« Dissect

Dissecting INSIDE (Part 6)


Our serialized analysis of Bo Burnham's INSIDE continues with "Don't Wanna Know," "Shit," "All Time Low," and "Welcome to the Internet."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From spotify. This is dissect long for physical analysis broken into short digestible episodes. This is part six, seven part series on inside the music the special shot performed by boat burden for the course of a very unusual year. I'm your host Ok,. This absurd is broadly by new and improved, shall be power, natura plus premium gasoline proof,
payments inhibiting deposits rob your engines performance and hold back from its true potential, but new and improved shove e power. Droplets removes up to one hundred percent a performance, robbing deposits to rejuvenate your engines, performance with continuous, using gasoline direct injection engine fuel injectors, because your performance knows no bounds. Learn or showed that? U s, slash the power. last time I dissect reexamined inside shift from outside to inside from both addressing the world around him to addressing himself. This ship was first signalled by looking inside again, which compared beings I can cite in twenty twenty two being stuck inside as a teenager, making songs and his bedroom within her. Both dress, those teenage songs and problematic before turning thirty at midnight, the official midway, point of the special here. We observe how bout use this scene as a pivot point transforming
I'd from a satire about bo healing the world with comedy too much more personal, story about those declining mental health as the attempts to survive, making this special alone icily from the world devoid of human interaction, after thirty reach the films foe intermission, whereby cleans the cameras lines with the squeaky once again, drawing attention to the fact that we are watching a construct performance highlight the dynamic of camera and screen audience a performer. Following this intermission sequence, we see a long shot of the entire room. It's dark. We hear the chirping of crickets sing that it's late at night in the center of the a spotlight shines down on both keyboard, chair and laptop. The room is noticeably cluttered with equipment and as well enters the frame and walked across the room to his chair, cast a carefully step over various lights and cables as if avoiding landmines, given that this it is the first that follows. The intermission feels a bit like a reintroduction. We see both step into
as if re entering the room like he did at the start of the film. We also recognize At the framing of the shot, closely mirrors to opening shot of the song comedy when performed in this, through the room using the same set up the key difference: both of these shots that now the room is an absolute mess, as opposed to spotless, clutter, free condition of the room at the beginning of the film as we ve been learning throughout our analysis, the decaying could do none of the room, seems to mirror the decaying condition of both mental health. Having made his way through the clutter, both its down in its record on laptop as soon as he does this, the sound of crickets suddenly stops drawing our ten the fact that they were fake. That this thing that were watching is constructed is a performance. After hitting record bill begins to perform. The song don't want to know.
How are you feeling do you like the show, or are you tired of it never mind? I don't want to know. Are you finding it boring or too fast, too slow, I'm asking, but don't answer cause. I don't want dog to go again addressed us his audience directly asking how were feeling were liking. The show so far questions we, be asking each other during a films intermission. He goes to ask if he has our attention, if he's on. In the background, if we're on our phones, he of course undermines its own course. since throughout by telling us that he actually doesn't want to know the answers likely, because he fears that the answer could be. Yes, we are sport. Yes, he is on in the background. Yes, we are in our phones. This thing he's been working so hard to make
thing that is putting his entire being into this thing. That's killing him as potentially reduced background noise to come ten completely undermining the thought and painstaking detail has put into it or perhaps even worse. We are watching, we are paying attention and we still don't like it Anyone who's ever worked hard to create something understands these fears very well. Both sharing as private thoughts and fears about his own special is in line with insights. transition from cultural comedy and satire to per old journey making the special role has direct quest and feel to us like boas breaking the fourth war by this point of the film understand, well that both in reality asking these questions to his camera to a hypothetical audience that exists only in his head. So even if you wanted us to respond to his questions, we could it because it's cool, since at the wall of recorded performance in paris, social relationships, boas trying to interact connect with us, but his words.
