« Desert Island Discs

Classic Desert Island Discs - Malala Yousafzai

2023-05-14 | 🔗
Lauren Laverne talks to the activist Malala Yousafzai in a programme first broadcast in 2021.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Pvc sounds music. Radio broadcasts lorna, then he would take now- is to break so until a back on air. Why showcasing a few programmes from our archive as usual? The music speech shortened for rights reasons this week's guest, as the activist malalai you subside. I cast her away in twenty twenty one My castaway this week is the active it malalai use of side. Her state is this
It's that she requires no surname, let alone an introduction, but for tradition sake here goes she's the youngest nobel prize winner in history and she jokes, the only recipient of the peace prize who still fights with our younger brothers. She was already prominent campaigner for girls' education in her home country of pakistan. When, nine years ago, a taliban gunman boarded her school bus and shot her. She was fifteen who is Malala. He asked before he opened fire at twenty three. She is still standing up and telling the world who she is and how that's changing today, she's an oxford graduate, as well as a nobel laureate, a best selling author and co founder along with her father of the Malala fund, which campaigns for girls
the occasion around the world in twenty seventeen, the? U n, designated April, tenth malady in honour of her birthday. She says, since I was ten years old, the principle of my life has been to stand on the right side of history and to ensure that we fulfil our responsibility to make this world a better place. Malalai use of sight welcome to desert island discs. Thank you, sir. For the opportunity and congratulations, belatedly. You graduate from Oxford university last year with a degree in p politics, philosophy and economics, and I think from might you enjoyed studying philosophy. Most of all, what did you love about it For me, I think I am more attractive to words, like virtue ethics, and I think it's important to be virtuous, and sometimes you know virtues like kindness: generosity are taken for granted and small deeds door there, their small their looks more
just be kinder, smiling at someone. They can have a real impact in. They can actually bring joy, happiness to your life into the lives of others. So I'm sort of more on that side. He no tells you how to be than focusing more to act. When you were younger and contemplating possible career paths, you did think he might become a politician. Is that still what lies ahead for you to think? I wanted to join politics, and I when I was eleven years old? I said it straight away that I want to become the prime minister of Pakistan, because I believe that that is something that could fix the country. It was quite simply for me, then I just realized there do you know why? Why is it that you sit you no in a state of responsibility? You are, You have the responsibility to look out for the whole country, and you still don't do anything as offer me out. Like ok nobody's listening to me,
now that one day when I'll become the prime minister and fix everything, but what I have learned is things are quite complicated and right now my focus is to work on cars, education and then I dunno. I could consider politics, you know in twenty years or something Yes, it is time for the goods. So long time lies ahead. There is a tradition of oxford that students get trashed at the end of them.
Exams and that means being damaged in food and champagne confetti now because of Karuna virus, you finished your exams at home. In Birmingham, but anyone who follows you on social media will have seen that you were trash, not wounded. Did the owners who trashed you also? Actually, I have to I firmly drew trash me and I ordered everything that was needed. Confetti shaving form, glitter wholly powder, all the different colours, as I mentioned, you know you ve got the odds argument with your little brothers and in your time, so this was their chance for pay back. Perhaps oh yeah, there were thirty cheeky in this as well. They were throwing their tune
One yells liking it you need to start up a. They were just snort stuff think there was a great opportunity for them here. So mulatto, we're gonna, hear the music that you ve selected today. Of course, starting with your first disk, tell us what we can do here. So I sat here listening to sophie songs, which are mostly sang in the form of kamali. I used to listen to these songs in universities, especially I you know when you are sort of on your own. It's your first time that you have left your home, you're not under the supervision of your family, and you are learning what it means to be independent and you're learning more about yourself and which sufi songs. It talks a lot about the connection to god, the connection to that being the connection to yourself and it these these songs are very powerful and you don't even need to understand the the words and you don't need to understand that the poem
there's something about the dutch is useful. drew. the If color by road, forty alike, khan, and injured savary baloney subject: you ve been delivering, go message about girls education for over a decade now and of course you are recognised around the world do you need to have a certain amount of separation between the public perception of view on who you are home? There is that other sort of Atlanta, that is in the house,
I am quite bossy in a way in a positive way. In a very positive way, lecture my brothers on the time do this: do that don't do this? Don't do that they're probably needed boys needed I don't like juice so, which is good. You know it's going to help them in the future. One of the big problems that we're facing at the moment is, of course, the amount of this information that's out there, and people might be surprised to hear that this there's a lot of misinformation and disinformation out there about you.
