« The David Pakman Show

12/29/21: COVID Chaos & Insanity as CDC Changes Rules, Flight Mandate On Table

2021-12-29 | 🔗

--On the Show:

--Absolutely COVID chaos breaks out with the CDC's changes to quarantine and isolation guidelines, record cases, nearly 20% positivity in New York City, and more

--President Joe Biden says he will issue a domestic travel vaccine requirement if advised to do so by his medical advisers

--President Joe Biden surpasses Donald Trump in the number of confirmed judges during his first year in office, confirming the largest number of judges in a first year dating back to Ronald Reagan's presidency

--Republican Senator Rand Paul says Democrats "steal" elections by convincing voters to vote for them

--Former Donald Trump adviser Peter Navarro admits how he and Steven Bannon planned to steal the 2020 election from Joe Biden

--Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has completely melted down over Donald Trump's recent mild support for COVID vaccination

--The Denver mass shooter from earlier this week has been identified as a known white supremacist alt-right misogynist with a substantial online paper trail

--Voicemail caller explains his sister's anti-vaccine conspiracism, which has gone completely off the rails

--On the Bonus Show: Former Dem Senator Harry Reid dead at 82, Oklahoma Republicans introduce bill to limit how slavery is taught in schools, Dr Oz and his wife unknowingly curse out a reporter on the phone, much more...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What everybody we're down to just the last two shows of the year and it in one sense, the news has been kind of slow the last few days, but in another sense we have entered what is maybe the crazy his time since the start of the pandemic, in terms of the coming together of number one extreme pandemic fatigue number two, an outrageously contagious variant with record number of cases which officially are not even close to what the real number of infections is, and we will talk to that end. It is abundantly clear that the next I would say, six to eight weeks
are going to be extremely extremely unstable in terms of the range of sorts of reports that we're going to get so I mean, let's go through it as predicted. the extremely contagious alma Kron variant is rip roaring its way through the United States record numbers of cases over the last couple of days as the data from the holiday week end, been processed. We had on not yesterday, three hundred and thirteen thousand cases officially reported. Now it's a crucial detail.
I understand this is nowhere close to the real number. If you do an at home test and are positive and then you dont go and get a pc are at some location that officially reports these numbers that positive home case doesn't show up in these numbers, in addition, because somewhere between four Eddie and sixty percent of armour Kron infections are completely asymptomatic or almost completely symptomatic made a slight headache. Little scratchy throat not even something that would say to you: I've gotta, go get tested, a ton of people aren't even getting tested, never mind only getting a home tat. So you no doctor she talked about. We might see a million cases a day in the United States. We may be they're already. When you have three hundred and twelve thousand officially reported cases you can
conservatively assume that between home positive tests and people who don't even get tested, you ve got at least two times that number, which would put us at about six. Fifty, maybe even three times that number. So these are completely incredible numbers other signs that this is absolutely everywhere include positivity rates in some places New York City
now has a positivity rate of almost twenty percent, meaning if you go and just look at the percentage of tests that are coming back positive, it's about one out of five, almost one in five new Yorkers who took Covin tests, received positive results in the latest batch of data. The latest case count is a drop but overall testing, surged ahead of the holidays, skewing the figures in England. There is a report that, if you have cold symptoms right, if you look at the sub, this is now not a subset of people getting tested. This is this is this is a subset of just people with cold symptoms? Half of them are believe
have covered the homage cron variant, which is now dominant in the UK, now on that note, I mccrone being dominate. This is the next level of chaos. If you ve been following the question, what percentage of american cases are on a chronic versus delta? There was a report from above I want to say ten days ago, which said something like seventy five none of you. S. Cases were then COMECON suggesting that by now it's gotta be close to one hundred percent, not so fast that data was mistaken. There is now a new report from the CDC which cuts the estimate of the prevalence of Alma cry in the United States on crime is growing dramatically in the U S, but the numbers we got were wrong the CDC, Revive, its downward. The estimate of the percentage of covert that is now on the crime accord the agency data on a chronic counted for fifty nine percent of all infections. As of December, twenty fifth now remember the week of the.
Eighteenth. They said Almah cronies already. Seventy three percent turns out. That was only twenty two percent. the number is now fifty nine percent so is Kron more contagious than delta. Yes, Is it increasingly a larger share of all? U S, cases, yes, but the numbers were wrong. The numbers that we originally got were wrong and the new estimates as the hill rights mean that while majority of new infections are on crime. Delta has not been sidelined and is still about forty one percent of infection, so that is again another a change which is we thought that by now it would be all homage run. It turns out that it is not as of a few days ago, it was about sixty percent, meaning. Forty percent of cases are still Delta Delta, an emigrant presenting with. different severity, different symptoms, different level of vaccine evasion. Another element of chaos is
CDC, deciding to change the quarantine and the isolation guidelines and What I initially suspected was a change. Mostly. of aid by economics and finance and and meaning we just industry wants people working seems to be exactly that and so much confusion over these new guidelines. This. Did. He see has shortened recommended isolation in quarantine periods for the general population, the CDC, a sort of saying it's medically oriented, although many doc You're saying it's not really clear that there is a medical justification here. There's a debate about that right. Now. The new rules are c c is shortening the recommended time for isolation from ten days to five days. If you have covered a few or a symptomatic, followed by five days of wearing the mask
around others. The change is motivated by science, demonstrating that the majority of transmission is happening early in the one thousand two hundred and twenty two two days prior to symptoms in two to three days after, of course, if you don't have symptoms it's hard to say, which are the one to two days before and two to three days after so this is this is the confusion the guy I now, as if you test positive, isolate five days, if you're still asymptomatic, leave isolation keep masking for five days, Additionally, the CDC is updated. The quarantine period for those exposed not infected if you're on vaccinated or more than six months out from your second dose and not boosted quarantine.