Swallowed into the void of his cameras. Lens recorded forever, yes, but in the moment resolved with no one is there. Anyone in a the EU domain with crucial doing book was base and drums both things into the void about the void. The fact that additional since begin to accompany both during the section breaks. The simulation that bow is actually performing this song entirely live just like we saw look who's inside again. The visuals I believing were witnessing bo at work in real time to add an instrument midway through the song remind us that even these more real feeling shots have constructed element- the penultimate line to be over by now, but I got a while ago, is on its way
the self referential it is me, night monologue both told us that he thought to be done with especial before he turned thirty, yet he's only halfway done on another. Level, both could be referencing the pandemic itself, which went on much longer than most of us thought possible. but give it those mention of suicide. At the end of thirty and in the interlude that follows thirty, we can't help a thing, but both might also be talking about the end of his life, but he thought it be over by now. Yet pirie is still alive. Forced occur, We finally was not so clear now as possible, both referencing the end of the world, these the end of civilization. As we currently know it, this idea will become more clear toward the end of the special but recall that in several interviews, bo has been talking about things being over ever since Donald trump selection. In two thousand. Sixteen, it's it's crazy. If it's crazy ties like I get it, I get why crazy when the shit happened november. Two thousand and sixteen I was like it's over
it's over and when you might be seeing is like it's it's over. on a line of don't want to know, I give away the ending, but you don't want to know is appropriately cut short, a comedic motif that boas now employed a number of times throughout the special next week. He bow in the bottom right corner of the screen wearing headphones and holding a video game controller imitating a twist streamer recalled it very first behind the scenes interlude near the beginning of the film. We saw a single brain glitch of both the live or flash on screen someday, we, inter britain as foreshadowing his this association process. All of the film fight club now were presented with the full seen were both the streamer. Place himself in a video game called inside was boys with the stream. I want to be doing some alive play today for the first time in a while has been wanting that so we're going to do with the title inside a lot requested this game and chat
It's some any developer, I'm not really sure I'm going in totally called on this j bethink three months. My do much appreciated those impression of a typical which streamer a spot on, as he talks directly to his audience. Why waits for the game? To load, notably, he says by some in the developer and onscreen we see the words as s R. I interactive present as this. I hear is one of the first of many clever easter eggs and seen as a sea. Abbreviate and for selective serotonin re uptake inhibitors, a class of drugs typical used as anti doping since four major depressive or anxiety disorders. Both calls by saying, J b. Thank you for the three month. This refers to. when purchasing a three month subscription to his twits channel. Many have speculated J b is short for jeffrey basis and not to the fact that amazon bought twitch and two thousand fourteen four nine hundred and seventy million dollars as a scene continues.
we see bo emerge on screen with his eyes closed slowly, opening them as if waking up both twitched dreamer than figures out the controls. First noticing that there's a button to cry I and a button to walk so we're going to be trying to do lie plays every day this week so tune in for that I'll be gifting thirty subs at the end of the week day. Fifty fifty alright, so this dude's been in here for awhile. So is this like an escape the room or okay? so I can cry says it is not about being in this room I, like the music, the music is actually nice on. This controls are actually pretty smooth, so you're almost as though the streamer continues to get acclimated to the game. There's a few more easter eggs presented in a script and on screen first bow mentions that he'll be gifting. Thirty, seven at the end of the week, which feels like a cheeky nod to the song. Thirty, we just heard a few minutes ago and the special on screen
I also see giant text that reads day two hundred and fifty three, which dunno tommy These are both a video game. Character has been stuck inside knowing bogey suspect this number was chosen for a reason. One pot ability is that when you multiply two times five times three, you get thirty props. Yet another call back to that pivotal saw We might also wonder if this was the actual number of days. That, though, has been working on the special role. That nor analysis of the turning thirty at midnight monologue. We figured out that if we take bo at his word, he beat and working on the special and late february. Twenty twenty two hundred, the three days since then would put us in late october, twenty twenty two months after its thirtieth birthday, to me the most convincing possibility is the fact that the two hundred and fifty third day of the year is september. Tat was just so happens to be world suicide prevention day the seems thematically, allied with the s s our eye reference mention of suicide and thirty, and the subsequent interlude subtle indications abode declining mental health.
