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Crowning Kendrick Lamar's Best Song Ever | LAST SONG STANDING (E7)


Season finale! The moment is here. The LSS Boyz have been debating Kendrick Lamar's discography for six contentious episodes. Now it's time Cole and Charles are forced to crown the last song standing: the greatest Kendrick Lamar song of all time.

First, Cole and Charles will be forced to whittle down their list of songs from 8 to 3. These 3 songs advance to the royal rumble, where they will attempt to knock songs off each other's list until there is just one remaining.

LAST SONG STANDING is a new show from Dissect and The Ringer. Each season focuses on one artist in attempt to determine their greatest song of all time by debating through their ENTIRE catalog.

Hosts: Cole Cuchna & Charles Holmes

Producer: Justin Sayles

Audio Production: Kevin Pooler

Theme Music: Devon Renaldo

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome everyone to last long standing a show about your favorite artists, greatest song, about time uncle cushion of and on charles homes, and in this Per season of last long standing, you done it all colon I debated good kid first pepper butterfly with traded cultural artifacts as wide as varied as genuine about burnham book ass lady gentlemen were. Finally here the seizing finale where the two of us will finally crown the last long standing a k, a the greatest conjugal mar song of all time coal. You feeling are, you are you support? you finally made it up a little tired. I'm knock it off looks a bit rina. What what I love about this? I think our friendship really blossomed over these six episodes. You
I wasn't sure if we are going to hate each other more by the end or if we are going to love each other more. I think it's the latter, so I'm really happy that, but submit. I love this is a great exercise: mental exercise, critical exercise. I I really really enjoyed this. How oh here's the thing when see I'm tired, I'm a more emotionally tired in terms of lake going back. contracts, discography, like listening to all the songs, listen to you or mother, I sober and really really trying to get to the core of the like man. It feels like running a marathon but Our friendship is blossom. Right now, like I'm, the stage for the listener. In beginning our should we were just to flowers? Ok, we're just to flowers in a flower was field, but over the course of these seven episodes we just block on bees are having the birds are singing, there's nothing that can destroy us actually that this episode might destroy us, because we have to agree further
the first time ever we're going to have to agree, because we can only pick one song, but I feel like it's too for a quick refresher for the audience for the songs, that are gonna, be in contention for the greater kendrick Lamar song of song about time the court by go over them call the editor, alright, so coal for good kid, mad city, you picked mad city than from its morale. You bother, I sober for damn that fear there four section: eighty of mortis there, for the mixed tapes, Lucy's and features absolute. You picked, ignorance is bliss, tuna and cereal and nostalgia stall, jar and last, but certainly not least, for dependent butterfly. You picked you I have mad city, father time, dna adhd I owe to the heart part three and control, and last and Again certainly, not least, was this theory co But that other way, let's map out we're going a widow these signs down. So we crown the we crown the greatest kendrick Lamar song of had to today.
formats a little bit different can be divided and half first after the episode with Charles and I are gonna, be forced to cut down that list of eight signs that we just read. Two three songs each so essentially, right off the bat were got the killer. Babies, charles and I are forced to whittle our own list down to three size. Each though The three songs that we're gonna taken to the finale royal rumble valid in the second half of the episode and during this royal rumble we're going to go back and forth. I'm going to look at your list, you're going to look at my list and we're going to try to find the weak spots. And I'm gonna try to knock songs off your list. I you're gonna try to knock songs off my list. to defend our picks and if, in that, the fence in the argument. If we can agree after five minutes, if that song should stay or be eliminated, or an hour a impartial judge are producer. Just and sales is gonna. Come in. Tell us who won and doubts we'll be eliminated or kept we're gonna correct
this process and tell you- and I have whittled down to last two songs and then finally, the last standing. The best Chicken marsala whoa, whoa, whoa whoa. Cocoa. Stop stop lay time out time now. Are you? sliding a fifty dollar bill to just in right. Now. My guys, we need to ask the commissioner to call is already cheating event justin right before the episode now just gonna do a great job he's very he. I think he has a lot of experience of staying objective here so will you SAM, if needed, that sounds good. It sounds it sounds perfect. Justin do you have anything to add I will just say that I have a lot of experience dealing with the charles on these matters and hello. You may sound like a negative thing. I am going to do my best to remain impartial, yeah. I'm excited, I hope you guys don't need me, but if you do, I am here. Okay, perfect. Alright,
listen to the previous episode, you know that we can. You listen, there's a chance to vote in a kendrick song that coal in I didn't pick while the votes are in and after this quick break we're going to announce the winner of the ban. Vote. Let's go well to this episode is broadly by peacock with exclusive games had fairly match ebbs big tank odds for pause. Now I'm peacock look for a full. saturday of football, with the biggest schools. I might watch college football this year. Actually is to get a soccer games anymore, for my daughter I can watch seems like ohio state, michigan, penn state wisconsin had so much more on peacock already up the big ten saturday night. If I receive for the biggest games in prime time,
don't mess a second at the big tat action streaming live wherever you are. An peacock sat up today at peacock tv deca. This episode has brought you buy at last year when we work together impossible things are its own possible. In fact they become possible. That's why seventy five percent of fortune five hundred companies work together using at last seen team collaboration software, like jura, confluence and shrill up the attack of their biggest challenges with a little imagination, a whole lot of collaboration. The possibilities really do become endless at last year for projects impossible alone, learn more at last. The in that come that's eighty l s s eye a and darker now starting to reveal the results of our fan vote. We gave y'all the chance to put in all the line and get your favorite kendrick song in contention. Nicole, you have a bit of a surprise, for the listeners actually going to choose, not one but two fan pigs
to be automatically turd into the royal rumble wanted reveal the results of their vocal. I love her energy today, I'm so stuck a gay, so it was pretty clear, where I think we both thought. I was gonna, be sing about me or money trees. We were sure where that would fall below. Just tell you, it was a landslide sing about me. I'm dying of thirst got fifty two percent of the overall votes for out of every song. We select fifty two percent, so it just landslide next closest was money trees at thirty percent of those are too nor picks nodding, not bad for money. Trees, though thirty percent. hi I mean, if use everything about yeah every song that we didn't slices intention to get. Thirty percent is actually here just while the net to close is: were these walls and pride and but those were both less than ten percent, so it was clearly sing about me and many trees by law and slide. So I think those the correct pigs
actually says a lot about good kid, mad city in its and it's kind of staying power and its overall impact that already, about that sounds right. I mean I think the fact that two good kid mad city track scott. two percent of the vote is wild, I'm kind surprised that these walls, not because like these walls, is like some terrible song that I hate, but just more so I'm just like wow out of out of all the kendricks dogs. These walls was was the third big. That's got a while to me, we knew there was a lot of songs ride around the ten percent area, where these walls was saying with pride. I'd. Duckworth was right. Their moral man was right there. So we know that the ones you would think were being contention were right. There they are nothing closest thing about me in money, trees and I've got that we're doing too, because I should fixing about me. I've said that over over the shy. I regret not picking sing about me so Are the listeners came through and you you want money trees to right, here's the thing,
I was going to come to their computer and fight you. If you paid money, she's gonna, be honest. After the J rocks lander you add on our first episode. There's no way you can have money trees, so I think it is very funny that lake I was just like yeah, maybe we'll duke it out over who gets what fan vote and then I was like it's kind of simple for the area. The universe gave this to us. It's all is right in the world. I get sing about me. You get money tree so now we each have Eight total songs, and that leads us to the preliminary category the vote is automatically in the royal rumble are eight, so we are not going to pick those those automatically are in the final round and now it's time for the problem. In areas where coal, then I must cut down her list of picks from eight songs, each to pre songs. Each threes always want to take it to the royal rumble we're going to do this in episode order going to each
drug album in deciding whether I pick from that outcome is coming with us or being eliminated and we're starting with good kid. Mad city and coke. Here's the check this is. This is the first. This is the first part that is going to break my heart right now a picks. Mad city is down told me to pacts. Are they are going to have to sacrifice? Ok, so what I'm willing to do? As your friend? Oh I'm willing to pick that city If I get a favour that I couldn't used at any time in this far gas, I don't know about this. I you're already dead. Schemes have already started your already bartering with this mysterious looming hook of a favor. I don't know about this man. I was actually prepared to find the sword and just take mad city, but this favor food