five days and then, where a mask for five days, if it's not feasible to quarantine where a mask for ten days? If you ve had your booster, you don't need to quarantine after the exposure, but still where a mask for ten days and for all exposed get a test at day. Five, if symptom start quarantine immediately until you get a negative test or can confirm that your symptoms are not due to covet. The immediate question is this. Is this just a business thing and Doktor Michel will Lansky appeared yesterday on CNN? First of all was asked: why are we not
demanding a negative test, listen to what she had to sir. The UK has also shore and its period of isolation to seven days, but with a negative test on day six and day, seven, a negative rapid test. Why did this city see recommend taking a rapid test after those five days? Yeah really important question, so we do just to be clear, recommend having our potass during your period of quarantine after you ve been exposed, but we opted not right. Now we hear that rapid tough for isolation exactly. We acted not to have the rapid test for isolation, because we actually dont know how our rapid tests perform and how well they predict whether you're transmissible during the end of disease, the FDA has not authorized for that use. We don't know how they perform. Should this is a really important point, these rapid tests that many of us have have relied on.
They really are more accurate. When one is symptomatic- and I'm going to talk today about my my I faced off against on iran- and I'm gonna tell you about it and rapid tests, Europe or a big part of what I'm going to talk about so Doktor Rochelle As you say, you do. If, if your asymptomatic in these cases it's it's not really clear how much the rapid tests actually tell us, and then the question comes about are these new recommendations, medically oriented or business oriented. So from what you're saying it sounds like this decision had just as much to do with business as it did with the science. Well, so I really had a lot to do with what we thought people would be able to tolerate. We have seen relatively low rates of isolation for all in this pandemic. Some scientists demonstrated less than a third of peace
bore isolating when they need to, and so we really want to make sure that we had guidelines in this moment where we were going to have a lot of disease that could be adhered to, the people were willing to adhere to, and that spoke I'm speak specifically to when people were maximally infectious. So there is no doubt that a big piece of this is just water people willing to tolerate Quite frankly, and so I am not blaming anyone for any particular wrong. Doing I'm pointing out that the case numbers are so out of control It is not clear. We can vaccinate our way out of infection. We can hopefully vaccinate our way out of serious illness and death, although, although when I tell you story later. You might change your mind about that is well we'll get to that. Lets next talk about the domestic travel vaccine requirement. Starting two days ago, there was this question: what about a domestic travel vaccine requirement to get on a plane? Simply too
on a plane in the? U S from one coastal, they're not internationally, what about requiring vaccines, major controversial aspect that is being considered, doktor voucher sing, it would be reason ball, but I'm not saying one where the other work, whether I'm recommending at the latest use. Is that Joe Biden now says if his medical team advisers he will issue the domestic travel vaccine requirement and the anti backs people are going absolutely nuts president job, Biden said yesterday, he would impose a mandate that Americans must be vaccinated against Kobe Travel domestically. If his medical team recommends it went when he would make a decision on that. He said when I get a recommendation from the medical team, the the of mandating, covert vaccines for domestic travel has been bouncing around for months. The emergence of the COMECON variant cause the White House to revisit this question Biden said: last month:
would wait for the scientific community to give him a recommendation vowed she. Monday anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome and said that it would be reasonable, but that he does necessarily expected. He said. I doubt if we're going to see something like that in the reasonably foreseeable future Jenny last month's said it's not being taken off the table, but it will depend on the medical and health experts. So there's two interpretations of this medical and health expert thing. On the one hand, it's very refreshing after the prior for years to hear
President say I'm gonna, listen to the medical team, it's not about what I want that's great. At the same time, Joe Biden has sometimes used this. I will wait for recommendations to really just do nothing and we ve seen that use that in a couple of different instances outside of covert. I think it's really important just to be honest about what such a mandate would achieve and what it would not achieve this. If, if you do a vaccine travel mandate, the biggest accomplishment that it would push is getting more people vaccinated. We have seen that when people are pulled about would this or that convince you to get a vaccine. This is pulling people who have not yet been vaccine At this point, the vaccines have been available so long that there is real questions about what what, if anything, would get those people motivated the hundred dollar bonus was not a big motivating factor, but when people were asked, if you were required to have a vaccine to fly with that, make you go and get backs and aided in
was the though the one stipulation that got the highest number of people to say. I would, and it was something like forty percent in a pole a couple of months ago, so such a requirement would get a lot more people vaccinated. I believe at the same time, right now as on the crime becomes a larger and larger share of the infections. The effect on keeping infections down is going to be modest. It will be greater than zero. There is no doubt about it. It's believed that in fact, actually that, if you have three doses, you are up to seventy five percent percent prison per cent protected against symptomatic covered, but there is a real question as to what it will do overall for spread versus keeping people out of the hospital and alive, and it will do a lot as far as that is concerned it