Both the stream are also draws our attention to the music. honan on his cords ability. We realized the adaptation of loose inside again try Having finally has stuck in their much more to say it can I'm holding the flashlight like a like a cop? Why is it okay, alright I It seems a no it's nice, I don't know a crying ass, soon ass, I came. on both tries opening the door, which, of course is locked given picks up a flashlight props out, find a way out and both the stream says why's he holding it like a cop. This is a subtle call,
to the end of lookers inciting it were both saying come out with your hands up, we got you surrounded has inside progressed. the spotlight will become more and more threatening an the symbol of our inescapable performance as our digital and physical lives, increasingly homogenized, both game character than sits down at the piano unpleasant causing them to smile. Both streamer says he seems a little happier now. That's nice, the cheeky, not creating the special to entertain himself and find meaning, while stuck inside momentary, warning our feelings of anxiety or depression he might have after he stops playing the piano, he immediately cries again and suddenly the words day complete appear on this I mean yeah right all right, I'm into this on incidents yeah this is giving me, is, give me sort of like death, stranding vibes, you know cause it's like it's fucking boring, but
It's like the point, I think Dante. Thank you for the four months, appreciated as the day complete sbo. The streamer comments is giving him death stranding vibes, which is a video game set in a post, apocalyptic world where people are isolate from each other in the main character is a courier who deliver supplies to various towns. The game play doesn't ring. While the inside game, it all the more likely reference des stranding, because after Of nineteen shut the world down, people began to compare our real life circumstances to those in deaths stranding both this, My final words are Dante. Thank you for the four months, many have speculated Dante here as a reference to dantes inferno infamous fourth, nine circles of hell fittingly. The fourth circle is greed. Perhaps one last job at J b jeffrey bases overall, the inside videogame feels like one of the stronger symbols of both this association, the feeling of being out of body detached from yourself,
feeling like your life, is a simulation both plays into this latter point with transition from the video game seen into insides next seen after seeing day complete onscreen there's a new title card that reads another night upon judges there's a slow dissolve into a shot, a beau unfolding his couch into a bed as if this still is the video game, then the streamer endless stream and disappear from the screen. That we remain on the shot a beau unfolding his bed. It gives the impression that were still in the game that both life has become a simulation cut to a new shot or receive bows. Beg completely unfolded now there's a large spotlight shining down on his pillow. Both wise down on the bed head on the pillow in the spotlight. We cut to a close up of beau's, face eyes, half open and clearly exhausted. Then there's a quick cut to a close up of the rooms. Only door is slightly cracked open, letting in a bright
endless sliver of light. We cut back to bow, presumably looking at the door, his escape his way out still in the spotlight his eyes, slowly close as falling asleep in the screen fades two black. This brief seeing continues in size development the spotlight motif, bowes entire being as being consumed by the content is making and it's killing him as the spotlight is beginning to feel more like a polices searchlight, a symbol of performance as an intrusive presence from which there is no escape, then fading from black, He bow in the center of the broom wearing a white shirt and Jim shorts holding a microphone. A funky prince inspire, beat begins to play and bow once again addresses an imaginary oddy,
it's how we feel it out there tonight yeah yeah. I am not feeling good wake up at eleven thirty feeling, like a of all my clothes are dirty, so I'm smelling like a bag of shit, got up on my coffee and I miss my co empty. That is just my look and say: what's up you useless, fuck you feeling, then a shower, and the last nine baby or with women Those mental health slowly deteriorating throughout inside shit is the first were both things about it. This continues to fortify the convergence of both life and its content. As its emotional struggle to finish the special take centre stage. Fittingly shit begins with him asking us how we're feeling, which is exam, We what he asked us during don't wanna know yet, the failed attempt to connect with his non existent audience. But, of course, but goes on to answer, is on question telling us he's not feeling well,
he thinks about sleeping late, wearing dirty clothes and not showering poor hygiene is a common result of depression, which both clearly seems to be falling into here. In the latter half of the film The song as a whole is rooted in its juxtaposition between the downtrodden lyrics in its damsel upbeat groove. It seems to reflect what many of us try to do in feeling down. We attempted Temporary band aids honour depression, we put on upbeat music, we crack jokes. We danced round all the while unable to shake the underlying sinking, sadness or debilitating anxiety stuck in our gut. This juxtaposition is also reflected visually, The majority of the video features, bow dancing in place and controlling alight machine. That's projecting an array of bright jovial colors on the walls around him, but if you watch carefully ever I'm the damsel drums briefly drop out of the music, both briefly switches, the lights to a stark white light cast an ominous shadow over him and, right after both as I haven't had a shower and the last nine days. That's a brief switch to a faint blood red pool of light that guy
spoke for the rest of the room is completely dark. These subtle details helped to convey the contrast between both feeling and what boys saying the contrast between watson side. What's outside may feel, like tell me, do you feel like shit so. My current mental health is rapidly approaching an eighty l witches. That's an all time low, not not atlanta. At the conclusion of shit inside continues by cutting to a close
the shot of the room's window. The blinds are slightly open, letting some of the daylight inside at this point the blinds feel like prison bars. Notably, we hear a plane flying overhead and a barking dog recall that in the very first behind the scenes, interlude of the film bo waited for a plane overhead to fly by so as to interfere with this recording, with both struggling to finish this special. He no longer cares about such details and the frenetic ambiance he sounds create serves to amplify bows, rapid mental decay. The close up upshot the blinds cross dissolves with shot, which finds both sitting on the stool and the centre of the room? The dissolved between these two shots scenes? intentionally slow and for a few seconds we see both shots simultaneously. This creates an incredibly powerful visual. as the prison bar blinds are literally overlaid on top of bo, as if he himself is imprisoned, boas shortlist and let me is visibly shaking as if in panic, he tells us that his mental health is approach. An all time: low visually.