about a thing about it. Do you wanna? Do you want to give up a peck already when easily. You can just give me a favor, gotta, be nice, I'm not going like I'll use the favour very responsibly at all. I built our building something what this favor the favours to agreed is just in else, can weigh in and veto get either at any time. like this? I liked the mystery I'm going to. Let's do you take mad city? Thank you but I shouldn't thank you yet. Let me the reserve, as thank you for later, but mad city, any problems with that. Are you you feeling good about that? I'm gonna get about I'm feeling good about it? It's the only song that we agreed on. I think, besides rigour, mortis off section, eighty feeling I was into real, listened again today, filling stronger that paper round to Mr Miranda, big step bother father time, verses, you ve picked. Mother, I sober you gonna do call you gonna! Do it
The so ok so my plan was actually saw actually prepared. This thinking that I was gonna pick mad cities I do have an extra locked into the royal rumble but ass I was torn between mother. I sobering you. This is an even a contest. Call to be honest. How about a you know what I came do was. I was gonna pick mother, I sober wit Y yeah whoa, whoa whoa. I gate. Here's a thing. morales only been out is that such a disadvantage, because only been out for a few months, I re, listen to all these songs and I really listen to all these size. Trying to like just take my aunt. little brain out of it and just send for the emotional quality of each side, which song is just rocky me to my core. Each time which are these have just the biggest emotional way when I just listen to them. Mother, sober. Fucking got me, was utter of its because it so fresh still
I haven't heard as much as you, but I just listen to that song. I was like wow It's such a masterpiece, you shaking your head! How this is such a troll I'd net lake? Come what may you is way? Better? Sorry, no mother, I so breaking up. I don't I'm the one defending you right now, but do come on really, but really other. Ok, mother, I sober like it here. The thing cunning against my analytical thing I just laid out because when I was thinking about after the fact was I mother, I sober, represent something really, I think special, specially hendricks kind of overall discography we think about is like glass pissed at the big ray albums, good kid dam and and took up a butterfly there oh and sent essentially in the same place the end in god in an kendrick faith. It's like a cap. All these, problems, their different problem. Each time with kind of the same underlying issues, but Manifestations differ manifest differently. The problems for him, but they always end up with, like god, every
every one of the sums ends in god in an and kendrick having faith in god to like work it out or keep working towards a better kind of future, whatever, mr morale and specifically on mother. I sober for the first time I feel like he actually like it an end in god it actually ends. In actual healing, like we hear the work being done in therapy, we hear his wife. or his fiance. We hear its kids, we hear him. Actually doing so much worked it. You know that four or five years that we didn't hear from him and uttered. I just felt like it was like there was a classic. Drink, ending that we get on every album, but it just feel was a little bit. More does have just feels the low more true a little more reliable. I don't know that So that's what kind of push me over where you as such a like about again This is gonna, be really hard. All these songs are masterpieces in my mind, so we're just like just let me say that, like all these songs are beautiful, so I
about one as lesser then I'm not putting it down generally speaking, but you, such alike. Is tharsis and it's pure catharsis if you don't get any of the hope or the you know, it's it's it's very one note where I I dunno, I just felt like mother, I sober is a little more dynamic, as I fare a su pack, your opinion about the habitual authorize over Jeez. This is already off gobrias time, making father time I'm gonna be honest. I don't think there. Has it been enough time for me to really really figure out where MR morale and songs on it go. in his largest discography, so me personally, I cannot pick mrs Moreau song as well, his greatest songs, because I just having as an aged enough like eight needs another, like Rita, five years for me to really be like. Ok, where is it
stack up, but it's fine. This is not my list. Is your list or you're taking mother? I sober. Let's move on to damn this easy for me and one two percent picking dna, like we don't waste any time, dna is going on my list, like you, I fear. So, if you pick. This only have one more song. So what are you going? Are you picking fear? I am picking fear call no debate. Notable, there's is not a busy fear, is a good song is just like you work, wild. You were just picking song that she's like where's. The strategy is not. This is not my list so for the listeners. So far I mad city and dna. While coal has mother, I sober and fear we're gonna go two round for section eighty, I picked adhd coal pickering mortis. We both love rigour mortis as a song.
Are you going to pick a? Can I bully you into picking it? Oh yeah it was. It is the easiest know for me. I think- and I am really that easy yeah I mean yeah. I don't think anyones anything on section. Eighty there's a single sign on section eight. It is better than the size discussing right now for a united three albums no nothin section. Eighty great album reported to me is just a little one dimensional in this conversation of a best song. I do as much as I love it as much as I love when just kendrick raps and I dunno, if it's a holistic representation of kendrick of mars and all of his talent. So it's an easy I know for me how bout you a d h d, you going with it. I didn't see you picking that damn good the rigour more to speak, lay a little too rapidly. Furthermore, it is about it up, but in hd I'm not gonna pick even though, when we talked about it, I do think that is. It is important in terms of like cancer.
career and how we think about it, because it is first real hit it first song that I can remember people thinking like? Oh, let kendrick marken can do the thing any, does what a lot of kinder do, which is It gives you medicine within the honey but like it just takes a bigger hits. He sat better hit the areas these it's not like, like you said I don't think there is a single song on section eighty that is better than something on good kid to camp. But if I that's nothing against such an eighty, it's just like he was what use a little larva. He wasn't the butterfly yet no plenty to any round in six weeks of the crazy. Are you going word and around five mix tape. Lucy's and features can do you. Can we say that a persons mix, tape, lucy or feature can be regarded as well of their best songs. Ever I think for some artists we can, whether out of its a little like you can see that guarantee. You could say that for kenya, coups such an album art is. This.
the heart is round for me because of lake I mean liked untitled. Do too, I, like the heart part three I like control, but it seems we're too narbonnais any of those songs does his best of all time cause you such an album martyrs, The only case, probably because I agree with you, but heart series of such a kind of imports in body of work for kendrick Lamar that I could see someone taking a heart song is one of his best because it is so unique in his catalogue, but it it's me no records. The whole arc of who he is and just a handful of songs, so I can see someone going there and he usually is very vulnerable and honest and those in flowing so, but yeah this case for me It was kind of easy elimination. For me, I don't think someone's feature was kind of of obligation that we went through those. You can't really.
Pick someone's features- are best saturday. We were doing nicky bernajoux one per mile, azure you're, absolutely right If we want to be real, a bit disrespectful to the catalogue, though, carter, the cereal I mean that get you take our team, C4 heartache? Yeah? You could make a case for it. You really could is such a great song in it among kendrick fans, it's like a court classic song, but. Dont care is ill, You just got a baby and delaying package. It is over there snickering, I'm taken any of these three songs say we can Why do the final round- and I think it is clear That we are both picking wesley's theory in you, yeah he's I'm, sir, I'm so you pick roissy siri, I'm so glad here's the thing Was the series great do what people bad, because I do people talk with wesley's theory like that. I don't think so
depends on what kind of kendrick Van. I feel it is a very good barometer song if you're very real, hendrick. Then you love was his Do you think decent people, like these walls better, was this theory, probably diesels. but these walls, it is more catch you, It's it's easier. Listen wesley, SIRI man, it's such a good song and so dynamic, so different, I'd better now, I think was theory is far superior to these walls and I love these walls. I couldn't agree more all right. We have our boots or pigs. In my corner. mad city dna, where Least, theory and the fan vote money trees for coal, as mother. I sober fear you and his fan Vo pick was singing me, I'm dying of thirst and, after a short break, we're going to be back and heading into the royal rumble.
Welcome back to the main, a bed the moment this entire first using less outstanding, has been built into war. The royal rumble both call, and I have chosen our team for songs to go to war with a now start, wouldn't down open one by one until we both finally agree on the best kendrick Lamar song of all time and be crown, alas, song standing coal. Are you ready Are you ready for this? It funny like likely like seriously by heart, is like cut like fluttering a little bit like I'm gettin, all that in her not even not even joking. I give it to you. Are you gonna? You gonna do the first the first salvo, I'm ready here, I'm looking at your list. It's a fucking greatly mad city dna, where necessary, money, trees, I'm gone right for the throat, because I think money trees needs to go o o o o o o are right, I think,
clearly the weakest song arrest. All right. Do you know we're going to do by day, is coming our guy, regardless of meeting the immediately blocking this ok wait what why I'm immediately blocking this are right, what trees If a nominal song, okay, what it does in terms of good kid city the story that it J rocks verse one of the best verses of the past fifteen twenty Years, our I'll the week that I just use things weakest on the list really makes me doubt, your kendrick bona fides ok of money, trees. Now, I'm I'm flipping this out flipping this on. You ok we gotta get mother. I sober out here where we have to debate mother, I so perverse money. Trees are I would argue, I would argue that I sober shouldn't beyond this list because probably one of kindreds, mostly listen to songs off his proper albums right.