be crushing politically, I believe, to Joe Biden in the media to do a vaccine travel requirement domestically. But if you look at the pooling of what people think just generally in the general population, it's not an unpopular provision. I think this is one of those things or if there were to be a domestic vaccine travel requirement. Rightwing media would go crazy and there would be some very loud voices saying it's absolutely terrible. But the country seem sort of fifty fifty on such a requirement and half the country already hates Joe Biden. I think it's basically the same half. I think a lot of the people that already hate him are the people against the vaccine travel requirement. So it is not something I actually expect to see any time soon, but Joe Biden says he would certainly be willing. Let me know if you think it's something we will see. I
I do not believe we will see that any time soon remember that on nine January first, we will be doing our twenty twenty two mid term kick off membership special. This is going to be a hare brained discount, if you ve, been thinking about getting a membership and all the great perks that come with it include The daily bonus show just get on my newsletter at David Pachmann, dot com, you'll get an email on January. First you'll be able to sign up at that great discount and hoping to kick off twenty twenty two in big fashion, very, very big from the standpoint of memberships. One of our sponsors is sunset: Lake C b D, a farmer owned company shipping, super quality, c b d, directly from their farm to your door. They cut
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When you go to Chile, sleep, dot, com, slash, Pachmann, that's c h, I l, I S. L e p, dot com, slash pachmann! The link is in the podcast notes. Remember that the David Pachmann Show is I merrily funded by viewers and listeners. Like you, we have a membership program, you can sign up, it join pachmann dot com and the benefits are extensive. We do an extra show every single day called the bonus show for our members every day is an extra fifteen to twenty minutes of power ramming in audio or video format. Just for you, you also get commercial free you and video streams of the show, and when we do these recently, they ve been monthly viewer town halls. We did one last night. In fact, our website members get priority access to participate in the town hall. Somewhere between six and eight times, higher Papa possibility probability of getting
with me during the town hall, so sign up it join pachmann dot com. You can use the coupon code better, twenty one, twenty almost being over almost twenty two now Coop uncle better twenty one to get roughly, I think it's like a forty percent discount. It's it's pretty solid. You know we talked about during the Trump administration. One of the big accomplishments that took place was Donald Trump. Getting a whole bunch of different judges. Confirmed Supreme Court justices aside, getting so many different judges confirmed who will shape the judiciary. in a right wing direction. Trump getting ideologues and completely unqualified people confirm to different judge ships and it's important to keep track of whether Joe Biden. Able to accomplish anything similar and to some degree he has been now. I'm gonna give you story. First and then give you the two perspectives on this because there are, there are people who are saying this is great and there are people who are saying this is really nothing. The headline is Joe Biden
is finishing the year with the most confirmed judicial pay. Stating all the way back to Ronald Reagan outdoing Donald Trump, certainly Reuters rights. President Joe I'd and wrapping up the year with more judges, confirmed the federal bench than any first year President's Ronald Reagan, The experts say a growing list of judicial vacancies could allow him to do even better and twenty twenty two, the Senate, confirmed forty or forty as Joe Biden likes to say, of binds judicial nominees, including eleven, a pellet picks. Despite early, can turns among progresses that he would lack opportunities to fill seats on nations. Thirteen circuit Its Biden inherited just to a pellet vacancies, Trump had seventeen and that help Trump make a near
two hundred and thirty four federal coin up of a federal court appointments over four years were just talking about the first year here as democratic appointed judges elected to go into Semi Retirement Biden gained the opportunity A point: many the White House says: seventy eight percent were women. Fifty three percent people of color more are expected. There's going to be votes on January third and there's going to be a whole bunch more. By nominated seventy three district and Circuit court judges over all his forty surpass trumps eighteen in his first year. So there's two different interpretations that you might be thinking. How could you be bad, ok, so, on the one hand, the one side of this that is this is bad. Is that
this was mostly moderates being replaced by moderates. So the effect is that, even though Joe Biden is replacing people and getting people confirmed Trump, was putting people in that were primarily ideologically kooky for the right wing. So well, Joe Biden has a high number for the first time. He's replacing moderates with moderates. These are not ideological nutcases that in any way there not ideology ideological, not nutcases on the right. They are also not progressives who are going to push the judiciary or pull the judiciary back to the left in any way right. This is this is the devil's advocate. Trump
able to actually change the judiciary and pull it significantly to the right and we're Joe Biden is racking up confirmations. They dont really do anything to undo that because its replacing moderates with modern, moderate so get that that's the kind of pessimistic devils Advocate perspective, the other interpretation would be. We don't want to go. LO, the way they go. Well, we don't want Joe Biden electing equally or a nominating and having confirmed equally incompetent left wing idea, locks, we want Joe Biden pudding. Incompetent people and everybody that Joe Biden has selected has had no competency issue, whereas Donald Trump was selecting nuts. In many of these cases completely unqualified people. You know it both can be. True is the truth, and we ve said
for when the system is what it is, you have to work within the system and get what you can out of it. This is why, until we change the way, redistricting is done. For example, both Democrats and Republicans will gerrymander to their advantage as much They can when, if and when, given the opportunity- and we need to change the system- ok, that that's one example. This is a different situation in my mind, and I dont want Joe Biden selecting the equivalent on the left of the right wing naughty ideologues that Donald Trump regularly selected. So I do see this as a good thing and the question is going to be: can Joe Biden continue? This remember that Donald Trump number was two hundred and forty three judges in four years, and he got three Supreme Court justices, one of which should have been Barack Obama selection of merit, garland, which we ve talked about ad nauseam and I'm not gonna