It is surely the most distraught we ve seen bo all special yet were immediately for the question the authenticity of his mission as he continues by Italy setting up insides next song, all time low you, I feel. Ok when I'm asleep like one I'm asleep, I feel all right, but it's basically from the moment. I wake up I I just get this feeling that a man on the side and describing all right a few things start to happen, but the arctic is Debbie and I'm not gonna die so yeah not not doing great The shadow on the stool, hard cuts to close up of both face with bright colorful lights. Behind him he performs the entirety of all
time low without blinking once described, symptoms of a panic attack, including flattened vision, increased heart rate and feelings of impending death. Once again, the songs upbeat feeling and colorful visuals contrast with what both we experiencing a contrast, also reinforced by the shots abode shaking on the stool that surround the saw, but clearly both film, still seen specifically to set up the all time low video. The two are so interconnected that the script for the stool seen deliberately connects to the first lyric of the song and so technically The stool scene is every bit as stage and performed the more of They produce song and visual boas, one again blurring the lines between performance, a reality forcing us to question. What's what is inside continues both the store reaches for his laptop as soon as he press is a key to stop recording, there's a hard cut to a new scene where we see both pressing a key on his laptop to start recording he sitting in
and of his keyboard under the spotlight, the entire room is shaded pale blue and an array of tiny, green starlike dot spiral clockwise against the wall. Wearing sunglasses to obscure his eyes both places his hands on the keyboard, looks directly at us and begins to form insides next song welcome to the internet. That's right. After the break. Well, come on to the internet, the garage anything that brain of yours can the thing that can be found. We ve got mountains or content some better, some worse. If none of it is of interest to you, you'd be the first and what to the internet. Bo personifies the ring master of the internet, which is portrayed like a circus carnival full of fun houses, aims can be, toys rides and anything else are childlike hearts, my desire, fittingly them Take itself seems directly inspired by circus music bow uses. Something called the own power rhythm, which is one of the central.
characteristics of almost every circus on list Into the most well known, circa song and specifically focused on its rhythm the now. Let me isolate just the rhythm and the chords here hope the now. Let's compare that with what they please and welcome to the internet, the epub. The umpire rhythm remains the same, but rather than a bright happy major key signature bow is chosen to play his in the dark key of D. Minor, appropriately imbuing, his circus music with ominous undertones lyrically, both
internet ringleader begins innocently enough, welcoming us to the internet, letting us know that anything we can think of can be found in its mountains of content. We can imagine him with arms wide open at the carnivals entrance. As we look around at the sight, it's in wonder and amazement, this idea of mountains of content also seems to tie into the starry sky projected on the wall. These are the contents deletions, the universe is infinite. Stars, representing the infinite amount of content available in the digital universe of the internet. Welcome welcome to the internet come and take a seat. Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet? There's no need to panic. This isn't a task to just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest with the song. Second, verse things for the most part remained cordial, but we do The first indication that are ringleader might be offering a little bit more than some wholesome fun ps. Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet? It's as if he's pulled back
a velvet curtain revealing the shadowy entrance into some secret adults or backroom gauging our interest intuitive archer condition. He then says: there's no need to panic. This isn't a test just nod or shake your head and will do the rest. The seems to speak to the silent consent of the internet. Where things are ultimately serve to us and we can choose to indulge without saying a word: we simply he's not a swipe away and as implied by both line and will do the rest, the algorithm more quickly. What we like and keep serving a similar content- and all we have to do- is kick back and enjoy