Is my of why I made it like a list of like ok, whether the song missing that is. Saying that I wrote from other eyes over, but as we talk About the episode I dunno know, if that's indicative of it being bad song or people not liking that song or of its just so missed in raw and in doing exactly what it should be doing for that song, so well that it, to listen to you told me you skip the mother, I sober but you love the song lodge I think it is one of contracts, best songs, just in terms of what it does but I'll ask you this call. I won't say, might all be don't say shit about a function. Ok, I know not all right, I'm crazy! I'm going on about Jane, I gotta call, if you add, to list your favorite. in mar closer is on albums. Where would mother, I sober rank, don't lie favor closer who, ok,
molly closer to my list. Actually pretty much I it is mother, I sober better. There and duckworth. I want to say: yes, we are going to say yes, yes, now man cover, it is a fucking masterpiece. It's like this is recently buys. This is lit like this is either. So I like this is: where is really good like you said morale is very hard to judge right now. Where lies that that's that's! its work that is working against it in that way. Take it. Let me take you my five minutes to this is many trees, verse mother. I over, in terms of which one we're knocking off. First are the real I'm going to stump for money. Trees is a couple. First of all, I think that money trees is easily with, within the top ten kendrick songs of all time.
is be loved, the function that it has on good kid, mad city, this young kendrick, aspiring to things that he can not yet touch J rock that feeling of that time, when tedious coming up and they're still so united black hippy, the idea of a black happy outcome is still something that could possibly beyond the horizon, even if we're never gonna get it in when I was a real listening to it, the soul. All that that has the it has this unexplainable quality of youth in terms of what where chemical bar was at that time, where I think there's certain songs that artists, can only make at the beginning of their career because that those Feelings are saddle so new that view of like he chemical, more, can still take what it's what it's like to be like, not accessible, unsuccessful. he can still take, what it is to be poor. He still has one foot in one foot out things go wrong at the debut. Album doesn't do what it needs to do.
We're not sitting here doing any of them, and that to me is why I love money tree. So much is because you can still feel on a spiritual level where hendrick sat in his career and why, like mother, I sober, I think, he's done that thing throughout his career that type of closer, even I do agree with you. All. Appease closures tend to end in places. We are twenty of god of like a tight by giving. You hope this is the rare one where its messy and its more about family in the physical, rather than the spiritual. Again, all that. but you compare mother, I sober to muddy trees in terms of his discography is very disrespectful that, like that is now no Israel is not here. I make very very very good points I just have to. I have to present from mother, I sober because I think it's getting I don't think it's getting its due credit in the moment, maybe they'll change over time,
maybe people are ready to hear a song like this. Maybe it is to roger vulnerable, but I do think it's I mean particular last time about you like this is what I think. Music is four, and I think More than money. Trees Mother, I sober is a presentation of a song that only kendrick amar can make its. What at him apart from his peers, is that he can go. He can make this The type of saw he can get this vulnerable. He's intelligent enough to tell it in a commanding and self near introspective way that resonates there this a mother, I sober to me, sets kendrick apart more than a many trees, I love money, trees, very catch, a crowd favorite. I bet you goes off lie for sure, but if I'm If I'm trying to think about what differentiates kendrick amar from from the right I think, mother, I sober, is a better representation of that with That being said, I am going to concede because
yeah, because money trees has the has been in the culture way longer and people love the song, I do think that's important. I went it can need to you this one time, maybe, but I think I'll go headed and sacrifice. Mother, I sober, may this conversation changes in five years. I have had more time with this. Fourth, MR morale, but money tree I'll, give it to you this round programme. So thank you. Thank you that we didn't have to bring in just in this time. then the little it was getting a little rough easy. My turn to go out your list, the just kind of did with mother. I sober by good. You know where the weak link get you out of here. you know why I'm gonna go,
well, maybe baby we can throw in the actual audio. But I would like to take you guys back only a few months. If you will, it was right at the getting of this beautiful friendship, this beautiful experiment. We were trying to pick the greatest conduct lamar song of all time, and mister Cushion- has said- and I quote I'll admit it's not. The most replaceable saw I can't listen to it without crying, so I don't listen to with that. Often now, if you make those statements put together with
previous statements from this episode of MR cushion and not even standing next to you. Only ten minutes prior in this episode- maybe let's rewind, given our our illustrious producer, can we were wind to coal shitting on his own? Why why you know what I came to was: I was going to pick mother are sober year were you over here, That's really all. I need to say about wise. The weakest link cause list. I rest my case yeah You make some good points, I gotta say: okay, because here's the thing I was like I was expecting to pick mad city, so you was kind of a bonus. I already kind of sorted that out my own mind and I yeah I kind of spin the beans early in this episode, so I don't have much of a case for because I was willing to pick mother- I sober over it, but let me just
before we eliminated, I think we're going to eliminate. I don't think that could be kendrick's best song. I think it's too one dimensional, I think it having is beautiful and really really impact full for what it is doing and especially out like as the the rock. bottom moment up tipp a butterfly and then we get all right after that, and it's kind of like it's a it's like a crux on that album. It's the it's the bottom before he starts to rise, so with this, and this is the challenge of picking kind of plucking songs off of me, a very strict concept record does like it's hard to get the one song on a strict concept record. That's gonna represent everything. So that's why the butterflies especially challenging to display a song offer, because our so functional within the narrative of the entire album you ve victim to that, and this kind of conversation word is just him. Very plainly expressing his blood
was lows. His most vulnerable fears- and you know just emotions but I think in a conversation like this, it is kind of limited. It doesn't really ever hook It is an issue that can perform. It live under no at the streams art in check, but I guess it's probably not as big as some of the other song. So I think in this conversation it does lack some of the qualities that you need, but just wanted to vouch for it before I I eliminated, but I will say this: it all ambient softly right now, but I'm. the changes right here. Yuki came out with a fuckin suit on written the right, then we got years lawyers I'm ready for this. Ok, you already have two songs after list out here. Ok, it's fine we're ready to fight today. I appreciate that I will say if I'm going to like cobb May you, even though I should have to because not even in contention anymore, I was a business like. I was thinking, today. If this was a conversation about kendrick Lamar's best
form it on on songs. I beg you is, is definitely and contention where road it is such like a performance where you're like, oh I'm, seeing some body unlock a part of their artistry that they haven't before, but to you. point it is very one know. It is very much a sustained level of anxious news and anger and despair that even on a song like about me dying of thirst. There to meet levels. There are like there are its dynamic In terms of not only the lyrics but how he uses his voice in a way that you is not but wow, you know what once you go again want to try to knock off one of my songs: gesine defer the listeners. You don't know right now,
hope the song still in contention. I have four. I have mad city dna, Wesley's theory, money, trees, while cole. Only just you look so happy, she looks so happy right. I was completely ecstatic. Are you competitive generally speaking, hell yeah, I'm so glad it is okay, I am not. I am By word, I am not competitive I've competitive against myself because I like to do very well, but when it comes to like adding someone else. I usually don't care so that in this another difference in our personnel is coming out right now, girlfriend I throw which I can cover you throw. I try to go with money trees. I think that's the weakest song on their, but I'm gonna, given another shot with hard for me to do. This is, if you have a phenomenal list of songs here I about to say wesley theory hark its wesley's theory yeah. We both
wesley's theory. So actually this is both of us giving our babies where I'm like that is actually to me the weakest link. Even though I personally have such an affair. for what kendrick Lamar's doing on that song in terms of just the courses and preach in this instrument, haitian issue, mental, changing and all the work is done with his voice and doktor Gerais coming in is just such a beautiful song. The greece, in that I have a hard time free we defending was this theory freely defending it is that I don't know with the heads of the boxes that we talked about earlier in in our in the first episode wearisome it not really a hit in terms of the songs onto pimple butterfly its problem
we not the saw the first thing that I would give to somebody who's, not a fan of conjugal more to tell them what it is. I think it's a nice like hey, you, listen, a good kid that city what's up next, like hey, listen, a wesley's theory! If you listen and nothing else to see what he shooting for here, you're going about very, very happy. I dont think where these theory works also out of context of the album. I think that is actually a perfect song that sets up how experimental, daring how sonically point two people butterfly will be, but if you're, not if you're not listening to the subsequent songs, I think some of that powers lost. Is that fair? That's fair, that's. My main again goes back. My point about plucking songs of a very strict concept, album my pride with wesley syrian, this kind of conversation it that's it. beautiful display of contracts, artistry but what it missus for me in this conversation is an emotional quality there.
