« Desert Island Discs

Classic Desert Island Discs - Russell T Davies

2021-04-11 | 🔗
Russell T Davies is one of the U.K.'s most successful television writers. He spent his teenage years learning his dramatic craft with the West Glamorgan Youth Theatre, and his career in television began in the children's department at the BBC. His first solo hit TV series was the ground-breaking, sexually frank drama Queer as Folk, first broadcast on Channel 4 in 1999. A lifelong Doctor Who fan, he relaunched the series in 2005 for a new generation of viewers. Such was its success, he found himself working around the clock. More recently, he wrote the highly-acclaimed series A Very English Scandal, starring Hugh Grant as Jeremy Thorpe, and the dystopian drama Years and Years. DISC ONE: Julie Covington, Charlotte Cornwell, Rula Lenska - Sugar Mountain DISC TWO: Hora Staccato (1950 version) performed by Jascha Heifetz and Emanuel Bay DISC THREE: The New Christy Minstrels - Three Wheels on My Wagon - DISC FOUR: Leonard Bernstein's Gloria in excelsis, performed by The Norman Scribner Choir DISC FIVE: Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights DISC SIX: The OT Quartet - Hold That Sucker Down (Builds Like A Skyscraper Mix) DISC SEVEN: Neil Hannon - Song For Ten DISC EIGHT: Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky BOOK CHOICE: Asterix and the Roman Agent by by René Goscinny with illustrations by Albert Uderzo LUXURY ITEM: A black Ball Pentol Pen CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: Leonard Bernstein's Gloria in excelsis Presenter: Lauren Laverne Producer: Sarah Taylor (First broadcast in 2019)
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bbc sounds music. Radio, podcasts, Lauren Laverne here we're taking our Easter break. So until we're back on air, we're showcasing a few programs from our archive. As usual, the music's been shortened for rights reasons. This week's guest is the screenwriter Russell T Davies. I cast him away in twenty nineteen my castaway this week is the writer, so T Davis, one of the most celebre Did screenwriters of his generation he's kept audiences glued to their tv set for thirty years or tv right is hopeful water, cooler, moments and he's had plenty, though his shows have also been the talk of the school playground. He learned his craft
with a batter wedding: stinted Idee, these Granada studios on kids drama, children's ward before expanding his remit to prime time series and soaps. He wants to Coronation Street to LAS Vegas. However, it was the groundbreaking queer as folk about the lives of three have friends in contemporary Manchester that made his in nineteen. Ninety nine. It was the first tv drama to put british gay lives in the spotlight. Its success was full, by the realization of his childhood dream. The big budget regeneration of of a tv time. Lord doctor, who and three successful spin offs in recent years. he's done some time travel himself with Multi, Bafta and Emmy Winning Period, Pisa, very english scandal and BBC. Years and years telling the story of an ordinary english family living in a disturbing near future, though, on a bright and out The likelihood of its inclusion in next year's awards list is something to look forward to. He says a sentence that has sustained me through all. My writing is a moment.