sort of refresh for you at this point in time, but let's try to keep it going and let's see what the tally is in another year, but its aid is an accomplishment. There is no question that it is an accomplishment, and it is also true that it is mostly the replacement of competent moderates with other com the moderates. You tell me how major of an accomplishment you believe it to be Rand Paul. The republican senator from Kentucky is being absolutely Riddick. Old first saying look here, is how Democrats are stealing elections and when you go- and you read you C, o Democrats are stealing elections by. convincing voters to vote for them and encouraging voters to go out and vote order, vote absentee or to determine how it is that they plan to vote
It's amazing that he even thought this was a logical thing to put out there so ran Paul tweeted out two days ago. to an article in the american conservative. Ok, the article going to look at its called the way Johnson Purchase and alive the article is about Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook and the centre for technology and civil civic life's involvement in Wisconsin, ok and ran Paul tweeted out a quote from the article adding how to steal, and election saran pulses, how it is still an election quote. Seeding an area heavy with potential democratic vote with as many absentee ballots as possible, targeting and convincing essential voters to compete, complete them in a legally valid way and then hard
sting and counting the results. This is called actions. This is called the lectures look at what ran policy in the way that Democrats have used trickery to win. Is figuring out where there are lots of Democrats who might vote, but they might not going there convincing them to vote and having them fill out. Absentee ballots in a legally valid way. In other words, voting running an election, and it really is worth. Looking at the actual article that that is linked to- and there is stuff, if you look at the article in some total, you will find a bunch of stuff here, about the influence of money. Electioneering mark Zuckerberg grants using using entities to shield one's personal and, like the there there's a whole bunch of stuff in here that is now
the way I would like to see elections run, but it is eagle, and it is part of the sort of status quo campaign, finance structure that Republicans, generally speaking, are absolutely fine with, but then the increase incredible part is you look at the strategy and its called running an election there's. A heading called how the Wisconsin five sought to implement the whiskers since safe voting plan, and it says the Wisconsin safe in plan lists for major strategic objectives. First, encourage and increase absent tv, adding by mail and early in person, mainly through provide eating assistance in completing absentee ballots and submitting them, and installing ballot drop boxes that there's nothing ominous there. It's make sure that people have places to drop off ballots, make sure people know how to fill out their ballots completely legal. It's called
voter engagement second dramatically expand strategic voter education and outreach efforts, particularly to historically disenfranchise residence. This is their smoking gun, where, where this it, the strategy literally, is due outreach, particularly to groups that have been hot, been historically disenfranchised so that they know how to vote. We are to vote what their options are: foreboding, how to get absentee bow wow. How dark and ominous third Recruit election workers mainly from a paid young activists who would replace the usual older election day. Volunteers get young people involved. Typically these
election day. Volunteers are older, that's a reality. Get young people involved completely legal, completely good and a distant forth in emphasis and level of funding was fun covert. Nineteen safety related covert nineteen related safety measures, nothing remotely concerning there just nothing remotely conserve concerning their they also in the article put in italics as if this is the smoking gun, and this is the part that ran Paul tweeted out, but all of the resources develop towards ballot, curing drop boxes, vote, navigators, partisan activists in full trading, local election office etc were aimed at one ultimate end, Is there big smoking gun as ran Paul tweeted seeding, an area heavy with potential democratic votes with as many as
de balances possible targeting in convincing potential voters to complete them in a legally valid way, then harvesting and counting the results. This is what we call voting. This is what we call running an election and per rand? Paul's explanation here is Stacy Abrams, who is also listed in this article, explaining how to quote steal the election, and by that I mean working to win the hearts and minds of voters so that they vote for you you're Stacy Abrams? Now you have long been a major voting rights advocate, but we are seeing a lot of new laws restricting voting, not just in Georgia but across the country. So how are you going to tackle this? Keep up this fight in twenty twenty two, I'm excited to know that when the set it comes, into session in January. The? U S and it is going to take up the freedom to vote
and the John those voting rights? It means when that these are two critical laws that will help protect voting rights across the country, because it's not about partisanship. This is about patriotism. My issue is it who gets to vote is that everyone who is eligible is allowed to vote my job as a candle of course, is to convince them to vote for me. But my job is an American is to ensure that every eligible voter has the right and the ability to cast a ballot so that the important take away here is that for the Republican Party, this hasn't been the same did you for a decade they are presenting as some kind of concerning or disturbing strategy, making sure people have the wherewithal and resources to vote, encouraging them to you so and targeting areas where there's lots of potential voters for your site, that's called running an election. Republicans haven't done that for at least a decade they essentially gave up trying to convince voters on policy.