I think, some of these other songs have where wesley's theory, sub so much conceptually that its peace. my characters in each verse right, like he's playing himself as a young, your version of himself and first one in inverse too he's playing uncle sam. and you can have a conversation about only kendrick mark and do that kind of thing and play these character than have these kind of concepts and pull them off. But Don't give me that emotion, all you know just, yanking on my heart type of feeling that Sing about me does fear, does even a mad city does even any treaty. Does you know in a certain way it just because he's playing these characters because he's setting so much up, there's a little bit a lack of of an emotional thing that I think, and you come are as brilliant. At what sets em up and I think, in a best song representation It has to have some of that strong emotional quality that we love from him.
that's my main problem with leslie's? Syrian this conversation, so I'm comfortable, eliminating it once let's get rid of it. Now we got one off my board: ok, arousal, go legal with the next song you're trying to try to knock off raiment by a body trees, is protected. I send money for trees. Is protected thousand favour, ok, would be money trees again, but I went out to go god, damn it have to go dna. How dare you how do you know what I mean? It's on the clock, justly capital, five minutes on the esteem ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the sick back on again here you does a kendrick Lamar unleash sound like arguably, dna is kendrick at his artistic pinnacle? It's an artist, a to marry the wrath of their youth, but the girl, maturity of a man on the cusp of his thirty's. I covered
well, you have to call for issuers city of tendrils performance. The way he extends the enron dna throughout all of his. How much this song is a master class and force right, but the true beauty of this song is so much more. You know what I want to do. I want to ask my steam colleague adversary? Call a few questions call. Are you ready? If I may help us Why do your friendships with black? people bring. You are familiar. Big set up here. Watching answer the question call so much joy, so much joy, Charles what would you say overwhelming joy, oh yeah, sure, ok, my follow up question. What do you see when you look at the eyes of your black brothers and sisters. What, when I see
do you see, loyalty or perhaps royalty in their dna cole? I see the royalty I see where you go with this. I see both I see, loyalty and reality. So for our esteemed panel right now, who's! Listen desperately about what greatest conjugal mar song of all time. Why would you try to rob them of the song? This underline their history? The thing that have kept them alive and a country has tried the best stripped of everything? Can you ads that call a gave you may Some fair points in your back into a corner with the racial thing myself, you you, what I thought was a nice strategy this. I appreciate that dear you come a dna when right now, you have a little song called fear on your list. How about you defend fear? Why is fear on your list when dna? It could be argued,
It is not only one of the biggest songs, often damn it is they tore. It affords no way I dont think fear is, I rest my case, beautiful charles. you came very prepared, I'm a very impressed dna again I'll, get to fear dna. his beard of me. I love this. I fucking mud, the sun, but an for the points. You just made great great strategy, great points, but the same problem that I have with wesley's theory in that it's kind of one dimensional. And it's one dimensional and a really good way. You know he regret the skit before we had the fox news thing so is it expressing all this anger. This prize All this stuff, like he covering a lotta bases there. But It is kind of justice, visceral reaction, nary, a kind of catharsis moment at the time but the album, and I think it
some of the dimension that we want from kendrick morleys. What I think he's special out like this. two palmed gets going, but it doesn't make you want to cry and added, of that, like I think, kendrick and- both in the same song in so it's hard for me. pick dna. This conversation, because it just lax or other side of kendrick Lamar, which he expressed As in fear, which is kind of like that, you know a pair of very good pairing with dna, because it shows you the others, the coin in the same way like sing about me, shows you the other side of mad city coin, fear to me as aid. I think said this on record that its is best written song that he's ever written. Kendrick said that about fear. and I can see why, because we Three phenomenal verses The first one is from the perspective of his mom when he was seven averse to who is from when he was seventeen growing up, compton gonna high school, fearing for his life. Verse threes, when these twenty seven and then
like a second part, diverse three, which he's had like wrapping up the concept of the album. You get this like retrospective. Look at kendrick mars entire life he's doing voice, kind of acting thing that we know and love from him that, I think said some apart from his peers that he's able to embody his mother at vienna and express the feeling of fear. That he had as a seventeen year old child by wrapping in the way that the wrapping the emotional quality of this of what he felt from his mother. At that time, get. The kind of like I don't know almost like possess, likened very numbed expression of being seventeen adjust constantly fearing for his life. You get that just really haunting numb quality that he that he has an adverse and then he wrapped up the entire album with that third verse we get up
direction, that samples poverties Paradise, which I won't go into now, but if you listen to that episode, where I broke that song down now that song is building how fear building off that sample and what that sample is saying expressing this kind of generational plight and so from our text because standpoint, just like the words on the page, I think fear has everything you want mckendrick Amar song. I think the production this top level conceptually it's there. It's an emotional song as well. I think it covers every single base that you'd want from a mckendrick commerce. I am I wrong you're, not how, beyond his call. As your friend is someone who respects you, I can't sit on that. You weren't here's. The thing fear, is a wonderful song. I think it so very, very I'll written song, I've maybe an agreement kendrick that it's his best but hey kendrick knows more more about me,
out the art of wrapping, so I think I'm gonna have to invoke it. Voting the judge rule just in sales. Can you please pick we dna versus fear. Could you please pick, which one goes into the next round, because I I guess both cases and in an ongoing turkey's mess, yeah. You guys call me ever really tough one right now. So thanks for that There were putting the blame on yeah. This is really tough, so I have a question, am I supposed to just be considering the arguments laid before the court here or am I supposed to be taking in the outside contexts? That of my learned experience? I think it should be.
booth, and I also think she had I as our producer and not just the judge of this. You should try to save us from the wrath of the internet, and all of that that isn't, I guess that's where I was going that last part of this and I were strictly going on the merits of the argument. I would have to side with coal our hands boy I was jobs aspects jumped into nothing. Everything coal said about fear is one hundred percent incorrect and this is like not to denigrate either of these songs or two of his best. But if we look at the lasting impact these islands have had outside of the context of the item. If we look at like really
we're working toward here, which is what is the greatest kendrick Lamar song of all time. You know we have to find the sweet spot between influence impact and just the overall quality of the song you gotta go dna He does have to go there and you know they. Both phenomenal sounds, and I felt really bad doing this because pulls argument is very persuasive, but Taking in all the outside factors, I think you just go. The dna is just one of his most iconic songs. I think it's too, this point is kendrick unleashed and in a way that, like we ve rarely seen in that's what a lot of people just walk from kendrick. ding ding. My first round, thanks just do it. My defence- I will say this because I think my kendrick circle- I've cultivated a very tight knit kendrick circle through my couple season: seasons dissect I will just say I with you, I didn't
is probably the right pick this conversation. But let me just say that, he'll kendrick fans the real dick fans. The hard core kendrick fans, fears, gonna, be the choice over dna Here's the thing I think tat in it the funny thing that when we talk about kind of the reception in everybody being like wiping the song and not this song, I think it's so interesting. This experiment, because at least how trying to attack. He ease, yet somebody picks- might be basic, but What songs that, like a die, hard kendrick than can love a middle of the road only listened to the sole wabbles doesn't really listen to any of the mixed. Tapes of the heart is really the major label outcomes and someone who's. Never ever it is too like these songs and that's what makes this list difficult because you're trying to play three different demographics, where it's like. I think, like the songs that we particularly like sometimes will we because, like you and I ve been
when kendrick we listened to everything which I find is like a very, very interesting debate. When you read the comments you no enemy, think what does set kendrick apart and why we do need to consider like his mass appeal, is, that is just because typically, the kind of wrapper that kendrick more, is doesn't. this kind of audience right, they're, usually a little too outside popular, senses they kind of exist. Just outside mass appeal right like empty. I'm talkin like the loop bays, the those gotta more hetty, conscious, wrappers, don't usually ascend to his level. He I think what makes him special is that he can do both so damn well like the best. I think that both the things, and so you have to honour That skill, that is a very, very hard scheme, to cultivate is mass appeal with message and I think that was that's. What makes kendrick Lamar so special and generational is that he can do both. So you do We consider that that that quality
and so I'm I'm happy to go dna over fear. So right now I still have three on the for I have met city dna money. Trees. You just If I was in a fan. Ok here we go. I'm gonna. If we're talking about the and votes before we get to the royal rumble before we bring like the did, the last round, where we both have to songs, I gotta be real. I have to kill me maybe I have like. I was so happy that I got tat money trees on there. But if we're going by past statements alone,. I said that I did not take money trees in the first episode, because I dont think contracts. Song can be one where he's out wrapped that bad budget iraq- I just I just something I can't beat you feel me: it's it's not gonna work. Your best like I don't You agree, but J Iraq has the best. First on that's on easily. on this, I guess I'll give you that future at all don't know. If I want to fight for monetary, so bad that I'm just like, I want it in the final round, but We honest like if you dont, have
that's verse on your song as a wrapper rat you. How can that be like in content? and because we really talking about what makes kendrick the like such a plan. I am an artist, so I'm going to give you that that's my biggest problem with money trees is that I don't think it. Those two verses from kendrick are close to the best at all, a conversation like this. He has to be said. He's the one shining, Although the song is great, that's told his he he made that saunders even murmurs eddie roget Iraq's verse, beer- you here, yet he can't get out shine at his own song on his best song. So I am glad that you can. That baby, I'm glad talked about it again because it is important song and one of his best but yeah. That's we gotta get rid of it. I'm sorry, I'm money, trees, I'm sorry, everybody who voted. We voted for it. Thank you so much. I just to do it and with that we have three songs, so apt short break, we're going to be back and we're going to get into the royal rumble where we are going to discuss I'd city dna and
sing about me. Essentially the greatest kendrick Lamar songs of all time make sure you state. This episode is broadly by new and improved shall be power. Natura plus premium gasoline prefer permits inhibiting deposits, rob your engines performance and hold back from its true potential, but new and improved shall be power. Network plus removes up to one hundred percent a performance robbing deposits to rejuvenate your engines performance, with continuous, using gasoline direct injection engine fuel injectors, because Your performance knows no bounds. Learned Brad showed that? U s slash v power. This episode is brought you by at last year, when we work together impossible things aren't so impossible. In fact they become possible. That's why seventy five percent of fortune five hundred companies work together using at last and team collaboration software, like jura confluence,
then trailer the attack of their biggest challenges with a little imagination a whole, our collaboration, the possibilities really do become endless at last year for projects impossible alone, learn more and at last the in that come that's eighty l s s eye, a and dhaka all we're almost there we, three song, stolen contention, mad city dna and the fan vote. I am very surprised at the anvil. Has still kicking thing about me. I'm dying of thirst are eight. Do before we get to the final too? We have to figure out met city dna sing about me. I think in fairness. It has to be one of my songs. I, like dna more than I annexing about me I'll, tell you that much really yeah yeah. I guess I guess again can make the case
for dna. Everything about me either in the brain like culture in terms of like real rap fans. could I be lying. I think I, like you in a better because that's where we found out through the entirety of last long standing, I tend to like those songs that are a little bit more aggressive, a little bit more propulsive. In turn, of what sing about me means to contract fans in terms of the poor is that it serves on, arguably, is best album. I'm gonna kill dna, its bite It's fine! It got it got farther than I thought the, but I can't with a straight face. We like dna or think about you, think I care as a catch it they do that, Thank you. One other thing about dna that this conversation we the wrong way as those produced by mike will and that's just not a representation of of
a market best song to me cause war war war were words, be real, dream. You need to go to my work ass. He needed some bangers illegally, don't just for sure that he is very transparent about that. They they had borne into club river club for a long time. The moment was it right on tipp, a butterfly, obviously an I mean some of the best songs on damn are produced by army. Humble is the biggest song produced by himself, but but to me that doesn't really represent kendrick or to the fullest, where mad city or sing about me. Both are produced in part by sound wave, mad cities are partially produced by Terence Martin, which is a long time collaborator him sing about me. I think about me is produced by both sound wave. Ask I hutch, and I just think, having sound wave on a song that represents kendrick mars kind of important since they ve been together from day one bet you sound wave has the most production credits across the country.