well done to the internet. What would you prefer? Would you like to fight for civil rights or twitter rachel slur, b, b b, horny papers thing with ray? We got a million different ways through in day and welcome to the internet, but your care is a thought. It isn t restraining passenger here's a nine year old who died, we got movies and doctors and fantasy small and up until collar tensile drawings of all the different characters are upon her fucking each other. Welcome to the internet old onto where charismatic ringleader continues. His sales pitch for each verse becomes increasingly alarming and verse. Three bo jackson those fighting for civil rights with racial slurs, an adverse for he juxtaposes hosty straining tips with images of a dead nine year old boy in cartoon poured the seems like commentary on the odd mark retire. Real estate of the internet were seemingly infringed media lay side by side without any kind of differential
agent or moral hierarchy. Absolutely anything is the swipe away, like those ringleader, character the internet isn't here to judge what content we choose to make or to consume ever objective. It'll keep serving us whatever it is. We like so long as we keep buying tickets. Writing the rides playing the games so long as we stay online consuming content during in it on the bonfire both spoke about. How the internet democratization of information has made it all but impossible to discern what's important or valuable in its also just like the wood we're like democratization of information, all the shit which is like we all thought was like super cool that everyone has a voice, but now we have no way to discern discern which voices important where the hierarchy, true value or meaning as an as the and it literally is like perfectly demonstrated in what a feat as you scroll through your feet. Is your kid. You will see in no particular order your mother, your near friends, the present the I'd say
chick fillet from any aid is just like these they're, their all being presented with the same amount of space, the chickens, yoga pants, taking a picture vermeer and its end. It's it's a lie. To process in for kids at the end of the night have to choose between, like the back of your eyelids or everything in the history of the world climate, EU gulf you go rays I couldn't imagine Michael graves where I started his thing sitting down, so it could be on my phone like eighteen months ago. Nose like sums wrong yeah You know like this is, and then I just then it was just do it do you think. Do you think cell phones are going to be kind of like the new cigarettes where, like twenty years now, he went back, he got to stay off, cell phones are going to get cole yeah and I always said like it's going to be yeah, it's going to be like smoking and we're going to the equivalent of my doctor used to smoke. We'll be like my shrink. Had a twitter has welcomed in internet continues
as one of the more clever things in the entire special to progressively speeds up the tempo of the saw. The first three verses, have a tempo of a hundred and twenty four beats per minute, but beginning with the fourth verse and lasting through the end of the fifth. Tebow increases little by little and because the tempos unstable during these verses we lose our of the songs paused. Creating an ungrounded dizzying effect it's as if our ringleader is slowly turning the knob are an amusement park right, making it spin faster and faster and faster hold onto your socks, because the random guy? Just guy kindly send you photos of his cock, they are grainy and pudding. He just sent you more. Don't act, surprised! You know you like it. You aren't cm and I had to get up and it's a great show they, just as the song begins to accelerate both things hold onto your socks and just as the tempo gets more intense, so to do both lyrics
He describes a guy sending grainy unsolicited photos of his penis to a woman before calling her a whore. Is the disturbing if the abusive side of the internet laid bare and are ones welcoming and friendly ringleader has turned villain in the blink of an eye and once again speaks to the rapid twists and turns on the internet, where it can be watching funny cap videos one moment and be sexually harass the next. By the six verse we become locked into the songs, new tempo of a hundred and sixty six beats per minute, which is over forty beats per minute. faster than the original tempo. The right as reach mac speed though the ringleader no longer attempts to disguise, is ill intense behind a welcoming smile, he drops refrain, welcome to the internet completely and instead This increasingly disturbing content at an intense rapid fire pace. Marrying the speed. the internet or images and ideas and events moves so quickly. We hardly have any time to process any of it meaningfully.
