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Embracing Change & A Joyful Future | Happiness Podcasts

2023-12-21 | 🔗

Listen to episode 863 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Embracing Change & A Joyful Future. Edited & adapted from The Wonders of Life by Ida Luella Rettinghouse Lyon.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When you begin to help yourself by doing what you can in your own way, you will find help as you progresses — help that will come in unexpected ways, and as you need it. Disasters must, necessarily, overtake us. There are storms in the psychological, as well as in the physical, life. But there is a purpose in the intensity of feeling which such mental disturbances awaken. They serve to prepare the soul for the happiness which is to follow.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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l and dark care, slash podcast to schedule your own insurance covered lactation. Consultation today welcome to the inspirational living, podcast. Today's podcast has been edited and adapted from the wonders of life. by I dont luella running house lion published in nineteen ten. Somebody has said that without life, the universe would be wasted, but without consciousness, life itself would be wasted. A happy consciousness is the crowning triumph of nature. Is it
movements, a happy consciousness is the underlying purpose of all the wonders of the ages, dismal old, saying That humanity was made, the morn is being located to the rubbish heap long. the other rhetorical junk that condemns us to suffering for suffering sake. We're not made the morn. We were made to look hopefully in the future, not brood wretchedly over the past. It is absurd to say there is no hope there is always hope. While there is life, The fact that hope springs eternal in the human breast is evidence that hope is not without foundation. Surely nature would not have been planted. This hope within us if there were not good and sufficient reasons for hoping or given us
the sole absorbing desire without the means of satisfying it, but we must ourselves find the means. You must search out the truth for yourself and if you set about it earnestly, you will find it for the world cannot help you, unless you will make an effort to help yourself when you begin to help yourself,
doing what you can in your own way, you will find help. Is you progress, help that will come and unexpected ways and as you need it, disasters must necessarily overtake us. There are storms in the psychological as well as the physical life, but there is a purpose in the intensity of feeling which such mental disturbances awaken. They serve to prepare the soul for the happiness which is to follow the darkest hours just before the dawn. Consciousness cannot be won. Unbroken condition of happiness for consciousness depends upon change for its very existence. Thomas, more gracefully express this in saying we ve had some happy hours together
joy, must often change its wings in spring would be but gloomy whether we had nothing else, but spring consciousness is been appropriately called. The window of the mind through which it looks out upon in communes, with kindred mind consciousness, like will thought and feeling is an instrument of mind which we can describe only as that which we are conscious Of being in which we recognise in connection with everything in nature, the personality is that degree of consciousness, which we command thoughts, come and go. They may never come again in precisely the same way at all, but each has left indelible trace of its presence upon the brain thoughts or We cause causing changes in the brain and hence in the personality.
We are therefore the builders of our own characters, no two per analyses are like for the rich in that no two individuals can have exactly the same thoughts, feelings and will enhance, cannot be conscious in precisely the same degree, and no one person remains in the same state of degree of consciousness for long we cannot live. without growing in knowledge. The knowledge gained by experience. There is the old saying, live and learn, which is quite true, but the knowledge which the wisest person possesses is trivial in comparison with that which they do not. And never can know. We know little of the thoughts and feelings of those about us and are often grow
In the dark treading unconsciously upon the tenderest feelings of those whom we love, that the will is not used to the full extent of its power needs scarcely to be mentioned, and feelings are seldom recognised in their true character as an hour will force, which must be reckoned with. We plot, along in the same doorway for years and years joining that we live, and we might continue do so for whole lifetime. Were it not that some seemingly chance combination of circumstances awakened our consciousness to an awareness of feelings which no former experience had ever even remotely suggested psychologists are convinced of the reality of a conscious existence. Apart from our waking consciousness and yet intimately connected with it, this is called the subconscious mind and the term is not inappropriate for
it is a superior consciousness. It is subservient to the will of the waking consciousness in many respects. This mysterious subconscious, mind a strong family resemblance to habit. While we sleep, this consciousness is active in carrying out the suggestions given to it by our waking thoughts. It behoves us, therefore, to be careful with what thoughts we meditate upon before falling asleep. If our thoughts and feelings are those of love and happiness and hope, the subconscious mind employs its mystic power and supplying
means of surrounding ourselves. With those conditions we have then, but to use whatever means is at hand to secure those positions which we desire. If our first efforts are successful, we must try again. Our failures are often stepping stones to success. You must not despair of the happiness we see does not come precisely by the me We anticipated. We must leave, fade to attend to the manner of its accomplishment and do what we can do. The task that lies near however trivial or inconsequential, it may seem and be assured that, it is abundantly able to perform her part of the job. However, if we fall asleep with thoughts and feelings of pride in coldness and aloofness conscious, mind gets busy erecting barriers between us and our fellow human beings to go to sleep with the mind filled.