education is worth a lifetime's experience. Resolutely Davies welcomed it as an indescribable recipe, giving you very much well, let's start them without boundless imagination of yours. Seemingly it can take you anywhere across time space tragedy to comedy within just a few frames. Is it something that you have to feed the dog was being fed by the wolves? how do you meet someone interesting visit drama? I hope it never dries up. You've introduced a terrible thought in my mind now that the that it's quantifiable, please don't do that. Sorry, in that case, what a dream days! Writing, like a dream, is ready I think I'd see, can just mill about and potter. You know it's like catches a better than painting. Sometimes that's. What right is like sheep sketchy? Sometimes Nagoya, Justin Life full of life, and then finish paintings kind of fixed and solid and immutable and writings either I think you're. My obviously my head is full of fireworks and lines and spirals, and
in color, and then you have to hammer that down on the page into letters and sentences and full stops, and it becomes so dull. Some is lost every single time. Writing is an act of loss. Every time. Tell us a little bit about years and years and it's wonderful, cast and read Emma Thompson: Russell Tovey, Rory Kinnear. It told a story that wasn't just contemporary it was current. Did you have to work quite quickly to tap into some things? timely. Yes, that was the plan without really because I think, there's a big gap between drama and real life, because, if you think of a drama, it can take a year to write a critical year to get made at him filming something at the moment. Now that won't be shown for years time. and there's a lag in there, somehow there's the intellect and drama should be talking about right now. So we worked very hard on that. To literally edit it and get it transmitted as close as we could, because the world itself is getting madder and faster and strange and wanted to capture that
screen see, wants to close the gap with using as an end and make a quite quickly, but the gestation period for that she had been quite substantial, is logical. Feel like twenty well, yes, twenty years ago I or more, while always had in mind to capture the world and the way were affected by it in and to put that on screen, I'm kind of guiding waited because I ended up writing doing possibly the matter I'm of my other life, certainly, and it's not getting any less Matt. Let's be honest, I described years and years. His discipline is that representative is your worldview at the moment. In a way your heads up, I might be more interesting than that. There's always hope. I think what gets forgotten in the noise of online particularly is, is that people are good and people are nice and people are kind. And, and most of us live in a family. One invented family of some sort. We care for each other and I have to hope, that's going to triumph in the end. We've got to go to the music, I was so tell us about your first disc today. My first is from rockfall is a tv series. Rock follies is a track called sugar Mountain, and this is your favorite
We shall ever my mates amongst many as a time in the seventies, at some six of someone, television drama was rock follies. It was penny from Heaven. It was. I Claudius, viva stuff she died. There were pungent dramas which dont for any general. You can't quite describe what these shows our tool, and this was women. being bold and brilliant and strong, Judy Competent, rude Olenska, Charlotte Como, an amazing costs and a maiden script by Michael Howard, shoe sugar
It's sung by Judy Covington, Charlotte Cornwell and Rula Lenskart from the tv show rock follies. Russell T Davies. He recently back from L a for the Emmys, yet an Emmy nomination for outstanding writing for a very english scandal. In that show, Hugh Grant played the former leader of the Liberal Party Jeremy Thorpe, who was, accused of instigating a murder plot against his Ex lover, Norman Scott played by Ben Whishaw, and again, is a story that you wanted to tell for quite a long time. What, with the biggest challenges in bringing it to US greens, it was fascinating because and almost constant alive and the children of Jamie Thorpe US ten alive. So they were real
involved in this had never done that before lives are ruined, I mean only a dog was shot. No one else was killed and no governments toppled. It was such a marvelously small stores, what I loved about it small but vital, but he did feel a proper responsibility to be fair, and I did love coming to it, because that story has been told very often and it was not the first time many many books being published about it and and then a very brilliant book. I'm a good John Preston called a varying scandal, really summed it up, but the story was being told by strict men, and it was always the mysterious story that people would read it the. Why did Emmy to this? Why did Norma do this? How odd what strange behavior I came along, read it and I met Norman. Not amended as well. I get this completely disagree of gay men and muscle how they live. So what was it that you got that in a previous rights? Didn't, I think, the passions of them and the secrets the causative miss? I get that unless you women