Our catalogued there very close. That's just another knockabout dna that just kind of run me. The wrong way in this conversation is affair. That is, that is very fair. So, right now our official royal rumble are finale. Is mad. The first thing about me, the fans have spoken, and I'm so surprise we guys, ya, gotta song into the into the finale that is which but for that we should do that again and again, we had the debate last time like ranking, hendricks albums and now here we are with two good kid mad city songs. You know, I think that speaks a lot too good kidnapped city. I think we both had a number one in our rankings and our active rankings, probably not my subjective, ranking but- I think that really goes a long way to even for that conversation that good kid mad city is might be as objective best album right. Here's the thing, I think
going back to his experiment. When I realized is that will probably mix future kendrick Lamar albums, better artistically, but more difficult to wrap your head around is the fact that after kid mad city, he's less and less worried about making songs that can exist outside of the album where it's like for the people, of our exercise. I think good kid. Mad city does what a lot of his albums. Don't wear it works as a whole, but also works in the micro. It works. As like you, can listen to a mad city where you can listen to a swimming pools or money trees and no makes sense of songs or it's like to pick up a butterfly or day am I I think these are more hetty concepts that he's chasing there's more stories, there's more things to unpack. So, of course, these two songs are going to be from good kid: mad city, because they're the
that you can give to anyone and be like hey. This works as a song outside of the project. You know what I mean, I think it's a classic- and I hate have this conversation, but it is true in this this case, but like you that you mentioned earlier. Sometimes it is The first item is so important and it's so raw and there's so much on the line and you ve kind of especially in this case ex kendrick saved the story for so long to tell it's really hard to recapture all those components and your subsequent work after success- and I did kendrick- is done it as good as anyone right he's made two classic albums, post, good kid, mad city, maybe even another, with more missed morale, tumble tell, but you know is there's something that you just can't quite captured again in those debut albums that you see from these kind of artists towards this so many this is this dispute pick mix of different things, and it's just like that.
The there's a rawness too good kid men city that he hasn't been able to capture. Probably the closest is actually MR morale. There's a rawness too that record that I think as Canada, seems kind of qualities that that good kid does but here I don't know, man is a special is just as such. A special record I mean this is worth I've just lucky? I feel very lucky to be alive when chemical mars making art it is the key beyond me. Is a given. I think I'm so I feel so a fortunate to be witnessing this kind of catalogue in real time and experiencing these records that I finger on you know a par with some of the best in music history. I just feel very fortunate to be alive right now and in witness it I mean Other thing I was thinking when I was out for a walk this morning was the reason that good kid mad city as such,
emotional have to me that maybe some of the other albums thought that they don't use a different emotion is that the last kendrick Lamar project, where he's wrapping pre fame to pimple butterfly, is all about but it is about kendrick, for dealing with the fall out of becoming this massive artists, damn a little bit last week MR morale definitely is about life. If September butterflies like it's like being a famous person for the first time. Mr morale issues, like I'm a famous person, and also now I have to kill the legend of kendrick Lamar good can match, works so much to me, because I think kendrick is the best when he's wrapping about himself, and I also think kendrick is the best when he's telling stories that he has a long enough gonna run way to have a lot of thoughts about and conflicting feelings about, and that's why I think we both have good get mad city. Pigs is because we're never
gonna get that again and that's fine, we every artist goes through that, but you never can have that moment again where you like this, artists has been waiting a lifetime to tell this story down there, they can only- tell it once and a lot of times those artist buck up already. Slayer, then that we are there accession message them up and good kid met? City is one of those rare moments, those rare debut albums. Hence why, Debut album in rap is so important where it's like. Oh he did it. He did it when, like drake didn't do it we did it away. Like there's a lot, the people who were in his class big sean. All these people who were able to do We're in kendrick is the rare one who like stopped the winding. You know what I'm here I mean even like egypt. I am compare this a lot too. Like fifty cent his teeth first album get died trying here in new in a way that they feel like a good. Kid is type of record fifty cent is actually an example. Yet what usually happens, which, as I cannot even get close to reliving that kind of success after money-
your fame and this kind of like he ran out of things to say in my mind, notice per se. the fifty cent he's a legend, but I mean is that fair? No, that's only fair and that's actually what I think, even if you look at it, when, like a nice, were not made great albums after automatic. But if you read like early reviews or kind of like the revolt against some of his albums. When you know as with the mafia, also and all that it's all is when you have a perfect album when you have a perfect debut always a shadow over your career where you, my guys, not an automatic. It's not good. Kid is not. This is not reasonable doubt and I think kendrick wildly, because two people butterfly was so radically different. He I've got to side step that where we don't really have those conversations up, it's not good kid behind us to like what we ve been saying, this entire season is like oh, circumvent,
By just getting really really weird, so we always expect kendrick to reinvent himself on every project exactly he set peace. The standard early like we talked about last episode, adding swerving so early in his career with two bimbo butterfly, was very important I think spent set expectations, why that that why I'm not going to keep doing this, thing- and I think I was to his credit as very smart to do early, but let's get to that. Let's, let's not dodge around! This royal rumble finale. I think it's time to get into it. Let's get who wants to go first, you want to go first. You want me to go first. I won't let you go first, I will let you go first took in life we cannot choose where we come from, in many ways our origin, define us the but the mark, the primordial ooze that shapes us is inescapable.
when we talk about mad city were discussing the foundation, the soul, of a child that contains multitudes, grown into a world of piracy, crypts shooter, and robberies within the work I a twentysomething contained the memories of people displaced dispossessed, but with fighting spirit that can never be quenched. There's a visceral almost unexplainable aware, to mad city? and you want to know how I know that for a fact call. Let me ask you a few questions how many times have you seen kendrick more catacomb. Our life for interest if the cow houses show tremendous and at those fortunate can you name me. Which song without a doubt had the biggest response night after night
city. That's my dad! Anyhow! I actually so you know what I talked: a cam shut, our camp corredor collaborator long term, clara dissect. He just saw kendrick Lamar live, and I'm about to see him tonight that the day that we're recording this, but I had to ask him- was like in this cause. I was thinking about this. Part of the conversation I was like all the songs which one went live there. Sneeze had said city still still the Here's the thing when was when was good kid met city released, two thousand twelve or thirteen twelve or thirteen so almost a decade or more. the deck the eyes? It's definitely two twelve is about to be ten years. Yeah mad city, a decade later still echoes, through the halls. Arap history, city first thing about me: I'm dying of thirst have to be real. This is an elementary argument to you. My climax is. Do you like a little point in the story
Oh yeah, right where everything changes where our hero descend into the madness into the chaos and we are so gripped with fear. We don't know if they can claw their way back. I like me something about me. I'm dying of thirst, don't get me wrong! That's a great song! It's great saying, I'm glad, I'm glad some contention, but it is obviously number two and you want to know why its member to answer. Because my esteemed colleague has already said, can it really be in contention? a twelve minutes on where really put fucking hell mentally. Does it work in the second half who's to say who is this? Do you want to listen to a song have escaped up in your song, all up in your best kendrick Lamar song? I sure do here's the thing.