thoughts of care and anxiety. Thoughts of pain and suffering of want in wretchedness is to set powerful forces at work to perpetuate and increase the misery which we the poor and from which there will be no relief until outrage feeling, bells and occasions, psychological storm, which clears the atmosphere and brings often through humiliation and suffering at last relief brooding over pan suffering or trouble rover. The misery of others is the deadliest of habits. It is the very apex of self destructive acts. There is absolutely no virtue and it brings no happiness to anyone at any time. What does bring happiness is the joyful acceptance of change. Change is one of the conditions of existence,
It is the price we pay for the power of consciousness from the moment when we are endowed with the breath of life to that seemingly final change, which deprives us of it. Our existence is a continuous succession of changes marking our development. The development does not end with what is usually called maturity for. We never cease to mature. While we live. There is purpose in age no less than in youth. Age offers possibilities undreamed of by those who look upon it only as a weary time of waiting for death, it is, good thing to remember that the sole never grows old, It is only when we lose interest in life that we court dissolution, for we must change, and if we make no use of the forces which we represent, we become an easy prey to the destructive forces of nature.
There are old people who have allowed the disappointments. They have meant to someone bitter their lives that they feel only hatred and jealousy for those who are young and more fortunate forget that the young have also their troubles and disappointments, often very hard to bear They may be imaginary or they may be real, but life is not all a bed of roses for the young deal gently with you, old, for they have come a long way. Be kind to the young and they have a long journey before them. I do not know to whom we owe this excellent advice, but it is a beautiful thought, well expressed their our delightful old people who have kept their hearts young and hopeful amidst the changes and disappointments which the.
some years have brought men and women who are charming companions for the young or old. It is not always those who have had the most trying experiences. Required, hard and bitter feeling and convince themselves. They are ill used and the victims of an unkind fate. It is in most cases those who have lived and who still live for themselves alone. And have thus missed have indeed, more than half of the joy of living. The life of every cell in our bodies depends upon us ceaselessly giving and receiving a constant exchange with other matter, always expelling wastes and receiving new material, and as it is with the cells of our bodies, so it is, or ought to be, with our lives. There should be a giving and receiving. We should give to the world the best we have.
to give and as we give we shall receive. But there are some, it will be said who give all and receive nothing. Then they do not give wisely. The person who gives wisely will always receive, if not at once, hi. There are others who give nothing and rail let fate because they do not receive and still others who receive merchant seemed to give nothing but they usually will be found to pay most dearly in the end activity is the foundation of life. Stagnation means death,
Vapor of water rises from the ocean becomes condensed in the cold, a rare and falls to earth again we're all the streams are busy carrying it back to the sea. This is typical of the changes through which we ourselves pass. It is contrary to experience and common sense to expect to establish a condition of a Here's that shall be enduring it is well to keep in view the transitory nature of things and be prepared to take advantage of the opportunities which change brings. It has been said that opportunity knox, but once at our door and if unheeded, never again, appeals red mittens. Opportunity, however, is never far from us, and if we are looking in earnest,
this seemingly elusive benefactor. We shall not be long and finding it if opportunity does not come to us. We must go after opportunity where there is a will. There is The way our lives would be brighter and happier if we gave ourselves more changes. Nature never meant for us to live dull, monotonous lives, and we cannot be our best or do our best unless we have sufficient change to keep all our faculties alert and active. if we are wise, we will study how to give ourselves the changes which we need to make the most of our lives. There are times when we welcome changes, there are times when we rebelled against those that we consider undesirable in question natures, wisdom with more or less bitterness. Remember that conditions are always chain
The mighty are falling, And the lowly are being raised to high positions, always energy is at work and the wonderful exhibition of its power are the result of its changing from one form to another. It is amazing to consider all the changes which the past few decades of our lives are brought changes that make life an entirely different proposition. Today from that which confronted our parents and grandparents, we cannot look far into the future, say what changes of life will bring. We can only respond with cheerful hearts to the ever moving ever changing current, which is bearing a song into the immensity of the boundlessness of the future.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-23.