How do you feel about that initially when when they started- and it started back in two thousand and twelve when the incident happened within, I think a month or so people started studying this. This misinformation, that this attack was all planned or that you know blaming my father for it or then soon. This native started that this incident had never even happened, and it's all you know what sort of a fake thing, and it's so hard to process that because you are like like we do know. What do I say, and it also would look silly if you say ok, you know, shall I show you the scars on my body or shall I should
with the medical documents from the hospital, but we have reached a point where people would not even believe that in my real life I have not met anyone who has been disrespectful to me or who has called me fake or anything. So that is something that gives me hope, and I do hope that you know when they meet you in person. Their views will change, but maybe I'm just a bit too optimistic in that. Do you have to find time to have fun to take a break and just be silly? Every now and again I wasn't having much fun of for university, but when I went
university, and when I connect to two people of my age, friends of my age, that is when I realized they talk here. I am actually not at all, and I can I can. I can still have those experiences of youth that I deserve that everybody else is having saw, I started hanging out with friends. I started going to college boys in old music events and to spending time with friend. It is just so hard to explain it, but when you are with europe you're just having one of your best times ever so that childhood sort of has come back in me, and I am really happy for that. It's time for music malalai. This is your second disk today tell us about it. Why the chosen for this Can song is genuine eleven geena, where the waters need by their side? guy she's a when north fork singer of Pakistan, she comes
A very small village and music was banned during Taliban times. You would be stopped at the check posts that were created by the taliban and don't stop your car and I'll check for music sites. Dvds, cities to ensure that you are not listening to music. So this bush, though song, is very close to my heart, because this was something that will stay. away from us at that time. and right. Now the Can you very long geena where the waters meat by thus anger and monopolies,
side. You were born in the town of mingled era in the swat valley region of pakistan, and it's in the northwest very near the afghanistan border. Yes, sometimes referred to as the switzerland of asia. How would you describe it? It is one of the most beautiful places that I have seen in my life. It is a valley, surrounded by these tall mountains, Those peace there, peace that you are just in this beautiful part of nature, your father was and is still a great inspiration to you and in your nobel, like t, thanked him for not clipping my wings and letting me fly tell me but more bite him. I am lucky that I have an amazing, Feminist father and I say that he was a feminine,
before he even knew the word feminist, he was not just preaching about the equality of women. He was actually doing good. He ensured that I get my education did. I get treated the same way as my brothers get treated, and there were so many other young girls in swat valley who wanted to speak out and who were speaking out initially but their their brothers and their fathers stopped them from speaking out and what's different in in my story is that my father did not stop me it's as simple as that. What made him different. Do you think my father always shares this story that he had five sisters and there were two brothers and he noticed a discrimination with his onto eyes? Oh when his bearing sorts of food to all the children, the boys will get the big a piece of meat then the that goes. We would not be prioritized my grandfather, he educated what the boys, but he did not send a goes to school. So for me
Father into the question was like. Why is it that just because he's a boy he's getting all these privileges and he decided that you know when he will have his own borders or daughter, he will make sure that they are not discriminated that she gets equal aren't. I ford in chicken and everything that she warned and that she is sent to school and that she gets higher education for him. It was witnessing that gender discrimination with his own eyes that change him and tell me about your mother to she's got less of a public profile it than your father has his a campaigner of activists like you, but she sounds like a very strong, very grounded person. How would you describe her? She, the wise woman, and even though she did not get higher education, she was only five or six years old and she saw her books and she got some candies in return and she never went back to school. nobody in her family even asked? Why was she not in school because it was never a priority for them?
and then my father and my mother, you know they. Their stories are quite cute height now, because you know they didn't have tinder or these dating halves or anything, and they couldn't even meet. You know properly. They couldn't gonna date or anything. My father would be field and my mom would be going on the roared with her friends and he will sort of see her from distance, and there were also like distant relatives as well. So my first my mother would sometime visited house and they'll just look at each other over the students that is out of their love story. That's what they have told us so diverted from the off. Yes, eve described some different attitudes to the birth. Those employed in pakistan culture. When you a small sum of your relatives, even sympathized with your mother, I think having a daughter and not a son, your father had other ideas. How did he celebrate your arrival when I was born my father's cousin. He
been working on our family tree and when my father looked at it? It had the names of oil, the men who had been in our family we back to three hundred something gears, but there was no name of a woman in their it's, not that didn't have women in our family? Yes, we did. They wore women, He's just their names are not on the family tree and my father. He took a pen and he rode on my name. He was not accepted, society where women's names in their identities and their presence is raised. Let's take a moment for some more music. Mrs disk number three tell us that this choice.