Norman Scott. I loved him and his actions in the story can be puzzling. At times I literally walked into his house shook his hand at him at all. I've met you a hundred times you're my friend Peter you're, my and fill your mouth at Frank. I just know gay men like that. I just get the temperament of it. They can get over excited. They can focus on the wrong thing, sometimes because of the closet, because of being other because of being different there, their passions extremities, clad in different ways that they get sometimes gets started something it's too loud. I never am now that myself, so It's recognizing that achieve why they do what they do, but I love those two meant. I ended up really depart on the wrong things. Jeremy Thorpe certainly did the wrong thing sometimes, but and hope ended up respective motors, which I hope is a kind piece of work in the end you asked about the category of gay drama and whether you are happy to be described as a gay rights of you seem very content with that prefix. Why is it important to you to take pride in that particular distinction and not just say? Well, I'm a writer LISA drama since I left doctor who,
I said, then, I'm going to write Gatos when I want and it's what I've done had he do. Seasonal cucumbers did the gayest version of a midsummer night's dream for BBC. One that you could ever see and years and years, and now I'm working on a story by AIDS in the nineteen eighties. So it's my joy is what I think about. I don't even need to analyze this it it. These are the ideas that I have without thinking about. It from your own identity in connection with that as a writer, why, while it's unexplored territory- and it is still instance of queen as it is of otherness- is still very very new. As a society, we've always been there behind the scenes, making the sensible decisions that thousands of years to take. If you built that in the left it's so much better Adrian just move that Wall little bit. That was undoubtedly a gay man as a just don't go all the way, but now, as an out society, we were less than fifty years old really and that's nothing again. This tiny little babies and there are things that we felt things that we
said, emotions in our hearts that have not been put on screen there on the page or into fiction, and also there are things that we feel and say and do that identical to other people and that need saying as well. That were exactly the same. So it's all there to be celebrated. It's wonderful! It's rich, open territory! Do you listen to music when you're writing all the time? Yes, yes, yes, it takes me a long time to find the right track and, and once I find the right track, I'm afraid I repeated and repeated and repeated until the drivers of mad and once I finish the script, I'll probably never listen to that music. And because I've heard it a thousand times with that in mind, I think we we might hear a piece of music. That's inspired your writing now to your second desk today. What is it? This is Horace the cutter which I know nothing about I was looking for music, that fitted varying the scandal before it had
school. When I was writing it- and I thought this to be some sort of duet, it needs to be on the piano Jeremy Thorpe used to play duets with his mother, he'd play the violin and his mother play the piano. I thought I need something like that, something that sums them up found this on Youtube: adored it We listened to it sums up the whole spirit of a very English can kind of Gallup's. It is like the show gallops along got a real rhythm to it and again I I think at the end of writing all three hours. I looked on my little computer and it told me I played this well over ten thousand times drove me mad tooth your dentist. First spin for this one, the
the The the the the forest. Carter by any clue performed by Yasser High FITS and Emmanuel, be facilitated,
is what kind of stories did you grow up with and in Swansea I was brought up in a house full of books. My parents were teachers, they were classics, teachers and french teachers, and I often look at my work now, especially the doctor who work and think that a comes from all those greek and roman Myths- great big encyclopedias of that- but heads out the full encyclopedia Britannica as well: oh wow, no tickets, a whole massive shell for the house. When should you avail yourself of the woods papers thin as rice paper? I can hear current legal crispy and you just end up looking at nuclear physics and then the God so wrong and then amoeba upon a yeah, I thought did you get, but I want my mother every Agatha Christie, because, while it was it was that it was the but democracy by my parents were was to such bookish people. They had enormous respect for television, overcast, Lena Wolf, television, somehow
It was sometimes look down on nor in our house, and it was never switched off of a visitor came, it will be left on adopting visitors, we dropped and stop. It dropped him. A television Strangely, I was allowed to watch anything. They would particularly liberal balance that web that were lovely but in the seventies, and it may be nearly sixty late sixties, I was, I was watching all sorts of nine o clock play for two days and things like that out about what I call the successful yeah I was Thirteen men allowed there were people in schools who are not allowed to watch that out or what you're missing wow brilliant piece of work. Amazing stuff. When did you start writing? I was, I was always writing notes to draw lot and I'm going to draw I'm going to bring back drawing into my life. I've I've but that one side and I to churn out cartoon if he'd been cartoon step to be met, someone in school me, they say They tell you that boys to draw all the time just to draw constantly, which kind in my twenty, I realized was writing a kind of Swat one for the other, but we re about your step. I want your daughter,