When we talk about mad city, the reason they call them agreed at the beginning of the entire kendrick Lamar last long standing, spearmint, not mad city in the first episode that its intensity has never waned. It shows you everything that kendrick is as an artist he's transporting an entire nation entire globe into world that so often is forgotten? What does it mean to be a good kid? What does it mean to be a black with so much hope and so much promise living in city that, because of racism because of the way america's set up as to rob you at every single avenue, mad city is not only the greatest kendrick Lamar song of all time. It should be. Last long standing, I rest my case,
european beautiful, beautiful. I love the season have you thought about going to law school nor would be terrible in the corn, like the garage, would throw me out. I felt objection into abbe, do not at all in the courtroom arable, or will you put in a great great, acting job today? That was me of all, and I know what is it I wouldn't to ok here's what maybe we should try to do. I want to make my case forcing about me. and then we're gonna wait who had about this. We flip you try to, good case for sing about me and I'll. Try to make a case for mad city, who I like that I, tat all right a little. He will see because our beautiful- but I know you like met. I know you like sing about me too and I'll I'll of both of these signs. I think we should try to do so but one down we should to see which one rises to the top with that applicable, I so sing about me. It is the other side of the coin of two mad city, though
do you know the songs were beautifully as apparent glad we're talking about them as a pair. Glad that we ended up on these two sides. I think it's the right conversation. What sing about me has that I dont think mad city has. Is that when I listen to mad city is easy. for my brain. If you want you can shut your brain off and just like vibe too, that record Sing about me is impossible to do that. You feel the weight of the song every single time you listen to it. For me, I tear up every single time a tiered up this morning when I listen to it It is impossible to escape the emotional residents of the song. It is impossible for you not to be gripped by the song emotionally, which is very very hard to do and music. Thing about me is bridge in writing. So we have classic kendrick wrapping from different perspectives, something that has been interested in doing all his huh career is like how do I represent my people in compton? How do
get these stories out to the world. How do I express hears, The test ex all the time we hear here's, what racism, here's, what systemic races the years. What these things do will list will listen facts right will list. You know still the stakes are? You know show how black people disadvantaged by all these systemic things right, but we very rarely, and how can we hear the stories of the real life sperience is of the people that are affected this art is so important to our music so important. Why kendrick Lamar himself is so important because he consciously has been thinking about how to express these stories in art for his, career, and he does don't sing about me everyone knows first verses, wrapped from the perspective of days brother, who gets killed on the previous on the album, and we here the pain that a death cause rather than a statistic of like here. Another death by gang violence rival here that headline and it could even
implication of their combined, has racial connotations right When you hear I challenge any human being with a heart on earth to lie listen to that story inverse one and not feel empathy for them? brother, that is struggling but the emotions of having is now his brother killed and Also that feeling of like it also like gives you a kind of you're standing of why the retaliation is a thing to right how these things continue on is because the hue, When quality is of one of root of revenge, you know that comes easier to us, then forgiveness, especially in the moment, and so we hear that too and qana gives you perspective on why these cycles continue and character. actively thinking about how do we stop the cycle? How do we? How do we end this verse, too this is very similar thing, with quiches sister First, three we have kendrick at at it. Kind of his
was, and just like, lay now, the entire album laying out the way that he feels of troy to tell these stories, hoping he's doing it right, acknowledging that he stumbled, you know with the quiches song on section eighty, but then come true. justify where he was coming from and cut of you saying I'm just trying to help. I'm trying and so is just a very, very heartfelt very beautiful sign one I think, very important just in in that year. It is very rare that we get to hear this directive like feedback of of stories from places that people like me just don't have access to hearing and that's it. So beautiful about kendrick bars art is that he gives us a piece of that and in a way that we can all feel on a very human level that that completely disintegrates all those racial divides in my mind, and just connect as a human to human and
and in a way that I think kendrick Amar only can do. I think if thinking about what elevate sing about me over mad city, it sat There is a number of artist. I could maybe get close to doing a song like mad city. I think that there's many or even one that could do it to the law well, but I think Sing about me show cases what makes jack Amar a little bit more special emotionally than a mad city does so. I think that would have, to be my case forcing about me very eloquent. If I could, if I add in terms why why thing sing about me should be in the running is: I think about those last bars and the first verse when contracts. And I love you cause you love my brother, like you did just promise me you'll tell the story when you make a big and if I die before your album drop. I hope that we get the gunshots and Think something that is so special about sing about me, I'm dying of thirst is that you have to.
about the interiority of kendrick, the emotions that he's had to live with, and the burden of another human saying, like a like me, Sure the world doesn't forget about us, doesn't forget about our story. forget about where we came from. That's such a big bird- it is not just a big bird to have as human as an artist who is on the cusp of making a big on their debut out. You can forget that I think there's a lot of temptation than a lot around his fall into words like I might only get one chance at this. I need the heads I need this all of these people, whether to the label, whether it's your friends, whether its other wrappers, are in your ear for andrew to have. That leaves or focus of there
It's going to be a song where I finally document at all where I document all of these people who met the world to me all of these, and I paint them With a level of care. And a level of humanity that so rarely you get to see. Black people painted in, I think, is one of the most beautiful things that you can do as an artist, and I know that we are debating in all of this is fine but, like You speak about it re listening to today I was really just taken aback. Rooms like this is somewhat still so young, but is still for self On be like now, stop we are gone. to really celebrate peace souls, and I think as such there yet no I'm doing justice, but that is such a beautiful thing to commit to you know. I'm here and I do think, there's even like a universal blair to this, because if you just listen to the hook right like it is,
Is everything about the human experience? You knows it's reckoning. mortality, it's one during what you're legacy is gonna. Be. Is the life that I'm leading now going to me an impact who's gonna sing about me when I'm gone. Are they going to be people asking about me when I'm gone those like very real human. Emotions thoughts, fears that we all have Then you have to add the layer, of course, of where you just laid out in terms of my kendrick, putting that sponsa billowy on himself to sing about these. I quite literally sing about these people and make sure that their legacy in their souls and are honoured and also represent some much larger. That is ongoing, an incredibly for it to continue to think about and continue to work to make better, of course. So I think there I think, that's
That's my case. Forcing about maids try not to cry or now he came, so I didn't make the case for mad city. Can I make the case for mad city, because I need you to go from a really strongly about mad city I feel really strong about sing about me. I I feel really strongly about mad city as well. You you covered all the fanatic stuff, I think very, very well. I think, from in writing perspective this song is fucking, brilliant and perfect in every single way, from the production to the lyricism to the full. I think it show cases, therefore talking about a holistic showcase. So kendrick Lamar's talents, I think mad, Did he represents every single thing, very, very, very, very well so we talk about lyricism, nothing to be clear on this song. Yes to three verses.