This song is called, never say, never buy justin bieber and I used to listen to these songs in pakistan and I was very new to pop culture, but it was trending at that time. So here's the song never are saying the justin, bieber
and never say never good to confirm that you are a believer on the programmes is aim lala. Thank you see. Your father was a prominent activist in your district and he believed that boys and girls should be educated side by side and have equal access. He confided to school in swat valley, which you attended. What kind of student where you I was was a really good student. I'm you know when I look back, I'm like molalla, you are doing great. You are an outstanding and excellent student. I was you know academically I was doing well. I was participating in every co curricular extra curricular activity, you know doing speeches and performing in any cool event, in going for anything in my father's philosophy was that if you can run a good school and if you can give quality education to these children, if you can inspire them to become change makers. That way you will
use, ten twenty more doctors in ten twenty engineers and in leader than change makers for the society that we're living in from an early age. You were keen for your father to do more to help children, especially those growing up alongside you from poorer backgrounds, who you trying to persuade him to help, back. Then, when I used to walk to school, I used to see many young girls who who are not in school. There would be going to other people's houses for the domestic labor that they had to do. Many of them would be- on the garbage domes and they would be collecting michael pieces from the garbage, and I always had this question that you know. Why is it that I can go to school, but and I I started to realize that this. This is not the world we should be living in. If I can go to school, so should everybody else who's around me and have I I wanted to do this activism for all children, then,
I go to school, it's time for some more music from you at molalla. This is a disk none before what does it mean to you and where would you usually listen to this? So this is a song called hummed achingly, we will see bike by bono and the poetry is written by faith and my faith. He is a well known a void in pakistan and he wrote this poetry during the time of the Alec, who was a military dictator and he brought a military coup against the huck was a political leader, and this song was actually censored, and this brave woman by nor she goes to the state in nineteen. Eighty six and she sings the song and the whole room are just in. sense of revolution whenever I feel there is a bit of hope missing the mission that I'm fighting for ordering the change that
we all want to see. I listened to this song and dead faith that belief that truth shall prevail to turn when it comes back in the day that okay, I'm back they can gain. We will see by ecb albano
molly use of die in the wake of the nine eleven terror attacks and the? U S, lead invasion of afghanistan in two thousand and one the taliban were driven out of the country by two thousand and eight they were established in swat valley. You were eleven, then what do you remember about that time basically it was a life in fear of the Taliban. They would enter into people's houses just because some you know they had spoken something, or they were just a bit suspicious that these people were against them and they would have you know, kill those people, and you know they're in the square it's called the green square and their bodies would be hanging there with a nord saying that nobody can remove this body seven, a m or twelve p m, so they wanted people to even see that and if anybody removed eg, you said that you know your body should be here: two yards
It is difficult to understand that ideology. You know it's. They literally misuse the name of Islam. Who did you think these people were to be honest? I I just did not know who they were Even when I I I used to you when you are young, you have this belief that sort of theirs magic get anything can happen, and then you make a wish to god, and then he will listen to you and in the world will change, and I used to believe in that and I used to primitive ard that he just fix it. Wait- and I was like an know- don't harm these people- I don't want them to be home, just sort of like make them disappear or just make them just better. People and just remove all these guns anymore, why these weapons from this world? So we can all live in peace in everybody's, safe and everybody can be smiling and you know walking on the roads. streets again and not be afraid, when did you realize that your father's school was under threat? There were writings,
side on the wall of the school. That said, that education is forbidden and if any goes goal we all go to school, that you shall see the consequences and my father close to school on the fifteenth of january two thousand and nine, because that was the fisher deadline from the taliban. It was very clear that if anybody kept their school open, theirs we would be bombed- and I remember like in a waking up one on that day and is realizing that you know like. I could no longer go to school what does that mean for me? What does that mean for my future? It was agreed. Side day- and I cried her large, but soon I think around February the tiny abundant to allow guys still grateful because this ideal grateful the guys are sort of young. nothing. They have not reach that puberty sort of age in that age, where they should be married, saw this I'd, really love a goes to agreed for, and I was in incurred five and we started going to school secretly.