trips and things like that, but I draw my own comic strips of peanuts. I do my own stuff for that. I I tried to Marvell type comic strips except and then at a pivotal age instead of a sixteen that careers teacher told me that I'd never work in graphics or design, because color palette but turned out to be wrong, but that actually it changed the whole path of my life. I was heading towards drawing art. Subs that you begin to think of going to an art foundation courses and two veg can commercial. I thought I really would like to get to Marvel comics or something and in London composition, just changed your life and thank God, because I ended up here, so I'm very happy but fun isn't it and how about you traditionally She pursuits your six foot, six, I think, play rugby know and my father was marvellous by but my father's a huge rugby man. He was a president of Swansea
Swansea Rugby Club, and my childhood was a Saturday afternoons was sitting in in the Rugby club putting monies into the slot machines, while all the men gathered round the bar and hoping that they'd put doctor who, with the club tv, remember what the owner wanted to do What's the t v my father's mother's buy that because the PE teachers in school were very insistent on me playing rugby- and I was ghost of the little wimpish boy had no interest in it whatsoever. So that was kind of bullying of like we have to get you into this, and my father was very bullet and sat me down drove me home one day and pulled up the car halfway home and said: I'm going to have a word root and he said you don't have to do what other people want you to do you just do your own thing just because I It would be, does not mean you how they will be he's it. I've seen sons of other men forced into it, it'd be unhappy and not enjoying it. You do what you want to do. I think he had no idea. I had tickets so far, yeah, but what great advice? What a great man fantastic advice, it's time for your next piece. What are we going to hear growing up in that Swansea House
environmental record player? I can remember. I think this is the very first record I ever owned, which has three wheels on my wagon three wheels on my wagon, I'm still rolling along These are chase and me arrows five right on that. But I'm saying the thing that is wonderful, isn't it. I did love songs with stories, that's what it was about three wheels on my wagon by the new Christy minstrels. So Russell T Davies
about school? I was tall and clever and that's how I got through it, which isn't really a ringing endorsement. It was a big school, two thousand three hundred pupils. That was a big, modern, comprehensive built in the seventies, and I did all right to look. I was clever, I kind of sailed through it. I had some great teachers, but I was actually living for the West Camel. Can you fit it? Why did he loved it got? It was just such a proper creative space. It got me writing didn't just put on plays. It was won by Michael Godfrey Evans, who still Alive still wonderful and it will be punctuality. He taught me discipline it to me endeavour. He taught me how to work, and it got me writing for the first time putting on a Beatty is your team work like nothing else. I always think that every school gets praised when it has a football team, and yet, if a school puts on a midsummer night's dream, that seems a little hobby is a bit frivolous and it put at is every bit as important, and I did it with a brilliant
certainly use. I believe your button there. Yes, I was- I gave my bottom just one thing I would like. Nevertheless, frankly, What a glorious thing we did in the gym in the school gym, so there was no presidium arched air. If air in us about it was all kids swing on the ropes and a jump vaulting over the horses, we have the parallel bars that when she got everyone into this production and Sicily, then put me in for this whisk book new theater, where I spent my entire teenage years. Actually I stayed in it until I was twenty one and my friends this day of friends that I made that. But what did he give you that was useful and valid maybe feel drama that I think, if I just written, been a bit more removed from it. But I will you put these things on put on the crucible, with a fantastic production of the crucible to have been onstage to have in acting in something too felt that touching an audience. I have to believe that that carries over into my writing in some way. I think I write big stuff or the correct, dramatic stuff. I think it does make you laugh, and I think it does make you cry, and I'm sure that was part of that training and youth it.
But the whole county was whisked. Morgan spent money on it at a youth theatre. It had a huge youth, orchestrated you dance company, it had a huge jazz band. It spent vast sums on the arts for kids and a a course now that grew less and less and less over the this year. The money for the theaters finally closed out. It's very sad and something really vital as we lost the twenty fourth disc today, going to be next is well at the pinnacle of the basketball New theater in one year. I think, is it one thousand nine hundred and seventy eight or something they brought together? The whole quiet whole oaks to the dance company Do you feel too are one massive residents causing stage Leonard bends? Does mass, which is an incredible piece of work, is very rarely before, because it so huge it needs about two hundred and fifty forms and I was lucky enough to be part of this- we went we went to London, we put it on and Wembley Conference Centre. What was euro? I was in a few dances. I was in a few choruses basic.
in my role, was to cover the very end and say the masses ended go in. ooh. That was a lot of people didn't laugh, but it was well delay your love to ruin me. It was the look in your eye, sour it take it again. The mass is ended, go in peace, say I felt at that time, but imagine I was actually. I was more a part of the with the bats, integrate peace, let a little whilst by that I was but one on it to be part of that. the rehearsals with all the oh was just amazing to be putting on something and peace on withhold. Games.