I think that last verse has to be in the running for one of his best eve reference it all the time. If I killed edward at sixteen would proceed. To be. that whole verse is so really evident. Com aids into the revelation of the acronym of the mad city tied live inside the belly of the rough company usa. Maybe an angel on angel does why primary riding scratching amendment that city, clumsy and then, and then the riff, the west coast, synthesizer classic moscow, synthesizer doktor, dray style riff to represent the song. That is like a sonic portrait compton is so brilliant. So, just from a writing perspective that that detail is so cool the, but then, like four dutch aspect, like we have a really talk about production at all, I think far production, wise, there's, a reason why sing about me subdued and it works beautifully, but
direction on mad city is so genius. I laid out like the samples and stuff last time how bill it's off of the baby king sample at what I didn't say it now. That episode, though, actually is at the beach baby king sample that sample in that second half chains and things It functions in a very similar way that, Fear does with poverties paradise, where the the lyrics of the song being sampled contribute to the thematic kind of message of the of the new song that beat that using that samples of a baby king lyrics is talking about essentially the black struggle in the sixty is he says about hard luck in trouble, seems to be my middle name. All the odds are against me. Yes, only I play a losing game. These chains that bind me can't lose these chains and things it talks about says, would pack up and leave today, but I ain't got where to go no money to buy a ticket. I don't feel like
walking anymore. These chains that by me, I can't Lucy's chains and things will be king, is talking about being stuck in the same way the kendrick, as we talk about being stuck in a place like compton and not being able to escape. So we are there detailed and bring up last time that I thought I should bring up here. Do so just like for me for products. Standpoint the beats which is perfect on this song. It works incredibly well to use empty as a character perfectly too of represent the kind of wrappers kendrick was listening to at this time in the of life when he that he's ascribing on the song growing up in compton so brilliant, like such a conceptual by stroke of genius there It just has every single thing. It has the live aspect that we talked about, how the dutch. Has the lyricism has that the trademark derek doing the voice which thing where he's on that last first rays, high pitched voice. pitch voice represent the good kid in the mad city, pulling em to either side which is
elected in a panting from your left right speaker like lit Really pushing you and pulling in the same way that kendrick is being pushed by the good side of his bedside, so you have like just every single aspect that we talk about this conversation of production, lyricism theatrical, can concept I every alive aspect like a hat, every making clear like every single the volume you I didn't think about like if you ve, never heard kendrick Lamar, even if you think about how we ends his verses, he, like literally within bar? Tells you like no, this issue, kendrick is when he says kendrick acre, contents, human sacrifice or made me an angel on angel dust, he's literally every step of the way for an audience being like? No, these, not only is this the theme of the album, but like contents, human sacrifice is like if you needed. three words to describe who kendrick ease in terms of like his career, that
not only how he sees himself, but if we look at is other products being like. Oh the is someone who had to trade a part of himself You tell these stories, it's like it's. Why he's making a sing about me, I'm dying of thirst. It's why he makes a random around is the fact that, like he's seen so much of compton and its Hey I of being a celebrity is like as much as he has the money in that's great admitted that there is a part of kendrick its whose, like for ever has to have this burden of being. This hope people, someone when If things happened to the black community, people are waiting to hear from him in a way that we wait for some of our greatest black artist. So I think this song kind of, does a great job of being like ok, five, one song. If I have one moment to describe to an audience what I am about, this is it. And that's why I think it's maybe this bar, because it's like it on a plate it's like here. This is this: is everything I've been waiting? Twenty,
years to say, yeah the this is like the final thing, when I realized kind of this and articulated to myself like outside. Ok, maybe this is the one, because what I say what this does serve the sun does so well. Is that, like me, and before, if you shut your brain off, it gives you the vizir all just pump up call I get. It hits live all that stuff like if you just turn your brain off, but you just louis. If you just sit down and read the lyrics like they do to me. They give you the same kind of feeling or a similar feeling that emotion. equality that we're looking for an kendrick Lamar therein, the lyrics it might not be like express like wrapped in articulated on record in a way that a sing about me is and you're gonna get that emotional gap. And just unavoidable. but that same level of storytelling of rawness, of of just bear emotions or in the song, is just like you, have to kind of like really Look at it because, I'm here talking about
seeing someone killed when he was what seven or nine years old at the berger stand like just think. Like just thinking that, like that, is so heavy right. Talking about real running with it calling people by their name so much tat. He s the bleep out someone's real name right: talking about a wallet well it's coming a case, a hours, a duck that's cool to sing along too, but like thing about being a teenager, unlike literally around you. You know, like I mean that is so scary like that, is that that to me just evokes so well the kind of environment that he was brought up in and red button again These are cool lyrics, to cut to recite, live, but thinking I them like a normal. the treaty just peace in a bag up to pre approve bodies on top of bodies? Ivy on top of ivy is obvious the coroner between the sheets, like the ices, like just painting
picture of just bodies stacking out because are so many deaths around him. It's like he's like glorifying this. It's like these are vivid descriptions of things that he saw a child growing up so I dunno like when I kind of really when you just look. Yet the lyrics and how vivid they are in the same way. I think everything about me is thus a man he's really doing at all in the sun, like at all. to your point. You said this earlier in the season where I think what makes my city work potentially as the last long standing is that it doesn't just contain chemical more. It contains a history between us apples in the interrelation of yeah the king of ice, cube of of warren. Anything like it is covering Just not only the history of black music, the history of west coast, music and its and saying like no I'm over lineage, it's not kendra being like I'm above is ignored, I'm continuing ev.
The combination of so many years of struggle of strength and of music and creativity, and I think that to me is almost a spear This technical more did you see all of his work he's pulling from so much black are so much black history, so I think It's weird to say. I do think that mad city boss, nuclear probably has a little bit more going on in terms of the layers of like their absence. like its literally just like technical dec with of ease painting a picture with, like only colors, Some things that existed like right, like he's like it is such a brilliant use, a vague sonnets like us, thematic use of subjects which is so hard to do, but he's like literally, using every element of the song. All tributes to the portrait that he's painting. That's not a wasted. Stroke, like everything, is contributing to the message and what the song
representing which is his history of competence, so quite literally uses the history of compton to paint the picture I get so brilliant. So if, before we get to our because we're gonna have to pick last long standing. Are there any we, mrs to mad city, are there any things that we can point out where it like? We would want to change. This is what holds it back. to me the only weak as witnesses. That is a very like. I understand that its sick in terms of white people. Lovey, it's a crowd favour it puts sometimes just like you don't over, think it like it's. It's become, b sick because, like it works, there are some pieces of art there his ball you over and over who you are where you are you are going to I understand it and I think, as much as we like, but everybody loves bad city, I'm lucky there's a reason like an artist was able to like distill decades decades of history and who they are as a human into like a brief, minutes on
I think. So, what I guess one part like you, could make the argument that it doesn't have a really strong hook, I mean a hook is like almost like it. It's taken from a skin like it's like man, down where you from here you who you know that's taken from a skin in the? I guess I think it's the previous song, so so the strongest sing along hook, although live people sing it, and I mean to be fair, but the yacht jackie arc, this kind of like, as what did you want to be like- is that, unlike only that the the is plays, the role of the hypnotic freeze you coming back, is that thing that try waiting for because, like I know about you when I've seen caricom our life, that's the dopamine. the yak yak yak, which are waiting for so to me, are actually would argue. It's one of catholics most effectively because it uses so little possessed. So much deanna guess. The only other part that I'm just trying to pick holes at it is like is embassy. Eight on his best song. Is that
is our denigrated at all hell? No, I think a gate, its its first spoken killer killer? I love that come on braga. It's a makes this again. I think so too. I just I'm just trying to think plain devils advocate here, because I see a pretty sure Jakarta help write it pretty positive that, if not just totally wrote it for him but yeah. just the idea, the way that he used him as a character, I think, is also very brilliant, like mary quintet tito ask I was ask in the way that he uses his features as character, sometimes so they get. Yeah. I think it is more of a positive than it could be a negative, but because if you like- but I bet you like what, percent of the people that listen to this- I don't know who empty etas, but probably love that first and don't skip it exactly as I can so as not to resurrect empty and give him a relevant verse at people like love. Two thousand and two
and twelve- is actually pretty boat. for his case very well. I didn't reading reading articles, empty eight was just like those dope that, like kendrick was just like yo like come in, like to do this, because you even he was like absolutely alleging but in two thousand twelve he was in the he wasn't in the firmament of like what we're talking about right. But here's the thing: what stop around the bush. It's time, people it's time, we ve dude we ve whittled down its add city first thing about me: I'm dying of thirst, coal, you want me to go first for do you want to go for us. I have. I know what I want to pick them less angst in view a first. I'm gonna go with my heart. This is the song that I wanted to pick going into this in, I was almost bowled over. call almost got me he did
like I was getting emotional, I was given period item like man, disarm means so much. How can we not be this boy? If we're talking about candy, greatest song time for talking about the criteria that we set forth in the first episode to go mad city. I had my heart is saying City I'm going to omit to Hard saying the same thing: man, it's my head, it's weird, because my head kind of wants depicts thing about me that my dude, but my heart to I heart is saying meds, but my heart is saying mad city. Do you think it's the reverse because sing about me such an emotional song, but I think in the discussion in this kind of discussion, that's it, he just hits too many things so so so well that in a holistic representation of who kendrick Amar is as an artist. as a songwriter as it can, actual artist as a,
popular artist as a life performer in this generation. his too many things so well where he sing about me this, I love thing about me. It's just it in this conversation I think it's just slightly a little bit too one no, If you're talking about a percentage point we're not talking about, they are on the same level, it's just a one percentage point, and actually I want to shut out the listeners. The fact that you use your fan vote you got sing about me, I'm dying of thirst. It made it to. Second, I like that's, that's all we get. you like it made it so close guys. I really like to calls point my head wanted to picket put its method. last long standing, the greatest kendrick more song of all time, guys, it's mad city,
I have jack jack jack, then the whoa. How did it feel and call we daddy, a good manners. I love the journey getting here. It was on. Both the in house gave two areas like dogs. Is such a good luck in song? Understood I mean there is so that we can pay I was camping both, but they are such like. It's the same. It's the same coin is just two sides of the same coin: mad city just has a little bit more in this I've have conversation I think I know what made you don't think about me. I'm dying of thirst is technically the second to last long standing, but there's gotta show forth that we and I'm proud of that. That is a hard task. Man we I'm dying If this, I is a really really cool exercise shot at anyone that did it with us. I know a lot of people fit like did the homework with us we're going to get to that in a little bit, but
I'm really excited to try to do this again with another artists gives it it just made. It forces you to think about music in a certain way, about an artist cataloguing, certainly what it what a song should contain like this. This is a really fun way to think bout music in a critical way that I think, is very important so glad that we did this together is a thing for wrap up act to have a public service announcement, I don't think the listeners probably do because they know how good call is at a shot, but I don't think a lot of listeners understand. You know the level of dedication, the level of love, just the nights that every body puts into this whether you know it's are our means. producer. Kevin. All of amazing, like doctrine is doing the notes he's gone through just and sales dealing. With all of the background,
things that nobody ever talks about. That needs to happen whether its things going to legal or its talking to managers or making sure this music can be cleared and that means can be cleared so like Jospin sales killed in last, but certainly not least, I think when we both came up with this idea. Call something new. It was like these dissect he's gonna want. This is my audience. Gonna want this. It's different! It's a chat podcast, and I think that the two similar to the show. Is that, like our friendship over the, last, like seventy eight weeks. Really It blossom. I learned how amazing to other talent. You are you not. I mean, like amazing someone who can like from nothing build how can and make it sound excellent and has all of these things were eat like ours, ridden email smacks, I'd, never thought this call is such a talented individuals. So I want to say thank you.
