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Mark Levin tells Marxist sympathizers 'kiss your careers goodbye'

2021-07-22 | 🔗
Fox News host and author of 'American Marxism' joins 'Hannity' to assess the first six months of President Biden
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
They attack our country, its probably one of the many reasons why the great one mark levins new Book American Marxism, debated week, one on the New York Times best seller list, his hard cover sold over three hundred and twenty nine thousand copes that doesnt include ebooks dot. I that doesnt include ebooks dot ies that doesnt include ebooks. It doesnt include audio books, his new book outsold, the next fifteen books combined in the country, thats incredible. He is the host of life Liberty
and Levin Mark Levin. You know I did tell you in my humble opinion, when you sent me an early copy. I said I think this is your best book. You know what I was a fan. I was of the others. This is a timely book for this moment, tie it together to the moment and what is happening in the country. The six month mark of Joe Biden, the six month mark of Joe Biden. We are almost at five hundred thousand books. Now, in a short period of time, I will tell you what is going on. I was part of the Reagan Revolution and the tea party movement and the Trump Revolution. There is a massive movement afoot, its not under the radar. People are just not looking at it.
The silent majority wont be silent anymore. All american people who love this country. They are sick and tired of what they have seen in the first six months of this administration. They dont like being looked down by funny professors who they bring on tv. They are disgusted with the teachers unions, parents across the country, cant believe what is happening in elementary school and secondary schools. We are paying for our own demise with administrators for schools. Turning on our founding and history, Americans love their history, the good, the bad and the ugly Americans went all over the world to fight wars for people that dont look like them.
Americas borders are wide open. The president is violating our immigration orders. We are sick and tired of hearing from San Francisco Nancy Pelosi and New York City Chuck Schumer what they intend to do to our court system. Those courts belong to us. We are tired of the way the family is trashed in this country, the family. We are tired of the way private property rights are treated in this country. We, the people, we are peaceful, you wont find us attacking cops. We defend the cops. We are not burning cities, we are one hundred percent peaceful, but we are pissed off and have enough. We are done talking about it. We are done talking about it.
The idea that this book sells four hundred thousand copies in one week. We know our history, we know our history, we are a great people, they are trying to tear it down. They sound like their soap box, Marxists going on we dont, provide this or that Bernie Sanders will provide it and AOC will provide it. They dont know a damn thing about this country. They use the benefits of capitalism, to attack capitalism and use the constitution to attack the constitution. I have been around a long time. I will be damned if I will sit still for this. They dont understand the american people. The american people wont play dead, they will speak out.
Let me tell you what will happen in twenty twenty two with the mansion times. Who pretend to be moderates? You will get blown out every damn. One of you will get blown out kiss your career, good bye. You may have power now you may forcing your will on the american people. Now it will not last thats what is going on in this country. I know it thats all. I have to say great one. I wanted to say this about the book. Seven chapters you layout of the case of the challenges this it great country, faces at this counter moment in time. Chapter seven is over ten thousand words, which is a lot in any book. We choose liberty, thats the answer. I wrote you and I read it and I said thats the answer great job.
Well done. God bless.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-02.