it'll show up as pictures of your children tell us amply thought you'd start a rumor up, rumors that Deborah boomer or the ama girl and groomer to assume or find a tumor in your ears like a healthy breakfast. You should tell your mom you're like me and then never fuck, you, here's how you can build up the power or you take this quirky quiz that the immigrants that baxter dates, your kids, those portrait at the all, encompassing all consuming black hole of the internet, spirals out of control in contrast, beheadings misinformation, death threats, grooming, children, killing your mother in cells, building bombs, conspiracy theories, racism and xenophobia with buying a broom googling healthy breakfast options. Zoom calls and taking a silly power rangers quiz
with rapid fire pace of these references creates a psychological and emotional slot machine whirling through infinite options until something perfectly appears to specific, wants and needs, and once again it makes no difference whether those wants and needs are dark or harmless, disturbing or practical, dangerous or music in the funhouse of the internet. There's something for every one good. I interest you in everything all of the time it'll be it'll, have everything all of the time? Apathy is a tragedy and boredom is a crime, anything and everything all of the time good. I interest you in everything all the time, a little bit of everything about crystallizes his portrait, internet into a nine word mantra, a little bit of everything all of the time. His instantaneous insatiable omnipresent over stimulation, panting wonder world, where you could do anything and be anybody. It's no one Why were also addicted to it? The internet is Such a thing to look at
I'm saying, there's never been a more attempting. It's a temptress Yes, there's the aids, it so hard to know me on it all the time it is so addictive. Any is everything it contains within it. Everything you could ever want to look at if you want to look at anything. It's there, which is very difficult. Opposed alike are now like you know, in the sixteen hundreds and it's like our joy, in my novel, or do I play with that? Wouldn't like me, as I you know, ten minutes with a wooden hoop and you're born, but with this It's like an that's tough, so I don't. I don't quite know how to deal with. That is wrong. these are the questions you have bad answer still me like. I don't have answers to any of these things. Hezbollah lose too Here, the internet has essentially eliminated boredom, as we once knew it. Hence the course lyric apathy is a tragedy and boredom as a crime, So much entertainment, news and information at our fingertips at all times. It would be criminal not
have an opinion on something or be bored even for a moment were now feeling potential lol with a quick head of the web. While we wait line while we go to the bathroom or we sit at traffic lights during commercials, when we get bored of a show, when we get bored of conversation when we get bored of a podcast when we're trying to fall asleep when we're trying to wake up, and this fundamental shift in human history just happened in a matter of just a few. Kid was seemingly no foresight or regard for its potential consequences, but also just like things. changing. If you like cultures, maybe going through a little bit of purity right now or something it feels like the internet.
As well as yet exactly like the internet, yeah the internet's like eyes a little younger than that, but like yeah, the internet's pitting puberty kind of almost if the internet was like a sort of fun- and it was this like playing with trucks in toys and now all of a sudden, its becoming self aware. In the same way, a person does not inviting em an emotional life into itself. The way never thought of it. That way, I think, that's true as well- is the volume in the band with the air. If I may not the character of the air and I think the character during a roads because of the ban with the speed, because worm being at a speed and volume that were just not emotionally suited. For this latter point about the overwhelming speed and volume of the internet explains a structure of welcome to the internet's first half as the store
or of the song mere is exactly the rapid maturation of the internet. The song began slowly with welcoming harmless lyrics about all the fun we could have together. Like both said, it was playing with trucks and toys, but little by little the internet grew faster, bigger stronger, which is reflected in the rapid acceleration of the songs, tempo and, seemingly overnight, suddenly found ourselves in a much different, much more terrifying place. Looking around asking ourselves how the hell we ended up here, you know I wasn't always like this. not very long ago, just before you're right The time worse fell, circa nine d, this was of travel clothes. A chance runner
so we set our sights spent. Are nice way, d or the mom may lead shoe, you are alive, you are barely so and then all the things we designed it to now look at you look at you, you both ringleader, character, planes that not too long ago, the internet was a much different place. Characterizing the pre. Eleven pre internet age as archaic and ancient, but all along He knew the day would come setting aside on investing in the future generations. I would grow up with the internet and never know the world without it, and this is,
when we realized that, like the a four mentioned lyrics dm, a girl and groom her beau's character, in essence, did just that in this bridge, section he's portraying a predator, the internet groomed us invaded us with harmless fun. They gave us He pops earning our trust, appealing to our most base desires without restriction or regulation, with this ridiculous idea that it's like a narcissistic generation where it's like. Where do you think they got these values? Like these are things like if you watch a baby with an ipad he'd realize like oh, this thing is designed to appear to it to appeal to us when we literally can't even think and like it's just that there's entire buildings full of in you know, hundreds of employees that are that are meant meant to create things that market to the base wants of ten year olds. You literally have businesses that are built on the base, wants and desires of a ten or eleven year old,
insane would. Of course we should be catering to the needs of a ten eleven year old kid for some snapchat, I'm saying right into a photo and a photo app that disappears after twenty four hours. What do you think kids are using? That for is? Is there any joke? Is I mean? Is there any? Is there any? Are we going to pretend like we don't know what this is literally designed for which to me seems to be to disseminate child pornography amongst children, but this stuff is disappearing, so no one can be held accountable if it means mind boggling, it really is it's really there's such I always say like. If you want to say the word shit on television, you have to go in front of congress. If you want change the neurochemistry of an entire generation, you have to be five people in a room full of nine in silicon valley, putting your hand up, and it's like I dunno- how to solve this.