You for letting me be a part of this, and just like thank the entire team thank Devin Rinaldo for the amazing team music enough camp. You said it the people who have put this together here. Percent deftly echo that statement and for you I know I'd like built in humph cornfield advantage because we published a sunday sack, but what I love about you, Charles, is that you are yours, I fear honest, clear eyed. I love that I'm attracted to people that are authentic for that very reason. didn't, try to pretend you know it. play of media you're just yourself the whole time. I really really appreciate that. I really appreciate perspective on some many things so many so many different things on this the course of these in episodes? I've really really enjoyed this. I hope you get to do it again but his beautiful I can't believe we did it. We did it survived wrenches ever our aid. We only
a brig and just in one's due to settle the magyar, Yelena yellow gotta, go to dissect power can go to Charles ex homes on all the social yell at us. Are we were we wrong? How can we picked out there? We pigmented city, your allies? if you so much to our producer, just in sales, are audio production, wizard, Kevin, polar and the one, and only who provided theme, music, Devon, Rinaldo and maybe we'll see. Very soon go it's our last homework session, sadly I gave you spirited away because you're not that you never really dug into animal I'm a little. I guess I went in like thinking the enemy was like something different
so I want to. I want to throw back to you like what about a spirit away made it the first when you wanted me to watch and like why does it represent like anime, or does it represent anime in a way that you think is holistic, or is it just give me one taste of it? yeah so I saw some people are like. Why would you give him that it's basic blah blah blah blah, but the reason gave it to you is because you said that you only had like dragon. policy is reference and I think, as americans we tend to think of anime in this distinct way, where it's like about me. Lee guys fighting and yelling at each other in that's like one genre, that's enemy. enemy in Malta because their very interconnected monger are the comics an enemy is the is the animation. I think we we painted with his broad brush The reason I gave you miyazaki is it's essentially centrally by giving you a dismal film, it's like giving you something where it's like in pan this is their this.
Is there how version of the disney? This is something that kids, it's a right of passage, and I think because it's not like big must be men, yelling at each other or punching each other. It's a very like sweet tale of this. Of this. young girl trying to save her parents and get home from the spear world, I think anybody, can appreciate its also works. Sensory overload. It's something that, like there's so much happening where you're like, even if you're not used to anime. I think anybody can respect the fact that like There is so much work that go so much love, so much thought this is like a bill. Mrs art Want to give you something words just like. All animals is not people with each other. Here, it's like you, can have some nets like emotional and visceral and means Hockey means so much to me is one of my favorite filmmakers. So that's why I give to you by the bureau of ob to say the music is really really good. That's feet the domain theme that song or that the movies, it's beautiful so,
they were you what it's like this do, no, I mean, is it's cool. I mean I I'm glad I did the exercise and I'm glad that I, after you said that and why you gave me the specific film makes a lot of sense and because it was the psych there it is. I can see the disney correlation, but it is a little bit more. It was almost like Alice in wonderland style words like a little more psychedelic. I don't know if that's the right word, but there are so many creatures and characters a lot of more imagination than I would think that that goes into a typical didn't you type a movie I appreciated. I appreciate all the characters and I think generally speaking like
change the way that I thought about what anime was so that if that was your kind of that was my goal, whether you're just like it, doesn't have to be your favorite movie of all time, but that thing where it's just like, I think, yeah americans have this view of the it's like same thing with like comic books. Like most people are just like. Oh batman, beating people up, and then you could give them another. You can give them. Another comic be like no comics are also this like it's a wide genre, so I just want to expand your palate. So if anybody says hey watch this anime movie, you'd be like oh no. They're like this will be an actual film. It's just not the typical, like big one. Eyes, big boobies people, yeah, that's gonna, work immediately, that's gonna want my perception was of it generally. So, if you have anime was that I know there is a little because there are certain people that I respect that are really into it. I was like oh there's definitely more here that I need to like explore. I did have that kind of classic american procession of it. Generally speaking, so we're ok If I'm going to continue in the the the brake here between seasons, if our
can continue on what gimme like. are you ready for the savage entropy shit I'm kinda like how do I describe it, I guess like I've continued to like darker stuff, I would like my favorite movie of all time is like eyes, wide shut. If that tells you anything, you know what I'm into that kind of stuff I'm going to give movie called paprika paprika ago. It's movie that deals lot would dreams does get with dark, and Christopher Nolan. and took a lot of the inspiration for inception from paprika, or at least that's the rumors. So I like paprika you're, still going to get a lot of that psychedelic feel you're still going to get a lot of characters, but it's a more grown up movie movie. It's not like something you can watch with your kids and it does deal with like Perception of reality, which it like, I know like you and I like Charlie Kaufman, it's a very like-
What county is real, what our dreams- and I think I think, your property, it's a little dark. Ok paprika, I'm into it, and you get you bob dylan up again I gave you the non normie bob Dylan, more court favorite classic. album bob Dylan. What do you think? I thought? What we want on track, sorry, but your tracks aliquid. Now why don't we crazy, but our future album on my dear What did I'm not gonna hold you up. It wasn't what I was expecting a policy to a lot of the bigger dillon According to this one to me was just a uses. It is some of the lyrics just about like ire yeah it was it was. I only want to once when I was very very like oh ok, bob, I didn't know you had this aim, you, what it's like a beer that break up records. Others are some like scathing songs on their light. That's an idiot wind! Is this the right? That's what I'm gonna look up! Any favorite song attitude is our basic mick
this my varies onto its like, some of just so scathing by the best kind of you get it cause. It's like post break up way idiot wind would like did it for me. I was like this. The jam like I can understand. Why was it is like? Oh no, these, like cole, gave me this album no. I will like listen to wake bob dylan in my free time, but besides, like that big records. I know in the big albums like this was a treat. This is like exactly the homework need any ere. I gotta get gets here like most people. Think of bob dylan in two ways. One is, I guess, early protest eyes of that very for traditional folk blown in the wind, I kind of thing and then it goes electric and that's only gets like so Brenda drugs and he's just riding stream of consciousness like very abstract, jack kerouac in full influence type, a thing and so they
and then and then does a very pivotal part of his career where he got this motorcycle accident. Everything post motorcycle accident, where he is trying to basically not be famous anymore. It has been. like up and down for a lot abdel listeners, I feel a blot on the tracks is like a very good representation of like what bogdan and ended up. After all, The whirlwind of the sixties of him being protests guy came kind of turning is back on that going a luxury going abstract and then kind of settling down and then making a nice hybrid of both and just making just becoming one of the greatest songwriters of all time, blood on tracks really cases like it. a holistic portrait of what bob Dylan is and who he is, and talents of writing all that stuff. So I am glad that
like did. I think anyone with good music days would cry like that record so nigh on everyone to have ya. It's idea in the rotation. I guess that foreseeable future, but speaking of homework cooler, he was a two colonies discography lately, Maybe not. Lately, I've been listening, kendrick Lamar life, but I haven't you. Are you a colony west van generally speaking hell year hell year, Can we argue you fuck you fuck. We can't you write that seen a few dissected irons about congo If you, the greatest artists of our time, weight, Should the next season of last long standing b.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.