In twenty twelve with Mitt Romney. You still had it a little bit when Mitt Romney ran against Barack Obama, they still sort of were running on policy, although the policy was increasingly vague and amorphous in twenty. Sixteen, it was completely abandoned. Policy was completely abandoned. Trump still said things that sounded like policy, but it was not actually policy. The twenty eighteen mid term, then Republicans just straight up. Abandoned policy in twenty twenty running on policy was a distant memory and there's no indication that in twenty twenty two Republicans are gonna run on policy they're, going to run on trying to make it difficult, and this is what they ve been doing, make it difficult to vote, particularly for people that are not likely to vote for you and run on cultural issues, critical race theory, etc. You, you guys, know the the roster so
we have actually seen Democrats try to run on a platform of policy and voter enfranchisement. I'm not saying it's a platform. I love in all ways. I've had no shortage of critiques and criticisms of the democratic platform, but it's been. Let's try to get people to want to vote and let's use policy rather than cultural issues, to do that, and republican running on cultural issues, running on fear. If you dont vote for us, brown people are going to invade from the southern border, they take away. What was it Trump said? They would tell you they would give you toilets that you have to flush ten to fifteen times and take away indoor heating and cooling, and all these different things will protect. It will protect the suburbs writing, stream racially coded language will protect you from people taking your jobs and raping, and all these different things so now
when you actually just run normal elections. It ends up being presented, as this is how they are trying to steal the election. This is called running an election. This is called politics and another completely humiliating public statement by senator ran Paul will have. It will have that tweet of his and coverage of this on our instagram, which you can find at David Pachmann Show you can also follow me on Instagram at David DOT, Pachmann. One of our sponsors is for sick matic, the company best known for their delicious mushroom coffee, forcing Maddox Mushroom coffee is organic, fair trade single or in a Rebecca coffee, with both lie in the main and chagas mushrooms struggle. Mushrooms have actually been shown to have potential in supporting the immune system in peer reviewed studies, I've been drinking for sick man,
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sort of like a kind of keep track segment. As we hear more and more about the people that new and were involved in exactly what the plan was between the November twenty twenty election and January six, the day of the Trump Riots, to try to steal the election from the guy who really want it, Joe Biden, an hands over two Donald Trump in some kind of way you can use the term coup, or insurrection or whatever term you want to use every time we hear from another one or two its trump insiders. We realize it was me more premeditated then in surely was believed. Although there is no question that I mean listen for the six months leading up to the election, there basically telling us we're going to say. The boats were in valid we're going to say that it was all fraudulent, etc. If they tell you that for six months, you should believe that that's,
they're going to do in that's exactly what they did. But there is an incredible new article in the daily beast that now outlines Trump economic, adviser, Peter Navarro, in an interview straight up telling them what the plan was and how he coordinated with even ban and read the entire article, we're going to take a look at it. The nickel in the daily beast is called trumpet. Visor Peter Navarro lays out how he and ban and planned to overturn, binds electoral win and its exam really, what we believed and even worse, a former trouble house official says he and right wing provocateur Steve Ban and were behind the last ditch effort to try to stop the certification of the twenty twenty election results and keep trump in our they even had a name for the plan called the Green Bay sweep in his recently published Why Peter Navarro trumps, trade adviser explains how
He stayed in contact with Bannon as they put the Green Bay sweep in motion with help from burn loyal of Congress, members of Congress loyal to the cause, but an interview last week with the daily beast Navarro, shed additional light on his role, and their coordination with politicians like Paul, goes, are and Senator TED crews quote. We spent a lot of time lining up over one hundred congressmen, including some senators. It started out perfectly at one p m goes. Our and crews did exactly what was expected of them. It was a perfect plan, it all predicated on peace and calm on Capitol Hill, we didn't even need protesters because we had over. Hundred congressmen committed to it, that commitment appeared as Congress was certifying the votes. You'll remember, senator crew signed off on goes artificial objection to counting Arizona electoral ballots. Remember that there is this that this was an issue
in two thousand, with Al Gore and George W Bush. In that election as well, the way that these objections work are that a member of the house rises in objection, and then they are asked. Do you have the support of a member of the Senate and typically, the answer is no, in this case Bruce was the Senate guy. Who is going to sign on to that staffers crews, Ngos are did not respond for request for comment. There is no public indication whether the January six Committee wants testimony or documents from crews or goes are, but they have only started to seek evidence the last minute covering never had any chance of actually decertify. The election results on its own, a point that Navarro quickly acknowledges, but their hope was to run the clock as long as possible to increase pressure on my pants to send electoral votes back to six contested. States now understand that every time we learn more about the plan, it's the same,
story that we are hearing now that we have the memo that was written by Eastman, the lawyer Eastman and presented to the White House about how this all could work. One of the big three points that was made was make it so that we put pressure on pence to either reject the electoral ballots from certain states, or even better, even more directly, even more aggressively, you could say seat an alternative slate of electors, what they wanted pence to do and, of course, legal, most legal experts say pet pence could Actually do this, what they wanted pence to do with say you know in these different states Arizona, I don't remember the full list, but it was like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan Wisconsin, maybe Nevada. They wanted pens to say well, you know what we can't trust the
numbers, and so, instead of allowing the democratic electors to vote because the democratic candidate one this I am going to bring in an alternative slate of republican electors who will cast their votes for trump instead of a job. I now is one idea: pence couldn't really do that. The other idea that they floated was ok, you don't bring an alternative slate of electors, but you say because it's unclear who really one some of these states were just going to take those electors off the table and what that does is it makes it so that the threshold for winning instead of being too said the electoral boats is some lower number idea the lower number, which Donald Trump did have that. That was the other idea. So when we look at this article we realise this is part of that same plan. It was all coordinated. The legal opinions that tromp had in front of them and the idea of putting pence in a position to take
It's the same thing that Peter Navarro and Steve Ban and were working on. What else do we have here? The girl they sweep was very well thought out. It was designed to get his twenty four hours of televised hearings, but we thought that we could bypass the corporate media by getting this stuff televised Navarro part in the ploy was to provide the raw materials that came in the form of a three part. Whitehouse report called the immaculate deception and the art of the steel. My all was to provide the receipts for the hundred congressmen are so who would make their cases? Who could rely in part on the body Abbott inside collected, to lay the legal predicate for the actions to be taken and the article points out ultimately states have not found any evidence of electoral fraud above the law.