at the the glory in exchange, It's from Leonard Bernstein's Mass sung by the Norman Scribner choir conducted by Leonard Bernstein, Russell T Davies and eighteen you went to.
switch to study English. How did you fit in there great? It was fine. To be absolutely honest, I kind of look back and think I could have just skip those three years later I mean doesn't it I did have a nice time, but should you go straight from school state University? I don't know topics we can cover the novel in the first year. That really the only thing I like. Then it was like two years of poetry and not intelligent or know. To be honest. No, so what were you planning to do after universe, if it didn't we'd, have a concept that you could be a tv writer it that path didn't seem open to me, so I wasn't sitting there yearning to do it. I realize now that it was cooking with baking as one before that time, but I kind of presumed at work in advertising. If I know I could have been able to work in television, but behind the scenes three years running, I applied to building for the training scheme. Three years running, I was turned down me yeah, I mean I'd, be dead. Eventually, I was so cross. I like got hold of the BBC. Had a personnel and a cheeky cheeky young that'd be what I'd call it an interview
it because he has to say why am I not on your training scheme and she went well. This is all that record. It's very good of you to present yourself in this way. Well done so apply again next year, I play again next it didn't get in on it's interesting that you are crossing of tearing, some people would have slunk away. Deject argue cheek, you might lie down, I think twice at this hour, like I do that I dont know. I knew I belong here. Actually do the alternatives were, what am I looking I could join. I can write so you people say or through an advertising what I'm leaving I echo she is the by the ever went to say you never make money as a right. You'll never make a living is elected to possible. Take money is right when everyone says illicit, you believe that it is hot it still hot. Now, not the
he, fortunately it's very hard ideal to aim for so I started working television behind the scenes in production. How did you get your first break? Pure luck, I was working at a theater in Cardiff in the Sherman Theatre. Some are putting the production of a midsummer night's dream. The play the echoes that my entire life, the woman who played Peter Quinn's, mistress quince in that had a friend who was a BBC producer who was looking for summer to work with children fifty pounds a day, and I went along for that and got that job for like seven days and then that led to another, eleven days and then that rolled on and I've not stopped working since actually see. Why can the money, kids tv? Why don't you for awhile? Just when I showed that you worked on a multi camera studio director, I did bees on location. At the holder you understanding tat, I loved. I would greatly for it a loved one after that
gig at Granada TV alongside some very talented people, pull up at came a Sally Wainwright there are less. Sometimes you contain must have been got. My first days work. I think there was a pool and k in the office Sally baby. What was done, the code of an astonishing is still the people ruling television to this day Everybody was kind of cheek by jowl and saying hi to each other and what was lovely about it was that I was run by Michael Development and Carolyn Reynolds and Tony wood, and they ran a department that wasn't snotty about drama you'd, have the street and children's drama next to the same department, the entertainment department. Next to you been framed next to stars in their eyes. So actually the stuff you learn of those other programs, you'd stand them. The coffee. With the maids workin on you been framed, were put together a package of spanish women falling through doors numbed actually already funny age or pretty funny I can remember from gathering more funny: things happened in Spain. He said I kind of kind of know that, just because you're editing, spanish clip
it looks like perspective life right now time for more music? What are we going to next is a woman who's kept me company. My entire life must have been about fourteen when Wuthering Heights entered the charts at Kate Bush, and I could have Paypal story when him cause once I'm ashamed, stellar such was wrote to me and thereby to be run for tee and I was so terrified I didn't go. I didn't even reply. Lauren I know this is my my public apology if she listens- Can you match I'm supposed to get what you do? What you say? I literally worshipper what I love about. Kibbutz is a mystery. I don't understand, half the songs have sung them all my life. I could put on any of her albums and know every single word, and I don't quite know what I'm singing about a lot of time to so brilliantly her. And how could you sit and have a cup of tea with someone like that? Perhaps you could write,
