Listen to episode 843 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How the Law of Attraction Really Works. Adapted from the book Dynamic Thought by Henry Thomas Hamblin.
Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There has been a lot of nonsense written and spoken about the Law of Attraction. People have been taught that all they need to do is to adopt a certain mental attitude, think thoughts of success and abundance, and then sit and wait for the abundance of all good things to drop from the skies at their feet.
The folly of it is seen when we find that these teachers of "abundance" and "opulence" have to work for a living — by teaching the very thing which, if true, would save them from all the necessity of working.
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mrs reding was agitated and adapted from dynamic thought by Henry thomas Hamblin, published in nineteen fourteen.
There has been a lot of nonsense, written and spoken about the law of attraction, people
Men, taller than all they need to do, is to adopt certain mental attitude. Thing thought so success in abundance,
and then sit and wait for the abundance of all good things to drop from the skies at their feet.
the folly of it is seen when we find that these teachers of abundance and opulence have to work for a living by tee.
The very thing which, if true, would save
from all the necessity of working soup.
Is that were true, then what is
war for one will be,
possible for all and it fall
adopting this method of getting living.
who would till the soil or make our clothes
breathing. We need come from the skies, even if this were true,
and we could draw that we needed by the power of thought from the blue vault of Heaven
Then no one would have anything to do. Life would become stagnant
race would perish from inaction. Life is action and if a person cease
is to work they at once begin to disintegrate in soon require six feet over
wherein the cover their bones, when business
will retire early often die quickly in those who,
being born with riches, have no necessity to work, for a living still have to fight
some kind of work in interest in order
went themselves from mental and physical decay.
There is no such thing as getting something for nothing. The principle
with a square deal runs right through life and the universe. A business
and who tries to get something for nothing,
who, in other words, fails to give value for money. Finally,
find themselves without a customer.
The squire deal,
reasonable profits
Fair wages on a sri, for
Business integrity.
all these will succeed and continue to succeed
as long as there remain people to do business with, but those who try to squeeze dishonest
it's out of the life and blood of the common people.
Can only do business so long as little community allows them to, even if a person could
wheel of fortune by unfair means
that is by not giving good value for money
They would lose in another direction. Exam
Actually, in proportion to that which they gain,
someone make of fortune. By this honest practice, let them snap
their fingers in sneaking around integrity and honour lebanon,
rejoice at what they have done. Let them think them
El sharpen shrew operator.
Nevertheless, son nemesis awaits them.
we will lose in love, peace of mind, happiness and health,
exact proportion to their dishonest gain,
money granted
they lose, which money cannot buy.
I have known people to be happy right up.
Until they became wealthy, then
became of all my acquaintances, the most miserable
I have known ones who were healthy wildly were comparatively poor and full of sickness.
the same trouble when they became passing rich.
There is a law of compensation running
through life in the universe,
we cannot avoid it. If you were to succeed, you must,
work and accomplish, if you are
It received the riches of the world unite,
Give up your best in exchange.
That is where the law of attraction operates not by sitting still, and I expect
The impossible to happen, but by
giving in facing confidence, you were best efforts to the world.
by calling upon your hidden powers- and I agree
getting powerful thoughts. You attract yourself armies of thoughts
with similar kind, which passing in your subconscious mind,
Our translated in the actions of the highest type, the tide.
Lorries in achievement
win success,
If you give your best to the world, the best will come back to you, those people who expect me.
Successful without working, for it take great comfort
From John boroughs famous poem, the first versus,
which is as follows:.
Serene. I followed my hands in weight north
air for win or tied or sea,
I rave no more against time or fate.
for low
My own shall come to me.
Never was a sublime truth, more perfectly expressed,
its meaning is the exact opposite to that which the no workpeople attached to it
does not mean that we can literally sitting think without effort
things into our lab. Instead,
describes the mental attitude of the person of faith
the individual who believes they can succeed
just their mind. The correct attitude layer
serene and calm, knowing
Their efforts in the outer world will be successful.
because their inner mental world is in too,
with all the higher forces
rose? Verse represents the mental attitude of a well poised,
for women and men such
person is always capable of the best and highest effort
because they're mine is always at peace.
and it is those whose minds or rest who
the best,
Therefore, those who think that they can become successful with
our leading their thoughts and actions.
are deluding themselves
again. The last line of the verse.