which is exceedingly small. I think it was was it was. It was gone sinner, Georgia that found, I think, for dead people voted, and I think three of them just died after submitting their voting and we'll talk about numbers like that at the next phase was up to ban in Navarro describes in his memoirs. Stevens role was to figure out how to use this information, what he called the receipts to overcome the election result. That's how Steve came up with the Green Bay Sweep idea. The Little than legal beauty of the strategy was this: by law. Both the House and Senate must spend up to two hours of debate per state on each challenge for the six battleground states. That would be as much as twenty four hours of televised hearing, so that was the idea. Now, according to this plan, you can argue that the violence hurt the plan and what I mean by that is part of the real
and why the hearings didn't happen, and you didn't have twenty four hours because remember the day that a hundred thousand of you at disabled is actually about one point: three million different people joined my coverage of the January sixth Trump riots. My expectation on that day was that we were going to see objection after objection after objection, each with two hours of debate, and that I would step away from the coverage and we would just stream the coverage and it was going to go into the night twenty four hours, maybe even thirty hours. We were thinking. The reason it didn't happen is because of the riots, and so one could make the case that this plan, although it wasn't going to work to steal the election
This plan was derailed by the fact that the riots took place. Now, that would lead us to the question. Well, then, why would trump incite the riots Trump has in all of the above approach? Trump doesn't have the sophistication and then the ability for abstract thinking to realise well, this plan and the riot inciting could end up conflicting and causing a problem. Trumps ideas just do do everything do this and try to convince pens and then trip veto will cause chaos and ultimately because the debate stopped because of the risk the physical risk of violence to members of the House and Senate. This ended up not happening. This ultimately wasn't going to work, but it might have actually gotten them those twenty four hours of tv coverage that they want it. So again, it's all
in the open their admitting that this was the plan to steal an election that they did not actually, when I want to follow up on my coverage from earlier this week about conspiracy, theorist Alex Jones and what has taken place over the last four days with Alex Jones is really remarkable in it it it informs a number of different aspects of these coalition. and that have been built over the last four years and their fragility. Quite frankly, conspiracy, theorist, Alex Jones, was a big trump supporter for a long time. He is also a big anti back sky, spreading unhinged debunked vaccine propaganda, a regularly for the last year urine Donald Trump, recently made two very mild pro vaccine comments. While he said I still, whose mandate and free we everybody has to have freedom. Donald Trump did say on
age with Bill O Reilly. I got the booster. The vaccines are good and the vaccines work and then Donald Trump said to canvass Owens during an interview. The people dying overwhelmingly are the Unboxing aid and the right. The anti vax right has gone crazy. Some of them now see Trump is a traitor. One of those people is conspiracy, theorist Alex Jones. So we're going to look at a couple of clips and pay attention to the degree of fragility for the coalitions that immediately is made evident by Trump say something so mild and milk toast about vaccines. Here is the first clip this one's from the weekend. We already pay this when earlier in the week, but just just for context, is an emergency Christmas day warning to President trot you are either completely ignorant about this called vaccine gene therapy that you help ran through with operation warp, speed,
you're, one of the most evil man who has ever lived to push this time poison on the public and to attack their constituents. Now just to be, I I've been told. It's really important that that I do this so that the could our content doesn't get act. The vaccines are not Jean therapies and they are not poison. we try to save their lives and the lives of others we're about to lay out the basic incontrovertible facts that what you told and is Owens just a few days ago. Is nothing but A raft of dirty lies that untrue? What Donald Trump said to canvass? Owens, actually is true, but let's look at some other examples of this here is Alex, Joan
Losing his mind on Donald Trump for what he calls a say: tanning Alien attack, a say, technic, alien attack in children with deadly poison everywhere that they know herbaceous immune system and tromp is running around in a stupid red tie playing the part of them. A ceo. I, it is important to know that the vaccine does not a race. Your immune system, telling everybody all your playing. There had not taken their shot, no prob, you are playing into their hands and destroying yourselves and shining yourself the new world order that scenes are not part of a new world order. Conspiracy, idiot nor Riley, when a pervert, as you gotta pick women, opposition