her and ask her to come and have a copy tucked away the card with the number and the address on. I know I left it on on the shelf about six months and one day I came home and have a friend was staying with me. She said I've talked about those cards out on the mantlepiece, oh gosh, so in honor of that of my miserable failure, Kate Bush, she made me cup of tea when she was lovely excuse the
Kate Bush, whether in Heights Russell T Davies twenty years ago. Ninety ninety nine, your lunch moxie was queers vote came out on channel for did it feel like a particularly personal piece of work. Did it was right from the heart whether Edward She was unknown to us, but- and I feel so lucky to have been the one to write that show, because it's kind of obvious that there was a street full of gay men and women and escaping their lives,
going on a Friday and Saturday night to canal Street Market Street in Manchester, going there to be someone else, what a drama! If I hadn't gone in first, someone else would have written it and and I'd been living in Manchester. I'd seen that streets begin to grow. There was a couple of gay pubs and venues, but that became what is now Canal street, and I watched that happen and watching is important. Isn't it yeah? I used to love going out on my own and, if I bump into friends, sometimes I'd be quite peeved that I bumped into friends, Lego yeah, just busy go: move clubs I was that strange tall man standing on the edge of the dance floor, not dancing just watching smoking and watching all happened, adjusted it's the smoke and it's a stage, a dance floor and you'd watch. These people were bank clerks or unemployed, or teachers or nurses, and a lot of them a completely different life at home, maybe closeted life, just standing in those lights that smoked dancing and kissing him. Being themselves for a couple of golden hours, it was wonderful
was, to say the least, sexually frank queer as folk never said that he would be saved the anthem net we love to have been due to it was about sex, it was, it was about the sexual urge was about men, sometimes at their best sums of their lowest as well, that that was actually wasn't set dressing labs actually about the impulse in men. That's what was driving up your driving those characters, a need for sex, the need for expression via sex, never dreamt we get away before we got away with it. They ve been much further than I imagined we would, and I am delighted as really that item he put it want to watch, I mean it was a huge it yeah that must have in your first time, handling the press. It was your idea that was about his were five. That press launch was astonishing, like two hundred and fifty people too, fifty journalist, all of them deciding on masters, set themselves against the to attack it, except for one journalist, Boyd,
and I'm glad I went to that. It was a baptism of fire. I learned to never back down actually that the show did have integrity, and I learned that, if you believe in your show absolutely you can defend to anyone who could defend it under the prime minister or a dictator or the archbishop. If it's true, then it's true and you could never back down from one of the characters was fifteen and that caused a lot of controversy, yeah yeah yeah again, that was what I was starting to see on Canal Street was the arrival of to me the first fifteen year neurons, the first gay teenagers is a thing when I wrote that an out gay teenager was a miracle, they barely existed
no. I gave a talk at a Manchester school the other week. The out boys, in their sixth form, are so numerous that they are putting together a float for the pride March next summer that so many out gay boys are the sixth form. That's a different world. That's completely different, not because of queer as folk. I just showed what was going on of the change in expression and freedom that was happening. What a different world that's got to be brilliant. Isn't it time for your next piece of music? What you going to be this is when I was out there in those clubs breathing in that smoke and the light to the fumes and the heat the desire. This is the greatest club track of all. I think it's hold that sucker down by ot quartet. This is in queer as folk. This is,
being out public o t quota told that sucker down the builds like a skyscraper mix, and doesn't it just says it is just that doesn't it just with leading. Ladies, you been I flung doctor who found. Then you can famously mark your childhood by the episodes that you would have been watching when a specific incidents occur. Yes, so was literally
