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Accomplishing Your Purpose in Life | Motivational Podcasts

2023-10-05 | 🔗

Listen to episode 837 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Accomplishing Your Purpose in Life. Edited and adapted from Ambition and Success by Orison Swett Marden.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To hold the conviction that you are in the world for a purpose is a powerful tonic — to know that you are here to help, that you have a part to perform which no one else can play, because everyone else has their own part to fill in the great drama of life. If you do not play your role, there will thus be something lacking in the world.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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is reading, was agitated and adapted from ambition and success by orison swear Martin published a nineteen nineteen. Everywhere we see people who have been robbed of their purpose. They arrive mission, was restless near shadows of their possible sounds ella wheeler wilcox, give some advice that the dissatisfied unhappy person may he knew advantage. She says, do not waste europe, italian hating, your life find something in it, which is worth liking and enjoying why you keep steadily Your work to make it what you desire be happy over something, every day for the brain is a thing of habit, and you cannot teach to be happy in a moment, if you allow it to be
miserable for years to hold the convict? there. You are in the world, for a purpose. Is a powerful tonic in old age you are here to help you have a part to perform, which no one else can play as everyone else has their own part to fill in the great drama. Like you know, play your role? There will thus be something lacking in the world. No one ever amounts to march until they feel this pressure. They were made to accomplish this certain thing in the world to fill a definite park life there seems to take on a new meaning. Sir John lubbock says very few. Realize the wonderful privileges of living blessings. We inherit, lorries and beauty of the universe, which are our,
the only if we take them and the extent to which we can make ourselves what we wish to be or the power we possess to secure peace, to triumph over pain and saw. we go through life with our eyes steadily fixed on some distant goal strain. Every nerve to reach it on the way we pass are innumerable opportunities to help people over rough places to brighten and beautify the commonplace life of every day. We see not? We were made for growth to realize peace, poise and satisfaction and ambition to be a person of correct to stand for a more in our community to push on her eye farther and farther away from us to think little higher each day,
I have a little more faith in ourselves and in everybody else, me real use in the world is an ambition worthy of the person god created and cannot but bring happiness to you. When do you expect Could do the wonderful things you ve been dreaming about? Why don't you again, what are you waiting for? Why don't you start Are you waiting for a quote? The thing do come to you waiting for someone to help you, Don't you know that nothing is more demoralising to the life weakening to their character than the meat Constantly, wishing and dreaming of the great things we are going to do without a corresponding effort to actual lies, these dreams wishing with Corresponding effort to realise the generates, the mind destroys initiative. How many
people see themselves in the thinking that if they keep an aspiring, if me he belonging new, carry out their ideals to reach their ambition, he will without any other effort, truly realise their dreams mania seemed to know that there is such a thing is aspiring to much. Our visions are the plans of a possible but they will merely in plans if we know personally follow them up with a vigorous effort to make them real. does and architects plans will end in drawings and they are not followed up the maid real by a builder. There are three things we must do. To make our dreams come true. Visualize tsar desire concept, raid on our vision when work,
To bring it into reality, the tools necessary for this are inside of us not outside no matter what accidents of birth or fortune it is only one forest by which we fashion our life, my all people were which gray, things have been dreamers. What we have accomplished has been in proportion to the vividness, the energy and the persist. See with which they visualize their ideals. hold on the mayor dreams and struggled and make them come true. One thing to have the ability and the desire to do something distinctive doing it is a very different thing. Oliver Wendell says it does not matter so much where we stand as the direction in which we are moving in one,
direction are you moving. There are hundreds of thousands of people in this country today who have. Splendid ambitions were made resolutions to carry out those ambitions were cowering victims of doubt which keeps them from making even a start. There just wait They are unable to make a beginning, while this monster of doubt stands at the door of their resolution narrow rain, burn their bridges behind them to commit themselves to their purpose, very outside of your career. It is a splendid thing make up your mind that you are going to be a conqueror in life that you are going to be. The king no your mental round and not us They knew any treacherous enemy. You will choose the wisest course
and no matter how forbidding more formidable the difficulties in the way you will take the turning which point story. the goal of your ambition, no man or who or what may bar your onward path? Don't let doubt stop your efforts, don't let it paralyze you're beginning and make you a pig me so that you will not have trying to make good when you, I have a waiting giant inside you, confidence self assurance self faith. These are the great friends which will kill the traitor of doubt fact that you have an almost uncontrollable whimples, absorbing ambition do do a thing which meets the approval of your better self,
These are noted, served upon you night. You can do the thing and should do it out once don't be afraid of taking response abilities make up your mind that you will assume any responsibility which comes to you along the line of your legitimate career, and they, will bear it a little better than anybody else ever before you, there is no greater, mistake in the world. The man of postponing present responsibility in that you will be better prepared to assume it later. It is accepting these positions as they come to us. That gives us the preparation, for we can do nothing of importance easily or effectively until we have done it so many times becomes a habit. How often do we hear people make a remark like I
no, that I want to do this thing today, but I don't feel like it solely perhaps procrastinate were let the things line along in just the opposite to what they know they ought to do if those who are disappointed with what they have so far accomplished would only make up their minds, and I, for one month they would force themselves to do the things they dislike, which they know. What b for their own good, they would get in, start on the road. This success strong grip on themselves in their possibilities. on is very resolution to do the thing which is best for you, no matter how disagreeable, no matter, how humiliating no, how much you may suffer from sensitiveness or
feeling of on preparedness. Everything depends. why be afraid, in the main, great things of yourself for Your ability to do and be white you invasion and ours which never dream you possessed. Will lead to your assistance, trust yourself every hour, vibrates tonight, iron. string. There is no one that can shut the door, which leads to any legitimate ambition to a large fuller life. You yourself There are no obstacles, no difficulties, No power on earth- nothing, but you yourself and may god promise to humanity, vote We are all reservoirs of power and what we make of ourselves. What we achieved in life
is not dependent on the outward things, but on the extent of which we drawn are hidden forces, our late and talents and resources. Whatever comes to us alive, we create first, my as building is a reality in the architects mine or for a stone or rick is laid, so we create mentally. Every thing which later becomes a reality in our achievement. Our horror longings our sole aspiration. Or something more than mere figments of imagination, they are prophecies, predictions couriers or runners things that can become realities, the picture, The plan of the man or woman you long the b.
you are resolved the b and stick to your mental plan of a glorious future. Do not give up. In your discouraged moments world any obstacle. The blurry. Your ideals Mr Michel lies in the ideal person, you're determined to be, and always think of yourself is you're determined to become his mental added. It will help you match your dream, with its reality is a magnetic attractive power in such a mighty purpose. In clinging, no one unwavering aim.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.