Bill O Reilly, maybe a pervert that that actually maybe accurate. It's all just in front of me. I just can't get mad on earning more than others. Gregory's report anguish report, though just father so important, and so let's just air that and I may just gonna- be broadcast- I'm not trying to be dramatic here. I just I just never come back. You know I mean seriously just let every body what you want! Let shipping policy rob you. Let him molester children, let him take your four year olds away and there is no evidence that Nancy Pelosi or Adam Shift have ever or plan to molest any children, their genitals off your love. It is too busy with life and their own thing and their owners and their own candy asked bs to wake up out of the column of that there is a saint Kanak worried
Only an attack go anonymous. Planner vaccines are not a say, tonic, offworld, alien attack, okay, so understand how far actual these alliances? Are these people have principles that they abandoned as soon as reality conflicts with the principles these people for coalitions that are so frank, that is soon as there is any difference of opinion you have Jones seemingly having a psychotic break. Look at this next clip look at what is taking place here because trumps, it hid. The vaccines are pretty good at protecting people from dying Are you for supporting drop? It makes you ten. tat was just I know, but Does anyone know he'll regime and Obama's evil one? I know valves, evil and no bill gates is evil and I know they're all evil, but I didn't get a good and I believe in him until effected he's done. This makes it personal it makes it hard are secure.
For supporting trans. So look at the didn't look at the triggering Alex Jones who We, as he says, was a major transporter cannot handle, cannot handle trumps, mild support for vaccines. Let's look at just a couple more. These are taken. It affords a great what we ve done is. Is it also shine on joint, take credit for it Take me to on believe it How do you know what our delegation found she and binding in the New World WAR and Saki and and and and end the day, both group and peered as it and now trade, while no so Trump now officially persona non Grata according to Alex Jones Use. Just one last thing: there's the sesar pseudo visit pro Trump activist Alice, Steinberg, who was bite. It also unto info wars. She also now has turned on Trump check this out.
You're probably has a well. I don't care what he does, because this is about medical freedom. As long as we have the choice not even doing eulogise, if you go do you have to prove a beaver, is now, of course, remotely proof of papers by the way you proof of vaccination would understand that nobody's forcing you to go to trumps hotel. You have total choice. Did that does no obligation to go to Trumps hotel Can you continue to blindly defend this man? I dont get it make. It makes sense. Please trunk you some great thing office? Absolutely was I as rapporteur. I was a huge one there is no denying that what he is doing is evil, so there it is just incredibly fragile alliances in the world of Trump ISM and The the reality that we have to understand is that these people
when you don't really have principles to begin with, and that's one of the hallmarks of the trumpets movement which is part of why he one is he activated people who had no idea about the political world history what how politics works there. First involvement in politics was oh, I kind of like the stuff trumps adamant about four. And so when you dont, really bring any principles in by which you evaluate the man that you end up idolizing almost like a deity you, don't even really have a political ideology against which to evaluate their future.
Actions and that's why you're seeing these very people immediately turn on Donald Trump, its fascinating to see- and I was just really really seems to be struggling there- we're going to take a quick break and be back right after this one of our sponsors is called privacy. Privacy is a totally free service that I've been using for years. Privacy lets me create virtual payment cards with one click, and when I use the virtual card the money is taken out of my bank account. You can create multiple cards, delete them. Freeze them set a spending limit on them. Let's say I'm signing up for a free trial and it requires a credit card. privacy, will Otto fill a virtual card number and then, after signing up, I can delete that virtual card. So I know I'm not going to be charged again. Something
really useful and very practical or let SAM ordering food over the phone. But I left my wallet somewhere. I dont have my real credit card on me. I can use a virtual card on my privacy. Mobile app but really the best part is you're not out there. Exposing your real credit card number, so you're not is susceptible to data breaches and identity theft. Privacy is a totally free service and you'll get five bucks to spend. When you go to privacy, dot, com, Slash Pachmann, you can The link in the pod notes are I. This is a really serious story. You know we we talk about in the abstract, how this escalated, coarse and more kind of audacious and brazen extremists medical rhetoric that has really gone. public and a lot of ways this since the start of Trump ISM.
has real world consequences. These people are, article lies for real. Then they go out and they do things in the real world. The January six Trump riots were really great example of that these are people who, in a great insignificant proportion, existed on line for a long time. And then they went out on January six them, then they did horrible things. Monday night there was ass shooting that took place in Denver, and it turns out that the perpetrator and when we really, we have no often in these We don't name the perpetrator, but in this case the perpetrator was unknown entity. The perpetrator was an individual with known public white supremacist, all right, massaging, mystic platform or position. We are learning more, more about this shooter daily Beast article called Denver.