I don't it's so to me the the only danger the danger with the internet is not only that it's not free enough and that's sort of the conversation. I mean it's like net neutrality. It's not going to be free, I'm like well, it also needs to in a big way, not be as free it like that that that that the safeguard to a kid watching porn online is them clicking. Yes, on a are you eighteen and again, these are questions we don't ask like we put a forty millimeter lens on an iphone and now kids can take beautiful compressed portraits of themselves. Should they be able to, I mean, there's not even a mechanism to ask that question the charade question is just never introduce I'm not. The solution is, as both alludes to hear, knowing a solution to the internet and technological related problems. We face feels impossible, says we're only now beginning to dine know some of those problems and because the internet technology advances quickly by the time we diagnose and develop a solution to a particular problem, a mirror of new ones have developed in the meantime. There are. We just still have no,
Oh, I d, starting just now to see what being on your phone is due did to people like me that are thirty. And I'm looking around and I see millennials now my oh we're broken by being on our foes watching television whole life, let alone what's going to happen to these people that have been on their funds as they were three years old in all we have to like you, I think it's, I think it's scary. Now, musically there's a few things to know about this bridge section: four, one was again shifted. Tempers down to ninety six beats per minute, the slowest of the song so far. The time signature is also changed from two four to a waltz like three wartime. Hmm, if we look again to that classic circus music track realised that it to shift from too or two three four midway through the song
welcome to the internet's breach the windows into the section, where both things, you insatiable you the song modulates from the darker key of d, minor to F major, a much warmer key signature and then, when the part repeat, when both things, you unstoppable watchable, the song modulates yet again up to the hierarchy of G major with an endearing almost proud father, like undertone to his lyrics. It's as if both the ringleader is deliberately manipulating us again, like an abuser who follows acts of violence with acts of corn, quote affection look at you
Your time as areas, if we will it was a way, is to put the danny. The internet makes it appeal to the narcissist and all of us repeating and putting emphasis on his direct address of you. The two year old with an ipad has grown up Now the insides out they had been raised online line sharing their internal world when the external world living their life doc amending the movie of their life, all at once, just like bow making the special. They are both performer, an audience, the film star and its director
it's here that we have to take a closer look at the visuals. We see during this section during the first half of the song bo immersed in a swirl of rotating green stars. The songs which is to this bridge boat changes the projection to what appear to be nebulae, which are giant colorful, cosmic clouds of dust and gas and space nebulae, or consider the basic building. blocks of the universe, because they contain the elements from which stars and solar systems are built. So do you see what both doing here just when he sings about the at grooming, us from a young age and promising to make us a star, we see the very thing that birth stars. recall that in his last special make happy but discuss this idea of the intern and social media? Being the markets answer to a generation who demanded to be stars? They say it like the me generation. It's not it's on the arrogance is taught or it was cultivated. It's it's self conscious! That's what it is that its conscious of
help with a social media. It's just the markets answer to a generation that demanded to perform so the markets that here perform everything to. other all the time for no reason its prison. It's a horrific, performer and an audience melded together. What do we want more than two liner bed at the end of the day and just watch our life is satisfied, audience member. as both states. Here the me generation was cultivated. It was tat. It was the order generations that built the tools that encourages values. This seems to be a big reason by well portrays the internet, like a mastermind ring leader, luring us in, like kids at a carnival, is in part representing the architects of the internet, new technologies and social media. Those who built the tools specifically designed to appeal to us before we can think and as both saying it was
is the plan to put the world in your head. The younger generation quite literally inherited the world in the palm of their hands. What do we expect to happen? They were really think kids can resist the temptation of everything all of the time I address you in everything, everything and anything and everything all that I'm good The ringleader has caught his prey in his world wide web. We imagine him crawling towards us with sinister intent laughing menacingly that we fell for his tricks. Musically aw switches back two to four time here, but now plays half time in a key of a minor.