dream come true to be the person in charge of bringing it back to BBC one. How much did that take over your life? It was my whole life for a good five or six years I mean every weekend we used to transmit Christmas day, so you can't relax when you're transmitting so even Christmas day was loaded with transmission fever, but it was like giving an alcoholic all. This must be self willed upon myself, because it just made doctor who, but with an interesting simply the oak, is that's not not necessarily a good thing, I know no. Indeed, it was too much. looking away. I still think I'm tired in some way. After all these years, I still think gosh haven't quite recovered from there and we wanted to build a base in Cardiff, difficult one program in Cardiff. That's no good because when, if you shoot the alignments the year that on the ninth month, one leaves goes, you need more programme lead a proper base, so that brought casualty there, but we admitted Torchwood. We meant the Sarah Jane adventures and we had vast website spin offs and with totally doctor who
doctor confidential. I was executive producer on six shows at once. At one point, I would sit there watching episodes of totally doctor who at forward in just a sign of every last second- and it's a very funny thing to do as a producer filled, Collinson always used to say it's a programme ruined by a hat. If one, man walks through the door to silly outer space hat you've lost the audience it's troop and you had to what every single hat and we had great people in the end, only you can be the judge which hats could ruin the show and which one isn't. And then, when you extrapolate that beyond hats into twenty seven thousand design and visual and script decisions got it was busy. Why did you want to bring it back? I think it's brilliant and I think it owns the place in the national Health and that's where we shifted it to I loved the BBC, like putting on a seven o'clock on a Saturday night and also we shifted into Christmas. It's been the Christmas day. We moved into the family into the family home to get mum that and
it's watching, which, at the time wasn't being done at all deed, has faded slightly. Now I think, and in our second year we were contacted by a divorce lawyer who phoned SAM just phoning. To tell you that I get awful warring couples coming to see me. I get lives in distress. I get kids were trapped between that, and it had so often these days they come in and the one hour of peace they have is sitting down or watching doctor who, together he's phoned up to tell us that it is doing good. It is bringing people together. Many works. It's amazing. tell us about your next piece of music. This is Neil Hannon from a doctor who Christmas episode song for ten, it's called when David Tennant arrived and I often a doctor who I never chose to enjoy it groups mad and so busy, but the one time I did enjoy putting the children in the concert in Cardiff in the Millennium hall, and we got our orchestra at a choir and a huge welsh choir,
sang the song. I was standing in the wings and they hit the discount on this song. and it was so beautiful so enormous and it was doktor who and I'm standing in the wings shivering just thinking this is well woke up to some fifty, and by Murray Gold sung by Neil Hannon. Russell t after leaving doctor who you moved with your partner Andrew to marry car, but your plans that will put an old when he became ill luck
headaches always a had, and is he started? Having hallucinations lady smiling at him, sarcastically, that's alternator you ought not you wouldn't say in front of him. You see who, in his mind in his mind, I and I did internet searches for hallucinations, and for images, and I did take images and things either if I'd searched. For the word seizure, I would have got to his diagnosis in seconds straightaway. I think it delay the whole thing by couple of months, just cause that turns out to be an epileptic seizure. You, when I think of Evelyn CS before ten o clock fit and stop that? But I just seeing someone in your head and had warned him, lady smiling sarcastic. If the wonder what forward of the brain opened up lament for scan and they said that squeal buster multiform, which is very very bad- that the grateful cancer, that's that's and they gave him a team and to live and he lived for they say yes,
truly extraordinary, Capel many ways he just needed the extra care it was hard and also it was an honor to be the person doing that and thinking about malefic about this interview today and I kind of for the first time I realized to myself the actually those eight years that I cared from were our happiest years. I see they were the twelve years before that will only become just a normal couple, but in no way when they were so intimate so honest and everything else, all the way. No nonsense, and it's just you and him.
