« Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness

How to Choose Your Life's Road | Success Podcasts

2023-12-28 | 🔗

Listen to episode 865 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Choose Your Life’s Road. Edited and adapted from The Call of the Upper Road by Kathrine Ross Logan.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: All roads start from where you are. They run in all directions, and you may wonder which is the best road to take. All have a way of their own of inviting you, and each has its own particular enticements. Roads seem to know you and expect you. They keep open for you both day and night. But there is a big difference in the roads, and it is most important that you choose the best.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So if you had to choose, would you listen to elevator music all day or deal with payroll compliance? Oh payroll, compliance really gusto automatically calculates my taxes and files with all the right agencies for me: juice, payroll, compliance without the ups and downs visit, gusto dot com, slash dreaming, the girl The inspirational living pack, curs ranges, reading woes attitude and adapted from the call of the upper rode by catherine raw slogan published in nineteen. Twenty four.
life is made up of roads, they start from where you are some roads and near and the other is far the road you choose means much to others. Andy you, but it's not so much the road as where its leading to all roads start from where you are may run in all directions. You wonder which is the best road to take off the way of their own of inviting you need each has its own particular enticements. road, seemed to know you and expect you may keep open for you.
both day and night, but there is a big difference in the roads and it is most important that you choose the best at the beginning. The roads may look so very much alike that you may not hesitate much in your choice. You will find, however, as you journey on that. The difference in the end is tremendous. You will find too that the road you keep traveling, One gets a grip on you, so the longer you travelling, the less likely you are to make any change the more susceptible you become. Do it's lure and the more yielding to its line of conduct. It influences your future line of thought course of action and the quality of your service. It is a road of progress in it's own unique direction. It is the entrance to a certain destination ahead and it has to
with your return or destiny. Before you go any farther on your journey of life in court, of uranium or solely to the best road. You were a true to the voice, speaking within your soul, You need not have any doubt regarding the road. You ought to travel senior yourself You will find the right promptings. It is not necessary for you to depend on anything outside when you choose the best road. The great spirit within EU becomes your constant it will review q when you leave the right road. Send angels to minister to you when you are overcome by ever speaking from within we'll let you know the very moment when you even think of wandering about spirit within has
why are you making you feel a bit uncomfortable when you get off the right road, sometimes causing a feeling of remorse so as to awaken in euro cents of consciousness, so as to leave you back again to the right road. Great, indeed, is the kindness of the great spirit within it is back of all. You were inward struggles and keeps you're so alive is angelina. Morgan says it is great to be alive. To think too yearn and strive to suffered torture when the ball is wrong to be sent back in may strong, no matter which road you choose to travel the time given the EU will be rather short, it may be a days journey or it may be one on many days the link food. I'm giving you is not for you to know all persons have the same alive,
I mean given them at any one time a day at a time or night. At a time we are each held responsible for the days and nights that are given to us. It is the quality of life and not the number of the days that is the most important is the role you choose in your conduct of life that matters. It is what you think and do that counts in writing keep on doing the very best. You know each day as it comes and you will live a worthy life. You need not be concerned about the number of your days, but you should be concerned. Regarding the quality of your life in manners, not how long we live, but how
We live in deeds not years in thoughts, not breaths in feelings, not in figures on a dial. The one who most lives is the one who thinks the most fields. the noblest tax, the bass lives more in one hour there many doing years you maiming, try willing on the best road. Ever since you can remember you made. May not be able to tell just when you started before you were able to talk your mother, male whispered, a prayer into your soul. As soon as you can speak, you may, I repeat in the little prayer that she taught you your parents may not have been rich, they may not have been located in accomplished, but if they lived gooding, true life and try, this Are you out on the right road accounting for more than anything else right,
erection, given the sullenly. Youth is of enormous value. The truth received as a child increase in meaning with the years where it goes into the first of life, becomes part of all life, the songs we sing the verses. We repeat ideals before us far more to do with our inner life and conduct than anyone can possibly know in my youth a period glibly that little palm twinkled twinkle little star, but fifty I wrote pete again the same words this time, with the wonder and reverend set this story. Heaven above we shall grown with the years. I have, friend who never prayed much when he became an adult. Many found himself image and choose fighting a war ass. He lay there at night the prayer,
that is mother. Taught him in his childhood days came to him. He repeated it. It mary thing to him: ass. He lay in the darkness of the night in the face of danger, and he prayed most earnestly Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray lord, my soul. They keep if I should die before I wait. I pray the lord. My soul do take a man, These words to become full meaning with the years is whole soul went out to god, as he went to sleep for the night fortunately need are you? from your earliest childhood. You learn to love, though beautiful in the best it from the very beginning, you have been joyously, conscious of a divine presents. Life is short here and the leaves are dangerous. There is much expected
you, while you are here, you carry out the playing god has for you. It will be necessary for you to seek to know and follow the whole spirit your inner guy got leaves you with the choosing. You are a distinct individual, You make your own distinct choices. No one else can do the choosing for you, others may recommend, but you must choose. You are held responsible for whatever line of conduct. You follow any delay in choosing the best robs. You have wonderful opportunities for growth and service. Now many things may influence you in the making of your choice. You may be in clyde do follow the crowd. It is a temptation to go there. the many are going, but once you go along with the crowd, you will find your progress in peace,
He will begin to lose your power of initiative, a crowd blocks. The way in carries you along with it. You will find it difficult to get away from it. So beware of the crowd be strong enough to go alone to do your own thinking in choosing travel. The road of loftiest purpose sincere is seeking more son, selfish, living, constant growing ingredients, soul, satisfaction, You may be inclined to travel the road night. Your most intimate friend is travelling. Choice of your friend not always be the best. In fact, your friend may be your greatest endurance. You are with your friends, so constantly you help shape each other's thoughts, indirect, each other,
his conduct but remember there can be no true, lasting friendship unless you travel the best road. Any person who continues to keep you from being in doing your best is no true friend. Brain should be mutually help, for you must be your best because of your friend nature. ass for one said to a friend of his. I am always strong when I am near you on the road of life, there is great need for research, helpful friendships, a kind of upper road friend people embrace because of their friendly interest, radiating personality and unselfishness such a friend is welcome unexhilarating, as the sun shines, a woman who many important positions in business said the greatest compliment ever paid her, whose wings
and said to her one day you always senior bring the sun shining with you. You travel the barone. That is the kind of person you will be. Your friends will save you want one friend said of another. It was easier to be good when they were with us. Denise, has been playing. Jazz were forty years last tonsure one of the musicians fell sick with our but always in social virus were always be, is a highly contagious virus that can lead to breathing problems this time, she's too,
to help protect herself with pfizer's always be vaccine. Braceville abysmal is a vaccine for the prevention of lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory sensational virus, always be an adult sixty years of age and older abridgment was not for everyone and may not protect all who received the vaccine. Dont get a brisk, though, if you ve had a severe allergic reaction to its ingredients. People with weakened immune system, may have a decrease, responds to a breakdown, Common side effects are tiredness, Hetty painted the injection site and muscle bang. Ask your pharmacist or doktor about visor is always be vaccine. Braceville rest, choice and social virus vaccine for full persuading information. Please call one a four four: nine, eight nine seven to eight four or visit a breeze boat outcome, brought you by pfizer
Transcript generated on 2023-12-30.