He did not go in school uniform. We used to wear our normal home clothes and we would hide our books under our scarves and we kept going to school even in in that time. By the time. Will this was happening? You had already started telling your own story, albeit anonymously. You were right to block the bbc under a pseudonym. Was it a case of you were more scared about what would happen if you didn't speak out than what might happen if you did hundred percent of for me, the fear, was living in that situation forever. For my whole life, I I don't know you feel this trend within you, even though your tiny and amend I'm still titanium like five for the have nots, go on an instrument if either to and you'll kill heels a thing ache? Yes well, we should include bad, but I just hate this belief that if you are on the right, but if you are speaking the truth and if you are speaking out for justice there
something there are these invisible guards around you? There are these angels protecting you, you in others this power within truth. So I believe that you know somehow that we will be safe and we will, we're finding that we will win in the end. Malala too. Let's take a moment for some more music. This is disc number five. Why we chosen this one when I moved to the uk. I was very new to this culture and I was trying to find what I like and lighten the music in the art here I realise that I really like musical soy watch the phantom off the opera, so many times and I loved each and every song in this was really hard to pick one, but I chose all I ask of you worked with us
two all ask view from the phantom of the opera composed by sir andrew lloyd weber, with lyrics by charles heart and performed by Sarah bright moon and stiff button with the original london cast. So murali you subside october, the ninth twenty twelve was the day that made headlines around the world
it was when what you called the incident happened. What do you remember about the afternoon? I remember sitting in a school bus talking to my friends, justice talking to the bus driver and he was doing some like magic tricks with a pebble just hiding it. It was appearing and disappearing. Ours is really fascinated by died. I love magic tricks, endo, eighteen on it, then he started on driving and I just I don't remember anything and then I wake up in a hospital in Birmingham, so you don't have any memory of of the incident itself. What what did your friends tell you? So I asked my best friend. Her name is more neighbour and she said that of a man at the friend. Probably young men had stopped the school birth and he was talking to the driver.
and then one guy sort of came to the back of the bus and he asked who's manila and everybody was just scared. Some of the girls were covering their faces. Some were not. I was not covering my face and I was like when you were like what They are doing it. I say anything and she said no. You were just staring at the person and you're, u squeezed my hand, so tightly that I could feel the pain for days and that he knows suddenly village were fired and you fell in my lap. Your injuries was so severe that a few days after the shooting you were allocated to the queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham, not specializes in treating injured military personnel. even a medically induced coma for a week. What do you remember about coming round? I remember opening my eyes and I was trying to process the whether I was alive,
where I was still a sort of india dream when you are not really dead and you are trying to get out, but you can't and though I was grateful whenever you guys I was alive- I just cannot explain it just just the thank fullness that I had in my heart and I was worried about my father, so that was literally the first question in my mind, Where is my father, because the images that had formed in my brain was getting their different story using or that my father was attacked as well, initially I could not talk because I had a tubing, my neck for breathing saw or whatever I wanted to say. I tried it on a piece of paper. What guides whichever doctored, entered the room. We know outright to them. Where's, my father, and I remember I you know I called one of the nastiest like I have to call my dad there's something important I have to tell him before he comes here.
and I called him- and I asked him to bring my physics books, because I was worried that I might be a bit behind in my physics revision, for you know my exams in pakistan, and I did not know that the journey in the time that I'd be spending in the uk will be longer than that. Let's take a moment for some more music. This is your sixth selection. Today. Why have you chosen it? This song is called curry curry, which means dark dark and it is by corridor lane. Village. The song is in order when it is from a movie called pink a bollywood movie that touches the issue of women's rights and the just the stereotype and just the stigma that has been attached to speaking out about these issues in what way have to suffer that you know they have to make so many compromises in their life and often time they're, not given justice when it comes to their physical safety god he got it aside. He saw your love
the. Hurrah sunni, give me your seat. yes, cod recovery, doc dark from this contract to the film pink performed by Kurt, Ooh notch malalai use of thy aside from the physical scars left behind by the attack on you. Of course, there was also the huge emotional trauma. How did you begin to process? What you'd been true to gone is initially I was. I was very strong. I realise that this was a
in life for me- and this was given to me for a reason and for me like I just did not think too much about the attack, and I am grateful that I don't remember the incident so when people used to you know talk about the story of molalla. I sometimes just could not connect to it as like. Are they talking about sort of me exactly who this person is right now or is? Is she somebody is? I know that you've settled into to life in Birmingham an hour and obviously that must have been a challenge for the whole family. How did how long did it take everyone to adjust? Firstly, we are going to stand the accent. Ah I hear doing poorly economy accents. You know I'm going to have to demonstrate right. So when I gave the speech at the at the? U n, I said Malala day is not my day to day of every girl. So then I started practicing it in my brummie accent, malign days not might die as the day of every girl.