And I wish I could tell you with the most profound conversations and more you just find watching the chase, something, but just that the care, the love I'm talking about, love, you that's the word, love and to be able to be like that. We was properly cared for his puppy cherished, and that made me feel good as well. I We miss that too. I'm sure I wasn't the saying to the tie. If you'd asked me the time like, what's it like to be a carer, have a good year for would have been gonna drive me a bit mad and I wouldn't mind a bit of freedom. Now got the freedom, our Chuck, that freedom away in an instant just five more minutes sitting watching the telly People often find it very difficult to decompress from that role as well. Yeah, that's taking awhile. Actually, I've been busy and two weeks after he died, I had to write. Episode of as news that was contracted, straight into this new show for Channel four, and I, like my, cause be working flat out. I finished the last script about six weeks ago and literally I came downstairs and sat down and the silence
the silent loan was just astonishing, because all those script are like head with all his blaming up and talking and and scenes playing out in your head night and day twenty four hours of the day. Suddenly that was gone and I sat there with Obama my own little hut, just on my own and the city he's gone. It took that long for it to register. So that's been hard and add, and but I was lucky I do honestly the nicest man the world I gave her and nice
it's like such a bland word such a easy and simple words. I gave the eulogy at his funeral. I just said you're the the world actually turns under the march of the feet of all those nice people, something that most people are nice and it's a very fine quality in life to have, and he had it in spades. He was so polite and so kind and so loving towards people. He was extraordinary. How lucky was I he will be in every good man alive right now, yeah the one night on Canal Street there I was out clubbing playing ot quartet in the background and I literally looked across a club. If I had a TARDIS people always say to me: where would you go
with the TARDIS and I would literally go up, can I enter be a bystander in that club of the April twelfth ninety. Ninety eight and Cruz won a one in Manchester, as I was standing on that railing and he was standing with his friend Martin at another railing and we caught eyes what magic moment, but he died at home with me at a site with enormously brilliant palliative care from the NHS, which is the great wonder of Britain, has never sung about that. Palliative care is absolutely astonishing and beautiful, so it was a not a bad way to go if you have to go, but I'd rather, you hadn't stamped to his music. What's next, this is yellow. I love yellow alone displayed at our wedding. That he'd asked me to marry him one hundred times, and I don't see the point I dunno why anyone gets I just think you know no one. I want to marry. You know I love you, we're not getting married and then he pulled it to be trick of having a fatal disease which was now. Will you marry me? Are you really
Trackmania to say no to this, and we eventually got to this, but it was canceled and twenty twelve. He was so willing that year. That's what he had. Three four five operations we cancelled it four times epidemic cancel the wedding have to pay on the fourth time counseling the woman was so saddled with Oji cried that I won't make you paper this educated, I think we kept a small was just for friends of us, and we chose this music as the play track as we walked in together into the register office, and this will be playing as we walked down the aisle. So as we did it as we walked down the aisle. The music cut out, Mr Blue Sky stopped until you had stopped, which because it's an automatic yesterday, as friends, were laughing so much out loud because he
finally trapped me into this marriage, and I think I think it was the look on his face, which is the biggest smile in the world, and the look on my face, which was grim, was just silly. They literally laughed so loudly that the music has stopped. Who leads a hundred people were four people. Alfie all the way through it like that. That's great beautiful day yellow and Mr Blue sky. Take you back is.
time to cast you away. I started with your imagination, so why do we close there? How do you imagine your island whenever as I imagine a cartoon island, literally Gimme, those cartoons, immediate pumps and things that the bone the tree shots my islands, but small, almost like an emergent state, is its accounts. it is silent, that's where I am have you got any practical skills that might come in useful? Oh, my goodness. Imagine how useful it'll be to sit there and type on this island useless it's time for the books, I'll give you the those on the complete works if Shakespeare now, I'm assuming, that will be especially welcome for you. You can also take another. What would you like? I will take with me? The finest book ever made, which has asked to reeks of the roman agent we're in french its goal as these any am I missed by us to expect invention and weeds and she didn't translate the for me. I love us to exports. I think this is literally one of the cleverest and greater stories ever written. I mean this every year,
Such pleasure, for me, it's very doctor who finale this. You know the the a roman camp attacks and in every book this is the only book in which all four camps attack at once. It's a huge epic and it ends with this massive battle, which is also hilarious. You can see everything I've ever written in this book. I love it. What about you luxury item? The artist in me wants to take a box of bullpen bullpens fuck my hand fits a bowl pencil they when they were launched. When I was in school- and it was like the pen to have it's quite expensive then- and I just love them, I'm never without one. That's one of my pockets. I will just draw draw draw with us perfect was. Finally, if you could only save one disc from the waves which reduce, as you listened to these, I'm quite astonished by Bernstein's mess actually- which I haven't heard myself in quite a long while and instant every single word in his leapt into my brain, and I remember being sixteen or whatever I was when I was in that sense that
it's not well known enough that it's a beautiful piece of work. I feel it might be. A lot of people have never heard a go, listen to it, but to us log, it's enormous! It's epic beauty! rest of everybody's afternoon so it resolutely Davies. Thank you very much for sharing your doesn't look exactly the the the the.
Transcript generated on 2022-03-20.