Listen to episode 749 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Believe in Yourself | Living Confidently. Edited and adapted from The Call of Life by William L. White.
Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The dictionary defines self-confidence as having confidence in one's unaided powers, judgment, ability, etc. In other words, it is the belief that you can produce results. When you insist that you can succeed, and are determined that you will succeed, there is nothing in the world that can stop you.
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based on pox analysis of bootless be test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty two in cock serviceable areas, learn more a cocktail com. Slash internet won't go away inspirational living prague curve. Today's talk was voted. It ended up from the call of life by William l. Why abolished and nineteen twenty two.
As little as we tend to think about it, man ingredient, which we call self confidence, makes up the larger portion of all the successes in this world.
Of the countless women and men will fail, large percentage of them were actually capable of doing great things, but they did not have faith in themselves. They may lack self confidence.
Success was there's only for the asking the go for
words. Spiriting courage were missing in order to obtain success. Person must continue to think in terms of success or, as you think, if so,
you are, generally speaking, we all agree with, but do not act upon this belief. Two thirds of the battle
is already one if we only
leaving our ourselves when undertaking a job they dictionary. Defying self confidence, is having come.
financing. One is unaided powers. Judgment
Military, etc. In other words, it is the belief that you can produce results when you insist that you can succeed,
in order to determine that you will succeed, there is
nothing in the world that can stop you. There was once a month
where the age of thirty four years have made a considerable fortune
and retired from business. Then
The idea possessed him do lay a cable across the atlantic ocean and in spite of the advice of bread,
the glee all of the leading scientists that it could not be done. He state his entire fortune on the venture in the face of delays, accidents and reversed.
Which would have discouraged forty ordinary men, his faith in his idea and belief in himself kept him ever steadfast at his job. Eventually, the day came when it seemed that success was at hand and he was about to reap the harvest of his labors, but the cable broke in mid ocean and the job had to be started all over again. However, he did not give up nazareth.
of the un's shake a boar faith of cyrus w field. The world was brought closer together by means of low transatlantic cable. Numerous examples can be given of people who do great things and one success just because they believe
in themselves, selves and their own power and, as a result, remove mountains of difficulties. There were probably thousands of ships that would have a company Christopher Columbus westward and their crews would have been proud
I braved the hardships and perils if they had only known beforehand. What the results of the venture were to be the difference between these wooden guns and Christopher Columbus is that Columbus had sailed
confidence and was ready and willing to stake his all on his convictions. This is also true of life. Today we hear people remark that if they are known such and such before,
Had they also would have wondered taking certain jobs in all too frequently. Is the statements made about people whether attain success net? They were lucky in their fortune. Jos came their way when, in reality, the home background of the situation was that self confidence and faith played an important role in that these people were. We
We knew stake everything they had on the strength of their convictions in their endeavor to win success when the clouds are clear and everything is going along smoothly. Every person is a potential success, but at the sight of a dark cloud above the horizon, amidst the flashes of lightning and crashes of thunder, the real test comes the individual who lack self reliance and faith invariably rushes for his shelter
We are pursuing with courage and belief in themselves stands fast and the fires were very elements. Our attitude is what counts. If we care
about with us a gloomy arrow failure.
solely a matter of time until we are measured in terms of failure were will not please trust in the hands of someone who cannot trust themselves
very many we lose confidence in our own ability to achieve an accomplished results. Other people,
we'll begin new hand their doubts. If such feeling.
Come over us weakened is spell them by maintaining a brave front
every keeping our eyes on the main role in allowing ourselves to be switched in diverting onto this side. Tracked given mediocrity in order to approve your convictions and carry for if your ideas to a successful conclusion
must have courage for without it we lose our initiative when initiated
is lacking. We are powerless to become leaders.
And when we are incapacitated for leadership.
we are immediately demoted
in only early april, the new things and perfunctory way. So yourself on the task you have in hand in believe in yourself then show the world how it is.
It will only be a short while in till you will be travelling in the ranks of success, of the many attributes which go to make up a life of success.
Emission also may mean numbered as one of the foundation stones before
You're taking is started. It is necessary that there be an ambition behind the goal. Emissions so to speak, comes into forms potential. Lang, kinetic potential ambition that his ambition, stored up is all right. If turned loose at the proper time in transformed into the kinetic tie
But the great danger with potential ambition is that by lying dormant for a while, it is liable to go to sleep and remain so
You have an ambition which is hindered from being put into action by minor difficulties by all means:
look in new search problems with the goal of removing
men clearing the road that leads towards success.
The main ambition,
maybe isolated cases wherein people are too ambitious. But if you will treat these cases down in a majority, then you will find that their emission was not properly centre, lay trying to cover lear and skin the sea and then not concentrate their forces and educate themselves enough in any particular feel. Hence
their respective down, falls. Remember that you cannot be too ambitious. Few conduct yourself within the mouths of reason and prepare yourself
on proper lines of endeavour. So say, you're stakes,
in aiming at your goal, always keep in mind
preparation, which is unnecessary to cope with a promotion or achievement and, like a true scale, always be prepared
not only for an emergency, but in a gradual steps of evolution in your particular feel. Gnomon. Never.
In these areas and can well be called the dynamo which a lecture pfizer person and drive their human motor retorted the goal of success in his enthusiasm that completes big jobs. It is enthusiastically that produces great inventions that tunnels, rivers, spans mountain gaps, vows colleges, erects hospitals constructs.
railroad in build cities, a person with an idea or an ideal, is absolutely helpless when it comes to steering clear of the snags of and scorn and making a success unless they possess the dynamo of enthusiasm.
be enthusiastic steak with all of your endeavours. If proposition is worth your timing consideration, it is worth putting over in a successful manner and successes, not success.
Until you have gone the limit by putting your role into it and, above all, you must be enthusiastic.
We all may not be borne with an enthusiastic disposition or inclination, but like other habits, he can be acquired called evaded and
peru. Many good men and women are held down by pride and fear. They may have good ideas and then fail to succeed simply because of the false pride which lay harbour and the fear of what people will think insane.
Their actions fully would muster up some enthusiasm in connection with their plans in ideas,
Good carry them to a successful conclusion. You must throw yourself with an immense for some enthusiasm in new or profession or work and make your life affected fewer working for another person. You must show your boss. Thank. You, are enthusiastic about
your were not for the sake of show, but to really be in earnest about the matter always try.
In order harder to accomplish more and better results, reason
one in accomplishes more than another,
Is not always because they necessarily have more ability the difference, often using the effort and the character of the ever enthusiasm is contagious
you don't believe, try your hand along this line and see if it doesnt have someone
fact upon your associates and upon those with who
You come into contact us.
So look around and see from who most of your inspiration comes, it doesn't come from the half, hearted lazy, drug sort of person,
who possesses not announced ounce more enthusiasm, nor is that sort of winning
It was the one you wish to pattern after or set as a standard for life, the business world, no material world engineering world and in fact, every type of
employer regards enthusiasm among their employees is one of the greatest assets and the lack of it is considered a very deep.
from mental liability.
Yes, I'm an ambition, go hand in hand and after ambition has been aroused, it takes enthusiasm to help put it over the top. Every person who has accomplished anything great or can measure their life by the yardstick of success,
as plenty with the determination that knows no retreat in his carried it to the height of enthusiasm that melt some views is all obstacles along the way.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-06.