in a suburban parking lot. Palm Beach, Florida Glenn, Sadler chatted with them hired to kill his wife. Life went on around them. The two discussed future drug deals Sandler's airtight by for that day and the need for secrecy, nobody
about this was no major about that's why it's me kill me to hold it. Did you want to talk about average, careful capital and they, Lesson is announced just my just at that moment Glenn Sander discovered the truth and down came the Swat team. The game was, Sandra finally understood he'd been tricked big time? How did you add to that. He became quite hears it guy who goes from wanting to have his wife killed to be happy that she's dead, but then worrying that he has been hoodwinked by an undercover cop. What did he just give up at that point? was he remorseful was? He sorry was what he became quiet. Just he became quiet, became court from
his body language, his gestures, the way Cooperate? What do you said he was. We're upset that he was arrested. I wasn't into in other states. Besides just being upset, he was arrested. Adler had been duped by a master, should have been working under cover for twenty four years. He as a master actor. A great improviser and and obviously, must have nerves of steel to be able to get in a situation like this and just act on it on the fly must have taken a lot of bravery around roomful each people who knew the sandwich were quite understandably, stun. He said now. I can t you don't believe it I don't know where that would come from the palm beach authorities carefully. Crafted their case with a slew of tapes recorded by undercover agent. Fred
and blue though briefly he considered an insanity defense. He ultimately pleaded guilty to solicitation to commit first degree, murder and trafficking in cocaine was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. What do you think about this? Guy? Now I don't know what good because I don't know that Glenn Sandler the sailor that taught me a tremendous amount of things about business. You know I am cutting edge things, but I don't know the the Glen sailor at the killer, Glenn Sandler, Did anyone was his wife, there's one time, colleagues, little garden more than a decade ago, when I told their stories about the man who would kill rather than lose. Knowing that he's capable of that, makes him very capable I love remembering everything he knows after ten years and wanting revenge to worry a little bit about. Ah, yes, yes, why? Why,
Hopefully he comes out being the nice guy, but who can say when saddler came out of prison in two thousand, a teen Betty Sanders sold the house at the Arrow club years earlier moved away. The tragedy would not let her go. Neither Betty nor Clan plant had two sons law. Then I said TAT, one of them died, and I must thank God- has father died as matters stand. In the end, the bitter financial fights sputtered out Saunders plain that he had hidden lots of money from the IRS seemed a centrally baseless. I believe the police seized his plane and his motorcycle. Because they were used in the course of running drugs, and then I presume, she got the house.
At the restaurant. She got the golf cart, but all that cash that seem to flow from the Gore May it all played out in divorce court and was said and done considering that his assets had been seized, she ended up being entitled to one hundred dollars a year. That was it that was it as for the deli it has a new owner now and that creamy chocolate cake the cake to die for the killer. not on the menu, the it takes a lot of ingredients to fix or build a car like cooking, but without the frozen dinner, easy way out. Ebay Motors has one hundred and twenty two million parts. It's always the right fitment, so you can follow any recipe to a t whether it's a vintage italian
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Transcript generated on 2022-03-21.