For low
my own shall come to me.
these man by man
we your own, can only be that to which you are in title
For your own can only be that which you have earned
earning or are going to earn by service to others.
In other words you give your best in the world
in your own will be the best lack comes back to you through the
operation of the law of compensation? For example?
Let us say an engineer: conceives of a bridge
shall lamy deserving of payment if they keep it in their mind, now lapse
transfer their mental image to paper
insulate their drawings into actual steel and stone. Construction
And they will then become a blessing, the thousands
they will be worthy of payment.
In greater rewards.
life demands of us square deal of fair exchange,
we are to receive we
if we give, we shall
We see
not believe for one moment that chicanery,
were under handed dealing or the
taking advantage of other people's ignorance or weakness, is
to lead to success over the long run.
It will not and cannot.
I have known plenty of people splendidly equipped for the battle of life, bahraini, resourceful, capable
and not lacking in courage
They have not succeeded. Simple
because they did not play a stray may
clever ring capable
and could always do well at first, but they could never
keep their clients custom.
resort jobs because
they failed to give honest service in exchange.
were honest, money.
the world is crying out for honest, straightforward and sincere lawyers. Doctors, business speed
politicians and professionals,
Oh for men and women of integrity, p,
who live their lives according the principle,
instead of being mere opportunists for people who
love honour. In truth,
who believe in the principle of the square deal.
The world once those who will give their very best and opponents
People is willing to pour out its treasures. Enrage profusion prince
all I am sincerely, are needed today,
more than ever.
Women and men who can be trusted profession,
was on whom a nation a world can rely no great six,
ass is or ever can be possible.
the quality of sincerity, no
achievement was ever one
by those to whom honour in principle
whereas the very breath of life look at them.
I was of all the truly great and successful people that have ever live and weakened
We find sincerity of purpose.
Giving no their very best service to the world,
The extent of their sincerity was no measure of their greatness.
They gave up their best
And great news saying immortality was their reward. Now
You may not see greatness. You mean
I desire to become a legend
Your idea of success may be, but an increase of salary
moderate fortune or
oh paid position in your calling more profession in
makes no difference.
whenever your ambition may be lower. High
mean or agreed great
you can only realise that if you are sincere,
most gave. You were very best you. My son
I'll find expression for that.
Which is within you,
You come into a conscious realisation of these inner gifts.
You will have more to express
Therefore, you are best will come.
Firstly, be getting matter with the council,
being that your reward will be greater. In other words,
as you develop and build up from within so
like manner. Will your power to achieve be manifested in your life and success
prosperity be attracted to you. All this is
pending upon your giving freely.
if you give grudgingly,
you will receive butter skinny reward, but a few
if fully and freely of the best laddies within you.
You will reap a rich and abundant harvest.
Me say it again
gave the best larry's within you
give your best thoughts.
nothing back.
Gave your most faithful service. Do not spare yourself
for all the divine forces are yours to share. Give
to the most of all the powers LI mu,
she's, the inspirations,
are our within you. Do
Listen, never will you feel lacking.
The universe is not run by caprice, sawr chance. Everything,
according to law, the law
of compensation is immutable.
It can never be evaded
so ever ye meat,
Shall be measured? Do you again
These are scientific facts. We who
Therefore, our lives in destinies and on our own hands.
He can give our best in the world our best in service,
you love in the motion.
Honesty in faithfulness in inspiration,
in all that we do or attempt to do and back
to us will come unerringly, the highest good lagree.
His joy
the life can offer.
On the other hand,
we give poor service,
try to get what we do not deserve, it.
In return, we shall reap a harvest of trouble, disappointment, unhappiness and failure,
No longer can you offer the world
no more or less imperfect service, which has hitherto been the best. Let you could offer.
Now, you are entering the fullness sang glory.
the vast powers of yours, subliminal mine,.
now you are controlling and ever growing stream of creative thoughts.
Now we're all these inward forces being translated into action and then
It can only be better service. Better were higher accomplishment
more abundant success when you have ever known before late,
your imperfect were along only to the past.
The bandleader labour lou mediocre project. The commonplace service, the half hour
job, let it all go below.
Longs to yesterday,
yesterday's down below
Thanks to the imperfect past,
who's to leave now in a more perfect present in
a sound was still more perfect future.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-28.