unlike sunday, one day, Hawaii or yeah, so I I love this accent. He said not too long ago that you can have more than one home. Do you? Birmingham has become a second home, but swat valley, Pakistan, that is always my first home and that still in our hearts- and there is a sense of attachment to the land to the soil, and when you put your feet on this on this, you know different piece of land. You just feel like you belonged to it. I hope to go back to pakistan soon, to see my home again and, given all that you've been through, do you feel safe today I have seen hmm worse scenarios than this, and I have seen the time when we were in clear danger. There were people walking around in the street and you could hear their footsteps and you knew that they could just get into your house and I'll get you it's when you see sort of
image in and you are still alive and you're still fighting for the cause that you believe in then you realize that you know if it. If it has to happen, then it will. But right now just keep going in and keep doing what you want to do. Time, simile, music, I think molalla. What are we going to hear next and why have you chosen him, though? The next song is love always comes as a surprise, and it is from reading aska t. I am a big big fan of animation and their songs. Their messages are always so important, so I'm sure everybody else related love always comes as a surprise because do you recognize life Well, it always has twists something new that can't be
and you know I really love always comes in. Surprise from the sand to the film madagascar, three performed by Peter Asha. Everybody else did look, I'm sure. How could you not monopolies Similarly, you known- and of course we know- you well- is a passionate brave campaigner who can come on the world stage, but, as he said earlier, there is another side to you. What do you do when you need to take a break? Saw I spend time with my friends and his fishing has been there may have been on, nor the house piety. We should say hi parties and out to kind of group chats up right. Yes, but I also like the old british did comes as well like I fully endorse. Yes, minister- and I am just a big fan of registered coincide on his watch. Those shows the idea of you sitting down watching black address. Just bring me so much joy. When are you happiest? Do you think
any moment. So many when I'm you know with my family when we're just you know, sharing a joke or something those are moments of joy and happiness, and you should always have you know value them. When I'm when I'm watching a cricket made between india and pakistan and by august on wind? I really really haven't being and, of course, I'm about to cast your way to our desert islands. How do you imagine life there? I think it would be good. I expect really nice whether there I hope it would not be enough to call you lord in listening to these beautiful song. That would be reminding me of my movements of Heaven is joy,
in the soul within me and just have just been grateful for everything in this thinking to life. What is life, whoever here and yeah, enjoying my time I hope well before we send you there we're going to hear your final disc, and I know it's got a very special resonance for you because it was performed at your nobel prize ceremony. Yet though, and this song is called BBC Sheena, a brave girl and it is fang by Sarah Tucker- and this is a song- they talks to young girls, especially push through ngos, that is my community, and they saw. says that in all education is your right and you should be able to achieve any gene that you have
More than one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine point- ninety nine nor made of my group I mean I will not repeat what my baby, serene or a brave girl by sucker. Only tucker, it's time to send you to the island mozilla. I am giving you the books to take with you the koran and the complete works of shakespeare. You can also take a choice of your own. What would you like? Salt egg platos complete works? I studied people's republic in my university and since then I have become a big fan of
doesn't take all of his books with me. What about a luxury item to meet your stay on the island? More enjoyable? I can nord survive I want a lip balm, so I'm going to take my lip balm, which is a slightly coloured sort of lip balm, so it gives that beautiful color to your lips, and I will be very happy with that forever. We will send you an inexhaustible supply of lipbalm with you thank you sought and, finally, if you had to which one track of the eight that you shared with us today, would you save from the waves? Hmm, I will go, beat the king. We will see by the vile banner malala yousafzai. Thank you very much for letting us hear your desert island discs. Thank you saw it. I just loved it and enjoyed it the
Transcript generated on 2023-05-24.