also switches from the more subtle electric keyboard to a piano, providing a much harsher More violent, progressive, sound after performing the chorus once in this frightening half time feel the song once again changes tebow's this time back to the relentless menacing pulse of a hundred and sixty six beats per minute. A number of additional instruments and backing vocals enter here, creating his amy musical, cocoon and that is also matched by the visuals. We now see, whereas this hours and the nebula were previously seen separately here. The size chaotic end, we see them together. We see stars and the very things that creates more stars. positioning the internet as infinitely expansive and sell propagating as a universe itself. It is both god in god's creation, it is past present and future all at once. Indeed, here the songs end both quite literally giving us everything at once.
Everything all the time good. I address you in everything that they will be a very big die every day at anything at all about the time will come to the internet. insides, most forthright critique of the internet, a conceptual press application of its history, its motives, its rapid exponential, spread that dramatically transform tubby work, how we socialized, how we think and how we feel. Indeed, the moniker world wide web ended up being a pretty accurate assessment of what the internet would become an expansive all consuming web, in which, all irreversibly entangled in for me. Welcome to the internet as a whole is an invitation to examine our own relationship with the internet, a call to be more conscious about the ways we are engaging with it. How are choosing to use its countless tools and the way that were feeling as a result, because, as the structure of the song points out with its slow build to a suddenly
frantic tempo the innards invasion to every facet of our life, felt so gradual that it seemingly avoided any real, widespread scrutiny as a whole. We were swept up and excitement and awe what these new tools for us. Yet he re are now looking back and realizing how dramatic of cultural shift with experience and just a decade or to not even blink of an eye from a historical perspective. I know for me personally and ever consciously chose to be on my phone three to four hours a day. I never consciously chose to be on my laptop another, five to six hours a day My adoption of technology and reliance on the internet just kind of happen. Unlike an attic attempting to quit, Why, when you try to reduce your reliance on these tools, that you truly realise just how dependent you become lesbos implies trouble song. There's no regulatory constraints placed on the internet like there are other things that could potentially harm us. Certainly, big tech companies are going to regulate themselves like both.
later character. There inherently incentivize to keep us as reliant as possible on their products, so most us have ended up in complicated relationship with the internet. We stay together, despite the horrible things is doing to us, because internet offers us so much and obviously it's not all bad, but sometimes it can feel impossible to know. The difference in a just might be the case that its benefits and its detriment are fundamentally inseparable. The truth is that the internet was just the added be so easy to address. Just throw your phone into the ocean at the over the problem. It not it it it. It might delay of annexes emulate that an them we can express our south and we could objectify herself. We can start a wonderful, wonderful social movement that, for example, changes the way we think about women in the workplace
we can set the EU country on fire and we ve done both of those things it up. So yet it like you, you see the internet playing out personal. we and nationally good and bad all the time. I do think it at its powerful. It things, deeper and more powerful, I don't have the solution. If I had a solution, I would have solved it or tried to I'm saying I'm just try, I'm only trying to be like diagnostic, not the word. That means so I the disease, you know what I mean like yeah, I I don't know I I just feel like this is the conversation. These are the questions that I haven't heard. People say, and I can't solve model logging- you know it it just
conversations, notably in these interviews, both makes clear his intentions with his are to be a diagnostic and to encourage cultural conversation wished to me perfectly explains the function of a song like welcome to the internet and inside as a whole. the call to self reflect on our relationship with the internet, take emotional stock of how our feeling sure what we find with each other and try to figure out how to best move forward because we're all stuck inside the web, but we are here together so It is well try to help each other find a way out The more I learned about the internet, the less I'm certain about it. There's really way things about this really toxic things about it.
I saw the conversation has had about about these things. That's a little more subtle. The conversation starts to be had about what what it may be about, what it means to be alive, and the internet is a little more subtle than russia. We're talking about the internet and such big terms- and maybe you know it's not just about the internet, but I just hope, maybe just with a deeper understanding of of kids and what they're going through having a seller conversation about it, will resume the conversation as we continue our line by line seen by seem analysis of inside next time. Today's episode of dissect was renewed produced by me
can join today's episode. Please taught friend, about the show. Sharon's social media really helps additional analysis by camera. No stranger audio editing by kept theme music by bureaucratic right thanks. Everyone next week.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.