« Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness

Becoming a Powerful Co-Creator of Your World

2023-11-20 | 🔗

Listen to episode 852 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Finding Your Place in the World. Edited and adapted from Concentration: The Key to Constructive Thought by C. W. Kyle.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is a place for every human being in the world — a special place and a special work for each one of us to do; a work which no other person can do; a work that is essentially and wholly connected with every woman and man. To find this place in the world and to come to know the lessons that are best for you to learn, is a necessary step toward making a success of your life.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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well go. The inspirational living podcast raise reading was validated and adapted from concentration. The key new constructive I see w kyle abolish the nineteen ten. There is a place for every human being in the world a special place in a special word for each one of us to do our work, which no other person can do work that is essentially and wholly connected with every woman. In may. To find this in the world in the come to no other lessons matter best for you to learn is a necessary step towards making us
the success of your life, neither these problems is difficult to solve. If you bring your common sense to bear upon them too. Cool, and just in an examination of yourself, to gauge honestly and fairly this, date. Be your growth to take. Of your health and faintness, is all Man is necessary. You cannot do this satisfactorily. You should take council from someone who you can trust to assist you in reaching a decision. The sad experience of their human rack, solemn us plainly and unmistakably point out the fat man, training in honesty, self control and now form of education, which leads to usefulness and self respect.
is needed today, more than ever our place. Some work are here, Now is the time to do the work go retraining, ourselves and others. Giving no such council and advice is Eric. Periods may enable us to give every the visual isabel teacher of every other individual, which is a fact that we should never forget. In order to train human nature. We must believe in it. We must love it and we must trust to the utmost, if we fail in our efforts will be because we have not trained love entrusted humanity enough. It is Often been said that human nature is essentially good at heart. It is the very essence of god
I thus believing giving it a chance, and I you didn't know all that I know about it, for winning come in knowing yourself and are able to see the device. Image in which you are made you will see, all the good, the absolute prison of the universe can be seen when viewing this guy on our cloudless night. Astronomy We can see how the moves are group about the planet's low planets about their sons and still tuning those solar systems, which are themselves only living cells of the universe, marking the colonel laws of nature everywhere shines this mysterious programme. This arrangement of lower unity is becoming a superior unity. Everything is analogous
All that governs those solar system rules and the like of lions, study the wing which the cells group themselves in order to form an organ is study, the way in which the kingdoms of nature group themselves in order to form the year understand. The mechanisms of the human body is to one you're, staying the mechanisms of the universe and know the secret of the south is to know the secret of gun the absolute is everywhere. in all those who can be seen that not only do we have a place in the universe, but every Move matter also has its place, that it too is a product of law and subject to law wherever be its policing creation
to develop your place in the world, one great, tool is require, concentration, concentration is the exercise of mental control, gathering of all the powers of the mind against the wall, loom, ignorance, Joe alone limits humankind. These are the only means my which further, light and knowledge may be obtained. Therefore, it is of supreme and The things that we learn, the control are impulses and motives, many of which arise from sources difficult to discover as well as are many stray thoughts our way in imaginings and the english reputational not worry and annoy what it is really been no stragglers. These thoughts are, they say nothing of those
free ones that drift in from la highways and by ways mill vagabonds of the mental world, that large idle unkempt and wholly this red. It'll, you can put their mountain refused to enter, retain them, but to get your own thoughts under control The whole you mine in such a state of boys as to effectually bar them from entrance requires long in purpose or concentration. Central asian. We may drill and discipline our home into force so as to be able on me, in due to mobilise every mental energy into definitely unconsciously holding readiness. Not only the knowledge which we have previously acquired by reason of this attitude to draw tremendous
sleeve from the universal source. Combining the providing and using all, we may need with surprising ease anna effectiveness concentration. Our into to force, may be held in such a state of preparedness and flexibility as to fill every circumstance and situation just as water fills all vessels regardless so far, more sites A truly great person can be will a teacher profit were poet, a general physician or entrepreneur filling any position. The situation might require ready. Mind is a train, my initial, wrong, mind is the one that is ever connected with its source, the infinite mining
which all individual mines are an inseparable part being a pen upon their unity with the universal mine for all power grow thing consciousness. Concentration is the key to wisdom. It is the only method by which conscious union, with infinite life, love when intelligence. Maybe me positive. Constructive thinking aroused my desire directing my intelligence in driven mila will has accomplished and will ever again can you be the means of doing all that lies within our power to actively do in the way of growth and development, the spiritual masters of all times
invariably use this method in order to grasp and understand the fundamentals of life this is shown by the striking similarity of their teachings, regardless of the age in which they live or their location on the blow, all of which goes far toward demonstrating the fact that there is, but one universal source and mine from which all manifestations of intelligence spring truth is one there is, but one substance and out of this substance by the operation of spirit, various forms. through which life expresses itself. Were me. Humanity through whom life love in intelligence, at its best is expressed, is able to take up and continue the creative process.
And thus the endless rounder production development in the uk appears decay and ass being, but the return no forum to its source, There is, but one god there is, but one substance there is, but one mine there is, but one consciousness. God is all in all, And upon this ideal, constructive and rational think in must be based on irish, ankara, the cobbler Aristotle and hegel. All pointed out, the fatal inherent weakness of dualism, being the first western thinker do discover that eternal dualism. Woe produces metaphysical disaster, enveloped in allegory metaphor,
Symbolism, arable land, legend, great thought, current, so blue wisdom, mombi ages flow and one must have developed an intuitive sagacity sharper than surgeons scalpel in order to peer sweden, swath limits in this My little wonderful truth therein, so why easily and carefully. Concealed concentration is real. Lee key to which all symbols and mysteries eel their hidden meanings. There were none of the centre in each of us from which are very being springs and upon which our continued existence depends. never succeed in developing self control. you know anything well. We must know with relation
two other things to the universe in cities. Impaired, then we come to know our relationship with the universe and with god we may come conscious that we are co. Creators with guy that within us are all the powers which men arouse bring. You know full imperfect manifestation, perfect image of god in whose image we were created we feel our identity and unity with the creator of all when our sense of separateness in turn the way we realise in the most practical and rational way, this divine unity, which is always existed and can never cease to be
however much the illusions of passing. Appearances me seemed contradict this green truth feel and recognise, will flow of this spirit. Bearing witness We are with thin, and not apart from god, we then be come on new being one. with no longer fearful nor worrisome more anxious, we are able to face life with smiling confidence. And new, bring de mer upon our work, the full force of all our energies, the work of creation becomes fascinating. Do us is weak look upon our own work in feel that we are all part of the greedy eternal force
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.