Men left online trail of hate. Tells you a lot of what you need to know: Linden Macleod, who police say, killed five people in Denver on Monday was an author dedicated to all right, philosophies, looting, masculine supremacy, contrary and covert beliefs and targeted violence against the quote. Weak Macleod appears to have operated a plethora of twitter. instagram accounts under the Alias Roman Mc Clay, which he used for his three book series sanction in his posts. Macleod seem too frequently used excerpts from his work to comment. Current events, such as a covert misinformation, meme on twitter, featuring Facebook, creator Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the meme featured the billionaires. discussing the reproach to the pandemic, with gates being thanked for mandatory
vaccinations with Zapper Zuckerberg congratulated for a quote: injectable Nano Warm Macleod who was killed by a Would police officer Monday after shooting her in the abdomen, captured the photo with a quote from one of his characters in his book series its? really a worm so much. However, I understand the point he gleefully indicated. Some people required violence to be addressed while discussing a twenty fourteen youtube. Video titled MIKE Tyson destroys reporter untrue, Macleod as his character, but, as is persona clay blasted the passiveaggressive reporter and praised Thyssen for using direct aggression during a press conference, Tuesday police confirm that Macleod, who record showed owned his own tattoo parlor targeted each
His victims, rightwing wrapper and social media personality, known as you be hosted MC lay on his podcast to discuss sanction and twenty nineteen the host claimed the book was blowing up twitter, though he admitted he Read it police say during a Tuesday press conference. Macleod previously was investigated, but they didn't come on. Why Kurt Barnes, as spokesman for the Denver police till Daily bees, he was not aware of the connection between Maclean Macleod, but would forward the information to investigators, there's a whole tweet history of this guy, including there's a tweet from twenty eight teen where Chloe Val diary tweeted my Angelou said that if a person is told they are nothing than they will say. Oh you think I'm nothing. I will show you where nothing comes. Do you think it's coincidental that, at a time when the left it
damning whiteness NEO nazi activity is going up on the right and Roman Mc Clay, which is believed to be disguised online. so now said. Finally, someone is saying this, maybe Heather I will listen to you since she follows you good job pain, demands? A response? All of us have led big systems and feel terrible when society hates us in visible man by Ellison or sanctions, same story, different race, so an entire, an entire online history of this guy another one of these issues This is where he wrote. I start with sexual dimorphism. For a reason, biology is our first clue. Then you look at that. In the years of religions, from north to do Christian and Muslim all demand female chastity then you ask modern men how they perceive unchaste women, three level
of Analysis, which line like typical kind of men's rights activist massage stuff. So what's the take away your what's the lesson, the lesson is that his fiction, the fiction that this guy fell for was the foundation for his actions, and this stuff has real world impact, also important, because whenever a moment to do this, every time we cover a shooting. Now this was a shooting. On Monday, I got a lot of attention. There were a hundred and ten other shootings on Monday. In addition to this one. This is constant. This is a constant backdrop check out the specifics on gun violence archive dot org, but this was one shooting we talked about and there were a hundred and ten other shooting, not mass shootings, a hundred ten other shootings of different kinds, some subset of that mass shootings. It is a constant in the United States, we have a voice mail number. That number is to one nine to David P. Here is a sad
smell from a guy who's sister appears to have lost it. hey David, come now me and my sister diverge gone believes a couple years back and now she is a hard core, Anti Baxter, as you going to have it the same thing so stupid that therefore me- and I dont know how to respond, as she says these things, with such condition in the story that I don't have a medium come back and in her head away for right, she thinks I can't see anything back, because I wrong and she's right when in reality I don't even know where to begin explaining how come she found this is. Says the SAM Harris thing from his podcast a couple months ago about why he hasn't done a debate with Brett Wine, Steiner. Whoever else and SAM Harris has explained. It is really is to start a series of small fires that are very difficult for even someone who's prepared to put
and that is soon as someone goes well homer. You think vaccines work. What about the zoom We in study that showed everybody got worms from the vaccine and and then died of covert anyway and then you go on, and I didn't see that study legit, I'm not sure, I'm not exactly prepared and then the purse, and bringing it up feels emboldened as if they are right. That's exactly what SAM Harris described, which is what the collar is talking about here, a waiter example, the reason I'm calling you sent me the child and the father that says dad is Santa Claus Spade and the dad says, of course, not son, think of how many people would have to be in on it Comparing Santa Claus to cover nineteen. Everyone with half a brain can see how stupid daddy's?
even know where to start trying to explain at her. You know it I hate to say this to the collar, but it it may not be worth. To explain it. I mean in the idea. The question is: what would be your goal? Is it just to change her mind or is it because you believe she's a node of different disinformation? If it's the former, I may not even bother because that that that is extremely weapon, Ized disinfect, nation. We ve got a great bonus show for you. Today we will talk about the passing of a former Senate leader. A hairy. Read at age, eighty two very important historic political figure of twenty late twentieth century in the Senate, I would say: Oklahoma Republicans, are introducing a bill to limit how slavery is taught in schools, worse, and we will talk about Doktor OZ, his campaign already off to a bad start. All of those stories, we're on today's bonus, show sign up at joint Pachmann Dotcom, don't miss the second
to last for a show of twenty point.
Transcript generated on 2022-01-03.